"What's on you mind brother?" Jax asked
[ So many things right now.] Rage sent. [ Jandar says I missed a new dragons hatching. This is the first of our clan I didn't greet at his birth in over two hundred years. I feel like I've been neglecting my duties as king lately."
"You know that's not truth." He tried to assure him." You have done all you can for so many and you can't be everywhere at all times."
[ But that's my responsibility.] Jax could feel the disappointment in he was sending with his words. [ My duty to my clan and Keanna.]
" As a king." Jax explained. " I have watched you for over a century and you have always shouldered a great burden well. Don't torture yourself, even we can't be everywhere. But you have people willing to help. Proud people that will always be at your side. Just allow us to help."
[ I understand what your say.] The red dragon sent to him. [ I know where my duty lies. As always it's in keeping Keanna and my clan safe. But you know where my most dreaded fear is. It's in waking up and find myself alone. No Jandar or Blaze or any of them. Finding myself all alone. That's why I'm so worried about Shayn and Ono. Wherever they are, their alone with no one else they can trust. My worst fear.]
" Rage they do have one thing on there side." Jax reminded him. " They have each other and together, they can overcome anything in their way. I know that for the truth."
Rage felt relieved by Jax's words. Some of the anxiety he had been feeling began to drift away while they talked. At that moment Rage realized why Aramis had suggested he take Jax with him. He truly did have a wisdom and a way of calming him. Almost as well as Jandar could, and that ability had kept Rage from going mad with worry while they had been searching.
Up ahead they saw a most welcome familiar sight. The cliffs of New Keanna. They were home at last. Rage roared out his call to let everyone know he was home. It didn't take long before they heard welcome calls come back. Jax smiled listening to each dragons returning reply. He was getting so he could just about recognize the difference between each dragons call..
As they flew closer to the walls of New Keanna they saw a winged figure flying out to meet them. From the size and the glowing majestic wings they both knew it could only be Jayce St.John. With his golden blond hair blowing in the wind, Jayce smiled as he greeted them.
" Rage, Jax!" He called as he flew up next to them. " Welcome home. How did it go? Did you find anything?"
[ Not a clue.] Rage sent back to him. [ But don't worry. I'm told they have a destiny to fulfill and we'll hear from them soon. Where are you going?]
" Jandar's sending me off to Winterhaven to have a better look around."
[ Wise move.] Rage said. [ But take Pelic and Graym with you. No one else here knows Winterhaven as well as he does and I want you all to stay together. Pelic can get down with the people, I want you and Graym to stay in the air and invisible. Remember, even your pins enchantment can't hide your wings once your on the ground in Winterhaven. All of you take no chances and stay in touch at all times.]
[ Yea Sir!] Jayce smiled as he saluted Rage and flew higher over the city to call Pelic and Graym and tell them of their new orders.
" I could go with them." Jax told Rage as they started down to land in courtyard of the Manor. They saw Jandar and Dreik there waiting for them.
[ That may be a good idea.] He said as he touched down. Rage knelt and helped Jax down off his back then shifted back to his human form. " Stay out of sight. I don't even want them to know your there."
" As you wish your Majesty." He bowed as Jandar came over and threw his arms around his mate and kissed him.
" Welcome home Love." He smiled in his embrace. " I'm glad your home. You to Jax. Thanks for all your help."
" Always at you service." He said ruffling Dreik's hair. " Hey little one!"
Dreik grunted at Jax's teasing and sent a kick missing the joker. Jax laughed and headed up the stairs into the Manor.
Rage told them both what had happened in the south even though Jandar knew all that had happened. Dreik listened while he talked. He knew Rage would want to hear what he thought once he was done.
" She's right." He told them. " This was all predicted and it was to be. No matter how hard you looked, there's no way to find them until the time is right. But I do have one question."
" What's that?" Jandar asked.
" What did Alea mean by getting help from the young one's?" They had stopped just inside the door of the Manor. Rage looked at Jandar remembering what she had told them.
" I have no idea." He said. " But that does mean somewhere they're going to find help. Let's just hope it's enough."
" No." Jandar said. " It will be. They'll be home safe. I know they will."
" You're right." Rage said throwing his are around Jandar's neck. " Now you two, tell me all about what's going on in Winterhaven."
Darkness still filled the skies as Blink soared over the strange plantation he had found. With Cutter riding on his back he made his way back the clearing he had used on his earlier trip. They came down still wrapped in Blinks darkness and made their way through the jungle to the plantation.
" What a strange place." Cutter said. " It's pretty cool here for a jungle."
" I noticed." Blink said. " Feels pretty good actually. But we should be quiet. I have no idea how good their hearing is."
[ Your right.] Cutter sent. [ I'll cover us with an illusion and we can go in and look around. Just stay close to me.]
Cutter stepped back and put his hand to his temple. He started to concentrate on making them look identical to the rest of these strange people he had seen. They're skin began to take on a green scaly look. A long tail grew from they're rear area. Then they're faces changed, they became longer and reptilian with a long tongue that slid out to taste the air. Lastly he clothed them in something to match the house uniforms they had seen worn here.
[ This should do.] Blink lifted his arms to examine Cutters work. He looked at the webbing between his fingers and was amazed at the details Cutter had put into the illusion. They were both dressed in dark green belted tunics with a place for their tails to swing free. At there hips were a whip and a dagger. These reptile men were stronger then humans so they had no free of attack from the slaves.
[ We go in. look around, and get out.] Cutter said. [ That's all. Follow me.]
With Cutter in front they made their way out of the jungle and through the front gate. Two guards saluted them as they passed by pounding their fist to their chest. Together they returned the salute and moved on. Just inside the gate they stopped and looked around. This was not like any farm or plantation they had ever seen back on Keanna. In days of old, Blink had seen places where slavery was common. But this was different. At home slaves meant money and wealth. The more slaves you had, the richer you were. But here, these people seemed more like cattle. Cattle that hand hands and could be used any way their masters wanted.
Standing there in the dark the place seemed quiet. There was the huge building they thought was some kind of temple from above. A huge stone building more then four stories high build with many large statues and what looked to them like idols. Cutter thought these must be some kind of gods to the reptilian people. Massive warriors and elaborately dressed kings sat at each corner of the building and in statue. There were smaller buildings to. These would house the lesser ranked men they guessed. Over along the wall they saw something that made them hold there breath in shock. There were cages, cages filled with humans. Starving people, most naked but some still wore rags trying to cover themselves.
Cutter and Blink walked over to the cages to take a closer look. All the people drew themselves away to the rear of the cage as they came near. Pulling their young with them trying to protect them. They were all covered in mud and they looked hungry and weak. There must have been at least twenty to a cage here. Slowly they moved from cage to cage looking at them.
[ These are slaves?] Cutter sent. [ Somethings not right. Why would you keep slaves caged?]
[ To keep them from escaping I would imagine.] Blink told him not believing what he said. Blink knew Cutter was right. Caged people just grew weaker and weaker. He knew you couldn't live like that for long. They were in the cage for another reason. He just had no idea why. They looked more like animals ready for the slaughter then mere workers.
[ Blink.] Cutter said. [ We need to talk to one of these people to find out what's going on here.]
[ You want to free them?] Together they moved around back of the cage out of sight of the slavers. Blink extended the shadows to cover them.
[ Can you think of another way?] Cutter asked him. He reached for the cage lock and held it in his hand.
[ We free them and follow them. Then we can get some answers. I can open this cage easily]
[ Wait.] Blink stopped him. [ I hate slavery as much as you do. Maybe even more. Some of our people have been captured in the pass and made slaves. But if we free them, theses things will search all the surrounding area looking for them and then the school could be found. We can't take that chance right now. We need just one. We can hide him and get out of here to someplace we can talk.]
Cutter looking around the compound. There were a few of these lizard like people around doing who knows what. They weren't moving at all. Could they be sleeping? He guessed night just might not be there element. Maybe it was the temperature and they liked it hotter then it was it night. But he didn't know what the day would be like here.
[ How do we get one alone?] Cutter asked. [ They all look asleep, but I wouldn't count on that. I'm sure the guards are awake. Someone has to be on watch here.]
[ Do you see that boy sitting in the dark corner alone?] Blink nodded to a lone boy slumped in the dark. [ I can slip in and grab him in shadow. But I have to do it alone. You'll have to make your way out by yourself.]
[ I'll meet you back at the clearing just inside the jungle.] Cutter turned and started out of Blinks shadow. [ Be careful.]
[ No one will see me.] Blink sent. [ I'll be quick.]
With his head low, Cutter tried his best to imitate the way he had seen the reptilians move, their tail slithering behind them. He made it a few yards away from the cages when he saw one of them coming towards him. Calmly he kept moving.
" You." It called to him. " Come with me. I need your help bringing one of them to the cooking fires."
Cutter looked at it and nodded. He turned and followed wondering what it was they wanted out of the man they took. Someone to clean? Someone to cook for them. He didn't want to ask because he knew if he did, he'd give himself away. So he just followed to see what they wanted.
At the cage the reptilian unlocked the door and swung it open. Then it turned to Cutter.
" Pick a fat one." It said smiling its grim smile. " Our lord commands we dine well tonight."
Cutter looked into the cage horrified at what they were planning. Now he knew. These weren't just slaves to these reptilians, they were food. For a split second Cutter was unsure of what to do. If he grabbed one of these people he'd be guilty of helping them to kill someone. But If he fought, he'd never make it back to the academy for help in freeing any of them. There was only one thing to do. Blink was right. If he wanted to help he would have to get away from there and figure out a way to free these people. The only way to do that was to sacrifice one now. Then he thought no. He couldn't help them kill, but he did have an idea.
As the lizard man watched, Cutter reached his scaly clawed hand in and grabbed a screaming man from among the rest of the scared people and pulled him out. He threw him to the ground and kicked him in the leg breaking it. The man howled in pain as Cutter hauled him up and threw him over his shoulder kicking to get away. With a single punch to the mans spine he snapped it in two paralyzing him stopping all his struggles. With a nodded Cutter motioned the reptilian on and they headed for a large smoking fire on the other side of the compound. Once there Cutter tossed the man down and watched as he was butchered and made ready to be cook on the open fire. The sight of all the blood and butchery sickened Cutter be he stayed right there as the man was put on the spit to cook. This was it he thought. time to go.
" I must get to my post." Cutter told the cooking reptilian. " I will return to eat."
" As you wish." He nodded spreading choice pieces on flat pans to cook.
Cutter turned and headed back to the gate. Keeping his composure was not an easy task. What he had just seen disgusted him and turned his stomach. As he reached the gate and the two guards he stopped. Outside the walls he heard the sounds of the riding beast these lizard men rode. They seemed like it was the sound of hunger or thirst.
" Are those your tracker beast out there screaming to be fed" A guard asked. " Why did you leave them in the jungle?"
" We're just here to leave a message from our lord." Cutter saluted them. " I go now with his answer."
" What of your companion?" The other guard asked.
" He will stay for the meal and return after."
" Da Gatar." The guards saluted as he walked out of the gate and turned toward the bellowing of the tracker beast.
" Da Gatar." Cutter called back hoping it was the proper answer back. He untied the tracker beast, climbed on and rode off down the road into the jungle out of sight of the gate. Once out of sight Cutter dropped his illusion and ran into the jungle. Once his illusion dropped he knew they might have to hurry. That meal they were preparing like their disguise and the tracker beast was pure illusion. Cutter smiled knowing that cook would be pretty confused as to why there was nothing cooking on the fire.
" What happened to him?" He asked.
" I'm afraid he's not very good at traveling through shadow." Blink smiled. " But his breathing is even. I think he will be fine once he's somewhere safe. What took you so long getting here?"
" Blink." Cutter said putting his hand on his shoulder. " I have some really disgusting news. But right now, let's just got back. Everyone should here this. Let's fly, I'll cloak us so no one sees anything."
Cutter shifted and Blink climbed on his back holding the boy close to keep him safe. Cutter spread his wings and leaped into the night air shimmering into invisibility in the dark as they made there way back to the academy.
In the heat of the double suns, Lord Lesu rode out hard into the forest. It was the time of the hunt. Humans all over Lesul were on the move running to find a place to hide from the Savonti. Be there wasn't very many places for them to hide. Lesul was a land of plains with very little forest but many caves and underground dry river beds and tunnels. Unfortunately for the humans, the Savonti knew all about them. Lesu and his guards went from cave to cave searching and rounding up everyone they could find. They killed the old and kept the young for work and food. Then there were the women. Lesu's most prized possessions. For he had a lust for human women. Sometimes he would take them there on the hunt like an animal in heat while their family and friends watched them die from his desires.
Like all lords of the Savonti, Lesu had certain abilities. His greatest was his eyes and his voice. He had a way of making people do as he pleased. No one knew exactly whether it was his voice or something in his eyes, because he was known to do it both ways. He could convey his wishes with a look or a command, and very few except the powerful could resist. But Lesu knew what it was. It was fear, plain fear. Nothing of power just fear.
Today after his long day of hunting they had gathered fifty humans from the pens. Woman to use and men to work. And children, he licked his lips as the thought about dinner. Tonight's would be good. His men rounded them all up for the wagons they had brought with them.
" One last look!" He called to his men. " Then home we go. This is a good count for the day."
With a salute his men dashed into the dark caves for the last look. All of them expecting no resistance from the cattle. For they were the Savonti. The High ones after all.
Deep down in a hidden chamber a family hid. They had been lucky so far, for each time one of the blasted carnivorous Savonti came near their hiding place, Lupul Serban's magic turned them away. But now he was exhausted from his efforts, He didn't have much left in him to hide them and they could hear the Savonti coming back. From his chair he called his family around him. There were only four left and they were children. Two boys and two girls. The youngest was five with dark curls and and bright smile while the oldest were his twin tall and gangly grandsons Luke and Tored, they were sixteen. Quietly he waved them over to where he sat.
" What is it Grandfather?" Luke sat next to him and as his brother and sisters gathered around.
" It's time for you all to go." He said. " It's not safe here anymore."
" We're all going, right Grampa?" Nysa had tears in her eyes as she pulled at her brown locks. She was afraid because she knew the answer. Taking his hands, the girls tried to pulled their grampa to his feet. But it was to late for that. Tored hushed there tears and sat them down.
" I can't go with you." He told them." Your going to have to move fast and I'm to old. I'll slow you down and we can't afford that."
Nysa and Mera sobbed as Tored held them. " Grandfather. We can't just leave you here. They'll find you. We'll help you out of here." Luke begged him to come with them.
" No." He smiled. " I've taught you both all I can. You can make yourselves invisible or look any way you want. But my time is done. I'm going to be with your grandma."
" No!!" They all cried and hugged him.
" Yes, my little ones." Grampa kissed their tear streaked faces. " I have enough to help hide you as you leave. But you have to go now. Luke, Tored. It's up to you now. The magic is in all of you and you know how to use it. Stay close as you leave and remember how much I love you all."
From all around the sounds of the Savonti were getting closer. Soon they would find their way into their hidden chamber.
" Quickly." He pushed them towards the exit. " Cover yourselves with illusion and leave once it's safe for you to go. I'm going to uncover the door now. Be safe, my little ones. Now hide yourselves!!"
Quieting the two girls, Luke and Tored hurried to the door. Grampa smiled as he dropped the cover so the Savonti would find it. Suddenly they heard banging coming from the other side of the door. The children looked back at Grampa as the door burst open and the Savonti broke in. Luke and Tored concentrated of the magic that made them blend into the background and made them invisible as the reptilian men rushed their grandfather. The boys covered their sisters eyes as Grampa was beaten and dragged out. The Savonti searched the room and found no one else there. There job done they nodded to each other and started out of the chamber. Suddenly they heard something. A whimper. They stopped and looked around again. Luke held his hand over his sisters mouth praying the Savonti doesn't take a step to his left. If he did, they would be found. They stood there silently without moving and waited. Finding nothing, the Savonti headed out the door and up through the caves to the surface.
Luke relaxed his hold on his sister and let her weep into his shoulder.
" We wait here for a while and let them clear out." Tored told them
" Then what?" Luke asked. " Where are we to go?"
" I don't know." He looked. " We find someplace safe for Nysa and Mera."
" Where? They are everywhere."
" Then we make someplace safe." Tored rocked Nysa in his arms." We fight them. We find others to help and we kill them. We kill them all if we have too."
Later that night, Tored made his way up to the surface. He needed to know if it was safe to get them out. Covered in dark shadows, he crept slowly to the cave entrance. There he found two of the Savonti waiting. Lesu must have left them in case there was someone left and they came out in the night. He found them sound asleep next to a cooking fire. Tored moved closer to the fire and saw with horror what they had just dined on. There were bones of some poor soul next to the fire pit. Rage filled Tored as he looked down at them. They had to pay for this. Lying next to them Tored found their sheathed swords. Quietly he stepped up and reached down and pulled the nearest blade from its sheath. With a quick slash he killed the first one watching for any movement from his companion. Moving to the next, he brought the blade down on the neck of the other one, severing its head. With both of them dead, he picked up the head of the headless one and tossed it in the fire. It was time to get the others and leave. He gathered all the equipment of the lizard men into packs, got his family and led them out into the night to find their future, wherever that may be.
After dinner, Ono and Shayn sat with Ozmun and Kordova and talked. They listened as Kordova told the history of Pentanthin and the story of her people.
" As far back in time as you can go on Pentanthin, the Savonti were the dominate race. They were the first to develop tools and civilization. They made their homes in the hottest regions of the planet and then began to spread out. The Savonti learned to tunnel underground to heat their underground cities and homes. As time passed their magic developed and they became more war like fighting each other for territories and what they called the cattle, us the humans of Pentanthin. But it wasn't always that way. There were times went the Savonti and Humans actually worked together, but that was long ago. Now we are cattle. Cattle being almost any life they could find to eat. Their main diet becoming us, the humans that developed in the forest. It didn't take long for them to realize their food was growing smarter, but nowhere near as intelligent as they were. Where they had begin to build cities, the humans were still forest dwellers hiding in caves and hidden settlements. There was no real schooling, it was all done family by family, clan to clan. The humans were ruled by family elders and the strongest or wisest male in the clan. There's was a society that was always on the move to keep from being caught and made slaves or even worst, sent to the pens for the next meal. We did learn many different new skills as the years passed. Building homes, metal working, farming, skills that the Savonti thought were useful for them. For the Savonti would do no manual labor, that was considered beast work even for the lowliest born of there race. So in the caves we were sent to build their homes, mine their ores and tend their fields. There was one more use they found for us. Sex. The Savonti men took the humans as sex slaves too. Why not? The woman could not bear Savonti children and the men, well lets just say they found them just as useful in bed as the women. And for some reason, humans found it nearly impossible to refuse a Savonti once they were aroused. But we did find out why. It seemed the Savonti once aroused gave off a smell that could stimulate humans to an almost crazed state. It took generations for us to learn to resist. But we did. By then we began to fight back. To break free and run and hide. But they could always find us to bring back. So the people began to learn ways to protect themselves and ways to keep out of the Savonti's way. We learned to mask our scents to make it harder for the tracker beast to find us. We learned that the Savonti didn't like the cold. The problem was that on a world with two suns, there wasn't very many cold places. Sure we could go as far north as we could, but there was no food in those cold places and winter would only last so long and we would have to move again. Then something happened that gave us all hope. The first human, a young boy became so enraged, he used magic. Human magic."
"His name was Madis. He was from a small traveling band of families that lived in a series of caves going from one to another trading and sharing to get what the needed.
This was back in the days when the Savonti first started farming humans. Breeding us like livestock for food. Back then they would raid settlements and take what they wanted. No village was safe from them. Not that much has changed today, were still not safe. Depending on what lords lands you live in you can either give over your young and those they want, or they come in enforce and take them. But I'm getting away from Madis and his story."
"As I was told it was a cool day. No one expected the there were any Savonti in the area and they were all out gathering crops they and been growing in a hidden place. See these travelers couldn't farm in regular fields. They had to do it in secret where no one but the tribe knew where to find it. They wouldn't even share with those in other tribes for fear of being betrayed. See some had no problem turning others in to protect there tribe. Some even hunted others for the Savonti thinking that would keep there tribe safe. But it never worked for long. Sooner or later the Savonti would decide since they knew where you were, you were an easy target."
"Anyway all of Madis's tribe were out gathering as much as they could before noon and the suns had made it hot enough for the Savonti to be out. What they didn't know was that they were being watched. You see some of the Savonti's magic included control over certain other beast and animals. They could see and hear out of the eyes and ears of what other beast they controlled. In this case it happened to be a type of winged lizard called Baebats that flew in huge flocks all over Penthanthin. They roosted in trees, in caves or anywhere they could find that the brood could fit.
As they gathered all they could, the baebots watched alerting their master of what the saw. It didn't take long until they were surrounded by mounted Savonti. It seemed temperature didn't matter to the Lord who's land they were on. From the top of a hill a horn was sounded and they all came riding in on them. Everyone dropped what they were carrying and ran. Madis saw his father grab his sword from his side and pull it from it's scabbard ready to fight, but it was to late. Kicking his tracker beast into a frenzy, a warrior sped down on his father from behind as he tried to call others together to fight off the attack. Madis watched in horror as the beast reared up and kicked out knocking the man down into the mud and trampling him to death. The sight of his fathers mangled body spurred the boy into action. He looked around and saw his sisters running for the safety of their cave. Unfortunately he wasn't the only one to see them. Running as fast as he could, Madis ran down and grabbed the sword laying next to his fathers dead body. Then he turned and ran for the caves to intercept the monsters trying to catch the two girls. He knew it would be impossible for him to get to them before the warriors could. Madis's mind was overwhelmed with grief and frustration at what he saw going on around him. His family and friends were dying or being grabbed and captured one by one."
"No!" He screamed. "No more!, NO,NO,NO,NOOOOOOO!!!!!!"
"Suddenly his mind exploded and he saw stars as everything began to move in slow motion. Pain radiated out from him in waves as all the Savonti in front of him and there beast suddenly went flying through the air to come crashing down crushed to the ground. He turned toward the group heading into the caves his mind still screaming it's defiance and raised his hands into the air."
Power rippled out from deep inside Madis's mind and reached out and grabbed the Savonti. Like a great vice pressure began to crush in on them as they struggled to free themselves. Behind Madis the last of the attacking force rushed at him. With a quick stare and a wave of his hand he bowled them over as the Savonti at the caves entrance exploded and rained down all over the land. It was over. For the first time in Penthanthinian history a human had used magic and defeated the Savonti. Madis fell to his knees as the last of his family ran to him armed and ready to defend the one that had saved their lives. For the rest of his life Madis fought the Savonti. He won many battles and lost many too. He learned that it wasn't all humans that could use magic, but just a few. For years he searched and tried to bring together as many as he could but never finding more the just a handful. But there was one he did find that brought him hope for his people. A young girl, my ancestor actually that made the first prediction about the White and Grey. So from then on my family has searched and watched out for those of power and the prophesied white and grey. Now here you are. A white dragon and a grey wolf just as predicted so long ago. Now the freedom of Penthanthin is at hand."
Ozmun, Shayn and Ono sat and listening absorbing all she had said. It all seem like just some fairy tale to them except for the fact that Alea had warned them that something like this was about to happen. The only question left was what to do next.
"So." Ono stood and walked and knelled in front of Kordova. "We are here like predicted and I think the only way we will ever see home again is to fulfill what we are destined to do."
"Yes." Shayn said. "And from what I've seen here I know I speak for my mate when I say we will be happy to do all we can to free your world. But we won't be able to do this alone. We're going to need help."
"A lot of help." Ozmun said.
"I can help there." Kordova said. Everyone turned to look at the blind woman wondering what she meant.
"I can sense people of power." She said. "We just have to go out and find them."
"But your not the only one with that power." Ozmun said worried. "Lord Daru can sense powerful humans too. That's how I got captured and ended up in that damn collar."
"Collar?" Shayn asked. "What collar?"
"Lord Daru is the most powerful of all the Savonti lords." Ozmun explained. "He has a very powerful mind with abilities you won't believe. I've seen him control others with a single thought. Making them kill their own children or themselves. Once he located me, he slipped into my mind and forced me to give myself up without a fight and then I was forced to fight for him. If he try's to find me again, my power will lead him right to us. I should get away from the both of you. I can only bring you harm. I'll bring him right to you."
Ozmun got to his feet and looked at each of them to say good bye. He wanted to help, but he knew that would be impossible.
"Wait!" Shayn called after him. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a glowing blue stone. The same one he and Ono wore at their throat. "I think this will help."
"Of course!" Ono jumped up. "The Salvation stone. That's why Alea told us to take it. She knew we would need it."
"What is it?" Kordova asked. She could feel it's power from where she sat.
"It's one of our clan's main weapons against evil." Shayn told them. "There are two pieces. We were told by someone very special to us to bring it with us. I think it will protect you from this Lord Daru's probes. You and anyone we put it on."
Ozmun came closer to Shayn, to see the glowing stone in his hand. His face bathed in the blue glow gave him a feeling of warmth and safety immediately.
"Touch it." Shayn said smiling at the bald man.
Ozmun slowly and cautiously reached out and touched the stone. It flared in Shayn's hand showing its power. A small piece broke off and attached to Ozmun's wrist. He was suddenly bathed in a warm comforting aura. For a second Ozmun's eyes glowed blue and glazed. He shook for a second getting tuned to the stone then back to normal. Shayn and Ono looked at him wide eyed. This wasn't quite how it worked at home. Here something was different, but they were sure it would still give them the protection they needed. But what else might it do?
"Now we find others, that will be our first task." Ono said as he sat back down with Shayn. "But we have to get to them before Lord Daru can. That and freeing as many people as we can. From this day on the freedom of Penthanthin is to be our main objective. From now on, the Savonti's day is done and we won't rest until Penthanthin is free."
Deep in the depths of his private manse Daru sat and thought in his heated sands. Trela had told him all shew knew of the White and Grey. She had said that they would prove to be the undoing of all Savonti if he was not very careful. She told him she didn't know who they were or where they were, but she did know they wouldn't be alone. They would have help and some of that help would come from some very unexpected sources. Daru had no idea how to interpret the meaning of that. Of course the cattle would help him, for he knew this was going to be all about them and their freedom. But what could weak powerless cattle possibly do to threaten him. Even the most powerful of them all was no match for him and his magics. None of them had the power of the cursed fabled first one. If one did, he would know about it. For years he had been collecting any and all humans with even a hint of any magical abilities and killing or making sure they wore his obedience collar. But he had been neglectful lately and he hadn't searched the lands in a long time for anything new. This would be a good time for him to do a new probe. He knew there was one out there. The one that escaped his hunters. If he still wore the collar, finding him shouldn't be very hard. But if he managed to get it off, well then Daru knew he could still find him. It would just be more difficult.
He settled himself comfortably in the warm sands and let his mind flow out into his lands. He thought he should probe close to him then move out to the lands beyond his. He saw the cattle moving quietly in the dark forest thinking they were safe. Daru smiled to himself. They thought they were safe from him, hidden. But they were wrong. He knew every inch of his lands, there was no where to hide from him, so he moved on with his search.
Soon something caught his attention. A spark of power. He sensed it asleep in a cave. It was another of the beast with power. It wasn't a very strong spark, but it seemed powerful enough to draw his attention. Daru wondered what it was that it could do with this power. He would know soon enough now that he had found it. He had found the first one, there must be others out there waiting for him to find them. Daru sent his probe high over the land and cast it over the entire area. He knew it wouldn't pinpoint them all showing their locations, but it would give him an idea how many there were. As his mind spread over the lands and forest, he saw sparks flair into life. There were six sparks glowing out at him all together. Some shined much brighter then others but they all had power. He was right, it had been to long since he had last really looked at the cattle. But things would change now. Now he knew and would do something about them all. It was time to hunt again.
Da Gatar= Goods hunt in Savonti