" Yes, my lady." She said with her eyes down.
" I would dress and see my lord." She told her slave brushing sand from her shoulder. " My blue silks."
" Yes, my lady."
Trela held out her arms as the slave brushed her body clean of the sand. Then went to her closet and took down an azure blue shift and put it on her. She took silk scarves and a beaded belt for her waist and dressed her mistress. Trela walked to a chest near her closet and took gold rings and a necklace and put them on. The slave bowed to her as she left the room keeping her eyes off her queen. Daru's quarters were on the lowest level of the manse, but Daru was on the third lever. Trela could always tell were he was. Him and anyone else she seek. Magic was not suppose to be allowed in females. But as a queen from birth, Trela was different. She had magic and she had been pampered and prepared to be mated to the strongest Lord. And Daru being the most powerful, he had taken her for his queen.
As she passed the minor queens room, she looked and saw a few of the others crying over the body of two of their sisters. She out loud scaring the other queens into silence and kept walking.
Daru sat brooding in his study. He had this feeling that something grave was going to happen in the near future. There was one way to find the information he needed. That would mean calling Trela to his side. His devious Queen. She had the power of far sight and her visions were very powerful. Daru got up off his lounge chair and went to call one of his slaves when he saw Trela standing at his door.
" My lady." He smiled. " I was just about to call for you."
" I know that." She said as she sauntered into his study. Her perfume filling the air as she moved.
Daru watched amazed as his beautiful mate went to a couch and laid down. He looked at her and slipped into her mind and watched her treachery unfold. He saw her enjoyment at her sisters deaths and knew what she had done. Daru walked over to her and kissed her lips then stood and smacked her face. Trela fell off the couch and hissed at Daru.
" You have defied me again." Daru said standing over. " Tell me why I should forgive you this time."
Trela looked up at him with a blank look on her face. Her eyes glazed over and she began to shake like she was cold. Daru knew something was wrong. He had seen her like this once before when she was about to make some kind of prediction. He reached out into her mind and found it blocked from him. Her lips began to tremble as she spoke.
"Beware the white and grey. For they will cause the end of agens of tyranny and enslavement. Their power and courage will doom the high ones and bring freedom to all that suffer and fight with them. The mark of the wolf and dragon will be the sign. Beware the white and grey."
Daru looked at his first wife in shock. She had just predicted the end of the Savonti's reign on Pentanthin. Could this be true? He didn't have time to doubt, he knew he only he time for action. Her prediction was a warning, a clue as to where to look to keep his power intact. But what could this white and grey be?
On the floor Trela shook her head and looked up at him. She knew what had just happened. She had no power to stop her predictions, but she always got more information then what she might have said. She reached out to her husband who took her hand and helped her to her feet.
" Tell me what you know of this." He said as he held her close.
" I will." She smiled. " But you have to do something for me."
" And what is that?"
" Make me the sole queen in your house." Trela ran her hand along his eye ridges. " I will not share you with them. You my have as many as you want to share your sand pit, but I will be your only queen. Then all my powers are yours to use as you wish."
" I might as well do as you ask." He kissed her lips then slid his tongue along her neck. " If I don't, you'll kill them all anyway."
" Yes I will." She reached up and unsnapped the fastenings that kept her dress on. He laid her down on the couch and began making love to her.
Flying just over the trees, Ozmun led Shayn and Ono to a group of caves he and his family once used to hide in from the Savonti. It had been years since he had been in the caves, but him and his brother had flown in and out of them for years. He could find them with his eyes closed. Once back on the ground, Ozmun gave Shayn a bucket and showed them where to find wood and water then helped Lilia to somewhere she could rest. She objected to being treated like an invalid and pushed his hands away. Ozmun was surprised at the way she moved over the rocky area. Like she could see exactly where she was going.
[ I can sense the area all around us.] She turned and sent to him. Ozmun looked over at her smiling at him. " I told you I can sense things better then you can see them. So stop treating me like some old thing."
" Yes my lady." He laughed. " What do you think of our new friends?"
" I sense unbelievable power from them." She sat down on a ledge outside of the cave. " I can also feel such compassion. They hate what they saw the Savonti do. I think they may want to help us fight them."
" We can't ask that of them." The handsome bald man said as he sat beside her. He handed her water to drink and she took a long drink and gave it back to him.
" I don't think we'll have to." She patted him on his shoulder. " These are good men that help people. I can feel it in them. Heroes."
Ozmun looked at her. He had no idea what that word meant. It was new to him. "What is heroes?
" It's one of their words." She said. " I found it in their minds."
" But what is it?" He asked.
" It's someone that helps people out of trouble." She told him. " No matter how much trouble they're in. They help."
" That's just the kind of people we need." As they talked, Shayn and Ono returned with the water and wood. Besides wood, Ono had what looked like some kind of large rabbits under his arm. Shayn put down his bucket and stood with Ono.
" I caught us dinner." Ono held up his catch.
" Thank you." Lilia stood and took it from him. " Sit please, we should talk. Where are you from?
" We're from a place call Keanna." Ono told them. " Where all our people are free to live as they please. We don't have slaves in our lands. Well at least our people don't."
" No slaves?" Ozmun looked at them like he didn't believe them. " I don't understand. No slaves? Who's the masters then? Who does all the work if there are no slaves?"
" We have leaders that do what's best for the people." Shayn explained. " That doesn't mean we don't have bad people, but we try and work together for each other."
" What if someone doesn't want to work?" He asked. " Are they punished by their master?"
" No. There are no masters Ozmun." Ono told him. " My father is king of my homeland. He takes care of everyone there. He also is allied with the lands around ours to keep us safe. Everyone in Tir Na lives in peace and works for themselves and the community."
" It sounds like a wonderful place." She had stacked the wood for a fire and struck her flint to stone for a spark. Shayn stood and stepped over to her kindling.
" Excuse me." He said helping her to her feet. She turned to him puzzled as she stepped aside. Shayn stooped down and blew on the kindling and it burst into a small flame. Kordova sensed the heat and Ozmun saw the kindling ignite. Ono saw the shock on their faces and laughed.
" There's a lot I can tell you about our kind." Ono stack more branches on the fire.
" Are all your people like you?"
" No my friends." Shayn sat back down. " I'm a dragon. A white dragon. And Ono is a werewolf.
" A grey wolf? " She turned to them.
" Yeah, I'm a grey wolf." He said. " So?"
" There is a prophesy that has been past from generation to generation." The blind woman told them. " I think it may apply to you two. Listen."
"Protect the white and grey. For they will cause the end of a thousand years of tyranny and enslavement. Their power and courage will doom the high ones and bring freedom to all that suffer and fight with them. The mark of the wolf and dragon will be the sign. Protect the white and grey."
Shayn and Ono's open mouthed stared at Lilia in shock. They couldn't believe what she had just said. It was the same prophesy Alea had said when she met them. Now they knew this was the place she referring to. This was their destiny.
Gathered at the gates of New Keanna, Zarin and his friends waited. Jandar wanted to see them off. He had a last few words he had to say to them and Zarin thought he would honor him by waiting. Each of the group had been provided with a pack with clothing for all types of weather, food provisions and weapons. Reno and Zarin wore a swords given to them by Denner. Dack had a crossbow strapped to his back. He had trained for years with his father in it's use. Thalia being a vampire had her enhanced strength so she had only a dagger hidden in her sleeve. Trip being trained with a staff by his old mentor Shaitan had been given one of Jandar's old staffs. It was made of elven oak, one of the greatest mediums for magic. It was inscribed with runes to help control the magic of different spells infused into it. Last came Craven. At his side he also wore a sword which he had been very practiced in by his father a swordsman from their home land. Rese being a dragon needed no weapons. Tempis would protect them even in a surprise attack, his reflexes would come to the boys aid. Then there was the warrior among them, Zark. He was armed like all his people were at all times with his armor and the sword he had won in battle and his club. On his back he wore a bow and a quiver of arrows. All the lives of the group were under his sworn protection and he would give his life for any of them.
As they packed and made ready to leave the doors to the manor opened and Jandar and the blond boy Eheren stepped out. Jandar smiled and walked out to them.
" All's ready here?" Jandar asked them.
" Yes we have all we need." Zarin told him. " We were just waiting for Eheren and to say good bye."
" Good." He said. " I want you all to know how proud we all are of you for taking on this mission for us. I'm sure this won't be an easy task for any of you. Zarin you know you have a connection with Insa as Eheren and Rese has with the rest of us. If you need us you call and we will be there as soon as we can."
" Yes sir." Zarin smiled at him looking at them. " We won't fail you."
" I'm sure you won't." He said clapping Zarin on the back. " I have one more gift. This is a Salvation stone, it's one of our most powerful weapons. All dragons wear one close to their heart. This pendant is for you Rese to welcome you into our clan and a ring for you Zarin. It will protect you all in times of need and warn you of danger. Always keep it with you. Promise me one thing. The minute you find the Academy, you will call out to me. Someone will hear you."
" We promise." They all said together.
" Be careful. I want you all back safe. Good luck."
With that the gates opened and they waved and started out of the biggest quest of their young lives.
Stepping out of shadows Blink walked quickly the few paces it took to get him to the Academy. Before he went in, he turned and cast his power of darkness out to cover the entire school. His darkness would do at night, but during the day, Cutter would have to cloak them in illusion. It wouldn't do at all for those lizard men to find the school. That would be a complete disaster. He had no idea what they might do.
Blink walked in and down the hall ignoring all the questions called out to him. He knew they all wanted to know where they were, but he had no answer for them. And right now, the answer he did have might scare them way to much.
[ Cutter.] Blink sent out. [ Where are you? I'm back.]
[ I'm in the office with Tanis and Azeal.] He answered. [ What did you see?]
[ I think we're in trouble.]
Blink found the door to the offices and went in. There were a few people in the outer office as he entered. Everyone stopped looking at him hoping for answers. A door opened down the hall and Tanis stepped out and waved him over. Blink hurried in and shut the door behind him. Cutter sat at a desk with Azeal, Tanis and Capt Lowell sitting around him. They looked at him with questioning eyes.
" So what's the trouble?" Cutter asked him as he came and sat down. Blink looked from Cutter to Capt Lowell with a worried look.
" What's wrong?" Azeal asked him. " Where are we? What part of Keanna is this."
" In the 400 years I've been a dragon, I've been all over the planet." He explained. " I've seen deserts and cities. I've seen farmlands and the ocean. The others and I have flown all over Keanna."
" Then you know where we are?" Tanis asked.
" I know where we're not." Blink stood and turned away. Then he turned back and looked at each of them. " We're not on Keanna anymore. And that, I have not doubt."
Stunned faces stared back at him in silence after his statement. He could tell they didn't quite understand what he had said so he let it sink in. Then all at once questions bombarded him.
" What are you talking about?"
"Of course this is Keanna!"
" Where else could we be?"
"That's not even possible!"
" Wait!" Cutter quieted them all down. " Settle down and let him talk. Now tell us what you mean."
" I mean exactly what I'm saying." Blink told them. " That spell took us more then just away from Winterhaven, It took us off Keanna to I don't know where."
" That's impossible!" Capt Lowell shouted at him. The idea that they could be that lost scared him.
" Then explain this?" Blink thrust his hand into a shadow beneath the desk and pulled back a branch from a tree just outside there walls. It had large pointed purple leaves with some kind of long bean like seed pods covered with fuzz. Blink threw it down on the desk while they stared at it twitching like it was in pain.
" Have any of you ever seen anything even remotely like this at home? I didn't think so!"
Everyone fell into there chair astonished at what they were seeing. It was true they all thought. Somehow they were on some other world other then Keanna. Mystics had for a long time predicted that others worlds did exist, but to actually be on one was almost more then they could handle.
" How?" Azeal stammered out.
" Magic!" Blink answered. " That's how. The question is where and why."
" Well I don't know where." Tanis spoke up." But why? Texa says we're needed here. Our job as protectors of Keanna somehow brought us here. There's something here that connects this place with back home. We just have to find out what it is."
" Then somewhere here there's something we have to do." Cutter said as he sat and contemplated their situation. " Anyone have any more questions?"
" I do." Azeal put his hand up. " How safe are we here? Is there any danger to us just by being here?"
Again all their eyes turned to Blink. The look in his eyes told them there was something more he hadn't gotten to yet. Everyone groaned and settled back for what they all knew was more bad news.
" I think you and I need to take a much better look at the surrounding area." He said. " But I think we should keep the school cloaked at all times and post sentries on watch all around us. Now I'll tell you what I saw."
Tabor sat by himself in the dining hall. They had failed to stop the academy from being taken from Winterhaven. He knew his father would be upset by this, but right now there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't have anywhere near the power he would need to return it. Not yet he didn't. If he could do the job he came to do, there was a chance that he could still succeed. Somewhere here he knew Zarin and his friends had hid the ring. If he could find it, he could still turn this situation around to his favor. But now he was alone. All the men his father had sent with him to help him had died trying to stop the move. All except one. And it seemed that one had turned on them. Tabor had altered his disguise so the man wouldn't recognize him if he saw him. But he knew he had to go further then that. He was alone with no allies and no one in the school knew the face he wore at all. He would have to change his whole personality in order to blend in. Become friendly to these people, helpful in his own way or his isolation would give them the clue that would expose him as a traitor. He could also use help in his search, for it would take a long time to search the whole school and that ring could be almost anywhere. It could be stuck to the bottom of the table he was sitting at right now. He felt around under the table to see if anything was there. Feeling nothing there but used old gum he bent down to take a quick look. Nothing. Well it was worth a look.
" You drop something?" He heard. Quickly he tried to get up and bumped his head.
" Wow." He heard someone say. " That looked like it hurt?"
Anger flared in him. He looked up at the boy standing there smiling at him, Tabor was ready to blast him where he stood and stopped. Control yourself he thought to himself.
" Just my writing stick." He smiled at the boy rubbing his head. " And yea, it did hurt."
" Your new here aren't you?" The boy said holding out his hand. " I'm Rush Delion."
" Paolo Navare." Tabor shook his hands. " It's nice to meet you."
" You picked sometime to join the Academy." Rush sat down with his tray of food to eat with him.
" Yea." he said. " Just my luck."
" Well classes have been suspended for now until they figure out what's going on." He said as he started eating. " I hope they find out where we are soon. My parents will be worried."
Tabor looked at the boy. He was nice enough looking with reddish brown hair and freckles. He stood about 5' 10" with a stocky build. He looked like he had come from a family of wealth. He's good enough to be my first patsy Tabor thought to himself. I wonder if the spell I used on Craven will work on him? I guess we'll see.
" This is beginning to look hopeless." Jax told Rage as he rode on his back across one of the southern continents. " We've searched all over the north and found no sign of them. My brother Karis has had no luck either."
[ So we give?] Rage sent. [ Would you like to go home and tell Jandar we failed him and couldn't find Shayn and Ono? I won't do that. I'll stay out here looking until I find them. Jax, they to are like my own children and their out here somewhere in trouble.]
" Rage." Jax said. " We don't know they're in trouble. They could be absolutely safe. We just don't know."
[ They're not at home and that means they're in trouble.]
" I understand." Jax patted his neck." I wouldn't leave Aramis side when he needed me either. But I just feel we're going about this all wrong."
[ What do you mean?] The red dragon asked.
" Well, We've been searching all over Keanna for them with no success. Not even a feeling where they might have been. But there's something we haven't tried."
[ What's that?]
" To ask the one that predicted they're disappearance her advice." He said. " She could have some insight as to how to find them."
[ You mean Alea?] Smoke issued from Rage's snout. [ You think she could have had something to do with it?]
" NO! Never!" He answered forcefully. " She would never have taken them or let them be taken if she could help it. But she just might have a direction to point us to or be able to read more of what's happened to them. My sister sees things to come very clear sometimes and I trust her, I'm asking you to trust her to."
[ I trust the lady of the night.] Rage sent. [ And I know Jandar does so I'm willing to try. Where should I take you to find her?]
" You can't come with me brother." Jax said being as calm as he could because he know Rage would want to come and hear her answers. " Alea is where no mortal can return from. Not even a dragon. You land and rest and I will go see her and come back and tell you what she said."
[ Are you sure about this?]
" Yes." Jax smiled. " I have to do this on my own. Over there, there's a clearing where you can get some rest while I'm gone."
Rage scanned down and saw the space beyond the beach. It was a beautiful spot with palm trees just a little in from a sandy beach. He could have a swim then rest and maybe see Jandar in his dreams if he sleeps too. Rage spiraled down and came in for a soft landing. He held his knee up for Jax to climb down then shifted to human.
" This place is beautiful." He said. " I'll have to remember it and bring Jandar back later."
" He'll like that." Jax stretched. " I'm sure he could use the rest."
" Will you be long?" Unfastening his jacket he stripped it off to reveal his strong masculine chest. He sat down on a boulder and began undressing.
" It shouldn't take long." Jax walked off towards the surf and began it fade from view. " You rest, I'll be back shortly."
After Jax had disappeared, Rage ran naked into the waves and swam out into warm relaxing sea. For a few minutes, all the troubles of Keanna faded from his mind and he found peace.
Shimmering back into space, the young god of justice took his first few steps back into the place of the dead. All around his spirits of the dead bowed with respect for they all knew someone that held the mantle of a god had arrived among them. Ahead of him was a everlasting line of spirits waiting to be shown in and be judged by the master of this place, Lord Nester, or when he was not available. The goddess of death herself, Lady Angela.
As he moved forward spirits moved side for him to pass. None daring to incur the wraith of justice, for his could be swift and final. At the head of the line waited the gatekeeper. At was a new gatekeeper. Before Jax stood the proud spirit Baron Valkar. Valkar smiled at him.
" And welcome to you Lord Jax." He reached out and shook his had.
" Your new position fits you well Baron." Jax said. " I congratulate you."
" Thank you." He said. " But I'm just glad to be able to serve. What can I do for you today?"
" I'm here to see Lady Alea."
" The lady is here in the masters palace." Baron Valkar indicated the great palace on the hill that overlooked all of the land of the dead. " But tell me, How goes the world of the living?"
" Sadly." He said. " Not much has changed. But good still fights to overcome evil."
" As it should always be. Give my respect to Valkar and Azeal please. They are always on my mind."
" I will."
Jax moved on into the netherworld proper. He rose up off the ground and floated on until he reached the stairs to Nestor's palace. He hadn't been here since the day Angela ascended to become a goddess. But nothing had changed here. Not much ever does. Standing at the door were two warriors dressed in the gray and black house colors of Lord Nestor. Climbing the stair, the two guards saluted Jax and pulled open the doors for him to enter. Soft music, the sounds of lutes drafted on the wind as he walked in. He passed house servants going about their daily chores and people waiting for an audience with the lord of the house. Jax never understand this. Who visits you in the underworld? There can't be neighborly squabbles here? What are these spirits doing here? He guessed it was their heavenly reward.
But that wasn't why he was here. He was here to see his sister the moon goddess. And there she sat along with her mate the Lord Nestor sitting down to lunch. Alea turned and saw him walking towards them smiling.
" Jax!!"
She stood and went to him and hugged her youngest brother. Here was someone she was very pleased to see.
" What brings you here?" She asked.
" Can't I come and see my sister without needing something?" He put his arm around her waist and walked her back to Nestor and their lunch. " Greetings Lord Nestor."
" It's good to see you Jax." The handsome lord of the underworld smiled. " Sit, enjoy lunch with us."
A chair appeared and Jax pulled it in and sat with them. The table was loaded down with a feast of food fit for a king, or a god.
" Now, what brings you here to see us?" She asked him. " And don't you dare say it's just for a visit, I know better."
" You always could see right through me sister." He smiled. " I come on behalf of the dragons. You remember the two you met Shayn and Ono?"
" Yes" She said. " The white and grey. I remember them."
" Well Rage and I have been searching all over Keanna for them with no luck. I need your help to find them."
" Excuse us my love." Alea stood up as did her two male companions. " Come with me Jax."
Together the two gods walked out onto the balcony over looking the fields and homes of heaven.
" Take my hand." She said. Jax reached over and placed his hand in hers and in a blink he found himself back on the beach standing over the sleeping Rage along with Jandar.
" Wake mighty ones." She whispered.
As they lay together in sleep their eyes opened to see Jax and Alea standing above them with the sun blazing behind them.
" Are we dreaming?" Jandar asked
" Yes and no." Alea sat down with them smoothing out her dress. " Your asleep yes, but this is real. I'm here to help you."
" Then tell us where we can find our missing young ones." Rage pleaded. " We're sick with worry."
" Yes." Jandar said. " My father is so worried about Ono he's lost most of his senses. He barely eats now at all. Can you help us? Where are they?"
" I will send Atol to ease your fathers worries." She said. " Shayn and Ono are fulfilling their destiny's and neither of you are destined to help right now. Go home. There's plenty there for you to do. When the time comes they will have the help of the young ones. Then and only then, can you help. Your search ends here."
" Are they in any danger?" Jandar asked. He was still very scared for them. " If they are there has to be a way we can help them."
" Jandar, you have helped them." She took Jandar's hand in hers. " You have given them everything they need to succeed. Now you have to go home and make sure they have a home to come back too. Have faith in them. You taught them well and they can do this. Now it's time for me to go."
She stood and backed away from them waving as she fading away into the sunlight.
[ Farewell. I'll be watching.]
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