" We're off to find your friends in the Academy." Eheren said." And Dack here is how we're going to find it."
" Me?" Dack stopped as they all gathered around him. " How will I help?"
" You've been at the Academy the longest out of all of you, right?" Eheren looked at them all from one to the other. " You will have the best connection to the school. I should be able form someway for Rese here to locate it from that connection. Not to mention this."
He reached up and touched the blue stone at his throat tapping his salvation stone.
" Between all you and the stones." He said. " I think we can find out where it is."
" And I'm to take you there?" Rese asked nervously.
" Jandar thinks you can do it." Eheren smiled. " I have faith in Tempus. Time and distance, he says that's your powers."
" It is." Rese said. " But I don't know how far we can go or if we can take you all."
" Dragons have very few limits." Zarin stepped up to Rese. " I've covered them extensively with Professor Insa. He said I'd need the knowledge one day. I think he knew all this could happen."
" Insa is very wise and very old." Eheren laughed. " Almost as old as I am."
Everyone stared at Eheren in disbelief of what he had just said. Here was the blond boy in his mid teens declaring himself to be as old as the wisest teacher in the academy. That wasn't even possible.
" What do you mean by that?" Thalia smiled. " How old are you? Sixteen?"
" Let's just say I have a very old soul." Eheren smiled at them. " Come. Let's walk while I put together a spell that will do the trick."
" How long will that take?" Trip asked him. Trip had decided he would stay close to Eheren. His magical aura seemed strong. The young mage couldn't understand it but he was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
" Not long." Eheren said. " I'm a pretty quick spell writer."
Out front Zarin walked alone. He had a lot to think about on this trip. His parents were lost along with the Academy. He wondered were they were and if they were safe. would they be able to find them at all. He had no idea what he would do if anything happened to them.
" For all the years I've know you." Zarin head from behind him. He turned to find Dack at his side. " I can tell when somethings on your mind. What's wrong? Second thoughts"
" No." Zarin said. " I'm just worried about our parents and everyone at the Academy. How do we even know it wasn't destroyed?"
" Because Jandar said he'd feel the deaths of the others." Dack put his hand on Zarin's shoulder to ease his mind. " Zarin we can do this. I know we can. Look behind us at all the help we have. You and Craven are two of the Academy's best students and Trip Thalia and Reno, have you ever met such loyal friends as them?"
" Yea I have." Zarin told him. " You. Your always here at my side no matter what trouble I get us into.
" You do get us in a lot of trouble you know." Dack smiled up at his good friend. " But where else would I be? Who stood up for me all these year? You, My best friend. So let's do what we have to do and get back home. We got pretty girls to save."
Zarin smiled at that thought as he looked down at his handsome friend.
" What are you two up to?" Reno asked as he caught up with them.
" Plotting to overthrow a government." Dack said. " I want to be a King too."
" Oh your poor subjects" Reno laughed. " We're almost to the edge of the forest. Eheren's just about ready with his spell. You ready?"
" As ever." Zarin said. " Let's get this done."
High in the sky over the plains of the eastern region of Redu's lands flew Ozmun in the guise of a simple baebat. A small winged lizard common to the skies of all of Pentathin. Light in color and almost invisible, Ozmun boldly winged his way north. His objective today was to find a certain young girl Kordova had sent him after. This was no ordinary girl. She was one of power. Ozmun had no idea what it was she could do. All Kordova had said was that she would be a good ally and should be protected from being taken by the Savonti of her region. Kordova had told him this was the land of Lord Redu. A particular strange creature rather strong in the mental abilities like Daru. Not much was known about Redu since few had ever escaped his lands. Ono had promised that the salvation stone he wore would keep him hidden from Redu, but there was always the chance the the girl might bring his attention to herself if she used whatever abilities she had. All he could do was hope she was smart enough to keep herself hidden. Lilia had given Ozmun a general position as to where he could find her, but she was a little out of her range so she couldn't get a clear vision of her location. He would have to take his chances trying to find her.
Redul was a very barren land. there wasn't much by way of forest here. Just a great grassy plain with mountains and valleys. A few lakes and rivers ran through the land and as you can find all over Pentathin, many caves. Some of these cave housed the cities of Redu's Savonti, while others were hiding places for the people of the plains here. Lilia had told him she would be found in one of these caves. Savonti cave could always be identified by the smoke and heat rising from vents at the top.
Ozmun passed them trying to avoid contact with and other baebats in the sky's. Once he had found the Savonti caves, Kordova had said turn east. Then he moved lower for any sign of human habitation. He might have to go from cave to cave in his search for who he was looking for. She described her as a teen with dark hair alone. She had told him the girls family had been captured so she would have a lot of anger in her. Ozmun had no idea what that meant. How was he to tell anything about any of these people? They were strangers to him and though her past was tragic, every human family on Pentathin had the same thing happen to them. Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles. They were all victims of the Savonti and there disgusting appetite for humans.
From the air his keen baebat sense of smell detected something. It was definitely human he thought. Savonti all had a certain smell, Ozmun knew that. He had smelled them before while he had been in many different forms. They all had a special metallic smell to them. No other creature on Pentathin had quite that smell. He had trained himself to recognize it in his sleep to keep himself alive. He looked down and saw a number of cave openings in the hills with very little heat rising from the them. The smells were coming from there. This was as good a place as any to start his search.
Tipping his wings he dropped down to land in the grass on top of a set of openings. Ozmun crawled over the lip of the cave and made his way in across the roof of the cave. He stopped for a second and listened while his eyes adjusted to the absence of light in the cave. Listening carefully he heard voices coming from the back. Human voices he could tell. Savonti all had that deep arrogant tone to there voices. Again something he had trained himself to recognize easily.
" I don't like this." A voice said. " I can't believe you trust them."
" This will solve our problems." And older voice answered, " We'll be safe from the hunt."
" But for how long?" The younger voice said. " And you know what happens if anyone finds out what you've done"
" What I've done? You mean what we've done." The older man was becoming more excited. " Your in this as deep as I am, don't forget that Oda. I'm doing this for both of us."
" Paesh." A pleading voice called out. " We should forget this and join the others and run. No one will know what we did if we just go now."
" Don't be a fool, Oda." Paesh laughed. " We can make ourselves kings around here. Just do as I say and we'll have everything and any woman we want. Magda will finally be mine!"
Oda couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had known Paesh wanted Magda. That youthful curved body, her blood red hair and fiery temper. What man in their clan didn't want to have her as his own. But this crazy.
" Are you that obsessed with Magda?" He asked. " So obsessed you would go this far to have her?"
Paesh turned and stared at Oda angrily. He strode up to him, grabbed the front of his tunic and smacked his face and threw him down.
" She will be mine body and soul!" He spat at him. " Nothing and no one will stop me from having her!"ad know
" And if she refuses?" Oda wiped the blood from his mouth sitting up. " What then?"
" She won't have a choice." He laughed. " It will be me, or them."
" And her magic?" Oda asked. " What about that?"
" I've been told there are ways to control her magic." Paesh smiled walking to the cave entrance where Ozmun clung to the ceiling listening. " Now get up. We have work to do. Come on."
Ozmun couldn't believe what he had just heard. There could be no mistaking what Paesh had planned. He planned to turn his whole clan over to the Savonti in order to rule over them. As if those damn lizards weren't bad enough, men turning there own over to them for there own greed. Ozmun dropped to the ground and shifted back to his own form. He had to find this Magda. He had a feeling she just might be the one he was looking for.
" You wish to be a king, huh?" Ozmun pulled his hood over his head and started out of the cave. " We'll see what we can do about that."
As the first of the two suns rose into the sky, Cutter stood out in the courtyard with Azeal, Tanis, Kalin and Texa and watch them rise. The crimson and black foliage of the forest was absolutely amazing Tanis thought as he watch the second sun rise.
" Two suns!" Azeal pointed up at them. " Where the hell are we?"
" Yes." Cutter nodded his head. " And how are we going to get home?"
" Magic." Tanis said. " Same way we got here. We just have to figure out what we're doing here."
" Agreed." Cutter said. He turned to Kalin. " Kalin we're going to need a spell that will cloak the school to keep the unwanted out."
" But shouldn't we go out and meet the people here?" Kalin asked. " We need information and that's the only way we're going to get any."
" Your right." Blink said as he walked out to meet them. " But we have to be careful who knows we're here. I don't want those Savonti coming here."
Everyone nodded their agreement. Blink stepped over to Cutter as they all watched the skies.
" Our guest is awake." Blink said. " I think it's time for some answers."
" Good." Cutter said. " Keep everyone inside. Kalin, I'll cloak the school until your spells ready. Azeal, Tanis come with us. I think this boy might feel more comfortable with someone his age in the room. I'm sure he's scared to death right now."
Cutter turned and headed back into the school with Blink, Azeal and Tanis following. As they reached the entrance three student stepped out looking around. Behind them came two of Capt Lowell's men. The look in there eyes told the whole story. Shock and amazement, and a little fear. A boy stepped up to Cutter.
" Master, where are we?"
" Far from home young one." He patted the boys head. " But we're safe for now."
" Can we look around?" The girl asked."
" As long as you stay in the courtyard and only a few at a time it will be alright." Cutter turned to the guard. " No more then five at a time. Have Lowell post guards out here and around all the exits into the forest. Keep everyone in. Understand?"
" Yes sir!" He saluted them.
" Have Capt Lowell join us in the infirmary." Blink called as they went in.
The three walked through the Academy heading for the infirmary wing. All round them kids crowded around shouting questions at them looking for answers. More and more came running into the hall until the noise became deafening.
" QUIET!!!" Blink shouted holding up his hand sending a flash of darkness through the room shocking the kids into silence. Cutter stepped forward.
" There's no need for any of you to fear." Cutter smiled. " We're safe here right now and we'll get you all back home as soon as possible. Meanwhile you should all know your classes will go on, but I want to make something clear to you all. This is an unknown land and we don't know what's outside the gates here. Like I said, we're safe inside the grounds, but for no reason do we want any of you going beyond our walls. Do I make myself clear?"
" YES SIR!!" They answered.
" Very well." Cutter smiled flashing his handsome grin. " Your professors will fill you in on information as we get it. Get on to class now!"
The crowd began to breakup and the kids started to scatter. One boy watch from the corner with a scowl. A dark grin spread across his face, he turned and followed the others out of the hall.
" You know that won't keep them in." Tanis said to Cutter. " We're going to have to find a way to either bar the exits, or keep them occupied or some will go over the wall to explore the forest."
Cutter stopped and looked at Tanis and Azeal. The lad had a point. You tell any kid what they can't do and you can bet that's what they will do.
" They we'll have to double up on classes." Blink said.
" No." Azeal nodded. " That will just bore them. And if they're bored, they'll be trouble."
" What do you suggest?" The four turned the corner and walked toward the infirmary door.
" What would I do?" Tanis looked at Azeal who shrugged at him. He thought for a moment on the question. " I guess we should be honest with them. Tell them the dangers of going out and getting caught by the Savonti."
" Or maybe let them talk to our friend in there." Azeal added." If anyone can convince them, he might be the one."
" Let's hear his story first." Cutter reached for the door and pulled it open. " Then I'll decide."
As they walked into the infirmary they saw a few beds filled with Capt Lowell's wounded men and those the were hurt escaping Winterhaven. Most of them were sitting up in much better shape from Macan's treatment. He and Capt Lowell's wife Lisette had been working hard healing those they could. Unfortunately, not everyone could be healed. Lisette sat at a bed as they walked over. Azeal looked closer and noticed it was one of the guards they had carried in when they arrived. He was dead. He had been far to hurt when they arrived and all they could do for him was to keep him painless until he passed away.
" Are you alright?" Tanis asked. He looked down as she closed the dead guards eyes. " Did you know him well?"
" No." She sobbed. " But he was a very brave boy. He fought off three soliders as they tried to rape two girls before we found him. They live untouched because of him. I don't even know his name."
" It was Tagger." Cutter told her sitting down next to her. " I was in his mind to hide his pain. He hadn't been a guard long. Only a month."
" Yes." Lowell said reaching for his wife's hand. She stood and then hugged him as she sobbed into his shoulder. " Only a month, but I knew after a week he was bound to do something great. And he did. I promise, we'll find a way to honor his memory."
As they sat and prayed over Tagger, Macan came over.
" The boys awake. " He said. " And he's very frightened. I'd advise you to be careful with him. He's been through a great deal of pain in his life. Please don't scare him anymore."
" Don't worry." Cutter stood and thank the healer. " We'll be careful."
Cutter looked at Azeal. Azeal and Tanis seem to have a pretty good handle on the kids here. Maybe they might have a better chance talking to the boy. They might put him more at ease.
" Azeal, Tanis." Cutter waved them over to him and Blink. The two vampires looked at him a bit confused and walked over.
" I have an idea." Cutter said. " Why don't you two go in and talk to him."
" Us?" Tanis asked looking at Azeal completely bewildered. Blink looked at Cutter and started to say something.
[ I know what I'm doing here Brother. Trust me.]
[ You lead here.] He sent. [ Your decision.]
" We don't all need to go in there throwing questions at the scared boy." Cutter said. " You and Tanis are more his age. I think he'll respond better to you then to us. Learn all you can about this place. His people and the Savonti. Gain his trust. We can meet him later after he's had time to rest."
" We'll try." Azeal reached for the door and opened it. He and Tanis went in to find him at the window trying to open it to get out.
" You leaving us?" Azeal called to him. The boy jump at the sound of there voices.
" Who are you?" He said. " Where am I? I don't know this place. Where is my family?"
" Calm down friend." Azeal smiled. " We're friends. Your safe here with us. No one can harm you here. Have a seat so we can talk."
The boy looked at them unsure what to do. He was dark haired, tall and slim with brown eyes. He was dressed in simply cloth robes from the infirmary.
" How did I get here? He asked looking around. " I was in one of the Savonti pens then something pulled be into darkness and I woke up here dressed like this."
" We brought you here." Tanis said. He pulled a chair over and sat by the bed. "Please sit and talk. My name is Tanis and this is Azeal. We're strangers here."
" Strangers?" He came over and sat on the bed. " What is strangers? I don't know this word?"
" It means we are new here." Azeal told him. " What is this place called?"
" This.. place?" He looked at them oddly. He didn't understand what they meant at all.
" We are from a world not at all like this one." Azeal explained. " Our worlds is called Keanna. What do you call your world?"
" What is world?" He asked confused. "I don't understand what you mean?"
Azeal looked at Tanis then the boy. This was getting them no where. They would need help. He would have to call in Cutter.
" I know someone that can help us talk." Azeal said. " Can I call my friend in to help us?"
The boy nodded his head in agreement. Azeal stepped to the door and called Cutter. The tall white haired elf came in smiling and shut the door.
" We're having trouble understanding each other." Azeal said. " Maybe you can show him where we're from and give him a better understanding of our problem."
" Certainly I can try." Cutter got up and moved over to sit on the bed. The boy jumped up and moved to the window afraid of him. Feeling his fear, Cutter reached out with his mind and calmed the boy. With a thought he soothed his fear of them.
" Your safe with us." Cutter told him. " Come sit down."
He turned away from the window and came back to sit next to Cutter smiling.
" How can I help you?" He asked.
" I'm going to take you hand and show you where we come from." Cutter said reaching out to him. " Then you will see what our home is like."
" How can you do this?"
" Magic." Tanis smiled.
" Ah!, We have magic here." He told them comfortably as he took Cutter's hand. " Mostly the Savonti, But we have it to. Show me."
Cutter closed his eyes and sent scenes of Keanna into the boys mind. He showed him New Keanna and all the people living peacefully together. He sent pictures of Vasagi, with Azeal and Valkar at home rebuilding the city after the war. He sent scenes of the forest around Eventide the the grove of magic trees his family cared for. Then he sent him scenes showing all the different types of people on Keanna. Good and bad. The Dragons and elves, dwarves, werewolves, orcs and men. He showed the boy everything he could, even Winterhaven before and after its take over. When he was done he let go of his hand and sat back against the headboard and waited to see what he would say.
" Your home is so different them mine." He said awed by what had just happened and what he saw of Keanna. " One sun and what strange trees you have. Is the color magic?"
" No." Tanis laughed. " On our world all trees and plants are green. It's not magical at all. Though we do have magical trees."
" And those huge flying beast. There like great trackers with wings, only bigger." He smiled. " Amazing. There's nothing like them on Pentathin anymore."
" Pentathin?" Azeal asked. " Is that what this world is called?"
The boy nodded.
" And what's your name?" Cutter asked him.
" My name is Gabor." He said. " Gabor Gekko. I am of a Forest clan not far from here. Tell me something. Are there any Savonti on your world?"
Tanis opened his mouth to answer, then realized he really didn't know what to say or how to explain. As far as he knew there were no lizard people on Keanna. But then what would you call the dragons? They were lizard like and people, just not reptilian in there human guise. And who knows, there could be reptilians on Keanna. There were werewolves and vampires, so why not? Maybe they just were in a place unknown to them.
" Gabor," Cutter said. " On our world things are different. There are no Savonti, but there were races that once treated humans as food in our history."
" Like mine." Azeal said sadly. " My people were vicious once feeding on others and bringing horror to others. But we fought to free ourselves from that curse centuries ago. Now were almost accepted by everyone. It takes time to gain trust when you were once called monsters."
" Can you tell us how you got in that cage we found you in? Tanis asked Gabor.
Gabor sat back on the bed and reached for a glass of water and took a drink.
" I will tell you what you want." He said. " But then you have to help me free my family, I mean my clan. They will kill them if we don't hurry."
" We're listening." Cutter said.
Eheren gathered them all together in the clearing and told them to stand in a circle. He had Rese shift and stand in the middle.
" I'm going to direct the magic at you Tempus." He explained. " You can collect the magic and take us to where it leads."
[ But I have no idea where to go.] Tempus sent.
" You will. Just find the connection." Eheren told him. " It's there. You will feel it. Just try."
[ I'll do as you ask.]
" This could go so wrong." Reno whispered to Thalia.
" Shh!! Have faith." She told him. " He's a dragon. He can do it."
" I hope so." Dack said.
Lightning flashed and the sky darkened as Tempus roared and began to glow. He stood on his hind legs and spread his wings as the power of the spell flowed into him.
[ I see it!!] He sent howling.
"Can you take us there?" Zarin asked.
[ Hold each others hand.] Tempus sent. [Close your eyes and don't let go. I don't want to lose anyone.]
With a roar Tempus let loose of the magic. Suddenly everyone felt weightless as their journey began. Like they were flying with the wind battering at them. Each one of them held tighter to the hand they were holding as the sound of Tempus roar became deafening.
" HOLD ON!!" Zarin yelled gripping Reno and Dack. He could feel them spinning in the air. He wished with all his might for this to be over.
[ We're almost there Zarin.] He heard. [ Don't worry. I have you all.]
Zarin opened his eyes to peek out and was amazed at what he saw. Colors swirled by his eyes. Bright greens and reds, yellows and purple flashed by. Zarin's fear began to fade as everything became shades of crimson and he closed his eyes again. Then in a sudden jolt, everything stopped and Zarin felt ground beneath his feet.
With his eyes still closed, Zarin listened and heard the sounds of birds and life. He felt wind on his face and drops of something wet hit his cheeks. He opened his eyes to see the strangest thing. They were somewhere in a deep forest with crimson trees all around them. He looked up through the tree tops to see light coming through from two different places in the sky.
[ We're here.] Tempus sent. [ You can all open your eyes now.]
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