With a sweeping of his hand Druda caused the wind to pick up and brush away the debris clearing a place, an altar to start his spell. Placing the candles in the center of the altar, Druda took the chalk and began etching out the symbol he needed. Not a pentagram but a triangle with an eye in the center. At the corners of the eye he placed the candles down and lit them. As the flames grew and burned the color of ash black, the wind picked up and the magic began to gather.
As Druda finished his spell, lightning crashed down from the clouds and struck his altar. Sparks ignited and flew up to scatter on the winds and fly off in all direction. He howled out his laughter as his spell rose up to take over the night in Eventide.
As Jayce and Graym flew over Eventide the night sky grew cloudy. The wind picked up and lightning began to flash all through the sky. Jayce flew closer to Graym and called out to him
"Somethings not right about this storm." He shouted. "There's dark magic here I can feel it."
"I feel it to." Graym called. "We should get back to the city. They might be in trouble."
With a quick turn, Jayce and Graym were heading back to the tree city of Eventide.
Back in Eventide's throne room, Emrel sat talking with Finn and Hema. A storm had gathered out of no where with flashing lightning and growing winds. Finn walked to the broken window and looked out at the upper branches as they swayed in the wind.
"Don't worry" She told them. "There's never been a storm strong enough to threaten Eventide."
"But this storm ain't natural." Finn said as lightning stuck a branch high in the trees bringing it crashing down. "This be magic. I know it."
"Eventide can stand it." Emrel pulled Finn away from the window to be safe. "Come away."
"Are you sure?" Hema asked standing at her stand in her taller fairy form. "Eventide is not as strong as it was in the past. It's magic has been weakened. Maybe we should find some place safer for now."
"There's no place safer in all of Eventide. Besides, we have to wait until Jayce and Graym to get back."
"We're here." Jayce called as he and Graym dropped from a hole in the ceiling to land folding back they're wings. "Princess, Eventide is not safe. I don't think we are alone here."
"Dark Elves?" Emrel looked from Jayce to Graym for answers.
"No not Elves." Graym shook throwing water from his wings to dry them. "There's something else out there."
"Those beast?" Hema asked with a sour look. She stepped out as lightning flashed through the stormy skies. "Those things are everywhere out there."
"There be something strange about the beasties." Finn nobbled over to Emrel. "And somehow they know where ya secret room be."
"You found it?" Emrel turned to Finn surprised.
"No Lass. They found it. And they know how ta git in too."
"What?" Emrel stepped back in shock. "That's not possible. Only three sons of the Eventide can get in that room. It won't open for strangers."
"I don't know about that Lass, but I saw them in there." Finn nodded folding his arms. "Or at least one of the beast."
"I saw one too." Hema told them. "I saw him real close. They're strange things. I don't know how to describe it. Wild but if you look into it's green eyes your not scared anymore."
"Green eyes?"
"Yes." Hema nodded her head. "I felt sorrow from it, like it wanted my help with something. And there was something else."
"What?" Jayce asked.
"The one I saw had rags on." The conversation was beginning to become interesting. Emrel guided them out of the room with the hole in the roof to a place safer from the storm. Once there Emrel was eager to hear more and urged them to continue. She touched a glow stone to lighten up the room then flipped over a chair and sat down.
"What do you mean rags?" Jayce asked.
"I have seen beast of all kinds in Fay Shrea." Hema explained as she walked around pushing through the debris in the great room. "Savage wild things from all over Tagittia. Some like Cheshire and the Snowdogs very intelligent but most that live on instinct and the need to hunt for food. These things are different. They are hunched over when they walk but, I get the feeling they are not stupid beast. And they wear clothing. Rags like they were ripped and torn from their bodies. And one had on a medallion. It's strange."
"You said they have green eyes?" Emrel asked her.
"Yes." She shook her head. "Deep green. Like yours."
"What are you thinking Princess?" Jayce asked Emrel who stared out into the storm.
"I think I need to see one of these creatures up close." She answered. "Can you and Graym catch one and bring it back here?"
"I think so." Graym flexed his wings and stepped over to Jayce. "Stay with them. I can handle this alone. My darts can subdue one without getting to close. I'll bring one right back."
Once out on the balcony Graym launched himself into the stormy skies. He could hear the howling of the beast all around him. Something must have them all on edge.
With his eyes that cut through the night, Graym had no problem finding them. Below him he saw two fighting over the dead carcass of some forest animal one of them had caught. Flexing his bicep Graym readied one of his darts. Bio chemicals in his blood sent a sedative into the dart and he was ready. With a cry he startled them into a run as he quickly swooped to give chase. The two beast separated in fright taking to the trees quickly swinging away. Graym darted in keeping one close in sight. As the beast tried to make it to cover in the higher branches, Graym saw his opening and sent his dart flying. It struck the creature in the shoulder and he watched as his sedative took affect and it fell. Like a bolt he flew in as it dropped toward the ground. With open arms he caught it and pushed his wings to take him back up to the balcony and his friends. Success.
High over Eventide, Ariel flew with Adanar and Jade on her back. The storm raged heavy all round them soaking them with it's freezing rain. High on her neck, Adanar asked his sister about the strange storm that had come out of nowhere.
[It's not one of my storms.] She sent back. [I'm trying to calm it but I need to concentrate to do it.]
"Then land." The young elf said. "We're close enough to walk."
With a nod Ariel dropped down to land in a small clearing as thunder rang around them. Once Adanar and Jade were off her back, Ariel roared and began to try and clear the storm. Concentrating Ariel sent out her command to the elements of the air and sky to calm itself. The rain slowed to a lite drizzle as the clouds began to clear and the winds calmed down. Once the storm was over Ariel shifted back to her elven form and joined the others.
"It feels good to be back in Eventide." She smiled as she walked up behind Adanar with Jade sitting on the ground in front of him. As she joined them Adanar reached up and grabbed her arm.
"Somethings wrong here." He said. "She's hurt."
"No, not me." Jade looked up at the two Elves. "Eventide's in pain not me."
"What do you mean?" Ariel asked. She bent down and put a hand to Jade's forehead. She was hot to the touch. Ariel looked up and around the clearing they were in. There was no sign of any life around them. No sound coming out of the forest, not even wind in the trees.
"I feel it too." Adanar told her. "It's a strange sickly feeling. I've never felt like this in Eventide before."
I've been away from home so long I hardly feel it." She took Jade by the hand. "Can you get up? Can you walk?"
"Yes." Jade smiled. "Eventide's pain startled me for a minute. I'll be alright. We should get moving."
"I think your right." Adanar stood turned toward the forest alert. "There's something out there."
"What is it?" With Jade on her feet, Ariel joined her brother watching the forest. Suddenly strange growling echoed out from all around. As they looked in, glowing eyes appeared all around.
"I don't know." Adanar said. "The only large animals in our forest are the griffins that protect Eventide, and they would never attack one of us."
"Then what is it"
Just then the growling grew louder and something stepped out from the tress. They were large white furred beast with long arms and gashing teeth. They crept out from all around them ready to attack. Adanar pulled his Blaststone from his pocket and sent a bolt into the crowd of beast. A tree exploded as the blast hit it scattering the furred creature everywhere.
Raising her hand, Jade sent vines out to encircle many of the creatures dragging them down and wrapping all around them. With slashing claws they tore themselves free and charged at Adanar and the two Dragons. Jade through open her arms and shifted to her great dragon form and roared her challenge. Suddenly it was like the forest had come alive. Trees pulled themselves from the ground and rocks began to attack. Ariel sent lightning bolts from her finger tips at the on coming beast but still they came at them. Shifting Ariel called out to them.
[Time to go.]
Adanar ran and jumped on her back as Jade dived into the earth and disappeared from view underground. Spreading her wings Ariel leaped into the sky and was away.
[Jade can you find your way to our city?]
[I can track you from down here.] She answered. [I will follow.]
Back in the palace, Emrel and the others watched as Graym folded his wings and dropped down holding the beast he had caught. He carried it over and laid it down on a broken couch in the corner.
"Here you go." He stepped back.
Finn stood back away from the beast but Emrel and Jayce moved in for a closer look. Hema had been right. It was wearing rags of some sort. It wore what must have once been a white tunic and on it's lower parts it had on the remnants of a pair of leather pants. This thing once wore clothing. Reaching down, Emrel found what was strangest of all. A gold chain. She pulled on it and found something around back behind it. A medallion. she picked it up and held it to look at it holding her breath. It was a large oval shaped medallion with a green jade like stone with a gold work setting and chain. Emrel dropped the medallion and holding her breath. She was familiar with this piece of jewelry. She had seen it all her life. Her grandfather once wore it, then her father, then last, Evindal wore it. she reached up and pushed the long fur away from the sleeping beast face to see it better.
"Evindal?" She looked over the beast left eye and saw the scar from the day Zaor had cut her brother while sparring and knew it was him. "By the sacred trees it is you."
Just then the creatures eyes opened and it began to snarl at Emrel. She stood and cast a quick binding spell as Jayce grabbed for his sword to protect her.
"NO!!" She cried forcing him back. "You can't hurt him or any of them."
"What? Why not?"
"These are the missing people of Eventide." A tear appeared in the corner of her eye. "These are my people. This is the king of Eventide. My brother Evindal."
Wide eyed and open mouthed they all stared at Emrel and the creature she was protecting. It thrashed about trying to free itself from her invisible bonds. With a wave of her hand she cast a sleep spell on it and and sent it back to sleep.
"Talsara Darkshade did this." Graym said angrily. "Damn her black soul! She must be stopped, but how?"
"No." Emrel shook her head. "She didn't do this. She would've just killed everyone. Someone else did this."
"Who?" Graym asked. "And how do we fix it?"
"There's only one way." Emrel stood and faced them. "We have to break her spell freeing Eventide. It's the only way."
Suddenly the room filled with a sulfuric smell which began to choke everyone. Then the east wall exploded sending pieces raining down on them. Graym and Jayce dived in front of Emrel to protect her as they all looked out to see what had just happened. Floating outside the window on a cloud of brimstone they saw something that had to have escaped from one of the lower hells of the underworld. Dressed in black robes laughing, floated a demon. He had red skin with huge rams horns and what looked like sharp fangs. His laugh was like the insane cries of torture that could freeze one's soul. Jayce stepped up and pulled Salvation from it's scabbard bravely.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I am Druda Ro'sus." He bellowed. "Once second to the Dark god Abrex, lord of his own nine hell lands of the Underworld, defeated in battle by that bastard god Nestor and I am here to see that you fail and Eventide falls."
"Sent here by Talsara no doubt." Emrel stepped out from behind Jayce and Graym to show herself.
"Ahhhh Princess of Eventide." The demon smiled moving in closer to them. "I would serve no Elven queen. I serve another and my freedom is at stake here so I will not fail."
"Get back Demon!!" Graym flashed Retribution in front of him which along with Salvation began to glow with the power of vengeance. Druda shielded his eyes from the glare and moved back out of the two swords range then sent a bolt of dark magic at them. Swinging Salvation out, Jayce batted it away to crash into the ground leaving a smoky pit behind.
"Your weapons are strong." Druda smiled. "But are they strong enough to deal with them?"
From the trees all around them, white furred beast began to come screaming in for the attack. In Druda's hands a dark sword appeared as he began to laugh again.
"You!" He pointed at Jayce. "You are one of the chosen by the high god Rimnar, are you not?"
"I suppose I am." Jayce flexed his wings to their full length. The brightness of his power as an angel sent out a glow all around him. Druda hefted his sword high then ignited the blade sending flames to cover it's length.
"You die today angel!" He spit at Jayce.
"Not alone!!" Graym shouted at the Demon.
"No." Jayce reached out and grabbed Graym's shoulder. "Stay with Emrel. She can't deal with this attack with only Finn and Hema."
"No Jayce." Graym didn't like the idea of his friend fighting alone. "Shadoe's stay together like always."
"Not this time." Jayce smiled. His glow sending Graym feelings of warmth and trust. "She needs you with her. I need you with her. I can't fight him unless I know Emrel will be safe. Protect her my Brother!"
With that Jayce launched himself at Druda for the attack. Graym turned and hurried back to stand with Emrel, Hema and Finn as the horde of Eventide's dropped down around them.
It was late in the evening as the bells tolled the eighth hour. Darkshade was quiet. City guards patrolled the streets watching for trouble and the few merchants in the shops were preparing for the next day. In the palace all was still except deep down in the dungeon. There thing's were about to change for Darkshade.
Dressed in a hooded cloak, Ilyra crept carefully down to the dungeon gates where Toross Ash waited for her hiding from the guards outside the gate. As she turned the corner she saw a lone guard standing his post at the gate. She thanked the gods there was only one elf here for her to deal with. Reaching into her cloak pocket, she took out the sleeping potion she has brought with her. She poured it on a handkerchief and hid it behind her in the folds of her gown then dropped her cloak to the side. With one last look she pushed the strap of her gown off one shoulder and stepped out putting her most alluring smile on.
"Aiya Warrior." She walked on with her hips swaying. "Such a beautiful night, shame to be stuck here in all the glare of this bright place."
"Yes it is." He smiled. "And what brings the Queen's maid down to this dismal place?"
"Why you of course." Her smile brightly lit by the lighting spells that kept the dungeon lit. "I've seen you many times in the palace and just couldn't find anywhere else where we could talk without all the others around. I guessed you wouldn't mind the company."
"I don't mind." He stepped up away from the gate. "But this is hardly the place for romance."
"Romance can happen in the strangest places Imsada." Ilyra laughed. "That is if that is your wish?"
"Indeed it can fair one." He reached for her placing his hands on her hips pulling her closer. "And you are my wish. You perfume sends my head spinning."
"Like it?" Ilyra slyly reached behind her for handkerchief. "My scent is powerful. It'll knock you out of your senses. Smell."
She placed it to his face and he took a deep breath.
"Magnificent." Suddenly a blank look appeared and his knees grew weak. His eyes rolled back and he fell to the floor his armor and weapon making a crashing noise. Ilyra bent down and rummaged through his armor until she found the gate key then hurried to the door. As she reached it, Toross appeared waving her on. Quickly she opened the door for Toross. He pushed pass and grabbed the guard and dragged him in to hide him then took the keys and closed the door.
"Which way?"
Toross moaned and urged her to follow and limped off into the brightly lit halls. After a few twists and turns Toross led her to a cell at the end of a hall. Ilyra stepped to the door and looked in. There she found a long haired elf sitting quietly on his straw bed in a dark cell.
"Kel Orama?"
Kel turned getting up from his seated position. He stretch feeling the strength of the darkness spread through him. It felt good, he had been so weak for so long. Kel walked to the door to see who had called him.
"I remember you." He stared out at Ilyra. "Your one of Talsara's bitches. You helped her put us in here. Because of you, Liat is dead."
"Yes." Ilyra looked at Kel ashamed of what she had done. But it was time she righted her wrongs. "I did Talsara's bidding in the past. I still serve as one of her first maids but I will do her dirty work no more. I'm here to help undo some of the thing's I helped her do in the past just as Toross did. Together with your help maybe we can stop her and bring honor back to Darkshade. The question is, will you help us?"
Kel thought on the past and all the pain Talsara had caused in Darkshade. This Ilyra was right about one thing. Since the old Queens death Darkshade had become a terrible place to live. No one had trust for anyone anymore. There was a time when honor meant something in Darkshade. But that was long ago
"Do you understand what you are saying?" Kel looked both Ilyra and Toross in the eyes sternly. "What would have to happen to make Darkshade honorable again?"
"Yes." Ilyra nodded her head. "The Queen must die."
"Then free me and lets be on with it."
Ilyra passed the key to Toross who took it and opened the door. He handed Kel a burlap bag and pushed him out the cell door slamming it shut. Kel looked back in as the torches again flared into life. Toross was now trapped in the cell Kel had lived in for so long. Kel reached for the key to open it then realized Toross still had it.
"You don't have to do this." Kel whispered. "They will kill you when they find you."
"Ya." Toross mumbled trying so hard just to utter the words from his tongue less mouth. "Go!"
Kel reached in and grasped his old enemies hand. "Diola lle mellonamin."
Toross smiled and shook then went to the bed and covered himself with the ragged blanket so no one could recognize him.
"Quickly." Ilyra urged Kel. "In the sack you will find one of Toross cloak. Put it on. You will have to limp and moan as he did while you move about down here."
"Fine." Kel pulled the cloak from the sack and donned it. "Just show me where I can find Rom in this damned place."
"I know nothing of any Rom." Ilyra told him. "And I can go no further but there is another here you must find and get free."
"Who?" Kel asked suspiciously. He looked at Ilyra thinking this might be a trap after all. Ilyra looked around then saw the look of distrust on Kel's face and pulled him into a corner.
"What reason would I have to betray you now?" She whispered. "We want your help. If we didn't need you, you would still be in that brightly lit cell of yours. You have to trust us."
"Who's us?" Kel asked.
"You will find out soon enough, now go." She pulled her hood up to her head and turned back to the entrance. "The one your looking for is in Talsara's private dungeon. Don't talk, the cloak is charmed so you will look like Toross. Once you free the one you seek, help to get out will find you."
"Where are you going?" Kel asked.
"Back to the palace before I am missed." Ilyra bowed to Kel. "Quel marth ohtar."
Quickly she hurried off down the corridor her cloak flowing behind her. Kel watched as she disappeared then bent over and remembered Toross's limp and moved of towards the tower where Talsara's greatest threats were being held.
Screams filled her mind as Talsara battled monstrous dragons that dipped and dived from the skies. Huge red, gold and blue shaded beast flew in sending blasts of ice snow and electricity at her. Bellowing out her anger Talsara fought back using the magic she had stolen from all the lands she conquered. Elves dressed in the forest green of Eventide elves charged out firing arrows and using forest magic against her. Vines crept out to grab and drag her down directed by Dasyra, Queen of the Eventides. With her hands glowing with power Talsara called out to her Generals and spies to aid her in the fight. Taren Ender on Terror dropped out of the sky and charge in sending Terror's flames into the ranks of the elves riding down on his Queen. Howling with madness, General Seith and his horde of Were Elves attacked slashing into the Dragons bringing their King Rage down and ripping into him.
Leaping out in rage to rescue his mate, Jandar Tyr holding his silver staff screamed out spells that sent bolt of arcane energy at the General and his savage troops. As Talsara jumped down to join, Ariel and Shine streaked down out of the clouds sending bolts of lightning crashing down into the ground in front of her. As she leaped about, a shadow swooped down and engulfed her. She had no idea who was attacking until two faces slowly emerged from the darkness. It was the faces of Elan and Aron laughing as they raised their swords to end her life. As they stabbed down Talsara woke up with a scream. She sat up in bed breathing heavy as she quickly looked around for the next attack. Relief poured over her as she realize it was just a dream and she was safe alone in her tent. Suddenly laughter rang out from all around her. Talsara jumped up from her bed ready to fight.
[Was it a dream evil one] She heard. [Or was it your future and your end? Your time is coming Queen of the Darkshades, your end is near!]
[We shall see.] The voice calmly faded away into the night leaving Talsara with a cold feeling in her heart. She reach for her robe and put it on then sent a spark into the lantern to light up her tent. She thought about the faces in her dream. How her own son and that saurar he calls a mate attacked her. The time had come. They both had to died and the time was now.
With the sound of a sudden pop, Talsara turned to find the ugly little Imp Aesis standing on her desk bowing to her.
"You called my Queen?"
"Yes." She went to her desk and sat down. "I want them dead. Both of them. I want them dead now!!"
"Who my Queen?" He asked.
"Elan and the sick thing in my tower Aron." Her voice was so full of anger. "I am going home now. Find Elan and bring him home. He is to watch as his mate dyes then he will follow him into the Underworld. Go now, find him and bring him to me."
"Your wish is my command." Aesis smiled then disappeared to carry out his mission.
[Taren Ender.] She sent out.
[Yes my Queen.]
[I have a job for you and the Ice Queen.]
As Jayce spread his wings and took to the sky, he held Salvation out before him glowing. The sound of Druda's laugh echoed through the trees as he rose up to meet him.
"You think your blade would scare me?" Druda snickered at him. "I feel it's power and I'm not intimidated by it."
"You should be." Jayce called. "Salvation is the avenger of all the wronged on Keanna. It's made of something that certainly will put an end to your darkness. I don't think your going to like its touch."
"We shall see Angel." In a flash Druda rushed at Jayce with his dark flaming blade raised. In seconds they met in the sky with sparks flying as the two swords met. Salvation met the swing and countered with a slash at Druda's chest. Quickly moving out of the way, Druda came in with an attack of his own at Jayce's shoulder. Sensing his move Jayce blocked and struck out with a fist that connected with the Demons jaw. Howling in pain Druda sent his flames out to burn Jayce. Bringing Salvation up he blocked the flames and sent them to the side missing him. Slapping down, Salvation made it's first contact with Druda's flesh. A sizzling sound and smoke appeared from the wound. Druda pulled back in fear realizing this was not just any sword.
"Do you like Salvation's kiss Demon?"
"Pain is not my enemy Angel." Druda yelled to him. "I live with pain every minute. Let us see how you like my swords kiss."
Flowing in, Druda faked a swipe at Jayce's head the spun around and bashed him in the back with the flat of his blade. Feathers flew as Jayce was caught for a second. Grinning Druda stabbed at him for the kill. Salvation whipped through the air parring each strike Druda sent at him. The flames of Druda's blade burn Jayce each time it came close to his flesh, but Jayce gave no sign he felt any pain. He held his ground returning the Demons strikes blow for blow.
The battle raged on and on between the two combatants with neither showing any sign of being tired. But it was just a show. Both blades were heavy and Druda wasn't sure how much longer he could keep up the pace. Sooner or later he could miss a step and Salvation would then burn it's way through his demonic body. He had to think of a way to end the fight in his favor and soon.
Below on the walkways of Eventide, one after the other the beast men of Eventide attacked. Like the wild creatures they had become they howled and pounded their chest snarling as they leaped in to attack. Using his best speed, Finn's shillelagh smashed and beat the creatures as he zipped along the walkway staying as close as he could to Emrel. Hema, small as she was flew brightly about zapping stun blast at the creature while Graym stood with Emrel beating back any that came near her.
"Don't hurt them!!" Emrel called to her friends. "These are innocent Elves being forced to fight against their wills!"
Taking her cue from Hema, she used stuns to keep them back and not to hurt any of them. But for how long could they keep this up? Sooner or later someone was going to grow tired and one of the beast men might just slip in and catch one of them. Then Finn, Hema or Graym would be fighting for there life and then there would be no mercy.
As the fighting continued, Druda and Jayce's duel began to light the sky. Druda seemed to be becoming desperate. While dueling with his sword he screamed out spells, energy bolts flying at Jayce. Salvation moved like lightning blocking stabs and slashes while defecting Druda's spells at the same time. Jayce fought so hard his concentrating had him glowing brightly with power. Druda knew he was losing this battle. His only chance was to distract Jayce and find a way to either escape or defeat him quickly.
Druda looked down for a second and saw the beautiful Emrel fighting off the white furred creatures Druda possessed. And idea came to him. She was the answer. While still fighting, Druda sent them a command. They were to come in for a massive attack and kill the elven Princess.
All of a sudden the fighting in the trees stopped and the beast men went silent and turned toward Emrel. Graym looked out and saw all the eyes turned toward them. He knew something had changed. They ignored as they turned on the elven princess.
"JAYCE!!!" Graym yelled as he increased his fighting and Retribution beat back the beast as fast as it could then turned for the next.
Jayce turned and saw the beast rush in at Graym and Emrel but he had his hands full with Druda. Druda smiled at his evilly.
"Your choice." He growl. "Fight me or save your friends. You have seconds to decide. Which will it be?"
"We will meet again Druda." Jayce scowled at him as his wings backed him away. "And it will be for the last time I promise."
"KILL THEM ALL!!!" Druda shouted then disappeared in a cloud of ash and black smoke.
Horrified, Jayce dived down to join in the battle. Hema flew high out of reach over the beast blasting down, her blast having no effect at all. She was using so much magic you could see her glow becoming dimmer. Finn beat furiously at the rear of the pack. But he couldn't get their attention no matter how hard he beat at them. Graym fought recklessly. He would beat down one beast then engage the next, fighting up to three at a time. He had no time to see what the others were doing. All he had in his mind was doing what Jayce had asked. Protect Emrel.
As Retribution flashed, hands grabbed Graym bringing him down. He fought intensely, but there were to many for him to fight alone.
Seeing Graym fall, thoughts of Rose and Graym's family flashed through Jayce's mind. Since they had met, Graym had become as close to him as Jandar, Tof or Ono. He was like a brother and there was no way in the world he would let a brother fall if he could help it.
Like the angel he was, Jayce flew down to hover over the pack that covered Graym. He raised Salvation over his head and pushed with all his power and sent out a blinding hot glow all around himself. The beast all howled and leaped away from Graym back into the trees and over the walkway. Reaching down he pulled Graym up and shook him awake.
"Are you OK?"
"Yeah." He smiled. "Where's Emrel?"
Jayce looked around but she was nowhere to be found. She was gone.
"UT OH."
From deep underground, Jade flowed along through the rock and soil of Eventide cherishing the freedom of solid warm soil again. She had been so long in the cold north, it was a pleasure swimming in the south again. As she moved she began to feel something strange. Something about this land was wrong. It felt sick to her. Like it's life was draining away. But this was Elven land and it should be being sustained by magic. With her earth powers she reached out to the plant lying round her and felt the pain and agony it was in. It's magic was low. But that's impossible she thought. The Eventide's were forest elves. Their lives were connected to the forest they lived in and worshiped.
[Ariel.] She sent out. [Eventide is very sick. Did you know?]
[What do you mean?]
[Someones corrupting the land.] Jade explained. [Stealing the magic it survives on.]
[But who could...?] Ariel thought about what Jade had told for a second. Who hated Eventide enough and had the power to do this? She could think of only one person.
[Talsara Darkshade.] Adanar cut in. [Who else would do such a thing to us.]
[Of course.] Thunder cracked over head from Ariel's anger. [We have to hurry. If Eventide is in this much pain, Evindal has to be in desperate trouble. Jade, is there anything you can do?"]
[I'm old.] Jade explained. [With age comes strength and power for our kind. I can keep the spell from doing anymore damage but I don't know for how long or what it might do to me. But I promise to keep Eventide strong for as long as I can. I will dive deep under Eventide and keep its heart beating.]
[Thank you Lady Jade.] Ariel sent out the the elder Earth dragon. [You are truly the Araegisess of Eventide.]
The tree city of Eventide was just over the ridge ahead. From where they were, Ariel and Adanar both knew that both Evindal should be able to hear and feel them by now. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't feel anyone in the city. Worried, Ariel poured on the speed.
Once the city was in view, she roared to announce her presence then flew high to the royal level of the city. From where they were, both Adanar and Ariel could see the city in ruins. Broken walkways and tree limbs and whole branch apartments had been torn down. Adanar took a deep breath in shock looking at the devastated city.
As Ariel dropped down to one o the royal balconies, Adanar jumped off and ran into the Palace.
"Evindal!" He searched the throne room and found nothing. Just as he was about to leave, Ariel came in.
"Wait Adanar." Ariel called out to so him. "We don't know who might be here or what to expect. We have to be careful."
Adanar stopped and reached in his pocket for his Blaststone. "Whatever's here is about to have a really bad day."
"Slow down young elf." A voice came from out in the hall. "Right now there's no enemies here. Just friends."
Adanar turned to the door and Jayce and Jayce and Graym walked in. Ariel smiled and ran and threw her arms around the pair hugging them.
"Jayce, Graym! I'm glad to see you." Relieved to find friends she released them. "What goes on here? Where's my family?"
"We have a lot to tell you." Graym told them. "And your not going to like any of it."
In the dimly lit halls, Kel lurched slowly through the passages. He passed many guards who cursed and kicked at him to bully the caretaker of the dungeon. Kel knew he was now strong enough to beat them all down, but he dare not. To fight back would give him away. His only chance to escape was for them to believe he was the disgraced Toross fumbling about his business.
At the foot of the staircase up into the tower, Kel stopped and looked up. It would be a long climb to the upper most cells of the tower. Kel hoped whoever it was he had to rescue had another way out because they would never make it back through the dungeons.
As he started to climb, he wondered who could be up there. It couldn't be Rom. They were not important enough to rank Talsara's infamous tower prison. It had to be someone really important like a king or prince that had angered her. Maybe a rival mage who had the power to defeat her. That would be just what he needed.
With no one on the stairs watching Kel quickened his pace. He began to take the steps two at a time. He wanted the long climb over. He was eager to get up and away from this hellish place. Once he was close to the top he slowed back down before the guard at the top of the stairs saw him.
"What do you want Dinaer?"The guard frowned down at Kel as he topped the staircase. Kel pointed at the door with a grunt. Toross was responsible for the feeding of the prisoners in the tower, but it wasn't feeding time. The guard looked at him as if he was waiting for an answer.
"Ullllllfh." He moaned again pointing.
"Oh very well if you must." Aggravated he fit the key to the door and pulled it open. Kel limped up to go in and the guard kicked him. He fell forward and looked back as the guard laughed at him,. It took all of Kel's will not to jump up and throttle the elf. Slowly he stood and rubbed his sore rump and moved on cursing under his breath.
Just like in the lower dungeons, the halls were dimly lit. But all the cell had bright light blazing from the windows in the cell doors. Once the guard had shut the door behind him, Kel moved on. He had no idea who it was he was here to find nor any idea how to find them. Rats peeked out and watched as he made his way down the halls.He stopped at a cell and peeked inside. Inside he saw a cell much like the one he had been held in but in the corner sat a old dark elf. He had long scraggly grayish hair and he was naked. Kel could see scars all over his body much like his own. He was very thin and babbling to himself as he tossed a pair of stones at the wall. He had over his years here fashioned a pair a pair of dice out of two stones. As Kel watched, the elf turned and looked up at him and grinned.
"Ahhhh Toross." He said then cocked his head. "But not Toross. Who do you seek up here stranger?"
Kel's eyes opened wide as he realized what the elf had said. He knew he wasn't the mute caretaker. That's not possible!
"All is possible." Again he threw the dice and studied the numbers that he rolled. "A Darkshade warrior I see. You also have been prisoner in this dungeon. You are looking for someone."
"Yes." Kel whispered. "Who are you and how do you know?"
"I was once king of this land." The elf stood and walked to the door of his cell. "I am King Rhys Caesa Darkshade, husband to Caline and father to Talsara. I bide you welcome Kel Orama to my private hell."
Shock filled Kel's mind as he realized who he was talking to. It really was the old king of Darkshade. He had disappeared the same night Queen Caline had died. Everyone had been told Liat had taken him away and killed him. Kel and Rom had known it wasn't true but with no clues as to what had really happened, no one had really searched for him. And here he was in the one place everyone should have guessed he would be.
"You are the one I'm here to find." Kel fumbled for the keys at his side to unlock the door and free the old king. "I must get you out of here."
"No!" King Rhys said softly. "It's to late for me. I'm not who your here for."
"But your Majesty. With you free, we can expose Talsara for all her evil deeds."
"I will never live to be free of this place." He smiled and reached through the cell window to touch Kel. "I would only slow you down and get you caught. But there's another you must free. His freedom will free us all."
"I don't understand." Kel wanted to break down the door and carry him out. "How do you know this? You've been locked away longer them me. What magic is this?"
"The dice tell me everything." He opened his hand to show Kel this dice. They were perfect cubes square shaped with dark red dots for numbers. Kel knew they were marked with his blood. "Take them. When you need help just asked the dice, they will help you see the truth."
Kel opened his hand as his king dropped them into his palm, "Now go. Find Aron Neveral. Hurry, the guards will be here soon."
"I will return for you Sire." With a last look, Kel was off on his quest for his king. He had failed both Liat and Rom once. But this time he swore an oath to his friends and his king, he would not fail this time.
Licking his wounds Druda sat in the dark shade of his altar and thought over his encounter in the Elven city. The angel had almost gotten the best of him and destroyed him with that damned sword of his. If he was to take them, he would need something more. The beast men of Eventide weren't enough. He would need something just as evil as he was. Something he could control absolutely. Something dark like him.
Druda stood and conjured a door into a secret hell very few knew about. Then he called out and began to laugh as his hell came into Eventide.
As Kel made his way through the halls of Darkshade Tower, General Sylvar Rhone stepped through the gates and entered the dungeons. He was in a foul mood. Queen Talsara had ordered him to attend her for new orders. Captain Rhone hated visits to the palace. Talsara always had some crazy outrageous orders for him that he never thought made any sense. But being the loyal subject he was, any order she gave was like it had come from the gods above and tonight's wasn't any different. With most of her army out in the field, Talsara was worried about trouble coming from inside Darkshade. Her spies had been sending her reports lately of dissatisfaction among the nobles and peasants of Darkshade. This wouldn't do. She had ordered him to tighten all security all through Darkshade and to kill a prisoner. Some light elf she had recently imprisoned here for what she called crimes against Darkshade. More like someone that could help free Darkshade from her evil clutches. But to him, that meant nothing but the lost of all he had and the destruction of his family name. Rhone was one of the oldest most loyal of all Darkshade families. He would die before he allowed it to be blackened. That meant whoever this elf was, he had to die tonight.
His thoughts went back to the of Talsara's ascension. She had called him and had him meet her in her private villa on the shore of the river Drannor. He was to wear dark clothing and ride a unfamiliar horse for she didn't want anyone to recognize him. Once he arrived, Ilyra met him and took him in to meet the Princess.
In a dark room Princess Talsara sat alone dressed in plain long pants and the tunic and the cloak of a peasant. Sylvar then a strong warrior in her household guard bowed before his princess. Talsara ordered him to rise and face her.
"Sylvar." She sat forward in her chair. "I have called you here for a special mission. But first I have questions you must answer. Your future depends on your answers.Do you understand?"
"Yes Princess." He bowed again.
"Who do you serve?" She asked.
"I serve you Princess Talsara."
"You serve me or the house of Darkshade?"
"You are the house of Darkshade." Sylvar answered smartly. "You are the future of Darkshade. The one that will make Darkshade a mighty nation above all."
"And if I ask you to do something some would call treason?" She asked grimly. "What then? Will you obey my orders?"
"As I said. I serve you my Queen. I am your loyal servant always. What are your orders my Queen?"
Talsara smiled and reached to the table at her side and took a key from the table. She stood and stepped down to Sylvar.
"This is the key to a hidden door into the palace."She explained. "Ilyra will show you where you will find it."
"What am I to do my queen?"
"You are to find my father, King Rhys and bring him to the tower." Talsara looked Sylvar in his eyes for his reaction. "I want him locked away where no one will ever find him. If you follow my orders you will be rewarded with a high station and rank in my order. Do you accept?"
"Your wish." He bowed before his queen. "Is my command."
That night terrible things happened in the land of Darkshade. Queen Caline was murdered in her room and King Rhys vanished in the night. Liat Caldas was caught and blamed for the Queen's murder and Talsara became the Queen of Darkshade. All of Caline's advisors were jailed in the dungeon to never be seen again. Kel and Rom were caught and hidden away in the dungeon as accomplices to the Queens murder and Hasmira disappeared after swearing her revenge on all of Darkshade.
From that day on Darkshade become a completely different place. It's neighbors distanced themselves from Darkshade breaking all alliances of old giving Talsara reason to invade and conquer anywhere she wanted. Elven lands would never again be the same and there was only one thing that could stop her.
That night Dasyra and Tanyl Eventide who had been visiting in Darkshade fled in the night for home. They both knew dark days were ahead but neither knew just how much Eventide would be involved. After Hasmia's prophetic prediction to Queen Talsara, she vanished to appear in the guest room of the king and queen of the Eventides. Dasyra had been the only one there, sitting looking beautiful dressing for her appointment to see the king and queen. Sensing she was not alone Dasyra stood and turned to find Hasmira behind her bowing.
"Forgive the intrusion Majesty." Hasmira stepped forward. "But we must speak. It is urgent."
"Who are you?" Dasyra placed her brush back on her dressing table and gestured for Hasmira to have a seat.
"We don't have very much time." She said. "I am Hasmira Caldas."
"I know of you." Dasyra turned her chair and sat facing the elder woman. "Queen Caline spoke highly of you as a friend. What can I do for you?"
"You must leave here tonight." Hasmira sat on the edge of the great bed in the room. "You and your family are in grave danger here. There is a lot you must know but right now I do not have the time to tell you. You must trust me in this. Darkshade is the enemy of Eventide and one day Talsara will do all in her power to destroy everyone in your land."
"Why?" Dasyra asked horrified.
With that, Hasmira told her of Queen Caline's death and her sons hanging. She begged her to take her husband and leave this dark land. Dasyra didn't really know Hasmira but Queen Caline did trust her. And if Caline could trust her, so could she. Dasyra promised they would be leaving right away.
Standing and stepping back, Hasmira told Dasyra of her prophesy and one last piece of information. She told Dasyra she was with child and that the child should be hidden to keep it safe.
"Your child must live for the lives of both Eventide and Darkshade will depend on it. Protect the seventh."
Then she was gone.
Cold and numb, Valkar Zlenka stood frozen encased in a huge block of crystal. He wasn't sure where he was, but he knew how he had gotten here. Last thing he remembered was the reception party they had held in Prafa for him and that turncoat Tomaz Acros. It was him that had caused all this. Him and that bastard in Winterhaven Tayor Larin. Damned evil bastard. After all the years he had been a loyal ally of Winterhaven. He had even had Tayor's son Tabor and his mates in to visit Vasagi and study Vampire lore. Thank Azeal and his suspicions he had had them chaperoned. There was no doubt in his mind now that they were there on a spying mission. Gathering all the information they could about the city. It's exits and entrances. What were it's magical defenses.
He should have known the dark bastard was up to something from all the questions Azeal had said Tabor asked. Thank Rimnar Azeal was no fool and had wrapped up the visit quickly.
But now here he was trapped with no way to get out. He had been trying for days to reach Azeal with no success. He couldn't feel him no matter how hard he tried. He wondered where the boy was and how it was he couldn't feel his mind out there anywhere. Next he tried Jandar and Rage. Still nothing. Next he sent out his thoughts to try and contact Tof in Tir Na. Nothing. It was like his mind hit a wall right after his thoughts went out.
For days he racked his mind for answers. He couldn't move, couldn't use his magic to shift and no one he tried answered. What should he do? Who could he try next? Arturus would be unless, They had to have him somewhere, probably close by in a block just like this one. Who did that leave? Tovar? Sting? Then a thought hit him. There was someone who's mind should be powerful enough for him to reach. Athene. Of course. Athene Gaelich!!!
Deep in a sound sleep, Athene Gaelich lay her mind guarded strongly from all intrusions from Lord Larin and his minions. She knew here in Prafa he had people probing the minds of the people while that slept. It was her job to shield those there in the house with her.
Then out of no where something reached out to touch her mind. It felt familiar to her but vague.
She didn't answer unsure of who it was. It could be Lord Larin and a trap for anyone in Prafa. Then she felt it again.
[Your Majesty?] She jumped up in bed awake. [ I hear you. Where are you?]
[Thank Rimnar!] She could feel his relief and recognized the feel of his mind. [I don't know. Somewhere near Prafa I think.]
[Are you hurt?]
[No.] He answered. [I'm trapped in some kind of glassine material. I can't move. I just woke up here. What is going on?]
[Yadessa has been invaded by Lord Larin of Winteraven.] She explained. [Him and Talsara Darkshade are out to conquer all of Taggitia. Talsara has overwhelmed all of the Elven and Dwarven land and the rest of the south while Tayor Larin has taken the north.]
[What of the Dragons?] He asked. [Aren't they on top of this?]
[I'm sorry your majesty but there aren't many Dragons wake to fight. They used the same spell that caught you and somehow put them to sleep. Jandar and Rage are awake and a few others.]
[And Azeal?] He asked. Athene could hear the worry in his voice. [I sent him and Tanis to Winterhaven before all this started. Tell me they are safe in Tir Na or with Jandar.]
Athene got quiet for a minute. She didn't know how to tell him that both Azeal and Tanis had disappeared with the Academy. Maybe she could change the subject and get his mind more on escape.
[Valkar.] Athene jumped up out of bed and put on a pair of black leather pants with a dark long sleeved shirt. [I may be about to find you if you can keep concentrating. I won't be able to send to you but with a little luck I can receive and keep Tayors minders from reading you.]
[I can keep sending but I've never been very good at mind shields. Cutter tried teaching me but I never understood his techniques.]
[Let me worry about that.] Dressing quickly, Athene left her room and crossed to the room on the opposite side and knocked. "Adam get up, we have work to do!"
Dressed in short thin linen pants and no top, Adam opened his door rubbing his eyes. His brown hair was ruffled from sleep. He blinked a little annoyed at being roused.
"What is it?"
"I think I might have a way to find Valkar but we have to go now."
Adam shook his head to clear his thoughts. Did she just say what he thought she did?
"You what?" He was awake now. "How?"
"I'll tell you about it on the way." She smiled as she scanned his naked chest. "Get dressed and get Lucian from the perch on the roof. We're out of here."
Imsada is Elven for Handsome.
ReplyDeleteDiola lle mellonamin. - Thank you my friend.
ReplyDeleteQul Marth. -Good luck.
Dinaer. - Silent one.
Saurar. - Foul one.
Druda attacks Eventide. Ariel,Adanar and Jade enter the elven city. King Rhys in introduced. Kel is freed from his cell. Dasyra gets the warning to hide Aron.
ReplyDeleteAraegisess. = The Great Protector.