"Why am I here?" Gorak Ra 'Enar asked as he paced frustrated. "I have things to do. The Centaurs haven't been taken care of and I'm still not on the throne of Ardia. Instead I'm here, why Sarella?"
"Because right now this is where I want you to be." A cold voice answered. "Ardia and the Centaurs are unimportant right now. Valkar is."
"Why? He can't move. He can't go anywhere. What makes him so important?"
"He has allies of course and they are searching for him." Sarella's tone showed her annoyance at answering his questions. "I need him here. He's to dangerous to me if somehow he escapes. So watch him."
"And what of Lord Larin?" The Orc mage asked. He looked at her slyly. What was she planning?
"Let me worry about him." Abram heard a change in her tone. She spoke with a sweeter voice, more tender if that was even possible. "Gorak, we need to talk. Come with me."
Then there was silence. Abram needed to hear what they had to say but he knew if he was caught spying on them, Sarella would have his soul. But it didn't matter. He had done what he had set out to do. He had found King Valkar. Now all he had to do was get the others here to free him and get him away. He just had to get back to Prafa to tell Athene.
As the blood moon rode high across the night skies, a shadowy figure appeared in the northeast edge of Prafa. It was tall and cloaked in a dark mist as it stood and watched the guards move around the city checking anyone found out in the night. They were savage to anyone they caught out breaking curfew. Beatings and whippings were common these days in all of Lord Larin's occupied cities. As the stranger watched, a young boy came running out from between two buildings. He carried in his arms a small pig he must have been trying to get home. Behind him, three soldiers gave chase laughing and calling out bets on who would catch the boy first. From where he watched, the stranger could see sweat running down the boys face as he ran.
Creating a thicker mist, the stranger slipped from his hiding place and made his way to a place ahead of the chase. He stopped in the dark shadows and watched as the boy came running down the lane. Tripping on his own feet he stumbled as he looked back and fell, dropping the pig who squealed and ran off. Behind him the guards ran into the street and saw him there muddy in the street.
"I win!" A guard laughed. "Get your money ready."
"Not if I get there first!" Another called out. The third just made a mad dash to beat his companions to the prize. Scared, the boy struggled to get to his feet slipping and falling back down. With a laugh the second guard made it to the boy first.
"He's mine!" He pulled his club and raised it ready to start beating the boy. His friends watched egging him on as they pulled his winnings from their side money pouches.
"No fair!" One guard called out. "I would have beaten you had it not been for the sword getting in my way."
Suddenly from the shadows a figure stepped out and in a flash was at their sides. One guard pulled his sword and quickly tried to stab the man. With ease he stepped out of the way and with a backhand sent him flying back through the air. Armed with the club the first guard attacked. He stepped in swinging for the mans head and pulled his dagger trying to slice into the mystery man as he ducked the blow. Moving like a phantom, the man reached up and caught the hand the dagger was in and gave it a quick twist. With a scream, the sound of a bone was heard as it snapped. Pulling back his fist the dark man sent a punch into the guards face breaking his nose and laying him flat out in the street. That left only one guard left.
"Who are you?" He stammered dropping his weapons to the ground scared to fight the dark one. Throwing back the hood of his cloak, Baron Valkar smiled showing hid fangs and dark eyes. His raven hair blew in the winds.
"I am the first." He said quietly. He reached down to take the boys hand and lift him in his arms. "Do you wish to live beyond this night?"
"Yes my lord." The guard fell to his knees trembling.
"Where can I find King Valkar?"
As Athene, Sting and Lucian left the old blacksmith shop, a raven watched from the roof. With a caw he spread his wings and took off to follow them as they crept out into the night.
"Where is he?" Lucian asked huffing as he ran.
"Not in the city." Athene told them. "Now be quiet. I have to concentrate to follow his thoughts back to him."
She stopped putting a hand to her head and looked around. To the left lay the sleeping city full of entranced vampires. To her right she saw the gates of the city manned with many guards. Closing her eyes she felt for Valkar's mind. In a second she found it. Valkar was somewhere in the hills to the south. That meant they had to get out of Prafa. But there was something else. Something familiar. Athene moved them to behind an building where they would be safe and sent out a probe. There was someone out there that she had felt before.
"Hurry Athene." Sting whispered. "We don't have a lot of time."
She nodded as her mind flowed through the streets. One by one she felt the guards as they went about there patrols. In her mind she saw the few lone people of the city as they scampered about to hide. She covered the city and found everyone confirming that neither Valkar or Uncle Arturus was anywhere in the city. Then she found someone that she knew should not be there.
[Quiet little one.] She felt his joy at her contact. [Not so loud. They might hear you.]
[How? What are you doing here?]
[Same as you.] He answered. [I'm here to free my Grandson. Where is he? I know he's not here in.]
[I know where he is.] She sent. [But we have to get out of Prafa to find him. Can you help us?]
[Meet me near the gate. I'll get them open.]
As Valkar stood frozen in the crystal, a strange figure walked into the cave and stood before him. It was an Orc dressed in long robes. He smiled put his hand to his chin and chuckled walking back and forth in front of the crystal block.
"So this is the mighty Valkar king of the vampires" He stopped and stared at him. "You don't look so powerful to me. In fact, you look pretty weak right now. I could kill you with a single spell. Would you like that? I could end this and put you out of your misery. I don't think so. Sarella has plans for you. Special plans. You just rest comfortably. We'll take care of you."
He began to laugh as he turned and left the cavern. Anger filled Valkar as he watched the Orc leave.
He was helpless to do anything. He couldn't speak or move. Deep in his mind he screamed out his rage. As he screamed, a crack appeared in the crystal block.
On the dark streets of Prafa, Athene, Sting and Lucian dodged and hid from Winteraven soldiers. They slipped from doorways to shadows to avoid being seen. At one corner, two guards surprised them. With vampiric speed, Sting and Lucian was on them before they even knew what was happening. One quick punch from Stings massive fist put his opponent out for the night. Lucian slipped around and under his man's guard and with a heavy blow knocked his man out. Quickly they pulled them both into the shadows and tied them down then moved on.
From the corner of a shop in the marketplace, Athene and her friends watched the gate. The gate was the exit from Prafa. It was the main part of a great long wall that surround the city. It was built in two tiers, a lower tier which also held the main guard house of the city guards and the upper tier which was mainly used for watches. When in battle both tiers held places where attacks could be launched on attackers. The upper ties held all the usual weapons for city defense. Catapults, notches for archers, fires for broiling oil and of course, a place where the city mages could fight casting their spells. All a long the wall torches blazed by night so there was always light to see.
The gate was actually a huge metal grate which could be raised and lowered. After the grate sat a massive oaken door which opened in with two bars equipped with latches as locks to secure the city.
From where they hid they could see the guards that kept watch. Two men paced the gate doors while a number stood watch on the upper tier.
"How are we going to past all of them?" Lucian asked amazed at the amount of vampires on watch. "Even if we shift, they'll see us and give chase."
"We'll need a diversion." Sting whispered. "One of us will have to draw them away so the others can get out."
"That's suicide." Lucian drew back sweating at the thought. "We would never live through that."
"I can." Sting stood tall. Lucian and Athene looked at him surprised. "My warrior form could draw them away."
"No Adam." Athene shook her head. "It's to dangerous. I need you here with me."
"That leaves me." Lucian swallowed. He was definitely scared. "I'll go. I can do it."
[No.] A voice rang out in their heads. As Baron Valkar Zlenka the first appeared next to them [None of you will go. I will.]
Athene smiled as Sting and Lucian's eyes widen surprised to see the great dark man appear. Dressed in his ancient black armor Baron Valkar was tall and pale skinned with long black hair that blew in the night winds.
"Aiya Grandfather." Athene hugged him glad to see him there. "It's good to see you."
"You to Little one. Now what do we have here?"
"Who is this?" Sting asked nervously. Lucian just stared at the Baron afraid to hear he answer.
"This is Baron Valkar Zlenka." Baron Valkar nodded an introduction. "Ancestor to our king and he's here to help us."
"But, but..." Lucian stammered, "Isn't he suppose to be dead?"
"Death is not always the end. "Baron Valkar told them. "I want you three to shift and be ready to move. You'll know when the time is right."
All was calm on the Prafa gates on this slow night. Post were manned while those off shift slept or sharpened weapons and trained for the next offensive. Being close to Prafa, the next land to be invaded was to be the Mayer mountains, home of the closest Centaur clan. The Centaurs were strong fighters and the vampires better be prepared for the fight.
As the vampires on the walls stood guard, they looked out and noticed the thick mist creeping in. A cold chill had filled the air making them shiver. This was no regular mist. A feeling of dread moved through the guards on duty. As the mist creeped up to the wall, a guard at the closed gate called out and vanished into the mist. His partner quickly pulled his sword and backed up as the mist thickened even more.
"There's something in the mist!" He called holding his sword ready to fight. "Send me help!"
Men rushed around grabbed weapons and torches to try and scatter the mist. But this mist was being made by no average vampire. It had grown to a height taller then a man. This was made by someone very powerful.
With a scream the second guard was pulled down into the mist. Torch light flickered barely visible as the guards prowled the yard for the intruder. Suddenly a dark shape leaped up howling far to the left. The guards saw him and rushed off into the mist to kill whatever it was.
[NOW!!] Baron Valkar sent out.[ Go find Valkar. I'll finish here and come find you!]
Hearing that, a raven, a crow and a winged scorpion took off over the gate and out towards the hills. Unknown to Athene and her friends. Before Baron Valkar made his move and began his attack, A lone raven flew high out of the city before them. it also flew out into the hills.
Sitting at Sarella's desk in the cave. Gorak took some time to watch some of the things he had put in motion. With a small crystal he watched his homeland of Ardia. When last there, he had left a number of Lord Larin's crystals to be taken to the largest clan leaders. Now he watched to see what the results were. The Dark Claw and the Bone Ghasher clan leaders were now under his control. The Bloody club and the Red Rocks were still asleep. They would be his once they woke up. Gorak chuckled in pleasure and rubbed his hands together pleased. His men were following his orders to the letter. Two more clans and Ardia would be his. All that would be left were a few small clan and they would be nothing once he was back and in command. Then the Centaurs would be easy pickings.
As he watched, a raven flew into the cave. Gorak looked up as it came down to perch on the edge of his chair and let out a caw. He raised his hand for the raven to hop onto.
"Ahhh!!" He stroked the birds back. "I see you have returned. How goes Prafa on this dreary night?"
With a look into the raven's eyes Gorak made his connection with his familiar. He saw what the bird had seen all night. The three come running from the old shop to hide in the shadows.
"I wonder who they could be." Gorak sat back and finished getting the information from the raven. He saw the attack at the city gate and knew they were heading his way. They must be out to free Valkar.
"Let them come." He got up and walked toward the cave entrance. "I'll have a surprise waiting for them, the perfect spell for the blood moon."
Outside Gorak called all the guards together.
"There's trouble on the way here." He called out. "And to be ready. I have to prepared you all for battle so listen closely."
As the spell began to take hold, Gorak reached in his pocket and pulled out a hand full of Lord Larin's coercion stones and threw them at the guards gathered there. As the stones touched them their eyes flared out in red. Gorak now had control over them. That's when the pain began.
Howling in pain, Abram fell to the ground ripping at his clothing. His vampire body usually cold was now burning with the transformation. Hair sprouted out all over him growing long till his body was fur cover. On his back he watched horrified as his hands and feet turned to claws and took on the shape of animal limbs. Pain ripped through him as his back arched and he screamed in his head. Gorak watched his laughter echoing through the trees.
"Now let them come!" He screamed into the cave. "We'll see who has the power here!"
Whimpering Abram struggled to his feet. He looked to his right and saw what was once a man standing on it's hind legs next to him. The scared animal face looked back at him. There was a tear in his eye. Abram howled out his outrage at what had been done to him. He looked up at Gorak who stood smiling. Now the Orc was much shorter then he was. Abram guessed he had to be close to seven or eight feet now. With one swipe of his mighty paws he could kill the Orc easily. He growled and took a step towards the Orc mage. Gorak ordered him to stop.
"Don't move." He ordered.
Abram froze. At the moment he wanted to tear the Orc apart but his body wouldn't move no matter how hard he tried. He was under Gorak's total control. Now Abram was really mad. He knew his king was in the cave trapped and now there was no way he could help him. In fact, if Gorak ordered it, Abram wasn't sure if he could stop himself from been the one that killed Valkar. Now he was an enemy of his king. Rage filled him making his body tremble as he tried to regain control.
Gorak walked out among his new converts inspecting the strength of his beastly wild men. He wanted more but these would do for now. It was time to give them there first orders.
"All of you." He called out. "We are about to be attacked. Protect your king. Into the forest until they attack."
Quickly the beast men scattered into the forest to hide and wait for the attack to begin. As Abram hid himself he smiled. The Orc had made a mistake. It was a stupid mistake but a lucky one for him. Now he would be glad to follow his order. Abram just had to make sure somehow he didn't receive any other orders from the Orc, and there was only one way he could do that. He had to make a sever sacrifice. One he would only make for his king and Yadessa.
The forest and hills were dark and quiet when Athene led Sting and Lucian down. No animal made a sound, there was no sound of anything moving at in. It seemed to Athene like nothing lived in these hills. But she knew there was something out there. Valkar was out there somewhere, she could feel him. Once on the ground they made the shift back to normal form.
"Which way?" Lucian asked.
Athene looked around from left then right. It all looked the same. She closed her eyes and sent out a probe to feel for Valkar's mind. It took her a few minutes but finally she felt it.
"There." She pointed up higher in the hills. "He's somewhere up there."
"Your sure?" Sting loosened to clasp on his sword to be ready. Athene looked at him and raised her eyebrows.
"Right." He smiled. "Up we go. Lucian, you come in from there to the right. Athene, stay close. I don't know who or how many are up there, but they shouldn't be expecting us."
With Athene at his side, Sting pulled his sword and started up into the hills. Being careful they took each step with ease, choosing just the right place to step to keep from making any noise that might alert them to their presence.
Didn't take them long and soon the were at a ridge that over looked a set of caves. So far they saw nothing. No one guarded the entrance to the caves and none of them sensed anything other then Valkar here.
[Somethings wrong.] Sting held out his hand to stop Athene from going any further. He looked around, every sense in his body screamed it was a trap.
[He's in there.] Athene sent. [I feel him.]
[I feel no one else here.] She looked at Sting anxiously wanting to go in. [This is our chance. We should hurry.]
[This does not feel right.] Sting held her back. [Prafa had all those guards and Tomaz Acros sent King Valkar out here and hid him with no one set as a guard? He may be that stupid but I can assure you those over him, are not. We are not alone here.]
As Lucian quietly made his way around toward the right side of the clearing, a smell caught his attention. It was a familiar smell, one he had smelled a million times living so close to the border of Tir Na. He stopped and scanned the area.The smell was like that of the Werewolves but different. It was wilder then any Werewolf he had ever come in contact with.
Suddenly like a bolt of electricity a feeling come over him of danger and he dived to the ground. Just as he rolled to the side he saw a huge beast fly over him through the spot where he had just been standing. Lucian jumped to his feet with his knives ready to battle. On his left and right advanced two of the beast men snarling with red eyes. As one attacked, Lucian leaped high to avoid the blow then sliced out with one of his knives. He cut the beast deep causing blood to flow freely from the wound. The second beast drooled at the sight of the blood rushed at Lucian smashing him in the face and chest knocking him off his feet. As he lay flat the first beast went for his throat. With a quick thrust, Lucian sank both his knives in it chest slicing through its heart. With a howl it died still on top of Lucian. Hearing a sudden growl, Lucian looked to his right as the other beast attacked again. Concentrating he quickly made a shift and flew out from under the beast just in time to keep from being crushed,
[Sting, Athene!!] He quickly sent out. [Watch out! There's some kind of beast men here!]
Hearing Lucian's warning, Sting grabbed Athene and pushed her behind him. From all around them a growling noise could be heard. Sting stepped out as five of the beast men leaped out at them. Athene hissed out her rage and pulled her sword as they began to advance on them.
Just then a howling laughter rang out from the cave entrance. Athene and Sting looked up to find an Orc in the robes of a mage with a raven on his shoulder step out of the cave.
"Not as much of a surprise as you thought." He reached up to stroke the raven. "My friend here warned me of your arrival. Is there something we can help you with?"
"You know why we are here."Athene stepped out beside Sting where the Orc could see her. "Give us King Valkar and we will leave in peace."
"Peace?" He laughed. "Where in Taggitia can you find peace? Surely not here of all places."
"You are wrong Orc. Yadessa has no quarrel with Ardia. There's no reason for us to fight here. You can pack up whatever loot you have plundered and go on you way. All we want is Valkar."
"Your not being attacked by Ardia." Gorak walked down from the cave entrance. "Well I am its future king but I can't really speak in that capacity yet. Soon though. Right now I have other ambitions in mind."
"Like?" Sting asked. From where they stood. The beast men were slowly coming closer. With a quick signal behind his back, Sting let Athene know she should be ready with her spells to fight. His sword was out and in a second he could shift to his larger form for battle.
"Like first of all, killing all you vampires and you Dragon allies." Hate blazed in the Orcs eyes. "Then, we'll see what other mischief we can get into."
"Who are you?" Athene asked. She watched as Lucian flew in behind him to land and shift unseen by the Orc.
"Forgive me Lady." He bowed. "I am Gorak Ra 'Enar. The next king and High lord of Ardia and killer of Vampire kings."
"Not if we have anything to say about it!!" Lucian leaped out at Gorak with both knives raised and aimed at his heart. With surprise Gorak turned quickly and sent out a blast into Lucian's chest that tore him apart.
That was the moment everything turned to hell. The beast men attacked, throwing themselves at Athene and Sting. With a sword in each hand Sting mowed in with the killing expertise of one of Yadessa's most fierce warriors. They came by two's and three's claws ready and trying to rip into the two Vampires. Athene sent her blasts into the crowd then swung and stabbed at anything that came near her. Behind her there was a sudden roar. She turned to see one of the beast men grab another and smash its head into the rocks. Stepping back in fear she stumbled. As she hit the ground calling for Sting, another of the beast lunged at her. With the speed of an animal, the beast man that had saved her reached out and slashed at the stomach of her attacker then grabbed him and threw him high and away. With his hand reaching down for her, Athene looked deeply in the eyes of the beast man that had saved her for the second time.
"By Rimnar!" she whispered. "Why?"
He held out his hand to show her his palm. There she saw one word scratched into his skin. It read ABRAM.
"Abram?" She reached for his hand. This was the solider that had saved them the first night. What the blazes had happened to him.
[No time.] He sent. [Valkar.]
Athene nodded the looked out for Sting. He had just finished of the last of the beast men when he saw the one near Athene. In one great leap he was at her side with his sword ready to kill.
"No!!" She stepped in front of Abram. "It's Abram. He's with us. Come on. We have to get to Valkar!"
From the cave entrance Gorak could see that all of his beast men were dead. All but one. And somehow that one had helped them saving the woman's life. Quickly he ran back into the cave. He needed more help. Someone that wouldn't be so easy to defeat. He looked around for an idea. Someone he could use to defend himself with before the could get to him. But there was no one here he could use. There was nothing here but all the crystals that grew around the cave. Then an idea came to him. Why not?
On the desk, one of the guards had left a mace. He hurried and picked it up and went to a large shaft of crystal. With a strike he smashed it then stepped back. He rummaged through his pocket and found a few of Lord Larin's coercion stone. That was just what he needed. He tossed them in with the shards of crystal the stared his spell.
As Gorak stepped back the torches in the cavern dwindled then flashed into a higher brightness. All along the floor of the cave the shards of crystal and the stones shook and vibrated. They began to form themselves into the shape of men. Crystal and stone men. Gorak began to laugh hysterically as his little force came to life.
As Athene rushed to the cave entrance, she saw Lucian lying in a heap on the side trembling. She when to his side and held him.
"Did it work?" He asked in a whisper.
"Yes." She smiled. "You did it brave one. You saved us."
"Good." He coughed. "I'm tired of war. There's been to much of it."
"Then rest Lucian. My mother will take care of you from now on." She kissed his forehead as his eyes closed and he died. "Treat him well Mother. Treat him like a Prince."
{I will Sweet Athene.}
Then she stood, straighten her cloak and went to the cave entrance. Sting and Abram stood there waiting for her. Sting took her hand and kissed it.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes." She nodded. "He's waiting for us."
Just as Athene was ready to step into the cave, Baron Valkar appeared in front of them. His sword and armor were covered with blood.
"I'm just in time."
"A little late." Sting pointed to Lucian's body on the ground. Baron looked at his sadly. Another dead Vampire and all in the name of conquest again.
"Sad." He put a hand on Stings shoulder. "But he will be avenged. Let's get this over with and get Valkar somewhere safe."
With Baron Valkar in the lead, the four made their way into the cave. There was a short passage way that led into a larger cavern. As they walked, Athene was amazed at the colors reflected in the crystals that studded the walls. Such beauty in a place used for such a horror. She could only guess at what tortures might have been used on Valkar and Uncle Arturus while they were in the hands of Lord Larin's people.
From up ahead blazing torch light could be seen flickering through the next cavern. Sting kicked something as he walked then heard a snapping and a cracking sound. Athene stopped and bent over to examine what was under foot. Next to her, Abram took her arm to stop her.
[No,] he sent.
"What is it?"
[Food. Woman and Orc must feed.]
Horrified Athene realized what was under foot. It was the bones of their victims. After all, most Orcs only fed on meat. Sickened she stood and hurried to catch up with Sting and Baron Valkar. These fiends had a lot to answer for in Yadessa. It was time the debt was paid.
Athene along with Sting and Baron Valkar made their way into the cavern, a sudden scream tore through her mind.
Over her head a bolt of energy crashed into the wall. Athene and the others dived to the side out of the way of the derbis that fell. Jumping to her fell she concentrated and readied a spell for casting. Laughter rang out as Gorak stepped out holding a torch revealing King Valkar Zlenka standing encased in a block of clear crystal. Next to him in another block was her uncle Arturus with a frozen look of surprise on his face.
"Is this what your looking for?" He held the torch over Valkar's block. His face was a mask of anger trapped in crystal. "This is your king, is it not?"
"Let him go." Athene called out boldly with her hands glowing with power.
"And if I don't?" Gorak placed the torch in a wall holder behind him. "Do you little Vampire maiden think you have the power it make me? I am Gorak Ra 'Enar! Master of Digani Pafund and soon lord of all of Ardia. You would stand against me?"
"No she won't." Baron Valkar stepped out into the bright torch light his hair and cape blowing with the breeze from outside. "I will.
"And who are you?"
"I am Baron Valkar Emile Antonescu Zlenka." In his hand he held a curved sword with a golden hilt. "And that is the successor to my throne you hold there. You will free him NOW!!!"
"It's not possible." Gorak's face took on a pale hue. After all these centuries the Baron's name was remembered and it could still strike fear when mentioned. Gorak knew the name. Even among the Orc he had been known for his savagery during the Vampire/Werewolf war. But Gorak shook it off. Even he could be powerful enough to defeat him the Orc thought.
[You sure of that?] Baron Valkar sent to his mind as he leered at him. [I'm even more powerful in death then in life. If you doubt me, then take you first strike and see.]
"TO ME!" Gorak called then jumped down and hurled his first bolt at the Baron. From all around the cavern huge men made of crystal and stone came lurching out. Like Golums they came forward light flashing and reflecting off the facets of their bodies. Baron Valkar blocked Gorak's bolt and rushed forward ready to fight.
[Destroy them and guard my Grandson.] Baron Valkar sent back to Athene and Sting. [I will take care of the Orc.]
Forward the Crystal men came, their faces set with no emotion. As Athene, Abram, and Sting met them, Sting made the shift to his battle from. His claws like great hammers smashed and battered his way through the ranks crushing one then moving on to the next. With great strength they fought back using their stone and crystal bodies as weapons.
Athene knew that hand to hand, she didn't have a chance. So she summoned her strongest spells and blasted them as they came at her. Sweating feverishly her blast blew everything it touched to pebbles and crystal shards.
Like the wild beast he had become, Abram attacked leaping from enemy to enemy until he stood on the dais beside his king. Crystal and stone men tried to breech his defenses but Abram would have none of that. Valkar had to be protected at all cost. He knew a single blow from any of them could smash the blocks and that would kill his king. Howling he grabbed a Stone man and swung him to the ground smashing him to rubble. Then with the arm as a club he was ready to stand against all that came at him.
Red and green bolts of power streaked through the air as Baron Valkar and Gorak fought. Armed with mystic lore he had learned over the centuries, Baron Valkar formed a shield that easily deflected Gorak's magic. With a quick twist of his wrist and certain power words Gorak sent a sting of blue glowing chains out to entwine themselves around Baron Valkar's body. Swinging his sword glowing with power, Baron Valkar slashed left then right catching the chains and disrupting the spell then sent back his own spell. Golden daggers flashed out from his hands aimed straight for Gorak's heart. With a quick wave of his hand Gorak was able to dismiss all but two that to his surprise sped in right for his head. He dived to the side just as they struck scratching chips off his horns. Gorak reached up and felt for the missing tip of his right horn. With an angry stare, Gorak climbed to his feet and called forth two deadly serpents and set them flying at Baron Valkar. Open mouthed and fangs dripping with magical venom they came at the Baron.
"Is this the best magic your masters could teach you?" Baron Valkar raised his hands and caught the snakes. They bit at him again and again. Painlessly he crushed them then tossed them aside. "Pathetic."
"You dare insult me!" Gorak was screaming and foaming at the mouth. "Me the Master of the..'
"Yeah yeah yeah." Baron Valkar laughed stepping in closer. " The Digani pafund. The burning abyss. You said that already. But so far your abyss isn't very threatening. Again I'll give you a chance to live beyond today. Free Valkar and Arturus and I'll let you go back to Ardia and become its king if you can. You last chance. Take it."
Gorak sneered at him then looked around for his Crystal and stone henchmen. They had all been mostly smashed but there was one Beast man left. And they should all obey him just as the crystal and stones did. It was close enough to Valkar and armed. all he had to do was give the order.
Baron Valkar turned to look at the Beast man standing next to his Grandson. Fear filled his heart. If it obeyed the Orc, Valkar would be killed. He readied a spell and drew back to cast it at Abram when Athene stepped in front of him.
"No uncle." She called out. "He won't hurt him. He can't hear the order, he won't obey."
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Gorak stomped and raged out his disappointment. "I won't lose!!"
"You have lost." Baron Valkar pointed his sword at the Orc ready to charge him. "Just end this now!"
"No!" Gorak cast out with his hands. "You think me weak? Do you think Prafa will be safe once Valkar is free? Never! Our Nightwalkers will rid the city of all you day scum. And for you, the Burning Abyss it is. I hope you enjoy your deaths."
As the burning began, Athene, Sting and Abram fell screaming to the ground with the blood in their veins burning like acid. Before Baron Valkar could react, Gorak spoke his teleportation spell and was gone. Quickly, the Baron rushed to Athene and held her in a sitting position. Her face was a horrible mask of pain and He didn't have any idea how to stop it. Baron Valkar through all his years of battles and knowledge was a warrior. Healing was something he never had a reason to learn. He always had healers on hand or just let them die in the past. But these brave souls didn't deserve death. They had to much to look forward to, but there was nothing he could do to help them.
[But I can.]
Baron Valkar looked up to see a glowing orb shining above his head. It looked to him like the moon and that could only be.
"Yes Baron." She formed into the beautiful goddess before him floating just off the ground. "You have done well today."
"Have I?" He asked. "Valkar is still in the block and Athene and the others are dying and it's all my fault. My pride is killing all I love."
"No." She smiled. "My daughter and her friends will not die. Not today. I will not have it. Look at them."
Baron Valkar looked down to the girl laying in his arms and saw the calm sleeping look on her face. Relief poured through him at the sight.
"What of Valkar?"
"You can free him." She began to float higher and form into the orb again. "Free him and help free your people. You have our blessing. Aiya Warrior."
Then she was gone. Athene stirred in his arms then opened her eyes and smiled at him. How beautiful she was. Adam was one lucky man to have one such as this love him.
"Uncle?" She whispered. "Is it over?"
"Almost Little one." He sat her up and went to check on the others. Once satisfied they would awake soon, he returned to Athene. "Can you stand?"
"Yes I think so." With his help she got to her feet.and looked to the blocks where Valkar and Arturus were trapped.
"What about the king and uncle?"
Baron Valkar reached down and picked up his sword. He looked at Athene and smiled then walked to the blocks with the blade on his shoulder. Both Valkar and Arturus still held that look anger and surprise that had frozen on their face by Lord Larins spell. Well it was to put an end to that spell here in Prafa.
Then he swung his sword twice. Once into Valkar's block, then into Arturus.
"No Baron You'll kill them!" Athene rushed to his side to try and stop him as the crystals shattered and Valkar and Arturus fell to the ground gasping for air. Surprised, Athene went down and helped the two men to sit up as the breathed their first bit of air since they were placed in the crystal prisons. Looking up, Valkars eyes began to focus. Next to him holding him up he saw Athene's pretty face. He smiled happy to see her. Then his eyes focused on the man that stood a little further back.
"Grandfather?" He blinked. "How did you?"
"Do you really think the Underworld could hold me while you or Yadessa was in trouble?" He smiled at him crouching down to grasped his hand..
"I guess not." Valkar tried to get up to his feet.
"No you stay there and rest." Baron Valkar stood. "We have one more task to do here. Athene, the spell is broken. I need you to call out to anyone that still walks with us and get them out of Prafa. Have them meet us at the gate. Sting and I will be there waiting to help them get away."
"[I come too]
Abram stood and shook off his fatigue and looked from Athene to his king and then to the Baron.
"Your welcome to come my friend." Baron Valkar reached out his hand to the two warriors. With them in hand, the Baron cast his spell and sent them back to the gates of Prafa.
As Baron Valkar and his companions appeared, the awakened people of Prafa were already on the move for the gate. Many were armed with whatever weapons they could find. The few Nightwalkers that tried to stop them were ripped to pieces as they left the city.
"GO!" Baron Valkar heard being called from the tower of Prafa manor. Tomaz Acros stood on the balcony next to Gorak. "It won't matter. Wherever you go we will find you and sooner or later bring you all back!"
"We'll be waiting." The Baron called back. "Then we'll finish this. That I swear!"
In Cygnia and Derilys, Lord Larin sat in his tent and watched as most of Prafa escaped out of the front gate. With the Nightwalkers, Werewolves and his guards, nothing stopped them. He needed something more powerful on his side. He needed the Ring of Endrin. He needed Tabor back with the Ring before all was lost. But if that wasn't going to happen. Then he needed the Dragon's and their allies DEAD!!!!!!
In this chapter. Valkar Zlenka is freed and Baron Valkar returns.
ReplyDeleteLucian dies and Baron Valkars full name is revealed.
ReplyDeleteBaron Valkar Emile Antonescu Zlenka.
Digani Pafund - Burning Abyss