Today the forest seemed quiet Adanar thought. There was a heaviness in the air. Adanar wasn't sure if it was real or just his imagination. His plan was to rest for a few hours then push on. These lands were not usually dangerous to elves, but these were dark times and strange things had been happening lately. He remembered the dream he and Emrel had shared the other night. He could still feel that somehow danger surrounded Dasyra and Evindal. He didn't know what, but they both felt there was trouble at home.
Adanar looked to his side and saw Emrel staring at him. He knew that look in her eyes like she knew what he was thinking.
"That's because your mind is so transparent when your upset." Emrel called to him. "It always has been brother."
"But only to you I hope." He smiled at her.
"Me and Ryel." She said. "He's always worried about you."
"Oh?" Adanar slowed his horse to a trot and she draw hers closer to his. "What could possibly worry little Ry? He has such freedom to play with his animals all day."
"Haven't you noticed the change in him?" Emrel looked at him surprised. "He hasn't been the same since father died. Haven't you been watching him?"
"Yes I have." Adanar nodded his head. "He wakes me with his dreams sometimes at night. Even in school I feel him calling me and I sing to him."
"I didn't know he could reach so far."
"He can if he really wants to." He told her. "That's what worry's me. If there's trouble at home he should have called me. But I can't feel him at all. It's like a dark wall surrounds Eventide and I can't get through it."
"I know." She said. "I feel it too. But we'll get there. I know we will."
From there they rode on in silence. Adanar didn't want to tell her anymore of what he had been feeling and dreaming. He hoped she hadn't found it in his mind while it had been so open to her. He had made contact with Ryel. It was last night in his dreams. He had seen mother laying in Ryel's arms and him crying. And that wasn't all. Somehow he knew Ryel wasn't at home anymore. He was out here somewhere looking for them. Adanar knew now he had another problem. He had to find him. If only Jake or Seven were there. He needed their help so much right now, but he couldn't reach them either. Adanar sighed as he rode. These's were dark days for the Eventide and he had the feeling they would only get worst.
For a certain Leprechaun this just wasn't turning out to be a lucky day. Finn had made it out of Aspara Bough barely and through the woods when he realized he was being followed. From the smell of it, they were goblins and he'd bet all of his hidden gold it was that damned Banshee that had sent them after him. Finn used every trick he could think of to shake them from his trail but nothing seemed to work. If it had still been day he would have summoned a rainbow and tried getting away on it, but that wasn't possible at night so he ran as fast as he could. Still Finn trusted in his luck and knew somewhere up ahead there would be help waiting to find him.
As he ran he heard the the sounds of arrows from goblin bows zipping past him. Finn reached in his pocket and pulled out a coin. It wasn't gold but it was enchanted and might be his only chance. He flipped it into the air and let it fall. As it hit the ground a magic replica of himself appeared. He nodded to it as it tipped its hat at him.
"Ya go that way." Finn pointed east. "Keep em off me arse so I kin get away."
With the speed of a leprechaun it took off to the east making all kinds of noise crashing through the forest. Finn waited for a few minute to see if the goblins would fall for it. He listened closely and heard his pursuers heading after his doppelganger. He sighed his relief and quietly made his way in a northern direction. It didn't take long before Finn realized that his follows were still behind him. There was one good thing about goblins, leprechauns could always smell when there was one hear them. That was probably what had stopped them from following the doppelganger for to long. He didn't have the scent of the leprechaun or of gold. Finn quicken his pace to a run trying to make it to a small town north of him where there was an inn run by a group of Shefro he knew would help him. He saw a clearing ahead of him and ran faster hoping to out distance them. Suddenly Finn ran head first into a net spread in the trail in front of him. He struggled to free himself but it was no use. This was a goblin net made to catch leprechauns and he was stuck fast. Finn relaxed and stopped struggling. This wasn't going to get him out of the net. He heard and smelled the goblins coming closer. It was like a strong fishy smell. He was going to have to count on his charm and luck to free him. So he knew he had better get charming real quick.
Elan and Aron slipped quietly into Fay Shrea close behind Adanar and Emrel keeping their eye on them as best they could. The two elves hadn't talked very much in the last day. Aron still didn't see how he would be able to be a apart of Elan's life. He knew Elan's mother would never allow them to be together no matter what he said. She would have him killed if that was what it took to separate them. To Aron the question was, did he love Elan enough to fight her? And could he win? Talsara was a very powerful woman and many in the elven kingdoms feared her power. As queen of the Darkshade domain, she had absolute rule over all including her mate the king. Having Aron or even Elan eliminated would be an easy task for her and no one would question her. So was their love worth it? Aron looked at Elan riding beside him. Elan smiling and his heart jumped. Yes, he was worth it. Aron knew he would die for him or face horrible torture for Elan. He would never leave his side no matter what his evil mother did.
"They've stopped." Elan said raising his hand. "We stop here."
Elan climbed down off his horse then took his saddlebag and supplies and placed them to the side. He reached out to Aron to help him from his horse. He could see that something still bothered his love. He could see the fear in his eyes.
"What is it Aron?" He asked "What bothers you."
"All of this." He said climbing down."All of it bothers me. You mother scares me to no end."
"I can handle my mother." Elan said in a non-convincing voice. He turned from Aron and grabbed his bag.
"Can you?" Aron asked. "Can you really? Have you any idea what she plans?"
"Yes I know what her plans are." This wasn't really a talk Elan wanted to have again. But it seemed Aron did. "She plans to take Eventide and make it apart of the Darkshade domain. She wants me to rule there with Emrel as my Queen."
"And what do you want?" Aron was becoming upset. "Me or her? You can't have both."
"Why not?" Elan turned shouting at Aron. "I'm the crown prince of the Darkshade nation. I can have what I want!"
"What about love?" Aron asked. "Will she give you that? Can your mother?"
"That's why I have you Aron." He stepped closer trying to take Aron's hand. Aron pushed him away.
"I love you more then you can imagine Elan." Aron told him. " But I told you once. I won't be some plaything you hide away from all the world. You have to make a choice."
Elan looked at him with confusion in his eyes. He was fighting inside with his loyalty to the Darkshades and to Aron.
"Listen to me." Aron pulled Elan down to sit on a log in their campsite. "Your mother is one of the most powerful monarchs in all of the elven lands. She could have us destroyed with a word. But I don't care about that. I care about us and our future together. If you go ahead with this, we won't have a future. Your mother will have taken it from us. And if she finds out the truth about us, what do we do?"
"But this is what I've been groomed for all my life." Elan said frustrated. "This is my destiny."
"No!" Aron shouted. "I'm your destiny! Me! And I'm not going to let you be a lapdog for you mothers evil plans. I won't let that happen ever."
"What are you saying?" Elan asked.
"I'm saying all your life your mother has been trying to make you a monster, just like her. She's taught you that you're the privileged one and that you're more important then anyone else in the world." Aron was very upset. "But I know better then to think you believe that. Do you know why she sent you to Winterhaven?"
"To learn at the academy." Elan said.
"No." Aron argued. "She sent you there because she knew her teachings were not working on you. She could see the compassion in your eyes like I do. She sent you to Tayor and Tabor to learn cruelty from them. But Elan, that's not you. Instead you learned love from me and no matter what Tabor tried to make you do, you're not a cruel man and you never will be!"
Elan looked deep into Aron's eyes and knew all he said was true. He could never be like Tabor. Torture, bullying, selfishness just wasn't in him. But what was?
"I don't know what to do." Elan jumped up and paced frantically. "I'm confused right now. I'm torn between loyalty and love. What should I do?"
"Amin mela lle." Aron said. " All I can do is tell you what I think. I think we should go down and tell Adanar and Emrel everything. Tell them all about Eventide and your mothers plans. It's time we live for ourselves and not for what is expected of us. It's time to do what is right not what someone else wants."
Elan looked at Aron with a tear in his eye. If he followed Aron he would be signing their death sentences. His mother would never allow him to go against her wishes. But Aron had to know that. Then Elan thought about what life would be like without him. Completely unbearable. There would be no life. He would just exist from day to day doing as he was told. He cringed at the thought. That left Elan with only one choice.
"You promise you will always be here with me?"
"I do." Aron swore.
"No matter what happens?"
"No matter what happens." Aron answered smiling. "I will never leave you. You are a part of my soul."
"Then let's get something to eat and some rest." Elan pulled Aron into a deep embrace. "I think we have a lot of explaining to do to our friends down there."
In the trees over their heads sat a small imp dressed in the dark blue and black of the house of Darkshade holding a message stone in his hand. He was listening to every word they said, spying on them and sending everything back to his master. He knew this new information would infuriate her but what happened to the crown prince was of no matter to him. Only pleasing his queen made him happy.
"My Queen. You heard what was said?"
[Yes, I heard them and I have something I want you to do. Call on the goblins.] The queen told Aesis. [Have them take care of this. I want the damned freak that corrupted my son dead and Elan back in Eventide with Emrel.]
"Yes my queen." Aesis whispered. "What of the boy with her?"
[Kill him.] She answered. [He's a Eventide and in the way. There's one more Eventide I want you to find. The youngest one Ryel. He escaped here before the spell could take him. Find him.]
"Shall I kill him too?" Aesis asked.
Talsara thought about that for a minute before answering. [Just get him back here. I'll take care of him.]
Deep in the hills of the dark moors of Gaymere lived the Bloodfang clan. Just one of many goblin clans spread across all of Keanna. The Bloodfang's were one of the most fierce and bloodthirsty of all the goblin clans and the worst of all in Gaymere. On his high chair as lord of the Bloodfang's, Bog Fanggore sat and watched as two goblins fought for the right to be his second in command. His last second thought he was strong enough to challenge him for leadership of the clan. Alas he was wrong and now Bog wore his eyes on a chain around his neck. The goblins head sat behind him on the post on the back of Bogs chair to remind others of what happens to those that challenge his rule.
With sword in hand the two goblins battled while Bog and the others laughed and bet on who would win. Suddenly a loud pop sounded beside his chair. Bog turned to find Aesis, Queen Talsara's imp staring at him.
"You want something?" He asked as the fight continued. The two goblins slashing at each other trying to win his favor.
"I have orders from my Queen." Aesis hissed at him.
"Orders?" Bog said spitting. "I take no orders from an Elf!"
"Then you and all your clan will die when she and her army cleanse Gaymere." Aesis walked out and stood in front of Bog blocking his view of the fight. "She gives you this choice, serve her and rule Gaymere in her name or die. We have already taken Queen Nuala and her lands. We will take all of Gaymere. The choice is yours."
News had already come to Bog of what had happened in Aspara Bough. He was in preparations to get his men ready when he was challenged. His forges were blazing getting weapons and armor ready to make his bid for all of Fay Shrea. Perhaps this might be an easier way. Do as she says now then when he is ready, kill her and take Gaymere. He could wait a little longer to make his move.
"Tell your Queen I won't serve her. But we will be her ally" Bog smiled his crooked smile. " As long as once she is done in her conquest, Gaymere and a small part of Fay Shrea is mine. What is it she wants?"
"There are intruders in Fay Shrea." Aesis reached out and grabbed Bogs arm to get his attention. Bog snatched it from him grip.
"Touch me again and your queen will need a new messenger." Bog glared at the imp. "I know of the elves. We're watching them. Does she want us to kill them?"
Aesis stepped to the side just in time for Bog to see Garuk his cousin rammed his sword into the back of his opponents head killing him. The goblin crowd roared its blood lust.
"Here's what she wants."
Evening had fallen as Ariel, Toric and Denner found themselves winging their way south of Relos. They were to meet Morganz and Braddoc in a glade just outside of Fay Shrea. Braddoc had let Ariel know that Adanar and Emrel's trail led into the land of the faerie. Ariel had asked them not to enter until they could join them. She knew well the dangers there. Eventide had been invaded many times by goblins and trolls and a few others from Fay Shrea. Her father years ago had made a treaty with Queen Nuala to make peace and got promises that their invasions would end. He had promised no Eventide elf would ever enter Fay Shrea if the invasions would stop, and until today, none had. Ariel worried what Adanar and Emrel's presence in Fay Shrea would cause. Would this break the treaty? Would Queen Nuala now have a reason to send the goblins back into Eventide? This was not something that Eventide needed right now. Ariel still couldn't reach Mother or Evindal, even Ryel wasn't answering. They had to hurry. They could be in real trouble.
"Anything?" Toric asked.
[Nothing.] She sent to him. [It's like they're all mind blind suddenly.]
[What could cause that?] Denner flew hearer to her, his white wings beating as he galloped through the air.
[I don't know.] She answered. [It's never happened before. Even if I can't reach mother, I should be able to reach someone in Eventide. But there's nothing.]
"Well we're almost to Morganz." Toric called to them. "Then we can go after the two young ones."
[There they are!]
Far bellow them on a hill they saw a tall man waving. Ariel could see it was her cousin Morganz standing next to Braddoc the centaur. Dipping their wings they came down to circle before landing. They could see they where just outside of Fay Shrea's forest and it seemed no faeries were around. Ariel folded her wings and dropped to the ground with Denner right behind her. There they made the shift back to their normal forms.
"Thil Tyss!" Morganz called as he and Braddoc came to meet them. He bowed to Seven and held out his hand for Toric and Denner to grasp.
"Have you found them?" She asked anxiously.
"They're in Fay Shrea I'm afraid." Braddoc said. "We're going to have to go in after them. I've scouted in a little way. I have a bit of news."
"What is it?" Toric asked.
"Two horses followed them in." He said. "I think they're elven too."
"What makes you think that?" Denner asked.
"I know hooves, I'm a centaur hunter." Braddoc said stomping. "Those were horses ridden only by elves. Believe me. I can tell."
"We should get after them then." Seven looked worried for her brother and sister. "Fay Shrea isn't safe for the Elven. It never has been."
"So do we go in?" Denner asked looking at all of them.
"We follow the hunter. " Toric said. "Braddoc is our best tracker. He's our best hope to find them."
"Then you'll both need a horse." Braddoc said. "You won't be able to keep up with Morganz and I on foot."
"I can carry one of you." Denner shifted his form to a unicorn and neighed as he kicked the ground.
"Take Seven." Toric turned to her and put his hands on her waist and lifted her on to his back.
"I can follow you as Ariel."
"Ariel's to big." Toric told her. "You'll make far to much noise crashing through the forest. Everyone will hear us coming. We need to be quiet. Am I right Braddoc?"
"Yes you are." He said. "What will you do? We're not leaving you here"
"I'm a Collector." Toric smiled. "As we flew over I sensed something I haven't seen in these parts in many years. Airion's."
"Airion's?" Braddoc look at him in amazement. "It haven't seen any of the air steeds in a long time. I thought they had all been hunted down and killed."
"There aren't many left." Toric told them. "But they still exist. Maybe I can call one here."
[Excuse me.] Denner sent. [Airion's? What is that?]
"Its a old breed of horse like the Pegasus that can run on the wind." Braddocc explained. "They're very intelligent and rare, almost extinct. If he can get one here, he'll have to ask it to help us. It would rather die then be captured."
[This I'll have to see.] Denner sent. [It's form my be useful to be.]
"Beware trying to copy this one Denner." Seven patted his neck. "Airion's are very magical. You could get stuck in that from if you achieve it."
Toric walked out into the grasses field and sat down and made himself comfortable. He was a Collector, but he was nothing like his father and uncle who trapped animals. Toric could call animals like Ryel could, and talk to them. Perhaps that was what Ryel's magic was. True Collectors magic was a very rare thing. Quietly he sat there. It didn't seem to any of them like anything was really happening. Then suddenly on the winds they heard the soft sounds of hooves coming closer. A soft glow appeared over the trees and quickly moved towards them. They all stared with fascination as it grew closer and litely touched down on the ground and moved towards Toric. The Airion was a beautiful horse with a silver mane and tail and pure white coat. It watched them carefully as Toric stood and faced it. The Airion's voice rang out like bells in their minds.
[Who calls me?]
"I did. I am Toric Norstin." Toric bowed to the Airion. "We have need of your assistance."
[A Collector?] The Airon stepped closer to Toric curious as to who this mage that could call one of his kind to him. [Why should I help you? Men have hunted us until my kind are almost gone. We have no love for men.]
"We understand your hate of men." Toric said. "But like you, we are here trying to save lives. That's our mission in life. We are protectors."
[No one protects my herd.] It said. [I have no reason to help. I should be with my herd protecting them.]
Ariel climbed down from Denners back and walked out to where Toric talked with the Airon.
"I am Seven Arlayna Talila Eventide." She bowed. "I am princess of the house of Eventide."
[And elf?]
"And Ariel of the New Keanna dragon clan." Seven held out her hand for the Airion to get a scent of.
[You are arrn'ess.] He said. [Of our element. Greeting Ariel, I am Starglow.]
"Adon Starglow." She smiled at him. "You understand Elven."
[We have had dealings with the elven kind.] He told her. [We have found we can trust the elves of light.]
"And dragons?" She asked running her hand along his mane admiring his beauty.
[Yes.] He sent. [My people know of the first clan and one named Arik. He was our protector once.]
"Then let us be you protector again." She said. "I will pledge you the protection of our clan from now on. I know Rage my king will honor any promises I make, and so will all the others."
[If we help you?] He asked.
"No." Seven shook her head smiling. "You will have our protection no matter what happens here. We will be friends to your herd."
"Starglow, there is a place that is protected my my magic and my friends. My estate." Toric explained. "Your herd is welcome there."
"Or you can take your people to our home." Braddoc stepped up. "My people will watch over your herd."
[I thank you friends.] Starglow shook his head pleased. [I will aid you. How can I help?]
"Will you allow me to ride you?" Toric asked him.
[It will be my honor to carry you.]
Together they explained what was going on to Starglow. He listened carefully and waited until they were done before asking any questions or making any comments.
[Strange things have been going on lately.] He told them. [ We have seen strange men in the forest and on the plains. They were all heading towards the Winterhaven area. I have kept my herd away from them in hiding.]
"We know." Seven said. "Winterhaven seems to be in bad trouble these days. We should get moving into Fay Shrea."
Braddoc and Morganz took the lead with Seven on Denners back behind them and Toric and Starglow in the rear. Starglow had dimmed the glow on himself until he was a deep gray instead of white to keep them from being so noticeable. Slowly and without any sound they made their way into Fay Shrea to search for the two missing young elves.
Night fell as Ryel made his way from Eventide into the dwarven lands. He had been keeping a very careful watch behind him for anyone following him. So far he hadn't seen anyone on his trail, but he knew Talsara would send people after him. He was the only one that had witnessed what had happened in Eventide, and if she didn't stop him, he would be back to thwart her plans.
As he sat at his fire he thought about what he had to do. His mother had said to find Adanar and Emrel. They were in Winterhaven, and Jake and Seven were in New Keanna. That meant he had to hurry north. But what did she mean when she said find the seventh? Emrel is the seventh of her children. But she also said find your brother. Which brother? Jake, Adanar? He had a feeling she didn't mean either of them. And he had seen Adanar's back. He didn't have a star on his back. Then who was she talking about? Could there be another that he didn't know about? Could there be another brother? If there was, he would have to be older then him. This was all confusing to Ryel. His head was spinning from thinking about all this.
Dagger flew down to land on his shoulder. Ryel could tell he was worried about him.
"Don't worry Dagger." He stroked his back yawning. "We'll find help and get back home. We'll figure it out tomorrow, it's time to get some sleep."
Ryel sent Dagger up into the trees and laid down to sleep. He pulled his blanket around him and was asleep in just a few minutes.
Just beyond the trees a young dwarven boy watched him. The smell of Ryel's dinner had attracted him to the young elves campsite. It had been a day since he had last eaten and his belly rumble with hunger. He waited until Ryel had fallen asleep and crept in and found his leftover dinner and ate. The food was delicious he thought. It was just some bread and warmed dried meat Ryel had added water to and heated up. But to him right now, it was a banquet.
"Would you like something to drink with that?"
The dwarf jumped up in fright dropping the food and ran into the forest diving behind a tree to hide. Ryel stood looking into the forest. He had no idea what that was all about. Just that his camp had just been visited by what looked like a young dwarf.
"I'm sorry I scared you." He called out. "If your hungry,I can spare you a meal. Just come on down and sit and talk with me. I won't hurt you. My names Ryel."
Ryel picked up the pan and cleaned it out. He added a little dried meat and some roots and water and put it on the fire. Soon the aroma of his cooking filled the air all around him. He looked back in the forest and the dwarf was staring at him from behind a tree. Ryel waved to him to come have a seat. The dwarves must have really been hungry or the smell of the food over powered his fear, because soon he stepped out and inched his way down into Ryel's camp.
"Thirsty?" Ryel held out his water skin for his guest. He took it and drank deeply and wiped his mouth burping.
"I'm Ryel Eventide." Ryel extended his hand to the dwarf as he looked him over. He was about four feet nine inches tall with strong dwarven features and red hair. A teenager Ryel thought. He was dressed in mud covered tunic and pants. They seemed like the clothing from a well to do family. Ryel wondered what he was doing out here in the forest starving.
"I am Orek Grayfist." He gripped his forearm shaking. "My thanks for your hospitality. My hunger is strong."
"Sit." Ryel pointed to a log for him to pull over as he took his plate from his pack and filled it for him. He handed the plate to Orek and watched as he devoured its content quickly. While he ate, Ryel went and refilled his water skin so Orek could have another drink. He came back and found the dwarf rubbing his belly and burping.
"Thank you." Orek nodded to him. "I've been running so long, I haven't had time to eat or hunt. Not that I have anything to hunt with."
"What are you doing out here alone?" Ryel asked. "You said you were running? Trouble at home with your family?"
"Home." He sighed sadly. "I have no home anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"My home has been taken over by some strange mage." Orek said. "My people are all under some weird spell."
"Orek, I think you should tell me just what happened." Ryel sat down and fixed tea for the two of them. " Maybe we can help each other out in some way."
"If you think there's something we can do." He said. "I'll tell you what happened."
It was early morning and my father had told the family of what was happening up north in the Winterhaven area. Somehow the shining city of magic had been compromised and the council disbanded. He wasn't sure of all the details or if in anyway it posed any danger to us, but he did know that a few dwarves had been caught in the fighting. Luckily somehow they had managed to gain there freedom and had returned home last night. All this my father had heard from Kimar Oakbeard, council to King Dormon Steelarm. King Dormon had received word by message stone of their escape and return. They had said they would be back later that day and they would be returning with a message for the kings eyes. Kimar had said the king expected it was a request for arms and help from one side or the other, he would look into it.
"Later that day my father sent me off to Lands End to see a associate of his on a mining project they were partnering on. I finished up it Lands End and returned to Durkhold our home and as I approached its gates, I knew something was wrong. The gate was open and no one stood guard. With all the gold and precious metals in our mines, our gates are never unguarded. That would be madness to my people. On my back I carried a crossbow given to me by my father. I fitted a bolt into it and quietly made my way to the gate. At the gate I found the guards laying on the ground. I thought they were dead and the city had been invaded. I checked their pulse and found they were asleep. But I couldn't wake them. It must have been a magical sleep. I looked around and saw people laying all around as if they had just fallen where they had been walking. I ran in and hid in the doorway to the bakery when I saw two men in armor come around the corner. Who were these men in our city? Certainly not dwarves. I listened in as they stopped beyond my doorway and talked.
"I don't see why we have to watch the gate, Edis." One man said. "This whole city is sleep. We should be raiding the mines getting rich."
"Jo, they'll be plenty of time for that once the city is secured." He said to him. "Until then we keep a watch."
"For what?" Jo said frustrated. "Look around. No ones moving until Lord Larin wakes them. Then they'll all be slaves and the city will be gutted. We'll have missed out on all the good stuff."
"Still we do what we were told." Edis stood annoyed at his partner. "Unless you want to be the one that explains why we weren't at our post to Lord Larin. That's not a job I want."
"But why this city?" He asked. "What's so important in this dwarven city that he needs all of us here."
"All I know is that there's something in the archives here that someone wants." Edis told him. " Something about a magic ring Lord Larin's been searching for. He thinks it's here and he'll tear up this city and anywhere else he has to to find it."
"Well I just want my chance for plunder." Jo and Edis moved off toward the gate. Orek stood there thinking about what they had been talking about. A magic ring? Here in Durkhold? Orek didn't know anything about it and if it was here he should. His father was the keeper of the archives and it was to be Orek's job as the eldest son once his father retired. Whatever it was they were looking for he needed to know what it was and get it before they did if he wanted to save the people of Durkhold. Orek looked out to see if the two at the gate were still there. They had moved out of the gate to have a look around. Quickly Orek ran out of the doorway and made it around the corner. The archive building was close at the center of the city with Orek's school and the council buildings. He knew he would have to dodge the invaders as he made his way there. They would probably also be in the archives searching. Only they wouldn't know where to look. He would. His father had everything there organized in his own way. It might take them weeks of careful searching to figure out his system, and Orek didn't think they would take the time. They would probably just rush in like bulls destroying and pillaging as they went through everything. If Orek could get in, he could go straight to the files he needed for the information.
As he slowly made his way to the center of town he ducked every time one of the invaders crossed his path. They were everywhere. In houses and shops, he could hear things crashing as they tore the city apart. Looking around and seeing no one he ran across the lane when suddenly he heard someone shout at him.
"You there!" Orek looked to his left to see three soldiers staring at him. "Stop! Where do you think your going?"
Orek turned around and ran back the way he had come. He had been seen. The archives would have to wait. He had to get back to the gate or find another way out of Durkhold if he wanted to save anyone. With the invaders right on his trail he ducked into one of the many blacksmith shops that lined the street and watched as they ran passed where he was hiding.
For the next two days Orek ran and hid from his pursuers. At times they came close to catching him and bringing him back to join the rest of his people. But somehow he managed to avoid his hunters and make it into the forest losing them.
"So here we are." Orek said. "Now you know my tale. What do you think?"
"Do you have any idea what ring they were talking about?" Ryel asked.
"Yes." Orek said. "If it's the ring I think it is. I know it's not in Durkhold. I read something on it once in the archives. It's the Gold ring of Endrin. One of the most powerful magic artifacts ever created by dwarven magic."
"You think we can find it?"
"I'm not even sure it's real." Orek said. "But I think we better find out."
"So where to?" Ryel asked handing Orek an extra blanket he had then settling do to make himself comfortable for the night.
"Lands End." Orek yawned. "It looks like we're going mining."
Thil Tyss. = Evening Cousin.
ReplyDeleteAmin mela lle. = I love you.
Arrn'ess. = Storm bringer.
Adom. = peace