Tayor Larin smiled to himself thinking of what he could do next. He had Sarella off searching for the elves and sent her to ensure the faerie agent did as she was told. There was something about that faerie and the leprechaun he didn't trust. He had lost contact with the leprechaun, but the faerie had given the ring to her queen and the faere lands were now falling into his hands as the magic spread out from the queen. Soon they would all be ready for him to assume control. Left were the dwarves, orcs, and a few other races he had his eye on. But the most important enemy he had to control was the dragons. They would be the ones that could cause him the most trouble. But he had made plans for the dragons, and they would soon be put into action eliminating the them and their most powerful allies leaving Lord Larin free reign over all of Keanna.
The days of the shining towers and peaceful trade were over in Winterhaven. Gone were all the festivals being celebrated in the city parks, and students practicing their crafts on the Academy lawn. Now hardly anyone roamed the cobbled streets visiting friends or the over crowded market. In fact Lord Larin now controlled all of the commerce in his city. No one made any coin if he didn't, and that was just the way he wanted it.
Rain fell on the city as an old man hobbled his way down a lane. In one hand he held a staff he used to walk. The other he held out to passers by for any coin they could spare. The man was dirty and smelled, so few came hear him. Even Lord Larins men kept there distance, afraid of any diseases he might carry.
There wasn't very much on the street he walked. A few side shops making pots and a closed advocate's office that had been closed since Lord Larins men had run him from town. but the shop the old man was heading for was the oldest shop on the street. An apothecary shop established over two hundred years ago. It had been run by a family of magi. No one powerful but someone very special to the old man.
He reached for the door and opened it as a bell rang announcing his presence. Herbs and plants covered shelves of the shop. All the aromas of different spices and other exotic plants filled the air as he moved into the shop. A very beautiful older woman dressed in dark robes with bronze red hair walked out of the back room. She looked at the old beggar and frowned.
" Why are you here?" She asked.
" Pardon Lady ." He said bowing. " But it is cold and wet out there and the smells of your shop were so soothing."
She looked at him annoyed and put her hands on her hips. " You think I wouldn't know when Pelic Katerro is in my shop?"
" It had been a while since I was last here." He said. He dropped his disguise spell and stood straight before her. " I have changed a lot in the last few years dear Ashura."
" I see." She said stepping closer to examine him. " You are much more powerful. And I don't feel the darkness in you anymore, just shadow."
" You can thank Polan Dressek for the shadows." He concentrated and made his face appear from under the cloaks hood. " And the dragons for giving me light to bare these shadows."
" I feel peace in you to Pelic." Ashura smiled. " Is this the same Pelic I knew from the Dark circle?"
" As I said. Much has changed." He smiled taking her hand and walk her to the back room where they found a couch to rest on. "But I'm not here for a visit."
" Then why are you here? she asked.
" Tayor Larin."
" Our new lord and king." Ashura nodded. " He's a very dangerous man."
" Ashura, he was always dangerous." Pelic looked at her. " But has he found the ring?"
" I honestly don't know. " She said. " He has become more powerful then ever. But if he had the ring, I think I would feel it. The Ring of Endrin possess and emanates such power when used that even he couldn't hide it. No, he doesn't have it."
" I know he's been searching for the ring for years." Pelic said. " I've heard from Insa that it was found by some of his students and it's somewhere here in Winterhaven. It has to be found before Tayor finds it."
" I agree." Ashura nodded. " If he finds it, Winterhaven and all of Keanna is in trouble. What do you plan to do?"
" Good question." Pelic put his hand to his chin and thought on his dilemma. " What freedoms do you have in the city? Where can you go?"
" Tayor has the city locked down." Ashura told him. " No one's above suspicion. Because of my cures, I can get to my gardens and out into the forest. But I'm searched coming back in. There are places in the city I'm allowed. I am the major healer now that Macan and the Academy is gone, but Tayor's people escort me almost everywhere."
" At least he's allowing the people the use of a healer." Pelic smiled.
" Yes but at what price?" Ashura stood to face him. " Nothing here is free. Either you pay or?"
" Or what?" He asked. But one look at her face gave him the answer.
" You know Tayor Larins mercy as well as I do. He has no use for those that can't be of any use to him. Pelic you know this city has its dark side and forces. You were once part of it." She said. " I don't like it, but I know we need it to survive. It makes Winterhaven that much stronger. But he will kill this city and everyone in it if he is allowed to stay king here. He has to be stopped."
Pelic stood his cloak of shadow draped around his shoulders. He knew she was right and that Rage and Jandar wanted to help the people of Winterhaven.
" Ashura, We'll find a way." He put his hand on her shoulder. " With your help and the people of Winterhaven, we'll stop him."
" How?" She asked him. " He has eyes and ears everywhere. What do you plan to do?"
" I'll be as dark as I use to be if that's what it takes." Pelic conjured his disguise back in place and put his hood back on. " I need you to make sure he doesn't have the ring. And if its here, find it. I'll look in the places you can't. And I need to know what Tayor plans."
" I think I know what you want." She said her face going pale. " Your asking me to try seducing him. That's crazy. I could get killed."
" You have a better idea?" He said. " I'm listening."
" So that's why you came back to Winterhaven." Ashura's tone had become angry. " To use me. You haven't changed at all. That shadows really deep in your heart how."
" Ashura." He looked deep in here eyes. " Who else can do this? You think for a second he'd trust me or even if I sent in another woman. You think he would let her get near him? Never! But you've known him for years and better yet. He's been trying to get your attention for just as long. I remember the way he always looked at you. only you can do this."
" He'll never fall for this." She turned away from him. She knew what he was saying was true. Tayor had gone out of his way for years to pursue her. But she had always rebuffed him and his advances. He always repulsed her with his airs and superior demeanor. How could she ever allow him to touch her.
" I ask a lot of you." Pelic put his hand on her shoulder and turned her back to face him. " I know that, but Winterhaven needs your help to survive. The Dragons and I will do all we can, but we can't do it all. There are things even we can't do. Fortunately we have you to help. Now you just said he would kill your city. Help us to save it, please."
Ashura began to cry, sobbing as Pelic pulled her into his arms and held her. They both know what Tayor would do if he became wise to what she was doing. But it had to be done.
" I'll do it." She said wiping her face and pushing away from him. " Damn you and him. I'll do it for Winterhaven."
" Good." Pelic turned and walked out of the room with Ashura following him. He walked to the door and hunched himself over. He was the beggar again. " I'll return to see you in the nights coming so we can't trade information. Good luck to you."
" Fuck you." She said as he walked out the door.
Gray clouds filled the skies as three strangers made their way to the gates of New Keanna. They were covered in mud and bone tired from their journey limping and helping each other up the road. From the top of the wall two New Keannian guards gazed down to see them stumbling towards the gate. They rushed down to find them all lying in the mud less the ten feet outside the gate.
" Call for Blaze!" A guard called up to his mates on the wall. As he pulled one man up into a sitting position more guards came out to help bring them in. Each man took the arm of one of the stranger and helped him to his feet.
" Help Rina." One man called as he was lifted. The guards pulled back the hood of the last one laying there and realized it was a woman with light brown hair. He lifted her up and carried her in. All three were taken into the guardhouse to be examined by a healer. They were all laid in beds to rest and wait until one of the dragons could come down to see them.
A few minutes later Blaze ran in and watched as they were being examined for injuries. He waited out of the way while the healer Castor looked them over. Once done, Castor stepped over to Blaze.
" How are they?" He asked.
" Mostly exhaustion." Castor said as he washed his hands. " The woman has a gash on her head. She must have suffered a blow recently."
" Will she be alright?" Blaze asked. He stepped closer to look at the three in the beds.
" Yes." he nodded. " I give them all something to make them rest. They should be up in a few hours just fine."
" Does anyone know who they are?" Blaze asked all the men that help them in. " Did they say anything?"
" The big man called the woman Rina." A guard said. " But they didn't say anything else."
" Blaze." Another called him over. He was standing there with the packs and cloaks. Blaze walked over to see what he wanted. He held up one of the cloaks. It had the tower blazed with the w on the chest. " They wear the symbols of Winterhaven. Could they have escaped from there?"
" Could be." Blaze took the cloak. " I want someone with them in this room at all times. Soon as they wake send someone to the manor for me. Be careful. They may be Warlocks."
" Yes sir." The guard saluted him.
Blaze walked out of the guardhouse and headed back to the manor. These three might hold some answer to what was happening in the magic city. Jandar would want to know right away.
[ Jandar, Rage.] He sent out. [ We have guest.]
[ Who is it?] Rage asked.
[ I think they're from Winterhaven.] Blaze said. [ They wear the sign of the council.]
[ Council members?] Blaze could feel Jandar's anxiety. [ At last maybe we can get some answers. Bring them to the manor.]
[ They're under Castors care right now.]
[ Are they hurt bad?]
[ No.] Blaze sent entering the manor. [ I'll be in your study in just a minute to explain.]
Blaze climbed the stairs up until he reached the top level and found their apartment. He knocked and Rage opened the door.
" They wore these." He handed the cloak to Rage. Rage looked it over then passed it to his mate.
" Yes." Jandar nodded. "Only council members wear this symbol. Do you know who they are?"
" Just that there's a woman named Rina." Blaze came in and sat down in front of Jandar and Rages twin desks.
" Rina Somerall?" Jandar asked. " We met her while we were writing out the treaty that we made with Winterhaven. This could be some luck at last. I'm sure she's come to ask for our help."
" We should move them here to recover then." Rage went to summon someone to have them moved to more comfortable rooms at the manor.
" Let them rest." Blaze said. " They need sleep. There's nothing we can do right now anyway."
" My question is how did they get here?" Blaze asked. " They had to climb the cliffs and they don't look like they were in any shape to do that."
" Magic?" Rage asked.
" Rage, I doubt they could conjure and apple in the shape they're in"
" I guess we'll soon find out." Jandar said handing the cloak back to Blaze. As he did something fell out of the inner folds and rolled across the floor and under the couch Blaze was sitting on. Blaze got down on all fours and looked under the couch.
" What's this?" He reached under the couch for the object and felt a sting in his hand. " Owwwwww!!"
As he pulled back his hand there was a knock at the door.
" Come in." Rage called.
The door opened and Seven and Toric came in looking grim. They walked over to the desk where Jandar sat with Rage standing behind him.
" Why do I get the feeling somethings wrong." Rage asked looking annoyed.
" Let them talk Love, and we'll find out what's going on." Jandar patted Rage's hand. He turned to the Seven and Toric. " Is everything alright?"
" No." Seven said. " I don't think it is. What do you know about my younger brother and sister?"
" Just that Cutter asked me to send Braddoc out to help find them." Jandar told her. " We've been so busy lately with Winterhaven it slipped my mind."
" We think it's all connected." She said. " At least that's what Cutter thought the last time he talked to Morganz and I agree."
" Exactly what's going on?" Rage asked. He sat down next to Jandar at the desk curious to hear what they said.
" We're not sure." Toric told them. " But no one's been able to reach anyone in Eventide. We can't reach Adanar and Emrel either. Somethings not right."
" And somehow you think Tayor Larin is behind all this?" Rage said. " Is that right?"
Toric and Seven looked at each other feeling doubt for a moment. A while ago it all seemed so clear, but now they weren't sure.
" Relax." Rage held up his hand walking out from behind the desk. " I trust your intuition, especially when it comes to the elven people. Now, you say no one in Eventide can be reached?"
" That's right." Seven nodded.
" I know your mother is very powerful and so is your uncle Arandryl ." Jandar said. " It would take some very strong magic to block them."
" I'm guessing you want to go to Eventide to investigate?" Rage sat on the edge of the desk taking all they had said in. He turned to Jandar. " What do you think?"
" I think the Eventide's have suffer enough in the last few years." Jandar looked up to Seven. " If they need help, I think we should do what we can."
" Blaze?" Rage turned to the younger red dragon for his advice.
" I agree."
" It's settled then." Rage told them. " Take whoever you need and keep us informed of what's going on."
Seven and Toric smiled and thanked them for there help and promised to stay in communications with them then turned to leave.
" We're going to take Denner with us." Toric told them. " I think his changeling abilities may be of use. We'll be leaving right away."
" Fine, good luck." Jandar called as the opened the door. " Be careful. We want all of you back here safe."
Seven smiled and they were off.
" Now." Jandar turned to Blaze. " What was it that fell from the cloak?"
Darkness ruled the night as Tomaz Acros made his way through Prafa. He had an audience this night in the main house with Valkar Zlenka, king of all the vampires and he wouldn't keep the king waiting. Tomaz smiled as he reached the gate and told them he was expected. The guard nodded and stepped into his little hut at the gate to confirm the order. He picked up the list he had been give and found Tomaz's name.
" You may pass." He said. " Someone will escort you in once you reach the manor. Welcome home sir.
" Thank you." Tomaz nodded.
Prafa manor was still a walk away. It had been built a mile outside of Prafa in the rear of the city but still inside the walls. Because of the protection spells Valkar had Jandar cast on the estate for safety, one couldn't just fly in. With the exception of certain staff, Zlenka and Gaelich family, you had to stop at the gate to be checked in then you could make your way to the manor however you pleased, by coach, by foot or by wing. Tomaz spread his arms and shifted to his hawk form and flew on in. From the air he could see the road and house all lit and many people gathered around attending to whatever business had brought them to Prafa manor on this night. He flew down after his short fight and landed in the courtyard and shifted back. Tomaz was dressed in his finest tonight. A dark cloak over his black evening jacket and white shirt and dark pants. He adjusted his clothing and made sure he still had the package he meant to present to Valkar and headed up into the house.
Many were waiting at the door to be announced on this special night and gain entrance. Tonight there were two honored guest. The king of course and Tomas the returning hostage being honored on his safe return.
As Tomaz walked up the stairs to get in line the crowd all turned and saw him. Cheers went up and the crowd began to applaud him as they parted to allow the honored one to move to the front of the line. Tomaz waved and smiled as people bowed to him. He climbed up the stairs to the desk where one of the Barons Staff waited to greeted him.
" Ah Tomaz Acros!" The well dressed butler Aker stood up bowing. " His majesty has been waiting your arrival. We bid you a welcome home and a welcome to Prafa Manor."
" Thank you." He nodded back. " I am to see King Valkar tonight."
" Indeed you are." Aker sat back down and waved a footman over and whispered in his ear. " He will take you to see King Valkar and Baron Gaelich privately. I hope your evening is most pleasant."
" Thank you again." Tomaz turned and followed the footman into the manor. The crowd moved back in line as he left. A guard stepped up to the butler and watched Tomaz head into the manor.
" What a lucky one he was to escape." He said.
" Indeed." Aker said. " I hear he was marked for death just for being there."
" Did you notice how red his eyes were?" The guard asked frowning. " If it wasn't for the wards on the manor, I might have thought him a nightwalker."
" Fatigue I'm sure." The butler shrugged handing the invitation back to the guest he was serving and waved him on. " After all, he's been through a great ordeal. It has to have had some effect on him. Besides, no nightwalker could get pass the gates alive. Next!"
Dressed in her finest blue gown, Athene admired herself in the mirror. Her hair was done in a tight bun and she wore at her neck the necklace Jandar had given her with the blue Salvation stone. She wished Pelic could be there to see and escort her tonight, but he was off on some mission for the dragon. Adam would do, she did so enjoy working with him. In fact he was downstairs waiting for her. She had better hurry.
She grabbed her shawl and turned to leave when she noticed something in the mirror. It had suddenly grown hazy. She couldn't even see her reflection anymore. Suddenly her magic senses began to go wild. Something was wrong. The mirror was not spelled or infused with any kind of magic. So why was it like this? Then she heard a voice in her head. It wasn't loud but it was strong. It whispered DANGER. Something was about to happen. Someone was trying to warn her.
" ADAM!" She yelled. " Get up here fast!"
The pounding of his footsteps on the stairs hurrying up to see what threatened her echoed through the house. He rushed into the room as she stood staring at the mirror.
" What's wrong?" he shouted as he entered ready to fight.
" Look!" Athene pointed at the mirror. Adam looked into the mirror. As it began to clear an elven woman's face began to appear. She was a dark elf, an elder woman.
[ My name is Hasmira, and I bring a warning to you. There is no time to talk or to waste. Get out of Prafa now if you want to save your people from certain doom. There is no time to warn anyone else. Please, leave now. Shift and get away from the city. Go now or all hope is lost. GO NOW!!]
" What do we do?" Adam asked her. " This could be just to get us out of the way so someone could attack."
" I don't think so." Athene said. " I think we should do as she says and go."
" But I can't fly!" He shouted.
" Adam your a vampire. You flew before Balthazar changed you, you can still do it. Concentrate and change!!"
She ran to the window and threw it open then looked back at Adam. He had his eyes closed in deep concentration.
" Remember how it felt when you first learned to change forms?" She said calmly reassuring him. " Now change!"
In a flash of magic Adam changed. He took on his scorpion like form only smaller and with wings. He began to beat them and lifted from the floor and flew.
[ I DID IT!]
" Hurry!" She said " Out the window. I'll follow you!"
Adam zipped out the window as Athene spread her arms and took her raven form and flew after him.
[ Quickly, follow me.]
Together they flew off and out of Prafa into the nearby hills not sure exactly what was about to happen in Prafa, but Athene had a feeling deep inside it had something to do with Tomaz Acros. Whatever happened, she swore they would get to the bottom of it.
After leaving Jandar and Rage, Toric headed to his mothers apartment to tell her he would be away. He knew she would worry but she knew he was a capable mage and a smart man so she trusted them to come home safely. Next the called out to Denner and told him all about the mission. He agreed to go and to meet them in the courtyard. Denner kissed Nautica good bye, grabbed his sword and left to meet Seven and Toric.
" So off to Eventide, huh?" He asked. He buckled his sword into place and was ready to go.
" No." Seven said. " First we find Adanar ans Emrel. Once they're safe, we take them home and see what is going on there."
" What of Winterhaven?" Denner asked. " They're in real trouble there. We could help there."
" We have people there." Toric assured Denner. " If we're needed, they'll call I'm sure. Right now we concentrate on the Eventide's. The answer to both problems could be there. But we'll see."
" Fair enough." Denner followed Seven and Toric out into the center of the courtyard. " How do we find them?"
" We find my cousin Morganz." Seven spread out her arms and shifted to Ariel. She roared then knelt down so Toric could climb on her back. [ Morganz is with Braddoc. He's a excellent tracker and I've no doubt he'll be able to find them."
" What are we waiting for?" Denner concentrated and changed his form to that of a Pegasus. He reared up neighing then kicked out to launch himself into the sky. [Let's move!]
Ariel spread her wings and created winds to carry them up and off on their way. What ever troubles they found, they were sure they would be able to handle.
Deep down in the rookery amongst all the dragon eggs and heat and gold, lay a sleeping dragon. Insa the smoke dragon, ex leader of the Winterhaven council. Around him stood four others of the Keanna Clan. In their human forms Syren, Sarah, Dreik and Gird stood watching over the sleeping dragon. It had been a few day since anyone had been able to talk with Insa's consciousness, so they were all worried about him. They were afraid if he didn't wake soon, he never would. Jandar, Pelic, and Toric had done all the could to wake him with no success. Kalin hadn't had a chance to try before he had left for Winterhaven. He thought he would return quickly and be able to try a few spells, but that wasn't to happen. Jandar and Cutter were able to work through most of the dream weaving but the last strand seemed beyond them, so here Insa lay. Probably aware of everything around, but unable to even open his eyes.
" He looks so calm in his sleep." Sarah said. " So restful."
" I doubt it." Syren stepped over and sat down beside her clan mates. " I've been under this sort of spell before. You dream all these wild things. Nightmares. We are so use to being in control of our minds and dreams it's frightening to lose such control."
" Yes, I remember those nightmares." Gird nodded. " It was very hard for me too. Every night soothing all your minds, being your link to reality."
" But you did it." She smiled up at Gird. " It gave us all such comfort feeling you there. You were our light in the darkness. Thank you Gird so much."
" No need for thanks." he said. " I was partly guilty for helping steal the dragonspirit."
" Gird." Dreik hovered on a boulder, his short legs crossed. " That was Polan's doing. You, Blaze and the others were not responsible for what that monster did."
" Our greed was." He said sadly.
" Let it go brother." Syren stood and put her hand on his shoulder. Her voice like a song, so sweet. " We forgave you long ago, and you more then made up for the small part you played in all that with your protection. You should give yourself a break, take a flight and clear you mind for a while. We'll keep watch here."
"If you think it best." Gird bowed to his clan mates. "I could use some fresh air. Some exercise might be just what I need."
"Have a safe ride Brother." Syren waved as the small man left.
" Now if we could only reach into Insa's mind and do the same for him. " Sarah was almost in tears. As with all the dragons, her magic was controlled by her emotions so being a water dragon her hair and clothing were becoming damp with water from the air around them.
" Jandar tried." Dreik told her. He floated over to try and comfort her a bit " But this spell seems different then the one Polan cast. Sarah, I know we'll find a way to wake him. It's just going to take time."
" But do we have time?" She cried.
" We'll see." Syren said. " We will see."
Tomaz Acros was escorted to a waiting room outside of Baron Arturus's office. He knew Valkar and Arturus Gaelich would be in there discussing what was going on in Winterhaven. Tomaz wondered what could be bothering them so much. He was safe. Prafa was fine. Nothing that happened in Winterhaven could affect them in Prafa. All the while these thoughts went through his mind, Tomaz fingered the package in his pocket. A package he really had no idea he even had. All he knew was that he had to see King Valkar and pass him a message? But he couldn't remember from who? He just knew he had to see the king.
" Sir?" A voice called. " Sir!"
Tomaz was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the guard calling his name. He looked up with his red eyes a little dazed.
" His majesty is waiting for you." The guard turned and gestured for Tomaz to follow him. One last time Tomaz unconsciously patted his pocket then followed his escort into Baron Arturus office.
Gaelich manor was newly built in Prafa. Arturus's reward for his part and loyalty to Valkar in the war against his own brother Balthazar. The manor wasn't as large as many others but Valkar had spared no expense in its building or its furnishing. Elven woodworking and carvings, dwarven metalwork in the gates and on the walls. Valkar had hired some of the best artist in all the lands to help rebuild the city. Prafa was very proud of its new additions.
As Tomaz entered the office, Baron Gaelich was giving his last minute instruction on the menu and seating to the house staff. He looked up and bowed his head to Tomaz as he passed. Behind the Baron's elaborately carved desk sat Valkar the king of the vampire nation dressed in his finest. Valkar stood smiling welcoming Tomaz.
" Welcome Tomaz." Valkar held out his hand for him. Tomaz clutched it and they shook hands. Valkar pointed to a chair in front of the desk. " Have a seat. We want to hear all you can tell us of Winterhaven."
" Thank you your Majesty." Tomaz sat down making himself comfortable. " There's not much more I can add. I'm sure Lady Athene told you all I reported about being in Winterhaven. The people there are scared to death of what's going on there. I don't blame them."
" We know." Baron Gaelich came over and sat next to Tomaz. "We plan to send all the help we can. We just don't know who to help."
" That's where you come in." Valkar explained. " We need you to tell us all you can of the people that rescued you from the dungeon. Anything you can remember. a sound, a smell, anything at all."
" Your Majesty, they gave me something to give the Baron." Tomaz dug in his pocket. Valkar and Arturus watched waiting to see what his rescuers had sent them. Maybe somehow they could use it to find the underground movement in Winterhaven. Valkar had people with magic that could trace objects back to who they belong to. That might just be the way to find them. From his pocket Tomaz took a small wrapped package. It was the size of a ring box. Tomaz placed it down on the desk in front of his king.
" This I was to give to Baron Gaelich as a token of their respect." Tomaz looked sincerely at Valkar with his blood shot eyes. " They said this would explain everything and that the Baron would understand once he received it."
" What is it?" Arturus picked the box up and examined it. He shook it and heard something rattling inside. It was a rather plain little box wrapped in brown parchment and tied close with string.
" I don't know." Tomaz shrugged and turned to Valkar. " But I think you should have it."
" Me?" Valkar asked frowning. " I don't understand. Why me?"
" You are king of Yadessa." He said. " And you have the power to help them. Baron Gaelich would just come to you with their request anyway."
Valkar and Arturus looked at Tomaz. He was acting a little strange Valkar thought. Litely Valkar sent a probe into Tomaz mind just for a second. He probed him for any kind of treachery. His eyes looked strange, but Valkar didn't find anything on his mind. In fact he was completely calm.
" Open it." The king said.
Arturus untied the string and dropped it on the desk. He unwrapped the parchment and found inside was a little wooden ring box. Arturus showed it to Valkar then opened it. Inside wrapped in a velvet cloth was a beautiful gold ring with a deep blue sapphire stone set in it. Arturus held it up and watched the light reflect through it.
" Beautiful!" He said. " But this ring means nothing to me. It doesn't explain anything."
" Let me see it." Valkar put out his hand.
Arturus lowered the ring and reached out to place it in the kings hands. Just as it dropped, the Salvation pendant Valkar wore around his neck gave off a bright flash. A flash seen by everyone in Prafa. And that was the last thing anyone in Prafa saw for a long while, accept Tomaz Acros who suddenly knew just what his mission was here in Prafa.
" It rolled under the couch." Blaze said bending down to retrieve the object. He was being careful. He remembered the sting from earlier and his hand still hurt a little.
" Blaze." Rage stopped him. " You go check on our guest. I'll get that. See what you can find out from them. it may be important."
" Do you want them sent here to rest?" Blaze stood and walked to the door.
" Yes." Jandar told him. " Rose can find someplace for them on one of the lower floors. Just make sure someone keeps a watch on them."
" As you wish. I'll let you know if I find anything out." Blaze left leaving Jandar and rage alone in their study.
" This Winterhaven situation really has me worried." Jandar told his mate. " Pelic told me he knew Tayor Larin rather well. He said he was always trying to find someway to take control of the Winterhaven council. It seems he's found a way."
" I know." Rage bent down looking under the chair. " He told me all about this Lord Larin. That's why I sent him and the other Shadows to Winterhaven. Pelic is our best chance there. He knows the city and if anyone can find help there, it would be him."
" Have you found it yet?" Jandar stood and walked over to help Rage.
" Move the couch over."
Jandar grabbed the couch and pushed it over out of the way. There they saw what had fallen. It was a little golden totem of a dragon. Jandar and Rage stood looking down at it.
" A dragon." Rage smiled. " It's a little dragon. It looks like Shine."
Rage stepped forward and bent down to pick it up. Suddenly the Salvation stone in his neck gave off and bright flash of power.
" RAGE NO!!" Jandar yelled. " DON'T TOUCH IT!!"
But it was to late. Rage had picked it up and the magic from the two powerful objects clashed. A wave of power radiated out from the office and affected everyone one in New Keanna. The magic put everyone in a deep sleeping trance. Again, all the dragons in New Keanna were asleep. All except one.
As the magic of the totem and the Salvation stone clashed and knocked everyone in the city out, Insa the smoke dragon took a great gasp of breath and woke up. Weak he looked around not sure of where he was. But it didn't take him long to recognize his surroundings. He climbed to his feet and shifted back to his human form then fell back down. His head was still a little dazed so he sat and tried to remember everything that had happened. He remembered the academy and all the children. He remembered Zarin and his friends and the Gold ring they had found. Insa knew Tayor was looking for the ring. Then he remembered his fight with Tayor Larin and his coup of the city. The people of Winterhaven must be going through hell right now. He knew he had to get out and fight to get Winterhaven back to its rightful reign by the council.
Insa stood and looked around. He took his first weak steps. That's when he saw the bodies of Dreik, Syren and Sarah lying in the gold. He stumbled over to them to check and see if they were dead. He looked for breathing and found their chest expanding as they took in each breath of air. They were alive. He shook Syren and tried to wake her. He couldn't wake any of them. Insa got to his feet and made his way out of the Rookery.
Outside he found a completely silent city. The people of New Keanna were lying all around the city right where they had fallen. Insa tried waking many of them but soon realized this was a more powerful version of the spell he had been under. That meant this was all Tayor Larins doing.
" Damn that dark bastard!"
Insa knew he had to go check on Jandar and Rage and see who was here sleeping. He expected to find them in the same condition, but still he had to check. Insa looked around New Keanna and shifted to a cloud of smoke and flew all over the city. He found out that many of the dragons and the Shadows weren't here in New Keanna. They must be out on missions. He flew up and into a window to their study to check on Jandar and Rage. There he found them on the floor passed out. He drifted in and shifted then went to check the two kings of New Keanna. Just as he thought they were asleep. Rage began to build in the smoke dragon as he looked at his two kings lying on the floor.
He wasn't sure what to do. He knew he had to get to Winterhaven. He was probably the only mage powerful enough to fight Tayor. But he couldn't leave New Keanna unprotected. Someone had to be here and it would have to be someone that wouldn't be affected by Tayor's spell. He could think of only one that could do it.
[ Jax!!]
In a flash of light the god of justice appeared. His red hair blazing from the light from the window.
" Insa!" He said in surprise. " Your awake!'
" Yes, but they're not." Insa pointed to Jandar and Rage on the floor.
" What in the name of Rimnar happened here?" Jax looked at his friends in shock. " Who did this?"
" My guess is Tayor Larin is responsible."
" You mean the new lord of Winterhaven. " Jax bent down to check on Jandar and Rage. He could feel the magic on them.
" Can you break the spell?" Insa asked.
" No." Jax told him. " I couldn't wake you. He must have something powerful on his side. Some magic I can't quite touch. But I will help you to bring him to justice. That's for sure."
" Jax, I checked all over The city. We are the only ones here awake." He said. " I need you to stay and protect them. I know if no ones here, Tayor will attack."
" This city is protected by magic." Jax said. " They'll be fine."
" Are you willing to bet their lives on it?" Insa asked looking firmly at Jax. " Something made it past the spells once. You sure Tayor can't do it again?"
" I'll stay." Jax said agreeing. " But if you need me, you call. I'll be there in a flash. And I'll be watching."
" Thank you." Insa bent down and went to lift Jandar off the floor to make him more comfortable.
" I'll take care of them." Jax raised his hand and waved it over the two lovers on the floor. As if on some invisible pillow they floated up and sailed over to they're beds where he placed them softly down next to each other. Then turned back to Insa.
" Where will you go?" He asked.
" I'll start in Tir Na." Insa blow out a puff of smoke which formed into a cloak which he draped around his shoulders and tied on. " Then on to Valkar to see if he knows anything of what's going on."
" Good journey my friend." Jax reached out and they clasped forearms. " Be careful."
" You too." Insa stepped over to the wide windows of Jandar and Rages bedroom and threw them open. With a roar he shifted to smoke and flew out and off on his way.
Jax closed the widows behind him then turned back to look at the two sleeping men on the bed. " If there was ever a time Keanna needed dragons, I think it's now. I only pray the dragons we have are enough. Pleasant dreams brothers."
From the walls of New Keanna's gate the three strangers watched as first Gird then Insa opened their wings and took to the skies. With Insa awake the three knew the master would not be pleased with them. Something had to be done.
" Perdsen." Rina Somerall ordered. "You stay here and keep watch encase something else is awake in there."
"Where are you going?" Perdsen asked. He pushed one of the gate guards out of his way so Rina and Ton Haslin could pass.
"After the first Dragon that left. There's not much we can do about Insa, but the other, Ton and I should be able to deal with. You just keep watch and report all that happens back to Lord Larin. He will know what to do."
"What what about this red haired one? He looks dangerous."
"He looks like a simple rich boy if you ask me." Ton waved him off. "He's harmless, stay out of his way and you'll be fine,"
"I guess." Perdsen nodded and watched as his companions left the gate and went out into the forest after their enemy. New Keanna now seemed quiet. No dragons flew through the skies and none of it's people walked the streets. But somehow he knew he wasn't the only one awake in the Dragon city. Someone else was still awake here. He just had to wait and see who it was.
As the magic overwhelmed New Keanna and sent the Dragons into a deep state of dream sleep, Gird was flying low over the old mound that once housed the clan. He dropped down to land at the monument Dreik had erected to their memory and watched as the flames leaped skyward. He thought about the days past when he protected the Dragons in their sleep and missed the feel of their voices echoing through his mind comforting him. Gird wished there was a way he could reach Insa's sleeping mind, but this spell was different then Polan's. More powerful somehow. It had to be due to the fact that Tayor Larin had access to magic Polan could only dream of.
Things didn't seem to going very well these days. There was trouble in Winterhaven and something bad was happening in the Elven lands. Well at least all seemed well in New Keanna.
Just then He had a horrible feeling of dread. He looked up toward New Keanna in the west and something just didn't feel right. Worried he launched himself into the sky to return home. Finding a pillar of heat he spiral up then turned west beating his wings to get home.
Soon below him the forest surrounding New Keanna appeared. The normal sounds of beast big and small rang out from beneath him as he flew past. Ahead he could see the walls of the city so he beat his wings harder for more speed. Suddenly Gird heard a scream. It was the scream of a woman. It sounds like she was either in pain or being threatened. He looked ahead toward New Keanna anxious to get home then he scanned the forest below. Gird could feel something was wrong at home but being a Dragon, he couldn't ignore a cry for help.
Narrowing his wings he dived into the trees to search for the source of the scream. It didn't take him long to find it. Moving as fast as she could pushing through the thick forest, a brown haired woman ran. Behind her Gird could see the rustle of the trail of whatever chased her, but the was no sign of the actual beast. He dropped down lower and sped up to get in front of her. In a clearing he came to ground as the woman broke through the bush and came running at him. She looked at him and stopped short not sure what to think of his dragon like visage.
"Hurry to me!" Gird called. "I'm from New Keanna. I'll protect you!"
The woman smiled and nodded then right to get behind him for his protection.
"What follows and attacks you?" He asked as he waited for an attack to come out of the forest.
"You have it all wrong." He heard her say. "I'll be doing the attacking here."
Gird turn just as she fired a magical bolt of energy at his back. Searing pain ran through his back as the blast threw him off his feet. Gird scrambled to get up as a second blast hit the ground just beside him. Lashing out blindly he sent a torrent of flames at the place where he had last seen the woman. As he stood he saw she was not there. Turning quickly he dived to his side as the next blast hit. Gird rolled and blow out with his frost breath and heard a scream. The strange thing was that it was a mans scream he heard. He looked around to find a dark bearded man with cryptic symbols drawn on his arms laying frozen in the grass.
Gird roared out a challenge as the woman stepped out and raised her arms ready to cast her next energy bolt at him.
"Who are you?" Gird wrapped his wings around his shoulders to ready them to shield him.
"Rina Somerall and I'm the last thing you will ever see monster!" With a gleam in her eye she sent her blast at him. With a wave of his wings, Gird deflected the numbing blast away. Pain flared all along his wing to his backbone leaving him numb. Weakly he held his wings up and again sent his flames at her. She laugh and easily stepped aside to avoid his flames.
"You lose Dragon!" She laughed. "Just as the others of your kind have been destroyed, so shall you be!"
"Destroyed?" Gird flexed his wings and circled as the sun shined down on him through an opening in the foliage granting him more power. "What are you talking about?"
"Tayor Larin the new lord of Winterhaven has begin his bid for control of Keanna. The only thing that stands in his way is you Dragons. Earlier we visited your city and set about a spell that will incapacitate all of your cursed kind. By now every Dragon in New Keanna is either dead or dying in a deep dream like sleep."
"I don't think so Witch." Gird's eyes blazed with power and rage. "You and your lord will find it's not so easy to kill a Dragon. And you better be a whole lot better if you want to kill this Dragon!"
With that the attack began again. Standing in the open sun light Gird batted away at each of Rina's blast time and time again. Slowly he pushed his way forward through her agonizing blast. The pain was tearing into him but Gird set in his rage kept moving forward. Desperately Rina strengthened her blast with all the magic she had at her command but it was no use. Gird finally reached her and grabbed her glowing hands and sent her own magic plus his back into her. Rina screamed and fell smoking to the ground at his feet. Gird staggered weakly a few feet forward. He was completely out of power and magic. It would take him a long time to regenerate himself to his normal energy level. He looked up to the sun and roared then fell flat on his face out of power and unconscious.