Luke sat at the edge of the river after filling their water skins and stared into the water. He had done as his grandfather had asked and gotten them away from the hunters. But where would they go? How would they survive? Luke knew he couldn't run from the Savonti forever, sooner or later their luck would run out and one of them would get caught. What then? He couldn't battle all the Savonti all by himself, that would be impossible. What was he going to do?
" We can get help." A young voice called from behind him. Luke turned to find his sister Nysa standing behind him, her apron full of fresh vegetable. " We're not the only ones running Luke, there are others. We can join them."
" Of course we can." Luke smiled at her to reassure her. " We'll see what we can do."
" No you won't." Nysa frowned. " You want to find somewhere where there are no Savonti and hide us. I know what your thinking. I can hear you. Well let me tell you something. They are everywhere. There's no place for us to hide. No safe caves or forest to run too. The only way we'll be safe is if we fight them. Grandfather knew that, he'd been doing it all his life. Now it's our turn to fight!"
" Nysa we're to young to be fighting Savonti." He said to her getting to his feet. In his mind he was thinking that he had to keep his sisters safe. They were to young to be battling these savages.
" You mean Mera and I are to young don't you!" He could tell she was becoming angry. But he knew he was right. He had to talk her out of this fighting notion of hers for her own safety.
" Nysa, I.."
" You can't talk me out of nothing Luke." She yelled at him turning her back and stomping off. " You never could!!"
Luke stood there staring at her dumb folded. Could she actually hear him? That was impossible.
She stopped and turned back to him glaring. " NO, IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!"
The sun burned high in the sky as Ozmun followed Paesh and Oda out of the cave. He looked around and their clan members all around him working on various tasks. Some getting ready for a hunt, a few women carrying baskets with foodstuff their children at their sides. He saw teens busy working on making weapons for defense and the hunt. This so reminded him of days long ago with his own clan before Lord Daru raided his people took him away. He remember watching from his cage as all his people were gathered to be taken away to Daru's mines and farms. Ozmun spent years in Daru's mines working carrying and digging out the ore used in the Savonti stun lances and as one of his personnel weapons. Over the years he watched as his people were all worn out and sent to the kitchens. His hatred for his captors growing until the day he found his magic. He remembered that day so well.
Ozmun had worked long that day carrying ore out of the mine. His feet ached and so did his back from the burn marks the guards had given him with their stunners. He could never move fast enough to please them, nor could Sorin the boy that was always chained next to him. Sorin was a few years younger then Ozmun and not as strong. Ozmun did what he could to keep him moving but everyday the boy became weaker and weaker. Being the last of his clan Ozmun he promised to protect him and for a few years he had done just that. But the boys weak condition was making him a more and more noticeable to the guards. Ozmun had seen them whispering and pointing at them many time in the last few weeks. He know what was coming, what they would do. So Ozmum began giving Sorin more of his food to strengthen him. But it was to late.
Sweat ran down his back as Ozmun carried his load of ore through the mine. It was dark there and the ground was littered with debris loosed from the digging. Beside Ozmun chained at their ankles was the younger Sorin struggling dragging his basket behind him. Ozmun stopped and put his load down and went to his younger friend.
" Sorin, you have to get up." He wrapped his arms around him and helped him to his feet.
" I can't do this anymore." Sorin moaned. " I'm just so tired. I can hardly walk."
" Shh!!!" Ozmun quieted him. He looked to his left and saw the guards whispering and nodding. " A few more hours and you can rest."
" I can't." He cried leaning on Ozmun. " I just can't do it."
" You have too!" Ozmun reached into the band of his trousers and pulled out a piece of bread he had hidden there. He gave it to Sorin. " Eat this. It'll give you strength."
" Just leave me." Sorin pushed it away.
" I can't."
Ozmun took the bread and stuffed it in the boys mouth and worked his jaw to help him chew. " We're chained. You go were I go. Now come on."
Ozmun picked up Sorin's smaller basket and dumped as much as he could in with his load then pushed it to him.
" Take it." Ozmun reached down and picked up his load then turned to leave. He didn't make two steps before two guards stopped them. Ozmun boldly looked up at them as they stared down on the two smaller men.
" Why are you just standing here?" One asked. He reached for Sorin's basket. " This is empty. You carry an empty basket?"
He lashed out striking Sorin in the face knocking him down. Ozmun jumped to cover Sorin and protect him but he was pulled back by the second guard and pushed against the mine wall. Sneering at Sorin the guard pushed Ozmun's basket at him.
" Pick it up."
Sorin looked at Ozmun for help. But there was nothing he could do to help this time, he was on his own. He had to either pick up the basket and work like the others, or be taken away. And that would mean his death. Sorin stood and reached over and pulled the basket toward him. The two guards watched, one still holding Ozmun to the wall. He took the basket and heaved it up. His arms shaking with effort as he got it off the ground and waist high. Ozmun could see the sweat pouring off of Sorin's face. He knew he couldn't hold the ore for very long.
" Let me help him." Ozmun pleaded with them. " Please!"
" He works or he's useless to us." The guard breathed his foul breath in Ozmun's face. Then he turned to Sorin. " Move it now!"
Sorin swallowed and took a step. The basket was much more then he could carry. He struggled to walk carrying the load. He made five more steps towards the mine exit before the lance struck his back and he screamed and fell dropping his load. The guards laughed as Sorin lay there bleeding from the wound in his back. The guards called to others stationed outside and pointed to Sorin
" Take him to the kitchens."
" Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!" Ozmun screamed throwing the guard off him. He was filled with rage as he started feeling something strange inside. He suddenly felt powerful. Ozmun reached down and grabbed his chains. With all the extra strength, he ripped himself loose from Sorin and dived at the guards roaring out. Power filled his body as he felt a burning run through him again. Suddenly where an enraged slave flew threw the air at the guards, a savage Tark landed in front of them and began to rip into them. The guards couldn't believe the huge brown six legged cat with a mouth full of sharp teeth slashing at them while they tried to back away as fast as possible. Blazing golden eyes flashed at them as Ozmun roared showing his needle sharp teeth and fangs. All around slaves and Savonti ran to get away from the beast. Ozmun took a mighty leap and landed over Sorin who cringed on the ground beneath him in fright. Two dead Savonti lay torn apart against the mine wall as more rushed in with their lances raised and ready to strike. Ozmun batted one lance away then grabbed another Savonti that came in to close. He screamed as Ozmun tore into it's chest with his claws then picked him up by the neck and tossed him aside. Rearing up on his hind legs in the manner of an attacking Tark, Ozmun roared out his rage. He bent down and grabbed Sorin like a cub and leaped for the mine exit and bolted out. Many Savonti had gathered out in the mine yard. Lord Daru had been called and told what was going on. Though the call had been unnecessary. He was on his way.
Deep in the lower hot volcanic sand pits of Darul Manse, Lord Daru sat going over production reports of the mines and listening to his men report on happenings along his borders. He was told of the latest movements of the cattle and where they were heading. Suddenly pain lanced through his mind as he felt a burst of magic nearby by. Someone nearby was using strong magic close to him. He held up his hand to quiet his men as he concentrated on the source of the magic. He could tell it wasn't Savonti magic. That meant it was the magic of one of the cattle. Daru probed deeper to locate the source of the magic. With a start he realized it was right here outside in his mines. He jumped to his feet calling out to one of his men.
" Get me a power collar!" He grabbed a cloak from the hook next to his bed of sand and fastened it on. " Get more men to the mines. Have them keep the beast there no matter what. Tell them I will deal with it."
Daru strode out of his chamber taking the collar offered to him. He had found a powerful new one. He smiled thinking of how much he would enjoy using this beast to his advantage.
That was the first time Ozmun used his power. That night Daru was able to use his mind to overcome Ozmun's rage and subdue him after a fierce fight with his men. Ozmun killed fifteen Savonti that day trying to save Sorin. But it didn't help. Ozmun became one of Daru's weapons that day. The collar weakened Ozmun so he couldn't fight. He could hardly concentrate while wearing it. From then on he was only able to use his new ability under Daru's command to fight or kill as his master ordered. Sorin died and went to the kitchens that night to feed the guards that survived Ozmun's first shift. But those days are in the past. Never again would he fight for Lord Daru. Instead he would fight tooth and nail to end the reign of the Savonti. And that was what bought him here searching for another human with power like him.
Wearing his hooded cloak, Ozmun stepped out among the people of this plains clan to staring eyes. He knew they all wondered who this strange man walking threw their camp was. People stood and stared at him. Ozmun lowered his hood to reveal his face, he knew if he wanted to gain there trust hiding was the wrong way to do it.
He would have to be careful here. Most people don't trust strangers on Pentanthin. As he walked people gathered around him and began to follow. He had no idea where he might find this Magda he was looking for, but she seemed to be leader here so anyone of these people could take him to her. He stepped up to a group of men watching as they armed themselves.
" Good hunt to you all!" He said smiling and holding out his empty hands. " I am Ozmun Natan. I'm here to see Magda Petrof."
" And what business have you with Magda?" Paesh asked stepping out in front of the crowd narrowing his eyes with suspicion. " You know her?"
" No." Ozmun said. " We've never met. It's a private personal matter which has nothing to do with you."
" She is my intended." Paesh said pulling his knife from it's sheath." You will tell me what you want or you won't be leaving here in one piece."
" Don't threaten me little man." Ozmun laughed at him. " You might get hurt. I don't want to have to hurt you."
" Paesh!" Oda grabbed his arm trying to pull him back from the stranger.
" Get out of my way!" With a quick swing, Paesh pushed Oda away knocking him back over a rack made for curing meat in the sun. Jumping to his feet, Oda dusted himself off and looked at his friend. then he turned and ran off into the camp.
A hush went over the crowd as Paesh readied himself to fight the stranger. Ozmun folded his arms smugly. He wasn't scared of the big man. He'd fought men like him many times before. He could tell the man was just a brawler, he had no real fighting skills. This would be quick and he wouldn't even need a weapon for this fight.
" You made a fatal mistake coming here to try and steal my woman." Paesh circled Ozmun glaring at him. Ozmun smiled his eyes never leaving his opponent.
" I have not come to fight." He said. " I came to make allies. We should not be enemies. The Savonti are the enemies. Don't we have enough to do fighting them, we can't afford to be fighting each other."
" Your not welcome here!" Paesh yelled. " Now fight!"
Paesh lunged at Ozmun stabbing forward aiming for a quick kill. Ozmun turned his body as he rushed by then turned to face him.
" Don't make me hurt you Friend." Ozmun raised his hands palms up. Paesh turned back and ready for his next attack.
" I am not your friend!!" He kicked out sending dirt up into the air trying to blind Ozmun. Moving as fast as he could he slashed out again and again trying to slice into Ozmun's defenses. Ozmun dropped down and thrust out his leg and tripped the big man. Like a sack he fell to the ground and Ozmun was on him. Grabbing his knife hand he smashed it down until Paesh dropped the knife then took him in a submission hold smashing his face into the ground.
Ozmun looked up to see a beautiful girl about twenty years old with dark hair standing next to Paesh's friend Oda in dark leathers. He could see her anger lining her face. Everyone stepped back to let her pass into the fighting circle.
" Let him up now." Magda Petrof said hands on her hips. Ozmun released Paesh and climbed to his feet nodding to the clan leader. Rage filled Paesh as he got up. He looked at Magda then kicked out connecting to Ozmun's leg. He fell and Paesh dived at him fist clenched for the attack.
With a sweep of her hand she sent a force blast at Paesh sending him flying across the ground crashing him into the wagons outside the cave entrance.
" There will be no more fighting!!" Magda yelled to them all. " Do I make myself clear?"
Paesh climbed to his feet wiping his face and spitting out dirt. He took a step toward Magda into her eyes. He knew her power and what she could do to him if he tried to threaten her.
" How dare you use your magic on me!" Paesh wiped the blood from is lip that had split as he hit the wagon. " You forget your place. I am the lead warrior in this clan. Your arranged mate. I will not be treated like this!"
" You are a bully and a coward, Paesh." The crowd opened as Magda stepped in to confront Paesh. " There are children here I trust more then you and I will never mate with you. No matter what arrangements were made in the past."
Laughs and jeers went up in the crowd as she spoke. Paesh was not a very popular figure in the clan, just someone that pushed his fellow clansmen around to get what he wanted. Paesh took a step toward Magda with fire in his eyes. He started to raise his fist when all around them men stepped forward to protect Magda.
" No." She waved. " Step back. I can handle him if he wants a fight."
" You have made a big mistake today Magda." Paesh lowered his hands and turned to walk off. " I will be the death of you all. This I swear."
" It's a mistake I can live with." She whispered then turned to the crowd. " Lets get back to preparing for the hunt. Moel, round up your men and get them ready to move out."
Ozmun stood and waited while all the people went on with there daily chores. For a minute Magda talked to Moel, her lead hunter then she turned the Ozmun.
" Welcome Stranger." Magda smiled. " What brings you in to our camp?"
" My name is Ozmun Natan." Ozmun bowed to the clan leader. " I'm here for you."
After the fight Oda stood and watched Magda and the stranger talk. He wanted so much to tell Magda Paesh's plans for her, but fear filled his soul. He thought her response would be to exile him along with the big man and living alone in the forest scavenging for food with Paesh was not his idea of a very stable future. But he had to tell her. He would just have to wait until he could get her along and tell her all about Paesh's plan to turn her over to the Savonti.
It was mid day and not being a hunter or a warrior, Oda's job as a scout gave him the opportunity to come and go from camp as he pleaded. He thought his best bet would be to lie low and wait until he had the chance to speak to Magda. Keeping his eyes open for anyone following him, Oda returned to his cave to gather a few things he might need. Carefully he searched the area outside the cave for any evidence that anyone had been in his cave. Finding none he made his way quietly in. He needed something warm for the night and weapons. He would grab some foodstuff on his way out of camp. With his bag full. Oda left the cave looking around first to be sure he wasn't followed. He grabbed a few loafs of flat bread and some dried meat and headed out into the forest. So far he hadn't run into anyone as he made his way from camp. Oda listened carefully to the sounds of the forest. He knew just what to listen for. The snapping of a twig, the sound of feet shuffling across the ground behind him, even animals being scared into running. He could identify all these sounds easily. He knew just where he could hide. There was an old nest built by a rather large river mammal he had found long ago back when he hid from his fathers cruelty. He had widen it and made it stronger and never shown it to anyone. It was the perfect place to hid from Paesh's inevitable wrath, so Oda made his way to the river and carried his things in. Unfortunately for him, he didn't see the large man that had followed him and found his hiding place. From behind a massive tree, Paesh smiled.
As Mar rode up to the entrance to the deep cavern that housed the house of Lesu he relaxed. He was home now and the hunt for the missing human children had turned up nothing. The cave they had been hiding in where their grandfather had been caught was now empty. They had found nothing there but the bodies of the two dead guards His father had left behind. Mar was glad they had gotten away. He hoped they would never find them and they could make it to somewhere safe. But that was almost impossible. Even if they could make it out of Lesul, they would just enter Pulu's lands and he would be hunting them. He hated the way Humans were treated by Savonti. These poor people deserved to live a peaceful life without being hunted for food or as some Savonti lords slave. If only he could be granted lands and find more Savonti that thought as he did. Then he could protect them, or at least try. Being the oldest son of Lesu he knew he was the first in line for his father’s lands when the time came, but his father was getting suspicious of him. Mar wouldn't eat Human meat anymore and never in his life had he visited his father’s pleasure rooms or used humans like the others did. Lesu lately had began to notice these things. He had Mar watched at all times now. Mar knew he didn't have very much time left. He would have to move soon and either kill his father which wouldn't help much, because none of his father’s warriors would follow him. Or run and find his own lands and build a manse of his own. But how would he manage that on his own? He needed help. He needed other Savonti that would support him. He knew he couldn't be the only one that felt this way, but the danger of exposing his ideals was absolute treason to the Savonti. They were supposed to be the undisputed lords of Pentathin and masters of the world. His only other choice was to have human allies. But what human would ever trust him? The son of Lesu the touch of death. His father’s death and touch of pain made him one of the most powerful Lords of all of the Savonti. And what were Mar’s powers? As far as anyone knew, he had no powers. But he did. His was a very usual ability. He had the power to change probability sometimes at will but usually things just happened. If an arrow was shot at Mar, somehow it would end up deflected back to hit whoever had fired it. Mar was very carefully to hide his magic. He would rather other Savonti thought him powerless then to know what he could do. Things were getting complicated for him. He didn't know how long he could stay safe in Lesul. But he vowed one day he would free all of his father’s humans somehow.
As Mar and his warriors rode up to the ramp that led down into house Lesu, he saw that his brother Xan was standing at the gates. Xan was one of his fathers chief lieutenants. At this time of day Xan should have other important duties to attend to so why was he here? Mar stopped his tracker as they approached and greeted Xan.
"What brings my busy brother Xan out here on this hot dray?" He nodded a greeting to him.
"You Mar." He said. "Father wishes to see you as soon as you return. I see you don't have the humans with you."
"No I do not."Mar answered. "They had a three dray head start on us. But they will be found. They can not hide for long."
As they stood there a line of humans were being taken into the slave quarters from the mornings work. They looked exhausted and some of them were carrying some of the old and the young. Mar and Xan watched as they moved slowly passed them. Xan smiled and slide his tongue out his mouth to catch their scent.
"There will be a large dinner tonight." He looked to Mar for approval. Mar just nodded sicked by the thought of what he intended.
"I will see father as soon as I get in." He urged his mount on. As he looked back his mount kicked mud and rocks up that stuck Xan in his face. Probability Mar smiled riding on.
The stable where his personal tracker was kept was two levels down. He feed and made sure it had fresh water then left for his own apartment. There he changed his clothes and went on to see his father.
On the lowest level Lesu kept his private apartments. Only his guards, his queens and certain sons were allowed to ever come down there. Outside of his private study stood two guards. They never moved as he passed. His father had taught them well how to be at their post. Unless called they wouldn't move. Not an inch. He passed them and found his father at his desk working. Before him was parchments and other work he had to attend to.
"Xan says you came back without the humans I sent you after. Why?"
"You sent me out to hunt prey that had been running for three drays." Mar said sitting on a bench before Lesu. "Three drays they have been on the run. They will not be anywhere near that cave. We followed the trail as far as we could. I will find them father."
"And bring them to?" Lesu put down his work and stared at his son. "Do you think I am stupid Mar?"
"I do not understand your question." He said. "I did as you asked. The humans will be found."
"Will they?" Lesu stood and walked to the front of his desk. "By you? Friend to the humans."
This was an argument Mar knew had to come sooner or later. He relaxed ready to have his say at last.
"Father. I will bring them back to you so you can work them to death then serve them up on a plate for everyone to enjoy. Happy? Is that what you want to hear?"
"I want you to be a proper Savonti and eat what Savonti eat." Lesu was getting angry. "You are to be the next lord either here or in your own lands. Who is going to respect a lord that treats humans as if they matter?"
"They do father!" Mar stood pushing back the bench. "They think like we do. They sleep and do everything an intelligent being should. They are not cattle to be butchered and worked to death!"
"They are mine Mar, to do with as I please!" Lesu advanced on his son his eyes red with anger. "If you ever want your own house you will stop all this craziness about humans and get it through your head that they are nothing but meat for the table!"
"I will never accept that!" Mar turned from his father and went for the door. Lesu grabbed at him. In a flash the bench was suddenly between them flying at Lesu hitting him in the chest. Lesu stepped back in shock.
"HOW DARE YOU!!" He screamed. "GUARDS!!"
In a second the two door guards rushed in with their staffs out. Lesu pointed to his son.
"Take him! Lock him up with the humans he loves so much!"
The two guards reached to grab him and drag him out when Lesu stopped them.
"Do not touch him." He said. "He is my son. Lock him in with the humans and let everyone know he is to be shunned from here on but they are not to abuse him in any way. I will deal with him in my own time."
"Do as you wish with me father." Mar turned to walk out with the two guards."But know this. They will be free and nothing any of the Savonti can do will stop it. Even if it means our death!"
Asleep in his hiding nest Oda heard something that snapped him awake. He opened his eyes and knew something was wrong, he wasn't alone and he was in danger. Slowly he moved his hand to find his pack to retrieve his knife. Oda felt around in the dark but found nothing. He lifted his head to look for it and a bright light suddenly flared into existence.
" Looking for this." Oda focused his eyes to find Paesh sitting in the entrance holding his pack smiling at him. " I was wondering where my friend had disappeared to when I left, and here you are hiding. Why are you hiding Oda?"
Scuttling back Oda sat up and looked around for a place to run. Paesh was sitting right in front of the only way in or out. There was no escape.
" We have something to talk about my friend." Paesh tossed the pack aside.
" I didn't tell her anything." Oda cried. " Please don't do this."
" I know you didn't." Paesh stood pulling his own knife. " But the Savonti have promised me Magda and the clan if I do what they want. You know to much so you know what I have to do. Nazun Oda."
" Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!"
Tark = A six legged great cat with needle sharp teeth. Like a saber toothed cat tank.