Memu knew his newly acquired land was very close to those of Daru, the mind lord. He also knew from his last meeting with him that Daru was searching for the old human threat that long ago had been prophesied. Like Daru, Memu thought the prophesy to be very possible. In his raid on Ferdul, he had seen many things that proved the possibility that Human's were not just weak defenseless animals. He had seen the strange creatures that fought for the Humans during the battle. The three creatures in the night sky that none of his warriors were able to bring down with even their strongest weapons. One fought with the lightning from the sky while another moved so fast his sound was explosive. Such wondrous beast Memu thought. He could rule over all of Pentanthin with the power of just one such animal and the Humans had at least three on their side. But there were ways to convince or force powerful beings into doing what the Savonti wanted them to do. All he had to do was find them and use one of Daru's slave collars and there power would be his.
As Memu looked out into the jungle, something screamed sending a shrill sound echoing through the trees. It didn't sound like any animal Memu had ever heard before, but it had come from the jungle where many of the cattle had escaped to. Staring into the darkness a thought occurred to Memu. Where had the Humans gone? He had sent hunters and trackers out to find them and they had come back empty handed. The closest hills outside of Fedru would be in Darul where Magu and his sky warriors did constant patrols. Memu had heard nothing from his spies saying they had been caught there, so where had they gone? Could there be hills or caves out there somewhere that Memu didn't know about? That was possible but the trackers would have found their trails and found something, a small one lost in the jungles, an old one that couldn't keep up. Something should have been found unless somehow, they were still here in Fedru deep in the darkness somewhere under some unknown protection.
Casting out with his force shield, Memu created a small platform and took a step out from the wall and walked down a set of invisible stairs. As he reached the ground he called out to a warrior stationed at the gate.
"I want four teams of ten ready to search the jungle in one frame." Memu ordered as he turned to head to his new quarters.
"My lord." The warrior called. "What are we searching for?"
"Humans." He climbed onto his tracker. "And something called magic."
Everything in the Academy right now was in chaos. The wounded were laid out all through the halls on each floor with many cadets serving as healers assistants. Bandages were being made and salves applied as Macan and his staff worked feverishly. Broke bones were set and the most highly trained of all the healers were in something called surgery on the most desperately wounds. Shayn went from bed to bed healing magically as many as he could, but he like the rest of the magical healers was exhausted and could only help so many. Many had died today fighting the Savonti and everyone one was in mourning.
As Reno, Tored and Thaila finished helping out with the wounded they made there way to the dining hall where they took sometime to get something to eat. As they entered, They found Nysa and Luke there with Craven and Zark in a corner in hushed conversation.
"What trouble are we getting into now?" Reno asked as he set his tray down and sat down to eat. "Can it wait? I haven't eaten all day."
"We're waiting for Zarin and Dack." Craven told them. "They're in a meeting with Ono and Cutter."
"Talking about Tabor no doubt." Thalia sat down sipping her glass of blood. "Yeah we heard all and what happened. To bad you couldn't catch him. Where's Trip?"
"With Zarin discussing what we should do with the ring." Cravan told them. "I hope he just gives it over to Cutter so we're done with it. It creeps me out knowing how powerful it is."
"I don't know." Thalia said. "I don't think they can keep it any safer then we can. Besides, maybe we could use it here. It might help."
"I don't understand your magic." Luke cut in. "And I'm not sure how it would work against the Savonti. It might make things worst. I think it's better to just destroy it if you can."
"He's right." Reno pushed his finished plate away. "We hid it to keep it from Tabor and his father, if we destroy it we won't have to worry about it ever again. I say blast it to the underworld and be done with it."
"Underworld?" Tored looked confused. "What's that?"
"Hell." Thalia laughed. "He means blast it to death."
"Oh! You can do that?"
Everyone at the table began to laugh at Tored's words. As they all laughed, Kel Rainer and Rue Tasco walked into the dining hall. Suddenly the table became quiet. Cravan nudged Reno and whispered something in his ear. He looked at the two men and growled as he started to get up. Thalia grabbed him and pulled him back into his seat giving him a stern look. Beside them, the Serban's watched unsure of what was going on.
As the came closer, Nysa stared strangely at them, confused by what she was feeling. Together Rue and Kel looked at them with the weirdest look. They took a table on the other side of the room but close enough to keep watch on them.
[There's something wrong with those two men.] Nysa sent to Thalia. [I can hear their minds. There's someone else in there whispering to them.]
[You can hear it too?] Craven looked at her in surprise.
[Yes.] She nodded. [Very clearly. The voice gives me a really bad feeling, like they want to hurt someone.]
[Us no doubt.] Thalia said. [That's Dack and Craven's fathers. They're watching us waiting for Trip and the ring.]
[Ohhh!!] Nysa shivered. [I don't like this. Can I make it stop?]
Everyone turned to look at Nysa wide eyed. She had a look like there was a bad taste in her mouth. But it wasn't her mouth, it was her mind.
[What do you mean make it stop?] Craven asked. [Can you break the spell?]
[I think so.] She smiled. [Yes I can. All I have to do is go in and shake them up. It'll be easy. Should I do it?]
[No, wait.] Reno said. [Let's see what Zarin wants to do. This might be our only way to find Tabor. Thalia, call Zarin and let him know what's going on.]
In the main library of the Academy, amidst the the shelves and stacks of books of magic lore, Zarin, Dack and Trip stood before Ono, Shayn, Cutter and Eheren. In Trips hand was one of the most powerful magical devices ever created. The Ring of Endrin. They were there trying to come up with some kind of plan on what to do with it and how to deal with the one that was after it.
"But I don't understand." Zarin said. "All of you are much more powerful in magic then any of us. You have the power to better deal with it then us, why can't you just take it?"
"Because that ring in my hands could do things to me that would make me just as bad as Muerte." Eheren explained. "It would not only boost my power to unbelievable heights but it would corrupt my mind completely. I shudder to think of what I could become."
"But what about us?" Zarin asked. "How will it affect Trip, or me?"
Eheren stepped out from the long table and looked at the ring in Trips hand. It was even now radiating waves of power out at them. Eheren could feel its compulsion digging into his mind to reach out and grab the ring and put it on. He shook it off as he held his hand over Trip then Zarin.
"Curious." He pulled his hand back and rubbed his chin. "Cutter, can you feel its power?"
"Yes." He said as sweat poured from his brow. "I can feel its evil drawing me it. If it wasn't for my Salvation stone I think I would probably have grabbed for it by now,"
"We feel it to." Shayn said. "Please put it away."
As Trip slid it into his pocket he still was very afraid of the ring. If these powerful men could be so affected by it, what might it do to them?
"There has to be a way." Dack said. Zarin put a hand on his shoulder. "No, That thing is going to make us as bad as Tabor. He's a murderer! Is that going to happen to us too?"
"Tabor didn't need the influence of the ring to bring him to murder." Cutter tried to soothe Dack's fears. "He's heart was already black. Your a lot stronger then he ever will be. Together your band of friends can overcome almost anything."
"Almost." Zarin frowned as he looked down sadly. "That's what scares me most."
Just then, Ono felt a familiar probe touch his mind. Another strong minded member had been listening and wanted to add something. Ono held up his hand to quiet everyone.
[There may be a way.] Lilia sent from her little cottage. [Bring it to me. Perhaps I can find a way to make it less dangerous for you to handle.]
"Lady Kordova thinks she can help." He said. "Trip, take the ring to her and see want she thinks."
"And what about Tabor?" Shayn asked. "Have you any idea where to find him?"
"We have a clue." Zarin told them. "Thalia just told me Nysa may have a way to find him. While Trip talks to Lady Kordova, Dack and I will go see what they found."
As the meeting broke up and Zarin, Dack and Trip headed for the door. Eheren stopped them.
"I know you want to find Tabor." He said. "But be careful. He's not out there by himself anymore. He has a lord of the Savonti at his side. We don't know which one though I suspect he went straight to Daru, and if he did, just know that Daru's mind is very powerful. Do not underestimate him. He is the most dangerous of the Savonti lords."
"I'll be careful."
"I'll be watching." Eheren said as the three boys left. "Rimnar be with you."
Dressed in stolen robes, Tabor sat on a hill that over looked the academy and listened to his slaves minds.They were sitting across from Reno, Thalia, Craven and three other kids. from the looks of what they wore, they were Pentanthian clan children. Tabor guessed two brothers and a young sister. As Rue and Kel watched them, the girl looked Rue dead in his eyes. Tabor got the strangest feeling she could see him right through their eyes. But that wasn't possible was it? She was nothing, A small nothing little girl but as she stared at him, chills ran diown his back. Shaking it off, Tabor dismissed her from his mind and told his slaves to move on and go find Trip. He would be the one with what Tabor was looking for.
With a blank look on their faces, Kel and Rue left the dining hall and split up. Rue went to check the offices of the administration and Kel went out to check the practise fields and stables out in the back gardens. From across the room, Reno watched as the two left their table. He knew someone should keep watch on them in case Zarin decided to have the spell on them broke.
"Thalia." He stood. "You follow Kel. Stay hidden. I want to know where he's going and what he's doing."
With a nod she got up and followed Kel out of the room.
"What do you want us to do?" Tored asked. Luke and Nysa looked anxious. After all the cadets had done for them, they wanted to help if they could.
"I know you don't know your way around here yet." Reno said. "But do you think you can keep watch on Rue? You two can blend in better then Craven, Zark and I."
"What about Nysa?"
"She can stay with us." Reno told them. "We should stay and wait for the others to return."
"I know how the transit stones work." Luke pulled his brother to his feet. "We'll call Nysa if anything happens."
Smiling eagerly Luke and Tored stood and hurried out after Rue Tasco. Once in the hall, Luke cast an illusion on them to disguise them as cadets. They both now wore the gold tunic and brown trousers like the other cadets.
From the dining hall they followed Rue down the hall then turn left at the end. Following close behind, Luke and Tored watched as Rue stepped up onto the sun symbol on the floor and was gone.
"Come on." Luke said. after a quick change of disguise into two young female cadets, they stopped on the sun and was suddenly on the first floor.
"Whoa!!" Tored blinked with amazement..
"Yeah I know." Luke smiled. "The magic here is fun. Come on. There he is."
Further down the hall, Rue moved from room to room peeking in to see who was in each room. Luke and Tored wasn't sure but they guessed he could only be looking for Trip and the ring. The two brothers were totally confused by the ring business. Zarin had explained that it had some sort of mystical powers but neither boy really understood what that meant. Could it turn people into cheese, or cast illusions like they could? What is it that made that ring so powerful? They didn't know, but if Zarin was right, maybe they should find a volcano somewhere and drop it in.
From there, Rue went to the healer hall then finally the administration offices where the headmaster and the captain of the guards office was located.Trip was no where here to be found. That meant he had to be somewhere outside. Luke hoped Thalia was having better luck then they were.
[I am.] She sent. [Trip's out here heading towards the back of the garden.]
[Why?] Reno asked. [There's nothing back there but a few old cabins the old groundskeepers use to use. What could Trip want back there?]
[He's going to see Lady Kordova!] Zarin sent. [She asked to see the ring. We're hoping she might know a way to keep the ring from having an affect on us while we have it. Keep watching him, Tabor could make a move.]
[No!!] Dack interupted. [Is my father armed?]
[Yes.] Thalia answered. [His crossbow is at his side, Why do you ask?]
[Stop him before he gets in range!] Dack shouted terrified. [My father is the best shot in Winterhaven. If he gets close enough, he'll put a bolt in Trip's back and take the ring to Tabor!! You have to stop him now!!]
[How?] Reno asked.
[Have Nysa break the spell, now!]
Reno turned to Nysa who had been listening to the conversation. "Can you do it?"
"I'll try." Nysa closed her eyes and reached out with her mind. The spell that held the Tasco's and the Rainer's was like a tight violin string. She could see it vibrating with power. Tabor must be give them orders now. As she felt for the string, Kel pulled his crossbow up and put a bolt in. As he took aim, Nysa grabbed the string and ripped it from their backs. Like smoke it dissolved into nothing right in her hands. Kel dropped the bow, fell to his knees and screamed out in pain.
From up in the hills, Tabor felt his connection to the two couples break just as Kel Rainer was about to fire on Trip. In a flash of pain, he suddenly was thrown out of their minds to wake up with blood dripping slowly from his nose.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Tabor screamed out his rage. Thwarted again, Tabor grumbled.
[I'll get that ring Zarin! You can fight me all you want but sooner or later, I will have that ring!!]
[If you want it, just come and get it Tabor! It'll be right here in my pocket. Just you and me!]
[Soon Zarin.] Tabor sent as he disappeared. [We will be meeting real soon.]
As Gabor sat high in a tree watching the gates of Refuge, his anger simmered. The Gekko's had finally had a home, a place they could call their own and now it was gone. It had been retaken by Lord Memu and his warriors. Many of his clan had been caught and killed defending the walls while the rest had made their escape. Now they were all crammed into the academy in hiding. Gabor was tired of hiding. He wanted to be done with this war and being hunted all the time. There had to be a way even if it meant death to all the Savonti.
Looking to his left, Gabor looked into the deep green eyes of Lord Yaru who sat coiled around a branch in the tree next to him staring at the watch guards that stood a top the walls of Refuge.
"How many warriors do you think Memu still has?" He asked Gabor.
"To many." Gabor told him. "More warriors then either you or I have right now. I'm hoping reinforcements come before Memu decides to make's his next move."
"Do not forget Daru." Yaru warned. "His warriors out number Memu's. We must think of someway to watch his border. We do not want any surprises from him."
"Shayn and Ono will think of something. Right now Memu is our problem. He won't stay in Refuge for long. He'll want to know where we ran off too."
"Is that why we are here in this tree?" Yaru slithered higher in his tree where he could see the gate more clearly.
"Yes." Gabor told him. "Azeal and Tanis with Drake and Ozmun wait to the north. We are to warn them when he starts to move."
Just then the sound of metal grinding on stone caught Yaru's attention. The gates were going up and warriors on trackers were filing out.
"Memu moves." Yaru whispered. "Be ready my friend."
As Gabor and Yaru watched, fifteen riders came out and lined up right over the bridge that led to the gate. Following them came Memu on his huge tracker. He rode out in front to give his orders to his scouts.
"These walls are still fouled by the smell of the Humans that once lived here. To make this place my own, the Humans must be found. We must find them and teach them what it means to defy the Savonti once and for all. You will ride out in groups of four and find the Humans. Find where they hide so we can crush them, cage them and end their little revolt. Now go!!"
Mounting up, each group split into a different direction and they were off on the hunt for the Gekko clan once again.
[Azeal!] Gabor sent out. [The hunt is on. Yaru and I will go back to the academy. If they get anywhere near, we will divert them or destroy them. Send the others out to do the same. Make sure none of these hunters return to hunt us again!]
In the darkness of the jungle four Savonti warriors made their ways slowly east deeper into the jungle. They were following a scent the trackers had found only a frame ago. It was a strange scent unlike any human scent they had ever smelled before. To the Savonti's keen sense of smell, it almost had a smell of death to it. Could they be following a old trail? No, that wasn't possble. Their was evidence that the trail was made within the last frame.
With stun staffs at the ready, the four warriors moved on. The jungle was quiet, they could hear the crunch of ever step, ever leaf that was push aside as the Humans they chased moved by. As they listened they could hear there was at least two of them out there and they had split up to avoid being caught. They were close.
"Tie the trackers." The lead warrior whispered. "From here we go on foot."
After lashing the trackers together to a tree, Dra in the lead signaled his companions to split into two separate teams. He ordered two to head north and move around and block the Humans from going any further while he came up from behind and trapped them in the middle.
As the first two warriors crept slowly in, a thick curtain of mist began to settle down on the jungle. Suddenly every animal sound in the jungle went quiet and a cold chill dropped down to run through the fog.
Not liking the cold chill, the warriors switched their vision so they could see heat through the cold that had settled around them. There was a faint bit of warmth still rising from the ground, but otherwise the rest of the jungle was as cold as the night.
"Beware." A warrior hissed to his companion. "They are just ahead."
"No." Azeal whispered in his ear. "I'm right here."
Azeal reached out and grabbed the warrior wrapping his hand around his mouth and pulled him down into the fog. With a single blow, he slammed his fist into the warrior throat cutting off his air supply and strangling him.
"Tic?' The second warrior called out into the fog. "Where are you?"
"Dead." Tanis said his voice whispered in the night air. "As you will soon be."
Firing his staff wildly into the foggy night, it flashed again and again all around him hitting nothing.
The warrior took a step forward, his hand on the trigger looking nervously for a target. Hearing a sound behind him, the warrior spun raising his staff to fire. As he turned, Tanis was standing there face to face with him. Tanis hissed showing his fangs, grabbed the staff and stabbed the warrior in his chest. With a look of pure shock on his face, the warrior fell dead at Tanis's feet.
[Two down.] Azeal sent. [Two to go.]
[Together then?]
[Together.] Azeal smiled as they joined hands disappeared into the fog.
Moving quietly. Dra stalked deeper into the fog. He thought his prey to be just ahead. He could hear breathing and smell what he thought to be fear from ahead. Suddenly the fog began to clear and they could see all around them. Sitting behind a tree cloaked in the remnants of the fog, Dra saw a head. He caught his companions attention and pointed him out. With his fist he signaled for them to close it and crush the Human. At a count of three, the two warriors pounced on the tree with staffs ready to blast it to bits. But as they came around the tree, they realized it wasn't a Human sitting there trying to hide. It was Tic and Nog dead.
"By Memu's wrath!!' Dra dropped his arms to the side. "How??"
"Just like this!"
At that moment, Azeal and Tanis fell on the two warriors and finished the first hunting party.
[Hunters 1 are done.] Azeal sent to Gabor. [We're heading back to the Academy. Call us if you have any trouble.]
On the edge of Gekkol, beside the Killian mountain flowed the Rychi river. Near that river lived the Illya Bancu and the rest of the Bancu clan. For them lately the days had been pretty calm. Fedru the nearest Savonti lord had been killed by the Gekko's and peace had finally come to his valley. They had settled in the caves at the base of the Killian mountains the hunting lately had been pretty good and life seemed easy.
Illya Bancu had two sons. The oldest was Herad. Herad was tall and brave. He was one of the best hunter fighters Illya had ever trained. His second son was the younger Asam. Asam was young, playful and always obedient to his parents and clan elders. But today, none of that mattered. Today the Savonti would find the Bancu.
The two moons were still high over the azure skies of Pentanthin as four Savonti warriors stepped out of the jungle. They were tired. They had been hunting for hours without any luck. The sound of running caught their attention. The lead warrior stepped out heading for the river where he saw someone was already there. A young human boy. Ducking back down, the warrior looked out through the bushes. It seems their luck had changed. From his hiding place, the warrior looked the boy over. He was young , maybe ten or twelve surrounded by six water jugs. He wore plain brown pants and a tannish colored tunic with soft leather boots. The warrior couldn't recognize any clan marking at all. He could be one of the escaped humans, but he might be of a totally different clan. Didn't really matter, he was Human and that was what they were hunting. With quiet signals, the warrior sent his companions up and down river to see if there were anymore of them out here, then made himself comfortable to watch until it was time to attack.
With jug in hand. Asam dunked it into a deep pool, filling the water container. Carrying water home was a heavy job. His job now that he had grown tall and strong enough to do it, but wasn't always his. Once it was Herad's job. Asam had helped Herad lug the jugs for water whenever the clan had stopped for water. He would help carry the empties then Herad would have to carry the full ones back. Herad hated water duty and was glad to have Asam take over for him. He would much rather be out hunting with the other clan boys as far away from Asam as he could get. It seemed lately, Herad really didn't like his little brother very much and that, Asam really didn't understand why.
Last age, was different. Herad and Asam spent many frames together. They fetched water, fished and scouted new hiding places together. But now since father had taken over as leader of the Bancu clan, everything had changed. Herad had become so distant to him. It was almost as if he hated being anywhere near his younger brother and Asam really miss him.
Earlier in the day, Asam had asked Herad for his help in bringing in the days supply of water. First Herad just ignored him, then he turned on him and told him he was to busy for any of his childish work. He had grown up things to do. With that he grabbed his fishing kit and stormed out the door. Sadly Asam collected the rod and water jugs and with his head down, he went on to the river.
With his line baited, Herad heaved and tossed it out to the center of the lake. His mind still steamed after yelling at Asam. He was sick of having the little nuisance around all the time. Herad couldn't go anywhere without him trying to trail behind and it was all fathers fault. Since he had taken over as clan leader, Illya had put all of Asam's teachings on Herad, insisting he was to busy to teach him the ways of the jungle and clan life. Herad was young. He resented his father pushing Asam's learning on him. He didn't want the responsibility or the bother of training his brother while all his friends were out hunting or fighting Savonti. What Herad wanted was to go join the Gekko's. He had begged his father but was told he was needed here instead. He wished he could just run away from all this. Live the life of a warrior in the Gekko clan in Refuge. Well, maybe one day. But for now, just do a little fishing and relax. Tomorrow's another day.
From high over Komor Falls, a lone jazzuk buzzed his way through the thick mist coming from the falling water. It flexed its arms sending more power into its six wings as it descended down towards the jungles edge. Ozmun in jazzuk form had been following his Savonti hunting party all day. With luck so far they hadn't found anything. But Ozmun knew the Bancu were here and sooner or later the Savonti trackers were going to come across the trail of a Bancu hunting party and he didn't want to see any of them in the hands of those monsters.
As Ozmun flew down over the jungles edge, he looked out into the river and there he saw two boys at different parts of the river. One older and another maybe somewhere between ten and twelve with brown hair with a dark patch in it. The older was fishing while the younger boy was busy filling water containers to bring back home. Over on the shore not far in the jungle, Oxmun spotted trouble. A Savonti warrior hiding in the bushes hungrily licking his lips. But where were the others? Ozmun knew somewhere out here there were three more warrior. They must be getting in place to set a trap for the two boys and that, Ozmun could not allow to happen.
Flying down to the older boy, Ozmun did a quick circle around him to access his abilities as a warrior. He looked strong, he carried a sword at his waist and his reflexes when he threw out the line were very good. He should be useful in a fight. The only question left was did the boy have the courage to stand with him against the Savonti in a fight. As Ozmun looked back, he saw another warrior had joined the first one. Time for the two boy was running out, the hungry reptile men would attack soon.
Fly up to the boys shoulder, Ozmun set himself down and preyed his mind speak would work.
[Nazun young one.] He sent trying to be as calm as possible. [I want you to listen carefully to me. There is danger near. The Savonti are here ready to attack. Do you understand?]
"Who speaks?" Herad took a step back looking from side to side finding no one near him. "Show yourself koresh!"
[I am no koresh.] Ozmun told him. [But I am here to help you and the younger one down river but you have to trust me and do as I say.]
"Young one?" Herad dropped his fishing line. Asam was suppose to be here at the river getting water for mother. Is that who he means? "Is the young one you speak of filling water jugs? Does he wear brown like me with a dark streak in his hair?"
[Yes.] Ozmun answered. [He bares a heavy load on his shoulders. Do you know him?]
"He's my brother Asam!" Herad turned and looked down river. He couldn't see anything. Asam must be much further down out of sight. Fear filled the heart of the young Bancu warrior. His one and only brother was in trouble and it was be all his fault. He had to get to him to help. "I do not care what happens to me, but we have to save Asam."
[I will do all that I can.] Ozmun assured him. [The Savonti are now getting in position to trap you and Asam. I can get one then go help Asam but that will leave one here. Can you take care of him?]
"Yes." Herad patted the sword at his side. "You save my brother and do not worry about me. Get him home to our father, that's all I ask."
[Fight well and you will both see your father by the rising of the suns.] As Ozmun set his wings to buzzing he lifted off Herad's shoulder and flew in front of Herad where he could see him. Herad grasped in shock when he saw the jazzuk he had been talking to.
"A Jazzuk?"
[I am much more then a simple Jazzuk.] Ozmun assured him. [When I tell you, run down river and be ready for an attack.]
Herad nodded as Ozmun flew out and into the jungle. Sweat began to run down his face as he unsnapped the clasp on his sword belt. Then suddenly he heard that voice again in his mind.
Pulling his sword free from it's scabbard, Herad took off at a full run splashing through the thigh deep water. From behind and in front, a Savonti warrior charged out to intercept him armed with a sword and a net. In a flash, a huge Tark came screaming out of the jungle and grabbed the front warrior by his chest and shook him in his teeth. Savonti blood splashed Herad and dripped from the jaws of the Tark as it tossed its dead body aside then headed down river.
[Beware, behind you!]
As Herad turned he brought his sword up and caught the Savonti sword as is came down at him. With his left, he thrust his line of fish out and smacked the warrior in it's face with the dead fish. Shocked, the warrior blinked and wiped fishy water from his face. He snarled and swung his net high to cover Herad. Ducking the net, Herad reached behind him pulling out his knife and was ready to fight.
Down river, the Tark charged in on his six legs. At the shore the two Savonti warriors had just wrapped the screaming Asam in their nets and were dragging him towards the jungle. With a roar, Ozmun leaped in and knocked a warrior back and to the ground landing with it's claws dug deeply into it chest. The warrior screamed and fought trying to keep the Tarks claws from sinking into it's throat but it wasn't the claws he should worry about. It was the Tarks teeth. With a great snap, Ozmun ripped the Savonti warriors head off just as the second warrior opened fire with his staff blasting him off the body. Falling back after being blasted in his side, Ozmun fall stunned to the ground. With the sadistic grin of the Savonti, the warrior pulled his sword and stepped up raising it to deliver a death blow to the Tark. Adrenalin and the power of the salvation stone Shayn had placed on Ozmun's chest filled his body. With a thought in a flash, Ozmun shifted back to his human form. He grabbed the first Savonti's sword and drove it deep into the chest of the warrior standing over him, then kicked him back away from the boy struggling in the net.
As Asam finally found the opening, he climbed out and stepped away from Ozmun who lay exhausted in the sand.
"Who are you?"
"Just a friend." Ozmun sat up and looked down the beach. Herad and the warrior were still fight. "It's not over. There's still one more left."
Asam looked down the beach and saw his brother battling a Savonti warrior.
Ozmun quickly got to his feet and started running As he ran, he shifted to wolf form and hurried to get there to help the young clansmen.
As Herad fought, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the last Savonti go down. He made a quick spin and stabbed out only to be parred as the warrior kicked out at him. As his foot hit Herad's leg, the boy went down. Just like his dead partner the warrior was over confident. With a final grunt, he dived sword first at Herad stabbing him right in his chest. As he fell on the young boy, he stabbed up with his knife and pushed it right through the Savonti's throat. Gasping for air the warrior rolled away and tried to get up, but it was to late. He had taken his last breath and he fell dead on the ground.
Seconds later, Ozmun arrived and knelt down beside the dying boy. Herad smiled up at him choking on blood that filled his throat.
"I did it." He smiled through bloody lips.
"Yes.' Ozmun nodded. "You did."
Just then, Asam ran up crying.
"No Herad!" He cried. "Please, you can't die. I'll do whatever you want. I'll go away and never bother you again, just please don't go."
"I'm sorry Asam." He coughed spraying blood. "Your the Bancu heir now. You have to be strong and protect the clan now."
Herad reached for his knife in the dead warriors throat. He couldn't get it. Ozmun pulled it loose and put it in his hand.
"Take this. It's yours now. I'll be watching." As he closed his eyes he said his last words. "I love you little brother."
This was not how Ozmun Natan wanted this to end. He looked down at the crying boy feeling like he had failed them.
[That is not true,] Lady Kordova said in his head. [You did all you could for them. You are not to blame for this, the Savonti are, Take him home so his father can mourn him with respect and maybe he will help us finish this. I will tell Shayn and Ono the second Hunter party is finished. Hurry home Ozmun.]
"Come Asam." Ozmun put a hand on the boys shoulder. "Let's take your brother home to rest."
In the swamp lair of the former Lady Seru, Loc paced the floor of the master apartment. His plans were all coming together. Memu now held Fedrul, he had Daru's weapons master in his hands and the Mind lord knew nothing of his plans. He had slipped in and out of Darul without anyone being any wiser. The only hitch in his plan would be his partner. None of this would have a chance to work with out his queen at his side and Trela was not answering his call. Only she couild blind Daru to their plans and he had no idea where she was. His spies in Darul reported that she was no where to be found in all of Darul. The mind lord has been searching all the lands that border his but so far, no one has seen her at all. Loc didn't like this. Information was his thing. He had the best spy system in all of Pentanthin. He didn't like the idea that there was something important he needed to know and couldn't get the information.
From the entryway to the lair, Loc stared out into the darkness of the swamp. Trela was there. He didn't know where, but he had to find her cause she was his best protection and he would need her protection and soon.
"Perhaps I can help."
With his weapon drawn, Loc spun around to confront the mysterious voice that had just spoken. standing right in front of him there was a young human boy with straw colored hair smiling with his hands held out in front of him.
"Nazun warrior." He nodded. "I would speak with the lord of this house."
"I am lord here Human." Loc eyed the boy with suspicion. "Who are you and where did you come from?"
"Who I am?" Tabor shrugged putting his arms down. "That doesn't matter does it? What I can do for you does."
"And exactly what can a useless Human do for me?"
"I am far from useless." Tabor smiled. "As a matter of fact, I may be the only one that can give you the power you need to be a lord."
"And how can you do this Human?" Loc eyed the human with doubt and mistrust. He speaks with the confidence of a true lord Loc thought, but where was his power? He would have to prove his words before Loc agreed to anything. "How will you give me power?"
"Magic." Tabor smiled as he stepped back and held up his glowing hands. "I will give you the power to command all that you see. All that hear your voice will be under your command. Will that suffice?"
"And what do you want for these power?" Loc asked interested. "What will it cost me?"
"Just a ring." Tabor said. "All you have to do is get a simple gold ring and bring it to me. That should be easy enough right?"
"How will I find this ring?"
"I'll tell you where it is." Tabor walked over to Loc and looked into his eyes. "Do we have a bargain?"
"I will do as you ask and get what you want." Loc agreed. "Give me what I want and you will get your ring."
"Then step out into the open and receive my gift."
Setting his staff in its place on his back, Loc stepped out to stand in the stagnant water of the swamp. Tabor tossed back the cloak from around his shoulders and cleared his throat to speak his spell.
As Tabor cast his spell, Loc rose high into the air and a glow began to spread around his body. He shook as his eyes became bright as stars but his body darkened to almost an absolute black shadow. Loc screamed at the spell entered him and filled his body then just as he thought he couldn't take anymore, the pain stopped and he fell back into the swampy waters.
"Rise Lord Locu." Tabor bid him. "Stand up and command your warriors!!"
Feeling weak, Locu stood struggling to his feet. He felt strange, invigorated and powerful. He looked at Tabor and wondered if he had really done what he promised. There was only one way to find out.
Tabor's face suddenly changed. He looked as if he was in some kind of trance. He stepped out then burst into laughter.
"You must think me a fool!" He said. "Did you think I would give you powers that would work against me? Powers I give, I can take away so honor your agreement and bring me the ring or you will be sorry."
"Where can I find the ring?" Locu bowed.
"There is a stronghold not far from here in the land that was once Fedrul." Tabor pulled his cloak back around him for warmth. "Follow these directions and you should find it easily. Kill everyone if you have to but bring me the ring. It's in the hands of a boy named Zarin."
"Do you want him dead?"
"No." Tabor smiled. "He is mine to kill. Just get the ring."
It was quiet in the garden as Shayn walked out through the rows of fragrant buds and blooms. His mind was in deep turmoil. Many things had happened since he and Ono had arrived on Pentanthin and now the lives of every human was in his hands. The Savonti were no longer taken slaves, now they were killing people on site. It seemed the age old prophesy of the White and Gray was all about the two Keannian lovers and they had received reports of humans all over the land rising to fight the Savonti.
Everyday he had to remind himself he wasn't just acting on his sense to protect as a Dragon, he was doing what was right for all the people of Pentanthin. They had a right to live free of being hunted everyday. They had the right to build homes and not worry about being dragged off and use as sex objects, slaves and food. They were intelligent beings with the right to live, and that was what he was fighting for.
As he made his way through the front courtyard and saw all the tents of the sleeping Gekko clan, he wondered if what he and Ono planned was the right thing to do? Could these people handle what would come next? He hoped so because they couldn't see another way to combat the millions of Savonti all over Pentanthin. Without Dragons on the planet, they woulds have to be able to protect themselves once they returned home to Keanna.
He turned around when he heard his name called. Lilia Kordova stepped out of a tent and walked towards him with her hand out.
"I can feel the pain in your heart." He could see her smiling through the veil that covered her blind eyes. "Come. Sit and talk with me." Shayn walked out and met her. She wrapped and arm about his and let him lead her back to her cottage. "What troubles you?"
"All this bothers me." He said. "Ono and I are responsible for so many lives. Lilia I'm eighteen years old. To young to be making these life and death decisions."
"I think so far you've done fine." She patted his hand. "There are many here who owe you their lives and that includes Savonti. You and Ono have helped many see the truth."
"What truth?" He asked. "Our truth? The Dragon truth?"
"Shayn." She smiled. "The truth for one is the truth for all. Freedom is the truth and people need that. Without it, we are cattle and we might as well just give up and surrender to Daru. Don't you think Daru knows how wrong the way they treat us is? Don't you see why they treat us the way they do?
"There are more Savonti with power then humans." She said. "That's true, but that's not it. They're afraid of us. Afraid that one day we all control Pentanthin and they may have to bow to us. And they're right. We are destined to rule this planet but I'm hoping it will be together as partners not enemies. That's where you come in. The white and gray will help this happen one way or the other. Either we rise, or fall, or we make it together. We have no other choice."
Lilia's words were wise and spoke straight to his heart. He knew she was right be still having all that on his head wasn't easy. But he knew what he had to do now. He just hoped Ono could live with his decision.
As the thought ran through his mind, Lilia stopped. She hadn't meant to read his thoughts but she had and this was not the right decision for Shayn, Ono or Pentanthin.
"You still don't understand do you?"
"What?" He asked.
"This is not your home." She dropped his arm. "We are free people and you lead us but you and the Academy must go back where you belong once this is over. Your story goes on, but at home, not here on Pentanthin. Your family needs you both at home."
"I know." Shayn sighed. "Pentanthin is just becoming so familiar, it's almost home to us. We'll find it hard to leave."
"But you must or Quynn will never exist."
"Who?" Shayn stopped and stared at Lilia. "Who will hever exist?"
"I've said to much." Lilia cast her senses out to probe her way back to her house. "Promise me you and Ono will leave when the time is right."
"Lilia." Shayn started. "I.."
"NO!!" She shouted. "The Dragon's need you home. End this and GO HOME!!"
As Shayn watched, Lilia hurried on through the garden to her cottage and slammed the door behind her. Shayn had a feeling he had just learned something important about his future. But he had no idea what. Now he knew he had to get back home and soon.
Jazzuk. = a small intelligent wasp like creature with human like features.
ReplyDeleteKoresh. = Enemy