Kicking his tracker into motion, Lord Memu called at the top of he voice.
Like a stampede of wild trackers, Savonti warriors charged out of the jungle blasting away at any Human they saw.
Standing at the city gate, Bella screamed for everyone to hurry back into the city. The Savonti were less then fifty yards away and closing fast. He ordered men with staff weapons and bows to the walls where they could give the people cover as they tried to make it back inside the gates. With excellent precision the men on the wall took aim and opened fire. One by one Savonti warriors fell, but there were hundreds and as one fell, another took his place. Once the Savonti had made it half the length to the gates, he ordered them shut and barred. Unfortunately that left many people still out in the yard scrambling to find somewhere to go. From the wall Bella directed them to quickly head into the jungle where someone was waiting to lead them to some of the old Gekko hiding caves. Not all of them made. Some were trapped and captured by the Savonti. Bella watched frustrated as the cages were loaded and led away into the jungle.
As the attack began, Gabor, Magda and a few of his men were on their way back to Refuge from a meeting with Ono, Azeal and Tanis. They had warned him of the coming attack and promised shelter to as many as they could get there in the little time they had. It had taken all day but Gabor had managed to get all of the clan children and most of the women to the Academy. All they were left in Refuge were fighting men of the Gekko clan, the many men sent from other clans that had agreed to support the Gekko's and the many lone families that were clan less looking for a new home and a fresh start. Now the sound of battle echoed through the jungle alerting them to the fighting going on.
"Oh no!" Magda turned to Gabor." We're to late. It's begun."
"Then we better move." Gabor said. "Bella can't hold Refuge with just the few men and women still there. Run for it!"
Jumping into action, they all took off crashing through the jungle. The closer they got the louder the noise of battle became. As they reached the edge of the jungle they looked out and saw the massive attack at the gates of Refuge. There were hundreds of Savonti warriors massed around Refuge trying to get in.
"By all the gods!" Someone said in shock. "Refuge is doomed!"
In the clearing around Refuge there were pieces of siege towers being built. Trees had been chopped down to make a huge battering ram to force the gate open. Savonti warriors were huddled under what cover they could find and they blasting at anything that moved on the walls.
"How on Pentanthin are we going to beat all these Savonti?" A clansmen asked Gabor. "There are so many."
"I don't know." Gabor answered. He pulled the staff he had taken from Fedru's stock and activated it. "But I'll die before I let them take my brother. Get ready, we're going in."
[Wait!] A voice rang in there heads. [This is not the way. You won't make it to the gate before they're all over you.]
"Who calls?" Gabor looked around. He had felt this before. Lady Lilia and Cutter had spoken to him in this way. It had to be one of the Academy warriors.
[I'm Drake Tyr, Ono's father and we've come to help.]
"How?" Gabor asked. "Do you have an army with you that can kill all these Savonti staz?"
[I can't defeat your enemies for you.] Drake sent. [But I think I do have a way to get your people out and to safety. Meet me in the caves to the north and I'll tell you how we can do this. By you better hurry.]
In the cool darkness of the night, Trip and Blink flew over Gekkol heading for the Academy. Below then they could both see the fires of Refuge. But it wasn't the normal fires of the clan cooking. it was the flashing blasts of Staff weapons that they saw. Gekkol was under attack.
[Trip. Look below. The Savonti are attacking Refuge.]
Trip gazed down to see a walled compound surrounded by an army of Savonti. There were huge beast the Savonti used and different devices for getting over or through walls he could see were being set and ready for use. On the walls, men and women fired arrows and stolen staff weapons down on the invaders. But it didn't look like it was doing much good. There were far to many of them down there to fight.
[We have to help.] Trip sent.
[I agree but just what do you think we can do by ourselves?]
[You can help get everyone out.] Rang out in there minds. Blink recognised the mind speak. It was Drake Tyr. He must by down there or somewhere close.
[Yes I am.] He answered. [Listen Blink. I'm going to cause as distraction out there of the field. I need you to go in through shadow and get the people out before the walls are breached. Can you do it?]
[Yeah. I remember the interior from the last fight down there. We just have to land in the forest and find some shadow to use to get in.]
[Head to the caves just north of Refuge.] The Werewolf ordered. [We'll be waiting.]
From high over Refuge, Blink told Trip to get on his back. He was going to cloak them in darkness so the Savonti wouldn't see them coming in. Like a dark shadow they sailed over Memu's entire army with no one noticing a thing. Trip in human form sat high on Blink's shoulder looking out for the caves Drake had mentioned. When he spotted them, he pointed and Blink narrowed his wings and came down for a soft landing in a small clearing in front of the cliff side caves.
Waiting there at the entrance to the caves was Reno, Thalia and Rese with Shine riding his shoulder.
"Trip!" Thalia ran over and took her friend in a hug. "I was worried about you.""You didn't make it to the Academy did you?" Reno asked a smile on his face. He patted his best friends shoulder.
I got way laid." Trip told them as they walked to the caves. " The Savonti are everywhere. I've been ducking and dodging their creatures since I left you guys. They were on me like flies. Blink here saved my ass."
"Not true." Blink stepped up beside him. "Trip can fight his own battles. There are two dead warriors that can prove that."
Trip looked over at Blink in shock. He had no idea Blink knew about his battle with Magu's warriors, He must have been close watching. But why didn't he help Trip wondered.
[Because you didn't need my help. You were doing just fine.]
Just the Drake came over as Gabor and his warriors came running from the forest. Rese and Shine joined them carrying a water skin which he passed over to the thirsty warriors after their long run through the forest.
"Nazun My friends." Gabor greeted everyone. "I'm glad for your help. There's at least forty or fifty people still in Refuge. You said you knew a way to get to them?"
"Yes." Drake said as they quenched their thirst on the cool water. "But we don't have much time. We have to hurry."
With a wave of his hand, the deep shadows of the cave entrance began to grow even darker and wider until they covered the entire entrance way. Blink turn to everyone to give them the warning.
"For those of you who have never traveled through shadow, I have to warn you." He looked them deeply in their eyes. "It's not a pleasant place. You will hear sounds that can be disturbing. It will be freezing cold, but it won't last long. This is important. Hold onto the next person in lines hand tightly and don't let go. If you do, some of you could be lost until I can come find you. We don't have time for that and trust me, you don't want to be lost in shadows for that long. Now, close your eyes and link hands. It'll feel like a flash of cold then you'll be in Refuge. Are you ready?"
"Yes." Everyone said nervously.
"This way." Blink led them into the cave. He looked to his right and saw the glow of moonlight shining on the wall. Walking over he stepped into the moonlight and watched as the shadow of a dragon was cast on the wall. Blink roared and the shadow froze in place.
Taking Gabor's hand he led them into the darkness. The absolute cold was a shock to every one's system. Teeth chattered as a high pitched wail screamed in their ears. The fear of shadow reached out to touch them all as he took each step forward. It became stronger and stronger with every second they were in there until just when they thought they couldn't last another second, a wave of heat rushed at them signaling that they had made it through and were now in Refuge.
As Gabor opened his eyes he saw men running to replace men who were wounded and being dragged from the wall. Standing on the top of the wall, he saw his brother Bella firing down on the Savonti and screaming orders at the gate. Gabor didn't have much time. Rese and Shine would be flying over in minutes, blasting away at the enemy below. He had to get organized and moving out.
"Drake, you and Reno help it the gate." He ordered. "Have Bella send his men with the wounded here, they'll be the first out. Thalia, gather the women and any children, they'll be going with the wounded. Take nothing. No one take's anything but weapons. Move out!!"
As the sound of the first blasts from Shine and Magda echoed through Refuge, Drake made it to the wall and told Bella to fall back. He gathered his men and took the last shots at the Savonti as they ran from the lightning and force blast raining down from above then grabbed the wounded laid out at the foot of the wall and made for the place where Gabor and Blink waited.
Outside the gate, hell rained down from the skies. With the speed of sound, Rese flew by sending sonic shock waves at the Savonti. Each time he passed an explosion rippled through the ranks of warriors scattering some and blowing others apart. On his back, Magda sent her force blasts down tearing into crowds as they tried to get away and find cover. Memu watched screaming orders for his warriors to fight but at the moment fear held the Savonti. But that wouldn't last long. Memu would soon get his warriors under control and renew his attack.
[We won't be able to hold them long.] Shine sent as his electrical energy burned warrior after warrior. [Get them out fast!]
In the compound, Blink had sent the first two strings of ten people through shadow with Trip and Thalia leading them. As he looked at the crowd waiting he knew Gabor's estimate on the people left in Refuge had been wrong. There was much more then fifty people here. More like one hundred fifty. Calling for four of Gabor's warriors that had come in with them, Blink sent another forty people through. Trip and Thalia re emerged and quickly gathered twenty more and hurried the through.
From the wall. Drake watched as a battering ram slammed into a piece of wall and broke through,. He grabbed Reno's shoulder and pointed. Reno nodded and together they dived off the wall shifting as they fell and started ripping into the Savonti coming through the breech.
Seeing the warriors coming in, Gabor and Bella grabbed staffs and swords the joined them. Fighting in a full blood lust, the two Werewolves were like nothing the Savonti had ever seen before. Fast and deadly were their claws and fangs as they leaped from warrior to warrior ripping out throats and slashing through chests and armor. Next to them Gabor and Bella with the help of a few of their clansmen fought to hold back the enemy coming through the gate. As the fought, Shine made a pass over the space in the wall where the Savonti had broken through. With a single bolt he blasted a pit in the ground in front of the hole slowing the Savonti's advance into Refuge.
As the last the the warriors were dispatched. Gabor and Bella ran to the hole. The pit would keep them from coming through in large numbers, but small groups, a few at a time could still make it in.
Someone would have to stay and hold the wall. Gabor and Bella had decided as leaders of the Gekko's they would stay so the others could get away
"Go!" Gabor waved to Blink. "Get the rest of my people. We'll hold the wall."
"No!!" Luke had just come back through shadow and saw what they had planned. "The Gekko's need you. Get back through shadow. Blink and I can hold the wall."
"I can't let you make that sacrifice. We can't let you get hurt."
"I won't." Luke ran over to Gabor. "Watch."
Turning to the hole. Tored raised his hand and started concentrating. Suddenly the wall that had been broken down was whole again. Gabor looked back at Tored surprised.
"Same way Magda uses her force blast." He told him. "Same way the Savonti use their ability. We have power too. Now get the last of them out. Blink can get me out and we'll meet you."
Nodding Gabor gripped Tored's shoulder then he and Bella ran to guide the last of his clan out of Refuge.
As the last of the Gekko's left Refuge, Blink walked over to where Tored stood hold the wall as the Savonti beat at it,.
"They're all gone." He said. "You let go know."
With a release of his held breathe, Tored let go of his illusion. The Savonti began to pour through the hole with their weapons raised to fight. Blink roared as Memu rushed at them. Tored jumped on his back and Blink sweeped the Savonti out his way and leaped into the sky and they were gone. Below Memu watched as the great black dragon flew off. He had taken Fedrul but now he wanted to kill a dragon and as many humans as he could.
From the shadows Avres watched as the dragon flew away. He knew this wasn't the end. It would only get worse. It was time the Nevac entered the war for real.
As Blink and Tored stepped out of shadow, Tored looked about at the handsome wonder that was the Andrake Academy. He had never seen such a place before. Savonti mounds and stacks but human buildings were unheard of here on Pentanthin. The biggest human dwellings here were huts that held one family and as he looked on the Academy he saw buildings that rose high into the sky. How was it possible to build something like that?
Here in the courtyard the Gekko were gathered taking care of the wounded. Healers were using every trick and herbs they could remember to treat the wounded men. There were even who were using what they called magic to instantly heal wounds.These people were amazing he thought.
As lead Tored on through the yard, he saw kids his own age everywhere helping out taking care of his clan member. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw someone he recognize.
Sweeping back her long brown hair, Nysa looked up to see her brother running at her. She jumped to her feet and grabbed him her arms and started crying with relief. She had been there when the others had come out of shadow and hadn't seen him with them. She had been afraid to ask fearing something had happened.
"Thank the Ancestors your alright." she didn't want to let him go.
Behind him Blink smiles at the reunion. This was exactly how he felt. He was so was so worried about everyone at home. How was the war with Tayor Larin going? Was everyone there alright? But he didn't have time to worry right now. The Pentanthin were still out there, they would be looking for the Gekkos and the Academy wasn't that far away from Refuge. He needed to check on everyone here then talk with Shayn and Ono and check the Academy's defenses.
Leaving Tored in the hands of his sister, Blink moved into the Academy to find the others. At the door he caught Macan coming out with his hands full of bottle and bandages He asked where he could find the others and was told Ono would be in the office with Azeal, Tanis, Drake,Gabor and Ozmun.
Thanking the healer Blink went on to the closest transport stone to go to the office.
As he reached for the door he could hear Gabor telling them what had happened in Refuge and all over Pentanthin. Blink knocked then went right in.
"Glad your back." Ono said. "Gabor's just been telling us about Memu's raid."
"I heard." He sat down. "I have a bit more bad news."
"What is it?" Azeal asked.
"When Trip and I were flying over Refuge we saw the Savonti had caught some of the people trying to get here."
"Then we have to go rescue them." Gabor stood. "I have enough men for a raid. With just a little magic we can do it."
"Its to late I'm sorry to tell you. They were being butchered as we entered Refuge. There was nothing we could do and there were so many still to get free. I'm sorry."
Gabor dropped down into his seat devastated with his head in his hands. Tanis got and went to comfort Gabor as he grieved the lose.
"These things are worst the Night walkers." Drake said angrily. "We have to put an end to this."
"We are changing them." Ozmun told them. "But it goes very slow. Change will only come when the lords no longer rule the Savonti. Maru has made a change in Marul. We're rounding up the the Udak on the plain and they seem to like it. We have already started breeding them."
"And none of them mind? Gabor asked. "Really?"
"I didn't say that." Ozmun got a serious look on his face. "There are those that think it uncivilized to feed on them. But then I remind them that humans think. We fight back. We organize and we can make war just like they can. We even have abilities just as strong as their most powerful lord and we're getting stronger and not going away. Heed the prophesy or die. That convinced most of them."
'And the others?" Azeal asked.
"They are no longer with us." Ozmun sat back proud. "But that's just one Savonti land. There are so many more we still have to contend with, like Daru and Lesu. And believe me, they won't change so easily."
Just the the door opened and Shayn walked in followed my the hooded Yaru. Ono leaped from his seat and had Shayn in his arms in two steps. After a long deep kiss, Shaun squeezed Ono's ass.
"Does this mean you missed me?"
"More then you will ever know." He kissed him again then they turned and everyone greeted him.
"This is Yaru." He introduced the Savonti at his. "He's..."
"The son of Ketu." Gabor finished looking at him with doubt. "The mad one."
"Nazun." Yaru bowed in greeting. "Me and my people are pleased to be here."
"Your people?"
"Yes." Shayn nodded. "I promise Yaru a place in Gekkol. Him and his people will be a great help in the war."
The room grew completely quiet. Shayn looked at everyone. Something was wrong.
"Nazun Yaru," Ono reached out and shook his hand then turned to mate. "There's a lot we have to tell you."
"Me too."
After Ono gave Shayn his update on all that had happened, Shayn told them about Xan and his return to Lesul. Again suddenly the room got quiet. Azeal turned to Ono.
"Could she have known?"
"Who?" Shayn asked.
"She probably sent him know this would happen all along."
"What are you talking about?" Shayn was totally confused.
"We think Lilia sent Xan back to Lesul." Ono explained. "I have no idea why. Probably to confront him. Maybe to take over Lesul."
"That would not make sense." Yaru slithered in closer. His opinion as a Savonti would be important. "Xan had no powers, he could never rule in Lesu's place."
"Then why didn't she send Mar?" Tanis asked. "He has the power, he could rule."
[Because Xan is the one that needs to be in Lesul.] Lilia sent. [Lesul is not Mar's destiny.]
"If that's what Lilia sees." Ozmun added. "We should trust her. She hasn't been wrong yet."
[I could be wrong. All I see is that he needs to be in Lesul. I can't see the outcome. But I plan to send him help. I have a gift for him. But we have problems of our own. Daru and Memu. Loc and Trela. That's where our attention should be. And one more, the one that ran. He will be a danger to us.]
"Tabor." Ono reminded them of their runaway cadet. "Someone should go find him and I know just who it should be."
Sitting in his old room, Zarin looked out the window at the two moons in the night sky. He was very angry. If he had made it back to the Academy a few hours earlier he could have prevented his mothers death. He would have found Tabor here and she would still be alive. By Rimnar how he hated Tabor. All those years he tortured him, Dack and so many others. If he had only stopped him years ago, none of this would have happened.
But it did and now there was only one thing to do. Zarin stood up and walked to the door. He opened it and sitting on the floor was his best friend Dack. When the door opened Dack jumped to his feet. He had been looking for Zarin and figure this was the only place he could be.
"Are you alright?"
"No." Dack answered. "But I will be. There's something we have to do."
"I know. Find Tabor and beat him into a bloody spot on the ground.
"Exactly." Zarin shut the door and they stared down the hall. "Where are the others?"
"Craven's looking for our parents. We think Tabor put some kind of spell on them. Reno and Thalia are out in the courtyard helping with all the people from Refuge. Rese is with them I think.
"And Trip?" They stopped at the transport stone. "Where is he?"
Dack looked at Zarin. There was only one thing Trip could be doing and they both know it. Checking on the Ring.
"OK." He said. "If the Ring is what Tabor wants, then let's put it where he can find it. Come on, Lets go find Trip."
In the back of the Academy, in a small hut, Lilia sat by her fire with the golden sphere Jovan had brought back. She had seen this egg long ago in her dreams and she knew just where it had to go and to whom. As she threw more wood on the fire there was a knock at her door.
"Come in Kalin."
The door opened and Kalin Ka stepped in. He looked at Lilia confused as to how a blind woman knew who was at the door.
"Dreams." She smile. "And these eyes are blind but my mind is strong. Have a seat."
"I've been told you need my help." He sat across from her. "What can I do for you?"
"Do you know what this is?"
Kalin reached over and picked up the egg. It was warm to the touch. He raised his hand and passed it over the egg.
"Yes, I believe I do." He sat it back down. "I didn't know there was anything like this here on Pentanthin."
"This is the last one." She told him. "I need your help to get it to the one it belongs to."
"Do you know who that is?"
"Yes I do." Lilia reached over and took a sip of tea. "Can you do it?"
"I think so.
Kalin stood up and took the egg and sat it on the table. He thought for a minute then spread his arms to gather his magic. Suddenly the fire in her hearth blazed up brightening the room and he began his spell.
As the light in the room blazed even higher the egg rose up off the table and disappeared in a flash.
"It's done." He smiled at Lilia. "When the time is right, a new dragon will be born."
When Xan woke up, he was in a dark muddy place. It was hot, he sat up and looked around himself confused. He had no idea where he was. Last thing he remembered was leaving Shayn and riding into Lesul. He had ridden for a few frames. He remembered being thirsty then the most searing pain struck him and nothing.
As his eyes focused he realized he was in a cell deep under ground. A chill went through him when he realized where he was. This was Lesul. There was no other place he could be. He was back in his fathers mound.
Xan stood up on shaky legs and stumbled to the cell door. He looked out the small window into the touch lit hall and saw a warrior standing there on guard. Seeing him watching, the guard slammed his fist into the window sending Xan reeling back from the impact.
"Get back Armaurk!" The warrior growled at him. "Back into the mud you deserve!"
Xan stepped back with his head held high. The warrior reached down and picked up a hand full of mud and threw it at him. The mud hit his chest and splashed all over his face. Xan stood his ground, he wiped his eyes and proudly stared back at the warrior. He knew what his father had planned for him and suddenly he wasn't scared anymore. He was proud of what he and Mar had done and nothing could change that. But maybe there was something he could do to change the minds of the Savonti here before he died.
"Nazun warrior." He slammed his fist into his chest in salute to the warrior. "May you serve a wise and powerful lord."
"I do serve a wise lord. the wisest of them all. Your father a proud honorable wise Savonti."
"Proud, yes." Xan nodded his agreement. "Honorable,yes. He his honor. More then most Lords. But wise? I do not think so?"
"Who are you to question my Lords wisdom?" Angry the warrior stuck his staff in the window and sent its shocks through his body. Xan fell back onto the muddy floor. "You are nothing! Armaurk in Lesul!"
"He is my father." Xan sat up looking the warrior in his eyes. "Who knows a father better then a son? No one. I have seen and studied my father all my life and his decisions are not always in the best interest of our people, but you can not see his flaws. You are the blind ones, not me. It is you who does not see that he lead you to your destruction."
"Shut your filthy mouth or you die here and now!" The warrior raged at him. Xan stopped for a minute. Rage wasn't what he wanted from the warrior. He wanted him to listen and see his side. Maybe insulting Lesu wasn't the right way to go.
"My apologies faithful one. I mean no disrespect. All I want is an honest ear, and a open eye that can see everything around him. Open your eyes and see Lesul for real. Remember the prophesy, for the Savonti days grow short. Help me to help us survive. That is all I ask."
As the warrior turned to leave, he realized a few other warriors had gathered to listen to what they had been talking about. With a shove he pushed his way past them and stomped off down the hall. Standing behind the warriors, Xan notices two human slaves. They were looking at him with confusion. Slowly the crowd broke up and everyone went away leaving Xan alone in his cell. Ignored by there warriors the two humans stepped over to Xan's cell. Neither wanted to get to close to Xan. It was possible for him to reach out and grab one of them and pull them close enough to be killed. Xan stood and walked back to the door.
"I remember you." A young boy said. "My sister spoke of you often though our father forbid it."
"You are Drella's brother?"
"Yes." He smile. "My name is Castor, this is Alin my cousin. Is Drella alright?"
"Yes." Xan assured him. "She is safe with friends thinking about you her family."
"She wants you safe and away from this." Xan knew they were afraid. He wanted to give them hope. After all, that's one of the reasons he had come back. "I have come to help if I can. But I will need help, as much help as I can get."
"We'll help."
"Wait." Alin gripped Castor's shoulder. "How do we know we can trust him? How do we even know she's still alive?"
"I trust him." Castor smiled. "When we were starving, he got us food. My father didn't trust him but Drella did and I trust her. If there's a chance we can get out of here, it's with him. He got Drella out so I'll trust him and so will you."
Alin looked at Xan unsure but willing to do as his cousin said. What choice did they have,
"Thank you both." Xan wanted to shake hands with them but thought that might scare them. "You better go, I do not know when the guard might come back and I do not want them to see you talking to me. Come back when you can if you can."
"We will."
And Castor and Alin were off, running back to their house duties hoping they hadn't been missed. Xan feeling a little hopeful, turned and went and sat down to think. Now he was sure of what it was he had to do. He had to free the people here even if it meant his fathers death and he had no idea how he was going to do that
He looked up to the window to see the night stars. Lilia, what have you gotten me into?
The night winds had been cool as Trip flew in the window of a senior room in the Academy. He dropped down to land and shift to human as he looked around his and Reno's room. What memories they had here. Nights joking and studying with Zarn and Dack, practising spells while Thalia watched and gave her advice on different ways to achieve the same effect. After all their years together she was becoming really good at the art of Magic. She could cast a spell with great confidence and accuracy, almost as well as he could.
Trip stepped over to the desk and looked up on the wall. There in a frame was the only surviving portrait of the members of the royal Andropoulos family. Markos on his throne with his queen Kyma sitting beside him. Behind them stood the princes Reno, Philon and their lovely sister Drina. This was Reno's family. Actually until their deaths at the hands of Mahlos, they were the only people Trip had for family too. Mahlos had been another power mad enemy bent on world domination destroyed by Reno, Trip, Sir Shane, Caleb and friends from back home in Delios.
He stared proudly at them, he missing them so much. He wished things had been different and they were all still together, but they weren't. His family was dead and so was Reno's. Zarin's mother was dead and if they didn't do something about it, a lot of people here and back on Keanna would die too.
Trip turned and stepped from the room. It was time to stop day dreaming and get back to the task at hand. Time for him to get the Ring and finish the madness.
Opening the door to the balcony, Trip spread his arms and made the shift to his raven form. With a quick hop up onto the railing, Trip launched himself into the sky. From above he saw the entire landscape and grounds of the Academy. In the back practise grounds, tents had been erected for the people of the Gekko clan. Guards all along the walls had been doubled and even tripled in some places. Trip looked higher over the grounds to see the dome of darkness Blink had cast over the entire Academy to hide them.
Sailing lower, Trip gazed down and with his sharp raven eyes he saw his objective. Down below in the courtyard ruling over the entire Academy stood the bronze statue of Tileth Andrake, the very first master and founder of the Andrake Academy.
Tileth Andrake was one of the ten mages that came upon the magical site that would be the city of Winterhaven. He and the others worked hard to clear the land. They fought off great beast and other enemies until the walls were erected to protect the city. A council was chosen made up of dark and light magic to keep the city in balance and from there, Winterhaven was born. People slowly came flocking in to build homes and businesses in the city. Soon Tileth noticed that there was a lot of magical people coming to live there. Vampires and werewolves, elves and humans. There are fairies and Phoenicians, dwarfs and many different types and combinations of races. As Tileth walked about he realized what a great center of magic and learning Winterhaven could be. All that was needed was a place for the young to gather and learn.
It started in a small building with Tileth and a small hand full of students. In a few years as word was passed, that building turned into a campus walled and almost separate from the city itself. Children along with instructors were sent to the Academy from all the major kingdoms of almost every race on Keanna until the Andrake Academy became the most prestigious school of magical higher learning on the entire continent of Taggitia.
Dropping down to land at the base of the statue of Tileth Andrake, Trip gazed up at the majestic elder mage. He wonder if he had any idea when he started the school of the things they would go through to defend it. In his years attending the Academy, Trip had heard of some of its history. The schools involvement in the Vampire/Werewolf war, the year the giants held Winterhaven in siege, even the more recent involvement with Polan Dressak and Muerte the mad goddess of death. Some good, some not so good, but always the Academy survived, and they would survive their time on Pentanthin to make it back home to Keanna hr prayed.
As Trip stared up to Tileth Andrake a small crowd had gathered to watch him. Trip looked at them. He knew somewhere in the crowd there would be a spy for Tabor. He smiled when he thought about the fact that the ring had been hidden here were Tabor could have gotten it at any time if he could have found it. With a wave of his hand, Trip cast out for the ring. With a brilliant golden glow on Tileth's finger, the ring he was wearing slid off the statues hand and sailed out to hover in front of Trip. Behind him the crowd gasped with surprise. Relieved, Trip reached out and plucked the ring out of the air. He turned and stared at the crowd around him, then spread his arms to shift and flew off into the towers of the Academy.
Behind him in the crowd two sets of eyes watched and sent word to their master that the ring had been exposed. Tabor Larin was coming back to the Andrake Academy.
In the bed chamber of the lord of Lesul, Lesu sat at his desk pondering the days events. He had kept his promise and put Ketu back on the throne in his house though there only seemed to be a hand full of warriors left there. When asked they all had said Yaru had taken them somewhere safe where Ketu could never use his madness on them again. That angered Lord Ketu. How could he be a lord if he had no one to rule over? That didn't matter to Lesu. All he care about was that Ketu kept his promise and delivered to him the son he had promised.
"You are back in Ketul on the throne." Lesu said from his mount. "I have kept my promise. Now it is your turn. Where is my son?"
"Ahhhhhh!!!" Ketu laughed. "I did make you an offer did I not? What if I can not uphold my side of the bargain?"
"Then Ketul will be no more." Lesu's eyes lit up with anger. "Honor your promise or we battle now!"
"Look to the south Lesu. Your armaurk son heads into your hands. He goes home as we speak."
"If you lie, you die Staz!!" Lesu turned his tracker south. "We shall see each other again."
With a wave, Lesu and his warriors rode of after the prey. As they rode off, Ketu smiled. His tail rattle shook and his hood opened fully.
"Sooner then you think."
As Lesu and his warriors rode south, a lone rider appeared on the horizon. From the back of his tracker, Lesu could tell it was Xan his youngest son. Ordering his warriors to spread out, Lesu gave the order to take him quietly.
As Xan rode slowly, Lesu's warrior moved quicker to get to the top of the ridge Xan was about to head into. With luck, Lesu's warrior made it there first and climbed high on the rocks, As Xan entered they were ready. It took three glass globes of sleeping potion, Xan's tracker panicked at the smell of the potion and bucked knocking Xan from it's back. Coughing and wheezing Xan stood in the cloud of noxious fumes and searched for the way out. As he took his first step his eyes began to grow heavy as the potion began to take effect. Xan's knees grew wobbly as he fought to keep moving. Two steps later and he fell to his knees. Trying to rise and escape to fresh air, Xan fell and slipped into darkness and dreams.
Once Xan had fallen and the air was clear, Lesu and his warriors entered the grove. At last Lesu had caught one of his sons. Lifting Xan up two warriors carried Xan to stand before his father.
"Tie him on his tracker." Lesu ordered. "Next turn he pays for his defiance."
In the dimly lit chamber of Lesu, Castor and Alin with rakes in hand worked to remove any refuse from Lesu's sleeping pit. They raked away bone and any stone large enough to give Lesu any discomfort while he slept. At his desk Lesu sat deep in his thoughts reviewing his days triumph. Though Mar was still lost to him, Xan was now back in his control. Lesu wondered want madness had done this for him. It was strange. Though he never thought his sons to be very smart, he never thought either of them insane either.
While deep in his thoughts Lesu didn't notice Gos, his younger son after had entered his chamber. He stood and watched Lesu until the Lord looked up and realized he was there.
"My Lord." Gos slammed his fist into his chest in salute, "I have been told one of the Armaurk ones have been captured. I commend you for your patients."
"Patients?" Lesu looked up at Gos. "Was it patients? Are you sure?"
"It must be. They had nowhere to hide. Sooner or later they had to reveal themselves to us."
" I do not think so." Lesu stood and stepped down from his throne. "They had gotten out of Lesul, There was is no reason they should have returned here. There is a death sentence on there heads here, so why return?"
"Maybe they never left." Gos said. "They could have been hiding in a cave somewhere in Lesul."
"I do not think so." Lesu knew better. "Every inch of Lesul has been searched and the lands around ours. No one here in my lands hid them, I am sure. So tell me, where were they? And where is Mar?"
"I do not know my lord." Gos had no idea but he knew Lesu's questions were valid. "Maybe Daru is the answer. Maybe he had them, and Xan has been trying to get back to warn you of an invasion."
Lesu stopped pacing and turned at stared at Gos. It was possible but Lesu couldn't image either Mar or Xan running back to warn him of danger. They had just as much of a reason to want him dead as Daru does.
"I want Xan ready to die at second sun up." Lesu walked over to his pit where the two boys had just finished working. He shoeing them out of his sands then laid down. "He burns and that is the end if him. See to it."
"Yes Father."
As Lesu took to his sands the boys ran from the chambers. They had just heard Lesu order Xan's death and Xan could be their only chance for freedom.
"What do we do?" Alin asked.
"We don't have time now for waiting around." Castor told him. "We have to move tonight. Go tell everyone we get out tonight. Gather weapons and anything they can find. We fight our way out of here."
"Where are you going?"
"To tell Xan." Castor looked back at his cousin. "I gotta get him free."
From household slaves to the slaves that worked the mines Alin went spreading the news of the coming revolt. He told them to collect any hidden weapons the had. Knives, clubs, swords and staff weapons if the had them and to be ready for a signal. Tonight they would have freedom or they would have death. Everyone was eager to be free and back in the forest. Eager to hunt and breath fresh air rather the the rancid smoke of the own on cooking fires. When they asked why tonight? What was so special about this night, they were told there had been a message sent from the chosen one's. The White and Grey lived and they where close and here to help. Alin knew it was a lie, but anything that would give the people hope might just be enough to also give them freedom.
Castor bowed his head and kept to the darkest of corridors in the house of Lesu. It would be the long way around but there was no other way. For him to take the straight route to the dungeons would be suicide. Instant death from the first warrior that found him would be his reward. But Castor knew every corridor in the house. He had worked here for years and found hiding places all over the house that the Savonti didn't know of. As he passed a certain dark closet a voice rang out in his head.
Castor stopped. He looked around sure that he had been caught and his end was near. Seeing no one in the hall he took another step and the voice spoke to him again. He jumped to the side out of sight.
"Who are you?" Castor whispetred.
Castor didn't understand but there was many things on Pentanthin that he didn't understand. All he knew was that the voice in his head had a soothing calm feeling to it. He wanted to obey the voice.
Looking out into the hall, Castor saw there was no one there. He walked out to the closet and slowly opened the door. The closet was filled with chains manacles and collars for the slaves. In the back he saw something bright flash in the light of the open door. Castor pushed everything out of the way and dug out a golden sphere he found hidden in the back. He had no idea what it was but he knew whatever in was, it had been calling out to him.
Somehow, Castor believed it. Taking off his shirt, Castor wrapped the sphere in it and heaved it over his shoulder and stepped out of the closet. It felt very warm against his skin, almost alive.
Just then Castor heard Savonti voices coming down the hall.. He froze. He was about to be caught.
Just then, two Savonti warriors turned the corner and spotted Castor. Castor watched in fear as their expressions turned at the outrage and they made their way towards him hissing.
"What are you doing here beast?"
Castor backed up holding the egg behind him. He looked left and right for somewhere to run but he was trapped, there was no escape.
"I asked you a question!" The warriors demanded stepped up to Castor. The warrior raised his hand and swung a backhand into the boys face sending him flying to the floor. As Castor fell, he dropped his bundle. It rolled to the warriors feet and opened revealing the golden sphere wrapped inside..
"What is this?' He asked. "Stealing from us? You will die for this."
With a greedy gleam in his eye, the warrior reached down to pick up the sphere.
"Do not touch that!" The second pushed him aside. "That belongs to Lord Lesu."
"Then I will be the one to present it to him."
With an aggravated look, both warrior jumped to get the sphere first. As they touched it, an electrical pulse flashed out sending a currant of electricity into the two warriors burning them and sending them flying into the wall.
Getting back to his feet, Castor stood staring at the two smoldering warriors. Now he was really in trouble. He had to get away from there before another warrior came along and caught him there.
Nodding Castor grabbed the shirt, re wrapped the sphere and ran for the exit. Somehow he had to find a way to get down to the lower level and free Xan. This was not going to be an easy night for anyone in the house of Lesu.
Alone in his cell, Xan sat quiet in meditation. His mind was clear and all thoughts of death and danger for the minute were gone. He saw Drella's face smiling at him, Juelz and Mar sitting in the sun playing. He was back at the Academy safe from the war and at peace. Drella took him in her arms and they made love in the warm sun. Everything was perfect. Then a sudden noise out beyond his cell door caught his attention and he opened his eyes.
In the light of the two moons, Xan saw someone walking toward his cell. It was the guard he had talked to earlier and his slave, a young human dressed in rags. The guard walked to his cell then stopped and stared at Xan.
"Why are you here?" He asked. "Why did you come back? You knew what your father would do if he caught you, so why?"
Xan thought for a second then stood up and walked to the cell door. He looked out at the warrior in red armor, his father's armor.
"What is your name warrior?"
"I am Pac," He answered.
"I came back for Pac." Xan's answer was that simple. "I came back for you and for all the rest of the Savonti here and in other lands. I came back for the humans and our salvation. The White and Grey are real and they hold the power to make the changes the prophesy talks of. I do not want to be one of the last Savonti of Pentanthin and I will die to keep our extinction from happening."
"You would live with these things?"
"They are not things Pac." Those words angered Xan. He hated hearing others talked down on each other. "What makes them different from us? They feel pain like we do. They need food like we do. They think just as we do. They are a different type of people but just as worthy as we are of life. They even have lordly abilities like we do, but there is something that we do that they do not."
"What is that?" Pac asked his curiosity now raised.
"They would never eat one of us. Do you know why?"
Pac's eyes shot open at the thought. The Savonti had been feeding on humans for eons but never in all the history of starving humans had it there been any stories of humans eating Savonti.
"No I do not know."
"Humans eat meat just as we do." Xan explained. He used the same words Gabor had used to explain it to him."But the thought of eating something that once walked and talked with intelligence is repulsive to them. They just wish we could learn to understand that slavery and the cook pots is not the way to live. We made them out enemies just as we did the Nevac and it was not out of hunger, it was out of choice and ignorance. We have killed and feed on many billions of them and it must stop of we are to live on."
Pac stared deeply in Xan's eyes as he talked. His words made sense. Pac had seen humans do things he thought was beyond their intelligence, and if they were as intelligent as Xan said, then the Savonti must seem like the cruelest of people. Hate and fear was the way of life for the Savonti who fought each other constantly over stupid things like land and pity disagreements. Maybe the prophesy was right. Maybe it was time for a change.
"If you doubt my words." Xan said. "Look around at the humans here. Look close and see if they seem like stupid animals to you. All they want is their freedom and peace and a chance to live."
"What you say does make me think." Pac bowed to Xan showing him respect for the first time. "I will think on what you say."
"Think fast." Xan turned and went and sat back down. "There is not much time."
As Pac walked away from Xan's cell, his slave Aldo thought about what he had heard. He was amazed at how much Xan, a Savonti knew about humans. Everything he had said was right. Though they hated the Savonti, all they really wanted was their freedom and a chance to live without being hunted.
He wondered what Pac thought of what Xan had said. Should he try talking to him about it? It could his chance to get free. But if still thought him armaurk, it could be his death sentence.
As they walked Pac kept looking back at Aldo. Quickly Aldo would look away to keep from making eye contact. As they stopped at an empty guards lounge Pac ushered Aldo in and shut the door.
"I know you are not just a simple beast." Pac looked down at Aldo. "Are his words true about humans?
"Yes." Aldo nodded. "He speaks the truth."
"Would you trust him?"
"Never in my life have I or anyone I know wanted anything from a Savonti, except to be left alone." Aldo was scared, but for the first time he wanted to have his say even if it was just for this one time. "But after hearing him, I want to help him get free so yes, I would trust him."
"Like you, I trust very few here, but enough that we could be of use to him." Pac spoke to him for the first time like an equal. "We know of this Xan from many warriors here. He and his brother are said to be honorable but deluded, a failure to their father. I do not think that is true. I think they may see the world in the right light. We will help him. and I will learn all about you humans. Pray we do not regret it."
From the light of the torch in the corridor outside of Xan's cell, he watched as familiar warriors came walking towards him. Xan stood and went to his door to greet his guest.
"Nazun brother." Xan gave him the Savonti salute. "What brings you down here at this hour?"
"Orders from father." Gos stepped out from behind the three guards that escorted him. "He wishes to see you before your death."
"How sentimental of him." Xan backed away from the door as the warriors aimed their weapons at him.
"You do understand you can end this with just a word, Xan?" Gos reached out and opened the door inviting Xan out. "All you have to do is swear to serve your father faithfully."
Xan stepped out of the cell ignoring Gos. He didn't have to answer to the lieutenant. His words were only for his father.
"Take me to him."
"As you wish." Gos turned for the exit. "Follow me."
It was a long walk through the mound to Lesu's chamber at the top level. They passed through almost every area of the mound. The slave quarters, where word was whispered from one to the next that Xan was free of the dungeon until it reached Castor. In the warriors halls, debris was thrown at him. Rotten vegetables and spoiled food to the quarters of Lesu's queens level where he was shunned by those he once called his family.
Finally they arrived at Lesu's door. Two warriors stood at attention guarding the door for there master. Gos stepped to the door and used the huge knocker to announce their arrival. From inside, one word could clearly be heard.
Stepping from their post, the guards took hold of the door rails and pulled them open allowing Gos to lead them into Lesu's private chamber. Xan and Mar had by here many times in the past answering his call. The room was sparsely furnished with a throne built of the bones of Lesu's dead enemies. Old lords he had defeated in battle, queen's had put to death after he had his full of them and other furniture and objects he had stolen from Nevac underground cities. On the walls there were tapestries, scenes of the great Nevac hunt woven from the hair of dyed Trula made by human hands and racks of weapons taken from battles Lesu had won.
On his throne Lesu sat and watched as the came to stand in front of him. He stood and stepped down and dismissed the two armed warriors.
"Welcome home my son." Lesu waved Gos to the side so he could speak with Xan. "I am pleased you are home again."
"Pleased or relieved father?" Xan crossed his arms and give Lesu a spiteful look. "Tell the truth. You are more pleased just to have me here so you can take your revenge on one of the sons that turned against you."
"Oh I will have that revenge Xan." Lesu smiled down at him. "On you for walking off with Mar and for your relations with that human. You disgust me!"
"Why?" Xan asked. "For falling in love or for loving a human? And why do you even care who or what I love? You have been with human women, more then Savonti women I know this to be the truth so why father?"
"Because then are beneath us!" Lesu screamed at him his eyes growing redder by the second. "No son of the Lord of Lesul will take a human as mate, as Queen of his house as long as I live!"
"But I will never be a lord father. I do not have the power or the wish to rule. All I want is to live with Drella in peace and for all this to come to an end. Let one of my other brothers rule. Surely one of them has what it takes to rule this house."
"Silence!!!" Lesu leaped from his throne. "I will be the one to choose who rules next in Lesul you impudent cur. And you are right, it will not be you or the maknesti Mar! You will both be long dead in the pit of the Ghilhant for your disobedience before I have to chose a new lord for my house!"
Xan just looked at his father calmly. He didn't wish for mercy from him, this was just what he expected. He hoped he could turn him from his Savonti stubbornness and see his mistakes, but that wasn't to happen anytime soon. But it wasn't to late. His life wasn't over yet. He still had a few cards left to play.
"Then what is the point of this talk father?" Xan spoke clear and proud. "You have made your choice. Your path to destruction is clear as is the rest of the Savonti. Mar and I along with the White and Grey had such hopes for the Savonti future but you, Daru and the others will not accept that Pentanthin must change. I am sorry."
"As you wish Lord Lesu." Xan bowed then slammed his fist in salute to Lesu the turned and was led from the chamber. As he walked out, he looked to his left and saw Pac standing in the crowd. With a nod and a quick tap on his chest, Pac sent his message of acceptance. Xan now had a new ally in Lesu. He hoped Pac wasn't alone and somehow others would hear his message too.
In the darkness of the night, a crew of men had been sent to the pit of the Ghilhant to clean the stands for the mornings execution. The stands around Lesu's pit stood tall enough to hold seven rows of attendees with a boxed off area to hold Lord Lesu, his currant favorite queen and anyone important that happen to be in Lesul for the activities.
As the area around the pit was cleaned of bones and debris from the last festivies, a young man came out carrying a bunde. He stopped at the edge of the pit and looked in. The pit was about forty feet across from all side and it ran miles deep into the ground and ran off in many direction. To keep a worm always near the pit entrance, Lords that kept Ghilhants would toss someone in occasionally.
Ghilhants ran from five feet long as larva to seventy five by twenty as adults. They had no eyes or ears, only tendrils that felt the vibrations in the ground that signaled prey was near.
As Castor looked into the pit, he looked for a safe place to leave the sphere. At sun up, Xan would be escorted here and pushed in. There he would find the sphere. After that, Castor had no idea what would happen.
Unwrapping the sphere, Castor held it out then let it drop. It fell and rolled into a clutter of old cracked bones and came to a rest.
"Now to get everyone ready." Castor stuffed his shirt under his arm and made his way back into the mound. Soon the suns would rise and Lesul would never be the same.
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