She saw a lone Savonti guard paroling Resul on a cold night and how he would be the key to capturing the strong one. Next she saw Lesu and his son Mar and she dreamed of betrayal. Betrayal in both Resul and Lesul. It seemed they were in for a few very exciting nights to come.
On a dark cold night in the land of Resul, Nav sat on a ridge over looking the thick forest wrapped in his cloak on the back of his tracker beast bored. He had rode the borders between Darul and Resul all night looking for any thing suspicious as his lord had commanded. Resu had returned home from Daru's meeting in an evil mood. He had listened to all Daru had said about the White and Grey and thought the Mind lord was up to something. He didn't believe one word Daru had said about his queens predictions but he knew Daru. They had been fighting with each other for years and his request for all Savonti lords to combine there strength against some unknown human enemy they had never heard of seemed absurd to him. But Resu was no fool. He would put more of his men out on guard just to be careful. Now he sat cold and tired on watch for what he thought was nothing but phantoms. Ghost of a powerful but erratic mind.
As Nav sat his tracker began to fidget nervously. Nav putted it's neck to sooth it's mind. He looked and out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw something. A light flickering in the dark. He stared out and waited think he had just seen moonlight reflecting off a pool in the forest or something mundane. Then he saw it again. There was a light. Someone was out there that shouldn't be. Then he saw another and another flick into existence. Nav kicked his tracker into action. He had to go investigate and see what or who was on his lords land. It might be the humans Daru spoke of at the meeting but Nav didn't think so. His tracker would have made an alert if it was humans out there. If not humans then there was only on other choice left. A Savonti invasion. Nav urged his tracker into a faster run. He had to know now what they were up against. His lord Resu was the strongest of all the lords in the physical sense and he had no doubt would prevail in any battle, but he needed warning. Surprise was one of his biggest enemies. That's way he always had his borders patrolled and kept a careful watch over his lands.
Suddenly to his left behind him off the trail Nav heard a noise. It was the sound of pursuit coming after him. He still didn't see anyone but there was no longer any doubt, this was an invasion by one of Resu's enemies. But which one? Nav didn't have time to think about it. Now he had to get back and warn them of the coming attack.
[I don't think so.]
Suddenly Nav's tracker reared up and howled in pain. It bolted up from under him running into the forest. Nav fell from his saddle and crashed into the ground. He sat up and reached for his sword then remembered it had been clipped to his saddle. He was unarmed with no way to defend himself. Quickly he jumped to his feet and started to run. He knew who it was that was attacking. It was Daru the Mind lord. He'd know the feeling if his mind speak anywhere.
[I'm touched you remember me.] He heard in his mind as he ran. [Resu must think highly of his neighbor.]
"Yes." Nav called. "High enough to keep his borders guarded against you. You won't defeat my lord in battle weak one."
[You seem to forget that you still have to warn him of my coming. You won't make it back to his manse to do that. I'm closer then you think. And Resu's house is far off.]
Nav knew he didn't have to make it all the way back to the house to warn Resu. All he had to do was make it the the hidden tunnels just over the next hill. There he could pass on his his warning.
[Just over the next hill you say.] Daru's laughter rang in Nav's mind as he came to a sudden stop. [Now you have betrayed Resu with your thoughts and I thank you for the knowledge of the secret entrance. I won't be needing you any longer.
"I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT DARU!!!" Nav screamed his anger as three of his warriors stepped out of the forest in front of him. Again Nav reached to his side for his sword. But all he found was his dagger on his belt. He pulled it and faced the three.
"Here to kill me?" He asked. "Well I won't die so easy."
"Yes you well." Daru stepped out to stand in front of his warriors. He was dressed in the armor of a Savonti lord, all black, his house colors. "But I'll give you a chance. Swear your allegiance to me and I'll let you live. I'll make you a part of my guards. Such a brave warrior need not die here in the mud."
"You think I would betray my lord and stand with you his enemy." Nav took a fighting stance snarling ready to attack Daru. " Hail Lord Resu! I'll die protecting him and his house."
"Yes you will." Daru smiled then turned to walk away. Nav had reached his limit. His hate for Daru made him leap at Daru's back to stab him to death. But he didn't move. As hard as he tried he could move a single muscle. Daru had total control of his body. Fear filled his brave soul as he realized what was about to happen to him. Daru turned back to smile at Nav.
"Good bye brave one." He said. "Know that you were the most important part of your lords downfall. I couldn't have entered his house without your help. You may stop breathing now."
With that command Nav's lungs stopped working and his eyes began to bulge as he suffocated. Nav fell to the ground as Daru left to find the hidden tunnel. There he died with Resu's name on tongue and an apology for his accidental betrayal.
As Mar sat in his corner of the cell he shared with the humans he thought about what he expected to happen to him. Would his father forgive him and release him? Or would he end up slaving in the mines for the rest of his life. He knew there was a third choice his father could mark. He could execute him. After all he had committed the most heinousness of sins a Savonti could commit. Heresy. Siding with the humans against his fellow Savonti was considered the ultimate of sins punishable by death. By would his father be cold? Mar knew he had eight more brothers and any one of them could take his place as heir to his fathers house so he wasn't that important. But Mar had spoken his mind and he would stand by it, even if it meant his death. If he was to die, he would do it proudly.
Mar looked out at the humans in the cell with him. He was sorry he couldn't help them. He liked young Juelz and wished there was a way to save him from what he knew his life would be. Death in the mines or in one of the kitchens. But from here there was nothing he could do.
Surprised to hear his name Mar looked up to find Xan standing there looking at him.
"What do you want?" He asked. "Are you here to gloat? Did father send you?"
"Is it true?" Xan asked. "Did you really say those things to father?"
"Yes I did." Mar answered. "And I meant every word."
"Fathers going to have you beheaded in two turns."
"Then you will be the next lord." Mar looked down. "Congratulations brother Xanu."
"Do not call me that!" Xan said annoyed. "Besides, we both know it takes more the lineage to make a lord, it takes power which I do not have. What if I do not want to be the next lord?"
"What if I agree with you?" He said. " What if I told you there was a human I was in love with?"
Mar stood and walked to the cell door. "Is this a jest? You do not mean what you are saying."
"What if I did?" He said in a whisper. "Would you take me and my woman with you if I could get you away from here?"
"You know father would hunt us forever. He would never stop. We would have to run and move fast if there was a chance to get away."
"Mar." Xan looked to make sure none of the guards were near. "I know a way out of here. I have been working on a plan to get away and I can have trackers ready to take us away. But I can not get the key without someone knowing I took it. How do we get you out of here?"
"I think I can get the door open." Mar told him. "But I will not be alone. I am getting therm out of here to."
Xan looked at his brother as if he had lost his mind. "There are five humans in there with you. I can not get enough trackers for them all."
"How many can you get?"
"Maybe three or four." Xan said. "Not enough for eight to ride."
"That will have to do." Mar looked in at the sleeping humans. He would do his best for them. That was all he could do. " Xan, after they feed us the guards go eat. Then they do not come back to check on us until the next work shift. Can you get you woman and the trackers to somewhere you can hide them then come back and meet me? I will have them ready. You will have to lead us out to the trackers."
"Yes I can." Xan reached in and took his brothers hand. " Where will we go?"
"North away from Lesul." He said. "We will keep moving until we find lands where we can be safe. We can go to the colder lands and find a deep cavern. Father once told me about some heated caves of an old enemy of the Savonti called the Nevac. Their caves are still there I am sure. We can find something better then here."
"Tonight then." Xan said turning to leave.
"Xan." Mar called him back. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes." He nodded. "I am. Be ready."
After Xan left Mar went back to his corner. He couldn't believe what had just. His younger brother chief lieutenant in his fathers guard would side with him. He had love for a human. If Lesu knew an of this he would have Xan killed and burned in disgrace. Now they both had to get out of Lesul or die. He hoped Xan could get all the things they need for the escape. Food and warm clothing. if the were going north they would need them both.
Mar looked over to where the humans slept and noticed Juelz was awake. The boy stood and came over and sat with him.
"Who was that?" He asked.
"Xan my brother."
"He came to make fun of you?" Juelz looked sadly at Mar then handed him a piece of fruit he had saved. He knew Mar hadn't eaten and wanted to do something to cheer him. Mar it and bit into it.
"He came to save all our lives. We are leaving Lesul."
Nothing moved in the night as Daru and his warriors approached the hill where the hidden tunnel was located. Daru stood as one of his warriors. took a look around to see if he could find a hidden entrance or door.
"I see nothing my lord." He stood up and stepped back.
"Fool!" Daru pushed him out of the way. "It is right here. Can you not see it?"
Daru walked to the other side of the hill and pulled the shrubs aside to reveal a hidden door. A warrior reached down to open the door and Daru stopped him.
"There are warriors down there." Daru grabbed the warriors arm stopping him. "If you open it they will know we are here you fool."
Releasing his arm the Mind lord moved in front of the door and closed his eyes putting a hand to his temple. Concentrating deeply he sent out a single thought to Resu's warriors below.
Below three warriors sat in a game of Bones. One at a time they tossed human finger bones at a wall making bets on who's would come closest to the wall. They laughed as they played trading coins as one or the other won. Suddenly something strange overcame them. They're eyes began to droop as sleep closed in on them. Staggering back they dropped the bones and fell to the ground unconscious. Up top Daru smiled and ordered his warriors to open the door and step back and allow him to enter first. Confident in his mind powers Daru walked in and looked at the sleeping warriors.
"Kill them." He said. Pulling their weapons they quickly stabbed the three to death and followed Daru into the tunnels.
While Daru and twenty of his men warriors made their way through the tunnels, the rest of his army quietly slipped closer to Resu's manse to wait for Daru to open the gates and let them in. There they hide and watched for a chance to overcome the gate guards and replace them with warriors of there own dressed in Resu's house colors.
As Daru reached the end of the tunnel the time came for them to enter the house of Resu without resistance.
"All of you be quiet and do not move." He warned them. "I have to take control of the gate guards and those right outside this tunnel to gain entrance."
Daru sat down and made himself comfortable the closed his eyes and sent out his mind probes. In the courtyard of house Resu five warriors patrolled. One by one he touched their minds and took control of there bodies. One he had open the gates for him and the other four he sent to the gate to kill the five stationed there. With the gates open Daru's warriors quietly entered and killed the five Daru had under his control.
"From here." Daru ordered. "We move quietly taking the house level by level. Once the alarm is out there will be heavy opposition. Right now we have the surprise. Remember, Resu is mine. No one touch him. Move out."
The house of Resu went six levels down. It was like a city down there like all other Savonti houses. There was smiths and kitchens, stables and stores for all the farming food stuff. Housing for the thousands of lower Savonti that were loyal to Resu. And on the lowest, Resu's private level which would be the most heavily guarded. But Daru had brought a whole army with him that out numbered Resu's and with his mind abilities he was confident they had the upper hand. The night was young and the war was on and at the end it would turn out to be Daru's mind powers against Resu's enormous strength. Winner take all.
Down on the lowest level Resu lay sleeping in his sand pit. He had had a long ride back from Darul the night before and had gone straight to his mines to inspect the new vein of Pentathium they had found while he was gone. His smith had promised it was the purest and strongest pentathium they had ever seen. He would soon have weapons that would be ten times stronger than any other on Pentathin. Resu was pleased. He immediately ordered new weapons made. Swords that could beat down any others they came against. Staffs that would hold a charge and shot much stronger blasts than ever before. Now
Finally he had the chance to rest and get some sleep. He didn’t even want the pleasure of one of his queens or a slave tonight. Just some rest in his steaming hot sands.
Suddenly Tab his chief aide rushed in to his sleeping chamber and woke him.
“My lord!” He yelled urgently. "We are under attack!!"
"What!!" Resu jumped from his and grabbed a bronze colored robe and slipped in to it. "My club! Who attacks me?"
Standing in the corner of the room stood Resu's club. A great bludgeon weighing more then a grown Savonti warrior. Resu walked over and picked it up like it was a nothing and turned to Tab.
"Well? Who attacks us?"
"Daru my lord." Tab told him following him out of the apartment. "He came in through the tunnels and dispatched the gate guards and let his warriors in. So far they have taken the top three levels and they are moving down towards us."
"They have not reached the quarters of my personal guards yet. Summon as many warriors as you can find and have them meet me up on the next level. We must stop them before they reach the mines and any of the new ore. Daru can not escape with my Pentathium. Hurry!!"
Like a giant Resu walked through the three level he still held bellowing orders to everyone to grab weapons and meet at the ramp up to the next level. Once there he looked out at the few hundred warriors gathered there.
"We have been invaded." Resu thundered. "Lord Daru thinks us weak and that he can come in and take what is mine. Be we are here to tell him different. This is our lands and our home and we will fight to the death to keep it. Grab your swords and staffs and let us take back our house! DEATH TO LORD DARU!!!"
"DEATH TO DARU!!!" The battle cry went as Lord Resu led his warriors up into battle. The fighting was fierce all through the house of Resu. Warriors battled back and forth with sword and anything they found they could fight with. In the kitchen human were slaughtered to cut of Resu's food supply. His wells were poisoned and on every lever Daru's warriors took they destroyed everything they could find.
Like a juggernaut Lord Resu waded into the battle. His club was painted with the blood of his enemies as he ripped it to them. No sword or staff could hurt the Lord of strength as he fought is way higher in his own house toward Lord Daru and his warriors. Finally four levels up the two lords met. All fighting stopped as they stared, facing each other.
"So this is how you treat your allies Daru." Resu stood fuming holding his bloody club. "With treachery?"
"This is how I treat those I think are bellow me you buffoon." Daru laughed at him. "You are the first of the lords I will take and make my slave."
"I will never be you slave you monster! You think any of the other lords will back you once they find out what you have done here. Your wrong!!"
"Doesn't matter." Daru shrugged. "I will be the High Lord of Pentathin and there is nothing that any other lord can do to stop me. Not you, not Lesu or Magu. You will all bow to me!!"
"NEVER!!" Resu raised his club and ran at Daru ready to smash him into the ground. Daru folded his arms and smiled that evil smile of his. As Resu came withing ten feet his raised his hand and sent out his mental command.
The command hit Resu like a blast to his mind. It dropped him to his knees screaming as all of his people watched in horror. Blood ran from his eyes and ears as he knelt there looking up at Daru with hate.
"You may be the strongest savonti on Pentathin." Daru said as he walked around Resu. "But your strength is nothing compared to my powers. From this day on the house of Resu is no more. These lands are mine and so are all of you. You saw how easily I take care of your lord. I can do the same with all of you. All of you bow before me now!"
Slowly one by one all the warriors left to Resu dropped their weapons and bowed. Resu fought against Daru's hold on him, but it was to strong. There was nothing he could do to fright for himself. Daru snapped his fingers and an aide walked over and handed something to him. It was one of his power collars. Daru walked to Resu and snapped it around his neck. Now he had complete control over Resu.
"Stand up."
Resu stood and dropped his club to the ground. Resu looked at his new master with such loathing and contempt. Daru smiled at him pleased with himself.
"You have me Daru." Resu spit at him. "But I will be free one day. I will overcome your power somehow and when I do I will kill you. That I swear!!"
"I care nothing for your idle threats." Daru waved as he turned away. "Lead your warriors out of here while we put your house to the torch."
Defeated Resu walked out level by level with his proud head held high with all his people following him.
That was the end of the house of Resu. Once Resu was led out, Daru killed all of his children and queens. His humans were all sent back to Daru's pens and his Mines were now under Daru's control. As Daru said Resu was the first to fall but he wouldn't be the last. No other Savonti lord would have anything to say for none of them really cared about each other and none of them had seen what had happen. Except for one blind woman and she saw it all in a dream.
"You want us to come with you?" Jerel said. "Why? So we can be food for your trip?"
Mar knew it was a mistake to make that threat earlier. He just wasn't thinking. But now he had to somehow gain the trust of these people if he wanted to get them out of here.
"I do not eat people." Mar told them. "I have not in ten ages since one of your people saved my life. Yes I owe my life to a human and you know what my father did to that man? He tried to have him killed. I have hated my father since that day. Thank the gods I was able to get Petar Gekko out of Lesul."
"Well it doesn't matter." Jerel shrugged."We won't follow our enemy."
"Then let me get you out of here." Mar said looking at each of them. "Then you can go wherever you wish."
"I'm going with you Mar." Juelz stepped forward to stand next to him. Mar looked down and put his hand on the boys shoulder.
"No your not!" Jerel reached for the boy to pull him away from Mar. "Your coming with us!"
"Take your hand off the boy now."
Jerel opened his mouth to refuse and stopped when he saw the look in Mar's eyes.
"I go where I want." Juelz said stubbornly.
"Your better off staying with your family." Mar bent down to talk with him. "We will be moving fast."
"My families dead." The boy told him. "Are saying you don't want me to come with you?"
Mar looked at the boy staring up at him then at the others. Since they refused to come with them, there was a good chance they would be recaptured while he knew he could keep the boy safe.
"Well?" Jerel said sternly.
"He comes with me if he wants to."
Jerel threw his hands up into the air. "Fine. What do I care. Well never get pass that door anyway."
"Gather all you things." Mar told them. "Take all my food to. You will need it. We'll be leaving as soon as Xan returns for us."
"If he returns." Jerel said sulking over again by himself. "If we can get out of here."
"He will come." Mar sat back down and stared at the cell door. "He has to come."
Night had fallen and in the house of Lesu things were winding down. All the slaves had been returned from their work in the mines and the fields and their meager rations were being passed out. In the stables while everyone was at dinner Xan had managed to sneak three trackers out and hide them in the forest outside of one of the drainage tunnels that swept the waste down and out of Lesu's manse. Now all he had to do was go back and and bring Mar and his humans out. Drella hadn't be to difficult. Slaves were always seen being led around the manse in chains so no way should pay them any attention. But Mar was different. Having once been heir to Lesul everyone knew who he was and all about his crimes. Xan would either have to disguise his brother or find a path with the least amount of savonti to see them moving through the level. Xan had no idea how he would be able to get them all out. He hoped Mar had some plan in mind that he hadn't mentioned.
With his sword at his side Xan walked proudly down into the slave cells where Mar was being held. At the door a guard sat and snapped to attention when Lesu's chief lieutenant came in.
"Nazun." Xan greeted him. "I would see your prisoner."
"I will escort you lata goth." The guard saluted and opened the door as Xan approached him nodding his approval. "The staz is this way. I look forward to tomorrow and his execution."
"Do you?" Xan did his best to keep his temper and not throttle him. "His day will come, you can be sure of that."
The section where Mar was being kept was pretty full with every cell in there section loaded with families all tired from the days work. Xan and the guard walked down the hall until the came to Mar's cell. Mar was standing there clutching the bars on the door looking out. The guard slammed his staff into the bars threatening Mar.
"Open the door." Xan ordered. " I want to speak to him."
"Stand back from the door!" He snarled.
Mar let go of the bars held his hands up and stepped back. Handing his staff to Xan the put the key in the door and unlocked it. The door swung open and he stepped in. Mar stood there and smiled at him.
"You find something amusing?"
"Yes." Mar said. "Quite stunning actually."
Xan reached out with the staff and pressed the stunner end into the guards back and sent its full charge into him. For a second he stood there shaking as the energy ran through his body then he fall unconscious to the floor.
"Bring him over and tie and gag him."
Xan grabbed him by his belt and lifted him up and carried him over as everyone watched.
Throwing him down on the mat where Mar slept he took the guards belt and tied him up.Jerel brought over some rag they stuffed in his mouth and gagged him.
"I guess it will not be Mar's execution tomorrow everyone enjoys tomorrow." Xan smiled covering him up.
"Xan check the hall." Xan nodded the give Mar the staff and left. "Ready to go?"
"We'll all follow you out." Jerel grabbed the bag of food and heaved it over his shoulder. Mar frowned at him and took the bag and gave it to Abel for him and his family. Jerel looked at him but didn't say anything "Juelz, stay close to me."
"It is clear." Xan waved them on. "We should leave now."
The house of Lesu was always busy this time of night. The slaves had just been fed and at was eating time for the rest of the Savonti. Weak slaves that could no longer work had met their end in each of the kitchens on each level. With key in hand Xan and Mar went from cell to cell opening doors and freeing anyone they could find until they all met at the guard room exist. With one final turn of a key Xan opened the door at let everyone out. Like a stampede they flowed out running in every direction grabbing anything they could find to use as weapons to protect themselves on the way out. Xan led Mar and the humans from his cell. The tunnel they would use was on the other side of the same level they were on. The hope was that the Savonti would be so busy with the escape no one would notice him gone. Armed with his sword, Mar with a staff they fought their was through the house until they found the refuge room and the drainage tunnel.
“There it is.” Xan pointed to the grate on the floor. “We get in there and we follow it out. I have Drella waiting at the end with trackers saddled and ready.
“We should move.” Mar urged them on. All together they ran out for the grate. Chaos reigned all around them as Savonti fought the humans trying to get free. Mar grabbed Juelz and pulled him close to keep any guards from grabbing him.
At the grate Mar and Xan being stronger then the humans reached down and took hold of the grate to get it open. Just then a Savonti warrior came running around the corner and saw them.
“Stop!” He yelled. Pulling his sword the warrior rushed into the room filled with piles of garbage waiting to be shoveled into the lifted grate to flow out of the house. They all looked up. “Xan? What is the meaning of this?"
"I am leaving with my brother." Xan called lifting the grate. "Quickly! Everyone get in!"
Turning back in the hall the warrior called out for help to other warriors fighting their way through the halls. Mar reached to Xan's side and pulled his sword from the scabbard then stepped out.
"Take everyone out. I will meet you after I am done here."
"No!" Juelz pulled free. "I'm staying with you."
"We do not have time to argue." Mar looked to Jerel and Abel. "Take him and get them out."
Jerel put his hand on Mar's shoulder. "I know you don't trust me but let me do this. You have to stay with them. If they catch you you'll be executed."
As they argued another warrior came to help. Now two Savonti warrior were coming at them.
"No Jerel." Mar grabbed Juelz and picked him up screaming and dropped down the hole. "Xan and I will deal with them. Take everyone and head out. I do trust Jerel. Now go!"
With a quick shove he sent the last man down through the hole and Xan dropped the grate.
"One for me and one for you." Xan took back his sword. "Together brother."
"Yes together."
Deep in there cave Lilia Kordova woke screaming. Her night had been filled with dreams of betrayal, strange new people and the death of a Savonti lord and two Savonti son's escape from their powerful father.
She sat up as Shayn and Ono ran in to see why she was screaming.
"Lilia what is it?" Shayn bent down beside her as she reached out. Ono took a skin of water a brought over and gave it to his mate for the sweat drenched seer.
"Here drink this." He put the skin to her mouth and carefully tipped it for her to drink. "Now what scared you so bad you were screaming?"
"It's began." She wiped the water from her mouth. "Many things happened in the last two turns and Pentanthin will never be the same. Savonti fight Savonti and humans are fighting back. Lord Fedru is dead. Killed by the son of his oldest enemy. Lord Daru is on the move. He's taken Lord Resu's house and lands."
"What do we do?" Ono sat cross legged next to where she lay.
"Shayn?" She turned to him. "What do we do?"
"We move." He said. "We leave as soon as it's dark. I can make myself bigger so I can carry both of you. There are people out there that will need our help."
"Yes." Lilia smiled. "And you won't believe who we have to help first."
Back at the Academy Azeal made his way through the halls. He had been thinking all day about what had happened in Fedru's lair. What would happen now? The Savonti would know something strange had happened. And once the warriors that had made it into the forest reached the other lords they would tell them of the strange things that had helped Gabor.
[Azeal.] A familiar voice rang out in his mind
[Yes Cutter?]
[Bring Tanis and meet me in the office please. We need to talk.]
[Yes sir.]
Quickening his pace, Azeal knew exactly where he would find Tanis. He would be in the medical ward visiting Gabor. Gabor was still recovering from his battle with Fedru. As he walked onto the floor he saw all the people injured they had brought here after the battle. Azeal looked around for Macan. He wanted to know how these people were doing. He turned toward the windows and saw him talking to a nurse. Macan saw him and waved him over.
"Looking for me?"
"Yeah." Azeal said still looking at all the people there. There were at least thirty beds in the ward all occupied. "I had no idea so many were hurt."
"It was a brutal fight." Macan put a hand on Azeals shoulder and turned him to walk with him. "These are just the sick and wounded. There are many more with no where to go."
"How's Gabor?" Azeal asked.
"He'll be fine in a day or to." They stopped at Gabor's door."He's here with his brother's and Tanis."
Azeal reached to open the door when Macan stopped him.
"Wait a second Azeal there's something we need to talk about."
"What is it?"
"What are we going to do with all these people?" He asked pulling Azeal away Gabor's door. "They can't stay here we don't have the food to feed them."
"Macan many of them are hunter's. Food shouldn't be a problem."
"It's not just food Azeal." The healer said. "We won't be staying here. Eventually we're going home I hope. Then what? We can't take them with us."
"I don't have the answers right now." He explained returning to Gabor's door. "This is a matter Gabor has to deal with. We can help him but these people are now his clan with him as their leader. Give us a few days, we'll figure something out."
"I hope the Savonti give us those few days." Macan walked off.
Azeal stood there watching as the healer checked his next patient. He was right. The Savonti would come after them. He just hoped it wouldn't be today.
Opening the door Azeal stepped in to find Gabor in bed laughing with his two brothers Bela and Nica. By his side Tanis looked over smiling.
"Aiya!" Azeal stepped in smiling. "How is everyone today?"
"Much better." Gabor waved him in. "Bela was just telling Tanis stories of when my father was trying to teach him to ride a tracker. He had bruises in places you wouldn't imagine."
"I can imagine." Azeal laughed looking at Tanis. "Remember learning to shift? For me it was pure torture."
Azeal and Tanis both laughed loudly as Gabor and his brothers looked at them oddly.
"I'll explain later." Tanis said." What brings you here, Azeal?"
"Cutter wants to see us. He said it's urgent."
"Then we better hurry." Tanis stood and took Gabor's. " We'll be back soon."
Bela and Nica said their good byes and Azeal and Tanis started out the door.
"Azeal." Gabor called after him. Azeal turned back. "Thank you. Without you none of this could have happened. My brothers might be dead and my people lost. We owe all of you a life long debt. We'll stand with you where you go on Pentanthin."
"Your all welcome Gabor." Azeal bowed to the three brothers. "We'll be back to talk."
A few minutes later, Azeal and Tanis made their way into Professor Insa's office. Cutter sat behind his desk going over school reports that had been made since they had arrived on Pentanthin. Everyone had agreed while they were on Pentanthin, Cutter would be headmaster. He looked up and greeted them.
"Have a seat."
Azeal and Tanis took a seat in the two chairs in front of his desk wondering what it was he wanted. Cutter put down the papers he had been going over and looked up at them.
"Somethings come up and I will be leaving for a while." Cutter pushed his white hair back from his face As the two vampires stared at him in shock.
"Why?" Tanis asked. "Where are you going?"
"There's something out there that feels familiar." Cutter stood and walked around and sat on the edge of the desk. "I've been feeling it ever since we arrived here and I can't get it out of my head. I have to see what it is. I'm leaving Blink in control here. What I want from the two of you is, I want you to help Gabor. He has to figure out where he plans to take his new clan."
"What if he wants to stay here?" Tanis asked. He looked over to Azeal hoping he might approve of the idea. Azeal just looked at him with no expression. as if he didn't really care. Though he did care, very much. "We do still need his help if we want to do any good here."
"Your right." Cutter told them. "If that's what he wants, we'll talk about when I return."
"We'll try." Azeal and Tanis stood and walked to the door to leave. "Cutter."
The fear dragon looked up to see what they wanted.
"Quel marth." Azeal nodded.
Cutter smiled and answered. "Diola lle."
staz = beast.
ReplyDeletelata goth = young lord.
laev selkerdrim = peace captain.
aiya = greetings.
quel marth = good luck.
diola lle = thank you