As they stopped to check for pursuit, two of the Eelmen streaked pass the crevice they were hiding in. Pulling back, Mortimor slipped deeper into the hole to rest. He needed to think. Figure out some way out of here and how to get back on their mission.
At the bottom of the crevice, he thought back to when this had all started. That was the day Talsara sent her Dark Elves and the slimy Munos into the sea to take Aquilona from the Merpeople of Shyr.
It was early in the morning and Mortimor was out with his younger brother rounding up a school of tuna to run to the market when a messenger from the palace came racing out to find him. Dressed in the sea green uniform of the house of Dylani, the Merman looked frantic. He reached into his pouch and passed Mortimor a message stone, then saluted and sped away to deliver his next message.
[Mortimor.] His brother Faelyn swam up next to him with his pet dolphin Dash. [What is that?]
[Its from King Caldar.] Mortimor said as he read. [He say's there's trouble. ]
[Invasion!] He looked up from the message. [No time to explain. I want you to go home and get Mother and Cilia. Take them and head out to the deeper trenches in the west. You know the place that we use in case of emergency. Stay there until someone comes and tells you its safe to come home.]
[Mortimor what is going on?] Faelyn had that look on his face. The one that always got him in trouble. Mortimor knew there wasn't time for that right now. Faelyn would have to do as he was told this time and not argue.
[Listen Faelyn. The war that we all have been hearing about his come to Dree. Talsara Darkshade's Dark Elves are marching on Dree right now and somethings been sighted coming out of Mythioes heading here. I need you to do as I say this time with deviations. Take food for at least a week and weapons to hunt. Others will join you out there. Just be careful. If you see anything strange, you hide, only fight if you have no choice. Do you understand me?]
[Yes brother.]
Mortimor could see the bluish tint to his brothers face. He was scared but now was the time for him to be brave. He hugged him close assuring him everything would be OK and promised he would come to get them as soon as he could. then he was off heading for the palace to answer his Kings call.
As Mortimor entered the palace gates, everything was in chaos. Mermen were gathering for the defense of the city from every direction. Since the shield on the city had failed, worn down with time. A great globe had been built to cover the city. Now it could be pumped dry to accommodate land dwelling visitors like officials from Tir Na, Yadessa or some of the land-based elf or fairie races.
Now, the walls inside the globe were manned with lookouts while special squids and octopus swam the outer reaches of Aquilona looking for signs of the enemies approach. Mortimor passed the armory gates, spear guns, tridents and an assortment of different types of blades and armor were being passed out to the men of the city guard. Standing at the armory door, Aquilona's master of arms stood to send out orders for Mermen to position themselves. At that moment Mortimor knew this was all real. The war was really at their door.
Hurrying on Mortimor swam on to the gates of the palace. There, an old friend, Pyor called out directions to the men around him. When he saw Mortimer arrive he stopped and waited for Mortimor to joined him.
[Caldar's been waiting for you.] Pyor turned and swam into the palace gate. When he noticed Mortimor wasn't with him he stopped. [Well? What are you waiting for? We have to hurry.]
Up through the palace they swam pass palace guards and different Dylani nobles stuck in his waiting room for an audience.
As they passed, many of the nobles had gathered in the palace waiting room for an audience with Caldar anxious for any news on the coming events. Mortimor could see the fear that filled the face of every man in the room.
As Mortimor and Pyor entered the throne room the door to the king's chamber opened and Caldar Dylani stepped out followed by two of his guards. The room grew quiet as they made they're way to the throne where Caldar stepped up, and took a seat and gazed out at those gathered in the room.
Caldar Dylani was tall for a Merman. He had short cut black hair and the grey eyes of the rest of his family. Caldar was dressed in a form-fitting blue top and bottom that fit tight to his body. He hated the regal clothing of the nobles and had long ago swore never to wear them. Around his brow, he wore the golden circlet of his rank as king of Aquilona.
[For many weeks Orym Dree and I have been aware of the troubles in the northern lands. The war of Winterhaven and the dark queen of Darkshade. We had hopes that it would be brought to a quick end by the Dragons and the people of the north, but it seems that is not the case. The war is now coming here.
He stopped for a second to let the news sink in. The people in the room began to get excited and shout questions.
[SILENCE!!] Pyor sent quieting the room. [Let him finish.]
[Orym has sent word that the Dark Elves have entered Dree, he expects she will attack Aquilona within days. How I don't know, but I believe him. I have given orders to strengthen our defenses. To try and get the shield working again but it will take a new source of power to keep it on for a long period of time, and right now we don't have it.]
[Now.] Caldar continued. [We do have choices. We can abandon the city and go out and try and find somewhere deeper in the ocean where it will be safe.]
Mortimor could hear people agreeing that that was the best way and only choice for them.
[OR.] Caldar sent angrily. He had heard them too. Cowards he thought. [We can fight for our homes. We can join with the men of Dree and the rest of the north and fight Talsara like proud men! This is our ocean. She has no rights here!]
Cheers of agreement slowly began to sound in the crowd. But moans of fear also rang out. Caldar stood and surveyed the crowd. He saw many of his best warriors and knew they were ready to fight, but the nobles were a different story. They were used to living in peace and fighting only with words. Now some of them might even have to pick up a trident and defend themselves. That scared them. It scared many of them. Maybe it would be better if he sent them away with the women and children to somewhere safe.
As the noise of the crowd began to grow, Caldar stood raised his hand to quiet them. Pyor and Mortimor moved to the front of the dais to stand with their king.
[SILENCE ALL OF YOU!!] Pyor slammed his trident down into the floor. A rumble rolled through the room getting everyone attention.
[Those who wish to stay and fight, come forward and stand with me.] Caldar called out his orders. [Those who want to go, get out. Go home and gather your wives and your children. Take your gems and your gold and go hide while the men of Aquilona fight to protect your homes. And when it's done, know that none of you are welcome in the palace ever again. Now Go!!]
In the rear of the throne room, the guards threw open the doors and ushered men out who wanted to leave. In the front, a huge crowd had stayed to stand with the king. Of these a few were older, Caldar thanked them and assured them they would always be welcome in his house. He asked that they go with the others and protect them. He gave them message stones so they could be Calder's eyes and ears. Then he asked Mortimor, Pyor and a few others into his private chambers to plan their next move.
As the palace in Dreesport burned, Flinar and Strohm fought hand to hand in the city center. Five dark elves had cornered them after the battle at the palace broken up. Standing back to back the two Dree warriors fought on with honor. The city was lost they both knew that. Their only chance was to get out of this battle and make it to a boat and get to the sea where they could meet with the Mer to plan some kind of offense to save both cities. All around them battles still when on. Caldar had sent warriors in to help. Once the Palace had been taken, the order to retreat had been given. Flinar and Strohm stayed behind so Calder's men could get out.
Ships from Aquilona had been loaded in the bay with the wounded and able-bodied men and sent deep into the ocean for protection. Now it was Flinar and Strohm's turn to get out.
From a message, Caldar had told Flinar that a small craft had been hidden behind the Aquilona fish market that would get them to safety. All they had to do was get there, dive down and enter and drain the craft then set the coordinates to take them to where Caldar would be waiting.
With sword and spell the two warriors fought on. Raising his short sword, Flinar slashed out with his long blade then spun and stabbed out skewering a dark elf. As he pulled his blade free, another elf swiped at his head. Quickly ducking, Flinar slashed down at the legs of his opponent slicing into his leg bringing him down. With a single kick to the jaw, Flinar finished him off then turned as Strohm sent a bolt blasting through the chest of the last dark elf facing them.
Nodding to Strohm as he raised his two blades, they stepped forward to engages, the last two elves. Time wasn't on their side. If they took the time to battle these two, more dark elves would probably enter the center then all would be lost. Thinking quickly, Strohm clapped his hands then sent a wave of force at the two warriors smashing them into the wall where they fell crumbling to the ground dead.
"Over here quickly!'
Flinar and Strohm dashed for the wall and cover. The fish market was less than two city blocks away. Between them and the market stood a large group of elves, Flinar looked from his spot at the wall and recognized four elves dressed in full uniforms. He didn't who they were but he had seen Dark Elves at war before and these looked like the uniform of a captain to him. As they waited, one of the captains ordered a search for Dree survivor then he and a younger elf in the uniform of a Sargent moved over closer to the wall.
"Tell me Sergeant Haell." The Captain looked down on the young elf. "What happened to Orym Dree"
"He escaped sir." Came the answer. "He must his gotten out before we entered Dree."
"How is that possible? It was your job to intercept anything leaving Dree. You were supposed to post men at every road. He should be in my hands right now."
"There must be secret roads out we don't know about Sir." The Sergeant was nervous. He knew what failure meant in the Darkshade army.
The captain stared at him with contempt. he would deal with this later. Now he had a city to secure.
"Now that Dree has been taken, the next move is up to those Eel things Queen Talsara controls."
"Eel things?" The Sergeant seemed confused. "What do you mean Captain Erkowe?"
"The Munos." He explained. "Talsara's magic found a way to gain control of the Muno's and make them do whatever she commands. She plans to send them out after the Mer and take their cities next."
"Why does she even care about the Mer?" Sergeant Haell took a pipe from his side pouch and stuffed it with tobacco. He lit it and continued. "They're no threat to our plans. What's the use?"
"No threat?" Captain Erkowe's face turned red as he reached out and smacked the pipe out of his hand. "If we don't destroy the Dylani, I promise you they will be back with re-enforcements, and that means Dragon and Werewolf forces that won't be so easy to defeat. Now you gather your man and clear this city. I want every Dree elf in chains by sundown! Now move out!"
Dropping his tobacco pouch, the younger elf saluted and run off to get his men together and out on the search.
"You hear that?" Flinar asked watching from behind the wall. The sound of a loud whistle rang out as the Sergeant called his men. He screamed orders at them and they all split up to search Dreesport.
"How do we get past them? We have to warn Dylani."
"There's too many for us to fight. I could blind them or try a binding spell, that might hold them long enough for us to get past?"
"We need to get past without anyone following," Flinar said as he finished wiping down his blades and put them away. He looked back over the wall startled by the noise of the search, then turned back to Strohm. "We can't take the chance of being followed."
"I understand." Strohm stood. He reached up and snapped his fingers in front of Flinar's face. Flinar dropped down, his eyes a haze in a trance. "Listen Flinar, there's not much time. I'll have to do this quickly. When you wake, you will go straight from here to the hidden craft and go give Caldar the information he needs. Don't worry about me, if the gods are watching we will see each other again. Protect our home. Farewell, my friend."
Where once sat a proud warrior of Dree, now there was an elf dazed and confused in the guise of a Darkshade warrior. Strohm knew his confusion spell wouldn't last long and if he was still there when Flinar woke up, he would try and stop him from doing what had to be done. When Flinar woke up he would be mad at Strohm for sacrificing himself, but he would follow his direction and get himself out of there. With a little luck, he might even find a way to get Strohm back from the Dark Elves.
Quickly Strohm took off his armor and anything that identified him as a mage. He dropped his weapons and left them beside Flinar. Hopefully, the Dark Elves would think he was just a Dree shop keeper and haul him away with the rest of the citizens they capture from Dree.
Taking a deep breath, Strohm stood up and stepped out from behind the wall. He took a few steps out when a voice called after him.
Three Darkshade warriors rushed out and grabbed him pulling him over to where the captain stood in front of Touche's fish market.
"Please don't hurt me!!" He cried trembling as he fell to his knees. Strohm looked up with fear in his eyes.
"Who are you?" The captain asked.
"Touche the fisherman." He answered. "This is my shop. Please take whatever you want and let me go. I have a wife and children to feed!"
"Take him away."
Strohm's spell didn't exactly confuse Flinar. What it really did was immobilize him and inhibit his movement. He could see, hear and understand what was going on around him, but for the few minutes it was in effect, he was powerless to act. He watched as Strohm left his gear behind and stepped out to surrender to the Darkshade troops. In his head, he was screaming for him to come back, but there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop him. Flinar watched as Strohm was beaten and dragged away to an unknown fate. He knew the mage could fight back if he wanted to, but he wouldn't. He had to give Flinar a chance to escape and get himself out of Dreesport and down into the ocean to hopefully the safety of Aquilona.
As Strohm's spell began to wear off, Flinar felt the blood flow into his arms and legs and his strength return. He stood and looked down at himself. He was dressed in the deep green and black armor of a Darkshade warrior. He knew that was just an illusion. One that wouldn't last for long. He had to get moving to find the sea craft that had been left for his escape.
Shaking his head to clear the last remnants of the spell, Flinar moved to the edge of the wall and peeked around the side. Dreesport was still in flames and Darkshade warriors moved everywhere tearing the city apart. There were only a few guards left in the market place where Strohm had been captured. Pulling his sword Flinar stepped out into the open. His legs were still a bit weak and he almost fell but he didn't. Touche's fish market was now in flames. Flinar moved off feeling the heat. At the next corner, there was an entryway into the different market places and the many Elf, Dwarf and Mer clans that did business in busy Dreesport. The Aquilona fish market was to the left and down three more blocks by the docks. Elven markets were to the right while the dwarfs and humans had their shops straight ahead.
As Flinar walked on turning to the left, a group of Darkshade soldiers turned the corner and started towards him.
"Solider, stay right there." Shouted the commander of the unit. It was the sergeant Flinar and Strohm had seen earlier. Flinar stopped his heart pounding like a hammer. "Where are you heading alone? Who are you?"
Flinar had to think fast.
"My name is Remy Dakon. I've been ordered to the warehouse buildings, sir!" He did a quick salute slamming his fist into his chest. "I'm to secure the area and keep it from being pillaged and burned."
"Alone? Who gave you that order"
"Captain Erkowe," Flinar remember that was what he had called the captain earlier. "He said I would meet a unit on the way there and pass on his orders."
The Sergeant looked at Flinar with doubt. Why would he send one lone warrior on a mission like that by himself when he could have sent him and his men to do the job? He waved over a young warrior. He would need confirmation of these orders.
"Sir." Flinar stood at attention very stiffly. "Is it your wish to disturb Captain Erkowe while he is in a meeting with Queen Talsara discussing your failure to find the royal family of Dree?"
The Sergeants face went pale. He knew he might be in trouble for his failure and that Captain Erkowe would report him. But the fault wasn't all his. Orym Dree had left before they came to stop him. It was expected that the talisman would keep him there until they could take the palace under Lord Larin's spell. But somehow he had been warned. They found Talsara's emissary in the palace dungeon and Lord Larin's talisman crushed on the floor. His only choice now was to obey any orders he was given and hope for mercy.
"Very well." Sergeant Haell turned to his men behind him. "The Dwarven and Human store are already burning. I want wagons collected so we can empty the warehouse and deliver its contents to our queen."
"What of the Mer storehouse?" Flinar asked.
"Once we have an inventory of the Dree stores, we'll move on to the Mer. Let's move."
Flinar looked to his left. The first stalls of the Mer were less than a block away. If he made a mad dash he could probably make it to them, but then Sergeant Haell would know something wasn't right and give chase. Once he caught him he would hold him for questioning, then the spell would drop and Flinar would be taken as the royal the Sergeant had failed to catch earlier. So what now? His only chance was to follow the Sergeants orders and hope he finds a way to escape soon.
As they made their way through Dreesport, Flinar couldn't help but feel terrible about what the Dark Elves had done to his beautiful city. The tall gleaming towers were torn down, magnificent fountains with intricately carved statuary had been destroyed. The once elegant and glamorous city of Dreesport was now a burned out shell of its former glory. A tear of regret rolled down his face with a promise from his heart. He would avenge his torn apart city and see it built back to its regal state again.
At the entrance to the Elven section of the market place, the unit stopped. Every shop along the lane had been pillaged. Doors and windows had all been crashed in and the cobblestone lane was littered with broken and trashed items from all of the shops. Sergeant Erkowe sent men into all the shops along the lane to check and see if any of the inventory was still intact in there storerooms and iceboxes. Suddenly a loud noise to the left caught everyone to action. They were a crash and the sound of footsteps running. Flinar thought this was his chance.
"Someones getting away!!" Without waiting for orders, he took off running towards the Mer section of the market place.
"Get back here!!"
Annoyed that his order had been ignored Sergeant Haell sent a warrior after Flinar to bring him back.
As Flinar ran ducking falling debris he kept his attention forward. The Sergeant would send someone after him. He had no doubts about that. He would just have to move faster or use his superior knowledge of Dree to keep from being caught.
The Elven market place was spread out in front of him. Shops selling vegetables and grocery items were on the right while hardware and household vendors were on the right. The sound of footsteps echoing down the alley came from just up the lane. Flinar dived into a shop and hid behind a bank of tools. Peeking out he watched as a Darkshade warrior walked up to the shop window. He looked in listening carefully then pushed his way past the turned over display that blocked the doorway. Slowly he walked across the front of the shop kicking damaged goods out of the way. Looking up each of the aisles he pulled his sword to be ready in case he ran into any trouble. Startled the warrior jumped as something fell from one of the shelves and rolled across the floor. Flinar held himself quietly ready for the warrior to turn the corner. Just then something ran by the window of the shop. The Dark elf turned and ran for the door, he jumped over the display case and took off up the lane. Relieved Flinar let himself breathe again. He stood up and walked towards the door past a full-length mirror. With a glance, he realized Strohm's spell had worn off. That was fine with him. Now all he had to do was get to the sea craft and get himself out of Dree. The only problem was he still had to get past the Dark Elves looking for him.
As Flinar looked around the shop, an idea came to him. From behind the counter, he found a large bag and gathered a few things he thought he could use. A length of rope, a gallon of lantern oil and a bucket. Now all he needed was a little luck and Dree would get some of the revenge it deserved.
Deep in the forest of Fay Shrea, Orym Dree stood side by side with Braddoc and a few of his warriors. They had been on their way to Yadessa but Tof called them and changed there destination. Yadessa had been taken by General Seith and his Werewolf Nightwalker army. Orym cursed the black-hearted elf but was assured by Tof that there was no way they could ever enter the city. Its protection was way too strong for them to ever breach the gates. To Braddoc and Orym that was a relief, they could turn their attention to something more personal and important like getting back to Dree. But Dree wouldn't be the first stop. Tof ordered them to Fay Shrea where they were to meet someone that would be a huge hand in the fighting for the seaport.
So far the only thing they had seen in Fay Shrea had been renegade Goblins which they either eluded or dispatched as quickly as they could. They passed through many fairy villages and cities which they found abandoned. Apara Bough, the home of the Queen of the Fairy was as silent as a tomb.
Orym and Braddoc made their way slowly through the city of silence. The homes and shops were perfectly intact but no one seemed to live there anymore. At the gates of the palace, Orym stopped. He had been here many times before. Meetings with the queen, on holiday with his family. The fairy was such pleasant and friendly people. Orym prayed somehow they were somewhere safe.
As he gazed at the beautiful fairy palace, something buzzed past his ear. Orym looked to the side and there was a winged ant hovering just over his shoulder. He reached up to swat it when suddenly a voice in his head spoke.
[Why are you here Elf?]
Orym waved his hand causing the ant to fly off. It flew down and settled on the ground in front of the began to shift. Now before him stood a pretty maiden in a short black dress. She looked at him then asked again.
"Why are you in Aspara Bough?"
"Your pardon." Orym bowed to the lass. "I'm looking for my friend Queen Nuala. I've been trying to reach her for days to warn her of the trouble in the Elven lands. Do you know where she is?"
"Queen Nuala is safe under our protection." She smiles. "I will call her if you wish."
"My thanks." Orym smiled as Braddoc came over to join him. He looked at the young girl and bowed his head. Turning to the palace the maiden sent out a silent whistle. Minutes later a single glowing spark came flying out of the palace. It flew circles around them then made the shift to it's larger form. There before them stood the beautiful queen of the Fairy. Overjoyed to see Orym she rushed forward and hugged him giving a kiss on his cheek.
"Orym I'm so glad to see you!"
"I'm glad to see you alright." Orym stepped back holding her hand. "Where have you been? Tof and I have been trying to reach you for days."
"We had trouble with Dark Elves." Nuala guided Braddoc and Orym over to a bench in the palace garden. She and Orym sat down. "We were saved by our new friends here and some Eventide elves. We owe them our lives. They single handily saved Aspara Bough from total destruction."
"Eventide elves?" Braddoc asked. He smiled as if knew exactly who she talked about, "Were these elves rather young?".
"You know them?"
"We've actually been searching for them for some time now. Do you happen to know where they went from here?"
"I believe." Nuala continued. "They were heading for home. For Eventide. They seemed in a rush."
"That's good." Braddoc said relieved. "Ariel should be in Eventide by now. I hope all is well there and the family is safe again."
"I wouldn't count on it." Orym stood up. "Talsara wouldn't just let Eventide go. There is history between Eventide and Darkshade and from what I've been told about Elan and Aron, she'll stop at nothing to get her hands on them. But that's not our mission. We're here to make sure everything is alright with the Fairy and since it is, we're on our way to Dree."
" Quel marth my friend." Queen Nuala stood and hugged her old friend. "You will be in our prayers for success. If you need help, just call and we will be there."
Queen Nuala's last words kinda confused Orym. The fairy is strong people with magic but not usually as fighters. He wasn't sure how exactly it was that she would be able to help, but he would remember what she said. With goodbyes said, Orym and Braddoc left Aspara Bough to go out and rejoin the Centaur's waiting outside of the city.
As Orym and Braddoc left Aspara Bough, Queen Nuala and the maiden Dora watched them go. Nuala had a strange feeling this could be the last time she would ever see her friend. A tear slipped from her eye. She knew if the Dark Elves were in Dree, he would need their help and she would provide that help.
"Dora. We can't help Orym but maybe can help in Eventide." Queen Nuala shrank back to fairy form and flew around her head. "Take some warriors and see if there's anything we can do."
With a nod, Dora made the shift back to the winged ant and few off.
"Now on to Dree." Braddoc was ready for a fight.
"No," Orym said. "We have one more stop to make."
"Where?" Braddoc asked curiously.
"There's a lake just a few miles from here Tof wants us to meet someone there. He promises this person would make a big difference in the fight in Dree."
"Then climb on and let's get on with it."
It didn't take long for Sergeant Haell to realize that the Elven stores had been completely destroyed. There was nothing there useful for them to bring back. Each and every warehouse had been ransacked and fouled. All that was left to do was go check the stores in the other sections. And there was one more thing. That warrior still hadn't returned. Something wasn't right about that warrior. Sergeant Haell didn't remember seeing him before. Not at the assembly nor anywhere back home in Darkshade. And why did he look so nervous when he was being questioned? Sergeant Haell thought he needed answers. He had better find that elf and see exavtly what he was up to.
Calling out to his men, he urged them into a double-time march. As they made their way through the streets of Dree, strange sounds came from all around them. Sometimes rocks or bottles came hurling down on them from the buildings around them. Dree was obviously not as empty as they thought it was. Some of its citizens still had a little fight in them. As they passed from the Elven section into the Mer, A small group of Dree warriors dropped from the roof of a building and engaged them in battle. Tired and poorly armed, the Dree warriors were outnumbered and quickly defeat, though it was not without some loses on the Darkshade side. Out of the fifteen warriors in Sergeant Haell's command, five were killed.
Setting four men in the front, four in the rear and two on each side they moved on with their weapons at the ready. From all around them they heard the creaks and sounds of something moving hidden in the buildings around them. Garbage was thrown from rooftops, rocks were launched at them only to bounce of their strong elven armor. Sergeant Haell wasn't sure if he and his men would be able to make it to the warehouses and back, but he had his orders and he would follow them.
As they entered the Mer section a cold wind blew in off the ocean spraying salt water in there faces. The Mer section was all along the shoreline where the sea people could always be close to their native element, the water. Here there was very little damage. The Dark elf troops had been stopped before they could rape this part of the city. Sergeant Haell sent his men from one shop and stall to the next to find most of them still fully stocked.
The last warehouse left to search was at the end of the pier. As Sergeant made his way down the pier he tripped and almost fell over something that ran from the edge of the pier to that last huge warehouse. Sergeant Haell reached down to see what it was. I was a strange smelling wet rope. Sergeant Haell rubbed his fingers together, it was oily, He took a sniff, lantern oil.
"What's the meaning of this?" He wiped his hands on his trousers.
Sergeant Haell looking down to follow the rope. It ran from the edge of the pier at the Aquilona Fish Market a short distance up the lane and into a warehouse. The Sergeant looked back at the fish market and someone appeared coming up over the edge of the pier. He looked closely at the elf. He recognized his as the dark elf that had run off from the elven section only now he was dressed in the uniform of the house of Dree and he was no longer a dark elf.
"You are the one that ran off earlier." He called. "Who are you warrior?"
"I am the last of the royal house of Dree," Flinar shouted holding up his hand. "My name is Flinar Avar Dree. I'm the one you were sent to capture."
"Then it looks like I've succeeded after all." The Sergeant smiled. "I have you now."
"You have nothing." Flinar summoned a fireball which ignited in his hand. "You don't have me, nor do you have any of the stores you've come to bring back. By now all of the Dree people that were left in Dree have escaped. But we will be back. You can count on that."
"And we'll be waiting," Haell shouted. " Get him!!"
As the dark elves pulled their weapons and ran to capture Flinar, He threw the fireball. It sailed over Sergeant Haell's head and landed a few feet from the warehouse and ignited the oiled rope which like a fuse sped into the warehouse. Flinar jumped from the pier and dropped down into the sea craft below. In seconds he was submerged and heading out of the harbor.
The sergeant looked back at the warehouse and watched as it burst into flames. There was a small explosion which sent the doors of the building flying through the air to land at his feet. Sergeant Haell looked down to read the sign on the burning door. It read OIL STORAGE.
"Run!!" He screamed. "Get back!!"
Running as fast as they can, most of the dark elves made it off the pier. But not all of them. Then a great explosion wiped the entire pier area, boats and all into the sea. The entire Mer, Elven, Human and Dwarf market place sank into the ocean.
Sergeant Haell looked back at the blazing inferno that was once the great port of Dree. Queen Talsara was not going to like this.
If there was one thing every boy and girl learned in Dree, it was how to use sea crafts. Rowboats, sailboats, sub crafts which could dive beneath the depths to reach Aquilona. If it moves on or through water, you can find it in the docks of Aquilona.
Flinar was in a one-man craft of simple design with easy instruments for navigation. Step on the pedal for speed, another to brake. Push forward on the steering to go deeper, pull back to surface.
After escaping Dreesport, Flinar set a course for Aquilona and sat back to relax. On autopilot, the craft would do all the work. His thoughts went to what he had heard Eshowe and Haell discussing at the wall.
The Munos were an old savage warlike race bent on following and the worship of an old sea god named Munoecus. Munoecus was a mad vicious god who cared about nothing but gaining more power and worship much like Cressca. He had been defeated eons ago by Sazar and his memory thought erased from all but his sea dwelling minions who still hoped and prayed for his return. Munoecus always appeared to his follows as a great electric eel. There were still statues and images of him in some of the oldest deep-water cities. Now it seems the Muno's are back and somehow under the command of Talsara Darkshade. They all remembered the Munos and the battle that had been fought so long ago when they had been excised from the waters around Aquilona.
Flinar wondered how she had managed to find them or get control of the Eel people. But it didn't really matter. All that mattered was that Aquilona and Dree were being threatened and they would do all they could to stop Talsara and whatever she sent against them. But that can only happen if Caldar got the warning in time about what was coming his way.
Back in Dree, Capt Eskowe watched as the great seaport of Dree smoldered. Somehow, Capt Eskowe wasn't quite sure, but something had exploded and burned down the entire dock. All the ships were destroyed, the warehouse and all of Dree's stores were blown to bits. The Queen would not like this. She wouldn't be happy at all. She had plans for the docks of Dree. Plans to turn Dree into her own private shipyard where her armada would be built and sent out to raid and conquer all the other lands of Keanna. Now she would have to use Lands End as her seaport with dwarfs as builders. It's to bad, the dwarfs aren't known for their elegance in a building. The ships would be sturdy and strong, but there would be no elven magic to power the ships, no elven speed for maneuvering. The ships would have to depend on wind and currants. Again, Talsara was not going to be happy. She will want to know who was responsible for her orders not being carried out. The Captain would have no choice but to give her someone to blame.
Fear filled Walin Haell as he made his way off what has left the docks. Nothing had gone right for him all day. First, by the time he had reached the Dree palace, the royal family had escaped. Only one member had stayed behind and it had been him that had sabotaged and destroyed the docks. Since he had been in charge, all the blame would fall right on him.
Sergeant Haell looked around as they made their way through the ruined city. Four of Whis men were still with him. He knew exactly what would be happening when he returned to the palace and Captain Eskowe. He would be put in chains in Dree's dungeon to wait for Queen Talsara's judgment which would harsh. Sergeant Haell had always been a true and faithful warrior for Darkshade in the past. But things were different now. Queen Caline and King Rhys were no longer in control in Darkshade. They were both dead and their dark evil daughter was in control. She had no honor like her parents, all she cared about was winning and getting what she wanted. His failure would mean his death, unless...
Walin looked left, there were two soldiers walking beside him. both were slightly wounded from the blast. One limped along, Walin could see blood seeping from a leg wound. He could tell the elf was in pain. Next, to him moving just as slowly, another elf helps him along by holding him up though he too was bleeding from his wounds. As Walin watched he noticed the elf kept glancing over at him to see what he was doing. On the other side walking just behind them with their weapons drawn, the other two warriors followed. Walin could feel their eyes burning into his back. He knew what was on their minds. Getting him back for punishment. Well, honors one thing and faith and stupidity are another. Talsara doesn't deserve his loyalty and he'd be damned if he would go back and give himself over to her.
Slowly Walin reached down and unfastened the strap that held his sword in its scabbard. He turned his head and gave the two warriors behind him a nod to join him. He slowed and waited for them to catch up.
"Take these two to the healer tent." He ordered. "We'll be needed soon. I'll meet you back at the palace."
"Sir." A young dark-haired elf eyed Walin. "Our orders are to escort you back to the palace."
"There's no need for that, I can get there on my own. You just help them to the healer."
"Those are not our orders." The second elf said as he took a step towards Sergeant Haell. "We were told to bring you back to Captain Eskowe. We're not to let you out of our sight."
"You question my loyalty?" Walin's hand moved to the hilt of his sword. "I was put in this position by the queen herself. How dare you question me!!"
"I dare!"
Walin turned and saw Captain Eskowe walking out towards him. In his hand, he held his sword. His eyes flared with anger, Walin guessed that the captain might be sharing in his punishment, or replacing him if somehow he got away. He pulled his sword and turned to Captain Eskowe.
"I'm done with all this madness." He said. "Just let me go."
"Ahh! but I can't." The Captain came closer with that angry stare, "Unlike you, I am loyal to my queen and Darkshade while you traitor, would just walk away from your duty. You make me sick!"
"Murder? Is that what you consider loyalty? Don't you see it?" Walin spread his arms pointing out the dead and the ruins around them. "We did this. We destroyed this whole city all because she wants more power. It's wrong Arn, can't you see that. I couldn't until I watched the harbor sink into the bay and that's all my fault."
"Your right it is." The Captain stood confident in front of Walin. "And you will answer for your blunder. Queen Talsara is coming to see you and she is not pleased."
"And you will turn me over to her even though you know exactly what she'll do with me." Walin slide his sword back into its scabbard then unhooked it from his belt. He looked down at the silver blade in his hands then reached out and gave it over to Captain Eskowe. "Take it. I won't need it anymore."
Confused, Captain Eskowe took it from him. He wasn't sure what he was trying to say but with him in custody, he would be safe and Talsara would have someone to vent her rage on.
"Take me to the Queen."
It was quiet and cool in the forest of Fay Shrea as Orym and Braddoc made their way to their destination. Lake Tarsis. One of the most mysterious and beautiful bodies of water in the entire land of the fairy. It was said that if one wasn't careful, you could spend the rest of your life here trapped by the stare of the beautiful water and forest nymphs that live along the shore and in the lake.
As Orym and Braddoc walked along the path, small little sparks of light of all colors circling around over their heads lighting the trees of the forest. Braddoc was amazed at the sight. It was kinda like lightning bugs of his forest until he heard them whispering in his ear.
"What are they?" Braddoc held up his hand allowing a few to land and dance on his palm. "They're beautiful!"
"Asparas," Orym told him. "Aspara Bough was named for them long ago. They bring luck to all that see them."
As they watched, the Asparas came out by the dozens and lit on Braddoc tickling him with their kiss.
"They like you."
Braddoc smiled covered with the glowing tiny ladies of the forest.
"Can they help us?" He asked as
"I don't know." Orym shrugged. "Asked them."
Holding his hand palms up with five dancing red, yellow and green fairies fluttering, Braddoc asked his question.
"Can you show us Lake Tarsis?"
The dancing on his hand stopped as a sweet trilling sound rang out from the fairies. Taking off from his hand they all flew up to join with the others. Now a rainbow of colors swirled around overhead singing out to them. A warm feeling came over Orym and Braddoc as the fairies flew off altogether in a northerly direction. Leaping on Braddoc's back and holding the reins strapped to his chest, they were off following the Asparas as they danced north like a cloud of butterflies.
Through the forest, they ran following the Asparas. Braddoc caught sight of Spites and Asai hiding in the shadows of huge trees while nymphs and other elemental's hoped he might stop and linger for a dance with them. Orym knowing their nature kept him on a straight course heading for the lake.
As they reached the end of the path, they came into a clearing where the most beautiful crystal clear lake sat. Braddoc stopped and let Orym down as the Asparas flew off into the trees.
"By the gods!" Braddoc said looking around at the perfectly groomed landscape and lake. "It's beautiful here."
Flowers of every kind bloomed in all colors. Purple lilacs, white and pink orchids. Greens of many shades with butterflies and other pixies and small fairies splashing color and keeping the scenery fresh and clean. Orym and Braddoc walked out to the edge of the water and watched as fish of golden and rainbow hues jumped high only to splash back and swim away.
"This is what we are fighting for." Orym knelt at the lake's edge. "If Talsara gets power over these lands she will drain every ounce of magic from here leaving everything brown and dying."
"We can't let that happen." A tiny pixie flew out on gossamer wings to land on the Centaurs shoulder. it laughed as it walked over and kissed Braddoc on his cheek then flew off. "So where can we find who we're looking for?"
"I don't know," Orym told him. "I guess we wait. And while we wait, I want a swim."
As Orym dove into the cool water of Lake Tarsis, slits opened on his neck to extract oxygen from the water for his gills. Webbing grew between his fingers and his legs grew scales much like the Mer. But Orym wasn't a Mer, he was a Coral elf.
Long ago before the founding of Dree, there was war in the Elven lands. The Darshee were at war with a long unknown race of savage Sea elves called the Droth. The Droth were invading everyone along the coast of Tagittia. They had taken Elven, Dwarf and Humans cities driving everyone deeper inland to the mountains. Eventually, the Dragons of the era intervened and put an end to the war but not before both the Droth and the Darshee's population were beaten almost into extinction. To survive, a truce was established and the two Elven races became one creating a new race of elves, Coral elves. They could survive on both land and in the water. Thus the Dree was born. Taking land at the shore they worked for years along with the Mer and built themselves a peaceful home. And now it was being threatened by a new war, one in which the Dree and Mer kings would fight to save their people.
The cool water of Lake Tarsis felt good to Orym. He hadn't been in the water since his last meeting with Caldar. They had discussed a plan of action in case the war made it to Dree and Aquilona. By now Caldar would have evacuated as many people as he could, only he and his warriors should be left in his city getting ready for battle. And a battle there would definitely be. Since Talsara now held Dree, she would have access to all of Dree's boats and ships, both above and underwater types. She would now be coming for the Mer.
Caldar should be working on two things now. Strengthening his walls to hold back the attack and trying to get his shields working at full strength. There really wasn't much to do to strengthen the walls, his only real hope was getting the shields working. Aquilona's shields were very old. Made hundreds of years ago by mages using magic, not too many understood. The last time they started to fail, it took years before they could find anyone with the answer as to how to fix them, but they did find someone with the answer. Orym hoped Caldar knew how to find his savior and there was to find them and get them back to help.
Feeling good but worried about home, Orym swam enjoying his time in the water. Suddenly up ahead he saw something strange. Flashes of light like streaks of lightning through the water. Orym had never seen anything like this in his life but it could have something to do with this damned war and the Dark elves.
Putting on a burst of speed, Orym headed for the mysterious light flashes. They seem to be coming from a coral ridge up ahead. Slowing down Orym watched as Mer men swan around the ridge. It looked like they were chasing something. Good, maybe Caldar's men had caught someone, an invader trying to slip in under their defenses.
Swimming on, Orym went on to see if he could help. As he got closer the light flashed from the Mer mans hand, Orym stopped, That wasn't possible. Mer men can't shoot lightning from their hands. He looked closer at the Mer men. Something wasn't right. They looked like they had long tails and their heads were all wrong. They looked more like four-legged fish.
[By Sazar!] Shock and surprise-filled Orym. These weren't the Mer, they were Munos attacking. Just then one of the Munos saw him and sent a blast of lightning at him. Orym ducked and dived to a lower depth. Pulling his hand back he created a ball of hard water and throw it and the Munos warrior swimming at him. Avoiding the ball, another lightning bolt flashed and streaked for Orym. In rapid succession, Orym sent a series of sharp thin water spears at the Munos. Try as he might he was to slow to avoid Orym's attack. Deep blue Munos blood began to seep from the body as it sank into the deep water.
Looking out towards the ridge, Orym saw that there were at least four more Munos attacking the ridge. He had no idea who was out there but it had to be Mer folk. He could see ink clouds rising from the ridge. With no weapons on him accept his ability to use hard water, Orym knew it was up to him to get the Mermen free. He owed that to Caldar. He wondered if they could hear him if he called.
Maybe they could but maybe the Munos could hear him too. Orym had surprise on his side, he would have to go it alone and hope for the best.
Hoping he could hide in the shadows, Orym pushed off heading for the ridge. Streaks of lightning still blasted at the ridge breaking it off into pieces when suddenly a huge dark shadow came flying towards him. A great roar bellowed out announcing the arrival of help.
[Orym Dree?]
[Yes.] Orym sent.
[I'm Maxius.] Orym heard. [You get to the ridge and see if everyone's OK. I'll take care of our friends here.]
Like the leviathans of old, Maxius attacked with great strength and speed. A Munos came at him sending bolt after bolt it Maxius. With a quick twist, he reached out and grabbed the eel man, in one bite it crunched down then spit it out to the side.
As Orym reached the ridge, Mortimer and Pyor lay unconscious in a crevice. Orym swam down and checked to make sure they were unhurt. Pulling Mortimer into a seated position, the Merman opened his eyes.
[Where am I?]
[Lake Tarsis.] Orym answered. Mortimer blinked, he thought the voice sounded familiar. He looked up into Orym's eyes.
[King Orym?] Mortimer was overjoyed to see his old friend here. [What are you doing here?]
[Looking for a way into Aquilona.] He helped Mortimer to his feet. [And you? Why are the two of you out here?]
[Caldar sent us on a mission to bring help home.] He told him. [We're supposed to find someone to fix the shields and bring them back with us.]
[Who?] Orym asked,
[Jandar Tyr.] Came the answer. [Caldar said he may have the answer to powering up our shield.]
[That figures.] Orym smiled as Maxius came to meet them. [And you dragon?]
[I was sent to meet you Orym. How can I help?]
Orym thought for a minute. He had to find the best use for the people he had with him. Braddoc he had left back at the shore. He couldn't go to Aquilona. He wouldn't be able to breathe. He could send him to find Jandar. Maxius would be the only way for the Centaur to travel. Mortimer could join them since it was Mortimers mission after all. That settles it. The rest could go back to Aquilona and do what they could to help against the Munos.
[Maxius. There's a Centaur waiting for us back at the lake shore. Take him and Mortimer and go find Jandar. We need his help in Aquilona. The rest of us will go help Caldar. It's important that you hurry. Time is very important here. Braddoc has a message stone, please keep me informed of your progress.]
[Yes your majesty] He shook everyone's hand. [We'll be as quick as we can.]
Maxius swam out then Mortimer swan up and climbed on his back and they were gone.
[Let's get back to Aquilona. I think Caldar may need our help.]
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