" Who?" Asked Lucian Petri beside her. Lucian had been sent by the vampires of Yadessa to help find their king and free Prafa.
" She's my uncles butlers daughter. We should help her."
" We can't." Adam held on to her. " If we do, they will know we're not like the others. We have to get back to Luther's old blacksmith shop. It's the only safe place in Prafa to hide."
" Hide?" Athene looked up into Adams eyes confused. " We should go to the main house and find Valkar and uncle. They could be in danger."
" Just the three of us?" He looked up ahead as they passed two guards watching them shuffle past slowly. Once they passed them and were beyond their hearing he finished his explanation. " What do we do about all these invaders? Do you have a spell that can fix all this?"
Athene started to protest but realized the truth of what he was saying and shook her head no.
" I didn't think so." He said. " We're here to learn just what's going on here and how we can stop it. We can't do it if we're captured and put under the same spell everyone else is under. First we get somewhere safe then we have to figure out just what the spell is and how to break it. You have any ideas?"
" I might." She said. " We need someone under the spell so I can see if I can unravel it's magic. There's Luther's old place ahead."
As they slowly got close to the shop they noticed the guards at the corner on the street in front of the empty shop. Lucian looked over to Adam as if to ask what now.
" How are we getting past them?" He asked nodding toward the guards.
" I don't know." Adam whispered slowing down to let others pass them. " We have to distract them or get them to move."
The four vampires on guard watch the street whispering to each other as the crowd moved along. Suddenly one guard pointed down the street and shouted something to his companions. Three of the guards took to their heels and ran down the street after whatever their captain had given them orders to chase. The captain walked out to the street to stand watching just beyond Athene, Adam and Lucian.
" If you hurry you can get in before they get back." He whispered. " Hurry, they won't find anything and won't be gone long."
" Who are you?" Adam asked stunned.
" Loyal to my king." He said. " Now go! I'll be in to see you later."
Looking around to be sure no more guards were there to see them the three hurried to the back of the shop and made their way in to safety. Athene and Adam knew the house from earlier days in Prafa and knew Luther once had certain places where he had hidden Lady Angela from her husband Balthazar Gaelich. They found that room still intact and settled down to talk.
" Who was that?" Lucian asked.
" One of us I hope." Adam told them. " It looks like we may not be so alone here."
" Good." Athene smiled. " We're going to need all the help we can get if we're going to free Valkar and Prafa."
" What should we be doing first?" Lucian asked.
" That depends on our new friend." Athene sat down after taking off her cloak. " We need to get to someone with some powerful magic. Someone that can help break the spell."
Dressed in the colors of Remus, Aggar moved along the halls of the house of Thorn on his nightly patrol. He checked each door on his floor. If it was unlocked. he was to check to and see if was occupied. If light burned in the room he would knock to see who was using the room. Security here in Remus was high. Raf trusted no one. His new master wouldn't let him. At all times Seith Halador, a dark elf seemed to be at his side whispering in his ear. Aggar knew he was the real power in Remus. Obviously one of Talsara Darkshades men sent by her to control Raf. Aggar wondered how Talsara and Tayor managed to make an alliance. Just what brought those two power mad fiends together. Aggar didn't know that much about Talsara, but he did know Tayor Larin and his history in Winterhaven. He knew of all his plots to overthrow the council in the past with only Insa there to stop him. But now it seems his plot had worked and he had taken the city. But he didn't stopping there. With the help of the dark queen together they had taken a large part of the northern continent and Aggar wasn't sure they had enough power to stop them. But for all of Keanna, they would try.
It was very quiet as he made his rounds in the Thorn home. He went from room to room checking each door and finding most of them empty or locked. He stopped at one room seeing a light burning from under the door and listened. He heard voices inside. It was Seith the dark elf and someone else he didn't recognized.
" You tell your lord the city is ours." The dark elf said. " Baron Thorn is no longer a problem. He is dead."
Shock ran through Aggar as he listened. The bastards had killed Baron Thorn. He wondered what Raf's involvement in his fathers death was. Had he been the one to kill him? Keya will be so upset when she hears the news. Aggar listened on.
" What next?" Seith asked.
" Lord Larin wants you to move on Yadessa." He heard. " Since your closer to Vasagi then our forces in Prafa, it falls on you to take the city."
" I understand." Seith said. " What of Raf? How long must I put up with him?"
" You can kill him once he is no longer of any use to us." The voice said. " But not before. Have him lead his dogs into Vasagi. That way the Werewolves will be blamed for the invasion. It will cause descention in the ranks of those that oppose us."
" What of the Wolves Lair?" Seith asked. " When do I attack them?"
" You don't." The voice said. " Sarella will take care of the Werewolf capital. You just get us the Vampires. When will you be ready to move?"
" Two days and I will have Raf and his men at the castle." He heard. " With a little luck, Raf will fall in the battle.
" Be quick then." The voice said. " My lord and the queen are anxious to finish this and move on to the southern continent. Then the rest of Keanna."
" But what of the dragons?" Seith asked. " Sooner or later they will join the others against us."
" Lord Larin says he has taken care of them." He heard. " They won't be bothering us."
" It would be wise not to count the most powerful entities on Keanna out." Seith said. " Polan did and look what happened to him. You tell Lord Larin and Talsara Darkshade to never underestimate the dragons of Keanna. They will be back. We should be ready. You of all should know this."
For a few seconds neither of the two in the room spoke. Aggar stained to hear any sound from the room.
" Perhaps your right." Aggar heard someone move closer to the door. " Something will be done."
Aggar had heard enough. Quickly he walked away before anyone in the room could exit the room and catch him listening in. Tof would need to hear about what he had just heard. He had to find a quiet place where he could message back to Tof and report. Who was Seith talking to Aggar wondered. And what did he mean when he said he should know? Then there was Raf. It seemed they planned to use him as a sacrifice. Aggar knew what that could mean. It could possibly start the Werewolf Vampire war all over again if a werewolves were to attack a vampire city again. This was all way beyond what Aggar could do alone. He would need help here and fast.
[ Where are we going?] Ariel asked as she and Insa soared over the far mountains of frigid Kensor. On her back wrapped snugly in furs rode her brother Adanar keeping warm from her body heat.
[ To find someone.] Insa sent. [ Or I should say someones.]
[ I don't understand.] Adanar sent as his breath blow out stream. [ Who could live way up here?]
[ There are people here brother.] She answered. [ We have allies way up this far. I just don't understand how the people of Torcin can help us.]
[ We're not looking for Torcin.] Insa sent to them. [ But we do seek friends here. Friends like us.]
Ariel didn't understand who he was talking about but she trusted the smoke dragon so she stayed on his wing. Below them she saw the great mountains of Kensor. She remembered her last visit north when they meet young Xander and his brother Drew in the ice city of Torcin. She wonder how they were doing in Torcin. Had the Kensi come back? Was the city even there any longer?
[ Yes.] Insa sent to her. [ Torcin is safe. Xander and Drew are fine though we won't have time to visit just now.]
[ Insa.] She sent. [ Who are we looking for here?]
[ Let's just say an old friend for now.] Insa flew in closer. [ But we should hurry. We can't stay away to long.]
Together the two dragons dropped lower to search. they looked at every hill and valley. They searched caves and crevasses but found nothing. The weather was growing, changing for the worst which wouldn't have much affect on the dragons but Adanar wouldn't do to well in the oncoming blizzard.
[ I'm fine sister.] He said reassuring her. [ We should go on searching.]
[ No.] Insa sent back. [ This storm could last for days. You can't stay out in this weather.]
[ Then change it.] Adanar smiled. [ You are a weather dragon are you not?]
[ Yes I am.] She answered. [ But you don't understand how weather works. Yes I can change or stop this storm. But if I do, it will come back a hundred times worst and there are cities up here that would suffer under the storm. It would be better to let the storm run it's natural course.]
[ Then we return south?]
[ No.] Insa sent. [ You get to meet Xander and visit Torcin while we go on searching. With some luck, it won't that us that long and we can go back home.]
Ariel looked up at the grey clouds filling the skies as they turned west. Her magic gave her a feel of the temperatures and air pressures in the area and something felt strange about this storm. Like it wasn't so natural after all.
[ There!] Insa sent. [ That's the glacier Torcin is built into. Follow me down.]
Spiraling down the two dragon dropped down to land on the ice plane not far from the cliff. Adanar climbed off Ariel's back then Insa roared to let the people of Torcin know they had dragon visitors. After shifting back to human they all walked to the entrance to the ice city. Adanar was amazed at the beauty of the ice cravings and all the beautiful art shown in the halls of the entry way. Being of the forest of the southern part of the northern continent, Adanar had seen snow before. In fact every winter, but not like here. He had never seen anything like this before. It seemed so alien. There was no trees or grass. No flowers, not ever weeds grew here. This bothered Adanar very much. Kensor looked beautiful in white, but it was also dead with no life coming from the ground. This was not the place for a forest elf.
As they stopped before a wall at the end of the hall, the floor began to vibrate. Ariel smiled. Being the only one of the trio that had been in Torcin before. She know just what the vibrations were. Insa and Adanar looked around in wonder as the wall opened and Xander, now six feet stepped out dressed in a heavy hooded coat smiling.
" ARIEL!!!" He ran over and hugged her. " It's good to see you!"
" Look at you Xander." She laughed holding on to him. " You've grown so much! How have you been?"
" I'm nineteen now and keeper of the Snowdogs." He held her hands as they talked. " Viggo will be happy to see you. Who are your friends?"
" This." She indicated to her left. " Is Insa the smoke dragon. Headmaster of the Andrake Academy and once leader of the Winterhaven Council."
" Pleased to meet you." Xander extended his hand and shook hands with Insa.
" Pleased to meet you to." Insa smiled." It's rather beautiful here."
" This." Ariel pushed Adanar forward. " Is my brother. Prince Adanar Jahaan Tsaer Eventide. He's why we're here."
" Welcome both of you to Torcin." Xander shook Adanar's hand gripping his forearm. " What can we do for you this time?"
" Adanar needs a warm place to stay while we're here." Ariel explained. " I thought you might be able to entertain him until we're finish with what we have to do."
" What's that?"
" We're looking for a friend." Insa told him.
" Up here?" Xander looked at the two dragons confused. " We're miles away from any other cities. This must be some friend your looking for."
" Indeed he is." Insa needed. " He's very special."
" Of course he can stay. We're glad to have him with us." Xander took out his blaststone and spoke into it calling his younger brother to come up and greet Adanar. They talked for a few minutes until Drew arrived to be introduced to the newcomers. Once he arrived, Drew like his brother was thrilled to see Ariel. He kissed her excited to see here again. Xander explained that Adanar would be visiting for a little while and that Drew should take him down to see the city. He suggested Adanar might like to meet Viggo and his brothers and sister. Nodding Drew told them he'd be happy to give him a tour and opened the elevator and bid them good bye.
" There's something I need to talk with you about." Xander pushed his hood up then led Insa and Ariel back out onto the ice field to explain. As they walked out lightning flashed through the dark snow heavy skies. Ariel could feel the storm building. there was a blizzard on it's way.
" Ariel you've been to Kensor before but it was more during our winter time."
" Really?" She said. " It seems colder now then I remember from that visit."
" That's the problem." He said. " This is suppose to be our summer season. Yes, we have storms but nothing like the storm you see building now. Somethings wrong. It's been way to cold for this time of year. Is there any way you can check and make sure there isn't magic or something strange happening?"
" Of course we can." Insa assured him. " Give us a little time and we'll see what we can find."
" Thank you." Xander smiled. " We'll keep your brother busy while your gone. Good luck."
Insa and Ariel waved as Xander walked back into the ice cave. They walked out onto the ice field the wind howling around them.
" What do you think?" Insa asked.
" I think he's right." She said looking up into the clouds, " There's something about this storm that doesn't feel right. I can feel how a storm works and this one's full of magic. Dark magic."
" Then let's go see what we can find." Insa spread his cloak and shifted to his dragon self. He roared sending a stream of smoke into the sky then leaped into the air. Ariel watched him for a second as he rose higher into the sky. She closed her eyes for a second and sensed the magical weather patterns moving around in the air.
"OK Arrn. Let's see what's got you so riled up."
With that she shifted and took off following Insa into the storm.
Deep in the frozen Kensor mountains there was a cave once inhabited by the high kings of the snowmen. Great furniture craved of ice and snow once filled the great halls. Now only shattered remnants remained except for one huge throne in the kings throne room. Sitting on the throne surrounded by snow men sat a beautiful woman with blue skin and icy eyes. This was Clea the ice maiden. Once almost bride of Kearn the winter god now almost a goddess in her own right. Clea sat quietly contemplating her past. Her old life and her husband Jona. She thought about the life they once had and the peace and love she knew she would never know again. All because of Kearn and what he had done to her. All the cold hate he had instilled in her that froze her heart so she could never again feel the warmth of love from anyone. Anger began to overcome her as she remembered the warmth of Jona's love. The heat of his passion as he would hold her at night and make love to her. She would never feel his touch again all because of those damned dragons. Oh how she hated them and blamed them for what she had become. It was their fault Kearn had come to Bravosa. Their fault for not saving her from that damned frozen fiend that had done this to her. Now she wanted revenge. She wanted everyone to feel as cold as she did and she planned to start up here in the north. Clea planned to take the north city by city starting with Torcin the closet city to her icy home. She had already started by turning up the cold. Now she would gather her Snow men and the Kensi and destroy all the warm bloods in her way. She would make this world as cold as her heart.
As Ariel and Insa winged there way through the raging storm, magic made a path for them. It wasn't a spell. Insa's senses would see that like a golden rope flowing through the sky. it was more like a natural magic. A magic made deep inside someones soul. A cold frigid soul that was full of hate. Ariel could feel the hate in the magic she followed. But it was a thin trail. She didn't think it would last very longer. Not long enough to find the one behind it. But she would track it as far as she could.
[ Who could this be?] Insa sent to Ariel. [ The Snow men?]
[ No.] Ariel said. [ Not the Snow men or the Kensi. The Snow men are magic but this is beyond anything they could do and the Kensi are savages. They don't have magic at all.]
[ Then who could cause a storm like this?]
[ If I didn't know better.] She sent. [ I'd say it was Icicle. But he's back at home and he would never do anything like this. There is one more possibility. But it's impossible. He can't be doing this.]
[ Who?]
[ Kearn.] Ariel said. [ The winter god defeated and imprisoned by Alee. Could he have escaped his prison?]
[ Kearn was very powerful.] Insa thought about what had happened in Bravosa. [ But he's been imprisoned in the heart of a volcano and I don't think there's any way he could get out of there without help and neither Talsara or Tayor could possibly survive there. It's not Kearn.]
{ I'm losing the trail.] She sent. [ It ends somewhere in those mountains.]
[ That mountain range? It's enormous.] Insa sent. [ It would take us days to search every cave or crevasse. Even with magic.]
[ Then what do you suggest?] Ariel asked.
[ We find the one we came here for.] The smoke dragon said. [ He may know something. He's very wise.]
[ You still don't want to tell me who we're looking for.]
[ We're looking for an old friend of our.] He told her. [ We're looking for Valen and his clan.]
Ariel remembered Valen and the four dragons in his clan. How could she forget. They were the first dragon clan on Keanna. Fathers to them all. Jade the earth dragon, Fiero of fire, Arik of air and Maxius of water. And they're leader Valen the golden dragon first of them all.
[ How do we find them?] She asked.
[ Simply.] He said. [ We head for that plateau and land. Then we call. They'll hear and answer us.]
Ahead of them was a barren snowy plateau. The two dragons made their way down to it and made a soft landing as snow swirled around them.
[ Ready?] Insa asked beside her.
[ Yes.] She said. They both took a deep breath then just as they were about to roar they heard a voice in their heads say.
[ Don't.]
Dawn found Ryel, Emrel, Aron, Orek and Finn on the road deeper in to Fay Shea. Aspara Bough was their destination and to save Hema and the fairy queen their mission. It had been a hard night running from Goblins and Troll and anything else that served Lord Larin and the Dark queen. They had thought all opposition had marched out with Sarella but they were wrong. She had left many there in Fay Shrea to hold the faire lands in check. But here they were now outside of Aspara Bough ready for whatever was there waited for them.
“Tis worse than I thought.” Finn said as they watched Aspara Bough and slapped an ant off his arm. “I expected to find Goblins here, but not dark elves. How are we gonna get them out of there?”
“We’ll need an army.” Aron whispered.” We can’t even get close with all of Darkshade here.”
“Darkshade?” Orek asked. “How do you know those are Darkshade elves.”
“That’s Elan's house colors" Aron pointed to the elves in the city. I’d know them anywhere.”
“An army you say?” Ryel looked at the ground. There he saw an ant hill covered with thousands of black ants. “That’s a good idea.”
“What’s a good idea?” Aron looked at them confused. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
“It’s simple.” Ryel smiled. “We get an army that the elves can’t possibly fight and scare them off.”
“And where will we be getting this army?” Emrel asked. “There are just us here.”
“No there’s an army here.” Ryel told them. “But it all depends of how well you two can control and use your magic.”
“What army are ya talkin about?” Finn asked. “Are we to just conjure one to help us?”
“As a matter of fact.” Ryel said as he picked up an ant and held it out to them. “Yes, that’s just what I mean. Would it be possible to transform them? I’ll try controlling them if you can change them. Can you fashion a spell that would work?”
“Maybe.” Aron thought for a second looking at Emrel. “It could work.”
“You don’t expect the ants to actually fight do you?” Emrel asked. “They’re just for show right?”
“I don’t know.” Ryel told them. “If the elves attack they might have to fight. It depends on the elves reaction.”
“Ryel if the ants attack they’ll tear the elves to pieces just like they do any natural enemy.” Orek said. “I don’t think you’ll be able to control so many.”
“I won’t have to.” He said. “All I plan to do is talk with the queen. She’ll control the others. And I can’t control them. I ask for their help. I could control them but that’s not my way. I find that animals controlled are usually angry when I release them. So I learned long ago to talk to them. Get them to cooperate. It’s the best way.”
“The spell will take some time to fashion.” Emrel told them. “And Aron and I will need to meditate to gather magic. It’s a good thing Fay Shrea is such a magical place, we can gather magic from all around us.”
“What can Finn and I do while we wait?” Orek asked eager to help however they could.
“Keep watch on Aspara Bough.” Ryel told them. “I don’t want any surprises when we’re ready.”
“I need ta find a way make sure the faire lass Hema is alright.” Finn told Ryel. “The lass saved my arse and sacrificed herself while I got away. I promised ta come back for her.”
“You can try.” Ryel said. “But I don’t want the elves out here looking for us before we’re ready.”
Ryel left Orek and Finn to go and do something unbelievable. He had to talk to the queen ant and get her help in saving the fairies. But while he did that, Finn had to find a way to at least signal Hema that he was back with help.
“So what do you have in mind?” Orek asked as they sat and watched the faire palace.
“ I can’t go in there without giving away our position.” He said. While they watched, the dark elves marched and did maneuvers in the courtyard in front of them. The watched as the sun beamed down shining its light on the march.
“If I can’t go in.” Finn asked. “What can I do? What magic can I…?”
Then Finn looked back up at the sun beams coming through the trees overhead and had an idea.
“Of course!” He jumped up. “The perfect leprechaun magic! That’s it!”
“What?” Orek asked. Quickly he pulled Finn back down out of sight. “What are you thinking?”
“Something only a leprechaun can do.” He smiled. “Watch.”
Finn walked over to where a shaft of light streaked down from the sky. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of gold dust. He whispered something and blew the dust in the sunbeam then stepped back. As they watched the gold shimmered and traveled up the beam into the clouds, then spread into a rainbow which ran down shined on the palace. As the rainbow hit the palace Finn closed his eyes and concentrated. Through leprechaun magic he could see everyone in the palace. He saw the throne room where no one sat on the throne. He looked further and saw all the dark elves wandering the building. Deeper inside and towards the dungeon he found Hema. She was in chains laying still in the same cell as Queen Nuala. Finn held his breath afraid she was dead until finally he saw her move.
“I found her.” He said. “She’s weak and chained up with the queen.”
“Can you talk to her?” Orek asked.
“No. Even if I could I doubt the lass would hear.” He said turning away as the rainbow faded. “But she’s alive and I’m gonna get her free.”
“Good.” Orek moved to a closer position where he could watch the city. “I’m glad she’s OK. Now we watch and make sure none of these dark bastards come up here and find us.”
As Emrel and Aron talked trying to put together a usable spell, Ryel carefully sat amongst the ants near the ant hill. He reached down and let an ant crawl on his finger then lifted it up to look at it sitting on his finger.
[Friend.] He sent. [I seek an audience with your queen. Can you deliver my message please? It is important.]
[Our thanks to you.] Ryel put the ant back down and watched as it scurried back down into the ant hill. He waited hoping the reply wouldn’t take long. In all his years with animals this was the first time he had tried communicating with ants. He always thought it was possible but other then his pet spider and an occasional butterfly Ryel had never really tried talking with ants before. It was good to know he could communicate with them to. As he waited a winged ant crawled out of the hill and took flight. It flew up and around then made a landing on his shoulder and tilted its head at him.
[There is trouble in the human world.] Ryel sent. [And we need your help.]
[I know you don’t.] Ryel sent sadly. [And I grieve for the way we have treated your kind. Our ignorance of your world saddens me. All I can do is promise you lands where you will be safe. A deal will be stuck where your kind can live without our presence if you wish. That is all I can offer.]
[Thank your gracious queen.] Ryel projected feelings of gratitude to the princess. [We need your armies. Here’s want we want to do]
With a call out the queen summoned her drones. They came running to answer her call. Soon there was a large group gathered around them. Ryel and his friends were given room to walk so they wouldn’t accidentally step on any of the queen’s subject. Once his army was gathered and the princess was on his shoulder ready, it was Emrel and Aron’s turn. They had gathered magic and was ready with their spell.
“Have the ants make a ring around Aspara Bough and we’ll be ready to cast.” Aron told Ryel then walked over and stood with Emrel. “We don’t know how long the spell will last. But it should last at least a day, so we should hurry.”
As they stood and watched the ants moved out to surround the city, they were amazed. It was like a ribbon of black moving in a wave out east and west around the city. When they were in place the princess told Ryel and he nodded to the two young mages.
Aron reached out and took Emrel’s hands as they begin together to cast their spell.
All through the ring of ants a shimmering light rippled and moved as the magic took hold. From small bodied ants men began to grow dressed in black armor. They were armed with swords and crossbows, with pikes and war hammers. Ryel looked out at the fierce army he was now in command of. Suddenly from behind him he heard a sweet voice.
“Your orders my general?”
Ryel turned an there stood the princess. She had jet black hair and a beautiful exotic face with almond shaped eyes. She was dressed in an elaborate black armor with a silken cape flowing behind her. On her head she wore a black ring with what looked like two antennae rising up.
“Princess?” He stared.”
“You my call me Noelle.” She smiled. “How do you like your army?”
“It looks like a fierce noble army.” He said. “With an enchanting lady general to lead it.”
“You lead this army.” Noelle told him. “All we ask is that you keep your promise to us.”
“You have the word of Prince Ryel Tanyi Voron Eventide.” Ryel bowed to Noelle and took her hand and kissed it
“Ours to.” The others nodded thanking her.
“Then let’s go win back your city.” Noelle smiled. “What are your orders General Ryel?”
“Noelle, Finn and I will go in and demand a parlay. I expect they’ll laugh at us.” Ryel said. “That will change once they see our forces.”
“I don’t like it.” Emrel said worried. “They could take you as captives or just start shooting arrows as you walk in.”
“She’s right, Ryel.” Aron added. “Dark elves aren’t the most predictable of races. They could just attack you and Noelle.”
“Then what would you suggest?” He asked looking at each of them waiting for an answer. “This is the best I can come up with at the moment.”
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my queen it’s that you move from a place of power.”Noelle said.
“What’s that mean?” Ryel asked.
“Think about it?” She looked at each of them. “Your father was king of Eventide, what would he do? Negotiate?”
“Not with an invading force he wouldn’t.” Ryel thought like father and Evindal. He wasn't sure what they would do, but he knew what they wouldn’t do. “Father would lead a team in and take them by force. But do we have that kind of force? Will your drones follow my orders?”
“My queen has given orders that we, you and I are in command.” Noelle explained. “They will follow you as if the queen had ordered them herself. This is your command Ryel.”
“I guess you are king now brother.” Emrel smiled. “It’s time to act like one.”
Ryel turned and stepped away from his friends. This way a great decision he had to make. Should he fight? Did he really have a choice? Queen Nuala is an ally of Eventide and it was Eventide's duty to come to her aid in times of trouble and there could be no worse trouble than this.
“OK.” Ryel turned back to the others. “If we’re going to do this, let’s do it right. We start by securing the city. I want all exits out of Aspara Bough secure. No one in, no one out. Once the city is secure, we move in. Finn, you and Orek take five warriors and free the queen. Get her to safety here near the mound we’ll draw the elves away from the palace so you can get in.”
“How do you plan to do that?” Aron asked.
“I’m glad you asked.” Ryel reached over and put his arm around Aron’s shoulder. “How are you with illusion?”
The courtyard of Aspara Bough was crammed with dozens of Darkshade warriors dressed for battle. The used wooden swords and lances as they fought so none of them would get hurt but real weapons could be seen there for easy access. On a dais sat Tokra Orbryn the captain left in charge when Sarella left for the advance on the other elven kingdoms. As of now Elond had fallen and they had moved on to the kingdom of Dree where Talsara had hoped to steal their magic just as she was doing in Eventide.
Bored Captain Orbryn watched his men spar back and forth when suddenly he heard a horn sound. He looked up to see a legion of armed men marching into Aspara Bough dressed in black armor led by two young elves in blue and a woman also in black armor. He stood and stepped out and watched their approach. The horses came to a halt in front of the dais.
“Laev Selkerdrim!” The lead elf in blue salutes. “Our queen sends you her thanks for a job well done.”
“Laev to you rider.” Tokra nodded. “I was not expecting visitors.”
“Talsara’s wants Queen Nuala sent to her.” He said. “She has plans for the fairy queen. I’ve been sent to retrieve her.”
“My orders were to keep her and the other one here for Sarella when she returns.” Tokra stepped down and looked over the warriors in black. “Strange armor your men wear.”
“Yes indeed.” The second blue garbed elf said. “Made especially for us. An elite legion trained to respond to orders given only by our Queen Talsara Darkshade.”
“Yes we were.” The first elf said. He snapped his fingers. A group of seven soldiers moved off from the group. “We don’t answer to Sarella. Nor do I care about any orders she left behind. These men will bring Queen Nuala out for transport to Talsara. If you would please have them escorted to Nuala and any others you’re holding.”
Captain Tokra looked up at the three on the horses looking smugly at him giving him orders. This black legion he had never heard of but there were many things Queen Talsara did that was kept secret so an unknown regiment was no surprise to him. But something just didn’t seem right.
“You.” He called to one of his lieutenants. “Take them to Queen Nuala.”
The Lieutenant saluted and led the black garbed soldiers away into the palace. Captain Tokra turned back to the blue armored elves.
“What are your names Captain?” He asked. “And what city do you hail from?”
“I am called Voron and he is Ruven from far Blackash.”
“And the lovely lady?” Tokra stepped up to Noelle’s horse. She gazed down at him with an annoyed look.
“My name is none of your affair insolent one.” She looked away. “You call your superior captain? Do you not see the rank he wears is that of a Colonel?”
Tokra looked closer and saw the crest of the eagle worn on Vorons helmet. His eyes lit up in surprise and he quickly snapped to attention and saluted Voron.
“My apologies Sir.” He said. “I did not see your insignia in black on the helm.”
“At ease Captain.” Voron sat forward in his saddle. “Your offense is pardoned, this time. Just hurry your men along will you.”
“At once sir!” Tokra ran and ordered men to go hurry the escort up then yelled for his troops to get in formation.
It wasn’t long before Queen Nuala and Hema was brought out with her escort to stand with Colonel Voron and his troop. Voron thanked Tokra for his speed as another one of Tokra’s men came running out and whispered something in his ear.
“Hold on Colonel.” He shouted. “Aspara Bough is surrounded by your troops. What is the meaning of this?”
“Your relieved Captain.” Voron told him. “Your services are no longer needed in Aspara Bough.”
“You’re not of Darkshade!” Captain Tokra pulled his sword. “Queen Talsara didn’t send you here! To arms men! ATTACK!!”
All hell broke loose as Darkshade men grabbed weapons and attacked Ryel and his forces. With axe in hand Orek grabbed the queen and Hema and with his guards they quickly rushed the two out to the mound where Emrel was waiting.
As the fighting started Ryel, Aron and Noelle leaped from their horses and jumped into the battle. Tokra swung his sword in the air and closed with Ryel giving him a chance to arm himself.
“Who are you really?” Ryel and Tokra circled each other ready to fight.
“I’m Ryel Tanyl Voron Eventide, a son of Eventide.”Ryel snarled. “Your queen invaded my home, poisoned my mother and imprisoned my people and you can believe I will do everything I can to make her pay for all she’s done. This is just the beginning of her end.”
“You’ll never defeat the Darkshade’s.” Tokra yelled charging. “Not now, not ever!!”
In a rage the two elves swords met with a clang. Quickly separating Tokra swung out and hit Ryel in the jaw drawing blood. Wiping his mouth Ryel stabbed forward at Tokra’s chest missing but coming around with a kick, he hit his side knocking him back. Ryel smiled as Tokra dived back in bringing his sword in high as Ryel ducked and pivoted around for a strike at his back. With elven speed Tokra dropped to the ground and rolled away coming back up ready to fight.
“You fight well young Eventide.” Tokra smiled as they moved around.
“I fight for something real.” Ryel said. “For my home and family. Not for that power mad bitch!”
“Power mad! I’ll show you power mad!” Gritting his teeth Tokra charged Ryel swinging his sword high to cut into his neck. Remembering his training with his brothers, Ryel did a perfect roundhouse kick and swept Tokra’s feet from under him sending him crashing to the ground dropping his sword. With a thud Tokra hit the ground stunned.
“Yield and you and what men you have left live to see your families again.” Ryel advanced on Tokra ready to deliver the death blow.
In a flash a dagger came from behind him and went flying at Ryel’s chest. Suddenly out of nowhere Aron came flying through the air and blocked the dagger that sank deep into his shoulder and he fell to the ground.
“Noooooooo!!!” Ryel dived forward sword stabbing down into Tokra’s chest slicing his heart in two and killing him. Quickly Ryel ran to Aron and lifted him into his arms.
“The fight.” Aron said. “Finished the fight. I’ll be fine.”
Ryel looked up to see Noelle and her men battling the rest of the Darkshade elves. He saw how her men swarmed each man in the way insects fought and finished them quickly. This battle was all but over.
“It’s done Aron.” He told his friend. “We won. Aspara Bough is safe and so is the queen but your hurt. I have to get you to Emrel for healing.”
“It’s just a flesh wound. I’ll be fine.” With that Aron passed out into a deep sleep.
As Emrel used fairy dust to heal Aron, Ryel sat and watched. He thought about what had happened after Aron had saved his life. All the rest of Tokra's men where defeated and those that lived sent to the dungeons of Aspara Bough. Queen Nuala had thanked them for coming to the rescue and promised Noelle a piece of land in Fay Shrea where no one would ever go without out the queen’s permission.
Now Finn and Ryel sat with the others and waited for Hema and Aron to wake.
“Relax Ryel.” Emrel patted his shoulder. “He’ll be fine. The fairy dust I used to heal him will have him right as rain.”
“You should have seen him fight, Emrel.” Ryel said. “He looked just like a young Zaoir fighting beside me. And the way he flew in there to save me. Who is he really?’
“This is Elan Darkshade’s best friend and mate.” She said.
“This is the Aron you and Adanar wrote about?” He asked surprised. Emrel nodded with a smile
“Ryel we were so wrong about them.”
“No you weren’t” Aron said opening his eyes. “We were horrible to you and the others at school. I’m sorry.”
“It’s OK.” Emrel assured him. “Those were different days”
“And Elan and I were different people then.” He smiled at them. “But no more. We can’t live like that anymore. Elan swore to me we would be together forever and I believe him. But Queen Talsara will kill us both if she ever gets her hands on us.”
“He’s her son.”Ryel said. “She won’t hurt him.”
“How do you think the Goblin’s got us Ryel?” Emrel asked him. “It was her. And she was going to have Aron killed for loving her son, we know that to be true.”
“And Elan?” Ryel asked them.
“He disobeyed her.” Aron told them as he sat up. “We were never going to deliver Emrel to her. We were about to go to Emrel and Adanar and warn them when the Goblins took us. We have to find him. Make sure he’s safe.”
“We’ll do what we can Aron.” Ryel passed his some water to drink. “But we have no idea where he is or where to look.”
“I can find him.” Aron took a deep drink. “I love him. I’ll find him. No matter where he is.”
"Then somehow we will." Ryel stood sm8iling at Aron. He looked to his sister. "Emrel, I need to talk to you a minute."
"Just a second." She took the canteen from Aron. "Get some rest. We may have a long way to go from here."
Aron nodded as she followed Ryel off then he settled himself to go back to sleep and dream of Elan and somewhere they could have peace.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Have you seen any other elves while you've been here in Fay Shrea"
"Other then Darkshade, No." Emrel gave him a curious look. " Why do you ask?"
"Never mind." He said as Orek approached them. "It's not important. Just curious. I'm going to talk with Noelle. Stay with Aron and the faeries and get some rest. Once they're rested we'll be moving out."
"Why didn't you ask her?" Orek asked. "Isn't the ninth Eventide why we came here?"
"That was just a dream." Ryel said. "A crazy far fetched dream."
"And the rose?" The dwarf asked him. "Was that a dream too."
"I'm not sure what to think anymore." Ryel thought back to the night Hasmira had paid him the visit. A dark elf giving him warning? He wasn't sure if he could trust her. "But we'll keep our eyes open. Come on. I need to talk to Noelle. We could use her peoples help in getting the rest of the dark elves out of Fay Shrea. Maybe the ants can be the protectors of these lands."
"That's a good idea." Orek smiled. "I'm sure Queen Nuala's magic can extend the spell Aron and Emrel cast. It would be in both there interest."
”Wake up lass.” Finn said. Hema blinked a few times the opened her eyes. She looked up at him confused the recognized him.
“Yes Missy.” He smiled. “Tis me. Your hero.”
“Where are we?” She asked looking around seeing the forest and the castle behind them. Noelle was there watching with a few of her drones.
“Aspara Bough.” He said. “And it’s safe now. I told ya I’d be back.”
Arrn= Storm in Elven
ReplyDeleteLaev Selkerdrim. = Peace Captain.