" He's in Prafa." Tof told them as he sat behind the desk.
" That's good." Sharone sighed. " At least he's safe."
" Not quite." Tof stopped her. " No ones heard from Prafa all week. They're going to send someone to check on the city in the morning?"
" Don't bother." Came a voice from the door. Everyone turned to find Athene and Adam in the doorway. Athene laying in the arms of her big friend dressed in a torn and ragged blue gown.
" Athene!!" Tof jumped out rushing over to help. " Sharone get them something to drink. Adam, put her on the couch."
Sharone ran off to find a suitable drink for the two exhausted vampires as Aggar and Keya made room for Adam to lay her down. Then he fell into a chair beside her.
" What happened?" Insa asked. " Where's Valkar?"
" He's been captured in Prafa." Adam told them. " We barely made it out before the city was put under some strange spell."
Keya looked over to Insa then to Tof as she listened to Adams story. It was all to familiar to them as he told it. Sharone came back in carrying to flagon of some dark brew she passed to Adam. He took it and looked at the deep red brew the looked up weary of the drink.
" Drink it Adam." Tof said. " It's based on cattle blood with a few herbs. Ranjer loves it. Trust me friend,"
Adam raised the flagon in salute then tipped it back and drank deeply enjoying the warm liquid as it went down his throat. Sharone sit down and cradled Athene's head and let her sip slowly.
" So tell us what happened in Prafa." Adam put down his empty cup then looked up collecting his thoughts. He told them all about Tomas Acros and his trip to Winterhaven. How he had been captured during the fighting there.
" Stop." Keya held up her hand. " Let me guess. He came back all red eyed and mysterious with and story about how rebels freed him. Just like my brother Raf did. Now they have King Valkar under their power. You were next Tof. Or your father would have been had he been in control.
" But he's not and I have been warned." Tof moved back to his desk and opened the top draw and removes a piece of parchment.
" What are you doing." Keya asked.
" I have to warn others." He said writing. " We have allies that we can stop this from happening to."
" Fine." Adam sat up feeling stronger." Be I have to go back and free my king. I owe him my life. I just need a few men and I can take Prafa back!"
" Wait a minute now." Keya stood. " Prafa is now a city under siege controlled by man bent on ruling the world. It'll take much more then a few men to take it back. Trust me, my homes been taken the same way."
" The what do you suggest?" Aggar asked her.
" Hold a minute everyone." Insa spoke up. " Attacking Prafa or Remus isn't the answer."
" Then what is?" Tof asked lowering his quill." This is war and we're probably the next to be attacked."
" Winterhaven is the answer." Insa told them. " We taken Winterhaven and Lord Larin with stealth and intelligence. That's the way to beat him."
" Alright." Tof said. " We're listening. How do you want to do this?"
" We find allies." He said. " We see want we have to fight with. Then we moving on Winterhaven quietly. First I need to find the Shadows."
" You mean Jayce, Pelic and Graym?" Tof asked. " Do you know where they are?"
" Yes." Insa nodded. " Jandar sent them into Wintehaven on a spying mission. " Jax said their orders were to stay hidden and find a way to get close to Tayor. He also said he hadn't heard anything from them in days so I have no idea how there doing or if they're even free. They could be sitting in Tayor's dungeon right now."
" Then we have to send someone in to find them and make contact." Tof stood from his desk and walked out front and sat on the edge. " None of us here could possibly enter without suspicion. I don't have anyone I can send either with our connection with the dragons. Aggar, What did you find when you made contact with Fay Shrea?"
" Absolutely nothing." He said. " I couldn't contact anyone in all of Fay Shrea. It's like there's a wall around all of the faire lands."
" No dwarves or fairy?" Sharone asked. " No pixies, gnomes or leprechauns? How can that be?""
" I don't know." Aggar said. " I guess they're in this too. We should send someone to take a look around."
" That would be a job for me." Insa told them. " I can fly over and see what's going on. In the meantime Tof. Send out your warnings to everyone you can think of. Adam, once Athene is awake I want you two to go to Vasagi. Warn them of what's going on and have someone sent to Prafa. Have them get close enough to find out what goes on there but have to report back some how."
" I know how." Aggar stood and went to a large chest that sat in the corner by the library shelves. He opened the chest and took out what looked like oval lead eggs.
"These are message stones made by the dwarves, used by many others including the elves." He handed one to Insa and Tof. " I've been trying to get your father to try them for the longest time."
" How do the work?" Tof turned it over in his hand curious.
" You hold it in the palm of your hand and concentrate on the person you want to talk to. If they have a stone it will work just like mindspeak only through the stone instead of there mind." He explained.
" And this works?" Tof asked.
[ Very well the dwarves assure me.] Aggar sent through the stone he was holding. Insa and Tof almost dropped them in shock.
" Everyone take one." Tof said. Aggar began handing them out to everyone. " Adam send one into Prafa. Tell whoever goes to be careful and not to lose it. Aggar, we need to know how far and what lands are still free. Send out runners to all our allies. Give them your message stones so we can communicate when we have to. I want our sentries doubled. I expect a visit soon from Raf or some other faction of Tayor's."
" I'll take a few to." Insa said. " There's a few people I need to find while I'm out. The could be a big help to us."
" Fine." Tof said. " We all know what we're doing, Lets get on with it. We may not have that much time."
Dressed in a simple peasant dress and shawl Ashura made her way up the long road to Larin Manor. She was carrying a basket of herbs.and other medicinal elixirs Youron had ordered. Usually he would send a man from the house staff to pick up the supply's but he had Ashura promise him to bring them herself the moment she had finished mixing them. What he had asked her to make was that delicate he didn't want them in the hands of some clumsy stable hand, and it would give her the chance to visit the Manor and to maybe even see the new lord. The day was overcast with clouds and rather cold. She stopped at the gate and told the guard of her delivers.
" I will take that in." He said reaching for her basket. Ashura drew back from him.
" These are very special and if handled wrong." She said. " The mixtures will be spoiled. Youron swore me to bring them myself. If you don't believe me, send someone in with me. But I will not be responsible if Lord Larins potions shaken and useless."
The guard looked at her weighing his options. He could insist on taking them himself, but if she had stumbled on the way here and there's anything wrong with the potions he knew he would be blamed. Better not to touch them and take any chances.
" Very well." He said opening the gate for her. " Take them around back and have the maid call Youron."
" Do I need an escort?" She asked smiling at him, her perfume enticing him as she ran a hand across his arm.
" No." He smiled back wondering why he had never seen this beautiful woman before and if he could possibly see her again. He wanted to escort her, but he didn't dare leave his post. " It's not far and no one would dare accost you here on my lords land."
" Thank you." She waved turning to go and walked slowly up the road. Her scent on the air he watched her walk away hoping to see her again.
It wasn't a long walk up to Larin Manor. She looked around and saw people working on the lands, Gardeners, stable hands and groundskeepers. As she looked them in the eyes she saw they all had something in common. They all looked miserable. Like they had nothing left to live for. Ashura turned away. She couldn't let their fears get to her. She had a job to do for these very people. She had to get in and close to Lord Larin and see what his plans were. Who was next on his list, what dark magic had he discovered that he could turn on Winterhaven and Keanna.
At the doors to Larin manor stood two sentries in Larin manor house colors. Ashura slowly walked up the few stars and told them she was here to See Youron. One nodded and turned and went in to find him. So far Ashura had noted more then ten guards on the estate. And that was just on the outside. She was sure there would be more inside the manor. As for magic, she could feel its presence was very strong. Of course Larin Manor with it's history of powerful mages emitted magic of its own. She was sure through the ages a lot of magic had been use here. And there were many spells on the manor itself. But still she didn't feel magic here on the level the ring would have.
" Lady Ashura!" Youron walked limping from the house. He to the stairs one at a time with a pained look. " How nice of you to Come. Is this what we talked about?"
" Yes it is." She handed him her basket. " It's all just been mixed fresh within the hour like you asked. The rookwood should relieve any pain your feeling for at least eight hours after a teaspoon in mixed with water. Now don't forget, it has to be diluted or the potion will or it will tear up your stomach."
" I understand." Youron held up the vial of blue liquid to look through then placed it back in the basket and took the green cloudy potion out.
" Careful." She warned him. " This mixture is very delicate. If you shake it to much you'll render it useless. " It's got masnaris in it. I don't know what you want it for, but I followed your recipe to the letter."
" Thank you Lady Ashura." Youron placed the vial back in its place where it would be safe. " My master will be pleased."
" Where Is Lord Larin?" She asked looking around.
" Here. Behind you."
Ashura turned and there stood Tayor Larin dressed in rich red velvet vest and a white shirt with black pants and knee high riding boots. In his hand he carried a cane with a great crystal stone at the end. He nodded to Ashura and smiled slightly.
" Ashura De Mel." He took her hand and kissed the back. " It's been a long time since the Dark Circle. How have you been?"
" Doing well My lord." She smiled and blushed a little nervous. She wasn't expecting to run into Lord Larin. She thought she would just look around a little maybe get some magical hint from the manor and his people. But here she was and Tayor Larin was right in front of her.Like it or not, this was her chance to get close. She be careful and not waste it.
" Tayor." He said. " Call me Tayor please. We are old friends after all. Can I show you around. It's been a long time sine you've been to Larin manor."
" Thank you Tayor. I'd be delighted." Ashura took his arm as he turned from Youron to lead her into the garden.
" Master!" Youron limped after them. " I need to speak with you."
" Later." Tayor called. " I have a guest. Whatever it is, it can wait."
" Yes sire."
Youron watched as they left on Ashura's tour of the grounds. He wonder what Ashura's presence in Lord Larins life would mean. He remember what had happened to the last mistress of Larin Manor and hoped he wouldn't have to do something like that again. But if he found out she was a threat in any way, he wouldn't hesitate no matter who she was or even if Tayor Larin loved her. He's done it once, he'd do it again.
In Aspara Bough the city of the fairy queen Nuala, a strange woman in black sat on the throne. Sarella the banshee. In the name of Lord Larin and Talsara queen of the Darkshade elves she had been busy. After taking Aspara Bough she had moved on and taken most of Fay Shrea. Faire,dwarves,goblins and trolls were now under their spell and either asleep in some dark prison or red eyed and in their control. Sarella smiled holding the crown in her hand as she looked as its jewels sparkling in the sun. She thought about her captives being held deep in Aspara's dungeons, Hema and Queen Nuala. They were powerless now to escape and be any trouble to them now so she would move on to Lord Larins next target. The rest of the elven lands. Talsara had taken Eventide but she wanted more. She would rest until she had control of all the elven lands dark or light. And since Fay Shrea was so close, at was the perfect place to launch their attacks from.
" Lady Sarella."
" Yes?" She looked up at see a dark elf warrior saluting in front of her. " What is it?"
" Our troops are ready to move." he said. " We await your command."
" Very well." She stood and tossed the crown aside. " The lands of the Dree and the Elorn are closest. We attack them first. I want your mages ready to go in first. Our agents have been sent in already. If they have done their jobs, this shouldn't be to difficult. But there will be some resistance. Have them ready to move within the hour."
" As you wish." He pounded his chest and turned and marched out.
Sarella watched as he left. Today would be Larins day. But soon her day would come. And then she would take back all she had giving him for herself. Then Queen Sarella's reign would begin and all will bow to her.
Riding hard Elan and Adanar drove their horses through Fay Shrea. They were on a mission to save Aron and Emrel from their fates at the hands of Talsara and her goblin hordes. Before them Adanar had cast a probe to warn them of any trouble ahead. It was to show a bright shining orb over the path ahead if anyone were to be in path. Suddenly it became like a small bright moon over their heads in warning.
" Elan!" Adanar shouted. " We've got trouble ahead!"
" What is it?"
" I don't know." Adanar reached down and undid the strap the held his sword in it scabbard. Now it was ready for a fight. " All I know is that there's riders on their way toward us. We don't have time to stop. Get ready."
Elan thought fast. It could be anything coming at them. Quickly he formed a spell in his mind and had it ready to fly the minute someone came into view. He gripped his reigns and urged his horse on. Suddenly a roar and a flash of something blue flew overhead. Elan raised a hand to cast his spell when he heard Adanar shout.
" Seven!!!!"
Over there heads in the sky flew two great dragons. One blue and a smaller one all red with smoke issuing from it's snout. Hearing her elven name Ariel looked down to find her younger brother Adanar below waving at her. With a tip of her wings she sailed down to the ground. As she touched down she shifted and ran to him. Adanar jumped from his horse dropping his sword and ran and hugged his sister.
" Adanar I've been so worried about you! " Ariel cried holding him in her arms. As the two hugged Braddoc and Starglow came charging through the brush to find the two elves in the clearing hugging and Elan watching from his horse. Toric rode up on Starglow and jumped off to stand next to Morganz and Braddoc.
" Elan Darkshade?" Morganz walked over to his horse. " What are you doing here? Your suppose to be in the Academy?"
" Laev keryn." Elan held out his hand to show he wasn't armed. " I'm here to help. I'll explain everything."
" Adanar." Ariel looked around, " Where's Emrel? She's with you right?"
The look of joy slipped from Adanar's face. He looked to Elan but know he had to be the on to tell Ariel what had happened to their sister.
" We don't have time for long explanations." Toric said. " The Trolls will be here in a few minutes. We have to get moving. Ariel, you'll have to take Braddoc. He's the biggest of us all. Can you carry anyone else?"
" I can carry one more." She said. " I'll take Adanar so we can talk."
" Good." Toric said. He climbed on Stargolw's back. " Denner you can carry Morganz and Elan. Hurry, there almost here."
[ Get on.]
Morganz stepped up and climbed on Denners back the pulled Elan up behind him. Ariel stepped to the side and shifted then helped Adanar strap Braddoc to her back.
" I don't like flying." Braddoc said trembling.
" We don't have a choice! Hold on!" Toric yelled back as Starglow took to the air. " Let's go! Here they come!!"
In a mad rush the trolls came pouring out of the forest. Everyone one of them was armed with something. A battleaxe, broadsword or a club fashioned of a branch or trunk almost as thick as a man. Turning to face the trolls Ariel sent a blizzard of sleet at the trolls to blind them and force them back as she and Denner leaped into the sky. From the ground heavy boulders were launched at them trying to bring them down. In a flash Starglow swooped down throwing fireballs as Toric sent bolts of energy at them as the other flew high enough to get out of range missiles speeding at them.
" We made it!" Morganz shouted looking down at the troll growing smaller as they flew off out of Fay Shrea. " Where are we going now?"
[ I want to know where Emrel is.] Ariel sent to them all. [ I know she was with you when you left Winterhaven. What happened?]
" Seven." Adanar said. " Emrel's been taken along with Aron, Elan's mate. The goblins have her."
[ WHAT?] An angry blast of lightning flew from Ariel into the clouds and lite up the skies.
" It's true." Elan told them, " There's a lot you all should know. We need to find a safe place were we can explain everything."
[ No!] Ariel screamed in there heads. [ We have to go get her back now!]
" We don't know where they are sister." Adanar hugged her neck. " Elan and I have been sent on a mission to bring something back to the Goblin. Please, lets do as Elan suggests. You need to hear it all before rushing in and maybe getting them killed."
[ Let's just get away from Fay Shrea for now.] Denner sent. [ They're right. Without knowing where they're being held, we can't possibly get them free without the Goblins seeing us coming.]
[ I'll do as you say for now.] She sent. [ But I'm getting her out of there if I have to go alone.]
[ Your not going anywhere without me.] Toric sent.
" Or us!" They all promised.
Storm clouds filled the sky as Insa and Aggar left Tyr manor. Insa was on his way out of the Wolves Lair while Aggar had his orders to carry out. As they walked they watch the people of the Lair go about their daily chores with no knowledge of things that were going on. Once at the edge of town they stopped.
" I expect we'll be warning everyone of the troubles in Winterhaven now." Aggar said.sadly.
" Yes. It seems they'll always be someone out there looking for conquest." The dragon said. " But don't worry. There's always hope. As long as there are free men, there will be hope."
" You be careful Professor." Aggar took his arm and they shook. " And hurry back."
" I will." Insa opened his cloak and shifted to his dragon form. With a mighty leap he spread his wings and was off. He circled the lair then headed south towards Fay Shrea. He was very curious about what was happening in Fay Shrea. The faire fork were allies of both the dragons and Tir Na. If they were in trouble, he wanted to do want he could to help. Besides, their lands were close to Elven lands and the Eventide's. He owed it to Cutter and Ariel to make sure their home was not in danger. Enjoying the feel of the wind against his wings Insa tilted his wings and moved to a higher altitude. From there he soared effortlessly through the skies loving the feeling of freedom the skies gave him. It wasn't long before he found himself flying over Fay Shrea. He dropped down for a closer look at the faire lands. All seemed quiet until he was over Aspara Bough. There to his surprise he saw a great gathering of men marching out of Fay Shrea. Through his sharpe vision he could tell this was a army on the march. But who's army. He didn't see any kind of banners flying and it just didn't seem to be of faire origin. Sure there were goblins, trolls and a few other faire species. But there was more humans then anything. From above he couldn't tell if the were any werewolves or vampire there, but he did see a large contingent of dark elves among them. Insa wonder where they were going for a second. they thought about the path they were on. They were heading into elven lands. If they kept on the path they were on, they would be in Dree in less then a days march. Orym Dree was king of the Dree and a very good friend and ally of the Tir Na and neighbor of Eventide. If this army took Dree, Eventide would be attacked soon after. He would have to warn them some how. and there was only two ways to do that. Either he would have to fly there himself, or land and message Tof and hope he could get a warning to them. Insa remembered Aggar saying the elves used the stones. That would be quickest way to pass on the warning. Suddenly from behind him an ear piercing scream hit him knocking him to the side. Insa dropped and flipped to the around to see that it was that had hit him. Behind him flew a strange white haired woman dressed in black flowing robes. He knew just what she was. A harbinger death. A Banshee.
[ Who are you?] He sent. [ Why have you attacked me?]
[ I know you.] She answered. [ And I've been order to kill you.]
[ Why?] He asked. [ I don't know you.]
[ I am Sarella.] She sent. [And I know you Smoke dragon, your death is one of the things I promised my master. And I always keep my promises.]
With a scream she battered at Insa again and again, the sonic's knocking him all around. Try as he might Insa couldn't get a second between screams to orient himself and fight back in any way. The pain was overwhelming. With all the effort he could muster, Insa spread his wings to stabilize himself for a fight.
[ It's no use.] Sarella sent. [ Your alone and about to die!]|
Just then out of the clouds above a bolt or lightning and a gout of flame flew down and struck Sarella before she could send her next blast at Insa.
[ He's a dragon, bitch!] Insa heard. [ You should know we're never alone!]
From the clouds above them, Ariel and Denner flew down sending blasts at Sarella. Ducking and dodging Sarella quickly fell away and flew off screaming out her rage at their intrusion.
[ This isn't over dragon. I am your death. I'll be all of your deaths and I'll be back!!]
[ Ariel! I've never been so happy to see any in my life!]
[ Are you alright?] Toric asked as he and Starglow flew up next to him.
[ I'll be fine.] He sent. [ I just need to land and rest for a minute or two. Where did you all come from?]
[ Fay Shrea.] Ariel sent coming in close. [ We were looking for my brother here and my sister.]
[ I've a lot to tell you.] Insa said. [ I need to get to the ground to talk and send a message. Follow me and we'll find somewhere we can talk.]
[ We have a lot to tell you to. We're right behind you Professor] Denner sent from beneath them. Together the three dragons and Starglow headed off away from Fay Shrea. From beneath on the ground Sarella watched. Insa had been lucky today, but he wouldn't always have his friends with him. She would catch him alone one day. Or maybe she wouldn't be alone and the advantage would be on her side. It didn't matter. She would kill him. And she would get as many of them as she could. And that, she swore to herself.
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