"Help us!' One boy called. "Don't let them get us."
Trip looked around and saw the riders were down beyond the grove of trees. They hadn't made it around the corner yet so if he could hide these kids they might just keep going.
"Here, in the grove." He yelled. "Hide!"
"That won't work." The boy said scared. "The tracker have our scent, they'll find us."
Trip had to think fast. He couldn't let the Trackers come into the grove. He had to find a way to stop them or divert them somewhere else. Illusion wouldn't work if they were following a scent. But if they could hide them and somehow lead those things away, they would be safe. But how? How could he scare them off? If only he were a dragon, then he would have no trouble scaring them off or ripping them to pieces. A dragon! that's it! Rese could be there as Tempus in just a few minutes if he called him.
[Zarin! I need Tempus here right now! I'm in trouble!]
[What's going on Trip?]Zarin asked.
[No time to explain.] Trip pushed the kids into the grove of trees. [Just get him here as fast as he can or I'll be fighting on my own.]
[FIGHTING?] Zarin sent. [He's shifting and leaving now.]
"I have to hide you all before those things get here." Trip explained to them.
"We can hide us all." One of the twins said. "But the tracker beast will find our scents easily. We can't hide that. Not yet."
"What do you mean?" Trip asked as he heard the thundering sounds of the rider getting closer.
"Stay close to us." The other boy said as he closed his eyes and hugged his sister to him. As Trip watched their images began to shimmer and fade away. He looked at his hands and watched as they became transparent and faded from view,
"Shh!!" He heard. "The Savonti will hear you. Stay quiet and pray."
Trip shut his mouth but he knew praying wasn't going to be enough. These reptilians would find them if the children were right, and he better be ready to fight if he had to.
Trip had always been good with spells of defense. He could burn the wings from a fly at twenty paces, here was his chance to prove it. As he readied his spells he watched the two strange men climb off their beast and lead then into the grove. Trip held his breath as they looked directly at them. He started to raise his hands to cast a spell when one of the boys grabbed his arm. He heard a shh whispered in his ear and he held back from casting. Slowly the beast they were riding started sniffing the ground for a scent. They walked around until they came to the the spot where Trip and the children had entered the glade then they perked up. They had found the scent they were looking for. From there they started in and the two Savonti pulled weapons off their backs. They were strange metal spears Trip thought. One end had a pointed spear point while the other end was more like a blunt knob. This was it. They were about to be found. Trip had no choice but to fight. Lucky thing for him the two boys had somehow made them invisible. He would have the advantage of surprise. Thank Rimnar there was only three of them, that he might be able to handle. Trip raised his hands again to cast his spell when he heard a strange shriek. He looked to his left and saw three more of the reptilian men ride up. Now they were in real trouble. He could cast enough bolts to kill them all but between each he would need a minute or so to recharge. That would be all the chance these things would need to rush in and kill them all.
"If either of you have a sword." He whispered keeping his eyes on the reptilians approaching. "You better get ready to fight."
Trip's spell spun through his mind ready to go as they readied themselves for a fight. Suddenly a shadow passed overhead and they heard a terrifying roar. Trip looked up to see something streaking in from above. He saw an amazing black and red of Tempus with talons out coming to the rescue. The reptilians the boys called Savonti ran out of the grove with their spears raised ready to fight.
"What is that?" One of the twins asked shocked at what he saw zooming in to fight the Savonti.
"That's my friend Tempus." Trip told them with a proud smile. "He's here to help us get away."
"Don't let them touch him with the big end of the staff, he'll get shocked!"
Trip saw Tempus coming in for the attack. He was going right in unaware of what would happen when the Savonti staffs touched him. That was the moment Trip let loose with his spell. A bolt of energy flew through the sky and hit the lead Savonti knocking him back into two of his comrades. They flew back dropping their staffs as they fell.
[Tempus!] He sent. [Watch out for those staffs. The have some kind of power in them. Don't let them touch you!]
[Right!] Tempus sent back and poured on the speed. He became like a blur moving so fast they could barely see him. One, two, three went down as he bowled them over with lightning speed. From the ground the others climbed to their feet as Trip sent two more bolts at them blasting them back to the ground unconscious.
"Come on!" Trip pushed the children on into a run out of the grove. Tempus came down to land as the scared children ran up to him, one of the little ones balked and stepped back.
"Don't worry." Trip told him. "He won't hurt you. He's my friend and he'll take you somewhere safe. But you have to trust us. Can you do that?"
"Yes." She nodded the youngest girl said nodding.
"Climb on." Trip told them lifting the girl up onto Tempus's back. She grabbed on to the ridge of the dragon's back as her brothers and sister climbed on and held on.
"Take them to Zarin." Trip said. "I'll meet you there."
"Your not coming with us?" The little girl asked worried.
"I'll be OK." Trip said stepping back. "I fly on my own."
With that he shifted and took his raven form and he flew of into the sky.
[Hold on] Tempus sent. Surprised to hear him in their heads the two twins closed their eyes then took a tighter hold on their sisters and his ridge as Tempus leaped into the air and took flight.
"Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!" Nysa called smiling. "Tored look! This is fun!"
Tored opened his eyes and realized they were high off the ground flying. He smiled loving the feeling. This was something he had always dreamed of doing.
[Me to.] Tempus sent to him. [Now I can fly whenever I want as fast as I want and I love it. Hold on!]
Tored held on to them all as Tempus took them on the ride of their lives. This would be a day they would never forget.
In the clearing Zarin waited for his friends to return. The first back was Craven and Zark. They had been hunting and returned back with two great three horned creatures that looked like the deer back home. This should be plenty to feed them with, now all they needed was water and that Reno and Dack had sent to him they had found. There was a river not far from the clearing they were camped in now. Next back Thalia. She had flown out many miles and reported seeing smoke coming from stacks she had seen. From the stacks she had smelled food cooking she she knew there were people there somewhere close. Not to mention the cultivated fields she had seen. They looked like farm lands. She hadn't seen any people but she had a feeling she knew who's land she had found. The Savonti. The enemy Sacar had been talking about. She wanted to go down and investigate be Sacar had told her how dangerous they were and to be careful. Besides, she had a lot to tell Zarin and the others and the Savonti could wait until she had some of the others with her to search. She was eager to find out what Shine had found in the south. Maybe he had found some evidence of the people Sacar had talked about. She hoped so. There was only one problem. How was she to tell them of the Savonti without telling them about Sacar? And she had to tell them of the Savonti if they were the enemy Sacar had said they were. Things were beginning to get complicated.
Once back at the clearing she told Zarin and the others of what she had found. She left out one thing. Sacar, she didn't mention him. As they talked Reno and Dack returned with the water. They had been carrying canteens with them and returned with them full. Next came Shine. His southern journey hadn't produced anything but strange feelings. He had sensed something but he couldn't locate where it was coming from. As they sat and waited Eheren came and sat with Thalia.
[I need to talk with you.] He said sitting next to her.
"Then talk. Is there a need for you to send to me?"
[I think so.] He said. [You failed to tell them of Sacar.]
Thalia almost choked and dropped her drink when she heard that name. She looked at him in shock. How did he know?
[Part of me is the spirit Magnes, Thalia.] Eheren smiled at her. [Did you really think we wouldn't sense Sacar or anything of the Nevac?]
[I..I..I didn't know.] He could feel the shame she felt for deceiving them. [I promised to keep my knowledge of the Nevac a secret. I'm sorry.]
[I trust you Thalia.] He sent. [But there's something that Sacar told you that we all need to know. I don't know what it is because I wouldn't listen in on what happened in the cave. But if it's important I think you should tell us, don't you?]
[Your right.] She told him.[You all deserve to know what's here on this planet.]
Thalia stood up and walked to Zarin with Eheren following her. He was talking with Reno and Dack while skinning the deer for dinner.
"Zarin I have something to tell you."
"Hold on." He stood and pointed. "Here comes Tempus and Trip. And they has company." Everyone stood and walked out to met them as Trip flew down to land and shift back to his human form.
"What happened?" Zarin asked.
"Tempus and I saved some kids from something they call the Savonti." Trip said as Tempus came down and the four kids climbed down off his back. Trip waved them over. "You know I never asked your names. I'm Trip. This is Zarin, Thalia, Reno, and Dack. Over there is Craven, Eheren and Zark. And you know Rese."
"Rese?" Tored asked.
Trip pointed behind them. Where once there stood a dragon, now a young boy came walking over smiling. He was dressed in the came colors as Tempus. Odd they thought.
"Aiya!" Rese reached out to shake hands with one of the twins. He looked at him oddly. The oldest girl stepped up with a grin.
"Thank you for the ride. It was fun." She bowed. " My names Nysa and this is my sister Mera and my brothers Tored and Luke."
"I don't understand." Luke frowned. "What happened to the mighty staz we rode here on?"
"That was me." Rese told him.
"I'm what we call a dragon where we come from." Rese told them. "We're all different but friends."
"Your all, what did call it?" Tored asked. "Dragon's?"
"No." Zarin stepped up to greet them. "Like Rese said we're all different with different abilities and talents. But come we have food cooking. You can tell us all about those things chasing you and get some rest."
"Here in the open with the fire burning?" Luke asked looking around at the camp. He had a scared and worried look on his face. "We're not safe here. The smoke will bring them straight to us. We're still in Lesul and the Savonti could find us easily. We have to keep moving."
"Your safe with us." Reno said. The children looked at the strong man standing in front of them. He wasn't that much older then Luke and Tored but from his look, they could tell he had been in a few battles and could hold his own. But still, they didn't seem to know anything about the Savonti. How could that be?
"You don't understand." Tored said anxiously, "There's no safe place on Pantanthin from the Savonti. All we can do is hide or be caught and made slaves or worse. They rule here. How is it you don't know the Savonti? Have your people found somewhere safe they could hide?"
"It's a long story." Zarin said. "But if you don't think we're safe here then we should find somewhere else where we can talk."
"Zarin,I know a place we can go." Thalia spoke up looking at Eheren for his approval. "It's not far from here."
"Then put out that fire and let's get moving." He said. "We don't know how much time we have. Pack everything we have. We'll need more water. Dack take whoever you need to help carry it. Thalia will tell you where to meet us. Let's hurry and get out of here. We fly so there's no trail to track us with."
As everyone got busy packing Zarin and Trip turned to Luke and Tored who still held onto their sisters to protect them.
"I know your scared." He said. "But I promise you we'll do everything we can to protect you. Now tell us all you know about the Savonti and we'll tell you all about us and who we are."
Fear filled the house of Lesu as he walked silently through the halls. No one dared approach the lord of the house for his eyes blazed with contempt from the recent events in his manse. He thought of the two responsible for tonight's treason. His two eldest and most trusted sons Mar and Xan. In an attempt to free Mar they had released hundreds of human slaves to escape and wreck havoc in his his. Now his warriors were out on the chase rounding up those that had made it out and track down his two treacherous sons and bring them back. He swore their heads would soon ride a post at his front gates for all to see to remember how he treated those that would betray the lord Lesu.
As he walked his house he watched as slaves hurried to clean up all the destruction caused by the escape, He stopped at the refuse room where his sons had made their final battle then escaped. His anger rages as hew saw the two dead warriors that had let them escape. Lesu walked to the raised grate and kicked the two bodies down into the trash then turned and ordered an aide to have his lead hunter sent to his quarters immediately.
A few minutes later when Lesu walked into his apartment, Loc the hunter was there waiting for him.
"My lord." He saluted.
"Sit." He ordered walking around the hot room and taking his place on his highchair.
"You know why I have sent for you?"
"Yes lord Lesu." He answered. "You wish me to bring back Mar and Xan for punishment."
"I want them back here in chains to face me." Lesu said folding his arms calmly. "I want them alive, do you understand? Alive to face me."
"Yes my lord."
"Take as many warriors as you need." Lesu told him. "And Loc. Do not fail me or it will be you that stands before me."
"I will bring them back." Loc bowed backing out of the throne room. "Have no fear."
"I never fear." He said. "I cause fear. Now go find my treacherous sons."
He looked at one of his guards after the hunter had left. "Send runner’s out to Magu and Pulu. Tell them Mar and Xan are now armauk to me. I will reward any lord or Savonti that returns them to me. And bring me something to kill.”
As Shayn winged has way across Magul something watched from below in the trees. Jumping from tree to tree they follow him keeping a close eye on his progress and where he was going. Separating into two groups, one to follow and, one to report back to their master, eyes stayed with him never getting to far away.
[Where are we Lilia?] Ono asked.
[We're in Magul.] She sent from behind him. [I don't know much about this land except that Magu rules here. I've never been here before but there's someone here we have to find.]
[Someone from another clan?] Shayn asked.
[Not exactly, but someone that can help us definitly.]
[Another mystery?] Ono asked her. [Is all of Pentanthin a big mystery for us?]
[Seems that way.] The white dragon sent back. [Tell me, What do you know of this Magu?]
[Nothing.] She said. [I've been trying to search for him but I can't find anything here. It's like he's invisible,]
[What do you feel?] Ono ran his hand along his mates long neck send him his love.
[What do you mean?]
[Gabriel can sense things like Cutter could right?] Shayn wasn't sure what Ono meant by that. [Fear love. You sense fear like Cutter. You may be about to sense something here. Try.]
Shayn knew he was right. Gabriel could mimic the abilities of all the other dragons in their clan so he should be able to feel something here. He might be able to find this Magu or whoever it was they were looking for.
[Who is Gabriel?] Lilia asked confused.
[All dragon's on Keanna are merged beings.] Ono explained. [The human and the dragon. Gabriel is Shayn's dragon's name. Though most will use one name or the other.]
[Then you are both Shayn and Gabriel?]
[Yes.] He said. [ But you can call me Shayn. It'll be less confusing for you. Hold on. I'm taking us higher so I can try probing.]
Shayn tilted his wings and rose higher on a heat thermal until the ground was almost lost under the clouds. Pentanthin's twin suns blazed from above. Then he closed his eyes and concentrated on his fear senses. He suddenly could feel all the people in Magul and where they were. He could locate those hidden in distant caves and the ones that were traveling. Far ahead of them he felt a great concentration of fear in what seemed to be a strange looking stack of some kind.
[Lilia.] He sent. [Ahead to the north. Do you feel that? That stack?]
Reading into Shayn's senses Lilia and Ono saw what he had found. She looked deeper and knew at once this was the home of a Magu of the Savonti. But this was nothing like Fedru or Resu's lair. This wasn't underground at all. This was more like a dormant volcano full of heated tubes and chambers where the Savonti lived.
[That's the manse of Magu.] She sent. [Stay away from it for now. Do you sense anything else?]
[Yeah I do feel something coming from the east.]
[What is it Shayn?] Ono asked.
[Hold on tight.] He said. [We're going down!]
Crashing through the dense brush, Mar rode his tracker hard through the forest. Right in front of him Juelz held tight with his head buried in the trackers neck. Following behind them Xan pushed his tracker on. They were running from one of the most feared things in the forest. A Xared plant. Xared's were carnivorous plants made of all vines and mouths that could run deep into the ground and through the whole forest. They would grab anything that stood still long enough and could stretch there vines to almost three times it's original length. At the center of the root mass where the vines rose strong and flexible there was a mouth. And not just any mouth, this was a mouth like no other beast on Pentanthin had with four rows of razor shape jagged teeth able to rip and bite into any animal the vines could capture. Xared's sense their prey through vibrations in the ground. No animal no matter how small could take a step near a Xared plant safely without alerting it to their presence. Now Mar and his fellow runners had found their way into a forest no human or Savonti had ever escaped from.
"Faster, Xan faster!" Mar beat the side of his tracker making it move faster with every step. Behind him Xan and Drella pushed there mount hard to keep out of the reach of the deadly vines that reached for them. With a quick slash of his blade Xan cut down two vines that came from there left. To his right ran the extra tracker Xan had packed all their supplies on. Foam ran from the mouths of all three trackers as the fought exhaustion to keep running and get them safely out of the Xared forest. As Xan slashed again and again he heard Drella scream. He looked back to see the tracker and the last of their food and water being pulled off its feet and dragged into the thick forest behind them. Xan could hear the screams of the poor beast as it was ripped apart, but there was nothing he could do to help it.
Ahead of them vines shot out of the forest all around them. With his staff Mar beat them back and kicked his tracker on. Suddenly in front of them Mar saw something that alarmed him. There was a eight foot gap ahead of them. Mar wasn't sure if his tracker still had the strength to make the jump. Bearing down he grabbed hold of Juelz and urged his tracker on. Just as it reached the gap it leaped high and sailed up and over the gap. But just as it's feet came down to grip the ground to land, three vines shot out and grabbed it's feet. Clutching Juelz, Mar fell forward and rolled. Jumping back to his feet Mar ran for the clearing ahead of them as his tracker was dragged into the gully.
"MAR!" Xan shouted riding up to him reaching out.
"Take Juelz and go!" With a quick thrust Mar sent the boy flying up into Xan's waiting arms as he ran. "Get them to safety! Do not worry about me!"
"No!" The boy screamed as he reached back for his Savonti protector. Xan put the crying boy into Drella's arms and rode on for the clearing and what he hoped would be safety from the hungry plants.
As he ran Mar saw his brother make it out of the forest and was relieved to know they were almost safe. He knew he couldn’t stop because the xared could possibly still send roots through the ground and out into the clearing and grab them and pull them back.
From high overhead Shayn swooped down over the clearing. They saw the tracker speeding out of the forest carrying a Savonti warrior and two humans. A woman and and a boy. From the way they rode they could tell this was no ordinary capture going on here.
[What do you think?] Ono asked Lilia behind him. [What's going on down there?]
[They are the one's we're looking for.]
[We're here looking for a Savonti warrior?] Shayn asked. [Are you joking?]
"Not one." Lilia pointed into the forest. "Two. There's another one in there about to be ripped apart by xared plants. If you don't hurry it'll be to late."
"You want us to save a Savonti?" Ono asked surprised. "Aren't they the enemy?"
"Not these two." She said. "They're different. They're apart of the future. I can see it. Leave us in the clearing with the others. Hurry Shayn!"
Narrowing his wings, Shayn dropped down to where Xan, Drella and Juelz waited and she and Ono climbed off his back holding their hands out for Xan to see. Shocked by the great beast in front of him Xan stood there holding his sword ready.
"Go!" She said. "We'll be fine."
With a great leap into the air, Shayn shrank himself down to a smaller more compact fighting size and took off back into the sky. Once airborne he turned toward the forest and poured on the speed. As he approached the forest he saw a huge Savonti warrior swatting at vines as they came at him. One by one he blasted them with his staff, but as one vine was destroyed another took its place. Soon he was being overwhelmed and wrapped in vines with no chance to free himself.
With a roar Shayn dived in and started ripping at the vines covering the warrior. With his hands free Mar raised his staff to blast the beast attacking him.
[Peace warrior.] He sent. [I'm here to help you get free. Don't fight me please!]
What is this strange beast Mar asked himself. Should I trust it? Is it really trying to help me?
Hovering in place, Shayn slashed again and again at the vines wrapped around Mar. The more he slashed, the more vines sprung out of the ground to hold him. Mar dropped his staff as the vines tighten around him. As they fought, the vines began to drag him into the forest. Shayn looked ahead and saw the gaping mouths centered in the middle of the stalk they were being dragged toward.
"Stop!" Mar shouted. "I know your trying to help but it is to late. Get away before your trapped too."
[I'll get you loose!] Shayn sent to him roaring out his rage. [Somehow by the first dragon I'll get you free!!]
Closer and closer they were dragged as the mouths snapped open and shut dripping some nasty looking fluid. Shayn pulled and struggled with the vines as hard as he could when suddenly a thought hit him. He had for a second thought about home and what would some of the other dragons do. There was no real mind here so Cutter's fear abilities wouldn't help. He couldn't flame them or use lightning. There was nothing a water dragon could do that might help. But what of Icicle? His cold magic just might work here. Shayn looked again to see how close they were. The great mouth was less then two feet away. If this didn't work he wouldn't have time to try anything else. He concentrated on Icicle and told a deep breath. He could feel the burning of the cold in his lungs. Then he lifted his maw and sent a freezing blast of cold into the mouth about to tear into him and the` Savonti. Blue frost flew out and covered the purple jaws and vines as the xared began to freeze. Ice crystals creeped up all along the vines and deep into the ground to the roots as it froze. With a quick swing of his tail Shayn smashed the frozen plant and pulled himself and the Savonti warrior free. As Mar got to his feet he shook off the remains of the vines and stepped back from the small white dragon.
"What on Pentanthin are you?" He asked. "Why have you saved me?
In a flash Shayn shifted back to his human form and stood in front of him his blond hair shining in the sun's light.
"I can explain here and possibly get grabbed by another of those things, or we could get out of here and find somewhere safe to talk." Shayn looked around to be sure no more vines were in sight.
"Where is Xan?" Mar asked.
"Safe with my friends." Shayn answered. "Can we go now?"
In the hot dry hills of Redul a lone man waited in the shade of the cliffs. Paesh had hate and revenge on his mind. Magda had spurned him, Oda had betrayed him and that stranger Ozmun had beat him in a fight. Paesh had swore he would destroy them all and the clan would be his and with the help of the one he waited for. All his wishes would soon be realized.
Paesh wiped the sweat from his forehead as he watch three trackers with two riders came riding over the horizon. This was the one he waited for. None of his clan would dare ride these plains during the day when the Savonti were out hunting. He watched as they rode closer and soon Redu lord of the land sat in front of him. Paesh bowed keeping low and avoiding his eyes as he waited for Redu to speak first.
"Human." Redu sat forward on his tracker. "Are you ready to live up to the bargain you made?"
"Yes M'lord." Paesh stood. "They will be yours all I ask is the woman Magda. I want her fixed so her magic can no longer harm me and a small band to lead as my own clan."
"It will be as you wish, human" Redu smiled that sneer that all savonti had. "All you must do is tell me where they hide."
"I will lead you to them."
"Then take this tracker." Redu nodded to his aide who threw the reins to him. Paesh caught them and climbed on the huge tracker beast. Smelling humans the tracker bucked and threw him off. Paesh landed with his face in the dirt as the two Savonti laughed.
"Careful human." Redu said. "This is not the small tame beast you humans ride. This is a Savonti mount and it will eat you if it can."
"Then how do I ride it, M'lord?"
"Carefully." Redu climbed down off his tracker and walked over to Paesh. He took the reins and stared deeply into the eyes of the tracker. It snorted and he cuffed it in the head hard then threw the reins back.
"Get on and we go." He climbed back on and waited until Paesh was mounted. "Lead us."
Paesh kicked the sides of the tracker and off they went. Today Paesh would betray his clan and tonight, he might even get all that's coming to him.
High in the skies over the lands that were once ruled by Fedru, Cutter flew. Since they had arrived on Pentanthin he hadn't much chance to fly and he missed it. The air in his face, stretching his wings and sailing from thermal to thermal. He missed the freedom of the sky. Now he was free. But only for a while. There was something he needed to do. Someone he needed to find. He had no idea who it was or where he had to go, but they were out here somewhere.
Rising higher into the sky Cutter opened himself up to find that spark in his mind he knew was there. Once he had it he turned west and followed the feeling. It was time he found out what it was that haunted his mind. Friend or foe.
Armauk. = enemy.
ReplyDeleteArmauk also means traitor.