It had been years since Hema had been to Winterhaven. Last time she had been to the city, she had come seeking a way to find the crown of the queen of the sidhe. Then she had met and befriended the smoke dragon Insa who helped in her quest to find the fairy queens crown. Today Hema had no job in mind. She was actually there for a more pleasant reason. Just to visit an old friend.
At the gate she had been welcomed and told she could find Insa either in the academy or in the council building. She thanked the guard and flew on. Of course there was always the easy way to find him. She could simply call out to him and he would answer providing her with his whereabouts, but that would ruin her surprise for him. So Hema shifted to her larger form and decided to walk among the people of Winterhaven. Dressed in a shimmering blue short skirt and top with her gossamer wings flat against her back, Hema made her way to the council building. As she walked people greeted her with a nervous smile and nodded. Being empathic by nature as all of the fairy are she could feel the tension and fear in the air. What were they so scared of? There was something going on in the city of magic. Maybe today wasn't such a good day to visit.
As she walked she watched the people go by. Men and woman scrambling on their way quickly. There minds were an open book to her. There was something about a war between council members. She looked deeper to see what she could find. A man walked by in what looked like soldier garb. A city guard she thought he must be. She probed his mind for information, but didn't see anything else there. Well this wasn't her fight. There was no need to get involved in what went on here. She would get on with her visit and move on.
Up ahead she saw the tall towers of the city council building. Its tall shining towers and gem like features still amazed her. She knew it was all illusion and magic, but still it was a great feat of magic to cover a whole city. Soon Hema came upon the entrance to the building. There was no door there, just a transport stone that would take you to the lobby of the building or whatever office you needed. Hema stepped up to the stone. To activate the magic all you had to do was speak your destination and it would take you there.
"Reception." She said, and in a flash of magic she found herself in the lobby of the building facing a desk. Beside the transport stone stood two of the city guardsmen assigned to the council building. There was a short line of three waiting while the receptionist took care of them one by one. They were all people of Winterhaven waiting in line with her. There to pay some bill or another. The young lady at the desk took care of each one sending them on to find what they searched for and then came back to her.
"Good Evening." She smiled looking up at her. "How can I help you?"
"I'm here to see Council member Insa."
"Is he expecting you." She asked.
"No." Hema answered. "But I think he will see me. We are old friends."
" Just a second." She said picking up a writing stick and writing a note on a pad in front of her. As she finished writing, the message disappeared from the pad and was sent straight to the desk of Insa secretary.
Suddenly in a great flash of magic a small band of armed men appeared and attacked the two guards at the transport stone. Hema knew they were in trouble and raised her hands to cast a spell when a crossbow bolt whizzed by her head.
"You cast any spells, or left those pretty wings of yours and my men will open fire killing you and her." A tall blond man dressed in very expensive robes stepped up to Hema smiling. " Now that's a good little fairy."
" Now." He said turning to the receptionist. "I trust my esteemed colleague Council chief Insa is in his office?"
"He is as far as I know." She stammered nervously.
"Good." He turn to walk way." Bind them and take them to the guard barracks. Don't forget to have Youron put a collar on the pretty little fairy. We can't have her leaving our party, now can we."
Hema knew this man whoever he was meant to go find Insa and kill him. There was only one thing she could do. He had saved her life many times in the past and she'd be damned if she wouldn't at least warn him of what was on the way. The soldiers had her place her hands on her head as they walked her and the reception girl to the transport stone. As she got ready to step on the stone, she sent her message.
[Trouble's on it's way to you. Beware!]
With her message sent, she stepped on the stone and was taken away by two soldiers.
The noise in the guardhouse cells was overwhelming. As Hema was led along the hall she looked from right to left into all the cells. There were vampires, dwarves, elves, a werewolf and a few she couldn't identify. The last cell in the row where she was being taken was a special cell. Instead of bars it had a mesh wiring to keep it's prisoners in. It must have been made for someone like her. One of the faerie folk, that was the only reason for mesh. To keep someone from shifting to faerie size and slipping out through the bars. As she approached, she saw that the cell was already occupied. There was a small man in there watching. He was about four feet tall dressed all in green. He had a small grey beard and pointed ears. She knew he had to be a leprechaun. As they opened the door and shoved her in, she fell to the floor. He shook his fist at them and came to help her up.
" Are ya alright lass?" He asked. " Bloody savages don't know how to treat a wee lass like ya self."
" I'll be fine sir." He helped her to here feet. " What is going on here? I came to visit a friend and a war breaks out?"
" Yea." He smiled. " Ya could say that. It seems this Larin fella wants to be king of Winterhaven. The only thing in his way is a dragon named Insa. Today he plans to finish off his enemy once and fa all."
" I know the dragon you speak of." She told him. " He's a friend of mine."
" Well I hope ya friend be ready fa a fight." He said having a seat on the lone cot in the cell. " Cause this one means to take over the lot of em."
" My names Hema." She bowed to him. " Hema Darkwing of Aspara Bough."
" Finn Adair, leprechaun at ya service ma'am." He tipped his cap to her. " A fine young fairy ya be. I know Aspara Bough. It's not far from me mound and clan. Less then a days ride. Lovely land."
" Thank you." She smiled. " But they can't help us get out of here. Have you tried magic in here?"
" Oh sure. Tried everything I can think of. This cell be magic proof and fit to hold any of our kind that's for sure."
" Then there's no way out." She slumped to the floor in despair.
" Oh I don't know." Finn smiled. " I trust in luck. It's never failed me before."
" What kind of luck was it that got you in here?" She asked. " Bad?"
" It's not over yet." He told her puffing his pipe. " Just have faith."
Two days went by with Hema and Finn alone in there cell. they received no food just water. It seemed the new lord didn't really care about there survival. But faery folk were of a tough stock. Food and drink weren't needed as often as for humans. They had a window in their cell and as long as they had some sunlight, they would be fine for a while. While there, Finn told Hema all he knew of what was going on in Winterhaven. He told her of Tayor Larins fight with Insa and the council. Finn only knew what he had heard from other captives but it was enough to know they might be in trouble. But still Finn had faith in his luck. He had told her he had been in much worst situations and his luck had always gotten him threw. He said all she needed to do was have faith in him and his luck and somehow, they would come out of this fine.
Later that afternoon, they heard the guards coming in and taking people out of their cells.
" This is it." Finn said. " Listen to me Missy. No matter what happens. Ya stay close to me and keep the faith. Together Faerie magic will prove more powerful then anything the booger has. Ya hear?"
" I will." She nodded nervously
A few minutes later there cells were opened and men with crossbows came in. One had two collars in his hands. Hema knew they were to prevent them from doing any magic. As they walked into the hall, they could see that all the rest of the captives wore them too. Hema concentrated on her faerie inner glow and caused it to fill her and Finn with all the strength she could as the collar was snapped close around their necks. She could feel her magic being dissipated, but it never went away all together. She look around at all the others and the blank look on there faces. She looked to Finn and he winked at her then put a blank look on his face. The wink told her to play along. That way they could find out what was going on and maybe get out of there.
Unchained, they were all marched out of the guardhouse and put into wagons. Hema and Finn played as if they were in a trance like the rest. The wagon rode off threw the quiet streets of Winterhaven. Hema didn't see anyone out but Lord Larins men. Winterhaven looked like a ghost of it's former self. She wondered where they were going, but the sun strengthening her made her feel so good, she wasn't worried.
Soon they came upon a great estate. Over the gate she read the name Larin. Then she knew she was about to meet the new Lord of Winterhaven again. Hema wondered how Insa had fared. She hoped somehow her warning had given him time to get himself out of Winterhaven. The wagon made its way to the back of the estate and they were all taken out and led into the house and into the main study. Blank faced Hema looked around at all the magical paraphernalia around the room. There were scrying maps and an imagining mirror. Lord Larin had all kinds of herbs for potions and of course a cauldron to stew them in. Hema could tell he was defiantly a master at his craft. From there they were taken down into his private dungeon below his estate.
They were all lined up in a cell as Lord Larin came in carrying that cane. Hema looked at it. The stone in the headpiece looked very powerful. She didn't know if she could withstand this mans magic, but still she held on to the faith of Finns luck. Lord Larin took the humans first then the vampires and werewolf. He held out his staff and cast his spell. Hema through her magic sight watched as the magic coalesced in the room and swirled around each of his victim. Her ears began to buzz blocking out all he said. She tried as hard as she could, but his magic was strong. Then he moved on to Finn and herself. He held the staff over there heads and began to cast. Hema focused her inner glow as hard as she could, she knew the time had come. She concentrated on Finn beside her and pushed with all her magic. Then everything went dark.
When Hema woke she was laying on the ground cold and wet. She sat up opened her eyes and rubbed her temple. She had a splitting headache. She blinked her eyes trying to focus and see where she was. The last thing she remembered was being in Lord Larins dungeon. And something about a ring she was suppose to deliver. What ring?" She checked her skirt pockets and there was nothing there. Stretching her arms she flexed her wings and began to beat them to lift herself up. They felt fine, nothing wrong with them. But where was she? She looked around and saw faerie houses and huts that looked familiar. Hema gazed to the north and saw a palace.
" It can't be!" She said.
Hovering over the ground she looked closer and realized she was back home in Aspara Bough. There were all the familiar places she knew. She was in the park she had played in when she was young. All the shops and homes of Aspara were right there in front of her. But where were the people? Hema hovered on flying slowly looking around. All looked peaceful and silent. Still to be exact. When suddenly she saw something lying on the ground. She flew closer curious to see what it was. It looked like a pile of rags lying in the brush. She stooped down to get a better look and noticed the pile had legs. Quickly Hema tore away and the brush to find a faerie lying there. For a second she drew back in horror from the body in front of her. Then she saw its chest move. It wasn't dead. Hema bent to look. It was one of her neighbors. Mrs Brandfire. She shook her To wake her but nothing. She didn't move. Hema rose a little higher and saw more of them all over the park. Men and women lying all over.
" What kind of magic is this?" Then a thought hit her. She snapped back in surprise.
" Ma, Pa!"
Without another thought Hema streaked off across the park heading for home. She didn't live far from there so it took less then a minute to get home. As Hema flew up to the door, her heart jumped into her throat. The door was open. Quickly she dashed in calling out for her mother and father."
" Ma! Pa! Where are you?"
Hema floated from room to room looking for them, but they were not in the house. She flew to the backdoor and out into the yard. There she found them laying out among the bluebells. They had been collecting dew and seeds when something happened to them. Hema settled over them and shook herself releasing faerie dust over them hoping that would be enough to wake them. But alas, it didn't work. She settled down next to them holding there hands and cried.
As Hema cried a flash in the sky caught her attention. She wiped her tears and looked up. There in the sky she saw a rainbow form and streak down to end beside her. Hema stood up amazed at the bright colors flashing before her. Suddenly the rainbow blinked out and Finn Adair was standing there in its place. She blinked her eyes not quite believing Finn was there.
" What did they gave ya?" He asked kneeling down to her.
" What?"
" That damned Lord Larin." He shouted. " He gave ya something to give to ya Queen. What was it?"
" I don't know." Hema cried. " I'm not sure what's going on here. I just woke up in the park and found all this. What's going on here?"
" Hema." He sat down next to her and her sleeping parents. " Lord Larin cast a compulsion spell over all of us. We were to take something that would help him subdue our people back to our kings or queen and give it to them."
Finn reached into his pocket and pulled out a golden coin to show her.
" I was suppose to give this to me king." He said. " Gold. He would have taken it without any regrets and never let it go. That be when the magic would start."
" What do you mean?" She asked. Hema was getting scared. All this could be her fault.
" The coin or whatever he gave ya." Finn explained to her. " Ya have to think lass. What do ya remember? Tis the only way to save ya kin. Wake em from his blasted spell."
" All I remember is waking up in the park after being in Larin's dungeon." She stood up laying her parents aside trying to remember what had happened. But the headache blazed through her head making it hard to think. Finn had said she had carried something back with her. But what could it have been? She checked her pockets again looking for the ring like before.
" The ring!!" Hema looked up at Finn with surprise in her eyes. " The ring. I remember something about a ring I was taking to someone. It must have been meant for Queen Nuala!"
" And ya must have givin it to her." Finn gazed down at her parents sleeping in the grass. " Everyone in Aspara Bough is sleeping now under his spell."
" I don't understand." She said. " You still have the coin. You didn't give it to your king?"
" It was me luck lass." Finn smiled. " I woke from his spell on me way home and remembered everything. I told you have faith in luck lass, and it worked for ya too. Ya wasn't suppose to wake at all but ya did. Now we can do somethin about all this."
" How?" She asked. " What can we do?"
" Well first we gotta get that ring. Then we go find help." He stood and held out the coin. " Lord Larin ain't the only master mage in these parts. He has enemies that he's trying to keep in the dark. We get to them for help."
" If I gave the ring to the queen." Hema put her hand to her chin thinking. " It must still be in her palace. That's where we go first."
" We should hurry." Finn said. " Lord Larin's men have to be on there way here. Let's get movin lass."
Finn couldn't fly like Hema could, but leprechauns could move with amazing speed. That must be why it was so hard to catch them. Together they made their way out of town and up through the hills to Queen Nuala's palace. All her guards were on the ground sleeping. The gates were wide open. Hema and Finn made their way in armed with nothing but her magic and his shillelagh.
" Where would ya queen be?" Finn asked holding his cane out ready to fight.
" I would expect she would either be in her chambers or in her throne room. " Hema answered.
" Ya ever been here before?" He asked. " Ya know where ta go?"
" Yes. follow me."
Aspara Palace was a beautiful place. It always gleamed just as the towers of Winterhaven did. Beautiful marble columns made from faerie magic with lots of plants and flowers covering the palace. Faeries were like all elves, dwarves, and elemental beings very in tuned with nature. They loved open space and Aspara palace had plenty of places for the sun to stream in. Many walls and ceiling were enchanted to be transparent. Finn followed Hema through the grand hall passed many sleeping faeries laying as if they had passed out going about their daily duties. they found the great doors to the throne room and together they pulled them open.
Sun streamed through the walls all around them as they stepped into the great room. To the side of the doors lay the palace guards, in front of them on the floor were faerie nobles that had come with business with Queen Nuala. In the center of the room sat Queen Nuala asleep on her throne. Hema and Finn rushed in stepping over faeries to get to her. She looked very peaceful and beautiful sleeping there.
" Are you sure they're going to be fine?" Hema asked worried.
" Aye." Finn nodded. " Lord Larin needs subjects to rule. I'm not sure how he plans to do this, but he can hardly kill all the people in the lands he takes now can he?"
" I guess not." She smiled. Hema stepped up to the throne and looked over the Queen. On her hand she wore a ring with a glowing red gem in the center. The second Hema saw it, she remembered the ring. Lord Larin had given it to her. He had ordered her to present it to Queen Nuala as a gift from Insa, council leader of Winterhaven. Then if anything went wrong, the dragons could be blamed.
" This is it." She said taking the ring from Nuala's finger. " And I remember everything now."
" That's to bad." Said a voice behind them. Hema and Finn quickly turned to see who spoke. Standing in the door was a woman dressed all in black with long flowing hair.
" I guess this means I have to kill you both."
" Who are you?" Hema asked. She and Finn backed away from the throne and Queen Nuala to keep her safe. Finn looked around for a way to escape. A fight in here could kill some of these innocent fairies laying all around.
" I am death." Sarela floated into the room as the skies outside darkened and the wind picked up. Hema and Finn could hear the howling began and she tried her death song on the two faeries. " I am hate and madness for all that hear my song. Isn't it beautiful?"
Finns face turned white as her song began to lure him to her. He reached out and stepped forward trying to get to Sarella's caress.
" Oh no!" Hema reached out and grabbed Finn. " Your luck saved us once, It's time I returned the favor."
She wrapped her arms around him and shook faerie dust all over him. His eyes cleared and color returned to his face.
" By me luck lass." Finn shook his head snapping himself back to his senses. " What was that?"
" Finn, you have to get out of here." Hema flew him to the door and heaved him out. The leprechaun dropped from her arms and fell on his ass. " The banshee has power over men. Go find me some help. I'll keep her here for now. Now Go!!"
She waved her hand at the doors and magically slammed them shut. Finn jumped up and rushed back and pounded on the doors to get back in. But he was wasting his time and he knew it. The only thing he really could do was to do as she had told him and go and find help.
" I leave luck with ya lass." Finn called through the doors. " I'll be back as fast as I can."
Storm clouds filled the sky as Seven Eventide paced back and forth in her suite with worry. Her twin brother Jake had gone missing along with everyone in the Andrake Academy, and that included their brother and sister Adanar and Emrel. Since Jandar told her what had happened she had been unable to think of anything else. She had been calling out to them all day and getting no response.
" Where could they be?"
Lightning flashed and thunder cracked louder the more upset she became. Seven couldn't help it but her emotions were making the storm stronger and stronger. Everyone in New Keanna knew by now how worried she was.
Suddenly there was a knock at her door as a bolt of lightning lit up the sky outside her window.
" Seven!!" Toric called. " Let me in."
She rushed to the door and swung it open for him. Just as he stepped through the door, she jumped into his arms crying.
" What is it?" He asked trying to comfort her. " What's wrong?"
" I can't find them!"
" Who?" He asked.
" Jake, Adanar and Emrel." She cried. " I can't find any of them!"
" There there. Jandar and Rage have people out looking for them." Toric held her and spoke softly. " They'll find them. Pelic is in Winterhaven now."
" But the Academy is gone." She sobbed.
" Have you tried Morganz?"
Seven stopped and looked up at him. Toric's brow lifted as if to question her.
" Morganz!" She reached up and pulled him into a kiss. " I should have thought of that."
Seven stepped back and over to the window. Rain was now pouring down out of the grey lightning streaked skies making the day seem as uneasy as she was. She hoped Morganz was alright. The fighting in Winterhaven had intense. She just hoped Morganz's loyalty hadn't gotten him killed. There was only one way to find out.
[ Cousin!]
[ Yes Seven.] He answered. [ I hear you.]
[ Bless the great tree your alright.] She sat in her window box as Toric came to stand beside her. She held out her hand for him to take. [ Are you in the Academy? Are my brothers and sister alright?]
[ No I'm not in Winterhaven.] He told her.
[ Where are you?] She asked.
[ There's something I think you need to know Seven.]
[ What is it?] Seven gripped Toric's hand tighter waiting for what bad news he was about to deliver.
[ Adanar and Emrel are not safe it school.] He explained. [ They ran away. They're trying to get home. I think somethings wrong in Eventide. I haven't been able to reach my father or anyone else at home.]
[ Safe at school?] She said. [ Then you don't know what's happened?]
[ What do you mean?] He asked her. She could feel he was beginning to worry that he might have made a mistake by leaving Winterhaven when it needed him most. [ Jake told me there was trouble and that bastard Larin was behind it. He said it was bad, but he didn't say what had happened. Tell me please.]
[ As I've been told Tayor Larin has done away with the council and made himself king of Winterhaven. All the city guards are either dead or imprisoned. The city is completely and totally under his control.]
[ And the academy?] He asked. [ What's happened there? Has it fallen into his hands too?]
[ No.] Seven went on. [ Jandar sent Kalin Ka to help and he was able to find a spell that moved the Academy. The problem is, we don't know where it is now. We've all tried searching in our own ways but no ones been able to find anything. Jandar has a special team out searching for the Academy now. He thinks they will have success where others haven't. They have a special connection to the school.]
[ What of Eventide?] Morganz asked. [ And the young ones? Seven, I think this is serious and Jake and I think it has something to do with what's going on in Winterhaven.]
[ How so?]
He told her all about Relos and Sarella's attack and how Braddoc was able to save his life. He explained how Jake had thought Tayor was behind this in some way. Then he reiterated his concerns about Eventide.
[ Jake wanted me to get home as fast as possible.] He told her. [ Seven, I really think Eventide's in trouble.]
[ Then Toric and I are on our way to help.] Seven had made up her mind. It was time she did something to help. She could no longer sit and wait while her family was in trouble. [ You catch up with Adanar and Emrel and we'll be there in a few hours. We'll meet in the land of the sidhe. Be careful Morganz, both of you.]
[ We will.] He said. [ Thalion sul tyss.]
[ Don't worry. They will be.] And Morganz was gone.
" Well?" Toric said pulling her to her feet. " What are we doing?"
" We're going to Eventide." She smiled. " I'll explain everything on the way. Let's go."
" I think we my need some help." Toric said as they walked to the door. " And I know just the person."
" He won't get far." Sarella laughed at Hema. " Once I'm done with you, I'll find him and bring him back. I'll make him my favorite toy."
" Not if I can help it." Hema hovered high in the air just beyond the door her faerie glow growing brighter.
" That's just it." The Banshee said. " There's nothing you can do!"
Sarella screamed her banshee call rattling everything in the room and shattering the windows. A wave of sonic vibration flew up from her at Hema. Zipping to the side it just missed her and crashed into the wall blasting a hole throw it. Hema quickly fought back with a blast of power she sent at Sarella. Summoning lightning from the storm raging outside Sarella deflected Hema's bolt laughing at her.
" You better do better then that if you hope to survive little faerie!"
" How about this witch!" Hema spread her arms and let loose a pulse of power that blinded Sarela for a second. Sarela rubbed her eyes to clear her vision just in time to see four images of Hema streak from the room out of the windows and the hole in the wall.
" There's no where to run Faerie!" Sarella sailed to the window after her. She sent a blast of energy at the fleeing faerie missing her. " I'll find you! You can't go far.!"
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