Standing by the old waterless fountain, Sarella looked out at the center of her old empire. Kyan was once her city where she ruled over every living being with an iron hand. From the fountain she walked on north remembering the city as it once was. The marketplace where her crops and fares were sold. A small portion of every sell went to the seller but for the most part, all proceeds went to the crown. Cattle yards and many vegetable stands would be laid out. Kyan had no seaport but Sarella did have a very rich import export trade from her bands of raiders and thieves guild.
Though most of it's citizen were poor, Kyan was a very rich city and all those riches belonged to only one person. It's ruler, someone who watched her citizen very carefully with envy and jealousy. If anyone in Kyan had something Sarella wanted, there was no where they could hide it. Her greed and her magic would find it, then her men would drop on that citizen and no one would ever see him again. As Sarella made her way home to her palace, her guest arrived at the gates to the city.
With her head held high wrapped in a dark fur cloak, Talsara walked through the gates that suddenly opened for her. With no fear the dark queen entered the city. She had no idea who this queen of Kyan or why she had summoned her here, or where she was.
A beautiful pendant had been delivered to her in Dree. She had no idea how anyone knew she would be in Dree. Her mate Wyn nor any of her generals knew where she would be from time to time, but here it was in the hands of one of her warriors when she arrived in Dree. She asked him where it had come from, but he said he didn't know. That answer wasn't enough for Talsara. She had him tortured, beaten, his family was brought to Dree and killed right before his eyes, but still he couldn't answer her question. Feeling merciful for the moment, Talsara had his throat slit and his body buried with his family in the tradition of the Dark elves. Under the next full moon in full uniform with her warriors paying their respect.
Sitting on the Dree throne, Talsara examined the pendant. She held it up to the light. It was a blue oval tear held in silver rope chains with intricate designs. Very beautiful Talsara thought and definitely magic. She had seen something like this long ago. It was a invitation stone. Someone wanted to meet the Queen of Darkshade. Usually invitation stones came with a message. She turned it over and on the back carved in the silver, there was a small star. Talsara pressed her finger to the star. The stone began to glow and feel warm then a voice came from it.
"Queen of Kyan." Talsara wrapped the pendant around her fist and stood and went to dress. "Interesting. A new victim to play with."
Kyan was dark, dirty and in ruins. Talsara wondered as she walked through, who could possibly want to rule in this city of death. There was nothing here but broken down buildings and cobwebs. Off to the left she saw a line of coaches with dead horses hitched to each one. They were just outside of what once had to be a magnificent palace with a long staircase out front.
With a snap of her finger, Talsara transported herself to the top of the stairs. There she found a set of glowing stones that led down a corridor. As she started down the hall, she heard what could only be described as a sad wail coming from down the hall, Talsara smiled. It seemed someone was trying to scare her. What a waste of time. It would take a lot more then darkness and a few screams to scare a Dark elf. Especially this Dark elf.
At the end of the hall there was a set of huge doors. As Talsara stepped up they began to swing open. She walked into the dark windy wailing room which to her was as bright as day. The room was some kind of audience hall where coronations and large balls might be held. The hall was full of decrepit old furniture that had rotted away long ago. There obviously hadn't been a party here in centuries. At the end of the hall sat a high dais where the king and queen would sit, but here there was only one throne and there seemed to be a woman in all white and gray sitting there.
"Welcome to my city of Kyan Queen Talsara." She stood waved her hands lighting the torches that lined the walls, "I am Sarella Vavieta, queen of all you see here and your new ally."
"Ally?" Talsara moved forward to stand at the bottom of the dais. "I don't make allies very easily and my enemies are few. What do I need an ally for?"
"My dear Talsara." Sarella stood and glided down the dais to her. "As you know there are many ways to use people. Good and bad. As with the Shadow elves."
Talsara's eyes narrowed as Sarella spoke. How could she know anything about Zaos?
"You plan to use them until you grow strong enough that you can rip Saeval from his throne and do with him as you did your parents." Sarella smiled. "I can help with that. Then there is Fay Shrea. You do know it's now beyond your grasp and your hold on Eventide grows weaker by the day. I can help with that too."
"How do you know all this?"
"I have my ways." Sarella turned and waved her to a place where they could sit and talk. She led her to a table that had once been set for a banquet. It had a dirty dusty cloth spread over it and it was set with what was once beautiful china laden with many different dishes that had rotted away long ago. Set before the queens seat there was a mirror. Sarella waved her hand over it and her image began to blur and shimmer.
As the image cleared, Aspara Bough appeared. The fairy city was empty. The Dark queens troops were gone. There also were no fairies in site.
"After Fay Shrea was taken, the Eventides managed to come and defeat the Dark elf troops that were left behind. Now the city has an unknown army to protect it. An army I can destroy and return Fay Shrea to you if you let me."
"I think I can do that on my own." Talsara sat back seeming not to worry about what she had seen. "What else have you to show me?"
"This." She waved again over the mirror and the scene changed and they were looking at Eventide. The sun was shining through the trees. everything looked much greener then when she left.
"Eventide should be a rotting hole by now." Talsara looked closer. Anger began to show on her face."I no longer feel the connection I had there. Damn Tayor Larin. What could have happened?"."
"Dragons." Sarella smiled. "And do you really think Lord Larin can hold on to a promise he made you?
Even while he sends people to spy on you?"
"Who would dare spy on me?"
"Him!" Sarella pointed to a corner of the room where a sudden torch flared revealing Youron watching and listening to them. Getting to her feet and pushing back her chair, Talsara sent out a bolt of magic that surrounded the screaming Youron and rose him into the air and brought him sailing over to them.
"I think we can work together." Talsara increased the magic pressure on Youron, his eyes popped as he screamed for his life.
Outside watching them while in a trance, Ashura woke and shivered as she cut off the pain she was feeling from Youron. The fool she thought. He had been stupid enough to think Sarella wouldn't detect him there in her presence. She had her proof, now it was time to show it to Tayor.
Standing Ashrua spelled herself out of the city where her hyppograff Aristo waited. It neighed as she approached. Ashura reached in her bag and pulled out a snack and fed it to him. It gulped it down they rubbed its head against her body.
"Lets go Aristo." she climbed on his back. "We have work to do."
It was late when Elan rode into Silvermoon. He was tired, he'd been riding all day. His horse Taltan was thirsty, hungry and needed a rest. Elan found a field of lush grass where Taltan could graze and rest for the night so he decided this was as good a place to rest as any.
Walking Taltan out to the grass field, he stripped her of all her gear then let her graze. Dropping the horse's gear under a tree he pulled out his blankets and unwrapped the cheese, bread, rabbit and fruit Morganz had packed for him. He built a fire and put the rabbit on to cook. From where he camped, he could hear the sound of a stream running near so he took his water skin and went and filled it.
At last he had time to rest while the rabbit cooked and think about recent events. He was glad Winterhaven was safe and sorry he hadn't found the ring he was sent to bring back. But if Zarin was right, there was no way he could have gotten it himself anyway. He was glad of that, Elan didn't want the responsibility of being the one to turn it over to Lord Larin anyway. He had other things to worry about. Like his mother and Darkshade. He had seen evidence of her war in everyplace he had been since leaving Winterhaven. Lord Larin had men stationed in every human settlement he had past. Every city, village and town was under either his or his mothers control. It hadn't been easy keeping out of sight but so far he had done it. Now here in the south there were Dark elves everywhere.
The Wood elves of Soora were all trapped in logging camps cutting down their own woods. He had passed through Silverwater and its coastal villages. They were all empty. He hadn't found anything but bodies on the shore of the ocean. As he rode through Tanagorthar the mountain region he watched from afar as the cities burned. What had his mother done? What were the Darkshades becoming? This was wrong, so wrong. All he wanted was to find a house where he and Aron could live in peace away from all of this. He didn't want to be a king or have the responsibility of Elfdom on his shoulders but it looked like his mother had put them right in the middle of it. Well if this was what she wanted, Elan and Aron would show her, her mistake.
Pulling the rabbit from the fire, Elan made himself comfortable and had his dinner. He washed it down with fresh water and wine and wrapped himself in his blanket and went to sleep.
He dreamed of his reunion with Aron. They had found each other in a beautiful garden and run into each others arms. As he took Arons clothes off he kissed his way from his lips down his chest to his forest of desire where he lost himself in his arousal.
Aron moaned with pleasure at Elan's touch. He took him and pulled him up into a deep kiss as Elan pulled Arons legs up. His body was hot to the touch and Elan was so hard for his love. With a gentle push, Aron cried out in pleasure as Elan entered him.
With a groan of lust they moved in the moonlight moving faster and faster into each other until they both began to erupt with passion.
"Oh yes!!" Elan moaned as he opened his eyes. He looked up into the eyes of a handsome elf. Naked Elan jumped from the elf's embrace and grabbed a blanket to cover himself. Beside the fire he saw his sword. He grabbed it and held it out pointed at the stranger.
"Who are you?"
Naked the elf rolled over, pushed away the blanket to reveal his nude aroused state and smiled. He was about five feet six inches, muscular was dark hair, a handsome smile and very well endowed.
"I'm your future. Come to me."
Elan felt an over powering urge to go to the elf and take him in his arms and make to love him. He shook his head but the compulsion remained. It smiled with sparkling eyes urging him on. A strange perfumed smell filled the air. Elan's senses spun around and around making him dizzy.
"I'm yours." It said reaching out. "Come, take me."
Elan reached out for the elf. Their fingers touched and suddenly Aron's face broke through his daze clearing his mind completely.
"The hell you are!!" Elan stepped back and grabbed his pants. "How did I get naked?."
"Oh you look pretty excited to me." He gestured to Elan's erection then put his chin in his hands. Elan was embarrassed. He dressed quickly.
"Who are you?"
"I told you." The elf got up and started toward him. "I'm..."
"Stop." He raised the sword again. "Touch me again and I cut that thing off! Now tell me who you are."
"I'm Pacius," He nodded. "I'm here for you to make all your dreams come true."
"Right now all I want is for you to get dressed." Elan finished putting his jacket on and buttoned it up. Pacious had a sad look on his face but he still had that erection. Elan didn't want to look at him. He was handsome and sexy but this is not who he wanted. He had gone through to much to be with Aron to blow it all now on a quickie with a horny Satyr.
Smiling Paciuc sat up with his legs open. His eyes twinkled when he looked up at Elan. Somethings not right here Elan thought. He switched his vision to get a more thorough look at the naked elf. For a second Elan's vision was out of focus, then it cleared. Then he saw the truth. There wasn't an elf sitting naked beside his fire. It was a Satyr. Cousin to the centaur. Five feet six with a goat lower half, horns, ears and a huge member sticking out at him. He stumbling back away from the satyr as it stood and went for him with a knife he had hidden behind his back.Thinking quickly Elan cast a paralysis spell as he fell back on the ground. Like a statue the satyr stood there struggling to free himself. Elan stood brushing himself off and breathed a sigh of relief. He grabbed his sword and walked to Pacius.
"Kill me you dark bastard!" He screamed. "Or I promise if I get loose, I'll kill you!"
"Why? I don't know you." Elan pulled a log from a pile by the fire and sat in front of the satyr. "And I've never been here before. What did I do to you?"
"Not you personally." Pacius answered still trying to free himself. "Your kind, your queen, your damned war. Shadowmoon suffers because of you!!!"
Elan sat back surprised for a minute, but he should have known this was all about the war. To many have been hurt, killed and imprisoned already by his mother. He was so sorry, if he could help he would gladly.
"I understand." Elan looked down. He raised his hand and snapped his finger releasing the satyr. "I'm sorry for my mother's action and perhaps your right and it should be me that pays the price."
Pacius fell forward still holding the knife in his hand. This was his chance for revenge on the Dark elves for all the Satyr's that had been killed in the attack. For the one's that had been turned to stone down in the valley of Tyree their woodland god.
Pacius jumped to his feet and grabbed Elan putting his knife to his throat. One quick slice and dark blood would spill on Shadowmoon land. But that wouldn't help anyone, It wouldn't help his statue brothers or free Shadowmoon from the war.
Pacius looked down at Elan. The dark elf raised his head as if he was accepting his punishment. He looked so powerless and grief stricken as he stared up at him. Could what he said be true? Could he have had nothing to do with this war at all? Dark elves were known to lie but self sacrifice? How honorable.
Pacius let the knife drop from his hand and reached down to help Elan up. His spell faded and Pacius stood there revealed in his true image.
"I believe you. I don't know why, but I do" They grasp hands and shook. "Can you help us?"
"I promise to try."
As Pacius dressed, he explained how Dark elves and Goblins had come in the night to Shadowmoon. It was late and Pacius had been sent out to get wine for the midnight ritual. He had gotten three jugs when he heard strange noises in the forest on his way back. His search but found nothing so continued on. When he reached the outer gates to Tyree's temple he heard it again. It sounds to him let horses and people screaming. Pacius was afraid and hurried on through the gates fearing his family was in trouble.
As he reached the courtyard of the temple he saw Dark elves watching from the hill as the Goblins attacking everyone at the temple. Pacius dropped the wine and ran in grabbing a sword from a fallen warrior, his plan was to make it to his father and brothers and stand beside them to fight off the enemy. But he never made it.
The fighting at the temple was fierce. Satyrs weren't usually brave warriors but when it came to defending Tyree's temple, they could be rather savage. Sword against clubs and pikes, the fight went on until a Dark elf in robes appeared and started his spell. The satyrs froze, some paralysed and some were completely turned to stone statues. Pacius himself had been paralyzed behind a stand of trees. The paralyzed they gathered and put in wagons while a few of the people turned to statues were smashed as the Dark one laughed. Pacius screamed in silence as the warlock elf walked to Tyree's statue and took his scepter from his hands. Tyree's scepter, it was the center of all the magic in Shadowmoon. It kept the satyr's young, gave them their abilities with illusion and kept the land fertile for the planting of their grapes for wine.
After that I woke up and went to where my fathers body lay in rubble in the temple. I cried and vowed my revenge against the Dark elves that had done this. My way was clear. Break the spell my people were under, find my brothers and bring them back and kill every Dark elf and Goblin I could find.
"Now you know the tale of Shadowmoon." Pacius told Elan. "But there is one more thing. Long ago the moon goddess Alea came to Tyree and warned him of a coming threat. She told him that one day his scepter would be taken and that if it was not back in his hand in four showings of the moon, all his children would be doomed to stone. The scepter has been gone for two moon passings. We have two days to return it."
"Then the time for talk is over." Elan grabbed his saddle and heaved it to his shoulder. "Lets go get Tyree's scepter back."
The fighting in Winterhaven was fierce. most of Lord Larin's forces had been beating until all that was left was the men protecting his manor. Morganz and Marcus sat out in front of the manor on horseback talking and planning a final attack.
"There's no way in." Marcus said as he pulled his pipe from his saddle bag, stuffed it and put a match to it. "We've tired the two main entrances, the servants entrance and even the secret passage that exits in the cemetery.That tunnels been completely filled in."
"Have you tried flying someone in?" Morganz asked. "Through a window or down a chimney?"
"It won't work. I've had fairies and pixies try. It didn't work."
"And none of our warlock can do it." Morganz got down from his horse, handed the reins to one of his warriors and stared looking at the manor.
"Many have tried." Marcus blew a cloud of smoke. "None have made it in. Jandar were here. He could do it."
"Jandar? Morganz turned to Marcus. "Your forgetting someone. Someone almost as powerful as Jandar."
"Me." Said a grim voice behind them. As they turned, there stood Pelic in his dark cloak of shadows and opaque face. "I can get you in. If you can wait until after dark, you can lead your men in and free Winterhaven. But that won't keep him from coming back. We need a way to defeat him for good."
"With all the power he now controls, It'll take someone very powerful to defeat him." Morganz and Marcus were both off their horses now with Pelic. Morganz hoped Pelic's answer was in the positive.
"I'm afraid not." Pelic pulled his cloak closed and pushed back his hood to show his extinguished features. There was a lot of pain in Pelic's face. Tortures from his dark past perhaps. "Lord Larin has surpassed me in power though not in knowledge."
"What's that mean?" Marcus asked.
"It means though I know more magic and lore then he does, I'm constrained by my ethics and conscience."
Marcus still liked completely puzzled. Pelic sighed and tried again.
"I to was once a dark warlock." He explained. "Then torture and murder meant nothing to me. People were just tools to be used however I wanted, but thank Rimnar my soul's been cleaned. I can do shadow magic but dark magic hurts. It rips at my soul and I don't ever want to feel the burning cold of a dead soul again. I won't do dark magic ever again."
"So what your saying is that we need dark magic to beat him?"
"What I'm saying is I'm not strong enough to beat him."Pelic knew they still didn't understand. Sometimes, neither did he. "We have to find another way."
"Then let's start with Winterhaven's freedom and go from there." Morganz looked out at the manor with the useless siege engines all around it. It was quiet now so the field had been cleared of all the wounded. His loses had been lite. Once they realized they couldn't get in they pulled back from arrow fire fast, then it all up to the warlocks and wizards which unfortunately didn't go any better. Now it was Pelic's turn. He looked at Pelic putting a hand to his shoulder. "Lets hope they haven't learned from their mistakes. We'll meet at the barracks at midnight."
In his sleep, Aron watched as Elan made his way rode out of Winterhaven. He watched as he passed through the different lands of the countryside. He could only guess he was heading torwards him and home. He watched as Elan walked the beach littered with dead elves after the battle in Silverwater. Tears ran from his eyes and Aron could feel the heaviness of his heart. Sad, he climbed back on his horse and moved on, The mountains and plains were just as bad, Devastation everywhere he went. Lord Larin and Queen Talsara were turning Keanna into one great cemetery. It was hard for Aron to watch his love's agony on his journey. But at least there was one good thing, He would be there in Darkshade with him soon if all went well.
At last Elan stopped and got off his horse for rest. Aron could sense how weary he was. He watched him eat the lay down to rest. That was when Aron reached out and grabbed hold of his mind.
[Elan?] Aron drifted trough a starry night sky . He saw Elan in the distance and pushed his way to him.
[I'm here love.] Elan smiled. [Always here.]
As they touched, Elan wrapped his arms around Aron. He hadn't felt so happy and in love since Aron had been taken from him.
[God, I've missed you so mush.] They're lips met in a deep passion filled kiss. Elan's hands roamed and touched every part of him reveling in the feel of his lovers body. Aron grasped at the glory of his touch, his heart ready to burst with love and excitement.
[Are you hurt?] Elan pulled back to look him over for any sign of pain. All he saw was the glow of his love.
[No, I'm ok] He said with a smile. [But they're hunting me here and I don't know how long I can hide.]
[Be brave love, I'm on my way.] They hugged each other tight. [It feels good to hold you even if its in a dream.]
[The Dragons taught me there are many things we can do in a dream.] Aron smiled mischievously.
[Like this.] Aron pulled the coat off Elan and undid his pants and laid him down. [Dreams come true you know.]
As Aron woke from his dream, he smiled and looked down at himself. He still had a huge erection from the dream, he missed Elan and couldn't wait until they were together again. He sat up and looked around. He was in an spare drably decorated room. Then he remember where he was. This was the house of Jassin Limeria the executioner they had met after their escape from the tower. Aron sat up throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He looked to the window and realized it must be late afternoon and he was hungry. On a chair beside his bed he found all his things, clean pair of dark pants and a black tunic with a clean loin cloth. Over in the corner there was a bathing tub and a bar of soap. Aron picked up the soap and thought, why not. It had been a long time since his last bath. He stripped himself out of the loin cloth and tossed the dirty rag aside standing naked at the tube. Sometimes while he had been asleep, Jassin had come in and filled the tub with cold water. All Aron had to do was warm it with a simple spell and hop in. He whispered a simple phrase and watched a soft glow spread over the surface of the water. With a toe he tested the temperature then climbed in to wash.
The warm water soothed his thoughts and cleared his mind, now he had time to think. Talsara had brought him here hoping Elan would follow and then she would have them both under her power. He knew if she had him, Elan would do whatever she ordered him to do. But to her disappointment and Aron's relief, he hadn't done as she expected. Instead he put his trust in Aron to keep himself safe until he could get there and now he was on his way. Aron knew he had to figure, somehow Talsara would know he was coming. She would be ready for him. Her men would be looking for Aron but she would have something ready just in case she couldn't catch him. She would hold Elan captive and threaten to kill him if Aron didn't surrender, Aron would have to be a step ahead of her. He had to think. What would make Elan irrelevant to her? What is it she really wanted? Power. She wants power over everything. And what could give her that power? Aron wasn't sure but suddenly had idea occurred to him. He needed and answer and he knew just who to ask the question too.
Just then the door burst open and Jassin and Kel ran in. Aron jumped shocked at the intrusion.
"We don't have much time." Jassin explained. "Someone saw you go into the grove outside behind my house. They're coming to search now. Grab your clothes and hurry I have to get you somewhere safe."
Aron hurried and dressed while Kel watched the door. Once dressed, Aron took the still sleeping Argus from a pillow and laid him softly in a bag Jassin had made up for them.
"Get in my wagon and cover yourself." Jassin opened the door and they hurried out to the shed and hid themselves among the blankets and torture equipment, "But ready just in case we get stopped and searched."
Jassin opened the door and led the horse and wagon out then climbed into the drivers seat and urged the horse into a trot. In the back on the floor, Kel and Aron lay quietly being jostled by every bump and hole the wagon hit.
It didn't take long, but soon the sounds of riders could be heard as they approached the wagon. Aron heard someone call to Jassin to stop. The wagon slowed then they heard the brakes squeal and it came to a stop.
"Who stops the queens executioner from doing her business?"
"We have a report of an escaped fugitive on your land." Aron heard a voice call. "Have you seen anyone?"
"No. Jassin answered. "My house is secure as always. None can enter."
Aron moved very carefully and looked out from beneath the canvas blanket. Four riders stood beside the wagon, its leader questioning Jassin. If they decided to search the wagon, they were caught. Their only chance was if Jassin could talk his way out of it or to fight. Aron sent a quiet prayer to Saila goddess of all that was good and luck for a way out of there.
"Where are you heading?" The elf warrior asked. he had a suspicious look in his eyes.
"On the queens business." Jassin assured him. "Get out of my way or suffer her wraith."
Aron heard the neighing of horses and movement in the cab of the wagon. Then suddenly the canvas was ripped from off of them. A Dark warrior looked down at them in surprise. He took a deep breath to call out to his commander when suddenly Kel's sword was in his chest. Aron jumped up. Jassin was wrestling with the commander stabbing him again and again in his side. There were two other Dark elves drawing their weapons and charging the wagon. Aron summoned a charge of power and sent it at the two warriors. One was hit and thrown to the side of the road, the other came at them almost red faced sword in hand. With the reflexes of leprechaun, Kel jumped up, drew back his arm and threw a sharp spike he had found in the bottom of the wagon and put it right through the left eye of the charging elf.
"Quickly!" Jassin grabbed the body of the commander and heaved it into the wagon bed. "Get the others! We have to go!"
Together Aron and Kel grabbed the three elves and threw then into the wagon.
"Where too?" Aron asked as he hopped back in.
"Both of you," Jassin ordered. "Take the uniform of one of those warriors. Kel get up front with me. Aron, keep your hands and arms covered. If anyone stops us, I'll say I'm disposing of enemies of the queen. No one will look to closely."
"But where are we going?" Aron asked.
"To Hasmira's house." Kel answered. "We have to time this right, We let them search the area then move on before we try and enter."
Aron nodded his agreement but had and uneasy feeling about this place. He knew there were enemies out to get him everywhere he turned but that wasn't it. There was something here, every magical sense in him screamed of danger. But as he looked out through a hole in the wagon's side all he saw were the people and troops of Darkshade hurrying about their business.
Jassin was at a cross street in the major part of the city. Then thought they were about to be searched again but instead the guards just held them there as they escorted a coach pass. Aron looked more closely at the insignia and flags that flew from the coach. Aron had studied all the great houses of the elven lands. The Darkshade, Eventides, Dree and the rich Atlantar's of the west. This one was of the deep south. A dark elven family cousins to the Darkshades called Shadowfall. Saevel Shadowfall was known for his blood lust in war, How he would torture his enemies and his allies just to hear the screaming. An alliance with Darkshade seemed perfect, but Aron didn't understand how either thought they could trust the other.
As the coach rode by, Aron thought he saw a flicker of magic from the coach. There must be someone of power riding with them. Aron switched his vision to see if it was possible to recognize anyone. As he scanned the coach he saw many different spells. The coach must be old and it had held many different levels of powerful elves over the years all of them leaving a small clue to their being there. But there was something else. Something that not many on Keanna could possibly recognise. Aron blinked to clear his eyes thinking he must seeing things, but when he opened them it was still there. Somehow in that coach there had one of his very own spells. He recognized the spell. Princess Noelle was in that coach. Aron wanted to leap out and run to find her. If she was there, Ryel and the others had to be here too.
As Aron watched they turned on a road that led off into the hills outside of the city.
"Jassin." Aron whispered. "Where's that coach going?"
"That road leads to the palace. Why?"
"Cause I think I have friends in high places I need to see. Get us somewhere safe then I have something I need you to do."
It was midnight as Morganz and Marcus gathered their men in the barracks before their invasion into Larin Manor. Everyone was dressed in light armor as Morganz had ordered for stealth and speed. He knew there would be heavy fighting and with only chain mail they would lose some protection, but they would also be faster and able to move much better and best of all, quieter.
Along with the warriors, Pelic had gathered a few wizards and whatever vampires and werewolves he had found in the city. Since Lord Larin had taken some of their homes, he thought it only fair that they could pay him back by taking his main city from him.
With everyone gathered in the main hall of the barracks, Morganz stepped up to give his last orders.
"The time has come for us to take back from Tayor Larin the city we all call home." His voice was so clear and energized. "No longer will we hide in fear of his warriors in our streets and taking our homes from us. We stand, we fight and we end his reign in Winterhaven for now and forever!!!"
A cheer went up though room as everyone raised a fist in salute. Pelic walked in to stand beside Morganz signaling his readiness.
"Team one get ready." Men dressed in dark chain mail hurried to stand by Pelic.
"Remember." He said. "Hold hands and keep your eyes closed until you feel the heat of Larin manor. Then head to the entrances and secure it. Go!!"
With his hand held out, Pelic led them into a dimly lit room. With a wave of his hand he dimmed the candles so the room was cast in shadows. Pelic asked Marcus to shut the door and for them to gather around him.
"As you all remember it's cold in shadows." Pelic has cleared the shadows from his face so the men could see him. For this to work he need them to trust him and not step into shadows in fear. "Your brave men and as long as you control your fear and stay connected, you have nothing to worry about. Morganz will be through in the next team, but you are our spearhead. Are you ready?"
Pulling dark scarves to cover their face's, Marcus acknowledged their readiness. Pelic pulled his cloak closed around himself and disappeared for a second then blinked back in.
"Two men and a wizard in each team." He explained. "You know the layout of the manor so split up and quietly head for your objective. I've found a place to start. Take hands now."
They split into four teams and each man took the hand of the man next to him. Pelic opened his cloak and the darkness began to spread out.
"Don't worry." Pelic told them, "I'll guide you to where you need to go. Breathe easy and step in. It'll only be a few seconds."
Taking a deep breath, all fourteen closed there eyes and stepped into Pelic's cloak. Instantly they felt the freezing cold of the shadow realm surround them. They could hear the howling of the wind then realized there was no wind. The air was absolutely still, but they could still hear howling far off in the distance coming closer and and closer. Then all of a suddenly, they were out of shadow and standing in a dark hall. The cold of shadow was gone and it was time to act.
Pulling a short sword, Marcus signal the three other teams to split off and head for the entrance they had been assigned. Like shadows themselves they slipped off down the hall moving in silence. One team to the main entrance. Another went to the carriage entrance at the side on the manor. A third team made their way to the kitchen where the servants entrance was, and the last had the hardest entrance of all. They had to find the secret entrance somewhere in the lower parts of the manor.
The halls of the manor were quiet. Most of Lord Larin's servant had abandoned the house at the beginning of the revolt before the house was closed off. The only people left were his housekeeper, a few footmen, some of the kitchen staff and the household guards. At the main entrance three guards and two footmen stood watch. All they had were their own personal weapons since the shield would keep the city guard out. Their only real job there was to ring the alarm if anyone made it through. Bored the two footmen slept while the three guards played dice to entertain themselves. Quietly the three crept in and dispatched the guards before the footmen could make a stir. When they opened there eyes, they found themselves tied up and the main entrance had been lost. Once the entrance was secure, a single flaming arrow was shot out into the night signaling success.
Next came the kitchen entrance. This entrance was guarded much better. Five werewolves stood guard there, Three out in the bay where Tayor's coaches were kept and two more in the kitchen. Marcus had made the decision that the city guard wouldn't be enough for this entrance. He would send warriors more use to battling werewolves.
It was quiet in the kitchen, The Tayor's cooks had prepared dinner for the men in the guard house and sent it to the dining hall. A side of beef had been cooked rare and left for the men guarding the kitchen. They carved it up and took turns feeding. As they ate the beef the lights went out and mist began to grow and the kitchen grew cold.
"There are Vampires here."
"I smell them." The werewolf on the oppose side of the table dropped the ribs he was eating and stood up from his chair. He pointed down the thickly misted hall. "Down there."
The two men shifted to a man/wolf form, snarled and started down the hall. From the kitchen they entered into along dark hall with a stair case that led to floors upstairs and down below. Following their nose, the two moved down the hall following a trail that led towards the stair case. As one began to growl, the sound of vampiric laughter echoed down the hall at them. It was coming from the stair case above them. With claws ready to strike they grabbed the railing and started slowly up. Suddenly from below a hand reached out and grabbed the second werewolf, covered his mouth and dragged him back into the mist. Muffled screams caught the attention of the leading werewolf. When he turned and realized he was alone, he jumped from the stair case and went to his hands and knees in search of an enemy. The scent of the vampire was all around him. One second he sense someone right in front of him. He swung out with his clawed hand at empty air. Then it was to his left. Another swing, but no contact. Still the laughter rang out from all around him chilling him.
Covered in the thick mist, he decided his sense of smell was not going to work to find the adversary, He would have to depend of hearing. He closed his eyes and listened closely. The sounds of the manor came through clearly. The creaking of the house, the sound of wind from outside, then there it was. Soft footsteps and breathing. It was coming from the right. He leaped out claws slashing for what he thought was the vampires throat only to have his fist caught and pulled down. Suddenly something heavy bashed him again and again in his face until he lay stunned on the floor. As the mist cleared he looked up through dazed eyes at a senior older vampire staring down at him.
"Your new at this aren't you?" Then he hit him and things went black. "Sleep well cubs."
After tying the two fledgling werewolves up, Costa the vampire went back up to the kitchen to check on his nephews Eros and Damon. He stepped into the kitchen just as they were coming back in.
"How'd it go?"
"Easy." Eros smiled as he picked up a piece of beef off the table. "They know nothing of being werewolves. Damon sent the arrow up."
"Good." Costa smacked his hand making him drop the rib. "Eat later. We have to keep watch on the hallways. The sooner we're done, the sooner we get back home."
Two down and one to go. Morganz sent men out to check the manor room by room. He didn't want any surprises coming at them out of no where. Once all was accounted for it was time for the attack on the last three objectives. The dining hall, the barracks and last of all, the secret exit that led out to the Larin family cemetery.
Together Morganz and Marcus would take the dining hall and the barrack. They gathered everyone together and made their way to each location. It was quiet as they approached the sleeping barracks. Each man pulled his weapon as Morganz threw open the door and they charged in waking everyone up from their deep sleep.
In the dining area men were busy eating and talking when the doors opened and the city guard rushed in and caught most of them unarmed and unprepared to fight.
Deep in the basement of the manor, five warriors made their way through the dark musty twists and turns to a where they found what looked to them like a dark temple. There was a altar set with silver and gold candles and statues all around a pyre set in the center. Black flowers littered the floor all around the altar. As the warrior moved to investigate the altar, a cold voice rang out.
Pelic came floating down through the floor to stand in front of them blocking the way to keep them back from the altar.
"Go help Morganz." He told them. "This is for me to do."
Each man looked around not sure what they should do. But Pelic had freed them all from imprisonment and they had all traveled through his shadows, they had trust in him. So they all turned and went back to help as Pelic had ordered.
"You can show yourself now Avirex." He called. "They are gone."
Shimmering out from the darkness, Avirex floated down to stand at the center of the altar.
"Greetings Pelic." She said as her ragged cloak blew in a mysterious wind. "I never expected to find you as one of my enemies."
"I'm not your enemy and I never will be." He gave her a grim smile, "Neither are any of these men here. They just fight for their freedom and their homes. You and I once did the same long ago."
"I remember." She said. "And I remember what it cost me. My soul, my love and the most important thing in my life. My son."
"And do you remember who it was that took all those things from you? Who made you the Draugr you are now?"
"Yes I do."
"Then how can you protect him?" Pelic stepped forward. He almost reached out and touched her before he remember that could be fatal to him. "What promise could he make you that would convince you to do anything for him after all he's done to you?"
"He promised to give me back my son." He was shocked at what he saw. An undead crying. But there she was with tears running down her face. "I would do anything he asked just to have Tabor back with me!"
"With you?" He could feel her pain. "Is that really what you want? You want Tabor to share the life of the undead that Tayor sentenced you to? Is that the love of a mother? Hasn't he been tortured enough with Tayor as a father? A life with no love, no friends, not even a pet he could call his own. All Tayor gave that boy is lessons on how to hate, torture and to have a hunger for power. He's turning him into a heartless monster like himself. Let us try and save him from that life. If its not to late, let us show him what life is really about. Love and caring for one another. Please. He deserves a chance to live."
"I fear it may be to late for Tabor." She cried. "I just hope his heart isn't as black as I think it is."
"And Winterhaven?" Pelic asked. "Will it be doomed to be black hearted too?"
"No." Avirex rose up and started to fade. "Free your city. Free our home and free Tabor if you can. But if you can't, I'm taking both Tayor and Tabor with me and I will deal with them."
With that said, Avirex was gone from Winterhaven and so was her shield. With the shield down the rest of the city guard stormed the manor and put an end to the reign of Lord Larin. The city was free, and the people could rejoice again, for now.
As Elan rode Taltan through the night he looked up at the moon riding high in the sky. He said a quick prayer to Alea for success for him and Pacius. Beside him Pacius talking non stop about life it Silvermoon as he kept pace with Taltan. Elan had stopped listening long ago and concentrated more on the road and looking for the enemy. Dark elves had invaded Silvermoon and stolen its most precious talisman. The Scepter of Tyree. Without that, the satyr's and fauna's of Silvermoon would be turned permanently to stone in twenty four hours and it was up to him and Pacius to stop it. The only problem was where were the Elves that took the scepter and why.
Tyree's scepter wasn't just a talisman that could be used by anyone. It was a god's personal property, made for use only by that god. Even at her power level, Talsara couldn't use the scepter. Then why take it? Was it just to mock the god's in defiance? Or maybe to own a god piece. But what happens when Tyree looks down on Silvermoon and finds all his children stone? His rage would then be turned on Darkshade. Darkshade had done alot of bad things in its history but to purposely anger a god was just madness. Talsara had gone to far this time. He had to get the scepter back before it was to late.
"Pacius." He called interrupting him. "Is there anyway for us to find the scepter? Your people must have some kind of connection to it. A feeling for it?"
"Yes we do feel it." Pacius said looking up at the moon. "It calls us at midnight to dance. It's an irresistible call none of us can resist."
"Does Talsara know about that?"
"I doubt it." Pacius said as he turned away and walked on. Elan watched him walk off. There was something missing. Something he wasn't saying. If Elan was to find the staff he would have to know all he could about the people of Silvermoon.
Urging Taltan on, Elan caught up with him. He wasn't talking anymore. He was sullen and quiet now, Elan hopped down off Taltan's back and caught Pacius.
"Whats missing?"
"I don't know what you mean." Pacius continued walking ignoring Elan's questions.
"I thought you wanted to save your people." Elan stopped him. "If I'm wrong tell me. I have a mate I have to save from my mother. I don't have time to wander the forest for to long and if you don't want to be decoration in your own land, you don't have time either."
"Your point?" Pacius tried to pull away.
"The point is I can help you." Elan held his arm. "But I need to know all I can about your people and Silvermoon to do it."
Pacius look down at the hand holding him. He began to get another erection. Elan saw the rise in the front of his pants and let go. He wasn't having anymore of that. But it did give him an idea.
"Sex, that's it!!" Elan smacked himself in his forehead. If he was right, he knew exactly why his mother wanted to destroy Silvermoon. "When you spoke of your family earlier you said your father and brothers right?"
"Yes." Pacius was confused."They are my family. My father and brothers are all I have. I'll do anything to save them."
"What about your mother?"Elan asked. "Sisters, aunts, grandmother? Where are they?"
Pacius stared at Elan confused. He wasn't sure what Elan was asking him. These words meant nothing in the Silvermoon society. There were two genders in Silvermoon of course, but they were two absolutely separate societies. Men and women only had relationships together during Tyree's dance. Other then that they only met when at market or when a male child was born and it was passed on for the men to raise.
After Pacius finished explaining, Elan knew he was right. Silvermoon was a totally homo oriented society. Talsara wouldn't want to rule here, she would rather grind it to dust killing everyone who lives here. Now all he had to do was figure out how to tell Pacius that Silvermoon was being destroyed because of his mothers hate for him and his mate.
Maybe explanation weren't needed. She was evil and full of hate. Maybe that would be enough for Pacius, that and the return of the scepter and his peoples freedom.