" Like bells are being pounded in my head." Aron looked around. He was in a cage with two other people. Emrel and a leprechaun.
" Where am I?" He asked trying to get to his feet nervously. " Where's Elan?"
" Careful Aron. Stay down until your head stops aching." Emrel held him down. " What was the last thing you remember?"
Aron thought back for a moment. The last thing he remembered, he and Aron were in Fay Shrea watching Emrel and Adanar. They had just decided to go catch up with the two Eventide's in the morning and tell them what Elan's mother had planned. They had went to sleep. Something had woke him, then nothing.
" Where are we Emrel?" He asked changing the subject. " And who's the leprechaun?"
" Begging ya pardon lad." Finn bowed to Aron. " Finn Adair. A fellow captive in trouble just like yaself."
" My brother and I were trying to get home to Eventide." Emrel told Aron as she fetched a skin of water for Aron to drink. " We were traveling through Fay Shrea and made camp when we were attacked. They took me while I was sleeping. I don't know what happened to Adanar."
" You and the lass will be ransomed back to ya kin, I suppose." Finn said helping Aron to his feet and holding him steady. " Me, the goblins are enemies of me folk. I be about done."
I don't think so." Aron said. He walked around testing the bars of their cell. " Emrel maybe, but I don't have any family to pay a ransom for me."
" What of Elan?" Emrel asked him. " Surely the Darkshade's will pay. You and Elan are so close."
" I don't think so." Aron laughed. " Talsara Darkshade would rather see me dead then pay for my freedom. And if I remember my goblin lore right, they don't usually keep hold of captives they can't ransom."
" What's that mean?" Emrel asked Aron.
" It means have they ever ransomed one of your people before Finn?"
" Why no." Finn thought about it. " Ya be right lad. Gobbies kill leprechauns. Always have, always will."
" Then why are they holding you?" Aron asked.
Suddenly Finn's eyes lit up as if an idea had struck him. He jumped to his feet and faced the two elves.
" It be that damned Banshee!" He said excited,. " The bitch and whoever she be workin for!"
" Banshee?" Emrel asked. " There's a Banshee after you?"
" Strange things be happening these days lass." He nodded. " Nothings bin right since I got out of Winterhaven."
" WINTERHAVEN!!" Aron grabbed Finn by the shoulders. " We're both from the Academy in Winterhaven! What's this have to do with Winterhaven?"
" Sit down me friends. " Finn told them. " There be things ya should know."
As they sat there Finn told them all about the coup in Winterhaven. He told them of Tayor Larins take over and how he and Hema had escaped. Then he went on to tell of the happenings in Aspara Bough and how the faerie queen had been taken. Lastly he told of Hema and her fight with Sarella the banshee.and how he had gotten away hoping to find help to bring back for the fairy.
" So I be thinking this has something to do with all that." Finn finished. " That be the only reason the Gobbies would keep me alive. "
" Your not going to be much help in here." Aron told him He walked to the cage door and shook it,
" We've tried that." Emrel stood and walked to Aron.. " Both of use have tried it. It's no use."
" Have you tried magic?"
Emrel looked at him a bit annoyed. " Of course we have. It didn't work."
" Goblin magic is no where near as strong as what they teach at school. Maybe all three of us can come up with a spell that will be strong enough to break it. It's worth a try."
" Tis lad." Finn nodded. " But I don't think It'll get us outta here. I think It'll take more then magic ta get away form here."
Emrel looked at Aron as he checked every bar. He tried the door again then went and sat in the corner looking worried. She knew he was probably worried about his friend Elan and where he was. She was worried about Adanar and the rest of her family. But what was with the two elves? They were both usually with that cretin Tabor. What were they doing out here in Fay Shrea? She stood up and walked over and sat beside him.
" You miss him don't you?"
" Yes." He said with his head down tears on his cheek. Those goblins may have hurt him. He could even be dead."
" I think you would know if he was dead. " She smiled. " Wouldn't you?"
Aron looked up into Emrel's eyes. That's when she saw just what was in his heart. He loved Elan. That's why they where so close. They were lovers.
" Aron." She said. " I know Adanar is OK. If he were hurt I know I'd feel it. What do you feel?"
Aron closed his eyes and concentrated on Elan. He suddenly could feel him out there thinking of him. He smiled.
" He's scared and worried." He said opening his eyes. " But he's OK."
" What are you doing here Aron? Tell me the truth. Why are you in Fay Shrea?"
Aron looked again at the pretty elven maiden. There was something about her that felt familiar deep in his heart. Like he should trust her with his and Elan most deepest secret.".
" We're here looking for you."
Just then two goblins came into the cave and put a key to the lock of the door to their cage. They opened the door as the three captives moved back.
" You leprechaun. Come with us."
" And where would ya be takin me?" Finn asked.
" You will find out soon enough." One said smiling.
" Stay here Finn." Aron stepped in front of the little man to protect him. " He goes no where."
" He comes with us." The goblin said raising a crossbow and aiming at Emrel. " Or she dies."
" No I be going with ya." Finn stepped out then turned to the to elves and whispered. " Don't worry about me. I still have me luck."
Finn stepped out of the cage and smiled at them as the door was closed and relocked. He waved as they led him away with the crossbow pointed at his back.
" Good luck." Emrel whispered. Then she began to cry.
Aron took her in his arms and held her as she sobbed into his shoulder.
" Don't worry Emrel. Elan and Adanar will find us. We'll save him somehow."
Galloping hard on the trail with Elan in the lead, Adanar wondered where they were going. He had never heard of this Golden ring of Endrin and had no idea where they would find it. But it seemed Elan did. There was something Elan needed to explain and now was as go a time as any.
" Elan, Stop!" Adanar pulled his horse to a halt. Elan looked back at him then stopped and went back to see what was wrong.
" Why have we stopped?" Elan ask. " We have a long ride ahead of us. We need to hurry."
" A long ride where?" Adanar asked him. " Where are we going?"
" To find the ring." He said. " It's the only thing that can save them. Lets go."
" What ring? Where is it?" This time Adanar was getting angry. His sisters life was in danger and he wanted answers. " What were you doing in Fay Shrea?"
Elan looked at Adanar opened mouth. He knew Adanar deserved answers. But how could he explain that he was there to kidnapped Emrel and bring her back to Darkshade to be his bride and future queen. His only choice was the truth. All of it. No lie or deception would help him here. It was time Adanar knew just what was going on.
" Adanar I'm going to tell you everything. " He pulled his horse up next to his new companion. " You won't like what I have to say, but my love depends on you helping me save him. All I ask is that you stay calm and listen to all I have to say. Our lives depend on this. You must promise."
" I'll listen. But I can't make and promises."
Elan took a second to gather his thought then started to tell him his story and everything he needed to know.
" Our families are enemies this you know." He started. " What you don't know is that my mother the queen of Darkshade has plans to invade Eventide."
" What!!"
" Please let me finish." Elan held up his hand to stop him from exploding. "Aron and I have been sent out here to capture your sister to take home to be my queen. But I love Aron and I can't do what I've been ordered to do. Last night Aron and I decide to come and tell you all of this. I will be not do as my mother asked and I will do all I can to help you stop her. But I need your help to save Aron. Will you help me?
" How do I know I can trust you?" Adanar asked. " You just told me my entire families in danger and your family is the cause! Why should I trust you, a Darkshade?"
" Because by telling you I have just committed treason. My mother will have me imprisoned or executed. I can't go home. Ever again. Aron and I will have to run from mothers hunters for the rest of our lives always looking behind us. For Aron I'll do this. But I need your help. Please will you help us?
Adanar looked at Elan. He knew he was right. If what he said was true, Queen Talsara would have her own son beheaded for betraying her. He had just as much to lose as he did and Adanar knew he would need Elan's help to save Emrel and Eventide.
" Swear to me this is all the truth." Adanar reached for his hand. " As a true friend from this day on. Swear it."
" Al hond ebrath, uol tath shantar en tath lalala ol hond ebrath." Elan took his hand. " As a true friend I swear."
" Then where is this ring they want?" Adanar shook his hand. A elven princes oath is bond. He would die before betraying it.
" I think it's in the Academy in Winterhaven." Elan told his new friend. Zarin Testa and his friends hid it there."
" Zarin?" Adanar had a irritated look on his face. " It could be anywhere knowing them! We better hurry and find it. The goblins won't wait forever."
" Then let's get moving. We have a long ride ahead of us."
Kicking his horse on, The two elves rode off through Fay Shrea. There mission, to save Emrel and Aron. After that, together they could stop Talsara and maybe find a way to bring peace to the two waring families. But for that, they would need a lot more help. And a lot more magic then four Academy students knew.
In the dead of night deep in the forest of the lands on the Dwarf's, Ryel and Orek slumbered wrapped in their blankets close to the campfire. The were both weary from their long ride through Durkhold on their way to Lands End.. After a small dinner of dried meat and water, they had both passed out with exhaustion while listening to the sounds of the night. Dreams of home filled Ryel's Mind. He saw himself in the Eventide forest playing with Adanar and Emrel while has older brothers and sister practiced dueling with swords made from fallen branches. He dreamed of happy times. Time when father was alive. And so were his older brothers Zaoir and Shael. Jake was in the garden with his animals and Seven was telling Eolis of some new thing she had made. Ryel smiled looking at his family. They looked so happy altogether Suddenly dark clouds began a fill the sky.and the trees began to move in the strong wind. Adanar ans Emrel ran back to the tree entrance and the safety of home as thunder crashed all around him. Ryel turned and began to run when from nowhere he heard a voice call his name.
" Ryel!"
He stopped and looked around to see who was calling. Lightning flashed through the trees as he watched giving the forest an eerie glow. From out of the grove he saw a figure walk out of the trees. It was a woman. Ryel didn't recognize her from Eventide but from her pointed ears and tall statue, he knew she was definitely elven. Her face was lined with age and dark.She must be of one of the dark elves he thought. She was dressed in the gray colors most members of elder councils wore and holding a beautiful rainbow colored rose in her hand. Smiling she walked right up to him and bowed. He looked in her gray eyes confused. What was a dark elf doing here in Eventide alone?
" I am Hasmira of the Darkshade's." She told him. " And I have come to help you."
" What is this?" He asked. " A dream?"
" It's much more then a dream young prince." Hasmira put her hand on his shoulder and led him off. As they walk the storm began to clear. The thunder and lightning stopped and the winds calmed while sun light again filled the sky. " The Eventide's are in dire trouble and you and your brothers and sister are it's only hope. Talsara Darkshade will do all she can to decimate your family and take the magic of the groves as her own. If she finds she can't have the power of your sacred trees, she will put her dark taint on them and never again will Eventide be the same,"
" I know Lady." Ryel said. " Eventide is not the only lands threaten. The dwarven lands have been invaded too."
" So has the werewolves, the vampires and the humans." She explained. " The threat goes far beyond our lands and many will die if we don't do something."
" What can I do Lady Hasmira?" He asked confused. " I am but one and not really important here."
" Ahh!" She smiled her gray hair sparkling. " But you are. You have a very important role here. One of the most important."
" Orek and I are to find the ring." He said. " We are heading to Lands End to find it now. We have a long ways to go, but I promise we'll hurry and return with it's magic to help."
" Ryel. The Ring of Endrin is not in Lands End." He looked at her in shock and surprise. He didn't know what he should do now. " But There's another way you and your dwarven friend can help. Someone must be found."
" Who?" He asked.
Hasmira handed him the flower then began to back away from him into the mist that began to rise and cover everything. Soon only an outline of her form could be seen.
" Find the missing one." He heard her say. " Find the ninth Eventide. Look in Fay Shrea."
And she was gone. Ryel sat up and threw off his blankets and looked around for Hasmira. There was no one there but Orek sleeping next to him It was all just a dream he thought relaxing. Then he looked down and found the same rainbow rose Hasmira had been holding laying in his lap.
Being the tracker and hunter he was, it wasn't hard for Braddoc to follow Adanar and Emrel's trail. They weren't being very careful so the trail stood out for him as if they had marked it. Unfortunately they weren't the only ones following it. He also found Elan and Aron's trail following them and something else. Goblins. And not just one or two.
" See how deep the tracks are?" Braddoc knelt and pointed out the many deep tracks covering the path. " Goblins are usually light on they're feet. Some of these are well armored and moving fast."
" How far ahead of us are they?" Toric asked from Starglow's back.
" I'd say more then six hours." He stood back up pointing southwest. " Heading that way."
" Then lets move." Morganz gripped the straps Braddoc had placed around his waist and held tight as they rushed down along the road.
" Toric." Ariel said from Denner's back next to him. " I'm worried. This close I should be able to reach them. Something is wrong."
" I agree." He called back. " There's some strange magic being used here. I wish Cutter or Eheren were with us. They might be able to do something."
[ Can you reach anyone from home?] Denner asked. [ I can't reach Jandar or Rage.or any of the dragons at home.]
In her mind Ariel called out to all of her brothers and sisters back at New Keanna. She tried Rose and the Shadows and everyone else she could think of in the city with no success. She then made a mental call out to Athene and Valkar. To Azeal and Tanis. No one answered her call.
" Nothing." She said. " I don't understand. I hear your mind and Toric and the others, but I can't get anyone else."
" It's got to be some of Tayor's magic." Morganz told them. " Damn that bastards heart! It's a very important part of warfare. Control your enemies communications and keep them confused. It's a very powerful tactic. One we'll have to find a way around it. I'm sure he has a way."
" Right now let's just get to Adanar and Emrel before it's to late." Ariel gripped Denners mane tightly as they rode.
They rode for hours deeper into Fay Shrea moving as fast as they could through the dark forest. They passed many empty villages as they rode. and some that weren't so empty. Any that were inhabited they avoided know there was no time right now for any battles or fighting. Toric notice something strange on their ride. There were no animals in the forest. Everything seemed to either be in hiding or avoiding them. Suddenly Starglow called an abrupt stop to their ride. He sensed something ahead.
" What is it?" Toric asked as the Airons sniffed at the air catching the scents around them. He became agitated and angrily stomping the ground.
[ There are Trolls ahead.] He told them. [ The scent is familiar and strong. They are enemies of my kind. They hunt us.]
" Can we go around then?" Braddoc pulling his bow from his side to be ready to fight.
[ No.] He answered. [ There are to many.]
" Then we fight." Morganz reached behind him and grabbed his sword and pulled it free. Denner rode up next to them with Ariel.
" Stay behind us Ariel." Morganz told her. " Your not armed. We'll protect you."
She laughed and climbed down off Denners back and stepped in front of them tying her hair back out of the way. Morganz looked at Toric who was smiling back at him.
" What is she doing?"
[ You forget who and what your cousin is Morganz?] Denner sent to him. [ She's Ariel the Storm dragon. One of the most powerful dragons of the clan. She doesn't need anyone's protection.]
" Do they know we're here?" She asked Starglow. The wind around her began to pick up and blow fiercely pushing the foliage of the forest around.
[ Yes. They move in to surround us now.]
" Everyone get off your mounts and ready." Toric jumped from Starglow's back and raised his hands ready to start blasting anything that came out at them. The ground began to tremble as thunderous footsteps began to echo threw the air. They could see trees come crashing down in the distance as the Trolls moved closer to them. Denner shifted shapes to be ready for the attack. He changed from his unicorn form to human, then shifted to something more fit for battle. He took on the form of a huge gargoyle with a great hulking form and slashing claws. It's wings bat like and held close to his body for battle. He pounded his fist, flexed and a growl from deep in his chest escaped.
Suddenly from their left two huge hair covered trolls came charging at them holding clubs ready to smash. The first troll lumbered down on Braddoc and Morganz swinging his club for the kill. Morganz dived to the side just in time and rolled across the ground. He leaped to his feet and ran at the Troll lashing at its legs. The troll howled in pain as Braddoc began pelting it with arrows. The second troll moved toward Ariel lifting its leg to kick at her.
" Ariel shift!!" Morganz yelled.
Light flashed in Ariel's eyes as she cast out her hand and sent a bolt of lightning at the troll. The bolt struck it in the chest and sent it flying back into the on coming rush of Trolls coming out of the forest. Denner speared his wings and leaped slashing at the grounded Trolls ripping and tearing into them. From the other side of Toric another group of Trolls broke through the trees and charged. Summoning his magic he sent bolt after bolt at them picking them off as they rushed at them. Starglow huffed, fire blowing from his nostrils. His mane and tail burst into flame and he turned red as he charged into the fray with flaming hooves kicking out at any Trolls in his way. Soon magic was flying as the battle went on. Morganz and Braddoc fought like demons with swords and bow in close quarters. Ariel looked around as her lightning flashed down burning Trolls, she knew they couldn't keep this up for to long. They would have to get away from here and fast pretty soon or one of them would end up dead. In a flash she roared and shifted to full dragon and sent hurricane winds out at the Trolls knocking them back into the forest.
[ Morganz, Toric mount up and get moving.] She sent. [Denner and I will keep them busy while you go! Denner,shift to a fire dragon and we'll take them from the air.]
Ariel leaped into the sky still blasting lightning as Denner shifted into a small version of Rage and took to the air firing blasts of flame at the trolls. Braddoc and Starglow took off with their riders as the Trolls moved in to rally there forces and block the road to stop them.
[ Barrow through!!] Denner sent. Narrowing their wings the two dragons sped ahead of their friends blasting everything in front of them clearing a path for their companions to get away.
[ Keep moving.] Ariel sent from above. [ The Trolls can't follow. They don't move fast enough to keep up with us.]
[ We're going to have to fly out of here now.] Braddoc sent. [ We can't come back this way and it will take to long to get all the way through Fay Shrea.]
[ Then hurry and find my brother and sister.] She told Braddoc. [ Fay Shrea is to dangerous a place to be in for any of us.]
[ Don't worry.] He told her. [ I still have the trail. We're heading straight towards them. I just hope nothing else happens to get in our way.]
[ So do I my friend.]
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