Lord Tayor Larin sat brooding on his throne contemplating his next move. Youron had failed him. He had won the city but lost the academy, the cities prize possession. That meant Tayor lost a vast amount of magic he needed to get to the next step in his plan. The academy was lost as was his son Tabor. Lost and now an unknown equation to his plans. Tayor knew he had to find it. But who could he trust to locate something that surely was hidden by magic. Not Youron, He didn't have the aptitude for magic needed for the task. Tayor needed someone else. If Tabor were here, he would be perfect for this job. But finding him Tayor thought, could be the answer to finding the school.
Tayor stood up from his throne and walked out of the great room that once housed the council chamber. He remembered many battles here with Insa and other members of the council. Some won, some lost but all in order to get him to the place he was now.
Lord Larin looked around at all the people bowing and ducking out of his way as he approached. All rightly afraid of the dark mood he was in at the moment.
Answers. Right now that was what he needed. Where was the academy and Tabor. Had he found what he searched for? And how would his father find him?
As he walked he went to the transport stone and floor to floor wandering, not even noticing where exactly he was when he found himself in a place he rarely visited. The dungeons.
Lined all along the halls there were cells filled now with members of the old city guard and the few members of the council he had allowed to live. The council members sat in spelled silence the way he had left them. Absent of magic but still with the ability to use it if he let them. This could be his answer he thought. All he had to do was to give them back a portion of their power and add a compulsion to never disobey their master. Then he would send along with them a watcher. Someone to watch over them to be sure there would be no treason.
" Guard!" He called to the man standing at attention at the entrance. Quickly the nervous man ran to where his lord stood and saluted him.
" Yes high lord?"
" These three." He pointed to the two men and the woman staring blankly at the wall. " Bring them to my manor at once. I have need of there help."
" Yes Lord Larin!" quickly he ran to retrieve the keys to the cells as Tayor headed back out of the dungeon and back to his throne room to prepare for what he had planned for his guest.
No light showed through the windows of the Academy. It was totally dark outside. Cutter and Azeal looked out the window wondering where exactly they were. Sounds could be heard from outside. Night sounds. The sounds of crickets and insects. The growling of night things prowling for there next meal as they hunted. This definitely wasn't Winterhaven anymore. But it did sound like they were in a jungle somewhere.
" No one goes out until day light." Cutter told Azeal. " Have Captain Testa post men at all the entrances. I need to know where we are."
" It's dark out there." Blink said walking over to them. " I can fly out and have a look around."
" That's a good idea." Cutter said. " Just don't go to far and stay in the shadows, I don't think the spells done yet."
" Are you kidding?" Blink smiled as darkness began to cover his body until he was nothing but shadow. " I fear nothing in the dark."
Cutter turned and looked around the dining hall. Since the battle it had been cleared of all the wounded. All the students had been held here for there safety. Some students were huddled in groups talking in whispers while a few teachers were holding classes with others. Mrs Tasco and Rainer were in the kitchen helping out with feeding anyone hungry. Everyone seemed pretty calm at the moment, but Cutter knew better. He could feel all their fear filling him with power. He tried to project calmness out to them. But there were so many here. So much fear.
The first job to be done was to make sure everyone was safe. He had done that. Next he knew he should check on the councilors and Kalin down below. So he called out to Tanis.
[ Tanis, hows everything below?]
[ They're all resting.] He answered. [ They've used a lot of magic and Texa says they're not done yet.]
[ Does she know where we are?] He asked.
[ No.] Tanis said. [ But there's something different this time about the way the spell worked she said.]
[ Like what?]
[ Like something drew us here.] He sent. [ To this place. She said it's not random. There's a reason we're here.]
[ You mean we have to play hero here or something?] A sigh passed on in Cutters mind to Tanis. [ This has something to do with us right? I mean our dragon laws?]
[ She said probably yes.]
[ How long will we be here?] Cutter asked him.
[ Until we do whatever we're here to do.] Tanis answered. [ Could be an hour, could be a month. She suggest we check the surrounding area and see what's out there.]
[ Blink's out looking now.] He assured him. [ Are they safe enough for you to join us up here?]
[ Texa says she can protect everyone down here. I'll be up in a few minutes.]
[ Good, I may need you.] He told him finishing there talk. [ Meet me in the dining hall.]
[ On my way.]
The sky was dark with a half moon showing as Blink winged his way across the jungle. He could hear the sound of predators as they went on there nightly rounds in search of their prey. Wrapped in shadow he felt no fear for this was his element. Darkness, and nothing down there could hurt him. At least that was what he thought. He looked for any signs that would tell him where he was. A city or a village maybe. Then he could land and have a look around, maybe he would recognize something. It hadn't been that long since he and his brothers and sisters had been out in the world. He felts so free in the night air and he was glad to be out flying stretching his wings. They had all been so busy with Polan and Muerte lately that most of them really hadn't had time to get use to the new freedom Rage had given them.
Up ahead to his right Blink saw lights, the flickering of torches. There he thought, civilization. Blink banked right and pushed himself a little higher in the sky to get a better look at whatever was down there.
It wasn't a city he saw. It was more like some kind of temple down there full of people. He saw robed men and people dressed in rags. He could tell they were slaves. Here we go he thought to himself. Slavers. Blink had thought Keanna had grown beyond that by now. But here in this dark place wherever they were, men were still being oppressed and made to serve others. Dressed in dark green robes carrying sword, whips and some kind of staff, Blink saw what he knew had to be the overseers. From high he watched as they struck out at the slaves to move them faster. Anger tore through Blink, he wanted so much to drop down and blast this place to pieces. But he knew better. That wasn't the answer. Right know he needed knowledge to bring back to Cutter and the others. Only then could they decide how best to help these people. And help them he swore he would.
Circling down, Blink came down and landed in a clearing just outside and beyond the wall that surrounded the temple. Pulling his wings in close to his body, Blink shifted to his human form then pulled his dark shadow tight around him and moved closer for a look around. Moving quietly he stepped out of the jungle and took in his surroundings. He looked out at the structure in front of him and realized he was wrong. It wasn't a temple. It was some sort of plantation. He saw men loading bales and crops on wagons pulled by some strange animal he had never seen before. The were as large as horses but scaled. These weren't horses, they were some kind of reptiles. Strange beast they have down here he thought. He moved in a bit more to watch the men loading. One of the men in the robes struck out with his whip beating a man down. His hood fell back and Blink saw something that almost broke his concentration from shock. This was no man. He stood as a man did, but he was a reptile too. Blink backed up slowly. Something was not right here. There was nothing like this on Keanna. He knew that. Where the hell were they?
Slipping back into the jungle, Blink stopped for a minute to think. He looked around more closely at the vegetation and realized everything had a purple hue. All grasses and foliage, mostly all the plants looked purple instead of green. It was then that he knew. He didn't know where they were, but he did know where they weren't. This wasn't Keanna. That spell must have taken them very far from home. To another planet. But where? What place was this? And how were they going to get home?
Deep in the forest of Darul, a woman sat and tended a fire outside of her little hut. She was an elder blind woman that lived alone out in the forest. People of her villages called her Kordova the wise and bought food for her and took care of her needs when they weren't in hiding from the Savonti, the High Ones. Kordova, it seemed had no reason to hide. For she was old and the Savonti thought her useless. They had no idea of the magic she possessed. Kordova was a prophet and her blind eyes could actually see many things to come and things that are happening now. Her senses were strong to the magic of the High Ones and her own people, And on this day, she felt someone strong was near her.
Earlier in the day she had picked some vegetables and butchered a small fowl to feed two . Herself and the company she knew was about to step into her life.
"Nazun." She called out. " I know your there behind the trees watching. It is safe to come out."
Smoke rose from her fire and the smell of her stew filled the air all around her camp. The man hiding in the forest was very hungry. He had planned to wait until she moved into her hut before he sneaked in to steal something to eat and see what else he could find that might help him.
" You would steal from an old blind woman?" She called to him. " Wouldn't it be better just to ask for help."
Ozmun stood and walked out from his hiding place. Somehow this old lady knew what he was thinking and he was ashamed of himself. He looked around again to be sure she was alone before he moved into her camp.
" Relax." She said. " I am Lilia Kordova, called by the villagers Lady Kordova. I am alone. Come sit by my fire and eat with me."
Slowly he walked into her camp. The smell of her food was almost over powering him. It had been days since his last meal. He remembered what it was. Soup from the bones of a dead tracker beast. The only meat the Savonti would give the slaves. And it was never very fresh.
" Ewww!" He woman said. " Come on, have real food."
Ozmun sat on the ground near her by the fire. His head was spinning from the last few days and the smell of her stew. But he thought it was time he showed her some manners.
" Generous lady." He said. " I am Ozmun Natan. A traveler through these parts. I thank you for your hospitality."
Kordova smiled and took one of the bowls from beside her and dished him up some food and passed it over to him. Ozmun's mouth watered at the smell of her stew. He took the bowl and spoon she handed him and dug in eating.
"Better then tracker beast, Huh?" She smiled with her sightless eyes.
Ozmun almost choked when he heard what she said. How could she have known that? He hadn't said anything before, only thought it. How is this possible?
Kordova reached toward him and he jumped back. She frowned at his reaction and pulled her hand back.
" I'm sorry Ozmun." She said. " I see with my hands and my mind. I only want to feel your face."
" No lady." He took her hand and placed it on his cheek." I have not been much of a guest."
She softly moved her hands around his face admiring the picture of him that was forming in her mind.
" So handsome and so sad." She told him. " I can feel you have taken the troubles of the world on to yourself."
Ozmun sat and looked at her stunned. How did she know this? She moved her hand down to his neck and felt his collar. Quickly Ozmun pulled away from her grasp.
" Ozmun." She said. " I know you're an escaped slave. I know you ran from the Savonti. You are safe here for now. In fact, I've been expecting you."
" How is this possible?" He asked as he stopped eating
" I told you. I am Lilia Kordova and I see and hear with my mind." She smiled at him. " Your not the only one with abilities. I know what that collar is for. It keeps you from using whatever abilities you have. And I'll help you get it off."
" I don't understand." He looked at her veiled eyes feeling sorry for her.
" Don't feel sorry for me." She said. " I may be blind, but I see more with my mind then you do with your eyes."
" How is that?" He continued eating.
" I can sense everything around me for miles." She stood up and walked to her hut and took a loaf of bread from the window and gave it to him before taking her place again by the fire.
" I see." He mumbling through a full mouth.
" Why don't you rest." She said, " Then we can try getting that collar off of you."
Shayn and Ono traveled far on their first day on Pentanthin. They saw many strange animals that they never saw before. The most amazing thing was the twin suns burning in the sky. That told them they were not on Keanna. They saw beautiful birds and what they guessed were deer but had three horns or more. They saw incredibly large reptiles, so big they could ride them. First they thought maybe these were dragons, but they couldn't communicate with them, and they ate from trees and grasses. No dragon would eat that ever. First it was one. Then many more joined it until there was a herd. That's when they were sure they were animals. As they watched from a distance a large savage long toothed reptile came in and attacked them. The herd took to their hooves and ran. Unfortunately for one of them, it was to slow and taken down by the predator. Shayn and Ono turned away as the beast was ripped apart and devoured.
" What kind of world is this?" Shayn asked sickened.
" It's the same on our world." Ono told him. " It's the law of nature. Eat or be eaten. We have to be careful here. Let's keep moving."
On they walked into the forest. It took hours but soon they came on fenced in land. Fences meant intelligent life. That sight give them hope
" Finally." Shayn said. " People. Look!"
Ono turned and saw people working in the fields. He smiled at his mate in relief. They were hungry and maybe these people would show charity and feed them.
" Come on." Shayn said. " Lets go talk to them."
After climbing the fence they found themselves walking through high red grass. Grass almost over there heads. Tired from walking all day they headed for the men and women working the field. Suddenly Shayn stopped. Ono turned to him and saw the look of danger on his face that he'd learned to trust.
" Shayn?" He when back to him. " What's wrong?"
" I don't know." The blond boy said. " I think we should watch them. Somethings not right here. I feel more fear from them then I should from people just working their fields. And hunger?"
" Get down!!" Ono pushed Shayn down as a beast came in towards the field worker with a rider on its back. Ono peeked his head up and looked closer at the mounted man. The beast was another of the reptiles, but different. Sleek with only two legs and and short forearm with sharp looking claws. Behind them they had a long tail for balance. It looked like a runner beast from home only bigger, much bigger. Bigger then any horse either of them had ever seen. Ono looked closer at its rider. He stopped and rubbed his eyes. What he saw couldn't be real. The rider was green skinned and it looked like he was a reptile too. He rode in on the workers with a whip in hand calling out orders. A man held up his basket of what they were harvesting only to feel the crack of the riders whip in his face. He dropped down to the ground bleeding as the beast trampled him.
" You will all work harder or suffer the same punishment." They heard the rider yell at them. " Get back to work!!"
" Look!" Shayn pointed to something in the distance. Ono turned to look and saw caged wagons rolling in with people in them. Humans. They watched as the wagon stopped and a man was taken out screaming. He was dragged over to a fire pit by the slavers and tied down.
" Their going to torture him!" Ono started to get up to run and stop them. Shayn grabbed him and pulled him back.
" There's too many there." He said. " You can't help him."
" As a dragon you can." Ono told him.
" No love." Shayn pleaded with him. " Stay with me!"
Ono settled back down to watch what would happen. Tied to the table the man screamed and begged for his life. They couldn't hear what the reptilian man said. But they saw one of them raise a sword and stab down into the man killing him. They heard laughter as they began to butcher him and place his limbs on the fire to cook.
" I've seen enough." Ono pulled Shayn from there hiding place. " Lets go."
Together they walked back to the fence and slipped away. Neither one of them was hunger anymore. Just disgusted.
" I don't like it here." Ono said as Shayn caught up with him. " Those things are eating people? This place is crazy."
" I don't like it either." Shayn grabbed his hand. " I'm glad you stopped. I don't want them knowing we're here. I don't want us ending up like them. On a plate."
" We won't." Ono pulled him for a kiss. " No one saw us. We'll just..."
" HALT!!"
They looked behind them and saw three of the Reptilian men riding at them. Shayn looked at Ono,
" I think we're in trouble." He said. " What do you want to do?"
" Fight!" Ono leaped into the air shifting to his man wolf form and charged at the closest rider. He jumped on the tracker beast and slashed its neck open with his claws and rolled away as it fell. Shayn raised his hand and sent a bolt of lightning at the ground between the other two riders. For some reason he didn't want to hurt them. Ono looked back at him as the two on Shayn climbed to the feet and pulled their weapons. Both of them were armed with staffs with a blade at one end. One raised his staff and fired some kind of blast at them. The tree next to Shayn exploded as the two reptilians advanced on them.
[ Shayn!] Ono sent. [ Fight for keeps if you want to go home in one piece.]
" Kill the beast!!" The first reptilian called to his companion. " They have forbidden magic!"
Ono ran at the reptilian and kicked the staff out of his hands. Looking shocked that a human had raised their hand to him, the reptilian pulled his blade and stabbed at Ono. Twisting to his side Ono sent a punch at its jaw then a kick into its stomach knocking it to the ground next to its staff. Seeing him reach for his staff. Ono bent down and grabbed his enemies neck and twisted until he heard a snap and knew the reptilian was dead. He checked to be sure his attacker was dead, then looked up to see Shayn standing over the body of two reptilians with smouldering burn spots on their chest. Ono ran over to Shayn staring at a body.
" What's wrong?" He asked.
" Look at him." Shayn stood in shock at what he'd done.
" This isn't the first time you've killed an enemy." Ono turned him to look into his eyes. " And it won't be the last before we get out of here. Their eating humans. They'll eat us if we give him them chance. I won't let them. Maybe that's why we're here. Alea said our destiny lies far from home. Well, we are very far from home and if I have to destroy all these things to get us home that's what I'll do."
" Ono." Shayn stopped him. " Someone's watching us."
Ono looked around to see if anyone was there. He didn't see anyone in the grass, but he had that feeling too. The hair on the back of his neck rose warning him of danger.
" We should get out of here." Together they ran off into the forest to the unknown with danger all around them.
Deep in his volcanic manse, the High Lord Daru sat in his thermal heated chamber watching over his lands with his mind. He watched as gold silver and pentathium was taken from his many mines to fill his coffers and sent to his hidden vaults. He watched as the human slaves that delivered the treasures were butchered for that nights meal. Only three people knew where the vaults were for safety, that was Daru and two of his most trusted Overseers. Then he turned to see his fields and crops being harvested. Things there seemed to be going as expected, a little slow, but his men knew how to motivate the beast into working harder. As he watched he saw something in the grass. Two humans watching. Two more for the pens he thought. Daru called out to his Overseers to check the grasses and bring them back. Jumping on their trackers they headed into the grasses to find there queries. Daru watched in astonishment as his men battle the two strangers and were defeated. He jumped from his chair when he saw the power they possessed. He had to have these two. There was something about these two. They weren't like the rest of his beast. He watched as they ran into the forest and disappeared from his senses. Daru widened his search, but somehow they had become undetectable. He slammed his fist down on his desk. How are they doing it.
He also searched his lands for any stray beast, the humans hiding in his lands. He knew they were there somewhere. But somehow there presence was being shielded from him. Somewhere out the there was someone powerful hiding them. Hard as he tried, he couldn't detect who that was. Then he turned his attention to some of his enemies. He pushed his mind out to see what Lord Lesu was up too. Lord Lesu had tried to invade his lands only to be defeated by Daru and his forces. Daru's power was great among the other lords of the Savonti. His mind was sharp and he had many abilities. The casting of illusion, reading of minds and his magic. Daru was a very powerful sorcerer with control of power he kept to himself. Not many Savonti would dare challenge him.
Today as he searched, he couldn't find Lord Lesu anywhere in his manse. Unfortunately, Daru didn't have the power to search all of Lesul. His power was not quite strong enough yet. But there were ways to heighten ones power. And Daru was working hard on heightening his. Namely, stealing the powers of others to make himself more powerful.
" Lord Daru." A voice at his door started him. Daru opened his eyes and looked up to see one of his men standing in his doorway.
" Yes Jah." he looked at Jah as he pulled a blue robe, the color of his standard over his naked scaled body. He walk to the table and took a fat tube worm from a bowl on the table and slurped it down.
" Your tracker Nas has returned." Jah told him.
" Good." Daru said. " If he's back, he caught the escaped slave."
" My lord. He returned with a body."
" He what?" Daru turned to him has eyes blazing with anger. " Take me to him."
" Yes my Lord." Jah turned and escorted Daru through the maze of tunnels that was his home. They passed the rooms of his mates and his kitchens. Passed guest quarters and stables for tracker beast and his slave pens before exiting his manse. Outside he found Nas and Kru standing by a wagon they had hauled back to prove their success in their hunt.
" We have returned your slave." Nas said bowing to his lord and hurrying back to uncover the body. " This is what's left of him."
Lord Daru walked to the wagon and stared in. In the bed of the wagon he saw a crushed body of a beast. It was unrecognizable to Daru. But he did see something wrong here.
" This is my lost slave?" He asked.
" Yes my Lord." Nas and Kru answered in unison.
" The one I sent you after?" Daru threw the cover off to expose the whole corpse.
" Yes my lord." They smiled at him looking pleased with themselves.
" Your sure this is him?" Daru looked back at his trackers.
" Positive Lord Daru." Nas said. " We found him then ran him to ground where he was trampled to death under my mount."
" Then why is it not wearing my collar!!" Daru screamed at them fuming.
" My lord." Kru fell to his knees. " I don't understand!!"
Daru held up his hand and sent his magic to surround both of them and crush them as he lifted them into the air.
" Not only have you failed me." He said as his eyes began to glow. " You have lied to me. We can't have that, ever!"
" Please my Lord!!" Nas gurgled. " Forgive us!!"
" Your forgiven." Daru closed his hand and crushed them like insects killing them instantly. He dropped his magic and their bodies fell to the ground." Feed all three to the trackers beast, and get me someone that can find my slave! Now!"
Night was beginning to fall as Lilia handed tools to Ozmun to remove his collar from around his neck.
" What do you know of these collars?" She asked as Ozmun took the tools from her. She give him a saw and a long thin metal tool which he could use as a pick.
" I know it kept me submissive for many years." He told her.
" What changed that?" She asked.
Ozmun stopped what he was doing and turned and looked at her. Memories of his younger days flowed through his mind. Memories of his parents and friends from before the Savonti took them and they were in hiding surfaced. He told her about his parents being eaten long ago by their captors. And that the only one he had left, his younger brother Stanis. Ozmun knew for years he and his brother were changelings. They had spent their youths hiding and copying the different animals of Pentanthin until they were trapped by Daru and collared.
" What changed was Daru drained someone I cared about until he was so weak he couldn't work anymore." He said. " That meant he was good only for the table. I watched screaming as they slaughtered him. That day I knew I had to escape and end the reign of the Savonti. And I will. Even if I have to do it alone."
" You won't be alone." Lilia patted his shoulder. " There are many here that will help you."
" Where?" Ozmun stood and stepped away from the fire." There's no one here but the two of us. I'll need an army to defeat the Savonti."
" Then we'll find one." She said. " You know as well is I do that there are thousands of people here in hiding and they hate the Savonti as much as you do. All we have to do is find them."
" How do we do that?" He stormed. " I don't know where they are. Do you?"
" Yes." She smiled. " Some of them. But first, lets get that collar off."
Ozmun sat down and picked up the saw. He looked at it then put it back down. This tool was to dangerous. He might slip and cut his own throat. He picked up the pick and inserted the thin pointed end into the lock mechanism and worked on it. He could feel the working pieces inside and soon heard a click and it opened and fell from his neck to the ground. He was free! Free at last of that damned thing.
" It's off!!" He shouted. " I'm free!!
" Good." She smiled. " Now you can rest."
Suddenly the collar began to glow and hum loudly. This was bad. Ozmun knew it meant the Savonti were being sent some kind of signal by the collar.
" Lilia!!." He jumped to his feet. " We have to leave here now. The collars going to bring them here."
" What?" She said. She got to her feel leaning on her staff. Grabbing his shirt, Ozmun rushed to his blind companion.
" That collar has some kind of tracking spell or something on it." He said. Ozmun reached for a fag from the fire pit and ran to her hut. " We have to get away from here fast. But first I'm going to burn this place to the ground."
Quickly Ozmun ran to her hut and placed the burning piece of wood to each corner of the hut to start the blaze. It flared up very quickly and started to burn. He turned to her little house where she kept her eating animals and opened the door and shooed them out. They scattered from fear of the fire as soon as they felt the heat. As they took the the forest ,he tossed the burning brand into the coop and went back to Kordova.
" Lady." He said. " I'm going to shift to something to get us away from here. Climb on my back and we'll be leaving."
" Where will we be going?" She asked.
" I remember a bunch of caves we can hide in for now." He stepped back from her and closed his eyes and concentrated. He felt his long used magic building in him and the change began. Ozmun dropped to his knees as he started to grow larger and a deep bronze in color. He became reptilian and grew wings and a tail. His arms and legs grew scales and talons. His face became that of what his people once called ankthar. A long extinct species that many claim were pure myths. But since Ozmun could become anything he could imagine. An Ankthar was what he picked.
[ Climb on.]
Lilia reached out with her mind and sensed his change. She was amazed it what he could do. She climbed on his out stretched leg as he lifted her to his back.
" Truly amazing, Ozmun." She smiled.
[ Hold on tight!]
He took a few steps and leaped into the sky and they were off.
" I'm hungry." Shayn said as the walked through the forest. They had covered a good distance since they had defeated Daru's men and Shayn no longer felt they were being watch. Ono came back and put his arm around Shayn's waist and pulled him into a kiss.
" I know love." He said. " I think we can stop and rest if you want. There's a cave over by those cliffs, you can rest there. I'll go hunt us up something to eat while you rest."
" No." Shayn told him. " I'm going with you. I don't like this place and I don't want to be alone here."
" You sure?" Ono Said. " It won't take long. I can smell game in the forest close. Why don't you find us some water or some kind of fruit to eat."
Shayn smiled at him. "You trying to get rid of me?"
" Just feed you love." Ono kissed him again. " I'll never let you go."
" In that case, you go hunt." Shayn told him. " I smell fresh water. I'll find something and bring it to the cave. Just hurry back."
Ono shifted to wolf and ran into the forest. [ I'll be back before you know it.]
Shayn walked over to the cave and stepped in. He took a few sniffs of the air in the cave to be sure nothing live in there that they might disturb. He didn't smell anything in there so he gathered some wood for a fire. That done he walked down towards the stream and looked for something to put the water in. In a tree he saw some large shelled fruit. He climbed up into the tree and checked the fruit. His healer senses told him the fruit was edible so he knocked a few to the ground. He sat and made his hand into a claw and broke open the fruit. It smelled great. He tasted it and it was sweet like some of the citrus fruit from home. So he ate. It was good. Breaking the top off another he hollowed it out and went to the water and filled them up. After taking it back to the tree, he heard a noise behind him. He turned quickly and felt something hit his head. Dazed he fell to the ground as hands grabbed at him. They rolled him over and he saw two of the reptilian man gagging him and tying his hands. He couldn't focus to shift. In his mind he screamed for his love.
[ ONO!!!]
He felt them haul him up and carry him away. Suddenly he saw a shadow pass over them in the sky. He thought it was a dragon. Rage had found them. He felt relief come over him. He called for him.
The reptilians put him on the back of a tracker beast. Then he heard a roar. He looked and saw a bronze colored dragon attacking his enemies. They pulled out there staffs and faced the dragon. Whoever this was he roared and snapped at the first reptilian and grabbed him up and tossed him down and crushed him. The other came in and stabbed at the dragon when Ono suddenly came flying out of the brush and sank his teeth into the throat of the lizard man and tore it out. Quickly jumping from the dead reptilian, Ono ran to guard Shayn growling at the dragon. Slowly the dragon backed away when a woman with something like a blindfold over her eyes stepped up next to the dragon.
" We're not going to hurt you. " She said. " Call off your guardian. please. We only want to help you. Ozmun change back."
Ozmun's image blurred then shifted to his human form. Ono stopped growling and changed himself. He took Shayn down off the tracker and untied him. Ono threw his arms around Shayn hugging him.
" I will never leave you alone again." He said as he checked to make sure he was alright.
" Im OK." Shayn said. " He saved me."
Ono let him go then walked over to Ozmun extending his hand. " Thank you for saving my mate. I'm in your debt."
" I would never let the Savonti take anyone if I can help it." He looked at Ono's hand in front of him.
" I'm extended my hand in friendship." Ono him. " In gratitude for your help. You shake my hand."
Ozmun reached out and gripped his hand. Ono let go and took hold of his wrist and shook it up and down and they smiled at each other. Shayn came over and did the same.
" Who are you?" Asked the blind woman.
" We're strangers here." Shayn said. " We'll tell you all about it if we can find somewhere safe from those things."
" Yes." Lilia shook her head. " The Savonti. They're our enemy."
" Ours to now." Ono told them. " That's the second time we've been attacked since we arrived here."
" I know a place." Ozmun told them. He took Lilia by the hand and led her back over to the cave. " I can carry all three of you."
" No need. we can keep up. " He turned to Shayn. " If your alright to fly. Are you?"
" Ono, I'm fine. They just took me by surprise. I can fly." Shayn shifted to his white dragon form and stepped over to Ozmun and Lilia. She turned and reached her hand out toward Shayn to touch him.
" By the spirits!" She exclaimed.
" Your changelings too?" Ozmun asked. " Both of you!"
" No, not quite." Ono said. " We'll explain once we're safe. I think we'll have a lot to talk about."
Ozmun shifted and helped Lady Kordova onto his back while Ono mounted up on Shayn. " We'll Follow you."
Nazun. A greeting and a parting phrase on Pentanthin