Someone had locked him away in chains. He knew he was in trouble. Somehow the Savonti must have found them and taken him away. Then a thought hit him. Ono, Where was he? Shayn closed his eyes and reached out for the link to his mate. He searched deep in his mind but there was nothing there. He couldn't feel him at all. In all the days since they became mates Shayn had never gone a second without the feel of Ono in his mind, now there was nothing. Does this mean he's dead? No, he couldn't be, he wouldn't accept that. Not now, not ever. He had to get out of there and go find him. He walked to the window and tried the bars. They were tight. If he shifted to his dragon form he could use Blink's shadow powers and slip out of the chains and away into the shadows and go back to the cave where he left Ono. He had to be there looking for him.
Shayn closed his eyes and concentrated on the change. He felt the tingling that he usually felt and the shift began then pain exploded it his head. He screamed clutching his head and fell to his knees. With his head throbbing he lay there in the cool darkness and let the pain subside. He couldn't shift. He knew his dragon was still with him but for some reason he couldn't shift forms. But what of all the other magic he knew. Could he use any of his magic? He tried simple gesture magic and nothing happened. Next he tried a spell to bring a light orb into existence and again, nothing happened. Shayn sat down depressed as he realized he was helpless. He had nothing now but his natural dragon strentgh. None of his magic worked and he was trapped here by some strange Savonti lord. He knew he was really in trouble, but he wouldn't give up. He'd been in trouble before and this was not that different. He would find a way. Drobi had taught him as a child that magic was a tool just like a shovel or a pencil. You use it as best you can but it's not the most important tool he had. His mind was. As long as he was calm and thought clearly, there was nothing he couldn't do.
Deep down in the bowels Of Magu's stack, Mar woke up. He looked around and knew he wasn't in the cave anymore with the others. From the smell of the air he had to be in a Savonti lair in some cell. He sat up and saw Xan over in the corner lying there still asleep. On all fours he crawled over and shook his brother awake. With a start Xan's eyes opened.
"Shh!!" He held his hands over Xan's mouth. "We're in trouble."
Looking around Xan knew he was right. Mar released him and helped him to sit up.
"Where are we?"
"Magu's stack I think." Mar stood and helped his brother up. "They must have come while we were sleeping."
"What about the others?" Xan asked. "Drella? Shayn and Ono?"
"I don't know." He answered. "They're either still in the cave dead or here somewhere."
"What do you think he's going to do with us?"
"I'm going to ransom you both back to your father." Mar and Xan turned and there Magu stood outside the barred cell door smiling at them with his wings wrapped around him like a cloak. "He misses his two favorite sons and wants them back. He wants you so bad I think I can get anything I want of him."
"Father won’t pay you." Mar walked to the door snarling at the Sky lord. "He'll come in mass and rip this stack down around your damned ears"
"I don't think so." Magu laughed. "I've taken steps."
"Where are our friends?" Xan shouted.
"The humans?" Magu asked. "What do I care about petty humans. They're nothing to me but a meal and I have plenty of food here. But the light haired one, he's more interesting. Daru will pay handsomely for the katala. I have sent a messenger to Darul for him to come at once"
Rage filled Mar as he listened to Magu's boasting. He had gone from one evil tyrants hands to another and he was tired of them all. Shayn and Ono were right, it was time for the Savonti lords to fall and Mar wanted to do all he could to help bring them down.
"Magu." He said boldly. "You are the most cowardly of all the lords. I spit in your face and challenge you for lord of these lands. Face me coward!"
"You challenge me?" Magu laughed."You who are armauk to all Savonti and friend to humans think you can challenge the lord of this house? Neither of you have that right anymore. Now you’re both as low as the humans you so love. But fear not. Your father will be here soon enough to take you back to his happy home. So rest comfortably and enjoy your last days of so called freedom."
Laughing Magu turned and walked away. Mar stepped to the door and shook the bars screaming out his rage. Xan sat down and slumped defeated. He knew Lord Lesu would be here in less than two turns, he didn't see any hope.
"What now Mar?"
"I'm not going back to Lesul." Mar told him. "I'll see them both dead first."
"Then we have to get passed that door." Mar came over and sat with his brother. "What then?"
"Then we find Shayn and get out of here." Mar said. "I think we have work to do him and I."
"And the locked door" Xan asked.
"Let me worry about that." Mar smiled." I have a way with locks."
After Lilia explained everything that happened and Cutter told them all about the Academy being on Pentanthin Ono paced the cave trying to think of what they should do.
"There's only one answer." He said. "We have to go after them tonight."
"We could get help from the Academy." Cutter said. "It wouldn't take Blink long to get here through shadow."
"You forget." Ono said. "Blink has to have been here to come in shadow. He can't just pop into places he's never been even if we guide him. He'll still have to fly here before he can bring others through and we don't have time for him to fly here."
"Then it's just the two of us." Cutter stood and faced Ono.
"Four of us." A voice sounded from the cave entrance. Cutter and Ono turned to see who it was that had joined them.
In the door way Ozmun stood along with Magda Rangar looking like they had been riding a long distance.
"It's about time you found us." Ono rushed to the entrance and hugged his friend.
"I came as soon as I got Lilia's message." He smiled greeting Ono. "What happened?"
"We were raided by Lord Magu." Lilia stood and walked over to greet him."Nazun, Ozmun. I guess your mission was a success."
"Yes" He turned to Magda beside him. "My I introduce Magda Rangar, Leader of the Rangar Clan in Lesu."
"Nazun." She nodded to them all as they introduced themselves.
"And who is this?" Ozmun gestured to Cutter. "Another stranger to Pentanthin?"
"Yes." He said shaking Ozmun's hand. "I'm Cutter one of Shayn and Ono's clan. I heard his call and came immediately."
"Would you be a wolf like Ono or a dragon like Shayn?"
"Dragon." Cutter bowed smiling.
"So we fight Lord Magu." Ozmun said. "The winged one. This won't be an easy fight. He'll have his warriors and baebats in the air protecting his stack. It won't be easy getting there without them seeing us coming."
"Ozmun they have Shayn." Rage filled Ono making his whole body shake strangely. He'd never felt such anger before. "I don't care how many are out there. Nothing will stop me from ripping my way in to get him out."
Cutter looked at Ono. There was something strange about him. His anger was doing something to him. Changing him somehow. He had a feeling he knew just what was happening to him and it was about time.
"I can hear all your minds." Lilia told them “I’ll stay close and direct you through the stack. We have three to get out not just Shayn."
"Three?" Ozmun looked at them confused. "Who else is in there?"
Silence filled the room as Ozmun looked at each of them. Ono knew how much Ozmun hated the Savonti. How were they supposed to tell him he had to go risk his life to free two of the very people he hated so much?
"We need to talk." Lilia reached for Ozmun's arm and guided him out of the cave where she would explain the rest of what he needed to know. Ono didn't envy her. He knew Ozmun wouldn't like it. But there was someone here that might help.
"Drella, Juelz. Go help Lilia. She's going to need your help."
Drella took Juelz hand and led him out of the cave. If anyone could make him understand, two humans that cared for a Savonti would do it.
With Lilia on his arm Ozmun stepped out of the cave. It was a clear cool night with a bright moon glowing high in the sky. Once outside Ozmun turned to see Drella and Juelz following them. He wondered what was going on.
"Two others were taken with Shayn." Lilia told him. "Two very important warriors to Pentanthin's future."
"If they're as important as you say." He said. "Don't worry. I'll get them free. Who are they? What's the mystery here?"
"There's no other way to tell you Ozmun." Ozmun for once wished he could look into Lilia's eyes, but he couldn't. They were covered with her blindfold.
"They are the son's of Lord Lesu." Drella told him. "Two Savonti warriors."
"WHAT!!" Ozmun's eyes flared with anger. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You want me to bring back two of those man eaters?"
"No." Drella said. "I want you to save my mate. The most important person in my life. The one that kept me from being tortured, worked to death, raped and eaten. They're not all raving killers Ozmun. There are some that treat us with respect."
"Mar fed me when I was starving." Juelz said tearfully. "He fought for me. No one's ever done that before. He's my friend."
"He's a Savonti! They eat us!"
"Not Mar and Xan!" Drella shouted at him. "They're different!"
"Mar only eats vegetables" Juelz started crying. Drella hugged him to her side soothing him.
"Ozmun, Savonti are like humans." Lilia reminded him. "And like human not all of them are evil. Some have hearts and souls and know compassion."
Cutter walked out and joined them. He had heard what was going on and wanted to add his own opinion.
"On my world in some parts Ono would be killed on sight for being a werewolf. " He said. "We dragons have been hunted in some parts. I have friends that live on blood, but that doesn't make them evil. It's your deeds that make you what you are and if what I'm hearing about this Mar and Xan is true, then they deserve a chance. Don't you think so?"
"Please help my friend." Juelz looked up at him with tears streaking down his cheeks.
Ozmun looked at the four in front of him. It was hard to believe what they were saying but he knew they could be right. There were humans that had done things in the past that made them just as bad as the Savonti. He remembered some while he was a captive of Daru that killed others and even fed on them. Maybe, just maybe he was wrong. But he would keep a watch on them.
"I trust you Lilia." Ozmun said. He reached down and picked up Juelz. "I'll bring him back for you, I promise. Then we all need to have a long talk.”
Tabor Larin hated everything about the Academy now. None of his friends were here. He didn't even have Zarin and his creepy buddies to pick on. Worst of all he had to act nice, he couldn't be the bully he loved being. He had made a few new so called friends, well not really friends. He hated these do gooders he had to room with. But he did have Rush under his spell. With the right encouragement he just might have someone useful to carry out his orders. He wished Craven was here. That weak minded fool would do anything he asked. And Elan with his hatred for his mother. He was so easy to manipulate into things. He wondered what he and Aron were doing without him telling them what to do. They were probably stuck somewhere in Darkshade under arrest after his mother had caught them in bed somewhere. Yeah he knew their secret. Tabor was holding that card just in case he needed it for some future use. With a little luck, he still might be able to use it sometime in the future when he finally got back home.
But his mind was wandering. He had more important things to do here. Like finding that damned ring and causing as much trouble for the Dragons that were here running the academy. Tabor knew his compulsion spell would work on a few cadets, but not on any of the professors. They were far to powerful for that. But if he found the ring, he'd have all the power he needed to rip control of this place right from under their feet. All he really needed was a few more cadets under his power to search and to keep anyone from catching him.
Thank the gods his disguise worked so well and no one recognized him. Unfortunately there was one here that might see through his disguise. That damned Jovan had been the only one to survive the battle during the move to Pentanthin. He hadn't seen him since he had used the disguise spell. But still there was a chance Jovan might be able to recognize him. Tabor would just have to be careful. He had far too much planned to fail now.
High on a hill in Lesul, Paesh sat on his tracker with Lesu and more than twenty five of his warriors. Behind them were the cages they would use to collect the clansmen Lesu would be taking with him. The plan was that after Lesu's raid, Paesh would return and bring back a few of the clan that would claim he had saved them form the cages. He would've fought successfully and killed a few Savonti and now he was back to take control after Magda's unsuccessful leadership. He figured being the hero no one would deny him and he could make Magda his if he wanted. But things would not go his way tonight or ever again.
From the top of the bluff Paseh could see the camp. there were tents there and fires burning but he didn't see anyone out wake. Strange that everyone would be asleep he thought.
"Go." Lesu ordered.
Quietly his warriors charged down and entered the camp. One by one the tents were torn down to reveal nothing but an empty camp. Not a soul could be found there asleep or awake.
"What is this?" Lesu thundered to Paesh. "Where are they?"
"I don't understand." Paesh stammered. "They were here where I left to meet you. They have to be there somewhere!"
"You think me a fool human?" Lesu lashed out striking Paesh and knocking him from his tracker. "DO I LOOK THE FOOL TO YOU?"
"No my lord!!" He cried. "We can find them. We just have to search."
"If I have to search for my prey." He leaned down to stare at Paesh. "Then I only need you now for one thing. Dinner! Take him to the cages!"
"No please Lord Lesu." Paesh cried as he was dragged away. "I can find them. Mercy please!"
"I have none human. None for your kind." Lesu turned his tracker and gave orders to send a few warriors out to search and for the rest to return home. As he watched his warriors turn the cages to leave, a baebats came flying out of the night to land in a tree above him. Lesu looked up at the curious animal and it hopped from the tree and came down to land on his shoulder. Lesu knew many lords kept baebats as messengers, and it seemed this one had something tied to its leg. He grabbed the animal and ripped off the leg with the message then fed the thing to his tracker. He opened the message and read it.
Nazun Lord Lesu.
I have something in my possession I think you may be looking for. Your armauk sons. I'm sure that we as lords can agree on a payment adequate enough for their return. Come to Magul if you wish your sons back. Bring no more than ten of your warriors with you. Anymore and there will be war.
The Sky Lord.
"Clo. Rev!" He called to his two chief lieutenants. “It looks like we're going to Magul."
The light of the twin sun’s of Pentanthin woke Shayn as he lay on the straw in his cell. He sat up and looked around remembering where he was. It seemed last night wasn't a dream, he really was a captive of the Savonti. He stood up and walked to the window to feel the sunlight on his face. It felt so good. Not many knew it but sunlight gave dragons strength. He could already feel it radiating through his body making him stronger. Shayn wondered if the sunlight could help power his magic too. Maybe with enough time in the sun's light he could become strong enough to break out of these chains. He reached out with his magic and tried moving the water bucket. As he watched and strained it trembled for a second. He released his hold and smiled. It had worked. Maybe by nightfall he would be strong enough to try and escape this hell.
Quietly he sat down in the sun and concentrated on his next task. Finding out if Ono was alright. Calming himself he relaxed like Rage had taught him to slip into his dragon sleep and use his dreams to contact Ono. It didn't take long before he found himself as Gabriel flying through the skies with Ono on his back. Thank Rimnar in his dreams he could feel his love again.
[Your alive!] He said sending Ono his love. [I was so worried.]
[I failed you Shayn.] Ono hugged his neck. [It's my fault you were captured. I'm so sorry.]
[Don't be love. I know your coming for me. Now with this connection you'll be able to find me.]
[Yes we're coming.] Ono sent. [But tell me. Why haven't you shifted and broke out of there?]
[My magic's blocked.] He answered. [It's the sun that's giving me the power to dream. Hurry Ono. I don't know how long I have before something happens.]
[Cutter's here. We'll be there as soon as the sun sets. Just hold on.]
[I love you Ono.] The dream began to fade.
[I love you to too.] And he was gone.
Shayn opened his eyes to find he was being watched. He looked up at the Savonti staring at him.
"Who would you be?" Shayn asked.
"I would be your captor for now katala." The reptilian answered. "The Lord Magu."
"Why have you taken me Savonti?" Shayn asked. "I've done nothing to you."
"Your worth something to someone who will pay me a heavy ransom for you." Magu bragged. "Besides, as I hear it you’re a threat to my way of life and I can not have that now can I?"
"Oh I'm a threat alright." He said not moving an inch out of the sun beam he sat in. "The Savonti's days are done and there's nothing you can do about it."
"Is that so?" Magu frowned at him. "What if I kill you now?"
"You can try. You'll fail but go on and try. I'll just get stronger. Soon I'll be so strong that I'll be able to kill you with the wave of my hand. So please kill me now. I want you to."
Magu looked at him unsure of what his next move should be. He didn't know if the human was lying or could actually do what he said. Being the coward that he was, he couldn't take the chance that he was telling the truth.
"I will let Daru deal with you as soon as he gets here." Magu turned to walk off. "But we will see how powerful you are."
"Yes we will." Shayn called after. "Be assured we will!"
Deep in the dungeons two Magul warriors stood talking. They were discussing Magu's new acquisitions and the steps he had taken in the ransom of each of them. From his cell Mar listened quietly to the conversation.
"The master was lucky to find the sons of Lesu." He heard. "I hear they were hiding in a cave close to our border."
"Yes." The other warrior said. "In a few more frames they would have been gone and into Ramul and Magu would have lost his chance to catch them."
"Has Lesu been contacted yet?" Asked the first voice.
"Yes, he will arrive tomorrow early." Mar heard. "He rides tonight hard to negotiation the return of his two armauk sons."
"They deserve whatever punishment their lord has planned for them." The first voice replies. "To consider humans equal to Savonti is so absurd it's unthinkable."
"They will feel his tortures for many passes before he allows them the release of death I am sure."
"What of the katala Magu holds in the towers?" Mar strained his ears and held his breath to hear. That had to be Shayn they were talking about since Ono's hair was of a darker shade and Magu had called him lite haired.
"Daru comes for him." Mar heard. "He to should be here by sunrise. Magu is eager to by rid of it. The katala scares him."
"As it should. Who knows what the staz is capable of. He should just put it to death just to be sure."
"And make an enemy of Daru?" He said. "No, he made the right decision. Let Daru have it. That way Magu profits and Magu no longer has to worry about the thing."
"Have you nothing to do but gossip?" A new voice entered the guard room. "There are many things I can think of if you can not find something to do. The tracker stables need cleaning and you could be doing that instead of having the slaves do it. Find something to do now!"
"Yes sir!" Mar heard shuffling and a cell door slam close as the two warriors went on their way. Mar stepped away from the cell door. He had to digest all he had just heard. Lesu would be there soon. That meant it was time they got out of there. There wasn't anymore time to waste. Hurrying over to Xan he shook him awake.
"Xan, get up!"
"What is wrong?" He asked jumping up ready to fight.
"Father comes." He said. "We have to go."
"I have an idea." Mar told him. "And I know two guards that will help us whether they like it or not."
In the pale moonlight two great winged beasts flew low over the forest heading north toward the tall stack of Magu. Ono rode the back of Cutter the fear dragon while Magda rode on the back of the changeling Ozmun. Back at the cave Drella and Juelz packed up any possessions they planned to take with them for once Shayn, Mar and Xan were free they might all have to move very fast. Lilia sat just inside the cave entrance deep in meditation her mind following the rescuers every move.
[Ozmun, I found a way in from the lowest level of the stack.] Lilia sent. [That will be your way in. Your to find Mar and Xan and get them out.]
[What of Magu?] Magda asked. [We let him live?]
[For now, yes.] Lilia answered. [To get the lord we'll need a much larger force to invade.]
[Then he better not get in my way.] Ono sent. All of them could feel his anger, it was so great. Cutter looked into Ono's fear and found nothing there. He was completely fearless like Rage when he was in his battle state.
[Ono, be careful.] Cutter sent. [Your anger is overwhelming right now. Use it wisely.]
[Don't worry Cutter.]
[Ono, you going in from above.] Lilia reminded him. [While Ozmun and Magda enter from bellow. I can only follow one party's route.]
[Cutter can track me from the skies and join me if he has to.] He told her. [You stay with Ozmun and warn him as he goes after Mar. I'll be fine.]
[Are you sure?]
[YES!] He growled scaring all of them with his rage. Cutter sent a probe into Ono to make sure he was alright. What he found pleased him. Deep in his chest he found a dragon heart beating. The change was getting closer now. It wouldn't be long. At long last his dragon may be emerging.
Down in their cell Mar and Xan waited. The suns had dropped from the sky, time moved swiftly and Lesu would be there in the morning. There was no time to waste. Out in the guardroom the two warriors Mar had heard earlier had just been replaced by the guards that had served them dinner. Now was Mar's time to move.
"We are leaving." He quietly told his brother.
"How?" Xan asked. "We have no weapons and the cell doors still locked."
"Xan what are the chances that the door is open?"
Xan turned to his brother confused. He had tried the door many times since Magu had locked them in. It was locked, there was no doubt about that. He walked to the door and tried it again. Locked.
"Locked like I said." Xan frowned at Mar. "We do not have time for this madness."
"Locked is it?" Mar stepped up to the door and took hold of the bars. Just then a spark ignited in the lock and smoke rose from its mechanism. With a push the door quietly swung open. Xan stared at Mar in shock at what he had just seen.
"You do have the powers of a true lord." He was amazed to what his brother had just done. "Father always said you were hiding something. Now I know he was right."
"Shh!" Mar put a finger to his mouth then waved Xan on. "We will surprise him one day."
Quietly Mar stepped out through the door. Together they crept down the hall and peeked around the corner. The two warriors were seated at a table with their backs to them not expecting any trouble from behind them as they ate their meal. Xan nodded to Mar and they rushed out and with a few quick blows overcame them easily.
"Hurry." Mar said. "Get their uniforms. We have to find Shayn and get out of here."
At the bottom of the stack Ozmun and Magda found the one place most Savonti never bothered to guard. The drainage pipe where the garbage and waste flowed out of their manse. Each pipe was big enough for a man to walk through and coming out of most manses there usually was at least three. Closed with a grate, they knew it would take strength greater than any man or Savonti other then Resu to move, so no guard would be needed to protect the exit. But they never thought about someone with the power of Magda Rangar trying to enter. With some concentration and the pull of many tiny force blast, the grate come open easy and they were in. Wading through the waste Lilia guided them through the maze of pipes easily to a room where slaves usually dumped all the refuse of the stack.
"This is a chance for us to free as many as we can." She told Ozmun as they entered the empty room.
[Magda I agree it would be the perfect time if we had a large invasion force with us.] Lilia sent. [But its to dangerous to go looking for the slave quarters. Magu must have hundreds of slaves. We can't slave them now. I promise we'll be back to free them all soon.]
"She's right Magda." Ozmun agreed. "As much as I'd like to, we have to be quiet and avoid being seen. We can't fight the whole stack tonight."
"We have to try." She said. "You know what Magu will do once we escape. He'll take it out on them. We have to give them some chance at least."
"We'll figure something out."
[I have checked all the rooms around you and found Mar.] Lilia sent. [He and Xan are in the rooms down the hall to the left of this room. But there are warriors between you and them.]
"How many?" Ozmun peeked out into the hall. There he saw two warriors standing watch outside a door.
[Just the two.]
Magda looked out and saw them. She raised her hand to her temple and closed her eyes in concentration. As Ozmun watched, the two warriors dropped their staffs and grabbed at their necks. Their eyes began to bulge as they choked and blood began to run from their mouths. Soon they fell to their knees gasping and died.
"Two dead warriors." Magda smiled. Checking to make sure there were no more they ran on to the room and quickly entered. There they found two warriors dressing and two lying on the floor. One of the warriors grabbed a staff and pointed it at them.
"Hold." Ozmun said. "Juelz sent me for you."
Slowly the warrior dropped the blast end of the staff down towards the floor
"Who are you?" Mar asked. Xan picked a staff and stood with his brother.
"Friends of Shayn and Ono." Ozmun told them. "We're here to get you out."
"Drella and Juelz are safe?" Xan asked."
"Yes." Magda said stepping out from behind Ozmun. "They're back at the cave. We should hurry."
"Then help me drag them back into the cells." Mar put down his staff and grabbed a guard." They will think it me and Xan if anyone checks on us."
Together they dragged the two guards back into the cell they had occupied and threw the dirty blankets over them and tucked them in. Once done Mar looked up to Magda who stood there with fire in her eyes. He could tell from the look in her eyes what she was thinking.
"I know that look." He said. "I have seen it all my life from every human I met but two. I do not blame you for hating my people. We hate them to Xan and I. And from now on we will be hunted. But you should know we all do not think that way, We are not all so cruel. We know some wish to do the right thing. Now we plan to go up into the stack to free Shayn. You can help us if you want, or you can go back the way you came in. Your choice."
"I don't think Shayn will need your help." Ozmun told them. "Ono's gone in to get him from above."
"By himself?" Mar stopped. "Is he mad? There are hundreds of warriors up there. He will not make it twenty feet before they are on him."
"How can we help? It's fifteen levels between us and where he planned to enter." Magda looked around. She could hear the sounds of cries and arguments. Warriors fighting amongst themselves. "Whatever we're going to do, we better move before all those warriors you’re talking about are down here with us."
Dressed in the house uniform of Magu's warriors, Mar quickly led them back to the refuse room where Ozmun and Magda had entered. They were on their way out. None of them could think of any way they could help Ono. Mar feared he would have to do it all on his own.
[Fear!] They all heard in their minds. [That's the answer!]
Mar jumped when he heard Lilia in his mind. But he recognized the feel of her mind and knew it was the wise blind woman they had befriended at the cave.
"Fear?" He asked. "How well that help?"
[Mar.] She sent. [Can you and Xan make it up to the top levels fast to help Ono if we can empty as many warriors as we can to clear your way?]
"I think so." He answered. "Yes, we can find our way. I am sure of it."
[Then go as fast as you can, now!]
Mar nodded. Then he and his brother Xan took their staffs and ran off wishing the others good luck.
[What about Magda and I?] Ozmun asked.
[Get out.] She told them. [Cutter will need your help outside. Hurry, Ono will be entering soon.]
"We're on our way!"
With that, Magda jumped down back into the pipes with Ozmun following and they headed out of the stack.
High in the night sky Cutter circled Magu's stack. All around them flew Magu's baebats but not one would dare fly near the great dragon of fear. This meant only one thing. Magu knew they were there.
[How do you plan to get Shayn out of there?] Cutter asked him.
[I'm going to enter through that opening there.] He pointed to a large opening all lit up. [Then go find Shayn. If anyone trys to stop me, you can guess what I'll do.]
[Ono.] Cutter tried to reason with him. [Let me go with you. There are too many in there to fight by yourself.]
"Look." Ono pointed at a group of winged creature coming towards them from below. "That must be Magu's resistance on its way. Drop me at the opening. I'll be fine on my own."
Tipping his wings Cutter dived down and hovered at the landing area and Ono leaped from his back. Shifting to his half wolf form Ono howled and dashed in ready for war.
Backing off from the stack Cutter roared his readiness for the fight ahead of him.
[Cutter.] Lilia sent.
[What Lilia?] He answered. [I'm about to be very busy.]
[Busier then you think.] She said. [I need you to help Ono just a bit.]
[Can you project your fear into the stack to scare as many out as possible?] She asked. [We have to clear as many out of the stack as we can. Ono can't fight them all himself.]
[I know that Lilia.] Cutter watched the approach of Magu's warriors. They were winged Savonti armed with staffs. [That won't be easy while I'm up here fighting all these warriors alone.]
[Look around. You’re not alone.]
Rising fast from the ground came a huge winged beast carrying Magda on its back. Cutter knew it was Ozmun, but what a beast it was. It had four wings and was twice as big as he was. It was armored with six clawed legs. The front two seemed to end in three foot curved sword like claws. Its mouth looked like it had rows of razor sharp teeth and behind it trailed twin tails that looked like whips.
[We'll try and keep them off of you as much as we can.] Ozmun sent. [But I don't know how long I can keep this form. Work fast!]
Quickly Cutter looked around. He needed a place where he would be safe so he could concentrate. He looked up at the peak of Magu's stack. There on top was a bar he could land and perch on. With a strong push of his wings Cutter found himself hovering just over the bar. He dropped down and made himself comfortable and began to concentrate and project fear all through the stack. His eyes began to glow gold as his fear began to flow.
Below on Ozmun's back Magda blasted warriors from the sky one by one as Ozmun ripped into them slashing and striking out with his whip of a tail. As they fought they saw a mad dash of winged warriors come screaming out of the stack from every exit. Soon the sky was filled with warriors and Ozmun and Magda had their hands filled fighting.
One level at a time Mar and Xan fought their way up through the stack. There wasn't much resistance but unfortunately Cutter's fear somehow didn't affect all the Savonti in the stack. Some had strong minds able to resist his fear and stayed in the stack. Two levels from the top they ran into a group of warriors looting Magu's treasury. With sword and staff Mar and Xan fought their way past the rouges, killing them and moving on. Finally they found themselves at the top level. The floor all around them was littered with the bodies of dead and wounded warriors. They found warriors with torn apart wings and ravaged bodies. This had to be the work of only one man. Ono had passed through here. Hurrying on they heard the sound of battle ahead just down the corridor. Running down into the hall they found Ono covered in Savonti blood facing eight warriors. Charging into the room Mar grabbed the first spun him around and ran him through with his blade. Ono's eyes were red with out of controlled rage. Ripping and clawing Ono ran from one fight to the next.
"Xan!" Mar called. "Take Ono's left. I'll take the right!"
Like the warrior he was Xan waded in blasting and ducking under blasts fired at him. He was fast and skillful as he fought. Mar with his sword hacked and stabbed at Magu's warriors moving closer and closer to Ono until he stood right next to him. Ono turned and raised his claw snarling at Mar in a blood rage.
[ONO NO!!!]
His eyes cleared as he recognized Mar and held back from the strike he was about to deliver.
"Mar! Get down!!" Mar dived on Ono as a blast passed over their bodies hitting the wall next to Xan. With a quick accurate throw, Xan sent his staff spearhead first into the chest of the last warriors.
As Mar and Ono sat up they watched the last warrior fall dead to the ground. Mar stood as Xan walked over and reached down his hand to Ono. He took it and Xan pulled him to his feet.
"That was close." Mar smiled gripping Ono's shoulder. "Where's Shayn?"
"That way." Ono pointed down the hall. "We finish this now."
In his cell Shayn watched the battle rage from his window. He saw the great beast that Ozmun had become tearing through the night skies wrecking his vengeance on the Savonti he hated so much. Suddenly a noise behind him caught his attention.
"Are you here to kill me?" He asked without turning around. The magic he had stored all day flowed down into his clenched fist. "I'm ready if you are."
"My stack is no more." Magu said calmly. "Daru was right. The white and the grey will destroy us all."
"It will if I have my way." Shayn turned to face Magu.
"You are free to go." He pushed open the cell door and threw a key in to land on the floor in front of Shayn. "That key will open the collar you wear."
Shayn bent over without taking his eyes off of Magu and picked up the key. He looked at it in his hand then back at Magu.
"And you Lord Magu?" Shayn asked. "What of you?"
"Do not worry, you will see me again." He smiled. “This is far from over. Nazun Katala."
Magu turned and walked off down the hall. Suddenly Shayn heard a crash and the flapping of great wings. Magu was gone.
"SHAYN! Where are you!!"
"I'm here!" Shayn stepped out of his cell as Ono, Mar and Xan came running around the corner. Shifting as he ran, Ono ran right into Shayn's arms and held him close.
"Thank Rimnar your alright." Ono kissed him deeply. Tears ran down his eyes as they held each other.
"Where's Magu?" Mar asked checking the cell. He expected to find his dead body.
"Gone." Shayn told them.
"He ran like the coward he is." Xan smiled. "We won!"
"Yes we won. But father and Daru are still on their way." Mar reminded them. "We should go and get far away from here. Come, we celebrate later."
So that was the end of another Savonti lord. His warriors had abandoned him and his house was in ruin. Before they left Ono and Shayn went down and released a few slaves and give them the keys to free the rest. House Magu was no more. But there were still many more on Pentanthin that threatened human life. This war was far from over.