"There is one thing I'm thankful for." Jona said as he threw seeds on Chuy's grave and cast the spell to speed their growth. "Clea has left Bravosa alone."
[Is that what you think my precious husband?]
Jona leaped to his feet and spun around as fear rolled over him in a wave. That voice. He knew that sweet icy voice.
[I'm touched that you have not forgotten me.]
[Yes dear Jona.] Came the answer.
"Where are you?"
[Close. I'm almost home.]
Jona looked up walking up the hill to the tower. From there he scanned the skies out over the Saprein ocean and noticed the storm clouds gathering to the west. Terrible lightning flashed in the clouds as he watched.
"Why Clea?" He didn't want to have to go through all that again. "Why are you doing this? Leave Bravosa in peace please."
[Peace?] Her cold laughter rang out in his mind. [There's no peace on Keanna. Why should Bravosa be any different?]
"Because this was once the home you loved." He pleaded with her. He didn't want to have to fight her again.
[You have no choice my sweet. I will have you, Bravosa and my revenge. I will have all your warmth. Everyone's warmth will be mine!]
"I will fight you." Tears ran down his face as he thought about what she would do if she returned to Bravosa. He had to stop her somehow. He walked back to the tower and spoke the words to conjure the door to enter. "If you want me so bad, you'll have to find me. But I won't let you hurt Bravosa again."
[As you wish my love. I will find you and make you my king, then Bravosa will follow and become our private ice kingdom.]
Once inside the tower, Jona slowly made his way up the stairs to the study on the second floor. He opened the door and went and sat at Chuy's old desk. With a wave of his hand he conjured a window and let the spring air in to fill the room. He knew he couldn't defeat her on his own. It had taken him, a Dragon and three Snowdogs to scare her off last time. Now he just hoped he could find some way to stop her or everything he loved was doomed. With his mind he sent out a call to someone he knew hated her enough to help.
In the cool shade of the forest of the Wolves Den, two great Snowdogs slept soundly after a dinner of deer meat and icy milk. With a sudden whimper, Viggo's ears perked and he woke with a start. Someone was calling. He listened carefully sniffing to make sure he and his mate Mia were safe.
He heard it again. It was his man-friend Jona calling. He shook his head then answered
{Yes Viggo. I need you help. Get Jandar. Bring him to me.}
Climbing to his feet he trotted over to Mia and looked down at her. Where he was going she couldn't follow, but he would miss her. With his nose to the wind he searched for Jandar's familiar scent. Once he had it, he was off to do as his friend Jona asked.
In New Keanna, Rage stood on the city gates and stared out at the quiet town beneath him. The streets and lanes were all empty. As he walked up the stairs of the wall, Jax saw Rage there staring out into the sky. He could see his obvious
worry written on his face.
"Those are some deep worry lines in your face Brother."
{YES. VIGGO FIND FRIEND JANDAR. COME.}"Those are some deep worry lines in your face Brother."
"I've got a lot on my mind." Rage smiled at him leaning on the wall.
"Keanna is in real trouble Jax, and I don't know how I can help. My clan is asleep or spread all across Taggitia. Things are so out of control right
"Things are always out of control Rage." Jax tried to comfort the king of the Dragons, "Even for us gods. But that's what makes life a challenge isn't it?"
"I know." Rage put his head down. "But people are dying. My friends are dying and I feel helpless to stop it. We Dragons are supposed to protect Keanna, We're not doing a very good job right now."
"Rage I don't have all the answers for you But this I do know. You Dragons are doing the best you can and I'm sure when this is all over, you will have overcome those against you."
"You really think so?" Rage looked up into Jax's deep blue eyes for reassurance.
"You are the appointed protection of Keanna." He put his hand on his shoulder. "You will triumph."
"Then I have a few questions I need to ask you." Rage stepped away from the wall and the two started down and back towards the manor gardens. " I know you've been forbidden to get in the fighting in this war. How much can you actually, do for us?"
"Things are always out of control Rage." Jax tried to comfort the king of the Dragons, "Even for us gods. But that's what makes life a challenge isn't it?"
"I know." Rage put his head down. "But people are dying. My friends are dying and I feel helpless to stop it. We Dragons are supposed to protect Keanna, We're not doing a very good job right now."
"Rage I don't have all the answers for you But this I do know. You Dragons are doing the best you can and I'm sure when this is all over, you will have overcome those against you."
"You really think so?" Rage looked up into Jax's deep blue eyes for reassurance.
"You are the appointed protection of Keanna." He put his hand on his shoulder. "You will triumph."
"Then I have a few questions I need to ask you." Rage stepped away from the wall and the two started down and back towards the manor gardens. " I know you've been forbidden to get in the fighting in this war. How much can you actually, do for us?"
"What do you mean?"
"I just need your advice and some answers on a few things.
"You'll always have my advise." Jax told him. "This is my home too you know."
"Yes I know but I also know that if New Keanna is attacked, Rimnar could forbid you to help defend us."
Jax stopped and stared at Rage surprised and a bit confused. He was right. As much as he hated it. Rimnar could forbid him to fight and he would have to obey him. Or would he?
"He could do that, your right." Jax was about to get himself in trouble again. He knew it. "But as I said. this is my home too and if I have to pick a sword and fight hand to hand without my powers I will. Let's just hope it doesn't come down to that."
"But If it does. It'll be just you and me." They stopped and sat in the garden. "You and me against whoever and whatever Lord Larin and Queen Talsara can throw at us. Overwhelming odds don't you think?"
"What are you getting at Rage?"
"You'll always have my advise." Jax told him. "This is my home too you know."
"Yes I know but I also know that if New Keanna is attacked, Rimnar could forbid you to help defend us."
Jax stopped and stared at Rage surprised and a bit confused. He was right. As much as he hated it. Rimnar could forbid him to fight and he would have to obey him. Or would he?
"He could do that, your right." Jax was about to get himself in trouble again. He knew it. "But as I said. this is my home too and if I have to pick a sword and fight hand to hand without my powers I will. Let's just hope it doesn't come down to that."
"But If it does. It'll be just you and me." They stopped and sat in the garden. "You and me against whoever and whatever Lord Larin and Queen Talsara can throw at us. Overwhelming odds don't you think?"
"What are you getting at Rage?"
"What I'm getting at is this." Rage sat back in his chair. "There are six other Dragons here that could help protect New Keanna. Without their help, we are doomed. An attack will come, of that, you can be sure. Lord Larin probably right now has some plan on how to raid us and kill everyone in our town. We have to do something about that. We can't expect Tir Na or Vasagi to come to our aid. The Fairies don't have the forces to help and the Elves and Dwarves have their hands full. Let's face it, Jax, New Keanna has never been so exposed since we built the town. Either we find help or we find a way to wake the others."
"I suppose you have an idea?"
"I know Rimnar wouldn't allow the others to be awakened." He turned his chair to face Jax. "But I'm wondering if there's a talisman or something that would allow us to wake them to defend New Keanna. Is there something somewhere we can use?"
"Hmmm!!" Jax thought about the idea. As far as he knew there was no such item ever made like that. But that didn't mean it wasn't possible to make one. But it would take very powerful magic to make something like that. And no mortal was that powerful, Not Jandar or Kalin Ka and his book of spells. It would take the power of a god to make something like that. "Rage, Let me see what I can do. I may know someone that can help us."
"I suppose you have an idea?"
"I know Rimnar wouldn't allow the others to be awakened." He turned his chair to face Jax. "But I'm wondering if there's a talisman or something that would allow us to wake them to defend New Keanna. Is there something somewhere we can use?"
"Hmmm!!" Jax thought about the idea. As far as he knew there was no such item ever made like that. But that didn't mean it wasn't possible to make one. But it would take very powerful magic to make something like that. And no mortal was that powerful, Not Jandar or Kalin Ka and his book of spells. It would take the power of a god to make something like that. "Rage, Let me see what I can do. I may know someone that can help us."
"My Mother." He stood and moved off a few feet. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I need to talk to my parents and argue our case.
With a clap of his hands, he was gone leaving Rage alone in New Keanna with a stranger that watched his every move.
On a hill overlooking the city of Vasagi in Yadessa, Jandar watched as Lord Larin's dogs camped outside the city. The city was aglow with power as it still had its defenses up. From what he had been told by his grand ancestor Baron Azeal, Count Orsa, and Raf Thorn, they had lost many men trying to get through the city gates. The spells and defenses he and Kalin had set on the city were holding them back. Good Jandar thought. But for how long? Until Lord Larin, himself came in and tried to break the spells? Well, then he had better be one damn powerful mage if he wanted to break those spells. It had taken them more than three months to set up those spells. He only wished New Keanna was as protected as Vasagi was.
But now his mind had to turn to Prafa and getting there to free Valkar. He looked north towards that city hoping the battle there wouldn't take to long. He was anxious to get back home to Rage and the others. He hated leaving Rage at home with no one there awake but Jax. He knew Jax would do whatever he had to do to protect Rage and New Keanna, But he still felt his place was forever at his mate's side.
With a last look at Vasagi, Jandar got up and walked off towards the north and Prafa. Once in the forest he shifted to wolf form and started on his way. He had to be very careful not to alert or run into and of the Werewolves from Remus or they would be out searching the forest for him. That would make his mission that much harder.
To the south, running at full speed, Viggo dashed and darted through the forest. He was following Jandar's every step until a different scent caught his attention. He stopped and scented the air around him. There to the west. It was the scent of a Dragon, but not Jandar or any of the Dragon's he had met before. As his powerful nose took in the scent he recognized something else. Magic! There had been a powerful battle out here somewhere. Quickly Viggo turned west and took off into the forest to find the Dragon. He might be in trouble and need his help.
After a few hours of running, Viggo's nose told him he was close. He slowed to a trot as he made his way out of the dense forest and into a clearing. The smell of magic made the hair on his neck stiff. Slowly he crept forward his eyes sharp for any movement. Scenting as he walked, he located the scent of a human and with his head low he went on. There in the grass lay the body of a woman. From her scent, Viggo could tell at had been her using most of the magic in the battle. But he was still a scent of Dragon fire in the air. Viggo lifted his head to look around and there in the clearing in the sun lay someone else. In a few steps, he was there standing over a sleeping body. It was a Dragon. He could smell the scent of Jandar and the others all about him. With a nudge and a whimper, Viggo pushed at him to wake him. It took a few tries but finally, the man moaned and opened his eyes. With a groan, he set up holding his head then looked around.
Gird looked up into the eyes of a Snowdog. His eyes were a bit blurry but soon they focused and he recognized what it was.
"Where am I?"
Gird turned and saw Rina laying back in the forest. Then he remembered what had happened. He also remembered what she had said about the Dragons all being dead. Carefully he got up on his feet.
"Snowdog right?"
"Out here?" Gird shook out his wings then stretched them to get the circulation flowing. He took a few shaky steps then turned back to Viggo. "Can you find Jandar?"
With a clap of his hands, he was gone leaving Rage alone in New Keanna with a stranger that watched his every move.
On a hill overlooking the city of Vasagi in Yadessa, Jandar watched as Lord Larin's dogs camped outside the city. The city was aglow with power as it still had its defenses up. From what he had been told by his grand ancestor Baron Azeal, Count Orsa, and Raf Thorn, they had lost many men trying to get through the city gates. The spells and defenses he and Kalin had set on the city were holding them back. Good Jandar thought. But for how long? Until Lord Larin, himself came in and tried to break the spells? Well, then he had better be one damn powerful mage if he wanted to break those spells. It had taken them more than three months to set up those spells. He only wished New Keanna was as protected as Vasagi was.
But now his mind had to turn to Prafa and getting there to free Valkar. He looked north towards that city hoping the battle there wouldn't take to long. He was anxious to get back home to Rage and the others. He hated leaving Rage at home with no one there awake but Jax. He knew Jax would do whatever he had to do to protect Rage and New Keanna, But he still felt his place was forever at his mate's side.
With a last look at Vasagi, Jandar got up and walked off towards the north and Prafa. Once in the forest he shifted to wolf form and started on his way. He had to be very careful not to alert or run into and of the Werewolves from Remus or they would be out searching the forest for him. That would make his mission that much harder.
To the south, running at full speed, Viggo dashed and darted through the forest. He was following Jandar's every step until a different scent caught his attention. He stopped and scented the air around him. There to the west. It was the scent of a Dragon, but not Jandar or any of the Dragon's he had met before. As his powerful nose took in the scent he recognized something else. Magic! There had been a powerful battle out here somewhere. Quickly Viggo turned west and took off into the forest to find the Dragon. He might be in trouble and need his help.
After a few hours of running, Viggo's nose told him he was close. He slowed to a trot as he made his way out of the dense forest and into a clearing. The smell of magic made the hair on his neck stiff. Slowly he crept forward his eyes sharp for any movement. Scenting as he walked, he located the scent of a human and with his head low he went on. There in the grass lay the body of a woman. From her scent, Viggo could tell at had been her using most of the magic in the battle. But he was still a scent of Dragon fire in the air. Viggo lifted his head to look around and there in the clearing in the sun lay someone else. In a few steps, he was there standing over a sleeping body. It was a Dragon. He could smell the scent of Jandar and the others all about him. With a nudge and a whimper, Viggo pushed at him to wake him. It took a few tries but finally, the man moaned and opened his eyes. With a groan, he set up holding his head then looked around.
Gird looked up into the eyes of a Snowdog. His eyes were a bit blurry but soon they focused and he recognized what it was.
"Where am I?"
Gird turned and saw Rina laying back in the forest. Then he remembered what had happened. He also remembered what she had said about the Dragons all being dead. Carefully he got up on his feet.
"Snowdog right?"
"Out here?" Gird shook out his wings then stretched them to get the circulation flowing. He took a few shaky steps then turned back to Viggo. "Can you find Jandar?"
Back on the gate wall of New Keanna, Rage paced back and forth. He was having a very uneasy feeling like someone was watching him. He had been having the feeling all day like a cold chill on his back. Rage searched the city after Jax had left from room to room, house to house. Anyone he found that the spell had dropped, he put in bed and made comfortable while they slept. Gronk the giant took the most effort. There really wasn't anywhere he could put him so Rage just put a layer of hey under his head and left him to sleep.
In the rookery he found Syren, Dreik and Icicle asleep where Insa had been. They were safe there. No reason to move them. But where was Gird? The rookery was where he spent most of his time keeping watch over the eggs. Where could he be?
As Rage came out of the underground cave, he felt it again. Eyes on his back. He didn't know where or how, but someone was watching. That meant he didn't have much time. They would be coming soon.
At daylight in Winterhaven,, the time for the changing of the guards at the north and main gate was at hand. From a hiding place outside the barracks, Elan and Morganz watched as ten men left the building yawning heading for their post at the north gate. With a whistle, Morganz warned his men waiting to be ready then ducked down behind a wagon as they passed them.
Four men walked in the lead, then three, two, and the last lone man adjusting his cloak not watching where he was going. From behind the wagon Elan and Morganz watched quietly. As the last man passed, Elan stepped out and grabbed him, covering his mouth and pulled him back behind the wagon ,and knocked him out. Nodding, Elan quickly switched armor as Morganz left to grab the next two. Once he had donned Lord Larin's armor, Morganz was dragging his two guards in and dropping them at Elan's feet.
"Three down." He smiled adding their weapons to his and tying their hands and feet. "Seven to go. Come on, Cass and Orin are waiting for us to take the first four. We have to hurry and get in front of them."
Hurrying around through the side streets, Elan and Morganz met up with Cass and Orin. With hand signals Morganz sent them out staggering like two drunks coming home from a night in the tavern.
"What have we here?" One of the four guards stepped in front of Cass and Orin who bumped into him blurry eyed. "Too much wine last night? That means you two were out after curfew. Your not suppose to do that you know."
"Huh?" Cass looked up at him blinking as he swayed on his feet. "Yeah I had wine. So what! I got money to pay for it. We got plenty of money."
"Do you?" Another guard stepped up and reached for Cass's money pouch at his side. Cass pulled away from him pushing him back.
"Hey that's mine!!"
"Not anymore it's not!"
The four guards rushed the two men grabbing at the full pouches. Pushing away they stumbled into the alley they had come from with the guards giving chase.
"Grab them!"
Together the four guards cornered Cass and Orin pulling their weapons to kill and rob them. Still acting drunk, the two men trembled in fear as the men advanced on them. Suddenly two fist came from nowhere knocking two of the men off their feet. The other two spun around surprised at the interruption and found two armed Elves there throwing punches. Quickly Cass and Orin were on the first two men to quiet them and end the fight.
"Three left." Morganz started stripping them of their uniforms. "Quickly, Get dressed before the last three catch up. Marcus should by now have stripped the men we left at the wagon. He'll meet us at the gate. Once there we can deal with the guards getting off. This should be easy."
"I hope your right." Elan said as he collected armor. Once stripped, Elan cast a simple sleep spell on the guards the they hid them in a shed and were off.
After meeting up with Marcus Dante and handing over the last of the armor, all was ready. If they hurried they could catch up with the last three guards before they reached the north gate.
Dressed and ready they made their way through the quiet city. Elan looked around at the sad sight of the people. This use to be such a joyous city. Sparkling and shining. Full of happy magically people going about their day laughing and celebrating their great peaceful city. Now all that had changed. People walked around like it was going to be the last day of their lives. No children practiced magic anymore. The cadets of the Academy were no longer there showing off what they had been learning. The market place was all but empty now. Few had the money to pay for the items that were sold because of Lord Larin's outrageous taxes. They could barely afford food anymore. Stealing had become common in Winterhaven. And healing, well that had become something only the rich could afford. Winterhaven was dying under Lord Larin's rule and everyone knew it, but they were all to afraid to do anything. But today things were going to start to change. That was just what Morganz, Elan and Sword master Dante had planned if all went right.
At the gate, the guards snapped to attention when Morganz and Marcus marched up with the relief guards. Dressed in armor with the ranks of Captain and his Sergent's. Morganz, Marcus and Elan saluted the men at the gate. This once busy gate was now closed to strangers entering and that meant no one could leave either. You needed special permission to enter now or leave.
"Anything to report?" Morganz asked the young man on guard.
"Nothing Sir." He looked at Morganz oddly. "We haven't had any contact with south gate all night. I was about to send someone to check on them."
"Let me worry about that." Morganz stepped away heading into the gate house. "I would like to talk with you and your men before you leave. Inside."
"Yes Sir."
Stationing two of his men at the gate, Morganz followed the three guards into the gate house. Entering the room, Morganz looked around. It had been a weeks since he had last been on duty as a Captain in Winterhavens guard force. He had spent many hours here in the guard house, doing rounds in the city and living in the barrack. As he scanned the guards here he was glad there was no one here he had known until he heard a voice coming from a back room rather loudly.
"Who wants to have a word?" The voice yelled. "With me? Why? I take no orders from any guards no matter how high they rank. Only Youron or Lord Larin gives me orders!"
Elan looked at Morganz with raised eye brows. That sounds like trouble. Morganz eyes narrowed as he recognized the voice coming out of the back room. It was Vyler Kurr, one of Lord Larin's minor mage lackeys used to keep his guards in line.
"I do!" Morganz called out. "An old friend come to pay his respect."
Everyone in the room stood as Vyler came into the room. Dressed in the garb of a noble man, Vyler walked in looking unsure of who it was waiting for him. When he saw Morganz he stopped. With surprise on his face he recognized an old enemy.
"Morganz Shyr." He turned to the man next to Morganz. "And master Marcus. We've been looking for you since your escape and here you are walking right into my hands. Youron will be pleased."
"We aim to please." Marcus bowed. "I see your still Youron's little errand boy Vyler. Can't quite get the job done can you."
"I do my job just find." Vyler smiled as he stepped in front Lord Larin's men. "They do as I command. They jump at my orders as they should."
"Is that what all of you are now?" Elan asked the guards. "Tayor Larin and Youron's slaves. What happened to freedom in Winterhaven? Peace and cooperation? Is this really what Winterhaven is suppose to be? What about your children? Do you want them to live like this?"
"Silence Dog!!!" Vyler raised his hand and the sound of thunder cracked through the room. "You have no business questioning how Winterhaven is ruled. This is not your home. I know who you are. Your mother is searching for you. She wants you home back in Darkshade."
"To hell with my Mother and Darkshade." Elan took a step forward towards Vyler his eyes burning for a fight. "And the same to you and your power mad lord! We're tired of you treating everyone like your slaves. We are not slaves. Winterhaven is free!"
"Winterhaven is what we say it is." Vyler laughed. "If we want slaves then that's what you will be. Every man woman and child is ours to do is we please and there's nothing you can do!"
"That's where your wrong." A guard stepped out of the crowd. "My children will not be Lord Larin's slaves or anyone else's."
"Nor mine!" Another man yelled.
"Or mine!"
One by one the guards all removed the helmets they wore then ripped off the capes with Lord Larin's seal and threw them at Vyler's feet. Vyler backed up raising his hands readying a spell.
"Get back! All of you!!"
His eyes went left then right to the room he had used as a office. In that room there was an hidden exit Morganz had known about. As the guards rushed, he sent his blast into the crowd burning two men rushing him, then turned to run for the office. With a wave of his hand, Elan slammed the door shut cutting him off. Turning back to face the rushing crowd, Vyler tried to blast his way through the men but it was to late. They grabbed him and forced him down beating him to death. Morganz and Marcus tried to stop them but there was no stopping the crowd.
Once done they looked up at Morganz, Elan and Marcus with a wild look in their eyes. Unsnapping their weapons, Morganz and the others backed up ready to fight.
"Morganz Shyr?" One of them asked. " Captain of the Winterhaven guards is that right?"
"What do we do now?" he asked.
"Take our city back." Marcus told them. "It's not to late."
"But Lord Larin is so powerful." A worried guard called out. "When he comes home he'll kill us all."
"Tayor Larin is going to get you and this whole city torn down into rubble if something isn't done." Marcus addressed all of the guards. "He doesn't care about the safety of your families or Winterhaven. He'll gladly destroy it himself if he has to. Your only chance is to ban together and fight back. With the help of those against him we can beat him but its up to you. Help turn Winterhaven back to it's shining glory or help him make it into a grave for you and everyone you love. You decide."
Looking around Elan watched as the men whispered and talked to each other. He could tell they all were scared for their families and the future. This was going to be the turning point in Winterhaven. The only question was, which way would it turn.
Suddenly the room became quiet. A guard stepped up to Morganz and reached out his hand.
"I don't know how all this is going to end." He said taking Morganz hand. "But for my family, I'll fight with you. Who's with me?"
"AYE!!! "The crowd called out raising their swords. "We all are!!"
"Then the Barracks and the Manor are next." Morganz said. "And I'll need Pelic and all your help. This is going to take magic to break some of the spells Tayor has on some of the powerful people of Winterhaven. Get ready, this is not going to be easy."
In the night sky burned the most beautiful blue star. That star was called Fortis and it was once the home of the gods of Keanna. Now only two gods still resided there. Rimnar and Saila the highest of all gods. In a flash a young red haired son of Fortis came home on a most urgent of mission. Jax the god of Justice was here to seek an audience with his parents.
At the shining marble palace Jax stepped up on the front stairs and stood before the blazing pyre that burned with a beautiful white fire.
"Father, Mother." He bowed. "I would speak with you on something important."
(Speak my son. I will listen.)
"Mother there is a lot of trouble below." He sat down on the stairs and made himself comfortable. "Evil rages on many fronts. They are dying down there and they need our help."
(We have been watching my son. We see the evil, but we also see the good down there,)
"But our champions are being bound Mother. There are so few of them right now to fight."
(They are strong Jax. I know they are,)
"Yes Mother they are strong and they are few and very young." He looked up at the white fire. "We have children doing battle. Children that should be in school learning the ways of peace."
(They are learning Jax and I am very proud of them all.)
"I too am proud Mother. But I am worried for them. The evil is strong. it threatens all of Taggitia and is ready to move on to lands over the seas. There's not enough of them right now to face it."
(Then let there be more. New Dragons can be born.)
"Mother, we need help." Jax stood up, "There is a favor we need to ask."
"Father." Jax bowed again. "Can you wake the other Dragons?"
"Then I will fight with them." Jax said boldly.
"Never Father." Jax stood strong and proud. "But I will fight at the side of the justice that you have appointed me to serve. And I will fight with my Dragon brothers just as I would and have fought for you and my godly brothers and sisters. Forgive me but I don't ask your permission but I do have to tell you of my decision."
"Yes Father,"
(You have our permission to fight along side the Dragons. We will not interfere and we will not help. That is all the favor we can grant. Now go.)
Jax stood and walked down the steps and turned back to the Temple.
"We will make you proud Father." With that he disappeared.
In a dark tent, Lord Tayor Larin sat in grim silence. From his chair he had been watching all the lands he had conquered. In most regions his power was still holding supreme. The people of Cygnia and Derilys now called him king as did Pangina, the Brewelins States, Lentoria and most all of the far laying regions of Taggitia. Now his navy's were building up to move over the seas and strike at lands to the east and south. He knew from scrying that there were many rich lands out there to be take and with his armies and navy, he had the power to take them.
For the last few day he had been overseeing the building of ships in his harbor towns in the south. For weeks lumber had been cut and prepared. Sails were sewn as ships were built and readied for the voyage. Lord Larin had himself visited the Dwarves to have his own flagship prepared. Only the best was used for the galleons that would be his private squadron. Hulls were spelled for toughness. Wind spells were cast on sails for propulsion. And there were the weapons he had made. Lightning and fire spells cast on cannons built in Dwarven forges. This was to be the mightiest fleet of ships ever built by anyone on Keanna and Tayor Larin was to be the master and high general of it all.
But there were still thorns in his side that could thwart his plans. The Dragons and their allies. Even though Queen Talsara had a strong hold on the Elven kingdoms, the Dwarves and most everything fairy. Fay Shrea somehow had escaped her control. Queen Nuala though opposed to the war had sworn to give aid when the time was needed. King Orym Dree though in exile from Dree was still a threat and allied to the Dragon's and Tir Na who was still free and a strong opponent to Lord Larin and queen Talsara. And now Valkar Zlenka was free to rally the Vampires.
Getting up from his jeweled throne. Lord Larin walked out and picked up a small hammer off a table filled with food for his lordships delight. With a quick swing he rang for an aide to come attend him.
"Yes my lord?" The aide entered bowing keeping his eyes down of Lord Larin. Back on this throne he wave the man forward.
"It's time to get rid of those pests in New Keanna." Lord Larin sat back and stroke his short beard. "There's something I need you to bring me from my personal wagons. There's a blue jar in a wooden chest I need. Be careful. Don't drop it."
"Right away my Lord." He said backing his way out of the tent.
"Death surrounds you Tayor." A cold wind blew through the tent as Avirx materialized and drifted down to float in front of Lord Larin on his throne.
"What of it?" He grinned as the Draugr moved closer. The smell of the undead began to fill the room. "Death is just a word to me. A sentence I pass out at will."
"Careful." Her eyes glowed a sickly yellow from under her hood. "Death is not the cruel goddess of old and you have made an enemy of her. She watches you."
"Bahh!" Lord Larin dismissed her warning. "No god or goddess holds power over me. Neither life or death scare me. I am the one they should fear. Soon all of Keanna will be mine to rule, gods be damned!!"
With that the lamps in the tent flared and then went out. The wind picked up and a dark cloud billowed in through the open tent flaps. It rolled in growing bigger and bigger until it almost filled the room. Then bright light flashed through the cloud and the face of the white haired Angela hover in front of Lord Larin.
"Death means nothing to you?" She thundered. "We should fear you!!"
Lord Larin stood up grabbing his glowing staff and stepped down from his throne holding it up ready to go to battle with the beautiful goddess..
"I know who you are." He slammed his cane into the floor causing a clap of thunder to ring out. "Vampire goddess of death. I have delivered thousands to you and I will send many more across. I give you power so begone from here and bother me no more!"
"You give me nothing Human!" Angela laughed at Lord Larin's boldness as her image expanded and grew even larger. "Know this. You have made an enemy of death today. You threatened my daughter and the people I once called my own and you have shown disrespect. You have been warned. I can't touch you now but I AM ETERNAL AND YOUR DAY WILL COME!!"
Then a light as bright as the sun flashed filling the space of the tent with brightness. Lord Larin covered his eyes to shield them from being blinded. When he looked up, she was gone and the tent was back to the way it was before her visit. Avirx still floated in her ragged black robe staring at Lord Larin. She began to laugh and float up towards the high ceiling of the tent.
"Protect your soul Tayor." She began to fade away and move though the tent ceiling. "And pray you live forever."
[No one lives forever arrogant one.]
As he threw open the flaps of his tent, Lord Larin stared out at the bustling camp around him. No one else had seen the visitation of the death goddess but him and Avirx. Now the situation had changed. He had a lot more at stake if he lost this war. He had to find a way to neutralize his enemies before they could act against him.
Walking out from his tent, men bowed as he passed. No one wanted to get in his way because of the sour look on his face. As he made his way through the camp, Hagar his aide came ou from the wagon area carrying the jar he had been ordered to retrieve. Lord Larin stopped as Hagar caught up with him sweating from his effort.
"Is this it, Lord Larin?
"Yes." He raised his hand levitating the the jar from his hands. He slowly spun it in the air to examine it to make sure there were no cracks in the ceramics. "Just what I need."
"Hagar." He started out towards the camp entrance with the jar following floating behind him.. "You are in charge until I return. Once all is done here I will meet you in Lands End aboard my ship the Wretched Thorn. You are to start the preparations for the eastern invasion."
"Where will you be my Lord?"
"Killing pest."
Camped around Vasagi, General Seith watched the glowing city. In the days since he had taken it, he had sent many men in to try and breach the walls, only to fail. They had tried the gates, going over the walls. They had tried flying over the city. He had many different level mages use ever spell they could think of, but so far, none had made it into the city. Vasagi, the Vampire city seemed to have better defenses then even Winterhaven the city of Magic. But then Vasagi was over a thousand years old with a magical history that was filled with spells of protection and defense.
So how was he to get in? How was he suppose to get pass the gates and make use of the power of the city?
Seith had no idea. He would just have to keep thinking and try different ideas. Perhaps a tunnel or a ghost.
As General Seith walked the perimeter of the gate, a streak of lightning crashed to the ground out of a clear sky announcing Lord Larin's familiar mode of transport. General Seith bowed down on one knee as he appeared.
"Welcome to Yadessa Lord Larin."
Lord Larin stepped from the smoldering spot he had appeared on and gazed up at the glowing city. He pushed his cloak back then turned to face General Seith.
"On your feet." Seith stood before his lord and master. "What have you done to get me into Vasagi?"
"I have sacrificed many men to get into the city." General Seith looked down in failure. "None have survived. My mages work night and day to break the spells but so far, It is useless."
Anger filled Lord Larin's eyes at the failure. He knew there was magic in Vasagi that could help him defeat his enemies. Then a thought occurred to him.
"There is one way to get in." Lord Larin smiled at his devious idea.
"How my Lord?"
"Only a member of the royal house of Zlenka can enter the city." He explained. "We have to find one. But right now, we have others to deal with. Come, we have a city to destroy."
In the forest of the dead city of Jorania, Jandar in his wolf form stopped. From all around him he could feel a presence closing in on him. He made the shift back to human form and summoned his staff for battle. With a hand out he sent out a probe through the trees to see what was about to attack. In his mind he saw something unusual coming out of the edge of the forest. It looked like a werewolf, but not like any he'd ever seen before. It stood tall like a man and was covered with fur but it wasn't wolf like at all. No snout or pointed ears on top of its head. Beast like, yes but definitely not wolf.
As it came closer he could hear its low moan coming from deep in its throat. Getting ready for battle, Jandar readied a spell and took a stance for the attack. Howling the beast came running at Jandar with its arms reaching out to grab him. Just as he was about to cast his spell, a voice called out,.
Grinding to a halt, it looked back into the forest as Athene and Valkar stepped out through the trees. From behind them Jandar saw Arturus, Baron Valkar, Sting and many others of Prafa following. With a smile, Athene ran out into the clearing to greet her old friend.
"Jandar!!" She grabbed him wrapping her arms around him as he picked her up in a hug. "I'm so glad to see you. What are you doing here?"
"I came to help free Prafa." He smiled as he released her. "And rescue him. I see I'm to late."
"Better late then never I guess." Valkar smiled and hugs his friend. "Glad to see you. Athene and my Grandfather have told me what's been going on. Any news on Vasagi?"
"It's safe for how." He told them. "They haven't been able to breach the gates."
"And Azeal?" Valkars voice trembled with worry for his son. "Where is he?"
"Azeal and Tanis were defending the Academy when it disappeared. " Jandar put his arm around his friends shoulder to reassure him as he lead them back to the others. "I can't be sure but I think they're with Ono and Shayn wherever they are. I sent my father and a few friends after them. They will be fine. Trust them. We taught them well."
"I hope so."
Once they were all together, it was time decide where to go from there.
"I should be getting back to Vasagi." Valkar told them as they sat by the fire. "My people need me."
"Everyone's in Tir Na safe. Don't worry about them right now. I don't think you can make it to Tir Na right now either. Lord Larin's troops are thick between here and The Wolves Lair."
"Then where?" Athene asked looking at each of them.
"There is a place close by where you would be safe." Baron Valkar spoke up. He turned to face Jandar. "The city of Dragons is not far to the south correct?"
"Yes it is." The handsome Werewolf nodded surprised he didn't think of it. "You would be welcome in our home. Rage could use the company as a matter of fact and it's close to Winterhaven and less then a days ride away from Yadessa."
"That sounds like you won't be joining us."
Jandar could see the glare of the fire in Athene's eyes as she spoke. She was always so perceptive. She could always read what he had on his mind.
"No I'm not coming." He smiled at her. "I know Rage wants me home but there's something out here I have to do."
"What?"Adam asked.
"I don't know." He shrugged. "I just have this feeling that someone needs my help."
"On the road again?" Athene asked. Her voice had that worried tone in it. "This time alone?"
"I'll go with you." Adam said. "Athene and the Zlenka's can get everyone to the city safely."
"No." Jandar shook his head. "I go alone. You should all stay together. Who knows what's going to come crawling out of the forest between here and New Keanna."
"Then we should all get some rest." Valkar stood and dusted off his pants and stretched. "We have a long journey in the morning and we're all tired."
"No." The Baron cut him off. "We can't stay here. Valkar we're to close to Prafa. They're going to be looking for us, we have to keep moving. The further away we get the better off everyone will be."
You could hear the groans of protest coming from all the people in the crowd. They were tired and still afraid. Prafa had been a place of horror since Tomaz Acros and Sarella had taken over. Men and women missing, turned to Nightwalkers or just vanished all together. No one knew what was happening to those that had disappeared. They could have been sent to serve in Lord Larin's army or something worst. Namely Sarella and Gorak's ravenous appetite. But whatever it was, these people had to get somewhere safe fast and New Keanna was the safest place for them.
"Everyone on your feet!" Arturus shouted to the crowd. "We move out in five minutes."
With moans and groans the crowd stood and gathered themselves together. Arturus gathered five men to go out and hunt up food and water for the crowd. As the crowd got ready to move, Athene and Valkar went to talk with Jandar.
"You sure you don't want to come with us?" She asked. Jandar kissed her cheek and hugged Valkar.
"Tell Rage I will be home soon and I love him." He turned to leave. "And not to worry."
"Be careful Brother." Valkar waved as Jandar shifted to ran off into the forest.
[I"ll be watching in my sleep.] Athene whispered as she waved goodbye.
High in the skies near Prafa, Viggo rode the night winds. He was following the familiar scent of Jandar as it rose up into the air. From behind him, Gird watched the city below him. He had heard what had happened in Prafa and that Valkar had been last seen there. That had to be the reason why Jandar was here. To rescue the Vampire king. Since meeting Viggo, Gird had been calling out to Jandar and getting no response. Now that they were here, he was determined to find his kings consort.
Spiraling down, Gird and Viggo dropped down to land on the roofs of a nearby building. The town was quiet. There were men on the streets patrolling like hungry animals. A sudden thought hit Gird. This was Yadessa, Vampire country. But they didn't look or act like the normal Vampires of Yadessa. Gird could smell the blood in the air. These were Nightwalkers. Bloodsuckers.
[Careful Viggo.] Gird sent. [I think we're in trouble.]
Just as Gird was about to spread his wings and take off, Something came barreling across the roof and knocked Gird over the edge. He spread his wings and batted at the air to slow his fall as he pulled his feet under him to land. Like a cat he hit feet first with his claws up and ready to fight. Eyes sharp he scanned the area around him. Red eyes Nightwalkers circled around him ready for the attack. Like an arrow from the sky, a white furred Snowdog shot down to grab the nearest Nightwalker and snap his jaws shut around its torso then toss it away. Gird roared his challenge. Smoke seeping from his nostrils as he faced the enemy. Like the blood crazed beast they attacked. Claws flashed as the snapped and grabbed for Gird and Viggo. Gird blow his flame out burning anything that came near him and grabbing them to rip then apart. Viggo used his sonic bark to send them flying or pounced in to attack teeth gashing and biting into them. With a howl, Viggo sent out a wave of sound that shattered windows and knocked the Nighwalkers off there feet.
Side by side Gird and Viggo battled blasting and tearing into the bloodsucking monsters. Gird looked up as another wave came running in from the gate.
Suddenly there was a ear piercing howl that stopped the Nightwalkers. They all turned toward the gate as something dark leaped from the top of the wall and landed in the middle of the crowd. As he fought, Gird saw flashes of silver then a great blue pulse that flashed out throwing Vampires everywhere. When Gird looked back, he saw Jandar walking towards him surrounded by a blue glow.
"What on Keanna are you doing here?" With a wave of his silver staff he sent three attackers flying.
"We came looking for you. " Gird told him. Viggo's great tail wagged like a puppy's. Jandar reached out and ran his hand through his thick white fur. From the balcony of the manor someone screamed orders to the Nightwalkers
"We're out of here!" Jandar hopped on Viggo's back. "GO VIGGO!!"
Spreading his wings Viggo leaped into the air with Gird right behind him. Shifting to bat forms the Nightwalkers swarmed after them. In minutes there were thirty or forty bats streaking up after them. Turning around, Gird sent a stream of his icy breath at them, freezing many and sending them crashing back to the ground. With another wave of his staff, again the blue pulse went out paralyzing all the rest.
With clear sky's in front of them, Viggo and Gird zoomed higher leaving Tomaz Acros swearing he'd find them and bring them back to be slaves for his lord.
[Now what are you two doing out here?] Jandar asked. [Is something wrong at home? Is Rage OK?]
[Jona? Jona Metrika from Bravosa?] Jandar asked. Maybe this was it. [Take me to Jona. We'll see what's bothering him.]
Clea announces her plan to return to Bravosa.
ReplyDeleteJona calls for help.
Jax asks for help.
Viggo finds Gird.
Morganz and lan move on Winterhavens gates.
Tayor Larin disrespectd death.
Jandar leaves for Bravosa.