"Thalia!" Tored came out of his hiding place. He looked around to be sure they weren't being watched and waved Rese out. "Where is Mera? Have you found her?"
"No not yet." She answered looking around. "Trip is looking for her now. Where's Reno? We need to talk."
"He heard a call from the forest a went to investigate." Rese told her. "He thinks there's something familiar out there."
"Familiar?" Thalia looked at him raiding an eye brow. "We're on an alien world and he thinks there's someone out there he knows?"
"I heard the call too." Rese shrugged. "It did sound like a werewolf."
"That's not possible." Tored said. "We don't have anything like that here on Pentanthin. Tarks, trackers, corjo's and a whole lot of other nasty things but nothing like Werewolves. Whatever he heard maybe it didn't come from your world."
"Probably not but I guess right now it's not important." Thalia motioned them closer to the mud wall that made up the rear of Memu's camp. The three stooped down and peered in. "Reno will catch up with us when he's ready. Right now we have other things to do. Look in here. Those are the wagons being loaded to move the camp. Trip and I overheard them talking. Somehow Mera managed to free herself and she's in there somewhere hiding."
Tored had a look of absolute horror on his face as they looked on. Rese reached over to steady his friend so he wouldn't fall over. he started to say something but Thalia stopped him.
"Don't worry." She said. "We're going in after her. But I need you with me Tored"
Tored looked in nodding and saw three warriors patrolling the camp. All three we're armed with staff and a sword at their side. Not that it mattered to Tored. He had planned to sneak in if he had to leaving Rese waiting if Thalia hadn't shown up when she did. Still the thought of going into a camp of Savonti was frightening.
"What can I do to help?" He asked bravely.
"Well we can't just walk in." Thalia explained. "I need you to hide us while we search."
"Can you disguise us as Savonti?" Rese asked. His eyes bright and eager. "Only a Savonti would be safe walking around in there."
"I think I can." He nodded. "But I don't know for how long."
"Then just you and Thalia go." Rese suggested. "I'll wait here for Reno."
"Stay out of sight Rese." Thalia looked at Tored. "Ready?"
"Yes." He gulped and closed his eyes to concentrate. As Rese watched, the image of the two blurred then faded and in it's place two Savonti warriors appeared. Rese stepped backed for a second not use to seeing a Savonti so close. Tored and Thalia had become over six feet tall and covered with deep green shiny scales. On his feet he wore sandals made of some sort of leather type material. He was dressed in a slated kilt made of the same material. He had a harness which held a small dagger and a short length of what looked like a braided rope. At his side hung a silver sword in a scabbard. Looking up, Rese got his first look at a Savonti. He thought they looked almost like they could be related to dragons. The fin on their back stood out about two or three inches and ran to the top of their head, They had dragon like eyes and a mouth full of what looked like sharp jagged teeth. These were the teeth of a carnivore he thought, made for ripping meat apart. They looked strong with heavily muscled arms and clawed hands. They were truly fearsome looking he thought.
"Don't worry Rese." Thalia tried to smile but Savonti smiles looked even more menacing. "Try contacting Reno with mindspeak, tell him where we're going. We'll call if we need you."
Rese nodded and watched as they walked out and into the camp.
[Good luck.]
Lines of Savonti rode slowly down the trail out of Memul followed by wagon after wagon filled with supplies and weaponry. At the end of the line came the slave wagons. They were surprised to see how man cages were empty. there had to be enough to carry one hundred people there. From behind a row of heavy brush Drake, Erlik and Bandit watched them move. Where were they heading? At the head of the column rode sitting with his head held high sat the lord of the land, Memu dressed in his dark blue colored armor. Drake asked Erlik quietly where they could be heading.
"It could be one of two things." Erlik answered. "Either he's going on a raid or to war against another lord."
"My guess is a raid." Drake told them. "That's why he has so many empty cages."
"But where would he find enough people to fill that many wagons?" Bandit asked. "Are there any clans in hiding around here?"
"There are clans in Memul." Erlik answered. "But it would take weeks to round up enough to fill that many cages. But there's something I find strange. They're heading the wrong way, the people of Memul would be hiding in the mountains to the west not the east. So where are they going?"
"What's east of here?"
Erlik looked over to Bandit as he thought about the question. They had just come from the east. Home was east. Suddenly a thought occurred to him. Gekkol was east of here. Just then something moved in the forest back down the trail Memu and his warriors had just come from. Drake and Bandit turned and caught a scent on the wind. It was a curiously familiar scent. Erlik reached to pull his sword from his scabbard to be ready for a fight. Again something rattled in the brush. Lifting the sword, Erlik went to leap to the attack. He had no idea what was there but with the Savonti having just passed, he was sure this was an attack.
"No!!" Bandit reached out and grabbed Erlik's coat and pulled him back. "It's not an attack. It's a friend."
From the forest a tall dark haired young man stepped out. He looked at them in surprise.
"RENO!!" Bandit rushed out and took him in a great hug. "By Rimnar, what are you doing here?"
"Bandit!!" He laughed as his feet were lifted and he was spun around in his friends great bear like hug. "Looking for you I guess."
Bandit put him down and shook his hand in greeting. "Looking for me? Why?"
"I suppose he means the Academy." Drake Tyr stepped over smiling and gripped the boys hand. "Good to see you."
"As it is you your majesty." Reno bowed his head.
"I'm king no more." He said. "I'm here just like you in search of my son Ono and his mate Shayn. I found these two here running from the Savonti and thought I'd lend a claw."
"Then you saw Lord Memu and his warriors pass here?" they all walked out of the forest onto the trail Memu had taken. The smell of Trackers still lingered in the air.
"Yes we did." Drake nodded. "I just have no idea where he's going with that army of his."
"I do." Erlik spoke up. Drake, Reno and Bandit turned to hear what he meant.
"They're heading back to Gekkol." He told them. Bandit mouth dropped open in shock and surprise. Reno and Drake had no idea what he meant.
"The Academy." Erlik shouted at them. "It's in Gekkol!!"
"I don't understand." Drake said trying to figure out exactly what was happening. "Why would he be going there? How could he know where the academy is?"
"He's probably not after the Academy." Bandit guessed. He turned to Erlik. "He wants something else."
"He wants my clan."
"What?" Reno like Drake was confused. what was going on here?
"Don't you see?" Erlik said excited and scared. "The Gekko's are the largest clan in these parts. We've taken over all the lands of the dead Lord Fedru and made it our home. We're not hiding anymore. If Lord Memu or any other lord can manage to slip in and surprise Gabor, he'll have taken down one of the Savonti's biggest enemies and caught hundreds on slaves."
"And he'll find the Academy." Bandit told them looking each of them in their eyes. "It won't be hard."
"Then we have to do something." Reno looked worried. "We have to warn them. And Zarin. He's on his way there. We have to stop them."
"How far away is this Gekkol?" Drake asked.
"Two turns by Tracker." Erlik estimated. "Three on foot."
"We can run it in less." Reno said anxiously.
"I'm guessing a turn is what we call a day, right?"
"Yes." Bandit told them.
"We can't run for two days straight without rest Reno." Drake wanted to try but he knew it was a waste of time and impossible. "There has to be another way."
"We could fly." Reno's eyes lit up with an idea.
"Fly? How? I don't have a bird form, do you?"
"I have something even better. A dragon. We should get back to Memu's camp to find the other. We'll need Rese for this. He can make the flight in a few hours."
"Who?" Drake asked.
"Just follow me. We should hurry."
Disguised in rags and dirty and bruised, Trip shuffled his way through the camp. His chains rattled but being of his own magic, they had no weight so they didn't slow him down. In front of him ran Mif, Mera's little doll. He followed it from place to place everywhere she had been until he found himself at the front gates of the camp where the doll stopped. This could mean only one thing. Mera wasn't here in the camp anymore. She must have been recaptured and put with the slaves that had left with Memu. Trip's heart sank at that thought. The only real reason Memu had taken them was to feed his warriors. That meant they had to go after them and somehow free Mera.
"You!" A gravelly voice called out behind Trip. He turned and found a huge Savonti warrior staring down at him. Trip stepped back in fear. "What are you doing out here?"
The warrior grabbed him and threw him back into the camp. Trip fell and rolled in the dirt.
"Trying to escape were you!" With a swift kick the warrior kicked Trip in his back. He screamed in pain and tried to roll away.
"Get over here meat!" The warrior reached down and grabbed Trip and dragged him back toward the cages. Trip shook his head to clear it. His back was hurting bad from the kick. But the pain had done something else to Trip. It took away his fear. Now he was mad. He clutched his fist as the rage inside him began to build. Turning the corner to the cages, the warrior tossed him like a doll to the wheels of the wagon. Trip lay there covered in mud and looked up at the warrior. His face was a mask of pure anger.
"Get in the cage meat." the warrior stood there with his fist on his hips. "Now!!"
His thoughts went back to Keanna when Craven had captured him. His imprisonment in the cell of the dilapidated manor he and Rese had been held in. He remembered the Orcs crashing in and blasting them into unconsciousness. The fear and pain he was subjected to. Now he he was on Pantanthin being confronted by something much worst then Orcs. He had had enough. The Savonti had to be stopped and today Trip would make a stand.
"No!!" Trip climbed up onto his feet and shook off the mud from his hands and face. His eyes took on a fantastic glare and he raised a glowing hand and took two steps toward the warrior. " Never ever ever again!!!"
Once the Warrior saw the power emanating from the slave in front of him, he knew he was in trouble. Quickly he grabbed for his sword. This was no normal human slave. It was one of the strangely powered beast his lord had scoffed it. It was no crazed idea of Daru's. It was real, here and about to attack.
Fast as he could he pulled his blade and rushed in raising the sword for a quick kill. But he would never make that kill.
With his rage on and his power focused Trip sent a blast directly at the warrior which burned him where he stood. Flames flared up as the warrior roasted from the heat of Trips blast, In seconds he was nothing more then a pile of ash that sank into the mud.
Once the warrior was dead, Trip kicked and ground the ash into nothing then moved to the side of the cages and looked to see if anyone had saw his short battle. He had to find the others. He was done with these mad beastly Savonti. It was time they freed the slaves here and got back with their friends and got out of the terrible place. He wanted to go home.
Dressed in Tored's strongest illusion, Thalia and Tored stomped their way through the camp. They noticed that almost all of the wagons had been picked. Forges, tents, cooking ware and everything Memu had left behind was ready to move. All that was left was to finish caging the rest of Memu's stable of slaves. That was where Thalia planned for them to search. It was the obvious place for Mera to be held if she still lived. Be torch light they made their way to the ring were the slaves were being loaded. There were perhaps thirty or forty cages here. most of them already loaded. Thalia and Tored watched as the poor people were beaten and whipped into the cages. With every strike Thalia winched with pain. Tored wanted to look away but if he did, he might miss his sister. So he watched in horror. As the watched a raven landed on a wagon and cawed.
[She's not here.] Trip called out to them from his perch.
[Are you sure?}
[Yes I'm sure.] He answered. [My magic would have found her if she was here. She must have been taken with the slaves Memu took with him.]
Thalia looked up at Trip with a sick feeling in her stomach.
[But that means she was taken for...]
[Yes.] Trip sent back. [For food.]
[We have to go now!] Thalia reached out for Tored's arm. She didn't want to waste a second here.
[What about them?] He meant the caged slaves. [We can't leave them. They'll be killed.]
[We don't have a choice.] Thalia sent back to him sternly. [The three of us can't fight all these Savonti.]
[Four.] Rese sent. [Don't forget I'm here.]
[So will we.] Reno's voice broke into the conversation surprising both Thalia and Rese. [Trip's right. We can't leave them to be eaten by these monsters. I couldn't live with myself if I did.]
[Then you better think of something quick.] Thalia sent him. [Because they're done loading and ready to go.]
[Get Trackers and ride with them.] A strangely familiar voice order. [We'll take them on the rode. Young dragon, meet us at the gate after they leave. We'll join you and follow them. Thalia, stay in the rear of the column, try not to let any of them get to close.]
The line of wagons heading down the trail through Memul wasn't long as Pentanthin's twin suns rose up over the horizon. There were no more then ten wagons in the group with five caged wagons at the end. Placed at each of the cages there was a driver and a warrior for protection with young or elder Savonti walking along the column. At the end of the line Thalia and Tored rode the tail end watching everyone carefully. Tored was very nervous. It was taking a lot of his concentration to keep them hidden. He was glad there were so far in the rear with no one else close because when his attention slipped, his illusion would blink exposing their real appearance. Thalia just wanted this raid over, she wanted to be off after Memu and Mera before it was to late.
[Reno what are we waiting for?]
[His majesty and Rese are in the canyon ahead.] The young werewolf sent. [Rese will block the trail. That's where the attack will be. You and Tored have to cut off so they will be trapped.]
[His majesty?] Thalia knew he had to be talking about the mystery voice she had heard earlier. She wanted to know who it was with Reno. [Reno, who's there with you?]
[You'll see soon enough. Be careful.]
With that Reno was gone from her mind. She tried calling out to him but he didn't answer. Thalia looked over at Tored who looked tired and confused.
"What now?" Tored whispered. His Savonti face had a strange look like he was straining himself.
"See the canyon up ahead?" She pointed. Up ahead the trail began to slope down. High cliffs rose up all around at that point. The column was heading right down into a narrow canyon. The once two rowed column now became single file as it moved along. Above, the call of chekki the scavenger birds of Pantanthin could be heard as the circled in search of carrion to feed on. "That's where we put an end to Memu's camp.
"How?" He asked.
"We attack. We are to attend to the rear and keeping them from escaping." Thalia pulled her Tracker closer to Tored. "When I give you the signal, drop our disguise and be ready. I'm not sure what Reno has planned so stay close and be careful."
Tored swallowed and nodded wiping the sweat from his brow. This was it. It was time for him to take a little of the revenge his family deserved for so many years.
At the head of the band of wagons, dressed in his kilt, Mah sat on his Tracker and watched over the migration. As Memu's second he had been put in control and ordered to get them to the next hidden camp location. Anxious, he sat calling out orders to the lesser warriors he had been left to lord over. He was very angry, Memu had left him with nothing but young and old warriors. They were armed but he knew this wasn't enough to protect the train let alone to guard the stock of pentanthium that filled the three middle wagons. His only hope was to make a quick and quiet move.
Mah had set sentries all along the route they were to take and runners to report anything odd ahead. The march was to be a short one. Memu's new camp was to be on a hidden plateau just in the eastern mountains of Memul. One turns travel and they would be there safe. Mah gripped his staff and hoped nothing would get in there way to stop them.
Deep in the canyon, two elder Savonti warriors rode slowly watching the ridges to the left and right. Nothing moved but baebots and wild chekki on the hunt for game in the crags of the cliffs. Lazy, the two old ones moved while chewing on rations they had packed for the scouting trip.
"My bones ache." The darker of the two complained stretching. "This is not the job for one of our age."
"Would you rather be with Memu on his raid?" The other asked. "Either we do this or we could work the mines. How would your bones like that?"
"I would rather be fighting." He moaned. "But at my age Memu would never trust me in battle. A shame for when I was young, none could best me with my staff."
"Ahhhhh!!" His companion nodded. "The days of Menu, father of Memu. I remember them well. Hunting the man beast in the hills, wars with Tedu former lord of Redul. Proud times to remember to be sure."
"Yes." The dark one moaned. "Now here we are with nothing but sentry and scouting in our future. Sad days."
"Better then slaving in the mines. But enough of that, let us find our way out of this place so I can rest my weary bones in a hot sand pit."
Spurring their Trackers on, the warriors pushed on faster down the trail in a hurry to get to someplace more comfortable. Unknown to the two elder Savonti, things for them were about to become completely devastating.
Like thunder a great rumbling sound suddenly vibrated through the hills. The ground all around the two warriors began to shake as rocks and debris fall all around leaving them in a cloud of dust. The two Trackers bucked trying to throw their rides and bolt off back the way they had come. With end of their staffs the warriors beat at their mounts to bring them back under their control. Once the dust cleared the two warriors stared at the trail in complete shock. The trail was gone. Now it was totally blocked by a wall of rock that was almost as high as the cliffs.
"What madness is this?" The two warriors looked at each other in shock. "What lord attacks?"
"NO SAVONTI ATTACKS HERE MONSTER." A voice boomed through the walls echoing all around them, "TURN BACK OR DIE!!"
"Face us!" They shouted back. "Face the Savonti and see who rules here!"
With the speed of lightning a black and red flash streak out from behind the wall. The two warriors looked up in the sky and couldn't believe what they saw. A huge black and red creature glowing with power hovered above them. It looked like nothing either of them had ever seen before. More then the length of five Trackers with a wingspan almost the same length. It had an elongated head with a maw filled with sharp teeth. It's eyes glowed like embers of the brightest gold. It had a jet black head with glowing areas all along the underside of it'd neck and chest. It's body was all of red and black and muscled. The thing had clawed forearms and legs and a mighty tail which whipped back and forth. It was a fearsome beast but the Savonti feared nothing.
Raising their staffs, the two warriors took aim at the thing in the sky. But before they could trigger a blast, it was gone in a flash. A loud roar echoed through the canyon as they watched it speed over their heads.
"He's not the one you need worry about."
The two warriors turned to find a young human dressed in leather pants and a vest.He had brown hair and a sneer on his face.
"A human?" The two looked at each other puzzled. Laughter rang out from the two. They had thought they were in for an attack from some powerful lord only to fine this lowly human facing them. "Kill him so we can get back to the others to report the thing in the sky."
"Come then." Reno smiled with his hands on his hips and a savage tint in his eyes. "Kill me if you can."
Mah rode at the head of the train with four of the only seasoned warriors Memu had left him. Stored close to his side in reach sat his staff with he hoped he would have no need of. Ahead the trail seemed clear. So far there had been no opposition, no attacks and none of the scouts had sent back any warning of and trouble from ahead or behind. He breath a sigh of relief. They didn't have that far left to go. The new site for the camp Memu had picked was just beyond the canyon in the mountain hills. It was one of the old mine sites that Memu knew still knew rich amounts of pentanthium. There were also humans to hunt somewhere in the hills assuring them a very good food source.
As Mah relaxed seeing the end of their journey, a rumbling began to run through the ground and canyon sides. He halted the train with a raised claw and listened as a roar echoed through the canyon. Suddenly the sound of staff fire was heard in the distance. Mah waved two warriors to him.
"Someone attacks." He sneered at his warriors. "Go find out how many we are to face. Arm yourselves all of you. Protect the pentanthium and the females. Enemies are close."
As the warriors urged their Trackers into a run, Mah climbed down from his Tracker. He took his staff from it's holder and watched as the two warriors rode off around the bend. Seconds later shots again rang out, but these were closer. Mah called out to rally his warriors as a strange figure stepped out into view from where his warriors had disappeared. He was a tall human dressed in a long black coat. He had black hair with silver steaks and a confidence in his walk.
"Savonti." He called out. "The way forward is blocked and you can't turn back. I have blocked that to. I will let you all go without any hostilities if you free all your slaves. Otherwise you we all die here today. What do you say?"
Laughter rang out through the train from all the warriors. They had all climbed down from their driving seats and were weapons ready. Mah stood facing the human with staff in hand. There was no humor in his eyes.
"You threaten us Man beast!" Mah fumed at the human. "We rule this planet and all you humans bow to us as masters. We will never bend to your useless wishes. They mean nothing to us. You mean nothing to us!!"
"That is your decision?" Drake asked calmly. "You choose death? Is that really such an easy decision? Does life means so little to the Savonti that you would throw it all away just for pride."
"We are proud, yes." Mah shouted. "But we have a right to be. No human can rival us in power or strength. You are but a lone man, maybe you have allies out there to fight with you, but it would be you throwing away you lives not us. We are armed with weapons you can't possibly fight. We have nothing to fear from your kind. We never have."
"We are not as weak as you may think Monster." Drake stood where all could see him. "Behold!!"
[Now!!] Drake sent out to the others.
Up on the cliff Trip hide and watched. The moment Drake gave the word, he cast his spell. Trip crossed his arms in front of him and held them over his had as his old mentor Shaitan taught him. Then he began his spell.
As the magic took hold, Trip rose a foot into the air, Then the quake began. The sides of the canyon shook, rocks fell all around. Mah's Trackers rear scared by the quake. His wagons began to shake and tip over spilling their contents all around. The slaves in the caged wagons grabbed onto each other for safety As the ground beneath them began to move.Mah called out orders to his warriors to secure the wagons. He looked at the strange dark man who stood quietly and watched even though the ground beneath him shook. He didn't seem to be fazed at all by the quake. What kind of human was this?
Mah raised his staff and sent a blast at the man. He raised his hand and it stopped before it reached him.
"One last chance Savonti." Drake called over the rumbling of the quake. "Free the slaves!!"
"Never!!" Mah shouted. "Attack!! Kill him!!"
Stumbling and falling the Savonti warriors tried to run at Drake to attack. They sent shot after shot at him but not one hit it's mark though Drake didn't move an inch. Closer and closer they came until they were but a few feet away, then from behind him something came streaking out of the sky to land behind him. It was a great black and red beast with wings. The roar sending them all falling off their feet. Scared they all dropped their weapons and scrambled to get away. Mah screamed out his rage.
He charged at Drake with the spear end of his staff raised and ready to strike. Drake looked at him and snarled. Then he shifted to his regal man wolf form, flexed his claws and pounced on the Savonti charging him. Surprise filled Mah at the sight of the unknown beast that attacked him. He didn't have time to react before Drake was on him slashing into his chest ripping him apart. Then he stood and howled as the ground stopped shaking. Covered in Savonti blood he stepped away from Mah's dead body and looked at the cowering warriors before him.
"Is death to be your choice to?" He asked.
"N no." Stammered the closest warrior, an elderly Savonti. "We will free the humans."
"You will free them and you will go out and tell every Savonti lord that the humans will no longer be their prey. For from this day on they will fight back, and me and my kind will be at their sides to help them. Now take your wagons and be off with you."
An hour later the slaves were all free and gathered around the caged wagons. The Savonti had all gone taking what they could except the weapons and the caged wagons and Trackers that pulled them. The people looked up at Drake and the others around him amazed at their courage. Amazed but still scared.
"Where do we go?" a woman asked. "You may have scared them away but there are many more out there that still hunt us."
"You join with other clans for protection." Erlik said stepping out. "We stop letting the Savonti treat us like cattle. You now have weapons to protect yourselves. You live and build homes and fight to keep them, that's what you do."
"That's easy for you to say." Some from the crowd called. "You have powerful friends. What have we got?"
"You have friends to." Tored said from beside Thalia. "We're all in this together. Your not alone in this fight."
"Indeed your not." Erlik looked over the crowd. "I see men and woman here from many different clans. Make your way home or go to Fedrul. Clan Gekko rules that land now."
A look of shock came over the faces of those in the crowd. Fedrul was a Savonti held land. How can this be?
"Fedru was killed by Gabor Gekko with the help of friends." Whispers of surprise ran quickly though the ex slaves. "Gabor needs all the weapons and fighters he can find. I know he'd welcome you all into his clan. Or you can go back into hiding. It's your choice."
The men and women started talking amongst themselves loudly. Some were afraid but more were tired of this fear and hiding and wanted it to end. A mam in rags stepped out from the crowd to face Erlik and his group.
"I have heard of the Gekko clan. My father was friend to Petar Gekko and talked of him often. I know him to be a brave and resourceful fighter. I will join them. Anyone else what to come with me?"
A cheer went up as the crowd agreed. Erlik smiled at Bandit and Drake proud of himself. Now all he had to do was to direct them to Gekkol.
"Now that the slaves are free we should be going." Thalia said taking Reno and Drake aside. "We still have to get Mera back and warn the others of the coming attack. We should hurry and get moving."
"I agree." Drake nodded looking at Reno and Thalia. "How far away is your friend Zarin?"
"They should be in Fedrul by now." Tored answered. "Luke and Nysa will be taking them to find the Gekko clan, that means your friends."
"How long by Tracker?"
"Three turns."
"Then we have to get ahead of Memu to warn the academy of what's on the way." Drake told them. "How fast can u cover that distance Rese?"
"Not long. A few hours maybe." He shrugged. "Depends on how much I'm carrying. And I can't carry all of you."
"Here's what I think we should do." Drake sat them all down to decide want to do next. "Rese can take me and Erlik ahead. The rest of you can go after Memu. Try and slow them down but don't take and crazy chances. If you can find Mera, By all means free her but do not get caught. None of you, understand?"
"Yes majesty." Reno nodded. Thalia looked at Drake open mouthed in shock. She finally knew why he looked familiar.
"Your Drake Tyr." She stood. "King of the Werewolves. That's why you look familiar."
"Former Were king. " He smiled. "Now I'm here Lady Samanis, looking for my son and his mate. Are we all in agreement?
"Yes." They all called out together.
"Good." They all climbed to their feet and dusted themselves off. "Let's get a move on. We have a lot ahead of us."
The search for Mera
ReplyDeleteDrake Tyr joins to help.
Tored and Thalia search Memu's camp.
Trip fights back.
Mah lieutenant of Memu dies.
Rese takes Drake and Erlik back to Gekkol.