derstand, He knew Jayce and the Shadows were away from New Keanna and Ariel and Toric were gone too. Something must be blocking his communications. It could only be something Tayor Larin was doing. He wondered what had happened in Winterhaven since he had left. In his dream state he had seen many of the things that had happened. But as of late he had been so weak, even his dreams were blank. Jax had filled in some of the details before he had left. Now Insa thought he would need a little help if he was going to wake the dragons and fight against Tayor and his adversary.
Below him he saw the lights of the Wolves Lair blazing as he passed over. Everything there looked well. Insa tilted his wings and dropped down to land right outside of the city.
[ Tof.] He sent out.
[ Insa?] He heard. [ Your awake! That's great. What's going on in New Keanna? I've been trying to reach Jandar and I can't.]
[ I'm here in the Lair.] Insa told him. [ We need to talk.]
[ Come on to the Manor.] Tof told him. [ I'll be waiting.]
[ I'm on my way.]
Insa spread his arms and shifted to a cloud of smoke and drifted through the lair and on to the Manor. He saw the people of Tir Na going about their normal nightly business. Things here were just fine. Tayor Larins influences hadn't reached here yet. But it would very soon, that he knew. Ahead of him stood Tyr manor all ablaze with light and life. Insa settled at the door and shifted back to himself and knocked at the door. The door open and there stood Sharone smiling at him.
" Professor Insa." She smiled waving him in. " Come in. We've been so worried about what's been going on."
" Thank you dear." He said. " I'm glad your all fine here. Where's Tof. I have to speak with him."
" I'm here." He heard from off to the left. He turned and there stood Tof waiting for him his handsome smile beaming in relief to see his friend. Tof walked to the door his hand extended to greet him. " Things are beginning to get crazy again. Jandar told me of what was happening in Winterhaven. But he didn't get to finish, now I can't contact anyone in New Keanna. What's going on."
" We have a lot to talk about." Insa turned to Sharone. " Pardon us my dear."
" I'll get tea and bring it in for you all." She smiled leaving them and heading for the kitchen.
" Thank you Sharone." Tof called. " Come into the study. I have someone you should meet."
As they entered the study. Insa saw Cheshire who got up and padded to him and rubbed against his legs. He ran his hand along the top of his head greeting his old friend.
" It's goods to see you." Insa smiled as Cheshire purred licking his hand. Over in the corner of the room stood another man. He was younger then Jandar and a little older the Tof. He was dressed in the house browns of the Tyr family which meant he was not a stranger here. On a couch sat a young girl wrapped in a blanket dressed in a beige pants and top. She was very pretty Insa thought but with a very serious worried look on her face. Tof closed the door and walked to Insa.
" May I introduce my soon to be brother in law Aggar Fen." Aggar reached out and shook Insa's hands greeting him. " He and Sharone will marry in just a few months. He is the captain of all the Lairs security."
" Pleasure to meet you." Aggar smiled gripping Insa's arm..
" My congratulation on your upcoming nuptials." Insa added. He turned to the young girl waiting. " And who is this looking so worried."
" This is Keya Thorn." Tof introduced them. Insa bowed and took her hand kissing its back.
" Greetings Lady Thorn." Insa smiled.
" It seems we have a problem in Remus." Tof explained. " It's been invaded by Winterhaven."
" What!!" Insa looked at them all shocked. He knew Tayor Larin had ambition, but he thought Winterhaven was the object of his desire. Now he knew better.
" It seems Keya's brother Raf was in Winterhaven during the take over and he was captured." Tof walked over and sat down behind the desk. " Somehow news got back to Remus that he had escaped with some help from some faction in the city and he was returned home."
" Yes." She continued in her sweet voice. " We were all glad he was safe. But what came home was not really my brother."
" What do you mean?" Insa asked. He and Aggar made themselves comfortable for her tale. " Was he replaced with a doppelganger of some kind?"
" No." She shook her head. " It was Raf in body, but not in mind. It was like something was controlling him from afar."
" Mind control?" Aggar asked. " Is that even possible?"
" Oh yes." Insa told him. " It's very possible. As a matter of fact this is something Tayor Larin has been working on for many years."
" But how?" Aggar asked them. " And why?"
" How you ask." All attention was turned to Insa. He would be the expert on magic in the room. " There are certain forms of magic that is directly aimed at the mind. But it would take someone very strong to do it. Certain objects are said to give one that ability and the strongest of these objects is rumored to have surfaced lately."
" Could that be whats controlling Raf?" Keya asked tearfully.
" Could be." Insa nodded to Keya. " But please finished your story."
" Well to wasn't long before Raf was was home again with us." She continued calmly. " Father and I were pleased he was safe. But I knew the minute I saw him something was not right."
" How so?" Tof asked."
" Our eyes glow in certain light." She said. " Like moonlight. And sometimes they do look red. But Raf's eyes scared me they were so red. He said it was from being held underground in some strange cavern. But we've both been underground before and our night vision is excellent. So that wasn't it. Besides, my brother and I are very close, and to me, he just didn't smell right. Like Raf, but there was something foul there to. Father didn't feel or smell it. No one else did. They were all just grateful he was home safe. But was he? Home or safe?"
She stopped for a minute as Sharone came in and served them tea. Afterwards she sat with Aggar and listened.
" Please go on." Tof urged her.
" As I was saying I tried to warn father that something was wrong." Keya went on. " But his prodigal son was here, that's all he could see. Raf had been talking about the people that saved him. He said they wanted our help in someway and had sent some kind of gift that would explain it all. I objected strongly. This was Winterhaven's affair and they should be left to solve their own inner conflict. For the first time in my life, I didn't trust Raf and I told Father this. Father was furious. In his anger, he sent me away. Me, one of his most trusted advisors. So I left the chambers. I thought I would talk to father later and try to make him understand. But I never got the chance."
" Exactly what happened?" Tof asked her. Sharone saw that Keya was close to tears. She walked over and sat with her and took her hand to give her more confidence. Sharone smiled at her patting her hand.
" We're here to help." Sharone told her. " Your safe and we'll do all we can to help. Tell us what happened"
" Father was very angry with me for speaking against Raf." She explained. " It was like nothing I said mattered to him anymore and I was one of my fathers most trusted advisors. I didn't understand what was happening. This was my brother Raf. He was next in line for our Barony by law. But at this moment, somehow I knew this wasn't Raf. The worst part was that Raf stood up for me. He told father to send me here with a request for help for the people of Winterhaven. He looked right in my eyes and smiled at me. That's when I really got scared. His eyes flashed red. I started to tell father when he shushed me. He told me I should thank the gods Raf was safe and that if I couldn't show him the respect he had earned that I should go and try and convince King Drakes regent to send help. I tried to protest and father ordered the guards to take me out until I could be more respectful. I was very upset. I couldn't believe father wouldn't hear a word I said. The guard escorted me quietly out of the hall and to my room. There I packed for my trip here. I was hoping if father wouldn't hear me, King Drake would. But before I left, I wanted to try once more with father. I hoped Raf had gone to rest in his room, but I was wrong. He hadn't. As I neared my fathers study I heard voices. It was Raf and my father. I stopped to listen. Raf was trying to explain why we should help the rebels in Winterhaven and I couldn't believe it, but my father disagreed. He said this wasn't our fight and he couldn't offer any help without King Drakes approval. Raf raged at father. I have never seen him so mad. I could smell his anger from where I was. For a minute, I thought he just might attack. Then he settled down and said he had a gift from the rebels, something that would explain everything to him. Raf reached in his pocket and took out a small velvet bag. He opened the bag and spilled out a small ring and gave it to father. He took it asking what it was. Raf told him to put it on. Father looked at him strangely then put the ring on."
Keya stopped and looked about the room at the four people listening to her tale. All eyes were on her eager to her her next word. She gathered her thoughts and calmed herself to finish what she had started.
" Tof." She said. " You know my family history. You know that Raf and I are step brother and sister. That his mother died in childbirth and mine married father five years later. What you may not know is that my mother had a touch of magic in her. She could always sense danger and magic almost like we take in the scent of our prey or weather or anything else around us. My mother passed this ability on to me when I was born. She taught be as a cub to sense magic and to listen to my senses. She said believe in them and, they would never fail me. Well this is what I was getting from Raf the minute he returned home. That sense of danger. but I couldn't pinpoint what it was. The second father put that ring on, my head almost exploded with fear. I couldn't go near them the fear was so intense. It drove me out of the house where I shifted and ran into the forest. I ran for hours blindly not thinking about where I was going or anything before stopping to collect myself. I found this stream where I stopped to get a drink exhausted. What next I asked myself. What do I do?. Where do I go? Should I go back and try and help? See what I can do? I knew I had to. I couldn't just leave father and everyone else to whatever was going on there. At least I had to see so I could tell you here what happened. So I headed back to Remus. It took me a few hours until I found my way back and it was dark, but darkness is nothing to our kind. I made my way quietly back into Remus. There were a lot of strange men here now. I could tell by their scent they were not of the were kind. These must be the men from Winterhaven that Raf was talking about. But what were they doing here? They were not looking for help. I watched as people were carried from there homes and placed in our dungeons. I saw Raf just standing there red eyed watching. Then I saw them carry father asleep like the rest past where I hid and into the dungeon. These were not rebels looking for aid. I knew that now. They were invaders here to take our city, And Raf was helping them. Helping our enemy to capture us."
" I looked around for help and saw a few of our warriors helping them. They were actually helping carry our people to their prisons. They would be no help. I had to get away and to the Lair so I could warn King Drake. Slowly I crept out of my hiding place and made my way to the city gates. I almost made it when I heard someone call my name. It was Raf. He had spotted me. I looked back at him."
[ Going somewhere sister?] He smiled at me the red in his eyed glowing.
[ Betrayer!] I sent growling. [ How could you do this to us?]
[ For power.] He answered. [ Father's day is done. We will rule all the kingdoms and there's nothing you can do to stop us. Grab her! Don't let her get away!!]
" So I ran. I ran until you found me with my own people right on my heels trying to stop me. Now you know. We have to save Remus and my father."
" As you may know by now." Tof said walking out and taking Keya's hand. " My father is feeling a bit under the weather and I am in control of our lands. We've been hearing a lot of what's been going on in Winterhaven and I'm very concerned. I promise we'll free Remus and all our people."
Tof looked over at Insa on the couch listening intently for anything that might be of any help to them. So far Insa had no doubt Tayor Larin was behind all the madness and he was anxious to get back into Winterhaven to fight him. He was worried about the academy and what had happened to it. In his sleep he had heard most of what had gone on. How Zarin had taken Eheren and the rest of his friends out to find the academy. If anyone could find out what had happened, he knew Zarin would be the one. Now all he could do was trust him and be waiting in case he needed help. His job would be to find a way to right the wrongs in Winterhaven and New Keanna and bring down it's new king.
" What will we do?" Sharone asked " Jandar and Rage won't be of any help to us. How will we fight them?"
" We have other allies to help us." Tof said. " First I think we should see how far this Lord Larins reach extends. What lands does he control."
" Agreed." Insa nodded his head. " Check the Elves, Fairy, and Dwarves. Send someone to Valkar and see if he has had any problems. I'll call out to all of my clan that wasn't in New Keanna to see what news they have. I know the Shadows are out there somewhere investigating Winterhaven. Ariel and Toric were not in there apartments.."
" I know people in the fairy kingdom and the dwarven lands." Aggar said. " I can contact them."
" Fine." Tof said. " I will send to Valkar. If they've invaded our lands, the vampires will be invaded too. What of Aramis and Jax? Can they help?"
" Jax is protecting New Keanna." Insa explained. " Aramis and the rest will only interfear if it becomes dire. But I'm sure he's watching and ready to advise us if necessary."
" And Ono?" Sharone asked a tear in her eye. The whole family missed him so much. " Any word on them?"
" I'm sorry, no." Insa said. " But don't give up. I've been told their destiny awaits them. A great destiny that could determine the fates of many is in their hands."
Sharone had a stricken look on her face. Aggar took her hands to comfort his future wife. They could tell Insa's words scared her.
" Sharone, Tof." Insa stood before them. " I have faith in both Ono and Shayn. I know we have taught them well and whatever fate is in front of them, they can handle it. Let's just put our minds on what we have to do. People depend on us. Agreed?"
" Yea." Tof said. " I agree. Aggar, We'll leave the dwarves and fairy's to the two of you. See what you can find out. Insa, find whoever s missing from New Keanna. I'll talk to Valkar and see what he knows. We'll meet in an hour. Lets get to work."
The crack and popping of the fire woke Aron from a sound sleep. He sat up and looked around the hill they camped on. He could see Adanar and Emrel's camp in the valley below. He had set magical barriers around their camp to keep the two from seeing them until they were ready to show themselves in the morning. Elan was sleeping quietly beside him. Aron smiled at him then kissed his love wondering what he would do if anything ever happened to him. He knew he would be lost and his life would be over. The snapping of a twig caught his attention and Aron quickly turned to see what it was. He listened carefully for any other new sounds then pulled the sleeping blankets up on Elan and stood up for a look around. They were in an unknown forest and he had no idea what could be out there watching them right now. Aron reached into his pack and pulled out his sword. A weapon he seemed to have some proficiency with from his dueling classes at the academy. He buckled the belt to his side and conjured a orb to light his way and moved off for a quick look around. The forest was dark and his eyes weren't use to the darkness. He sent his orb higher to cast more light on the surrounding area. The forest seemed quiet. He didn't see any thing that could threaten them. Aron moved further into the trees when suddenly he heard it again. A snapping of some kind. Aron's eyesight was usually very good, but not in the dark, though his hearing was much better. He could hear shuffling in the bush. There was something or someone out there. Could it be Adanar or Emrel? No he thought. They would be at there own camp, watching the forest just like he was.
" Elan!" He said out loud. " I have to get back!"
Aron turned to run and out of the dark something hit him in the back of his head. He saw stars as he fell to the ground. Then he saw nothing. From behind a tree a goblin dressed in blood red armor had stepped out and clubbed him. This was Garuk Foulclub, leader of this small group. Out of the shadows, five more goblins came out and stood around Aron staring down at him. One bent down and began going through his clothes.
" I caught him." Garuk growled. " Anything you find is mine!"
Another dressed in dirty pants and old pieced together armor pushed to the front of the group. He sent a kick into Aron side and spat at him. He raised his sword intent on decapitated the elf when the clubbed one pushed him to the ground.
" No killing!" He shouted staring down at the fallen goblin staring up at him.
" This one is an intruder in our forest!" Screamed the goblin getting to his feet. " He must die! They all must die!"
" Bog has plans for them." Garuk placed his club on his back and turned to walk back in the night. " We follow his orders."
" Coward." Zod Damndrool mumbled as he brushed the dirt off himself. Garuk stopped and turned back snarling. He pulled his knife from his hip scabbard.
" You have something to say Zod ?" Garuk stormed back getting ready to fight.
" I say Bog has gone to far this time." Zod pulled his sword for the confrontation. The time had come for him to make his bid for leadership of the Bloodfang clan. Starting with Garuk, Bogs lackey here. " He has disrespected our laws and customs. We will have no more of him.
" We?" Garuk laughed. " Who is we? All I see is one pitiful goblin seeking to see his ancestors at an early age. Who stands with Zod here?"
Zod looked to his side expecting to see some of his companions step out to favor him. But they all turned there heads and stepped away from him in true goblin fashion. He spit angrily at them and turned back to Garuk.
" I don't need anyone at my side." He called waving his blades in the air. " I can take care of you. Then that prick Bog all by myself."
" It's your death." Garuk pulled his club from his back smiling. " Come, take my place if you can. Death waits for you Zod Damndrool."
Zod advanced on Garuk holding his swords ready for the attack. He gripped his swords with determination as he stepped forward to do battle. Garuk smiled his brown jagged teeth showing and waited for Zod to attack.
With a quick flash of steel Zod swung high at Garuk's head. Spinning quickly he stabbed at Garuk's chest hoping to make a fast end here. Garuk stepped to the side avoiding Zod's swing and held out his club in Zod's path knowing his momentum would carry him in. Thrusting quickly he jabbed at Zod's chest knocking him flat on his back. Huffing with frustrating Zod climbed to his feet and charged at Garuk. Garuk swung his club like a bat, connecting with Zod's sword hand and arm breaking every bone from his shoulder down. Zod screamed in pain and dropped the sword. Garuk walked over and picked up the sword and handed at back to his uninjured hand.
" I won't kill an unarmed man." Garuk said, his club over his shoulder. " You will die today Zod. Neither Bog or I can let anyone challenge us and live. Any last words?
" Piss on you and Bog!" Zod spit at him. He held the sword up with his uninjured hand while the broken one dangled. " Your day will come."
" Maybe." Garuk smiled raising his club. " But yours is here."
With a mighty swing, Garuk brought down the club crushing Zods skull killing him.
" Take his weapons and his head as a trophy." Garuk wiped his club off on Zod's pants then hung it over his shoulder. " Bring the elf. There's one more to collect tonight. A very special prize."
" What about his sleeping partner?" A goblin asked. " Can we kill him?"
" No." Garuk said. He pulled a tube from his pack. A spy glasses. He stretched it long and looked down into the valley at the other sleeping camp. " We leave him. Now hurry. We have work to do."
After leaving Elan asleep in his camp, the goblins moved down the hill to Adanar and Emrel's camp. This time there was more of them. Aesis had warned them that their query this time would be students from the Winterhaven Academy. So this time they prepared for their use of magic. Before entering Garuk had a goblin mage cast a null magic spell on the camp. He had no idea if it would work, but it's better to try and be prepared then to trust in blind luck which when magic was concerned, rarely worked.
From all around the camp the goblins moved in to get closer. Garuk held up his hand to stop their advance. He wanted a look around first before anyone else entered so he could plan this out as best he could. He moved silently closer to hide behind a tree and watch until he was ready to move.
There Adanar sat quietly watching his sister sleep. He had tried all night to convince her that they were safe here in Fay Shrea even though trust between there to people wasn't very good. He knew his father had had dealings with them and he always said the fairy Queen was very wise and could be trusted. But it was different to be lost in Fay Shrea. Faere weren't the only ones there and the queens power wasn't always respected by the rouge elements that roamed the lands. Goblins, hobgoblin, troll, and other dark races of faere respected her power but were always challenging their queen. If not for her army and allies, Fay Shrea would have been conquered years ago.
But none of this mattered, the young elven prince thought to himself. They would be in and out of Fay Shrea before anyone here knew they were even there he hoped. Adanar looked over and watched his sister wrapped in her blanket sleep. He could still feel her fear in her mind as she slept. Both of them had tried again and again to reach Eventide with no success. Emrel had told Adanar that her magic wasn't feeling right. She was even getting a different feeling from him when she touched his mind. He didn't want to worry her, but he knew what she meant. He had felt it too. He couldn't sense any of there family and Ryel should shine in his mind like a beacon. He always had all their lives. Adanar told her not to worry. It was probably just nerves. But they both knew better. Someone was stalking them, blocking their magic. But once out of Fay Shrea they would be closer to Eventide in Elven lands. There they should feel the power of the Eventide glade. It's magic should heighten their power and then they should be able to reach home.
Settling at the fire, Adanar reached out with his mind to check the wards they had set up earlier. He felt nothing at the first two, but at the second he could tell someone had disturbed them. Quietly Adanar stood and walked out to check on them. It might have just been some animal since no warning had sounded. But this was Fay Shrea, with faere magic to tend with, anything could have happened.
As he walked he notices how quiet it was. There were no crickets or insect sounds. He didn't hear any kind of animal noises from the forest and earlier the forest was alive with sound. On his side Adanar wore the sword he had taken with him. He pulled it just incase to be ready for any attacks that might come. As he looked around he saw out of the corner of his eye, movement. Adanar jumped to his left but there was nothing there. He scanned all around still finding nothing and moved further into the trees looking deeper. He didn't want to get to far away from Emrel sleeping so he stopped. Suddenly he heard a voice scream in his head.
[ Adanar, get back to your sister. There's danger here!!]
Just then the forest erupted with danger. Goblins armed with swords and clubs came running from behind the trees. There were many of them rushing at him. He couldn't possibly fight them all. He needed help. Adanar through up his hands and called out a force spell and sent it at them. It sparked into existence weakly and he pushed it at his attackers. In a wave of yellow energy the force wave rushed at the Goblins bowling them over. Adanar turned an ran back to where he had left Emrel. From the side Goblins tried attacking him. He sent blast after blast at them picking them off as he ran. If he could only make it to Emrel, he knew their power together could defeat the Goblins attacking.
Adanar made it out of the trees and into the clearing where he had left his sister. The horses still waited nervously, fidgeting at all the commotion going on around them, But something horrible had happened. Emrel was gone. She was no longer where Adanar had left her sleeping. Her bed roll was empty.
" EMREL!!"
As he called out to his sister Goblins rushed out to attack. Adanar pulled his sword and swung for the nearest one. Their swords clanged and he sent out another blast sending the Goblin flying. One by one they came at him and he fought them off with sword and magic. Suddenly from behind him, Adanar heard the sound of hooves racing toward him. He turned parring the swing of a blade and saw a dark elf came riding out of the forest. He jumped off his horse brandishing his blade and waded into the battle. Adanar looked closer and recognized Prince Elan Darkshade, one of the last people in the world he expected to come riding in to his rescue. Back to back the two elves stood fighting against their foes.
Adanar turned to find a Goblin dressed in red armor standing in front of his men. Elan moved to his side holding his sword ready.
" Where is my sister?" Adanar called. His anger rising as his magic began to collect around him.
" And Aron." Elan asked. " Bring them out or we will show you how powerful two royal elven houses combined can be."
Adanar looked at Elan and nodded. He had no idea what had happened and why Elan or Aron were here, but he was glad for his help right now. Together they might be enough to take these Goblins.
" We don't fear you elf." Garuk shouted. " Neither of you. You will do as we say or you will never see either of them alive again."
Elan raised his glowing hand starting a spell to send at Garuk when Adanar stopped him.
" Wait!." Adanar said. " I don't know what you or Aron are doing here or if I can trust you. But I may need your help to get Emrel free."
" They have my Aron too." Elan looked deeply at him. Adanar could see the pain in Elan's eyes. He wondered just what was going on between the two friends. " I'll do whatever we have to to get him free."
" Then we listen for now." He said. " No attacks. Understand?"
" Yes." Elan said still ready to attack. " I'll do as you say."
Adanar slid his sword back into its scabbard and turned back to Garuk. He stood regally like the prince he was taught all his life to be.
" What is it you want?" He demanded.
" That's good." Garuk gave him an evil grin. " Your ready to cooperate."
" We are ready to listen." The Eventide prince said. " We still don't know if we can trust you."
" You have no choice." Garuk stepped out from the other Goblins smugly. " You do as my lord commands or your friends die."
" And what would that be?" Elan asked.
" He wants the Gold ring of Endrin ." Garuk said looking for there reaction.
Elan looked at the goblin in shock. Adanar was completely lost. He had no idea what they were talking about. But Elan seemed to know something about it. He wanted the same ring that Tabor and his father had been searching for. He had to think quick. The last thing he remembered was that Tabor had said it was somewhere in the Academy. He would have to go back to Winterhaven to find it if he wanted to get Aron back. Worse yet, he would have to get it before Tabor found it. That is if he hadn't found it already. Elan looked at Adanar. He would have to tell him everything. For Emrel's sake, he was in this too.
" What if we can't find the ring?" He asked Garuk,
" I think you better find it." Garuk signaled his men to start moving out. " Your friends lives depend on it."
Anger flared in Elan and he pulled his sword and started for Garuk. Adanar reached out and gripped Elan by his shoulder to pull him back and try and calm his anger. Elan throw off his hand. He'd had enough of being calm. Aron was in trouble and he'd kill every goblin to free his mate if he had to.
[ Adon Elan!] Adanar sent. [ Your anger won't help us here. Remember, Emrel and Aron are not powerless. We'll find a way to free them. But we have to keep control of ourselves. Keep your promise to me.]
Elan backed off after hearing Adanar's word. He knew he was right. Only if they were calm would they have any chance to free the captives.
" Calm yourself elf!" Spat Garuk. " All you need do is get us the ring. You have magic and should be perfectly capable of finding it."
" We will do as you ask." Adanar warned Garuk. " But be warned all of you. If you hurt either of them in any way. We swear to you on our oaths as elven princes, We will hunt down every member of your clan and kill them. Not one member will survive. This I swear to you."
" So to swears the prince of the Darkshades." Elan nodded. He walked out and took the reins of his horse and climbed on then waited for Adanar to gather his things and mount up. With an angry look Adanar walked around gathering his and Emrel's things as the Goblins all moved back out of his way. Once mounted on his horse he nodded to Elan that he was ready to move out. Before leaving he turned back to Garuk.
" Have a care goblin." He said. " Take good care of your captives. My word is my bond. If anything happens to them, your deaths won't be pleasant. Or quick!"
With a quick wave of his hand he sent a bolt of lightning into a tree and blasted it to splinters showering the goblins and they were off to find the ring.
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