" These people are in much worst conditions then any race on Keanna has ever been." Tanis said standing up. "Sure as vampires my ancestor fed on blood. But we never used people as food like the Savonti. Can you imagine seeing people cooked or even eaten alive? And having to watch knowing you'll be next? We have to help these people. Help Gabor."
" I agree. " Cutter nodded. " And I think that's why we're here. As I'm told it's the nature of the spell that brought us here."
" Yes it is." Kalin said. " To move us the spell took us to a place where we were most needed."
" And what of the dangers to the students?" Councilor Gaunt asked. " Can we risk it?"
" I don't really see a choice." Blink answered. " If we want to get home, we have to help these people."
" Besides, isn't this what we've been teaching here for centuries?" Councilor Terryn spoke up looking to the two dragons." It's what Insa has always taught. Freedom and to help people in trouble."
" Yes, Insa would make this his calling if he were here." Councilor Gaunt said staring at each one of his colleges around the desk. " But we have an obligation to the kids to get them home safely. To do this will put them in absolute danger. Do we dare?"
" It's either help them and find a way home or we stay here and go into hiding like the people of Pentathin." Cutter said. " I'm a dragon. My course is to fight and protect. Here or on Keanna, that's what I will do. Even if I have to leave here to do it."
" I'm with Cutter!" Tanis jumped to his feet with Azeal beside him agreeing.
" As am I." Blink said his tattoo around his eye glowing.
" Well?" Azeal asked the others. " You know where we stand. What do you say?"
All around the table mumbling began. Cutter could tell the Councilors were worried about the students safety but this was the only way home. As Blink had said. They didn't have a choice at all.
" Cutter." Councilor Gaunt stood up to speak. " We understand this is our way home. But we want a promise from all of you that the Academy will be made as safe as possible. As safe as your city New Keanna."
" We have more magic here then in New Keanna." Cutter answered. " But all any of us can do is swear our lives to protect. And that we've already done."
" Then we're all in." Councilor Gaunt said. " Rimnar help us all."
" Tanis." Cutter turned to the young vampire." Bring Gabor in please."
Tanis stood and walked to the door and went out. Out in the outer hall Gabor walked back and forth pacing impatiently. He turned when Tanis stepped out and looked to him for an answer
" Well?" He asked. " What's their answer?"
" Come in and see." Tanis held the door open for his new friend. Gabor looked at him nervously for some clue as to what to expect then walked into the room and stood before the group of new worlders.
" Gabor." Cutter looked at him calmly. " We have talked it over and come to a decision. You asked for our help in freeing your people and ending the reign of terror and slavery the Savonti hold over Pentathin. That's a pretty big task you ask of us. We will be putting ourselves and all the children you've seen here in danger if we do this."
" Yes." Gabor nodded looking around at them. " I know I asked a lot of you as new people here on my planet, but they will find you to. Then the danger will be here to at your door. But if your answer is no, just lend me a blade and I will do it myself."
" Relax Gabor." Blink smiled. " We'll help. What do you need to start?"
" Lord Fedru is first." Gabor let out his held breath in relief." We have to get my people free. Every minute we wait, they are in danger. Tonight we go in."
" I go first." Blink said. " I can get in in the dark and take you and Cutter. We can cause enough confusion that the others can get in and free your people."
" I want to go after lord Fedru." Gabor told them. " I have a score to settle with him."
" We'll be going in with you." Tanis walked over to stand with Gabor. " Azeal and I we fight with you."
" We'll be needing a small force to free your clan." Cutter said. " I think Capt Lowell and a few of his men will want to come. Blink or I and shield them while they work. The rest of you stay and watch the academy. Agreed?"
" I think one of us should go." Councilor Den added. " Our magic my be needed."
" I'll go." Councilor Terryn said." I have a number of spells that my be useful."
" Then it's settled." Cutter got up from behind the desk. " I want you all to get something to eat and some rest, tonight we fly."
As the meeting broke up Gabor stopped Tanis and Azeal out in the hall and took them aside.
" I want to thank you for what you've done." He smiled. " Without your help, I don't think they would have agreed to help."
" Nonsense." Tanis said disagreeing. " You don't know the people of Keanna well. We were in a fight back home when we left. I think this way the Councilors here feel there actually still doing there part to help win. Strange huh?"
Azeal and Tanis laughed. Gabor looked at them strangely. He didn't understand, but he would be getting the help he needed and that was all that mattered.
" Lets get some rest." Azeal put an arm around his two friends shoulders. "Tonight's going to be very busy."
Strange dreams of a red and black beast walking through the forest with a group of young people woke Kordova from a deep sleep. This was a strange dream of people she didn't but had a feel they might be important in some way. She wondered if this beast might be like the dragon Shayn became. It was much bigger and more fierce looking but similar in some ways. Could this be a dragon to? And the young ones with the beast. Could they be from the same place as Shayn and Ono? Or was this just a wishful dream? Maybe her two new friends might know this creature. Kordova sat up in her bed and reached for her veil and her walking staff and left her hut. She could smell the scent of food cooking at her fire as she walked to meet her companions.
" Sleep well Lady Kordova?" Shayn asked as she got close to the fire. Ono jumped from his seat to help her to her chair.
" Thank you." She said taking Ono's hand and sitting. " Please, call me Lilia or just Kordova. No, I had strange dreams. Dreams of a red and black beast like you only bigger. Might this be a dragon like you?"
" We know of two red dragons and a black dragon." Shayn looked at Ono who shrugged. " But red and black? Know one we know."
" There were others with the beast." She said. " Strange young ones, like you. Could they have come from your world?"
" I don't see how." Ono answered. " We came by an accident of magic. But I guess others will be looking for us. I know Jandar and Rage will be searching for us."
" I could call out and see if anyone answers?" Shayn said.
" NO!!" Lilia stopped him nerviosly. " Daru might hear you. We're to close to his manse and he has a very powerful mind for things like that."
" But I'm wearing the Salvation stone." Shayn said." He won't be able to find us here."
" But he might find them." She pointed up. " Do you want to put any of your people in Daru's hands?"
" I didn't think of that." Shayn looked to Ono for an answer. " This could be bad. We have to find whoever it is."
" Shayn, It could have been just a dream." Ono tried to comfort his mate then turned to Lady Kordova. " Can you located them?"
" Not right now." She answered. " All I have is the dream. I don't know if they're real or not."
" Then what do we do?" Shayn asked.
" We go on as if she never had the dream until we get more information." Ono stood and dumped his breakfast then came back. " Have you heard from Ozmun yet?"
" No, nothing." She told them. " I know he found who he was looking for but that's it. He still has to convince her to join us."
" Lady I don't think this is the place for us to gather these people of power." Ono sat back down to talk. " Your right we are to close to Daru. I think he'll start to feel us even with the Salvation stones if we gather to many people near him. We should find someplace safer out of his influence."
"And where would you suggest?"
" I don't know." Ono shrugged. " This is your planet. You would have a better idea then we would. You know this place better. Is there any where you think we can hide and attack them from?"
" No, but I think your right." She held out her hand for help to her feet. Shayn took her hand and stood helping her up. " We are to close to Daru. I think we should keep moving until we find a safe place. I'll got pack the few things I'll need and be ready to go in a few turns.
" Where are we going?" Shayn asked.
" There are some children we need to find." Lady Kordova walked back to her hut. " They're in Lesul and in danger. Ozmun can catch up with us there."
It didn't take Kordova long to pack. All she took was a few changes of clothes and some cookware. She knew they would be moving fast and hard. Once done Ono carried her bag out and put it on Shayn's back and helped Kordova up to sit behind him. Shayn spread his great white wings and took off into the air.
" Lesul is to the west." Kordova pointed. Ono give Shayn the direction and off they flew into the west in search of the next one to join their band of rebels.
The night was cool as Blink flew over Fedru's compound carrying Cutter and Gabor. They were surrounded by a shroud of darkness as they peered down to see all the cages lining the walls. Even from up high they could hear the cries of the people locked away in fear waiting for Fedru's judgement. Some would be put to work as slave. The rest would be sent to the pens to wait until they would be called into the kitchens. Blink found a corner in shadow where he could land unseen and shifted back to human. His great dragon size would be needed later, right now he and Cutter could be of better use in the shadows.
" Look at all these people, Blink." Cutter pointed at the cages. " They're terrified. And I see they lit fires all around the cages to brighten it up. We can't slip them out in shadow."
" I would be to if I were in their position." The dark man stared out at the captives knowing what would happen to all of them if they failed. " These Savonti, I just don't understand how they could do this to an entire race."
" We eat meat. Isn't it the same?" Cutter had a disturbed look on his face.
" No its not." Blink said. " I don't eat intelligent life. That's the difference. These aren't animals in these cages. Men aren't meant to be someones food."
" I understand." Cutter said, " I've just always been a vegetarian until I got my egg. Then things changed and I'm still not quite use to it. I've always had a way with animals. Almost like my youngest Brother Ryel."
[ Can we discuss this later.] Blink held up his hand as two Savonti guards walked close to where they hid. { Can you get them to come in the shadows?]
Cutter smiled at Blink the stepped out in the open where they could see him the rushed back.
[ How's that?]
Startled by the sight of a human free, the guards ran in to the dark corner thinking to recapture the human. Blink reached out and grabbed the first guard and slashed him across his throat. His poison strong and deadly filled the guard paralyzing him before he could scream out a warning as he fell dead. The second guard saw nothing as he entered Blinks darkness. But he felt the cold of the shadow and fear. Cutter reached out with his power and took his fear higher. Higher it grew until his heart beat so fast and hard it exploded in his chest and he dropped to the ground. Opening the shadows Blink and Cutter threw them in and took the lances the had dropped.
" Now we became them until Gabor is ready." Cutter cast an illusion on each of them giving them the exact appearance of the two dead guards. " Come on. We have to get to the gate so Capt Lowell can get in."
" Then it's on." Blink smiled.
Flying circles around the top of Fedru's compound two ravens and a lone baebat dropped low to find a place to rest. They were looking for a way in and didn't have very much time to find it. With a caw one raven spotted and opening. It took off with the others following to land on a beam in the ceiling.
[ We better hurry.] Azeal sent to Tanis. [ Councilor Den's said if Gabor stays in that form long, he may not be able to remember who he really is.]
[ Gabor? You there?]
The baebat hanging upside down nodded and dropped opening its wings and sailed away through the building. They went from room to room looking for somewhere safe until they came into a dry hot room. Over in the corner there was a large stove and brick oven. Azeal dropped down to the floor and shifted back to his normal shape. he look around for Gabor and found him hanging from the ceiling cleaning its wings. Tanis shifted and went and grabbed the baebat.
[ Gabor!!] He sent at him forcibly. [ We're in. Break the spell. You have to concentrate. Remember who you are. Why your here. Remember your brothers.]
Suddenly the baebot began to struggle in his Tanis hand. With a quick swipe it scratched his hand and Tanis dropped it. It crawled across the floor then wrapped its wings around itself as it began to grow. Gabor was breaking the spell. In a flash of light he shifted back to himself. Tanis rushed to help him to his feet.
" Are you alright?"
" I think so." Gabor stood and wiped the sweat from his brow. He tried to take a step and stumbled grabbing Tanis's arm. " You do this often? That was intense!"
" We've been shifting for years." Azeal whispered. " It's a part of who we are."
" Gabor." Tanis nudged him. " Look where we are!"
Gabor turned and looked around. He saw the huge bloody table with the cleaver where people were butchered. A great black cauldron sitting over the fire boiling. The room smelled of something strange and nauseating. They were in one of Fedru's kitchens. Gabor gasped his horror. He stood with his fist clenched and stepped toward the butcher table his almost out of control. Gabor thought of all the people that had come to there end here and raised his hands ready to tear the room apart.
" No." Tanis step up and pulled Gabor back to face him." If you do this, all Savonti here will hear and be alert to our presence. We'll be stopped from freeing anyone. We may get away, but none of your people will. This is the only chance we will have to free them. Don't waste it with anger. Let's do what we came here for. Revenge your parents,free your people."
Gabor looked from Tanis to Azeal as his anger began to fade. He knew they were right. He would have to hold his rage for the one that really deserved it. Lord Fedru.
" I'm calm." Gabor told them. " Let's find Fedru and get out of here."
Azeal pulled Salvation and went to the door and looked out. There was one guard patrolling the halls heading in there direction. Azeal put his finger to his mouth to quiet his companions then slowly let the door open. As he passed the guard heard the creak and turned to check it out. He walked to the door and stepped in. Suddenly a hand grabbed him from behind covering his mouth and a blade was slid into his back. A hushed noise escaped as his last breath was exhaled and Azeal lowered him to the floor. He looked out again to see an empty corridor.
" It's clear." He told them closing the door. " Where do we find Fedru?"
" He'll have his own private apartment." Gabor explained. " It'll be separate from everyone else. It should be in the deepest hottest part of the manse."
" How do we find him?" Azeal asked.
" We need a guide." Gabor said. " Someone that knows there way around."
Tanis sniffed the air. He thought he smelled something familiar down here. It smelled like humans.
" Tell me something." He said. " Are there human slaves down here?"
" I guess so." Gabor looked at him puzzled. " Why?"
" Won't they know there way around?"
" Yes they will." Gabor smiled at the idea. " A human slave here would probably know every corridor and room here. Even where his master sleeps. But how do we find one?"
" I can smell them." Tanis said." Humans smell nothing like Savonti. Let me see if I can find one and convince him to help."
" Let me go." Gabor insisted. " They'll trust me."
" What are you going to do?" Azeal asked obnoxiously. " Just walk out and go search? One of us can go as a raven and find one."
" I guess that would work." Gabor thought about it. " But your going to have to bring them back here. We don't have to many talking birds on Pentathin."
" I'll think of something." Tanis shifted back to his raven form. [ Just stay here and be ready.]
Tanis hopped up onto Azeal's shoulder as he walked to the door to let him out. Azeal worried about his friend when he was on his own. He had promised Athene back home to always keep an eye on him.
[ Azeal.] He sent. [ I'm a big boy now. You can't always protect me you know.]
[ I can try.] Azeal slid the door open. [ You sure you want to do this alone?]
[ I can do it.] He squawked softly. [ Just watch Gabor and I'll be right back.]
With that Tanis took off into the hall on his search leaving a nervous Azeal to watch him fly off.
Tanis stayed high in the ceiling as he went from room to room. On the top floor where he had left Azeal and Tanis, he did didn't find anyone alone he could try talking to so he went on to lower floors. This place was hot and full of Savonti. He watched as they went about there daily business. The lower ranked worked as the overseers watching the slaves work. Tanis also saw actual Savonti slaves there being worked to. These were used mostly as refuse workers to clean the waste left by all the Savonti housed in Fedru's lair. But most of the household chores were done by humans. All the cleaning of there private apartments, the working of the mines. To his horror, Tanis found one more chore the human did. Not really a chore, more like one more use the Savonti found for humans.
He had been moving along when he reached a room and found men and women lashed to platforms. Tanis thought he had found a torture chamber until a Savonti came in and started removing his garment. He watched as the lizard man climbed on a platform of a screaming woman and started raping her. When he was done he moved on to his next victim. A young man laying on his stomach struggling against his bonds. Tanis flew out of the room as the boy began to scream. He had to fly up into the rafter to collect himself he was so upset. What else could they possibly do to these people. Slavery,rape,torture, and slaughter. The Savonti had to be stopped.
Taking a breathe, Tanis looked to make sure no one was watching and took off. Floor to floor he searched,room to room. He saw young men and women fighting to work on the chores they were being driven to do. Shovel and digging out hew rooms and apartments. Fashioning pens and stables for Fedru's slaves and tracker beast. Exhausted Tanis stopped in one of the lowest halls to rest when he suddenly heard something. A whimper. Some one was crying. He cocked his ears and listened closer to find a direction. That's when the scent caught him. He knew that smell well. It was the coppery smell of blood. Tanis hopped into the air and followed the scent down the dark tunnel to a series of room decorated in dark blue and green silks. High drapes covered the wall with some kind of plush carpeting on the floors. The room was furnished in stone heated chairs and lounges. This Tanis thought must be the rooms of one of the higher ranking Savonti. Maybe Fedru himself. From his perch high in the ceiling Tanis watched a young man scrubbing the the chairs and crying. The young man was covered in dirt and bruises and wearing only a raggedy pair of torn shorts. The smell of blood filled the room as Tanis hopped from beam to beam to get a closer look at the boy. From his perch Tanis could see the boys scarred back and the blood running from his deep cuts. He must have been beaten recently.
" Are you not finished in here yet?" A voice screamed into the room. The boy jumped in fright and turned as a large Savonti thundered in and kicked him across the room. This was one of Fedru's top lieutenants. " Lord Fedru all be home soon and I want his rooms and sands cleaned when he gets here!"
" No master." He cried. " I just got here. It won't take long."
" See that it doesn't or back to the pleasure rooms you go." The tongue licked out around his mouth as he started out the door and turned back. " And you will rake Lord Fedru's sand when your done. Make sure to remove any bones you find and be done before he returns."
The guard left and Tanis watched as the boy worked hard to clean the body oils of the Savonti from the chairs. Tanis looked down feeling sorry for the boy, but he knew if will went right he would be free by by morning. But he would need his help if they were to succeed with their plans and they better hurry, Capt Lowell would be at the gates soon. The only problem Tanis had was how to talk to this boy. He could do it in his raven form and there was no way he could think of to get the boy to follow him. He would have to take the chance and fly down and shift to talk to him.
Tanis opened his wings and hopped down on to the chair a squawked at the boy. He looked up at him surprised.
" What are you doing here?" He smiled at Tanis. " You better not get caught here. They won't like it."
In a flash Tanis shifted and sat there looking at the startled boy. He looked around towards the door to make sure the guard wasn't there.
" Who are you?" He asked. " Are you crazy? They'll kill us both if they see you here. You should get out of here now!"
"That doesn't matter." Tanis said. " Listen, my name is Tanis Gaelich and I'm here with Gabor Gekko."
" Gabor?" The boy perked up." His father leads my clan. Is Petar here to save us? Thank the gods."
" We don't have very much time." Tanis ran to the door and listened for anyone coming there way." One of them could be back in here soon. What's your name? How long have you been here?"
" My names Erlik Marcos." The boy said. " I was caught three cycles back while I was on my lone hunt. Where is Petar Gekko? Is he leading the rescue?"
" We can talk about that later." Tanis came back over to Erlik. " Listen, I'm going to shift back to my bird form. But I can still talk to you in your mind."
" How?" He asked.
[ Like this.] Tanis sent. [ Can you hear me?]
Erlik's eyes grew bright in amazement. He had heard what Tanis sent to him.
" Yes I hear you." He was totally confused and wanted to know how this was happening.
" Erlik." Tanis said. " We don't have time. You have to trust me now. Follow me back to Gabor. We'll tell you what we have planned. Understand?"
" Yes." he said. " I will follow."
" Good." Tanis spread his arms and shifted back to his raven form. [ Follow me.]
Back in the kitchen Gabor paced back and forth wondering what was taking Tanis so long. He had told Azeal many times he wanted to go find him but Azeal wouldn't let him leave.
" Maybe he's in trouble." He complained. " He could've been caught."
" Relax. Tanis would've called me if he had." Azeal tried to quiet him. " He'll be here soon. Until then you have to calm down."
" I can't." He said. " We don't have much time left. The attack begins in less then fifteen units. I have to get to Fedru. He has to die for what he's done."
Suddenly there was a tapping at the door and Azeal heard the call in his mind. it was Tanis at the down. Azeal jumped up and pulled it open a crack and saw Erlik standing there with Tanis on his shoulder. He yanked the door open and let them in.
" Gabor!!" Erlik rushed in and hugged his clan mate.
" Erlik? " Gabor pull away then held him tight. " We thought you dead!"
" No." He cried. " They caught me and I've been here for cycles. You have no idea how hard its been. Where's your father?"
" He's dead Erlik." Gabor looked him in his eyes as they parted. " Fedru killed him my mother and my sister. I'm here to kill him and get you all out of here."
" I hate this place and the Savonti." Erlik said. " I'll help you however you want."
" Good." Azeal smiled." We don't have time. We need to get to Fedru without interference. Can you get us there?"
Erlik thought for a minute. He was to clean Fedru's sands. He could get one of them there, but not all of them. And not with weapons.
" Gabor." Erlik dropped his cleaning bucket. and reached for his jacket. " Get out of your clothes."
" What?" He stepped back pushed the boys hands away from him.
" I can get you down there." He said. " But your going to have to look like one of us. A slave. We can smear you with dirt and dress you in rags. That's the only way you'll pass if any of them see you."
" And us?" Tanis asked.
" Can both of you change into the flying things?
" Yes." Azeal told him nodding.
" Good, then you stay high and follow us." He said helping Gabor to undress. " I hope you can carry his sword to, cause we can't bring it with us."
Once Gabor had undressed, Erlik grabbed a handful of dirt and rubbed it all over his body. Then they took his shirt and fashioned it into a loincloth to cover his bottom. Lastly he grabbed more dirt and rubbed it into his hair and on his face.
" How's that?" Gabor asked turning around for them to inspect.
" Well." Tanis said. " There's no whip marks, but it'll have to do."
" This will do." Erlik gather his stuff and moved to the door. " Fedru is out now so we'll have to wait once we get there. Don't look any of the Savonti in the eyes and if they talk to you, just cower. And please Gabor, don't fight them. If you do we'll never make it to Fedru's lair."
Tanis took all of Gabor's things and tied them around himself. He strapped his sword to his wait and they were ready to go. As Erlik opened the door the two vampires shifted and took off into hall staying out of sight.
Holding his bucket and slouching low the two moved quietly there the dark passages going to there final destination. Fedru's lair. They passed a few Savonti as they went and Gabor did as he was told cowering and acting as meek as possible. Once they hit the lowest level Erlik moved faster. He knew there would be fewer guards down there to worry about. At the door to his private rooms Erlik stepped up bowing low.
" We're here to clean Lord Fedru's sands."
The guards waved them in and turned to watch them enter. That's when Tanis and Azeal shifted and struck. With sword in hand they quickly killed them before they even realize they were under attack. Together the four grabbed the bodies and dragged them in Fedru's and hid them in one of the back room. Once done they gathered in Fedru's study and went through the maps of his lair. There they found the location of all of his mines and where the pens were located.
" Erlik." Gabor said. " You got us here. How I have another job for you. I need you to get to as many people as you can and tell them what's about to happen. There isn't a lot of time so they have to be ready and prepared to fight with us once it starts."
" I can do that." Erlik promised. " How long do we have?"
" We can't hold it off for no more then a frame." Gabor said." But if Fedru comes back here, that will be it. The fight will start."
" Then I better get moving." Erlik hugged Gabor and went and shook both Azeal and Tanis hand. " Fight strong."
Erlik took off out of the hot room to spread the news.
" Azeal, warn Cutter so he can make sure your Capt Lowell doesn't start his attack yet. Tanis, give me my sword, then both of you hide. When Fedru gets here, he probably won't be alone" Gabor took his sword from Tanis and shook there hands. " Fight strong brothers."
Tossing and turning in her sleep dreaming of an attack. Strange creatures tearing Savonti apart and the walls of a compound coming down. She looked deeper in the dream and saw a Savonti lord she knew battling a human for his life. As he died she woke up screaming. Her slave ran into her room to check on her
" Mistress?" The girl rushed to her sandpit. " Are you well?"
" Yes." Trela said shivering from her dream. This was no ordinary dream she knew. Someone would be raided soon and a lord would die this night. Daru would want to know. " Get my robe. And send someone to tell Daru I need to see him immediately."
" Yes mistress!!" The girl rush out to do Trela's bidding.
She stood and brushed sand from her shoulder and walked to where a slave held for robe for her. Lord Fedru would die to night, she had seen it. Daru could stop this if he wished. She smiled thinking how Daru would hold Fedru's life in his hand. Trela wondered what Daru would do.
Fedru rode hard. He wanted to be home by day break. This cursed cold of the night was chilling his bones and he wanted to be back in his warm sands with one of his wives or a slave pleasuring him. This trip had been a mistake. Daru must be going mad he thought. Cattle rising to threaten them. Talk of some unknown grey and white threat. With all his power how could Daru believe any of it. Fedru had sat all night with the others listening to Daru try to explain some mad prophesy one of his useless wives had foretold. Total lunacy he thought. Fedru couldn't imagine himself listening to any thing a female said and he would never take it serious. Females were for pleasure and to give him sons, and that's all. He had told them of the capture and death of his long time enemy Petar Gekko. That was a thorn out of his. His whole clan had been taken alas. Now he was free of that pest and his raids to free Fedru's cattle. Fedru had talked with Lords Lesu, Resu and Pulu. None of them had believed him either. They thought this was just Daru trying to find a way to get closer to them to invade and take their lands. But Lords Magu, Povu and Memu had thought he could be right. Being the lazy one's, Lord Katu and Dicu were undecided as usual. He had made them all promise to be on the watch for any thing strange in there land and any powerful humans. Missing from the meeting were a few lords including Daru's closes neighbor Lord Guku who's lands were just south of his and Lady Seru who never let any other lord near her or her lands. Then there was the mysterious Lord Redu. like Seru he stayed hidden from the others. But Daru swore he would contact him and get his aid in the hunt for their new enemies.
" Powerful humans. Bah!" Fedru thought. He had really ever seen any humans with magic like theirs. He had seen a few in his life, but that was what the collars were for, and few really had power that could threaten any of them. The best part of the whole trip was that Fedru had gotten a chance to see Daru's defenses at last. Now he could make plans to raid his lands and be rid of the fool.
[ Is that why you came?]
Fedru jumped in his saddle looking around to see who had spoke. He stopped his men.
" Who spoke?" He yelled at them. They all looked at him bewildered.
[ It is I you fool.] He heard in his mind. [ Daru. You believe what you wish. But you will die tonight if you do not heed my warning and I will take whats left of your lands and slaves. But remember my mind is more powerful then any of you and I can hear your thoughts. Scream out to me and say farewell at the end.]
Enraged Fedru huffed and kicked his mount on. He had known Daru's mind was powerful, but he had no idea he was that strong. He would have to watch and shield him mind from now on. After will, his mind was strong to. Maybe equal to Daru's.
[ I doubt it.] He heard. Then laughter. [ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!]
It had been a long night so far for Cutter and Blink knew it was far from over. Azeal had called them and told them it was time to start drawing the Savonti out of the lair. If Gabor would have any chance, there had to be less to fight below once Fedru was dead and they were on there way out. There would have to be some kind of diversion to draw the Savonti out. But not so serious as to bring Fedru.
" Any ideas?" Blink asked.
" Not a one right now." Cutter answered. " But we'll think of something and we better do it fast."
Again Cutter cast his illusion around them to give them the look of Savonti guards. Together the walked to the cages where the people cowered in fear. Cutter felt their fear. In fact it filled him with an amazing amount of power. He knew he could create illusion that would be as real and solid as the ground they walked on.
Suddenly a sound came from the gates by the wall. Cutter looked and saw the gates were being opened. Lord Fedru was home. He rode in with his for guards around him to keep him safe. Standing by the door to the manse Cutter and Blink snapped to attention like the rest of Fedru's guards. The lord climbed down off his tracker with a scowl and bellowed for someone to take his tracker. An older man in rags hurried to take his reigns and led the tracker off as Fedru strode to the steps of his house and stopped and looked around. It was still dark and all seemed quiet.
" I want more guards out in the yard." He told a Savonti dressed in black that had come running out when he rode through the gate. " Lord Daru seems to think we'll have trouble. Put more men at the gates and double the guards on the cattle. I will be in my apartments if anything needs my attention. But it better be important."
" Yes my lord." He saluted and turned and followed Lord Fedru down into the building. Cutter and Blink watched from beside the entrance then sent word to Azeal that he was on his way in.
[ Then you should start drawing Savonti out of here.] Azeal sent. [ Nothing major. Fedru has to make it down here or this is all a waste.]
" Now what?" Blink asked quietly.
" For once." Cutter whispered. " I have no idea. How about you?"
Blink looked around at everything in the compound. The cages, the fires pit smoking, the upper entrance to mines with it's line of slaves going in and out with there loads. He needed a disaster of some kind and it had to look natural rather then some kind of attack. On the other side of the entrance to the mines was Fedru's tracker beast stables. Maybe that was it.
" Cutter, what if a tree crashed through the wall by the stables?" Blink asked him. " They would have to go out to round them all up wouldn't they."
" Yes." Cutter answered. " There would be an opening in the wall for Lowell to go through to."
" I can slip through shadow and weaken the wall." Blink said. " Then knock a tree into it so it doesn't look suspicious. The noise of the crashing should send the tracker beast running, if not I can scare them into movement or one of your illusion can."
" It's the best we've got." Cutter said. " You go into that patch of shadow where we dumped the two Savonti. I'll cover you so no one follows you."
Blink turned to move off as Cutter bent all the light around him making him nothing more then a blur to anyone watching.
[ Good Luck Brother.]
Blink walked slowly to the corner by the cages where the fires were blocked and dark shadow covered the area. He slipped into the shadow and emerged out beyond the wall in the back of the compound. From out there he could hear the hissing of the trackers and knew they were on the other side. Taking a deep breath he blow his dragon fire all over the wall and watched as it aged and began to crumble. All it would take now would be a single tap to knock it down. He turned to a large deep purple tree with a thick truck and reached down and scratched at the roots filling them with his venom. They began to whither and get weak. Blink walked behind the tree and gave it a push. Its roots began to snap and break bringing the tree crashing down into the wall. A great hole appeared as the trackers began to jump around getting agitated. Blink shifted and quickly slipped into the shadows around him. From there he stuck his head out among the trackers and snapped at on scaring them all into a stampede out through the hole howling and screaming.
[ That's it!] Cutter sent. [ They're call for others to come up and help round them up. Slip back into camp and I'll meet you by the cages.]
[ Azeal!] Cutter called. { They're coming out. We'll keep them busy out here. The attack begins in two minutes. Be strong brother!]
Keeping low and out of sight, Erlik moved through the manse as fast as he could carrying his message. Freedom. He went through the house slave quarters whispering to everyone he could find to grab what they could and be ready. To find weapons to fight with. he found strong men and took them to the pleasure rooms and quietly killed any Savonti they found there and freed those chained down. This was the day they would all in the future call Gabor's day. The day he killed a Lord of the Savonti.
Tired from his trip to Darul, Fedru entered his apartment with two of his lieutenants. He took off his light blue colored cloak and threw it into a pile of his clothing on the floor. He stopped for a moment looking at the pile. A slave should have picked them up and took them to be cleaned while he was away. He would deal with his cleaning slave later. He would be sent to the kitchen since it seemed he no longer could do his chores. Fedru walked to his throne and sat in the heat emanating from the hot sand pit to his left.
" My lord." One of his lieutenants stepped up. " Will there be anything else?"
" No." Fedru answered. " Take your station outside the door. I would sleep now. Let no one disturb me."
" Yes Lord Fedru!"
They saluted and turned and left shutting the door behind them. Fedru removed the rest of his apparel and took off his sword belt and laid it on the table. He thought about all the crazy things Daru had said.
" Madness!" He said. " No human could ever defeat me in my own lair!"
" I don't know." Gabor said stepping out from behind the curtains pulling his sword. " I think this human has a very good chance of killing you tonight."
" YOU!!" Fedru jumped up from his seat. " Your the son of Gekko! Your suppose to be dead!
" Yes." Gabor said walking forward to meet his enemy. " I am Gabor Gekko, son of Petar Gekko and I am not dead. But you soon will be!"
Gabor leaped forward swinging his sword down to strike. Fedru raised his arm to block as the blade struck. Like hitting stone the vibrations ran up Gabor's arm stunning him.
" Did you think it was so easy to kill a Lord of the Savonti? You should know all Savonti lords are different with different abilities. Me, I have this burning touch and strong skin." He shouted. With the speed of a viper Fedru reached out and brushed Gabor's shoulder. Pain exploded running all through his body as he threw himself back out of Fedru's reach. " Like my touch? Exquisite is it not?"
Fedru lunged at Gabor as he swung at the savonti trying to beat him back. Quickly with the hilt of his sword Gabor punched at his face striking him hard between the eyes. Fedru staggered back dazed. Gabor tried to take advantage and rushed in only to be grabbed by the arm sending the burning pain raging all though him. Gabor screamed as Fedru laughed and threw him against the wall.
" I was warned you were coming." Fedru hissed at Gabor lying in a heap of hot sand. Fedru flexed his muscled arms causing his claws to extend as he walked toward Gabor. " I didn't believe it. I thought I was rid of the one pest in my lands. The one human that caused me so much trouble. But here you are. Now you will die just like he did and I will enjoy you as my dinner!"
" THAT WAS MY FATHER!!!" Gabor grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into Fedru's eyes. Fedru raised his arms to cover his face but he was to late, the hot sand filled his eyes blinding him. Gabor jumped to his feet and rammed into Fedru knocking him to the floor then jumped on him. Every nerve in his body burned from touching Fedru. But that didn't matter and Gabor ignored the pain.
" Never again will you hunt us!" Gabor stabbed down driving his sword through Fedru's chest. He stabbed down again and again and again.
With a final stab Gabor sent his sword slicing into Fedru, lord of the Savonti as he screamed out his last breath to be heard all through out his manse.
Outside Fedru's rooms his lieutenants heard the noise of fighting inside and pulled there lances and reached for the door when Azeal and Tanis dropped from above. As he dropped Azeal pulled Justice and it lengthened to become a spear with a gleaming blue spearhead. Azeal thrust out with Justice crossing weapons with the savonti guard and slammed his fist into his jaw. The Savonti stumbled back and whipped around using his tail to smash at Azeal. Jumping up over the tail Azeal swung the butt of justice into his foes chest then landed and kicked out as he doubled over. The Savonti flew back dropping his lance and slammed into the wall. Azeal quickly looked over to see Tanis in his own battle with the other guard. He was smiling, enjoying the fight. Just as he looked back, the guard reached for his lance and leaped for Azeal. Justice like it had a mind of it's own thrust out low between his legs and tripped him sending him sprawling to the floor. Azeal quickly spun Justice in his hand and jammed it down stabbing into the guards back finishing him off. Pulling Justice free, Azeal turned to see Tanis deliver final blow to his opponent.
" We have to get to Gabor." Tanis said running to the great door. He pushed against it not moving it an inch. " Help me."
Azeal joined him and they threw the shoulders against the door and heaved. Still it wouldn't budge. This scared them both. Gabor was trapped along it there with a powerful lord of the Savonti with unknown powers. Neither one of them knew if Gabor had succeeded in his battle or if they would find him dead on the floor.
" Wait." Tanis grabbed Azeal's shoulder. " Lord Fedru could be waiting on the other side of the door."
" He could be." Azeal nodded. " And Gabor could be hurt. Let's just get in there and find out."
Just as they turned back to try again, they heard a creaking noise and the door began to open. Azeal reached to his side and pulled Justice in case a fight was at hand. Slowly the door pushed open and Gabor Gekko stumbled out and fell into Azeal's arms.
" Lord Fedru is dead!" Then his eyes closed and Gabor passed out.
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