The sun shined softly through his bedroom window as Orym Dree woke up. He rolled over and looked at his beautiful queen laying next to him and smiled. How lucky he was he thought. Three young children, a wonderful wife and other then those damned goblins that kept sneaking in to hunt his forest, things were good in Dreesport. He kissed Phaerl gently so as not to wake her and slipped quietly from their bed. He dressed in a pale blue robe and tied back his long white hair and left the bedroom. At the door a guard greeted him with a smile and a good morning. Orym returned their greeting and moved on threw the palace. In the ante chamber to his bedroom waited Flinar his cousin and chief adviser reading over reports from the night before along with Laor Blackhelm, prince of the neighboring land of Melruth. He looked up as Orym placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Early for you to be up cousin." He said. "More goblin problems?"
"Yes." He handed the report to Orym. "There were more then ten of them seen last night. I think we should do something about border patrols. Maybe build a few more outposts to keep watch."
"I'll talk to Nuala later." Orym said as he read. "Maybe it's time I put this in her hands. Come. Let's get breakfast."
"That could be a problem." Flinar got up and followed Orym. "I've been trying for two days to reach her. She hasn't answered any of my messaging."
"That's odd." Orym looked to Flinar. "That's not like her at all. She's usually very prompt and courteous. Have you tried Abella her aide?"
"I've tried everyone I know in Aspara Bough." He said. "No one's answered. You think there could be trouble? Maybe the goblins are up to something."
"Send someone in to check." Orym said as they entered the dining hall and sat at the table. He reached for the bell on the table and give it a ring. "I'll feel a lot safer if I know she's alright. What of Melruth? Are they as much trouble there Laor?"
"Goblins are troulbe all though Fay Shrea Orym." Laor said. "That will never change."
"We can always hope."
"Good morning Majesty." A maid came in bowing.
"The usual for breakfast?"
"Yes, Dora," He smiled and poured a cup of juice to drink. Just then a guard came in and give them both a salute.
"Sire." He said. "There are two humans to see you. They say it's urgent."
"Very well." Orym said annoyed. "I'll see them after breakfast. Have them wait in the main audience chamber."
With a nod the guard turned and left to deliver his message. Laor turned to Orym with a puzzled look.
"Humans? I wonder what that's all about?"
As Flinar reached for the pitcher of juice he felt something odd. His message stone began to grow warm in his pocket. He reached in and pulled it out and held it out. Instantly he know it was Aggar Ren of Tir Na trying to reach him.
"Aggar!" He sent. "Aiya, What can I do for you today?"
[Flinar its urgent that I speak.with Orym. There's trouble!]
"He's right here." Flinar sent. "What's got you so agitated?"
[As we speak, there is an army of goblins, dark elves and humans advancing on Dree sent by Tayor Larin and Talsara Darkshade.] Aggar told him. [ Your about to be attacked!]
"What! " Flinar jumped to his feet in shock. "That bitch! How do you know this?"
"What's wrong?" Orym asked.
"We have a problem." Flinar told him moving around to place the stone in front of Orym. "Aggar says we're about to be attacked. "Orym can hear you Aggar. Continue."
[Insa saw them on the march.] Aggar went on. [Fay Shrea has been invaded. They're on there way to you now. There isn't much time. Get the royal family to safety now!]
"Aggar." Orym sent. "I have two human visitors. Could they have something to do with this?"
[ I believe so.] Aggar sent. [ Arrest them. And don't take or touch anything they try to give you. They'll try using powerful magic to put you all under a spell.]
"You have our thanks Aggar." Orym threw down his napkin and stood. " Sound the alarms Flinar. Have our guest taken into custody immediately. Don't let them touch anything they have. Have them put in the null cells. That way they can't cast any magic. If the resist, kill them."
Flinar nodded and called over a guard to issue Orym's orders. The guard listened then rushed off to raise the alarm.
"I must warn my father." Laor wiped his mouth and jumped to his feet. "If Dree is under attack, Melruth can't be far behind."
"Message him quickly." Orym told him. "He may already be under attack."
[Prince Tof says he'll send help but it will take days until we can get there. Can you hold out?]
"We'll try." Flinar said. "But we'll be sending the Queen Phaerl and the children away to safety. How much time do we have before they reach Dree?"
[Less then half a day] Aggar sent. [You have enough time to evacuate the children and reinforce your borders. But Orym, the force coming is very big.]
"Dree will survive Aggar." Orym told Aggar. "Even if I have to surrender to give you time to find a way to help free us. We will survive."
Orym put his head down and walked out of the dining hall. He had to break the news to Phaerl that she would be leaving and he would be staying to fight. For Orym, this beautiful day was getting darker by the minute.
[ Flinar?]
"Don't worry about us Aggar." Flinar sent. "I know what I have to do. I will protect my king and queen. You do what you have to to stop those two."
[We will.] Aggar promised him. [What can we do to help?]
"Find Orym and Phaerl." Flinar sent. "Protect them for me. And free Dree."
[I promise Flinar. Good fortune to you Araegisess.]
Flinar covered the stone then dropped it back in his pocket. He sat for a few minutes before he called his personal assistant to his side to give him his orders. Dree had to be ready for the invasion and somehow he had to send Orym and his family away for their own protection. Orym wouldn't like it but it had to been done. Flinar knew what he was doing was treason, But on this day treason was the only way to save the kingdom.
Queen Phaerl of Dree sat at her dressing table combing her long beautiful hair. She looked out the window to see the sun shining over Dreesport harbor. The fishing vessels were just pulling out led by Mermen. She could see them waving to those gathered on the docks through the enchanted glass of the windows. What a marvelous day she thought. She thought about her plans for the day. She and Queen Anemone of the Mer were to meet with the children for a swim in the lagoon in the garden. Then the two queens would shop for gifts for the party Phaerl was to host for Anemone's youngest son Bhari's fifth birthday.The children would be kept busy with classes while the ladies shopped and had lunch in a lakeside cafe in Dreesport. Phaerl was excited to see her friend. It had been weeks since they had seen each other because of how busy the Dylani had been with their mating season just being over. Phaerl was sure Anemone would have a surprise in store for her. An announcement of a new baby on the way.
Getting up Phaerl went to her closet and took out a sea green dress Anemone had given her and laid it out to put on after her bath. As she readied herself the bedroom door opened and Orym walked in.
"Good morning husband." She smiled kissing him then sat back down to finish her hair. "Everything is ready for Bhari's party. The guest will be here in a few hours. He'll be so pleased."
"Phaerl." Orym stood behind her chair. "The party's canceled. I've sent out notice to everyone not to come."
"What?" She turned in her chair in surprise to stare at her husband. "Orym, Bhari will be so upset. He was looking forward to this, and so were the children. Why? Why did you cancel his party?"
"There's trouble my love." Orym knelt down to look her deep in her eyes. "I want you and the children to pack and get ready to leave."
"Leave? " Phaerl looked at him like he was crazy, "We're not leaving. Anemone's got a surprise for us. I think she's pregnant again. Isn't that wonderful! There's so much to do before the baby comes."
"Orym, What's the matter with you today?" She stood facing Orym dropping her brush. Orym looked at his wife hating what he was about to tell. They had never spent a day apart since their wedding night and now he was going to have to send her away for her own safety. But he knew he had no choice. Phaerl and the children had to go and his duty was here protecting Dree. And as queen of Dree, she would have to understand.
"Somethings happened." He said. "Fay Shrea has been invaded and someone else is in power there now."
"Nuala? "Phaerl asked horrified dropping back down into her chair.
"I don't know what's happened to her." Orym pulled a chair over and sat down. "I fear all of Fay Shrea is now under the rules of Tayor Larin of Winterhaven and Talsara Darkshade."
"Darkshade?" Shock filled the queens face. She knew just what that meant. "Then the dark elves are on the move again. Why can't she just be content with Darkshade? Why does she have to be so mad with power? Talsara Darkshade won't be happy until she rules all of Keanna!"
"We won't let that happen Phaerl." Orym took her hand and kissed it."We'll fight her. But you and the children have to go somewhere safe. I can't fight her knowing if I lose she'll have you in her hands."
"No Orym." She cried. "I want to stay here. My magic can help you."
"Yes it can." He took his wife in his arms. "You can best help me by caring for our children somewhere safe. Anemone will be leaving too. Caldar has assured me she will be leaving with you. They'll be here and ready to go within the hour and I want you ready. There will be coaches waiting for you by the lagoon. Pack lite there's not much time or room."
"How long will we be gone?" Tears fill her green eyes.
"I don't know." Orym wiped her cheek. "However long it takes to drive them away from our home. You won't be back until it's safe again."
Orym stopped her from speaking. He put his finger to her lips. "Shhhhhh. Do this for me love, please. Ease my mind."
"I'll go. But I don't like it." He kissed her deeply holding her close. Then there was a knock on the door. Orym and Phaerl separated but still held hands.
"Enter." The door opened and Flinar and the Dree master magi Strohm Atlantar walked into the room with the king and queen. "What is it Flinar?"
"Anemone and her children are here." Flinar explained. "They are waiting downstairs in the harbor. I'll have them brought here imediately."
"Fine. We'll take care of them as if they were my own family. Phaerl will be ready shortly." Orym said. "Have Dora pack a few things for the children and bring them down to the lagoon while the queen gets ready to leave. We'll be there shortly."
"I have news Majesty." Strohm told them.
"What is it?" Orym let his wife go to gathering things she thought she would need in a small bag. No dresses or jewelry. Just plain clothing she could wear that wouldn't make her stick out since she had no idea where they would be going.
"We should talk alone your majesty." Strohm gestured to the door.
"Very well." Orym walked to the door and stepped out with his two advisers following him to his study. Once there he turned to Strohm for answers. " Well?"
"This was delivered to us this afternoon." Flinar stood aside to reveal a large wooden chest behind him. The three men walked over and stood around it.
"Where did it come from?" Orym asked."The humans?"
"No." Strohm said. "It came from me. I made it."
"I don't understand." The king looked at them confused. "A chest? What's it for?"
"Open it and you'll see." Flinar suggested.
"What is this all about Flinar?" He reached down to open the locks on the chest and pulled the lid up. "How is this going to help us defend Dree?"
"It won't." Strohm raised his hand and began to cast.
Kings and queens
And hero's and villains.
Chieftains and bastards
And dark forces killing.
I cast you to sleep.
To dreamland you go.
To return here to Dree
With freedom in tow.
As the magic swirled and took hold on Orym he turned back to Flinar wide eyes with surprise.
"Why Flinar?" Then he fell to the floor unconscious in a heap.
"Forgive me cousin." Flinar picked him up and placed him in the chest then shut the lid and locked it. "Talsara Darkshade would kill you and I can't let that happen. I need you here. Dree needs you here so you must go for now."
Flinar took the handle of the chest and dragged it out into the hall then called the guards to have the chest places in the coach with Phaerl and the children,
"He'll be alright?" Flinar asked Strohm as he watched them take away the chest.
"Yes." The mage answered. "He'll wake tomorrow far away."
"Good." He said. "Now we can deal with that dark bitch and whoever else is helping her."
It was evening by the time Insa and the others had found a safe place to land and rest. They had stopped for a minute to message Aggar and warn him of Dree's coming invasion. Aggar had promised to tell Tof and warn the people of Dree of what was about to happen. Now the sun had slipped beyond the horizon and they would all have time to talk. Insa told them of what he knew about Tayor Larin and his plans to conquer Keanna. He told them what had happened in New Keanna and how Jandar, Rage and the others of their clan were in a deep sleep. Next he told them about the Academy and how it had vanished and no one knew just what had happened to it. Then he went on to tell them of Zarin and his friends being sent after the Academy. Next it was Elan's turn to tell them of his mothers plans to take all the elven and faire lands. How she had sent them to capture Emrel and dispose of Adanar. But that he and Aron would have no part in her evil plans. He told them of his secret love of Aron and how Aron had been taken with Emrel by the goblins. Then Adanar told them of the mission the goblins had sent them on to find the ring of Endrin.
"Are you sure they said the ring of Endrin?" Insa asked them
"Yes I am." Adanar said. Then were all sitting around a fire eating the dinner Braddoc had hunted for them. " Do you know what it is?"
"Yes I know what it is." He answered. "It's one of the most powerful magic items ever created by dark magic. It was made for the purpose of conquest by another long dead mage. If Tayor finds it we're all in trouble."
"I know where it is." Elan told them.
"So do I." Insa said. "And right now Tayor can't get his hands on it since it's in the Academy. But we have other things to discuss like what were going to do about Fay Shrea and Eventide."
"I will be going back to Eventide." Ariel spoke up. "If somethings wrong there. I should be there."
Insa turned to her with a curious look.
"Are you sure?" He asked. "You would be placing yourself right in the hands of Talsara. Don't forget she has some very powerful magic on her side with Tayor. His spell knocked out all of the rest of our clan. What's to stop her from doing the same to you?"
"Insa. Adanar and I have to do something." Ariel stood excited. Clouds began to build over head as her emotions boiled. "Talsara could be ripping our groves apart at this moment."
"I don't think so." He said. "She wants the magic of the trees. It's one of the main reasons she wants Eventide so bad. "
"Hate is the reason she's in Eventide." They all looked to Ariel as she spoke.
"What do you mean?" Toric asked. He stood and tried to settle her down but she was mad and having none of that.
"Talsara Darkshade is the one of the most evil women to ever walk Keanna." Ariel looked over to Elan and saw the pained look on his face. "I'm sorry Elan but it's the truth. There's something you don't know about your parents and it pains me to tell you but it's time you knew the truth."
"Do you mean that Wyn Darkshade is not my father?" Elan stared intently Into Ariel's shocked face. "Or are you about to tell me that my mother had my real father executed for trying to kill my grandmother when it was her all alone. I know what happened. I've known what my mother is for a long time. I just never had the courage to stand against her. But she has Aron now and I know she'll kill him so that changes everything."
"This is getting us nowhere." Morganz shouted over the arguing. "The question is what are we going to do about all this?"
"Tof and I have talked about this and sent a few of our people out already." Insa told them as they all listened closely. "The cities of Prafa and Remus have been taken and now we know Fay Shrea, Dree and Eventide are under attack by the dark elven queen. Ariel I can't send you to Eventide. You would just be walking right into her hands."
"But..?" Ariel tried to interrupt the elder dragon but he held up his hand silencing her.
"I think Denner and Toric would be better in Eventide." He said. "Denner can shift to look like an elf and a simple spell can alter Toric so he won't be recognized. Once in Eventide you must check on the royal family. I need to know what's going on there. Then go to Fay Shrea and free Emrel and Aron before they are turned over to Talsara. Get them to Tir Na where it's safe. Morganz, the Shadows are in Winterhaven. Pelic knows Tayor and the dark side of the city. You take Elan and Braddoc back to the city and find them. We need to know what Tayor Larin is doing. Braddoc, you go to Tir Na after you drop them off. Tof needs your help."
"I'll get them back to Winterhaven safely."
"Good." Insa smiled. "Any questions?"
"What about the rest of us?" Ariel asked anxiously.
"First there's someone else we need to find." He smiled at her.
Elan looked up to the two dragons. His love on his mind.
"Don't worry. Aron will be saved." Insa assured the young elf. "That's my promise."
"We'll find them." Toric promised. "Denner and I won't stop until we do."
"Thank you." Elan said tearfully. "Just hurry please."
"I think we should all get some rest." Braddoc said. "We've all had a busy day and we're exhausted. Morganz and I will take the first watch. We'll wake Adanar and Elan in four hours to take over. We can talk about this in the morning after we've had some rest. Agreed? "
Everyone shook their heads and went to find a comfortable place to sleep. Ariel took Adanar, Elan and Toric to a place near the trees and tried to find out if they could remember anything that might help them find the two missing elves. Insa sat with Denner and assured him that Nautica and the others were safe in their spelled sleep and that Jax was there to protect New Keanna. Starglow went off on his own to graze and sleep in the field beyond their camp. Morganz took his weapons from Braddoc's back as they made themselves ready for their watch. Braddoc put more wood on the fire then took out his sword and began to sharpen it. It looked like this would be a long night for all of them and sleep might not come so easy for anyone.
After riding hard all day Ryel and Orek found themselves finally crossing the border into Fay Shrea. Night had falling and everything was still as they trotted in. On Ryel's shoulder Dagger squawked and fidgeted. Something was bothering the raven and Ryel knew just what it was. He had been in Fay Shrea many times before with his father, but tonight was different. Fay Shrea had a strange feel to it. Like nothing he's felt before. Orek looked over and saw the look on his friends face.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't know." Ryel frowned. "The forest just feels wrong."
"How do you mean wrong?" Orek reached to the side of his saddle to feel his axe. It made him feel safer to touch it.
"I don't feel any animals in here." Ryel put his hand to his temple and concentrated. "It's like nothing lives in here anymore. Dagger feels it to."
"You think it was a mistake coming here?" Orek asked.
"No." Ryel said. "This is where Hasmira sent us. She said to find the seventh Eventide. That would be my sister Emrel. She's suppose to be in school in Winterhaven but with the way things have been lately, she must be here and needs our help."
"How are we going to find her?" The dwarf asked. "Fay Shrea is vast in land. We could search for days and find nothing."
Ryel shrugged. He had no idea where to look for her. He was hoping somehow Hasmira would find a way to show them the way. Suddenly Dagger squawked again and jumped from his shoulder and took to the air. Ryel looked in the direction Dagger had flown and saw something move.
"Orek look." He pointed off to there left. There they saw two goblins carrying something green. Ryel and Orek pulled their weapons and climbed down off the horses. Quietly the made their way closer to see what the goblins were doing. As the watched the goblins stopped and threw what they were carrying on the ground. To their surprise Ryel and Orek found out what they had was a leprechaun.
"No one will be paying for you, you green piece of dung." A sword was pulled from the goblins belt. "We don't need you and Sarella says to kill you."
They were going to kill the little man. Ryel put two fingers to his mouth and sent out a loud whistle. From the trees Dagger dived down and attacked one of the goblins and Ryel and Orek went running in with weapons ready. Surprised one goblin spun around just in time to try and parry Orek's battleaxe as it came crashing down at him. But Orek's axe was cast of a special metal mined by the dwarves and broke the goblins sword like it was made of wood. In one swing Orek killed the goblin as his partner tried to shoot dagger from the sky with his crossbow. In a flash Ryel was there to run his sword through the surprised goblins chest and kicking him out of the way.
"Sir, are you alright?" Ryel asked wiping clean his sword and sliding it back into it scabbard.
"Me luck has done it again!"" Finn jumped up and shook Ryel's hand vigorously. "And by an elf no doubt."
Ryel looked at Orek in surprise, What could he be meaning by that?
"By any chance are ya here looking for two elves?"
"We're looking for my sister Emrel." Ryel told him "Do you know where she is?"
"Aye me boyo." Finn dusted himself off. "This be your lucky day. I know just where the lass is. Finn Adair is me name and you must be an Eventide."
"I'm Ryel and this is Orek Grayfist." Orek shook Finn's hand in greeting. "Is she alright?"
"The lass and a friend are in the hands of the goblins." Finn told them. "I can take ya straight to her. We should hurry. Follow me."
The camp of the Bloodfang camp was not far away. Ryel and Orek followed Finn through the forest until came to a swamp where they saw the Bloodfang's camp fires on their island. From behind a hill they watched the going on in the camp. There were only a few fires lit at this hour with small goblin women tending pots tossing ingredients in. They looked around the camp for opposition. All they could find were a small group of maybe fifteen warriors huddled in front of a great mound shouting at each other. Where were the rest of Bog Fangores men? From the size of the island and the amount of huts there Ryel could tell this was a large clan with a few hundred in it. So where were they? Hunting? That didn't make sense. You hunt in partied yes, but not the whole tribe?
"Where is everyone?" Orek asked Finn."This place looks almost abandoned."
"War." Finn held up his finger to quiet them. "They're on the march with Sarella?"
"Who?" Ryel asked. He had never heard of any Sarella. But If the goblins were following her, she must be very powerful.
"I'll tell ya later." Finn whispered. "Right now we got to get in that cave at the foot of the mound. See the two torches burning there. That's where the cave is. How do ya want to get in?"
"Great. They're right outside the cave. We can't rush the island." Orek told them. "There's only three of us. We have to move closer to the cave and find a way to divert them away so we can get in. We could use some help here. How about your people?"
"We're not warriors lad." Finn frowned. "I be with ya, but unless they're attacking our glen, the wee people won't help ya."
"I have an idea where we can get help." Ryel poked his head out for a closer look. Two of the goblins were fighting now while the rest cheered them on.
"Bloody idiots." Finn smirked.
"You two keep low and move around to where you can get into the cave and free Emrel when it's clear."
"What are you going to do?" Orek asked.
"I have to make the diversion." Ryel smiled getting to his feet.
"By yaself?" Finn asked. "Are ya mad boy?"
"Don't worry." Ryel called over his shoulder. "I have friends."
Finn looked at Orek confused not understanding the elf at all. How could a lone elf armed with just a sword and his pet raven possibly keep the goblins busy enough to bring them away from that cave?
"Let's go." Orek started moving out to get in position."
"Shhhh!!!" Orek hushed him. " He has friends. Come on."
The bone dice game was forgotten as Benk Foulyell and Mxog Damnbane traded blows. No weapons were being used but their clenched fists hammering at each other without mercy. Benk had won the last round but Mxog had claimed he had been cheated and the fight was to settle the matter. Their comrades cheer them on but none of them would make a moved to separate them or end the battle. Side bets on who would win were called out and coins were taken as they fought in the shadows of the fire. Suddenly a piercing screech ripped the night and the goblins froze where they stood in fear. Out of the night sky on huge feathered wings flew two monstrous griffin to land screaming in front of the camp pawing and snapping. While women screamed and grabbed the young, the warriors rushed and took up their weapons and ran out to meet the two monsters. Swords and spears were thrust out at the beast as they roared and swiped at the goblins. With a swing of it's wing, one of the griffins sent two goblins flying back to crash into the huts behind the fight. Benk Foulyell with Mxog Damnbane charged in together screaming their war cry weapons raised as one beast spun quickly to grab another goblin. Like ligntning the snake tail struck out biting Mxog filling him with it's burning venom. Benk tried for a strike at the chest of one. It rose into the air and came down crushing him into the mud then leaped into the goblins sending them running into the swamp.
From the far side of the camp Ryel watched and sent instructions to the griffins as they scattered the goblins. He smiled and sent Orek a message.
[Go now!]
Huddled near the cave Orek and Finn watched the goblins battle the griffins. Smoke rise from the burning huts that had caught fire from knocked over torches and lanterns. Once the last goblin guard was to busy to notice, Orek and Finn slipped out creeping alone the mound and ran into the cave. Seated by the door Aron looked up in surprise to see the leprechaun they thought had been taken to his death come running in along with a young dwarf armed with a battleaxe.
"Finn?" Emrel called rushing to the cage door." We thought the goblins had killed you."
"I told ya lass. Trust ya luck." He smiled shaking Aron's hand through the bars. "I found some help ta get ya out"
Orek heft his axe and slammed the blade down on the lock. It took two hits but soon Aron and Emrel were free and standing with their rescuers outside the cage. Orek bowed and introduced himself.
"Pleased to meet you princess." He said tossing his axe over his should. "But we better get moving. I don't know how long Ryel can hold off the goblins."
"Ryel?" Emrel looked at him in shock. "My brother Ryel? What he doing here?".
"We gotta go!"
Together the four ran for the cave entrance when suddenly three armed goblins stepped into the cave blocking there way.
"Going somewhere?" One asked stepping forward. Orek pulled his axe his face frowning with anger. Finn held out his hand stopping him.
"I've a gift for ya." Finn smiled reaching in his pocket.
"What could you have we that we would want little man?" The goblins laughed.
"GOLD!!" Finn pulled the gold out and threw it at the goblins. Their eyes grow bright as they grabbed for it out of the air. But as soon as they touched it, they grew stiff and a gold shine began to cover them. Soon there were three golden goblins standing at the entrance holding the coins.
"Never touch leprechaun gold." Finn said as he walked pass them. He stopped and pushed the golden goblins over. "They should know better. Lets go before more come lookin for us."
"Where are we going?" Aron asked as they slipped out of the camp.
"I got a promise to keep." Finn said. "And a fairy to rescue."
Enter the Dree and Orym Dree and Caldar Dylani.
ReplyDeleteCaldar and Anemone Dylani has two children with one on the way.
ReplyDeletePrince Bhari
Princess Salana
Princess Shada