As Kel searched he thought about where he was. This was Darkshades own royal prison, where it's most dangerous prisoners were kept. Somewhere here there was someone he needed to get out. Talsara must be hiding whoever it was. There had to be hidden cells here somewhere. But how to find them? As he looked around his hand brushed his trouser pocket and he felt something there. Then he remembered King Rhys dice. The King had said if he needed answers they would be able to provide them. Was he just mad from his imprisonment or was it possible the dice could actually work. Kel reached in his pocket and took them out and held them up to look at them. They were three six sided bone dice with red, black and green elven symbols etched on each side. Kel looked closer at the dice flipping them to each side in his hand. On one die he saw the elven word for roll. Then he turned it and read the word for. With another turn he saw the word answers.
"Roll for answers."
Kel walked to the nearest open cell and moved to a wall near a window. He stooped down and shook the dice in his hand then sent them rolling to the wall. Tumbling over the four sided dice rolled then split into four, bounced off the wall and stopped. Kel leaned forward to read the symbols that came up on top. It read.
Kel smiled amazed at the dice.
He reached down and grabbed them. In his hand, the four became two again. He rattled the bones then dropped them back in his pocket and left the cell. From the window, in the cell, he had seen the sun and since the sun always rose in the east he turned to that directing and walked until he found the nearest eastern wall. He looked for some kind of lever or switch that might open a secret passage. There was nothing there. It was just a wall like any other. Maybe a pressure spot that triggered the opening. Kel felt around for a soft spot. Nothing. Kel stepped back and thought for a minute. No trigger, no lever. There doesn't look to be a seem he could pry open and no soft pressure spot. What could it be? Just then he heard what sounded like the rattle of armor. Someone was coming. He could hear voices approaching. Think quick. what could it be? Quickly he peeked around the corner and saw guards coming.
"Ed' i" ear ar elenea!"
Think think think! What did the dice say? PUSH!
Quickly Kel stepped close to the wall and place his hands on it and give a shove. With just a whisper the wall pushed in and he dived in, With his back against the wall he pushed it back into place just in time holding his breath. From the other side, he could hear the guards pass. They hadn't heard a thing. Kel wiped his brow with his sleeves thanking his ancestors for the luck.
Looking around Kel noticed he was in a round chamber with no light. Being a dark elf that, didn't bother him at all, He was perfectly comfortable in the dark. He looked around and saw the walls were lined with cells. Looking closer he noticed they weren't all empty. One had a prisoner in it.
As Kel slowly made his way across the chamber he slipped his blade from his cloak. This was probably the one he came for but there was no reason to take chances. This could be just some mad deranged elf who had been here for years. Kel couldn't afford to take the chance of getting trapped here.
As he got closer he looked in and saw a young elf in the cell. He was tall and muscular with the white blond hair and greenish eyes of the forest elves. He sat in a lotus position in the center of the cell. Though Kel knew he couldn't see in the dark, he knew this boy knew he was there. The boy was dressed in dirty clothing but they looked like the uniform of the Academy in Winterhaven. Could this be the one? What could he have done to anger Talsara?
"Aiya." Kel spoke quietly. "Lle quena i"lumbre tel' eldan?"
"Yes I do." The Elf stood up. "Who are you? One of Talsara's men sent to harass me, or is it my time to die?"
"I am of Darkshade." Kel answered. "But I will never follow the queen bitch. She's no queen of mine."
"Then why are you here?" The young elf walked to the cell door with his hands out to feel the way. His hand touched the bars and he stopped.
"I guess that depends on who you are and why your here." Kel put his knife away. There was no reason to fear this one.
"My name is Aron Neveral." He answered. "And I'm here because Talsara wants me and my mate dead."
"Talsara is a hateful creature," Kel Told him. "I'm not surprised. She's killed almost everyone I love and took all of the honor from Darkshade. My name is Kel Orama. I was once a member of the Darkshade military until she took over the throne. I'm here to get you out Aron Neveral, but we're going to have to help and trust each other. If you can do that, I swear by King Rhys I will get you out of here."
Aron thought for a minute. He had no reason to trust this voice in the dark but he didn't have much of a choice. It was either trust him or stay here until Talsara kills him.
"Get me out of here."
From a dark corner of the cell, Argus watched as Kel fit his key into the door of Aron's cell. He smiled as he watched Kel lead him out of the cell. But this was just the beginning. Getting out of Darkshade tower and away from Talsara wasn't going to be an easy task. Argus was sure they would need his help, so he would keep watching and be ready to help when he was needed. Especially if Aesis showed up to stop them.
By nightfall under a clear cold sky, in the hills over Darkshade, Ryel, Orek, Noelle, Denner, and Toric appeared. With a quick signal, Ryel sent Denner and Noelle out to check the area to be sure no one had seen their arrival. He ordered a cold camp set up. No fires to alert anyone of their presence. Once he was sure they were safe they all sat down to plan.
"Well, we're here," Orek said. He put down his ax opened up his pack and pulled out some dried meat to pass around. "Now what? How do we find Aron?"
"We need to get to the city to search." Toric took a piece of dried beef and nibbled since he wasn't hungry. "He has to be somewhere down there."
"He'll be in the palace dungeon," Ryel told them as he looked at each of them.
"How do you know that?" Denner asked. "I'm sure there's a prison somewhere in Darkshade where they keep prisoners. He could be there."
"No." He shook his head. "Aron's not just some prisoner. Talsara will want him where no one would be able to talk to him and close where she could get to him. He's in the palace, I'm sure of that."
"Then that's where we have to go." Toric pulled his cloak tighter against the cold. "How do we do that? None of us look like Dark Elves. We can't just walk down and head into the palace."
"I can get in," Denner said. "I can shift to a Dark elf and with some makeup or a spell, you, Ryel and Noelle should be able to pass too."
"And me," Orek asked. They all looked at the Dwarf.
"I can change your form, yes. But I don't think I can make you an elf. Dwarves and Elves are to different for that. Don't ask me why."
"Then what do I do?" The Dwarf asked. "I want to help and I'm not hiding out in the forest."
*1"First we have to see what Darkshade is like," Ryel explained. "If it's anything like Eventide, even as Dark elves the people will know we're strangers the minute we set foot in the city. Somehow we have to blend in. Noelle, you are with me and Orek. Toric, you and Denner scout from the air. Stay out of sight."
"Can you shift to a Shadow dragon?" Toric turned to Denner.
"Yeah." He answered. "I can't move through shadow like Blink but I can use shadow to cover us to keep us hidden."
"That should be enough." He turned back to Ryel. "Use the message stone if you need us."
"We'll meet back here in two hours. Tenna' telwan."
Ryel turned and looked over the hill into Darkshades dimly lit streets. Seemed quiet but lights flickered in many windows in the city including the palace far in the back of the city. It looked formidable, well protected from here. They would need luck to get Aron out of there, lots of it.
Midnight in Darkshade and two riders escorted a lavish dark coach through the roads and hills toward the city of Darkshade. In the coach rode Zaor Shadowfall, son and a noble of the Elven land called Shadowfall. With him was an ambassador and aid to king Saevel Shadowfall, Amra Calaudra. They were on there a way to Darkshade to sign a pact with Talsara and join her in her bid to take over Taggitia.
Disillusioned with the efforts of Lord Larin to hold certain vital areas like Prafa and the Vampire lands, Talsara moved on the lands of Shadowfall home of the Shadow Elves. Shadow elves were distant cousins of the Dark elves. Both worshipers of darker forces of nature, alike in there desire for war and conquest. By moving on Shadowfall, Talsara declared her wish to add them to her empire. War seemed inevitable between the two dark groups until Saevel made Talsara an offer she couldn't refuse. For his armies and magic, they would share Taggitia. She would rule the north and Saevel would rule in the south and eventually, they would rule the land together as one. All Dragons Vampires, Werewolves, Humans and any other race would be eradicated leaving the land for Elves only. That would mean she would control more then what Lord Larin promised. She would have all that Lord Larin now held, and once she had it, she would turn on Saevel and take the south from him making him and his Shadow elves her servants. Yes, things were working out just fine for Talsara with just a few problems. And those problems, she planned to end very soon.
Life in Darkshade had become unbearable for Artin Duskmere and his family. He and his two brothers had been drafted into the Darkshade army, his family business had been turned over to the queen. His mother had lost her pale on the Elder Council and his father lived in fear every day that his sons would be killed in a horrible war he didn't understand. For months as he and Mother complained about the conditions in Darkshade, Father had ignored it and looked the other ways out of his loyalty to the old crown and Queen Caline. He thought no daughter of Caline could ever hurt him, his family or anyone in Darkshade. Surely no Elven Queen could. But then things just got darker and darker and darker. Holone lost her place at the council table. So had all the Elders. No longer would Talsara listen to their advice or answer to anyone else. She no longer seemed to trust anyone at all. Not even King Wyn her husband. And where was Prince Elan? Why was he still absent from Darkshade while all this madness was going on? Artin just didn't understand what the Queen had in mind for Darkshade until last night.
Dressed in his clean new uniform Artin came home to find his sister Re'ven in front of their home on the terrace crying. The windows of the house were dark and no smoke rose up from the chimney. That was strange. There should be music coming from the house and Father and his footmen should be hard at work fixing dinner at this hour. Something wasn't right here.
As Re'ven looked up and saw him, she got up and ran into his arms crying, her tears leaving streaks on his tunic.
"What is it Re'ven?" He asked. ""What's wrong?"
Mother and Father are gone!!"
"What? Where?"
"They took them!" She cried sobbing hard.
"Who took them?" He asked. He pulled her from his chest and looked down into her tear filled eyes.
"Solider dressed like you!" She pulled away and walked to the door of there house and pointed. They put that on our door as they put locks on it. What does it mean?"
Artin walked to the door and found an official-looking document nailed to the door. He pulled it down and read it.
Artin just stared at the notice. He couldn't believe what it said. His parents were in prison accused of Treason? TREASON? How could this be? He folded the paper and placed it in his tunic pocket. This had to be a mistake. His parents were two of the most loyal of all the people in Darkshade. Mother only complained when her younger sons Belanor and Luvon had been taken away. She had made a few remarks but nothing she actually meant. And she had been upset when the council was dissolved but so had a few others from the council. And why would they take Father? He couldn't possibly have done anything other than to worry about his family. Somehow he had to get them out of prison and free. He had to get them away from Darkshade.
"Re'ven." He turned and went to her kneeling down to talk. "I'll find a way to get them out. I don't know how but I will. I want you to get out of Darkshade. It's not safe here anymore."
"Where would I go?" She asked him calmly. "Who would take me in? The Darkmoons, the Gwaelons? Maybe I could hide away in Shrinshee. Oh, I can't, they've all been taken by Talsara. How about the Dwarves maybe they would help me hide. No they all hate us Dark elves. Don't you get it. Talsara has made us the most hated race on Keanna now. We are monsters now."
She stood and turned away from her brother.
"You and Mother were right." She turned back. "We should have listened and tried to stop her before she got too powerful. Now there's nothing we can do."
"Yes, there is." Artin stepped closer to Re'ven and spoke quietly. "I'll find a way somehow to get them out. But I can't do it and watch after you at the same time. We are not the only ones that are trying to escape Darkshade. There are many others. Go to the house of Thalana Vesryn, she can get you out of Darkshade and away from here. I will free mother and father and follow if I can.. Meet us in Fay Shrea, It's free of Talsara. Wait no more than two days and we'll find you. But If I can't, you keep going. Get as far from Elven lands as you can and don't look back. Go find the Dragons, They will help you."
Re'ven looked at her brother as if he was mad, but she knew he had never been saner in his life. This was the only way to freedom. She had to take her chance now.
Re'ven grabbed her brother and hugged him tightly knowing this could be the last time she ever saw him.
"I will go." She told him kissing his cheek. "But please be careful. I'll wait in Fay Shrea for you. Vanya sulie tan."
As the sun fell down over the horizon, Artin slowly made his way through the busy city. Troops marched down wide boulevards on parade while the crowd hypnotized by fanfare cheered. If they only knew Artin thought. If they only knew what all this crazy business was going to cost them.
Not thinking he walked through the thick crowd gathered throughout the city. He watched as the young and old applauded the sharply dressed soldiers. Threw flowers and lei's from balconies to the men marching below. He watched as prisoners and slaves from all the lands Talsara's forces had taken were marched in chained and whipped through the streets. Men, women, and children on their way to pens where they would be sold into service for the rest of their lives. This was wrong he thought. By law, no Elf should ever have to live as a slave. That was the first written law in all elven kingdoms. It seemed Talsara had decided she didn't have to obey the old traditional laws. She could rewrite or ignore and suspend any laws she felt she wanted to. Fine. If she felt no loyalty to Elven kind, then Artin had no reason to honor any loyalty to her. Her days as the queen of Darkshade must come to an end.
[Is that how you really feel?]
Artin jumped from the sudden voice in his head. He looked around in the crowd to see who had spoken to him but no one paid him any attention. quickly he moved into an alley where he would be out of sight.
"Who calls?"
[Artin Duskmere.] The voice spoke again. [I am Hasmira Caldas, Prophetess of Queen Caline. Talsara Darkshade has destroyed all that Darkshade should stand for. Will you help restore our kingdoms honor?]
"I have heard of you Lady Hasmira." Artin had heard from his mother many times of the predictions of the prophet. "I don't think there is much I can do to help Darkshade. I just want to get my family safely away from here."
[I can help if you will help me. I can guide your sister to someplace she will be safe.]
"And my parents?" He asked
[It's to late I'm afraid. But there are still many here that need our help. Will you help me?]
"To help is to have my revenge on her wickedness." A single tear ran down from the young elf's eye. "I will help. What must I do?"
[I can grant you three hours of shade from the sight of anyone in Darkshade. Go to the palace and see what you can learn. Then you must get the knowledge to someone who can help us. They will be waiting in the forest beyond the walls of the city.]
"How will I know who I'm looking for?"
[Look for a Dragon. Go now and watch the hour. Time is fleeting for us all.]
Ruavia palace was busy day or night since Talsara had taken over. Men and women of many different races were always in and out of her private house. Goblin, Human, Lord Larin's Nightwalkers and Werewolves and even Demons and Orcs.
As Artin neared the gate to the palace, a group of Blood Goblins was leaving. Artin wondered what use she could have for those blood hunters. Probably a hunt for some enemy. He wished them well because Blood Goblins had a reputation for never giving up until a query was in their hands.
He quietly stood to the side to let them pass. A Goblin stopped and started sniffing around. It had caught a scent. Panic rose in Artin. It could be him they were smelling. He held his breath as the Goblin came closer to him.
"You." A guard called to the ugly green fanged beast. "Move on."
It snarled at him, looked Artin's way, then moved on to follow his companions. Artin relaxed letting out his breath to breathe again. So far Hasmira's spell was working. He had approached a few guards and waved in their faces and got no reaction. He hoped he spell would work just as well on the more magically inclined members of the house of Darkshade. Maybe even Talsara herself.
Once through the gate, Artin followed someone he recognized into the palace. General Keryth Rhone and two of his lieutenants. He must have been ordered to attend his Queen. This was his chance to hear from Talsara herself what she had planned..
Moving slow so no one would see his trail, Artin to a place behind the two lieutenants. At the lavish archway doors, General Rhone saluted the two guards and went in without a word to anyone.
Darkhade palace was a great noble house built centuries ago. Built by artisans with great detail and magic it rose more than ten stories high in some areas. With dining halls and ballrooms that could fit hundreds. Kitchens, apartments, and rooms for the royal family, servants, and guest. A throne room and offices for the Queen, a smaller one for the king and of course, it's own private prison and dungeon.
Today Artin guessed, Rhone would be heading for the Queen's private study. They made their way from the front entrance to rooms in the rear on the second floor. They passed many official looking elves hurrying about their business. Stationed here and there they passed with a nod from the General many of the queen's private house guards. Artin shivered at the thought of trying to escape here on his own. He was so glad he had Hasmira's cloaking spell on him.
As they turned down a hall, Artin saw a pretty elven maiden busy at a desk at the end with two guards standing ridgely on each side of a door. He could hear the sound of a woman yelling coming from the other side. As they stopped at the desk the maiden looked up with a distressed look on her face.
"She will be with you in a moment."
General Rhone made a grunting sound and stepped to the side to wait. Just then the door flew open and a man came sailing out to crash against the wall.
With worried looks, two brown faced elves hurried from the room as the door was slammed behind them. One a high ranking general from a mountain Elven land looked up at General Rhone. He shook his head and then grabbed his man from the floor and pushed him off down the hall.
"She'll see you now General Rhone." The maiden collected some papers from her desk and knocked then went into the Queen's study. Artin quickly followed her in.
"Wait here."
Queen Talsara's study furnished with darkly painted walls and furniture. There were suits of black armor against the wall and deadly looking weapons on the walls. There was a mural with the depiction of some battle with bodies and fighting. Paintings of dark figures, probably some of Darkshades more aggressive rulers. To Artin, the place looked gloomy. Dark elves loved the dark but this was just too depressing for a royal house. He had heard tales from his mother about Queen Caline and her love for nature and living things. It seemed Talsara didn't share her mothers taste for beauty.
As General Rhone walked in, Queen Talsara sat behind her dark desk in a high backed chair. She looked up from her papers as he bowed before her.
"Get up Sylvar." She placed her quill down and folded her arms. "Give me your report."
"I have done as you asked." He stood proudly. "All the guards in Darkshade from the palace to three days march have been doubled. The troops in the city are prepared and everyone on the list you gave me has been picked up, imprisoned or are now dead."
"Good." She smiled. "What about the special matter?"
"King Rhys is dead your majesty." He told her. "I buried his body myself in an unmarked grave in a peasant cemetery. No one will ever know what happened to him or your Mother."
Artin gasped in shock at the words. Everyone thought the old king had died years ago. They all thought he had been the first victim of the traitor that had killed Queen Caline. But they were all wrong. Talsara must have had them both killed herself. Rage filled Artin's heart. He wanted to step out grab a sword and run both of these dogs through the hearts.
"Very well." She seemed pleased. "With that out of the way, there is something else I want you to attend. The Prince of Shadowfall and one of his father's ambassadors is on his way here to sign a pact to add their forces to ours. You are to greet them at our gates and keep them amused until I call for them. I will have Shadowfall in less then a week if all goes well. But be careful. Saevel is powerful and his son Zaos is no fool. If they learn of my plans, it could get complicated. One more thing. There is a young elf in the tower I want you to get rid of. A forest elf that offends me. You will find him in the tower. I want him to suffer before he dies. As a matter of fact, call for Aesis. I want him to witness this one's death."
"As you wish my Queen." General Rhone bowed. "Is there anything else?"
"Not at the moment."
General Rhone turned to leave and bumped directly into Artin. He stepped back in surprise then reached out quickly and brushed him with his fingers. Artin jumped back and ran to the door and opened it.
"Mana na sina?" Talsara jumped from her chair and thrust out her hand as she casting a spell to probe the office. As the lights flickered a shape appeared for a second. Artin looked into Talsara's eye and realized he had been seen.
"DIE BITCH!!" Artin pulled his dagger and threw it as he turned and disappeared invisible out the door. Tumbling with great accuracy the dagger flew at Talsara. She tried to get out of the way but it was too late. It struck her in the shoulder and sank in. With a scream, she fell back in her chair as blood began to run from her wound.
"Go!" She screamed at General Rhone. "He heard everything. Find him and kill him. I want his head on my desk!!"
Knowing he didn't have much time, Artin ran from the room. General Rhone's men jumped up when they heard the queen scream but it was to late. Artin had passed them and he was heading for the stairs to the first floor. Artin's mind was sharp at that moment. He remembered exactly the path they had taken to the Queen's study. With two more turns another hall he was in the front foyer. An alarm had been sounded and the great doors were being closed. Artin ran full speed and crashed into them knocking the surprised guards out of the way. Quickly he was up and into the courtyard. From a window, General Rhone called for the gates to be closed and locked. But again since no one could see Artin, it was to late. He was gone.
Not stopping, Artin kept on the move. He had no idea if he had been recognized. but with Talsara's magic, he was sure she would find a way to figure out who he was. Hasmira had said she wanted him to pass whatever he found on to someone else. Now all he had to do was find out who that was. She had said they would be outside of the city. Then it was time to leave Darkshade and he had to move fast before the spell wore of or Talsara could think up some counterspell that could expose him. He looked up at the moon and its placement in the sky. Artin thought he had been under Hasmira's spell for close to two hours. He had to hurry. It was forty minutes to the city gate then he had to figure out how to get through them. Time was wasting. He better run.
High in the prison tower of Darkshade, Kel and Aron had been searching through the day avoiding guards and soldiers trying to find a way out and down from the tower. There was a way to much traffic on the stairway Kel had used to get in and there was no way he could explain it if they caught his escorting a prisoner. Toross didn't have the have authority to move prisoners. If he called the guards to remove a dead body, they might look to close and they would be discovered.
Think Kel. What else could be done? There had to be away. The question is, how? Question? He reached to his side and felt the dice in his pocket. Ask a question. The dice might have an answer. Kel reached in and pulled them out. Beside him, Aron looked noticed Kel was looking at something in his hand.
"What do you have there?" He asked.
"Possibly the way out." He held them so Aron could see them. Aron looked and noticed a glow coming from what looked like dice in Kel's hand. He reached over as Kel dropped them in his hand. They were warm to the touch, obviously imbued with Elven magic.
"Interesting." Aron concentrated on the dice and saw the magic that filled the dice. "What do they do?"
"Answer questions."
Kel took the dice and shook them in his had. He knelt down and asked his question.
"Is there a way out of the tower other than the stairs?"
He tossed them at the wall. They spun out of his hand and bounced off the wall. Where two dice was thrown, one die rolled to a stop. Kel looked down for the answer.
Kel looked at Aron disappointed. He hoped there would be some hidden passage they could use to get out, but no such luck. But maybe Aron knew a spell.
"I know what your thinking." Aron sat back against the wall. "Yes, I know magic. I'm pretty good actually but teleportation that far is beyond my class. I can make short jumps but that's all."
"Enough to get us out of here?"
"I doubt it." Aron shrugged. "Teleportation takes a lot of power and concentration. I could pop us into a wall if I don't know where we're going."
"Bad idea." Kel rubbed his chin in thought. "So let me get this straight. Without absolute knowledge, line of sight is all you can do?"
"That's about it." A sudden noise caught Aron's attention. He stood and walked to the window and peered out. Lights and horns were going off in the main palace. From where he was watching, Aron could see soldiers scrambling all around the courtyard. Something must have happened down there. "Kel, look."
"Looks like they're searching for someone." Kel stood staring down at the palace grounds.
A cold feeling suddenly crept through Aron's heart. Searching for someone? Could Elan have finally made his way home looking for him? Fear gripped his heart. Not fear for himself, but fear for the one he loved the most. Now he had to get out of this tower. He had to know if Elan was in Darkshade.
"Kel." Aron gripped his shoulder turning him. "We have to get out of here now. I have to know what's going on down there."
"What's it matter." He asked. "As long as they're busy searching, no one will be watching the tower. They'll be fewer guards. Maybe we can fight our way out."
"It matters a great deal," Aron told his new friend. "But show me the stairway down from here. Maybe there is a way."
The search of the grounds of Darkshade palace had proven to be useless. Talsara after healing her wound had cast a spell that would reveal the intruder's identity and make him visible if he was still on the grounds of the palace. General Rhone had ordered every light and torch set to blaze and put everyone on the search for Artin Duskmere. Artin Duskmere a lone soldier whose home and family had recently been confiscated for treason. General Rhone didn't understand how a simple private in Darkshades army could have possibly gotten the magic to get in the palace and strike at the Queen. Someone else had to be helping him. And it had to be someone powerful. But who? Could be a number of people. Talsara Darkshade had many enemies in and outside of Darkshade.
Once the palace had been searched, General Rhone had his men move out into the city. They went street by street waking up everyone in every house as they searched. He ordered men to each of the city gates and had them all locked and barred while the search went on. But what General Rhone had forgotten, what he overlooked was places where no adult had really been in years. It was something in the back of his mind he knew all about but hadn't thought of since his childhood. The Gateway of O'lor. A place where the children of Darkshade would escape to, to hide and play outside of Darkshade. There Artin spoke the words that opened the gate and let him escape Darkshade.
Once outside of Darkshade, Artin took off the uniform of Darkshade and donned a pair of trousers and a plain tunic he had taken from the city. Never again would he wear the uniform of a Darkshade warrior. Now his only task was to help free Darkshade from the horror it called it's Queen.
In a dark mood, Talsara made her way through the palace. Although she had completely healed her wound, the pain still lanced through her with each step she took. The look on her face kept anyone from stopping her. Not a nod or a salute was made as she passed. She was in a foul mood. How dare that bastard to enter her own palace and strike against her. She would have his head and his death would last for years for this.
As she entered her private suite a maid came out to greet her mistress bearing her robe. With a wave of her hand, Talsara sent her flying through a window to crash dead on the cobblestones below in the courtyard. Without stopping Talsara opened the door to her chamber and slammed it shut. She untied the cloak from her shoulders and tossed it aside as she went and sat at her desk. Suddenly at the corner of her desk, a puff of smoke appeared as Aesis entered her suite.
"Is all well my queen?" He bowed then looked up at Talsara with his evil grin. Talsara stared down at the Imp her anger still burned deep.
"Have you found Elan yet?"
"He is in Winterhaven still," Aesis answered. "He fights against Lord Larin to free that city."
"Why haven't you brought him home?" She leaned in as he backed away in fear. "I want him here."
"I'm afraid Imp's have very little magic in Winterhaven. I can only bring him home if he leaves the city."
"Then make him leave the city." She shouted at the Imp. "Disguise yourself as his dirty little mate and lure him out then whisk him away and bring him to me."
"At once your highness." Aesis raised his hand to snap his fingers to leave.
"Wait." She held up her hand. "Go check on the boy in the tower. Much has happened tonight and I don't trust the guards. I have plans for that one."
"Right away." He snapped his fingers and was gone.
As Artin left the Gateway of O'lor he knew he was immediately in trouble. In less than a mile he had ran into a group of Goblins. Unlike the Goblins of Fay Shrea, Darkshades were more organized. Their leaders were just as bloodthirsty and ambitious but under Talsara's rule, there was no raiding of Darkshade and no harassing of the Dark elves. Talsara used them more as a private army she kept close for tracking and special missions against her enemies.
Once out of the gateway, Artin wrapped in a dark cloak had no idea where he was to find Hasmira's help. But he knew they were out there somewhere and he guessed they wouldn't be to close to the city. He would try the hills where the forest was thick. There they could find places above the city where the could hide and keep watch as the learned the ways of the Dark elves.
As he made his way quietly through the forest, he heard a snap. Artin stopped and scanned the forest around him. It was quiet. To quiet. Elves had a very good feel for the area around them. Usually, they could tell when someone was watching or stalking them. Artin had that feeling. The feeling that eyes were on him. He quickened his pace and pulled his short sword and a dagger to be ready just in case of attack. Watching the trees and forest, Artin stepped over a log and heard it again. The snapping of a twig. A footstep behind him. There was someone following him. With a quick dash, Artin took off into a run jumping and hopping anything in his way. From behind now, he could hear the hoots and hollers of pursuit.
In front of Artin, a Goblin appeared. It was dressed in the usually bone armor of the Skull Crusher clan in grey and bone white. With a grin, it pulled its long sword a ran at Artin. As they met Artin ducked under the swing and stabbed up sending his dagger into the Goblins heart. As it fell he ripped the dagger free and looked to see how many were behind him in pursuit. Six Goblins were racing after him.
Pushing his cloak back so he would have fighting room, Artin gripped his blades and took a stance ready to fight. The first to reach him came in with a battle club. He swung left as Artin jumped out of the way then right to crash into the ground Artin had just been standing on. Moving with elven speed, Artin leaped a jumped aside from each blow. With a swift kick to the knee and a slash at the Goblins throat, he dropped the attacker. Five more to go. As the next attack came in, the Goblin leaped at Artin his ax trying to take his head. Artin fell back flat on his back and raised his sword slicing right through the Goblins helmet as his ax sank int the ground above Artin's right shoulder. Four more and there was no way he was going to be about to take them They came at him as a group. Well, this was it then.
Artin jumped up and issued his battle call.
"Caela ie 'lle!!"
With two Goblins on each side of him, Artin fought like a caged animal. He hacked and stabbed and kicked at the Goblins until a lucky strike hit him in the head and he went down. For a few seconds, he saw starts then a piercing roar jolted him. Artin looked up as two Goblins were grabbed from the ground and tossed into the sky by a small black dragon. It roared again shaking its head as the last two Goblins attack. Quickly Artin got up and engaged his enemy. Beside him, a tall man stood with the Dragon. With a wave, the stranger sent a bolt of energy to a Goblin blasting it from the ground. Artin stabbed out quickly putting and end to the fighting then turned to stare at his rescuers. The mage smiled as the Dragon shifted to his human form.
"That was close." The changeling reached out his hand.
"I owe you, my life strangers." Artin stepped back unsure just what to do. This was obviously who he was looking for. A lone mage and a Dragon in Darkshade. "My name is Artin Duskmere. My thanks to you but we should get into the hills before more Skull Crushers find us."
"I'm Toric Kassar and this is Denner Rolson." Toric followed as Artin made for the hills. "Glad we could be of help. But tell us, why were the Goblins after you?"
"I'm not in favor of Darkshade at the moment." He explained. "I oppose Talsara and her war."
"War is a dirty business." Denner walking behind them. "Especially when you're the one making the war."
"I agree."
It didn't take them long to get into the dense forest. Once there, Artin stopped and put his hand on the hilt of his sword. Time for questions.
"Why are you in Darkshade." He asked.
Denner looked at Toric and smiled.
"Bold. I like him already."
"We're here to find someone," Toric answered.
"Who?" Artin asked. "Talsara? If your here to help get her off the throne, I'll help you. If your here to help her." Artin pulled his sword free.
"Then we start fighting now."
"Relax." Denner put his hand on Artin's. "The queen is our enemy too. She's holding a friend of ours. We're here to get him out and to bring her down if we can. But we need help getting into Darkshade."
"Just the two of you?" Artin had his doubts. Two men against the whole Darkshade military. They would have to be really good.
"We have friends to help." Denner had the look on his face that always scared Toric."Can you get us in or not?"
"You'll need more than help getting in." Artin re-sheathed his weapon. "You'll need a story that they will accept and I think I can help with that."
In a puff of harsh smoke, Aesis appeared outside of Aron's cell. With one look he knew Aron was gone and he was in trouble. Queen Talsara would not like hearing he had escaped. He had to find him before he got out of Darkshade and away. With a snap of his gnarled fingers, Aesis began his search of the tower. He popped in and out of cells and rooms looking for the forest elf. He had to be here somewhere.
As Aesis searched Argus felt his presence in the tower. It looked like the time for him to act had come. In a blink he found Aron and Kel heading for the stairway to the lower levels.
As he appeared in front of them, he pushed Aron behind him and draw his knife to protect him. Argus bowed before them
"Pardon sirs." He said. "I am Argus. my master wants me to help you."
"Your an Imp?" Aron stepped out from behind him.
"Yes, young sir. " He smiled. "And you are my Master's mate, And I have something for you."
With a snap of his fingers, a ring appeared in the air in front of Aron. Aron reached out and took it.
"This is Elan's ring. He sent you?" Aron almost passed out at the mention of his name. "He's here in Darkshade?"
"No." Argus shook his head. "But there isn't much time. Trouble comes."
"Troubles here."Aesis appeared and shot a bolt of energy at them. Kel grabbed Aron and threw him to the side just in time. Quickly Argus jumped in between them and shot his own bolt back at the ugly Imp. Spinning a shied of light, Argus caught the bolt and knocked it aside. His wings glowed with power as he flew up and sent a series of shots at Aesis.
"You won't be hurting this one or my master!" The shining Imp said as he fashioned a sword of magic fibers to fight with.
"I'll kill him for my queen!" Aesis created a dark sword and rushed at Argus. Like two tiny warriors one of light and one of darkness they battled. Swords clashed sending sparks of magic into the air as they fought for the upper hand. Argus wings moved like those of a hummingbird. With a flip in the air, he sent a flash of sparkling dust at Aesis. Aesis backed away as the dust began to burn into his skin. Wiping his face, Aesis blow out a cloud of fog and tried to streak in and stab Argus while he was choking of the foul stench. Quickly Argus parried the stab and kicked out into Aesis chest knocking him across the room to the floor. Growling, Aesis shot up back at the attack. Slashing left and right Aesis forced Argus back with his heavy blows against his shield. As Aesis raised his sword Argus pushed out with his shield then hit Aesis in his chin with his fist knocking him again into the wall. Down for the second time, Aesis screamed and charged at Argus.
Watching from the side, Aron knew he had to help Argus or they would never make it out of the tower alive. He knew Aesis would tell Talsara of his escape if he won or just kill them both. He had act now. Aron stepped out band cast his spell.
In a flash of light, a force separated the two Imps. A globe of light appeared to enveloped Aesis. He bashed at it with his fist but it wouldn't break. At a rage, he tried to blast his way out but his magic couldn't penetrate the globe.
Argus exhausted from the fight dropped down into Kel's hands. Kel held him gently and went over to Aron. In his globe, Aesis screamed to be released.
"Can you get us out of the tower? Aron asked.
"Yes," Argus answered. "But I don't have the power to go far."
"Just get us out of here," Kel told the Imp. "Your battle had to have alerted the guards. They'll be here soon."
"Take hands sirs."
Kel and Aron took hold of each others hand holding Argus in. between them. Argus opened his wings and shook off some of his dust and in a flash, they disappeared out of the tower.
In the forest outside of Darkshade, Ryel watched as the coach made its way down the road toward Darkshade. With a wave, he signaled Orek to drop into the driver's seat as Toric and Denner moved to eliminate the two riders that rode at the front. Orek dropped from the trees and with a single swing of the butt of his ax, he knocked out the elven driven and took the reins to slow the coach to a stop. Once the coach was stopped, Ryel and Noelle approached the door and swung it open to find two tall gray-hued dark haired elves inside.
Dressed in colors of dark blue and grey with the obsidian jewel that was mined in Shadowfall, Zaos Shadowfall looked out at the band that had stopped his coach. He knew they couldn't be here representing Talsara Darkshade since only one of them was a Dark elf. There were three humans, a forest elf, a dark elf and a dwarf looking up at him.
"And who are you?" He asked bored.
The opposition." Ryel stepped back so the two could step down out of the coach. "I'm afraid I can't allow the Shadowfall's to join in the war today."
"I know you." Zaos stepped down peering at Ryel. "Eventide if I'm not mistaken. What a pity your home is no more."
"Oh, my home survives." Ryel knew the Shadow elf was just trying to get him upset and he didn't care. But he needed the Shadow elf to leave and stay out of the war. "You know me, but I know you too Zaos Shadowfall. I know your people and their love for war. I know your family was a big part of the war that killed my father and brothers. I know your history and I'm willing to let that pass for another day. But I can't let you come and join Darkshade. What's happening between Darkshade and Eventide is not your business. Go back to Shadowfall and stay out of it."
"Little Eventide." Zaos laughed. "You know nothing. My father wasn't just a part of that war. My fathers were the hand that put an end to Tanyl Eventide's life. And mine will be the one to end yours!"
From his side, Zaos pulled his sword and charged at Ryel. With his staff raised Ryel met the attack. Holding his staff in the center like a quarterstaff, Ryel caught the sword and turned it's head to smash into Zaos chest. They began to circle each other looking for a chance to strike.
"And you lady?" Noelle stepped out to face Amra Calaudra. "Will you join in or let this stay private between the two warriors?"
"A real lady never dirty are her hands with a sword when she has better weapons." Amra pushed back her hood and opened her cloak to reveal a large gem on a chain around her neck. Noelle reached for her swords as Amra began to chant. Her eyes began to glow as Ryel and Zaos clashed again sword to sword. Hearing Amra's chant, Toric called out to Denner.
"Grab Ryel! That's a collector spell she's using. Noelle, Get down!"
As Denner ran for Ryel he made the shift to a griffin and leaped and grabbed Ryel taking him high in the sky. Toric stepped out and opened his arms and formed a reflective barrier in front of him. As the spell reached out to take him, it hit his barrier and bounced back to enveloped the two Shadowfalls. Amra and Zaos began to scream in shock, their bodies grew smaller and smaller until they were sucked into Amra's gem leaving their clothing and her gem which fell glowing to the ground.
"What in the name of Rimnar just happened?" Artin climbed to his feet and looked at the burnt patch of ground where Zaos and Amra once stood. They all walked out to the spot. Noelle picked up the robes and looked to Toric for an answer.
"She made a big mistake. She tried to use a Collector spell on a Collector." He picked up the gem. "That's one of my father's old tricks. Easy to send back at the trapper using it."
"Are they dead?" Ryel and Denner came back to join the others.
"No just trapped in the gem. They aren't hurt at all. We can keep them in there until we figure out what to do with them."
"Perfect." Ryel grabbed Zaos clothing and thrust them at Toric. "I think these should fit you pretty good. Greetings Prince Zaos Shadowfall."
Ed' I" ear ar elenea. - By the Sea and Stars.
ReplyDeleteLle quena i"lambre tel. - Do you speak human?
Tenna' telwan. - until later.
Vanya sulie tan. - Fair winds brother.
ReplyDeleteCaela ie 'lle. - Have at thee.
ReplyDeleteMana na sina? - What is this?
ReplyDeleteRuavia Castle is the ancestral home of the Darkshade family line.