Gabor moved on looking into an occasional class and seeing all the wonderful things they could do with magic. He wished he could do these things. If only he had magic in him. That made him think. His people did have magic, but did he? If not him maybe one of his brothers or someone else in the clan. He had to have them checked. If Bela or Nica could do things like this, he wanted them to learn from these people. These keannaian people were a wonder he thought. They may just be able to do all the things they say they can.
Gabor stopped and looked around. Where was he? This was still the first floor classroom area. He had to meet Azeal and Tanis in the out in the front yard of the academy. Bela would be there with a few others of the clan. The would all be waiting for his decision. Gabor smiled and hurried on, he knew what he wanted to do know. He just hoped they would all agree.
Once outside Gabor looked around the yard. There were just a few of his people there with Azeal, Bela and Tanis. Capt Lowell was there to talking to his guards on the gates. Gabor walked out to meet them.
"Quel Amrun Gabor." Azeal smiled,. "How was you night?"
"Peaceful" He answer. "I'm glad your all here. I've made my decision."
"Good." Tanis said as he shook Gabor's hand. "What's it to be?"
"I've a few things I want to discuss with you all." He said. "First, I've decided I want to stay close to our new friends. I think there's a lot we can teach each other."
"But Gabor." Bela said. "Where will we stay? There isn't enough room here for all of us. I think we should get back on the move."
Gabor looked at his younger brother sternly. Bela thought he looked just like his father at that moment. Pride filled his heart for his brother.
"We're not running anymore Bela." He said. "The Savonti die just like us. We can fight them with the help of our new friends. But I won't make that decision for you. If you don't want to, you can gather those that want to and go. I'm staying and fighting. I'll tell the rest of the clan tonight and they can chose for themselves."
"If you stay." Bela told him. "I stay. I won't leave you to fight alone. I'll be right by your side."
Gabor hugged his brother. He knew that would be his answer. In fact he expected that would be the answer most of his clan would have. But the days of one man making all the decision was over he told them.
"I will lead but we will make a council that will make decisions."
"There's one more thing." Azeal told him. "Bela's right. There's not enough room here for all your people and one day this place won't be here. You have to make a permanent place of your own."
"I know just the place." Gabor smiled. " It has plenty of room for us to farm. The hunting is great. We'll always have heat and we will have all the metal our smiths need for making weapons."
Azeal and Bella looked at Gabor confused. Capt Lowell burst into laughter after looking at their faces.
"Your right Gabor." Lowell said "It's perfect. The wall can be fortified and there are spells we know that could help greatly."
"What are you talking about?" Bela asked looking at them all. "Where are we going?"
"Bela." Tanis put a hand on his shoulder. "Think about it. By rights you and your people have conquered Fedrul. From now on it'll be called Gekkol. You rule there now not the Savonti. That will be your new lands."
Bela looked at them in shocked. He never thought anything like this was even possible.
"Humans don't usually take things from the Savonti" He choked out. "They'll be back. Then what?"
"I don't plan to give them the chance to attack us." Gabor smiled. "I plan to attack them instead."
"Now your talking my language." Lowell reached out and grabbed Gabor's hand and shook. "I was hoping you would say something like that"
"Rimnar help us all." Azeal shook his head. "Cutters going to kill me."
"Don't worry." Lowell put his arm around Azeals neck as they all started back into the Academy. "Blink's gonna love my ideas."
A little while later Azeal made his way through the dining hall. It had been a while since either he or Tanis had fed and they were thirsty. As vampires it was forbidden for them to feed around the rest of the cadets. Though they weren't the only one's here that had different eating habits then the rest. There were two here from Tir Na, three from different parts of Yadessa and one Professor Insa had found in the mountains of a far off land. He could shift to a tall bestial humanoid fanged boy that feed only on raw meat. His name was unpronounceable to them so they called him Bandit. He was very magical, smart and well liked by the werewolves in the academy though many of the human cadets feared him. The Were called him cousin and included him in all their activities. They had there own dining room that most cadets stayed away from.
As Azeal walked through he was saw Jovan the young man he had freed from Lord Larins influence coming in his direction. Azeal hadn't seen him in a few days though Capt Lowell had said he was being very helpful. Now dressed in the colors of the Academy Jovan hurried over once he saw him.
"Aiya Jovan." Azeal greeted him. "How are you doing?"
"Very good." He bowed. "Freedom agrees with me but that's not why I came looking for you."
"Oh, What is it?"
"We have a problem you seem to have forgotten about." From the look on Jovan's face Azeal knew this had to be something that was serious.
"Come on and we can talk." Azeal and Jovan moved on out of the dining hall and went to a private office Azeal and Tanis used as there own. Azeal unlocked the door and let the young man in.
"Have a seat.' Azeal walked around the desk and sat down. "Now what am I forgetting?"
"The spy."
"What spy?" He asked shock run though him at the word spy.
"Your forgetting how I got here." Jovan reminded him. "The boy that got me and the others into the academy. He's still here and plotting against you I'm sure."
"That's right you did tell me about him before." Azeal sat back in his chair. It seemed now he had something else to worry about. "What do you think he wants here?"
"All I know is we were all sent here to stop you from moving the school." He explained. "While he looked for something."
"I don't know." Jovan shrugged. "It was something powerful that Lord Larin wanted. And I know it's here somewhere."
"Jovan we have no idea what to look for so searching would be a waste."
"But I know the boy that's doing the searching." He said. "Perhaps there's a way to get him to reveal himself."
"You'll need help if the boy's a mage." Azeal stood and walked to the door Jovan following. "Find Kalin. Tell him everything you told me and tell him I said I trust you with this mission. He'll help you. Be careful Jovan. I think I know who that boy is and if it is who I think,. He's very dangerous."
After Jovan left Azeal went back to his desk and sat back down. Jovan's news was trouble. Real trouble. If what Azeal was thinking was right, there was someone here that could be very dangerous to them. Others needed to know.
[Tanis, Blink, We have a big problem.]
High in his stack Magu stood at a window and watched the horizon. From high up there he could see almost all the lands he ruled, and with his vision not much escaped the lord of the skies. What he didn't see one of his many eyes across the lands did see and today he they saw the armauks Lord Lesu searched for. He smiled to himself as he thought of what Lesu would do for him if he had his to sons in his hands. But what about that thing that saved him from the zared? Could it be what Daru had warned them about? He turned from the window and paced his study. It didn't matter, they would soon all be under his control and in his hands. Then whatever they were, he would make Daru pay if he wanted the strangers.
[Pa sma ni's] He called out to his vicious baebots gathered all around his stack. "We have work to do tonight."
Once Shayn and Mar had rejoined Ono and the others Juelz ran out to Mar and grabbed his leg in a hug. They all watched amazed at what they saw. All except Drella. She wasn't shocked at all. She knew what it was like to love a Savonti and trust him.
"I am alright Juelz." He picked the boy up and carried him over on his shoulders to join the other in the clearing.
"I want to thank you strange one for helping us." Mar bowed to Shayn, Ono and Lilia. "But I do not understand why you did it."
"Because I sense your not like most of the Savonti." Lilia smiled. "The boy knows. He trust you so there must be something different about the two of you."
"Who are you?" Xan asked standing next to Drella on the tracker. He still wasn't quite convinced about these strangers and still held his sword. "Why are you here?"
"I'm Shayn." He nodded to his new friends. "This is my mate Ono. We are strangers here on Pentanthin. This is Lady Lilia Kordova."
"I am Mar. This is Xan my brother and Drella and Juelz." Mar introduced each of them then pointed to Lilia."Is she a stranger here as well?"
"No." She answered. "I'm from Darul. We're here for your help."
Mar looked at the three strangers. They looked harmless but after what he had seen the light haired man do, he knew better. He wasn't sure if there was anyway they could help them and they still had a long way to go if they wanted to reach safety.
"How can we help you?" Mar asked.
"First tell us where two Savonti warriors are going with two humans?" Ono asked. "They don't look like prisoners or food. You should be enemies, but you travel together. Why?"
Mar looked at his brother and Drella then took Juelz down. He didn't think these humans would understand they're reasons. So what was the point. They should just go.
"You might be surprised at what we might understand." Lilia smiled at them. "You run from your father who is the lord Lesu. You wish to protect these two. You even love them. And for that the Savonti would execute you. Burn and eat you both as how do you say it? Armauk?"
Mar and Xan looked at the blind woman confused and in shock at what she had just said. None of them were from Lesul. How would they know?
"I know a lot of things that are happening on Pentanthin." She explained. "Some in the past and some yet to come."
"Who are you three really?" Xan had heard enough. Names meant nothing to him. He needed to know more then that.
"I know who they are."
Everyone turned as Drella spoke up for the first time.
"I saw you." She said looking at Shayn and Ono. "A great white beast. And you dressed all in grey. My people have a prophesy of the white and grey. It's you isn't it? Here to free Pentanthin from the rule of the Savonti."
"We don't know if it's us." Ono told the pretty young girl on the tracker. "But we're going to try our best to help Pentanthin and we think you can all help."
"I do not understand any of this." Mar said confused at what was going on. He looked to his brother who looked just as confused. "What prophesy Drella?"
"I has been passed down through our clan and on across Pentanthin for hundreds of agens." She explained. "From mothers and fathers to sons and daughters. We have all sworn as children to watch for the signs that they have arrived. Listen Mar and Xan and I will tell you the prophesy."
"Protect the white and grey. For they will cause the end of a thousand years of tyranny and enslavement. Their power and courage will doom the high ones and bring freedom to all that suffer and fight with them. The mark of the wolf and dragon will be the sign. Protect the white and grey."
"And you claim this prophesy pertains to you?" Xan asked them curiously.
"I don't know." Shayn answered with a shrug. "But we were given the same prophesy before we came here and we were told it was about our destiny, and here we are. Whether it's us or not we plan to do what we can to help. Now, we think you can help us. We hope you will."
"You do not understand Pentanthin." Mar told the strangers. "The Savonti will never give up their hold on this world and it will take power I do not think you have to rip it from their grasp."
"Is that you answer then?" Lilia asked. "You plan to run from them instead of fighting for your freedom? That's no answer, that's an excuse."
"I have no answer now." Mar helped Juelz back up on the tracker with Drella. "I think we should find somewhere safe where we can spend the night. Darkness comes and this is Magul. He hunts at night."
"I saw a cave we can spend the night in as we flew in. We can rest there and move on in the morning. It's not far away."
In the dark skies of Magul, four dark figures dressed in green flew high sailing east on air currents. Behind them winged a flock of savage baebats following their master on his nights mission. He was out tonight to capture and bring back the two sons of his fellow lord. The greedy Magu knew Lesu and his anger. He knew that once mad enough, Lesu became so fixed that nothing mattered but getting his deadly hands on the object of his anger. Now he wanted his two renegade sons back in his hands and they were Magu's chance to get at the death lord. And then there was the two strangers that were traveling with Mar and Xan. Two strangers that the mind lord Daru had been searching for. With one sweep of his wings Magu could have four jewels in his possession that he could hold over his enemies. This would be a great night for him.
With huge dragon like wings armed with his staff and sword Magu flew on. The last time he had seen Mar and the others they were just outside of the zared forest. His baebats had followed them out of the clearing and on to a rocky ridge studded with caves. Here they had made their camp for the night, collected water and supplies and got ready to sleep. Once Magu had found them he circled around and landed in the hills behind the cave.
Magu raised his hand and call two of the baebats to him. Fluttering down to land on his shoulder he caressed them and whispered his commands.
"Go watch them." He ordered. "Find me a way in to capture them. GO!"
Leaping into the night sky they were gone, off on their masters command. Smiling Magu watched the cave and waited.
Wrapped in a grey cloak Ono sat outside the cave and kept a watch on the area. Mar had warned him that Magu was nothing like his father and other Savonti lords. He was not the brave one that would come charging with his troops over the ridge to attack. Magu was the sly one. He loved the night and intrigue. If he attacked it would be done with surprise and stealth. He would slip in through the dark and Ono would have to be ready. Ono thought this Magu sounded to him like Polan Dressek slipping through shadows to attack. He hoped his night vision would be enough to give him advance warning of anything Magu might try. So Ono found a high spot on top of the cave where he could see for miles and catch the faintest scent on the night breeze.
He had a lot to think on. How were they and hopefully these two Savonti suppose to go against the whole race of the Savonti's to save the human's. They would need a lot more help. He wished there were more of their clan there to help. He wished just for a few minutes he could talk to Jandar and Rage and get their advice on what to do. Ono missed his older brother and his mate very much. But at times he could hear him whispering to him. They would say if and when you need help all you have to do is call. No matter where you are, or how far from home, we will find you and there will be help when you need it. That always made him feel better. He wonder if it would work here on Pentanthin. Could Jandar or Rage hear him if he called from so far away? There was only one way to find out. Ono breathed in and out then took a deep breath and let it out. The loudest howl he had ever sang. So loud he thought Rimnar might just hear him. And maybe he did.
Far off flying over what was now called Gekkol, a great topaz colored beast heard a call ring out from somewhere deep in his mind. It was a called he hadn't heard in a long time and never thought he would hear here on Pentanthin. But he knew that call and couldn't be happier to hear it. It was the call of someone lost. Someone they had all been looking for for close to a year. Cutter tilted his wings and banked right to head out of Gekkol and into the unknown. In his mind he now knew just where he was going. He was heading to find his lost brothers.
[I'm coming Ono.] Cutter thought. [And anyone that get's in my way will learn the real and terrible power of fear for themselves.]
As Ono watched the night he saw a strange cloud rise up out of the hills and head toward him. He looked closer and noticed that what he saw wasn't just a cloud, but some kind of flock or swarm of animals. Quickly he stood and shifted to wolf and started to jump from the top of the cave to go warn the others. Then something hit him in the side. It knocked him back. He stood back up on all four paws and lifted his head to check the swarm and he was hit again and again by hundreds maybe thousands of small bat like bodies that beat him unconscious and knocked him into a crevice.
Inside the cave everyone slept. Xan and Drella lay curled in a corner while Mar sat with Juelz next to him sleeping. Shayn slept quietly in human form dreaming of home and New Keanna. He dreamed of flying over the forest outside of the city with Ono on his back laughing and having a good time. Further back Lilia lay in a deep sleep dreaming of Ozmun and what was happening back in Lesul. Unfortunately for them no one saw the four figures wing their way across the valley from their hidden mountain perch to land at the cave entrance. Once there Magu used a sleep vapor his smiths had made from certain roots to make sure everyone in the cave was asleep. Then he just walked in and and took Mar, Xan, and Shayn away leaving Drella and Juelz there sleeping.
Hidden in the back Lilia snapped awake to the sound of the Sky lords laughter as he left. Knowing something was wrong she probed the cave to find only the humans left there sleeping. She stood and made her way out to the entrance and probed out further. High in the sky off in the distance Lilia found them. Magu and his warriors. Each one carrying one of her friends.
What had happened? How did this happen? Ono was suppose to be watching for them. Where was he? Turning back to the cave Lilia used her probe again and searched all through the hills surrounding the cave until she found him deep down in the crevice where he had fallen. She could feel his chest rising and falling while he slept. Thank the gods he was alive, but there was no way she could get up there to help him. Feeling a bit useless she sat down to think. She knew she needed help and Drella and Juelz wouldn't be of any use. She thought about the only one she had left to call, Ozmun.
Late in the night the clan Ragar slept. They had hidden everything from the camp before night fall and left just eight men up to patrol and watch for any Savonti raids. Wrapped in his blanket Ozmun slept soundly in Magda's cave. They had stayed up late talking about the clan and why Ozmun thought her power could help in the battle against the Savonti. Magda wasn't convinced there was any chance in beating there long time enemy but she listened to his arguments. He asked wasn't she tired of losing people to their cook pots and slaving in the mines. Wouldn't it be better if they could all stop running and hiding and stay in one place where they could settle down and have a home. Wasn't she tired of the fear the Savonti sent through her people. If they all were to band together there was a chance the Savonti could be defeated. Magda had to agree, these were things her people deserve. It was there right to live without being hunted day after day. They talked to late in the night but still Magda had made no decision. But she did promise to sleep on it and try and give him an answer in the morning.
As Ozmun slept a voice in his head began to call his name louder and louder until it woke him ringing through his mind. It was the voice of Lilia Kordova calling him urgently.
[Ozmun help, we need you!]
Ozmun sat up and looked around remembering where he was. Then the voice called again to him.
[Yes Lilia.] He answered shaking his head. [What's wrong?]
[I need you help. Shayn's been taken by a Savonti lord and Ono may be hurt.]
[I am on my way.] Quickly he threw off his blanket and grabbed his cloak. There was no more time for talk. If Magda didn't want to come with him, he could come back later and try again.
"Where are you going?"
Ozmun turned to find Magda dressed and holding a candle walking toward him. My how beautiful she was he thought.
"I have to go." He said. "My friends are in trouble."
"The Savonti?" She asked. "Are they behind this?"
"Yes." He nodded. "They've taken a friend. I have to go help."
He turned to go walking out to the cave entrance leaving her standing there. She knew this could be the last time she saw the handsome bald man and that he might be going out to die for a friend. She couldn't let him go alone. She would never forgive herself if he died knowing she could've helped.
"Wait!" Magda ran after him and stopped him. "Do you want some help?"
"What about the clan?" He asked. "They need you too."
"Moel knows what to do." She smiled. "He can take care of them just as well as I can."
"Are you sure? This won't be easy." Ozmun told her. "We may not get back."
"Will I get to kill a few Savonti?"
"Without a doubt." He smiled admiring her bravery and maybe falling in love for the first time.
"Then let me tell Moel and we can go." She walked over to her things a took her sword and strapped it to her side. "Come on, he's out on patrol with the others."
It didn't take them long to find Moel and explain where she was going. He kissed her and wished them well. Magda turned to leave the stopped and turned back.
"There's something I want you to do tonight." She told Moel. "Now as a matter of fact."
"What is it?" He asked.
"Wake everyone up." She said. "I want this camp abandoned and everyone gone within the frame. Leave the tents and enough here so from afar it looks like we're all still here."
"Why?" Moel asked her confused by her order. "What are you expecting?"
"No one's seen Oda in two turns. I think Paesh killed him to stop him from telling me Paeash's plans." Magda took Moel's hand in her's. "Moel. I think we've been betrayed by one of our own. Leave someone on the hills up there to watch. If nothing happens in two turns you can have everything you left here collected. If the Savonti show up, you'll know. Find a new place Paesh doesn't know of. Nazun Moel. I'll find you soon as I can. Keep everyone safe."
She kissed Moel's cheek and he watch her and Ozmun leave to find the land of Magul and whatever waited for them there.
[Ono.] A voice drifted in and out of his consciousness. He stirred in his sleep as he reached for the familiar voice but couldn’t get it.
[Ono.] Again he heard it. Who was it calling him? It wasn’t Shayn. Then who could it be?
[Rage?] He snapped himself awake as the voice broke through. [Rage is that you?]
[No it’s me Cutter.] Came the answer. [Where are you?]
[Cutter?] Ono opened his eyes and looked out at the stars over his head. Where was he? How come he hurt so much?
[I’m here Cutter.] He sent out his thoughts concentrating hard. He knew that would lead the fear dragon right to him. Like a shining beacon Ono’s thoughts glowed in Cutter’s mind. He had him now.
[Are you alright?] He asked as he zeroed in on Ono's location. [Where’s Shayn?]
[I’m fine.] He said standing up looking up from the crevice. [Just a little bruised is all. Shayn’s in the cave below me.]
[No he’s not. I don’t feel him.]
[He’s asleep.] Ono shook his head to clear his thoughts. [Can you get me out of here?]
Just then a shadow dropped down to land on the edge of the crevice. Reaching down with his wing Cutter grabbed Ono gently and pulled him up. Once Ono was safely out of the crevice, Cutter shifted.
“What are you doing here on Pentanthin?” Ono grabbed him in a hug glad to see the white haired elf.
“It’s a long story.” Cutter said. “I’ll tell you all about it later. But tell me where Shayn is?”
“He’s in...” Just then Ono realized he couldn’t feel Shayn in the cave. Panic hit him at that moment.
“HE”S NOT HERE!!” He shouted grabbing at Cutter. “Cutter where is he? I have to find him!”
“Ono relax, search in your mind. Do you feel him?”
Ono closed his eyes and searched for the rapport he had with his mate. Yes it was there. He was asleep off to the north but unhurt.
“I feel him.” He pointed out to the north. “He’s that way.”
“There are people in the cave below.” Cutter said. “Do you know them?”
“Yes they’re friends. Lilia will know what happened and she can help.” Ono climbed up over to the edge and jumped down to the cave entrance with Cutter following him.
Inside they found Lilia sitting with Drella and Juelz but no Xan, Mar or Shayn.
“Thank the gods you’re awake.” Lilia stood reaching for Ono’s hand. Ono took her in his arms for a hug.
“What happened” He asked.
“They came and took them.” She said.
“Them?” Cutter asked. “Who took who?”
“Lord Magu took them.” Drella stepped up to Ono and Cutter. “And you have to get them back or Lord Lesu will kill them.”
Come little one's. = Pa sma ni's.
ReplyDeleteAttack. = Inras.
Quel Amrun. = Good morning.