Walking around the room, Emrel saw it had been trashed. Everything had been torn apart and thrown around except the portraits. They were untouched.
As Emrel searched she wondered how she had gotten here. Last thing she remembered was the battle with the Demon Druda and the wild elves that once were the people of Eventide. Above head, Jayce had fought Druda to a stand still then everything went black and she woke up here. That was all she could remember. As Emrel sat back she took stock of what she knew.
She knew she was still in Eventide, somewhere in the royal tree. She knew from looking around, everything in this room belonged to Zaor and Shael. There wasn't any of Jake, Adanar or Ryel's things here. Whoever had been using this room must have been really close to them. Above the fireplace, there was a wedding portrait of Evindal and Allisa. She stopped and looked at her brother on his happiest day. This portrait being here could mean only one thing. It was Evindal that had brought her here. Somehow he had broken free from whatever spell he was under and he had saved her from battle and brought her here. there was still apart of him still holding on in that beastly body.
Just then there was a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning and a door in the wall to the west flew open. There in the lightning flashes stood a great white beast in green royal rags howling at the moon and snarling at her, King Evindal had returned,
"What do you mean Emrel disappeared?" Adanar yelled at them almost out of control with worry. "How could she disappeared? Weren't you watching her?"
"Of course we were watching." Jayce explained. "But we were in the middle of a battle trying to keep her alive. I'm sorry Adanar. A lot was happening. We were distracted for just a second."
"A second is all that was needed." Upset, Adanar turned and stomped off into the palace.
"Forgive him Jayce." Ariel put a hand on his shoulder. "They're twins. She's closer to him then even our parents were."
"I know how he feels." Jayce smiled. "But its done. We don't we just get to finding her. She can't be that far way."
"Any ideas?" Ariel asked. With Jayce in the front, Graym, Ariel and the angel turned and went into the palace where Hema and Finn were waiting with Adanar. The fairy was sitting on his shoulder gentle words consoling him.
"What are these things in the trees?" Ariel asked. "They're everywhere."
"They be ya brothers and sisters." Finn told her. "Everyone missin from Eventide. Queen Talsara put the place unda a nasty spell."
Ariel's eyes lit up as she considered his words. That meant the beast they had just been fight, could have been people she had known all her life. How low could Talsara go to get what she wanted?
"That means Emrel is out there somewhere with those things."
"There's more." Graym told her. "We found your brother Evindal. He's one of them too. He was here during the fight and gone once it was over. It's possible he took her."
"That may be good for us." Adanar jumped to his feet. "Evindal won't hurt her. No matter what they did to him. He won't hurt a hair on her head. There has to be a reason he took her."
"Like?" Jayce stared at Adanar and Ariel. He was hoping they might know what Evindal might want.
"I don't know." Adanar was getting upset again. "But it has to have something to do with Talsara. Maybe she still wants her for something. Have you found Allisa yet?"
Jayce turned to Graym with a look of astonishment. Evindal's wife. Of course, that's what he wants. But does he still have the intelligence and patience to get Emrel to understand him.
"We have to find them now." Jayce stood and pulled Graym to the door.
"Wait not so fast." Graym stopped. "We have to find out where they are first."
"I know where they are." Jayce smiled. "Actually, Finn knows where they are. And he's going to take us there now."
Dressed in noble rags, Evindal lurched down the few steps from the entrance into the secret room. With a growl rising in his throat, he pushed his way through the room as Emrel backed herself against the wall. Though deep in her heart she knew it was Evindal, fear had a grip on her heart and it could be seen on her face. Looking around, Emrel reached and grabbed a pan to protect herself even though a simple blast spell would have been enough.
As Evindal roared, Emrel pulled herself back cringing in fear. Then with a single leap, he was standing face to face with his youngest sister. Emrel closed her eyes when she felt his hot breath on her face, his foul breath turned her stomach. Then he uttered a single sound, a moan. Like a moan of sorrow or pain. Something in Emrel's heart changed. Suddenly she wasn't as scared as she was when he burst through the door.As he moaned again, she slowly opened her eyes and look directly in his beastly face. Evindal like all the others in Eventide had become a horrible beast thing. He had a long silver-white mane of hair that framed his face with huge ram like horns from his temple that curved around the side of his head. His eyes were like those of the wildest jungle cat with long whiskers just below his feline-like nose. His mouth was curved down in a sad expressions than went right to Emrel's heart. But his eyes are what drew her in the most. They were so sad and he had tears running down his face. Lifting her hand, Emrel reached out and touched her brothers cheek.
He took her hand in his and held it to his face then with a whimper he nodded assuring her it was him. At that point Emrel burst into tears and threw her arms around him and cried. That's when a small part of Evindal's animal nature took over and he roared out in discomfort and pushed her away.
Emrel fell back to the feel and stared up at her cowering brother.
"What is it Brother?" She got to her feet taking a step forward.
Just then, Graym and Jayce flew in through the open down. Slamming his hands together, a great flash of shadow burst from Graym's hands filled the room with absolute darkness. Jayce dived down and grabbed Emrel in his arms and turned and streaked back out the door.
"NO!!" Emrel screamed fighting to get loose. "Let me go! He needs me!"
Bellowing out, Evindal leaped snarling for the door. With a swift kick, Graym knocked him back as he raced back out to hover in the air just out above the trees. Wiping the blood from his nose, Evindal dived out the door to land on a branch that was once the walkway into the secret room. As he looked about, Adanar, Ariel, and Graym stood ready for battle.
Ariel's eyes glowed with power and anger as lightning and thunder flashed around her. On her back, Adanar ready a spell that would strike, burning the beast to cinders. Jayce and Graym hovered just above the trees ready with Salvation and Retribution out, ready to fight.
With his mind full of rage, Evindal threw back his head and howled out his challenge. He hunched himself up ready to leap into battle when from the walkway below, Emrel sent a bolt of light in between them which exploded bringing showers of sparks raining down on them all.
"Stop!" Emrel held up a glowing hand ready to blast the next person to move. "Everyone calm down. None of us are enemies here. Adanar, Seven, this is Evindal, our brother. He wasn't trying to hurt me, he wants my help."
Relaxing, the glow faded from Ariel's eyes as Adanar jumped from her back to the nearest walkway and dropped down to land with the others near Evindal. Being twins, Emrel and Adanar could always feel the truth from each other, so he had no problem believing her. But that didn't mean he trusted this wild thing in front of him.
"He looks so scared, " Seven said after shifting. "I wish Jake were here. His fear abilities could tell us what he's scared of."
"He's probably scared he'll be like this forever." Jayce came down and released Emrel. "How animal is he right now?"
Seven walked out to her brother looking him over. Evindal took a step back but gentle moaning noises slipped from him.
"Evindal?" She slowly reached out to him hoping he would recognize her. "It's me. Seven. Your sister."
Evindal looked at her sadly. Tears filled his eyes as he tried without success to say her name. He knew what it was. He knew who all of them were. He had been waiting for them to come since his mother had fallen sick. She had promised they would come to help him, and now here they were, but he was so far under Talsara's spell, he couldn't even tell them what he needed them to know. Evindal had promised his mother on her death bed that he would protect Eventide with his life and he tried. He evacuated as many as he could leaving only his soldiers to fight the Darkshade army when they came. He was glad all his brothers and sisters were out of Eventide and away from Talsara and her madness. Especially the young ones Adanar, Emrel and Ryel. He hoped they were safe and would come with help if he really needed them. His only regret was that he couldn't get sweet Allisa to go too, but she refused and wouldn't leave his side. That he soon learned was to be Talsara's biggest sin against the Eventide's.
On the night of Dasyra Eventides death, Evindal and Allisa was at her side giving her comfort until her last breath escapes her body. When it did and she had passed, Evindal took his crying wife by the hand and led her out of the royal bedroom. Then walked down the hall to their own bedroom. As they walked, Allisa stumbled. Evindal caught her. He asked her if she was alright. But with a single look into her glowing red eyes he know something was wrong. Allisa took one more step the fell forward into his arms burn with the same fever his mother had just died of. It didn't take long for the healers to advise him that the new Queen was dying from the same spell that had taken the last Queen. To Evindal it seemed there wasn't much hope for Eventide unless help could arrive. That was the first-night Evindal felt the urge to howled at the night sky.
It had been a long day of twists and turns for Sgt Walin Haell as he was dragged back through Dreesport in chains. At the docks, Capt, Eskowe had stripped him of all his weapons, his armor and most of his clothing. All that was left on him was the muddy loincloth he had donned after his last bath. His face, arms and legs were scratched and bruised in many areas. His back had been scraped raw from the dragging.He was in the most horrible pain and in and out of consciousness for most of the time since the beating at the docks.
Now with blackened eyes he looked up from the courtyard of the Dree palace. There were Darkshade warriors gathered all around, Captain Eskowe stood at the steps staring down at him with contempt.
"Bring him to the lagoon in the back." He said as he turned to go up into the palace. "Someone wishes to see him."
Rough hands grabbed him from under each arm and pulled him up the stairs following after the Captain. Because of the pain he was in, Walin couldn't keep track of all the turns they made going through the palace. Not that it mattered. He was in no condition to fight or try and escape. He probably wouldn't survive his trip into the palace.
As they passed through a large set of doors through the rear of the palace, cool air chilled his body. Walin heard a woman screaming in anger. He couldn't make out what she was saying but he knew that voice. He would know the voice of the Queen of Darkshade anywhere.
Down marble stairs Walin was dragged and dumped before a blue green tent posted beside the beautiful clear water of the lagoon. Walin looked around, He was on a patio decorated with marble fountains and handsome statuary. Silk divans, pillows and a rich beautiful garden. There were trays of exotic fruit laid out with a bounty delicious looking dishes.
Posted at the doors to the tent were two of Talsara's warriors. As he got himself into a sitting position, the tent flaps opened and Talsara walked out dressed in the most beautiful white sparkling silk robes. She primped her hair, smiled down on Walin and walked down swaying her hips to stand in front of him. She may be the most hateful thing he ever saw, but she sure was beautiful. It was almost hypnotic. Her beauty made you want to please her, do almost anything. But the spell on him was broken. To many had dyed at his hands because of her. Walin could see her hate was all she really was. He pulled back as she came closer. Talsara stopped with a curious look in her eye.
"You failed me Wailn." Her voice was so sweet but sharp. She reached out to caress his face. "You have no idea what Dree's lost means to me. I put my trust in you, gave you warriors to command and failure is how you pay me back!!"
Talsara drew back her foot and kicked Walin in his stomach. The air rushed out of him choking him. He gasped for breath and raised his hands to keep her from kicking again. With her left hand, she grabbed an oar from a boat beside the lagoon.
"You knew you would be punished for failure." She swung the oar down into his rib cage breaking two ribs. "You knew the reward for failing would be pain!! WHY! WHY! WHY WHY!!"
Again and again the oar crashed down on his pushing him closer and closer to the edge of the water.
"You die for failure to capture Orym Dree." Throwing down the broken oar, she kicked at him. "For losing the docks, I sentence you to death!"
She kicked again, blood bubbled out from his mouth as he fell into the lagoon sinking down into the water.
"No!" Talsara gesture and Walin levitated up out of the water. "You can't die so easily. I have a better idea."
With a wave, she sent Walin streaking through the air to land further out in the deep water of the bay.
The bay began to boil and foam and rise as the dark magic began Walin's change. Lightning struck down sending sparks out over the surface of the water. Suddenly the great head of Munoecus rose out of the water squealing out it's rages then dived back into the deep depths of the ocean off of Dreesport.
"I've made you mine for now and forever." Talsara drew back her head and laughed. "From here on you shall be Munoecus, sea god of the Munos. You will have no will other then what I give you. You will obey orders from me and no other and do exactly as I say.You will be my weapon to destroy Aquilona and to bring the sea's under my command!"
Munoecus roared and sent electrical strikes into the air and sea as steam and smoke bellowed to the surface. This was the last of his free will as he tried to send strikes at Talsara. Walin's mind whirled as memories of his past life were erased and forgotten forever. Rising to the surface, he stared out at Talsara standing on the dais on the patio, All he had left was his hate and though he would obey her commands, he hated her and always would for the rest of his days.
"Now go!" She pointed out into the ocean. "You belong in the deep seas spreading my darkness and waiting for my commands! Go until I call for you! Soon, all of Keanna will fall and answer to me Talsara of Darkshade!!"
By daybreak, both gates of Winterhaven had fallen to Morganz and Elan. There next stop was to take the barracks and the rest of Lord Larin's sleeping guard force. Nero had been taken and imprisoned in a cell under the gates where he could do no harm or give anyone any warning. Men were sent out to every house in the city and the surrounding area for anyone strong and willing to fight against Lord Larin. It had taken most of the night, but by morning they had gathered a small force on the grounds of the Academy. Farmers, cattlemen, elves, dwarves and many others that had been in hiding came out.
As Elan stood with Morganz and Sir Marcus, they gazed out at those gathered in front of them. It was a small group, less than one hundred. But with his men of the old guard, it was enough hope to take the city back from Larin then reinforcements could be sent from Tir Na and some of their other allies. Morganz gazed over at Elan. He had a faraway look in his eyes. Something was bothering Elan and Morganz knew what it was.
"Dreams bothering you again?" Morganz nudged Elan out of his daze. The young elf turned and looked to him with a morose look. "Where are you today Elan?"
"I'm sorry." He smiled. "I was back home in Darkshade. I'm scared Morganz. Scared that I won't make it in time to save Aron. I should've gotten some kind of news by now, but nothing come. I can hardly feel him anymore."
"You really love him don't you?"
"I love him so much that I can't think of anything else anymore." Morganz could see the truth in his words. As a Dark elf, Elan's eyes were usually dark and clear, but now they looked gray. The sign of worry. "My minds is hardly here anymore. It's getting hard to concentrate."
"Then you should go to find him." Morganz took Elan by his shoulder and guided him out from the crowd. "You've done enough for Winterhaven. We can finish this ourselves. Go find Aron and help him finish his work in Darkshade."
"His work is to kill my mother. How can I help do that?"
"No." Morganz smiled. "His work is to free Darkshade from an evil dictator. His task is to save Darkshade. You know this better than any of us."
Elan looked down with tears in his eyes. He had a choice, his mother's cruelty or living the rest of his life in the arms of the one he truly loved. The choice was easy. Talsara had made his choice for him when she declared Aron would be put to death. He couldn't let that happen. Not in a million years could he let that happen. It was time to go home.
"I've packed a horse for you with all you will need for your journey." Morganz had walked him to the old gates of the academy. He turned Elan to face him, they hugged and held hands. "Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva."
"Aiya. My friend." Elan released his hand and walked out through the gates to make his way home.
As the sun rose, Aron stirred from his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't recognize where he was. He was laying in a green glade outside a group of elven houses. Beside him lay another elf. For a second, Aron didn't know who he was, then with a closer look, his memories came flooding back and he recognized Kel Orama as the one that freed him from his cell. Beside Kel lay a small fairy. No, not a fairy, an imp. Elan's imp Argus. He had been the one that saved them from Aesis and got them out of Darkshade Tower.
As Aron sat up, he smiled. He was free of Darkshade. He could feel the power of the sun beginning to recharge him, It felt so good. Next, to him, Kel moaned and pushed himself up as he opened his eyes.
"We're out." Aron knelt at his side. "Argus did it!"
"Yea we're out." Kel rubbed his eyes. "But we're still in Darkshade and Talsara's troops will be looking for us. We have to find somewhere to hide fast."
"This is your city." Aron helped him up. "I'll trust your choices and follow you. Where should we go?"
"I know where we are." Kel shielded his eyes from the morning sun. "This is a small village just outside of Darkshade's city walls. Once Aesis reports our escape, they'll be tearing up the city to find us. We have to find someplace safe to hide fast."
"Where can we go that she won't search?"
"Why not roll your dice and see what they say." Kel gently picked up the sleeping imp and placed him in the folds of his tunic where he would be safe.
"Good idea." Moving out of the glade, they hurried to a shed that sat out in the field. Aron took out the dice and rolled them against the was. As they flew from his hand they split into seven and rolled to a stop. Bending to read them they spelled out a single word.
"Huh?" Aron looked at Kel, not understanding.
"Of course!" Kel smiled. "That would be perfect."
"What is it?"
"One of Talsara's most hated enemies," Kel explained. "There's a house west of here that once belonged to one of Talsara's mothers closest confidant's. The prophetess Hasmira Caldas. It's a long story but Talsara hated her so much she tore down her house after her exile. But there is a chamber underground that still exists. No one knew about it but me and Rom. If it's still there, it would be perfect for us. Now, all we have to do is get there safely and find the entrance."
"How far away is it?"
A rooster crowed. Aron heard a door open and shut. The elves of the village were turning in for the night. But that wouldn't mean all of them. Darkshade was a nocturnal nation but there were still many awake during the day. Crops had to be watered, livestock had to tended. And of course, Talsara's war had to be fought. There would be solider everywhere and somehow, they had to get through them without being caught.
"I would say we have at least a mile to go or maybe more. We're going to need a disguise. If anyone sees us like this, its over and we're dead."
"A disguise." Aron thought about it for a minute. That shouldn't be a problem. He always did well in illusion magic at the academy. But what kind of disguise? Aron didn't know very much about Darkshade society and the wrong disguise could get them caught in an instant. "Tell me Kel. Who would be totally ignored if seen walking the lanes of Darkshade?"
Suddenly a smile spread across Kel's face as he looked up at the sign hanging from the shed. Aron looked it him puzzled, then up wondering what had gotten Kel so excited. They were sitting outside against the wall under the sign of the axe and the black hood. The Queens own torturer, the loneliest man in Darkshade.
"Aron." Kel pointed up at the sign. "He can get us safely through the village. No one would dare stop his wagon. Not even the guards."
Aron stood and looked beyond the shed to the house. It was dark, he could see the heavy curtains that covered the windows. The land beyond the glade where the house stood had not been taken care of at all. It was covered with rag weed, dandelions and ivy vines that crept all along the grounds and walls of the small estate. The shed was big enough to fit a horse and wagon and a workshop. Kel didn't know the name of who lived here, but he knew the man was defiantly the executioner from Darkshade. All the evidence of his trade was there for them to see.
"I'll bet Talsara keeps this one very busy." Aron rubbed dirt from the window and peeked in.
"Not as busy as you might think." A gruff voice said from behind them. In a flash, Kel turned with his knife out ready to fight. They had been discovered. Aron stepped back with a spell on his fingers ready to be cast at the dark elf. He was a tall elf, about six foot three inches with muscular arms, Aron guessed it was from swinging his axe. He had the usual grey complexion of a dark elf with grey hair instead of white. His face had a long scar that ran from his right temple to his left cheek just missing his eye. He was dressed as most executioners, all in black. As Kel and Aron turned to face him he raised his hands in front of him showing he was unarmed.
"Easy warrior." He whispered. "There's no enemy here. You found safety. Put away your blade."
"Safety?" Kel walked around in front of the dark elf and took his sword and dagger from his belt. "For twenty five years my friends and I served Darkshade, We fought for Caline and Rhys to protect these lands and keep our family safe, but they never were safe were they? All that time we had that viper gaining power and getting ready to strike."
"You know what she did don't you?" Aron asked. "All the people she killed?"
"Our queen has a lot to answer for." He replied. "And I can help you."
"Why should we trust you?" Aron asked him. "You haven't even told us your name."
My apologies." The elf bowed to them, "I'm Jassin Limeira, cousin to King Wyn. He sent me and the little one to help you."
Kel lowered his knife and looked to Aron. He remembered Wyn of Limeira. He was Talsara's second hand back then. It was probably him that did a lot of her dirty work. Kel still didn't see a reason why he should trust them.
"Wyn's just as bad as his queen. I don't trust him."
"I do." Aron held up his hand. "He may have been a close follower of Talsara in the past but, he loves Elan just as much as I do. He'd never let anyone hurt him, not ever his mother. I think we can trust him."
"It's your choice." Jassin stepped back away from Kel and finished unhooking his horse from the wagon. He walked it into the shed then shut the door. "You can stay out here and run from the guards or you can come in the house and get some food and rest. But you should know the patrols start in minutes. As I said, your choice."
"What do you think?" Kel asked.
"I think for now we take him up on his invitation." Aron rubbed his pocket to be sure the stones were still there safe. "It's a long way home and our business here isn't quite done yet."
As the last few hours of night passed by, Druda pulled Hell hounds through a rift from the underworld. These hellish beast were to be his weapon to bring Eventide to it's final demise. With their clawed multi limbs and jagged razor sharp teeth, he thought they would be an unstoppable force able tear down Eventide then move on Lord Larin to get him his freedom. Then Keanna would he his to make his own personnel hell.
Summoning his blazing sword he gave them the order to attack the tree city. They were to kill everyone then tear the scared grove apart and destroy the rest of Fay Shrea. Howling his nightmare laugh, Druda called his brimstone cloud and flew off after his beast army.
Standing outside of the hidden room, Emrel held her brother Evindal in her arms consoling him. All around them they could see the evidence of Talsara's evil spell that sapped the strength of Eventide. But with Jade underground providing her earth magic to sustain Eventide, there was still a chance for the elves home.
Suddenly Evindal pulled himself away for Emrel. He pointed back at the hidden room and pulled her toward it.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I think." Adanar said, "He wants us to follow him."
Evindal nodded furiously waving them in. He jumped across the open area to the limb that extended out from the door way still waving.
"Emrel." Ariel ordered. "You and Adanar go see what 's in there he thinks is important."
Taking Adanar's hand, Emrel waved her hand creating a bridge across with vines and knitted tree limbs. Quickly they ran across and into the room out of every one's sight.
Looking about, Graym stepped over to Jayce and Ariel. he was having that feeling of being watched again.
"You feel that?"
"Yeah." Jayce answered. "I think he may be back for another try."
"Who?" Ariel asked."
"There's a demon out there named Druda. We fought him earlier and drove him off."
"What's he want here?"
"Same thing they always want." Jayce pulled Salvation.
"Death and destruction to all." They said all together.
"Hema, Finn." Jayce called. "Stay with Emrel and Adanar. Keep them safe."
"As safe as me own sweet mother." Finn tipped his hat and zipped across the bridge..
"We'll do our best." Hema flew up did a quick circle and then on to the room after the leprechaun.
"We protect the tree." Ariel stretched causing lightning to flash above. "No matter what,"
Jayce and Graym nodded their agreement. With swords in hand, the two angels took to the air to circle the trees while Ariel took a seat on her side of the vine bridge. They were ready for battle.
As lightning flashed lighting the way, Evindal moved slowly to the back pushing everything out of the way. Following behind him, Emrel and Adanar watched him reach for the hidden hub on the wall and press it down. A glowing door appeared, Evindal covered his eyes until the shine faded away the stepped through the door. As Emrel, Adanar, Finn and Hema entered the saw it was a neatly styled bedroom with more portraits of the Eventides. It was sparsely decorated with only two chairs, a dresser and a queen sized bed. A grasp escaped Emrel as she noticed there was someone in the bed.
Evindal had gone to sit at her side. He weeped while holding his wife's hand. He looked up to his brother and sister and moaned,then he looked down to his mate. He was begging them to help her. To wake her from the spell she was under. Quickly Adanar and Emrel hurried to her side. Though pale and breathing shallow, she was still the beautiful maiden he had grew up with.
"She's still breathing." He reached out to feel her chest rise and fall. "But she's very cold."
Shifting his vision into a more magical range, Adanar looked down to examine her. He was amazed at what he saw. Her body was covered with many thousands of different sized black and gray bands of magic.
"By Rimnar! Look at all the spells!"
Emrel nodded. This was magic way beyond her. It would take a Master to unravel this magic.
"What do we do?" Hema asked.
Just then, Evindal turned to the door and began to growl. He had heard something outside he didn't like.
"What is it?" Finn asked. Evindal leaped up and ran out the door howling. Hema flew out after him. It was seconds before she was back.
"Druda's back."
As the sound of Druda's demonic laughter echoed through the trees, a black cloud sailed in over the trees. Holding his flaming blade with a great demonic hound at his side, Druda dropped down sending bolts of hellfire scattering his enemies. Behind him came a horde of hell hounds barking and snarling in for the attack.
"You thought me defeated, didn't you bright one!" Druda's eyes blazed red with madness. His sword waved leaving a blazing trail behind it. "But you were all wrong.! Demons are eternal, our hate burns like the fires of hell keeping us forever alive!!"
"Then stop talking and start fighting and we'll see who's eternal." Jayce yelled it him "Come and get it!!"
Jayce raised Salvation and dived in for the attack. Laughing hysterically, Druda split his sword in two and slashed out at the coming angel, Like two burning stars they fought high over Eventide sending sparks raining down all through the trees. Spinning around, Jayce batted Druda with his wings almost knocking him from his cloud. Druda hung on swinging himself up to kick Jayce back in his chest. He flew back out of breath for a second, then came back with his sword raised and ready to strike.
Below, hell hounds came in tearing the city apart, Graym,with Retribution hacked furiously at one then moved on to the next. His thorns like missiles flew from his arms tearing through their bodies.
In her dragon form, Ariel snatched at them tearing them apart. Lightning streaked from the skies and her piercing eyes burning the hounds to ashes. Ariel would fly high, then dive down showering the hounds with her lightning and winds.
As Evindal leaped snarling from the porch, his claws ripped into hell hounds like a cornered wolverine. Every swing of his hands, every kick of his feet dropped a hell hound to the ground below where it died and slipped back to hell. He killed again and again and again until he was overwhelmed but he never stopped protecting his mate.
Tired but still fighting, Graym began to lose hope. There were far to many for them to defeat. The three of them were strong enough to take on any adversary, but an army of darkness was a different story. Then a thought occurred to Graym. An army of darkness. And army of shadow!! Of course! Why hadn't he thought of it earlier? Shadow beast!!!
Swinging Retribution in a wide circle around him he killed or pushed anything near him back, Then with a single silent call to the dark, he summoned his Shadow beast. Not one. Not two, but be called beast out from every shadow in the forest.
As the night grew quiet they came out to answer his call. Ten then fifty then a hundred. Soon shadows beast came from every dark spot in the forest. They grabbed at the hell hounds and pulled them down ripping them limb from limb. Their hellish cries could be heard for miles as they fell into the shadows.
In Zaor's room, windows crashed as the hell hounds entered. Adanar pulled his blast stone from his pocket and took aim firing continuously as the monsters attacked. Finn was caught by surprise as the hounds closed on him grabbing his leg pulling him from the room. Hema screamed horrified as his blood splattered the walls of the outer door. Now some thought fairy's to be sweet and gentle little being that couldn't hurt a fly, but not many have ever seen a true fairy enraged. Hema grew to her full size. Her wings became like something none of them had ever seen before. They were dark and covered with red glowing veins of power, Her skin darkened and her face was a mask of pure anger. She radiated so much power, hell hounds began to burst into smoking ash. With a scream she tore into them blasting them to pieces. Emrel dived into the bed to cover Allisa and keep her from harm.
Once the walkway was clear, Graym relaxed and sheathed his sword walking towards Ariel who lay where she had fallen in her exhausted elven form. He sat her up and gave her a drink from the water skin at his side.
"Is it over?" She asked opening her eyes.
"Not quite yet." Graym pointed up to where Jayce and Druda fought. "There's still the Demon."
High over head as the dawn began to rise, Jayce and Druda faced off. Druda had dissipated his cloud and now hovered using huge bat like wings. Jayce with sweat running from his stern brow flexed his muscles and stretched his neck holding Salvation out ready to finish the battle.
"Eventide is lost to you Druda." He shouted. "All that's left for you is your final fall back to the underworld, and it will be the finish, no coming back this time."
"It never will end between us Angel." Druda laughed. "You may defeat me but I'll be back again and again until I can rip those wings from your back and feed them to you."
"Never gonna happen." Jayce gripped Salvation sun light glinting off the blade.
"We'll see."
Druda charged in his flaming sword swinging for Jayce chest. With a quick block, Jayce deflected his blow and sent a punch at Druda's jaw. Dazed for a second, Druda kicked out at the angel connecting with his knee then slashed again for his legs. As pain stabbed inti his knee, Jayce pumped his wings taking him higher making the slash miss. Again Jayce kicked out spinning himself around head over heels hitting Druda again in the jaw. With a quick stab Salvation made contact with Druda's shoulder searing a long gash across his chest. Druda winged himself back, grimacing and holding the wound. The smell of burning demon flesh filled the air as Jayce smiled at his opponent.
As they battled back and forth they began to drift lower and lower until they were fighting right above he tree line. Sweat ran heavy from both warrior as the sun rose higher and higher. Druda began to feel the heat from his other cursed enemy the sun. If he stayed here for to much longer the rays of the sun would start weakening him while sending power to the angel.
"How's it feel?" Jayce asked slashed down sending sparks spraying out as their swords clashed. "Do you like the morning sunrise? I love it, it gives me such hope."
"Damn your sunrise!" Druda screamed doubling his effort. "And damn you!"
With his left hand, Druda sent a bolt of energy at Jayce. It crashed into his chest knocking him back. With a wave of his hand he summoned his last two hell hounds. Like a dark snarling flash the two beast were on Jayce. He fell back holding one by the throat as the other came in to rip his head off. Suddenly a howling Evindal came from no where and grabbed the beast stabbing his claws into its chest over and over again as they fell to the ground.
Ariel screamed as she watched her brother fall. With amazing speed, Graym took off to catch the falling Eventide king. As they fell, the hell hound bit into Evindals neck splashing blood all over both of them. With his clawed hand deep in the hell hounds chest, Evindal gripped its heart and ripped it out and tossed it away. In a cloud of smoke the hell hound disappeared. Seconds later just before he hit the ground, Graym caught him and flew him back up to the hidden room where his sisters waited.
As Jayce pushed the hell hound back, with a quick swing he cut it in half. It fell smoking to the ground where it burst into ash and died. Seeing this was his last chance to beat the Angel, Druda raised his sword and dived at Jayce's back. With a sudden twist, Jayce lifted his sword to be ready for the next attack and turned, Suddenly there Druda was Salvation crossed with his flaming blade. Druda spit in Jayce's face sending searing fluid into his eyes. Jayce screamed out in pain. That was the second Druda thought he could kill him. Laughing he stabbed out at Jayce's chest, but knowing Jayce to be blind, Salvation took over. It parried the thrust and countered bashing the Demon again and again in the face. Enraged Druda howled and leaped at Jayce. Just as the Demon was close enough, Salvation flashed blazing with the power of the Salvation stone. Agonizing pain burned through Druda as his sword was knocked from his hand and Salvation sank deep into his chest. Druda stared down in shock as Salvation began to set his insides to flames.
"I'll be back for you son of justice." Druda yelled as he fall. "And neither you, your father or the Dragons will stop my revenge. Never forget, I'll be backkkk!!"
Back on the porch, Graym hurried and carried Evindal into the room and laid him on the bed beside his queen. Emrel screamed when she saw her brother's body all bloody. As they watched he began to turn back to his regal elven form.
"Somebody do something or he'll die!" Tears rained down from Ariel's face as she knelt at his side.
"He'll not die." A voice called from out of the air. As everybody looked around to see where it had came from, Angela the goddess of death appeared in a cloud of pure white rose scented smoke. "Aiya my friends."
"Angela!' Ariel cried. She stood and ran to the white haired goddess. "Please. Can you save him?"
Dressed in white, Angela took Ariel's hand and walked her back to the bed and sat her down.
"I'm sorry but Evindal's time is up." Her voice was soft and soothing. "But I won't take him today. I promise he will get to say good bye to everyone he love. That's all I can do."
"And Finn?" Hema had returned to her normal form. She sat holding the leprechaun in her arms. "What of him?"
"You will see him again." She promised. "And he will always be watching over you dear Hema."
Hema smiled as his spirit was lifted from his body and sent on it's way. She kissed his forehead and laid him down to rest.
"I will miss you my friend."
Suddenly a rainbow appeared outside of the window. It was Finn saying good bye in leprechaun fashion. As Angela's image began to fade, Adanar stood and went to the window. The morning sun looked beautiful as it shined down on Eventide. Though this was not over for Eventide and the spell had not been lifted, today Eventide valley looked a little bit greener.
Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva = Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet
ReplyDeleteJassin Limeira. Cousin to Wyn Darkshade.
ReplyDeleteTaltan. = Swift brother.