Sitting alone at his desk Tovar Orsa carefully went over Tir Na's latest reports. In the message Tof sent, he told him of Aggar's escape from Remus with the help of Sharone, Keya and Baron Tyr. He read how Baron Tyr had found a way to break the spell on Raf Thorn and together they had joined forces against the on coming attack. From the outer villages along Tir Na's border reports had been coming in about the forces marching into Yadessa. The numbers reported were huge, Tovar knew Yadessa was in trouble again and this time neither Valkar or Azeal was there to lead them.
He pushed the papers away and looked to the window. He wonder how much time he had before they arrived at the city's gates. Tovar hoped he would have enough time to get his people to safety. There was only one way to find out. He pushed back his chair and walked to the cloak rack and took a dark cape and wrapped it around his shoulders. Turning back to the desk he rang the bell and summoned his aide to attend him. Seconds later a young vampire entered the office and bowed.
"How's the evacuation going?" Tovar asked as he fished in the desk draw for the message stone Tof had sent him.
"Most of those that can shift have gone." Fual answered. "That leaves anyone without magic and the sick or wounded to be driven away. I have coaches loading them up as we speak."
"How long before they're all gone?"
"Well as long as the roads stay clear, we should be finished in two hours sir." as they talked Tovar went to the window and threw it open. He looked down and saw the long line of coached loading people in the city court yard. There had to be a few hundred people still out there. This scared Tovar. Fual's estimate my be off.
"Two hours?" Tovar said excited. "For all of them?"
"Sir, we have troops down there moving as fast as possible." Fual assured him. "We'll have them out in two hours. Question is, do we have two hours?"
"That's what I'm going out to find out." Tovar stepped up on the ledge. "Once the castle is empty don't forget to set the wards before you go. I don't want them in the palace. At least with Jandar and Eheren's spells we can keep the palace safe. That may be our only way back into the city once Lord Larin and Queen Talsara have control here. I'll be back before you leave. I'll be needing your help in the field."
"Yes Sir." Fual stepped back away from the window. In a flash of vampire magic Tovar shifted into a falcon, spread his wings and took off out into the evening sky.
It was a beautiful clear night Tovar thought as he rose higher into the sky. From here he could see sharply the carriages and coached being loaded. These were the last of the people to leave Vasagi. But as he looked down Tovar saw there were quite a few left. He hoped they still had enough time. But if they didn't. it would be they're job to make the time.
Higher and higher he flew until he could see far out into Yadessa. He saw the outer town's that had been evacuated earlier. All the same villages of Yadessa human and vampire were now like ghost towns. There weren't even cattle or a any stray pets left behind. What he did see was the troops he had ordered out into the trees of the forest to hide. These and whatever Tof could send would be Yadessa's last line of defense. It pained him to know that he had to abandon their home. The home his ancestors had sacrificed so much to hold on to for so many centuries. Thought the vampire/werewolf war. Through the hunger and the lifting of the curse. Through the hunts the humans had from fear of their kind. So much had happened in such a long history to the vampiric people of Yadessa and to the city of Vasagi but there was nothing to be done. So soon after the last war with Muerte and Balthazar Gaelich, Yadessa just wasn't strong enough to beat the invaders. But this was not the end of Yadessa. Not if Tovar Orsa had anything to do with it. He swore he would free his king and take back their homeland. And no elf queen or wanna be king would stop them.
As he flew in the distance he saw the invading army heading across the plains of Deumond north of Vasagi. They were less then an hour outside of the city. Fear rose from Tovar's stomach because he knew Fual would never get everyone out in time. Their only chance was to slow this army down somehow. That's when he heard it. A familiar howl. A certain howl that could only be done by werewolves of the Wolves Lair. That meant Tof and his warriors were there and ready to help. Suddenly the fear was gone and Tovar stared to feel hope. Yadessa's allies were here and he was ready to fight.
"Jandar! Rage! "
A voice began to slip into the dream as a hand reached out to touch his forehead. Bright lights flashed in Jandar's eyes as he opened them for the first time in weeks.
"Jandar, wake up!"
Lift his hand to shield his eyes Jandar focused in on the voice that was calling him. It was Jax. Was he in the dream to? Was he still dreaming at all. Jandar looked around at the room to see where he was. He remembered that in the dream, they were in Rage's old mountain lair. But that's not where he was now. This room looked familiar. then he recognized where he was.
"I'm home?" He pushed himself up to a sitting position. "Jax, I'm awake?"
"Yes brother your awake." Jax smiled down at him. He handed Jandar a cup of water for him to sip at. "Sip slowly."
He took the cup and put it to his mouth to drink. The water felt good sliding down his parched throat. As he handed the cup back he looked beside him and saw Rage open his eyes. He was awaking up too.But what about all the others? Suddenly he was confused.
"They are still sleeping" Jax told him. "I could only bring the two of you out of the dream and I think you'll be needed more in the coming days."
Rage sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at Jandar and smiled then grabbed him in his arms for a kiss. Tears ran down Jandars cheek as he hugged his mate.
"We were dreaming?" Rage asked him. He looked around from Jax to Drake as his anger began to build. "What goes on? Who did this to us?"
"The lands at war again and it needs you." Jandar turned and saw his father Drake standing there. "It's time for you both to be up and doing what your new clan does best. Protecting Keanna."
"Without them?" He asked. "Just the two of us ? We don't even know who we're fighting against."
"Nonsense." Drake walked in and sat next to Jandar and Rage. "Who was it that stood up to me and the council on behalf of the vampires? Who was it that saved me from your uncle Tyken Ro? Who was it that defeated Cressca and the Collectors? That was you. My son one of the bravest men born since Azeal Tyr. And a master at your arts.And you, Rage. Who destroyed Polan Dressak? and fought back against a mad death goddess? the two of you did that."
"Father, we can't stop a war alone." Jandar pushed off the blankets that covered him and sat on the edge of the bed facing Jax and Drake. "My magic is not that powerful."
"Your not alone Brother." Jax told him. "There are many of us here to help. Insa, the Shadows and many more. You were once told you would never be alone. Well it's never been more true then now. All you have to do is call and help will come."
Rage stood naked and grabbed a robe off of the rack by the bed. "What of the others?"
"They're safe in the dream." Jax told him. "And I promise they'll wake before this is over."
Jandar walked to the balcony doors and threw them open. The world looked so peaceful from here but he knew not far off somewhere war was raging. Memories of Winterhaven and dark things he had seen in his dreams began to come back to him. Suddenly he felt anger at all that had happened and was going on right now. With a burst of rage he roared. His roar was so loud everything in the room shook. Drake was amazed to his son's power and rage as his staff appeared in his hand.
"We have work to do. Wait in the parlor, we'll be dressed in a minute" Drake and Jax left as Jandar closed the window and went to the closet and took out a pair of leather pants, a gray shirt and a black and red leather jacket for himself. For Rage he found his red leathers. They dressed quickly then went out meet the others.
"Now how can I help?" Together they made their way down the stairs and through the manor. Jandar was hungry. it had been a while since his last meal. In the kitchen he made himself a quick meal while they talked.
"First I have a question for you." Drake looked the three deep in there eyes. "Where is Ono? How do I find him?"
Jandar stopped putting down his empty glass and stared at his father. He wasn't sure what to tell him. Ono and Shayn had been missing for months now. He and Rage had done everything in there power to find them including to ask the gods for help. All he could find out was that they were fulfilling their own destiny's and that if they succeeded a whole world would benefit. All he could do was to take Alea's word on that and pray for their safe return. Now here was his father hoping to figure out some way to find him. What was he to saw? How was he to help him?
[You can't.] A voice said in his head. [But maybe I can.]
[Who speaks?] Surprised Jandar jumped from the table. Everything around Jandar froze in time. He knew he was about to be visited be someone special. From the tone of the voice he knew this wasn't just some mage or werewolf speaking to him. The voice had power, it had to be one of Jax's people. One of the gods. Suddenly an image appeared in front of him. It was a tall gray haired young handsome man dressed in the brightest white. He wore no armor, but his cloak and tunic seemed to shine like it had been made of star stuff. In his hand he carried a staff long as a spear and white with an elaborate symbol on it's head like nothing Jandar had ever seen before
[Correct.] He smiled. [Jax is one of my brothers. I am Karis, messenger of Rimnar. I am the one that freed you of the dreamworld and I've come to offer you a small favor.]
[Thank you for your help Karis.] Jandar sent. {But unless your going to free the others, I'm not sure how you can help.]
[I'm sorry that's forbidden.] The god told him. [But I can help with your father's request. I can take him to the one he searches for.]
[You know where Ono and Shayn are? Take me to them, please!]
[Your needed here on Keanna.] Karis came to stand next to his frozen brother. He looked at his younger brother. [We kinda look a like huh? Anyway, you have enough to do. Let your father do this. He needs it.]
[I guess I don't have much choice do I?]
[None at all.] He shrugged. [Leave him here. He'll fall asleep and wake up in another place. The rest is up to them.]
{Will he be safe?]
[Jandar.] Karis smiled and began to fade out of sight. [Where he's going, no one's safe. Not unless Ono and Shayn succeed in what they're doing. But I will tell you this. He will wake up in a place where he will be needed.]
"Jandar?" Jax waved his hand a snapped his fingers to get his attention. Jax and Drake looked at him confused. "Where's your mind? Still in the dream?"
"No, don't worry." The Mage smiled at them. "I'm here and ready to get to work. We need to get to Yadessa in a hurry. Jax,your with me. Father, your staying here."
The look on Drake Tyr's face showed his annoyance at Jandar for not answering his question. Ono was his youngest by blood and be was missing. There was no way he could go on and just trust in fate to protect him.
"I'm not going to just sit around here or the Wolves Lair while my boy is missing." Drake stormed. "If you can't help me, I'll find him myself."
"Trust me." Jandar put his hand on his father's shoulder then hugged him. "Fate will take you where you need to be. Just rest here and in the morning things could be different. Now we have a battle to fight. Let's be off Jax."
From the front gardens Drake watched as Jandar, Rage and Jax walked away from the manor gates. With a roar Jandar shifted to his feathered dragon form and Rage to his larger red dragon form. Jax climbed up high to sit on Rage's neck and they spread his wings and took off into the sky. Drake walked to a bench in the garden and sat down. Fate he thought. How could fate help him find his son. It had never really been ob their side before in the years pass. Why should fate help him now?
High in the towers of New Keanna towers a god watched and listened. He knew the werewolf was wrong, fate had always watched over his people. Fate had been there to help then when they were slaves to the vampires. It had brought home the spirit of Danik Tyr to rest. Now again it would help another son of the Were. And if it was his destiny, it would get him home.
From the guard house window a pair of eyes watched as the dragons flew off into the clouds. Jandar and Rage were awake. His master Lord Larin would want to know this immediately. If he had hid himself somewhere closer in the manor he might have been able to find out where they were going. But right now it didn't matter. The fact that they were awake was enough. Now he just had to inform his lord that there was trouble on the way.
With his mind going one hundred miles an hour, Wyn rushed into his private study. Talsara's last orders to her evil little imp kept going through his mind. How could the woman he loved be some hateful to her own child? Did love not mean anything to her? Was power all she really cared about? Somehow he had to find a way to stop her. He couldn't let Elan or Aron suffer at her hands. There was no way he would or could let her hurt either of them. Somehow he had to get Aron out of Darkshade and stop Elan from coming home. Their lives depended on it.
Once in his study he paced back and forth deep in thought. How could he help? What could he do? Suddenly he heard a sound from behind him at his desk. It was the popping sound that he knew. He turned to find Argus jumping up and down on his desk excited.
"Elan?" Wyn rushed to his desk. "Is he alright?"
"He's in Wintehaven fighting with Lord Larin's men." Argus beamed happily. "They freed all of the old guardsmen from Lord Larin's dungeon and managed to escape. He's safe."
"Did you talk to him?" Wyn was anxious to hear any news of his son. "Does he know what happened to Aron? That his mother has him here in Darkshade?"
"No Master. I couldn't speak to him. I watched their escape to make sure it succeeded but I had no chance to contact him. Would you like me to go back and bring him home?"
"No!" Wyn was relieved Elan was safe and unaware of things in Darkshade, "I have something else I want you to do. There's someone in the dungeon we have to help. We have to help get Aron out of here before Talsara can hurt him and we have to do this before Elan finds out and trys to rescue him."
"I understand master." Argus popped out and reappeared on Wyn's shoulder. Wyn walked to the window a looked out. Outside thousands of troops were standing in formation gathered there for exception. "Her war has grow master. Can anyone stop her?"
"I don't know." Wyn told his old friend. "I fear for us all. Her power has become unstoppable."
"No." Came a voice rang out from no where. Wyn jumped and pulled his sword as he searched his apartment for the source of the voice. "There is one that can stop her."
In a cloud of magic an old elven woman appeared. Wyn looked closer and realized he knew he.
"Yes my king." She bowed. "I am here to warn you one last time that you and your queen are the reason this all happened. If you hadn't bowed to her terrible ambition none of this would have happened."
Guilt filled Wyn's heart for he knew her words were true. If he hadn't helped her seize Darkshade there would be peace all over Keanna. But the deed was done. It was to late to worry about the past, but not the future. That hadn't been written yet.
"Your right." Wyn walked out to stand in front of Hasmira. He could see the hate she had been filled with for all these years. Wyn reached out and took her hand. "My action caused you to lose someone you loved. For that I'm so deeply sorry. All I can say is I was blinded by my love for Talsara and I did a horrible thing. I apologize for what we did and I swear one day all of Darkshade will know our secret. But there was something that came out of our sin that was right. You have a grand son Hasmira. Elan is Liat's son."
"What?" Hasmira pulled back her hand in shock. "How can this be true? Liat had no mate, how can he have a child?"
"It is true, my lady." He assured her. "My son is your grand son and for him I promise to do whatever has to be done to keep him safe."
Hasmira had known all about Elan for years. She had watched him grow into the fine young elf he was. She know all about his relationship with Aron and of others like them. She also knew of many different races and cultures where there were rules against such behavior. But love was no crime, that she knew deep in her heart. If they were happy together then no one should have the right to keep them apart. Least of all the queen of Darkshade who never really knew a second of real love in her life. Now she had two to protect. Two that were in severe danger. Her task had just become much more difficult.
"You know what must be done to keep them safe?" Hasmira looked deeply into Wyn's sad eyes. "She must be stopped and Aron must be made safe. We can't allow him to be harmed by her."
"I know Lady." Wyn shook his head in agreement. "We just have to keep Elan from coming back to Darkshade. If he finds out about Aron being here, he will come."
"Help is on it's way." Hasmira turned and stepped back away from Wyn ready to leave. With a final look back she smiled at Wyn. "I forgive you Wyn Limeira and thank you for keeping my grand son safe. Now you have to keep Aron safe too or all is lost for all of us."
With that she disappeared into the cloud and was gone. On his shoulder Argus had sat quietly during the whole conversation. Wyn reached up and took him down and sat him on his desk.
"We have a lot to do. There's another down there we have to free."
Screams woke Aron up from his bed of straw on the floor of his cell. Screams he had been hearing for days since he was put into this hellish place. Aron looked up at the window and saw it was dark outside. From the heat he could feel, the sun must have just gone down. He was scared and wished he was back with the others still in Fay Shrea. He wondered how they were. Where they were. Where they looking for him? Then he thought of Elan. He missed him so much but he was so glad he wasn't there. Aron knew it would be very dangerous for him to be in Darkshade right now. He had been right. All Elan had said about his mother was true. Aron didn't understand how any parent could hate like that. Especially they're own child. It's not like they were the first of they're kind in the elven lands. Male couples were far from unheard of in the Elven community. There were even Elven kings with male mates. Good kings that ruled great dynasties whom there are ballads sung about. What was she ashamed of? There was no reason for her animosity.
The sound of someone in the corridor outside of his cell caught his attention. Aron stood up and went to see what it was. There was an older elf lurching down the hall pushing a cart with a huge pot of some foul smelling stew. He was dressed in rags and there were scars all over his face and arms, You could tell he was in pain from how he moved. As Aron watched he stopped at the door of each cell and push in a bowl for the occupants out reaching hands. Once he was done he moved onto the next cell. When he reached Aron's cell he stopped and looked at him. The elf had a odd look on his elderly tortured face. Whoever this elf was Aron knew he had to be a prisoner here. One that had been here a very long time. He opened his mouth to talk and only grunted. Aron looked closer at him as he pointed into his mouth. with shock and horror he noticed the elf had no tongue. What a horrible place this must be. Grabbing the ladle the elf dished up a bowl of slop and pushed it at Aron. Aron took it through the slot at the bottom of the door and noticed the elf had passed him a piece of parchment with his food. Aron looked up to see the old elf nod and push the cart on. Looking to make sure none of the guards had seen the exchange, Aron took the bowl and went and sat in to corner of his cell with his back to the door. The placed the bowl down and opened the parchment.
Aron Neveral.
This letter comes to you through someone I trust. I am Wyn Limeira Darkshade. Elan's father. As you know you are in danger here. Queen Talsara plans to kill both you and Elan. This I can't allow to happen. Soon you will have a visitor. He will get you out of Darkshade and somewhere safe. Be ready he will come in the night. Safe journey and tell Elan I love him.
Aron took the note and stared at it for a minute to let the words. He had an ally here. Someone he never expected help from. The king of Darkshade himself. Aron thought back on what Elan had told him about his father. How Wyn was his mothers most loyal servant and would do anything for his queen. In fact he had once even killed for her to gain the Darkshade throne. Now her ambition threatened Elan and it seemed Wyn thought Elan's death would be something he couldn't bare. Well I guess he would find out tonight exactly what help he would get from the king, if any.
After riding all night from Fay Shrea, Ryel, Orek, Noelle, Toric and Denner found themselves on the border just outside of Tir Na. They were all tired and needed a place to rest but something told them they had better hurry. For miles they had been seeing the effects of the war. They had passed through a few villages on their way that had been wiped out. Not a soul still lived in them but there were plenty of bodies being torn apart by wild beast. After seeing these villages Ryel was becoming more worried about Eventide, but he couldn't think of that right now. It might make him turn back and it was important that they hurry and get to Aron.
As the left the forest Toric told them they we're now at the border of Tir Na and Yadessa to the left. In front of them a long line of people were heading out of Yadessa. Above many different birds flew in formation towards Tir Ma. They all looked exhausted. Wagons loaded with all they're belonging were being pulled by cattle. Ryel noticed their pale colors and dark hair and asked who they were.
[Vampires.] Denner sent. [I'm guessing things aren't going well in Yadessa if their on the move. I wonder where Valkar is.]
"Still in Vasagi fighting I'll bet if I know him." Together they steered the horses to the side of the road. There they stopped a man walking along looking tired.
"Aiya sir." Toric called down to him. "Trouble in Yadessa?"
"Yes." He answered with a scowl. "Those damned Dark Elves are attacking. We just manager to get everyone out in time. They have taken all the countryside and even invaded Remus in Tir Na. We go to the Wolves Lair to seek their protection. Tis a sad day for Yadessa."
"What of Valkar your king and the troops of Yadessa?" Orek asked. "Surely they fight? Can't they keep them out?"
"Our army is small since the war with Muerte." The vampire told them. "Without the help of our allies we can't stand against such a large army at our gates."
"And Valkar?"
"Missing." He said turning to join the crowd heading to Tir Na. "Valkar was last seen heading to Prafa. No one's heard from him since he left. Without him, we're lost."
"There's more to this then an elven raid." Ryel said. "Darkshade is strong but to take on Yadessa and Tir Na they would need a much stronger army then Talsara could raise. I think Lord Larin's hand is in this to."
"Then we should hurry and find Tof." Toric said pulling a message stone from his pocket. "Maybe we can help."
Urging their horses into a run, Ryel and his friends hurried on into Tir Na and the war that was about to rip into Yadessa.
Riding a top his war horse at the head of his troops, Seith stopped and looked out at the towers of Vasagi. The city didn't look anywhere near as formidable as it had been described to him. They had been attacked yes by random small bands of defenders but no huge vampire army had come charging out the gates to stop them. If fact the city looked almost deserted to him. There was no one on the walls of the city, just a massive flock of crows that circled the towers of what Seith knew had to be the newly renovated Castle Zlenka. He smiled at the thought of how easy this was going to be. The city was theirs. All they had to do was march in and claim it for Queen Talsara and Lord Larin without a fight.
These vampires were cowards he thought. All the talk of their legendary cunning and fierceness was nothing but talk and ancient legend. With a quick wave of his hand he called for his new Werewolves to attend him. Like savage animals two of the Werewolves in wolf man form split off from the huge pack and loped down to Seith. With a wild look in his eyes a grey wolf the leader of the pack saluted their General.
"Your orders Sir." The grey werewolf growled in his deep voice. His tongue hung down from his saliva dripped jaws.
"Take a few of you dogs and go down and open the gate." He ordered. "Clear the way for my men. It should be easy even for you mutts."
Nodding and eager to prove himself the lead wolf barked back at his pack for three others to come follow. Once together they took their full wolf forms and sped off for the gates. At the gates the three stopped to examine them. They were huge doors of wood that rose high at least fifty feet as high as the walls that surround the city. On each door the was a great brass ring thick as a mans arm. With their superior sense of smell the five wolves sniffed all around the huge gates to the city. The smell of fresh grass and nightshade filled the air, but there was another scent. A strangely familiar scent that none of them recognized. Listening closely the five listened for the sound of anyone behind the gate. Wolves had excellent hearing and Werewolves even better. Most Werewolves could hear prey from a hundred yards away. They heard nothing but the sounds of the crows as they flew around and gathered in the towers and the courtyard behind the gate. General Seith was right they smiled. The city was quiet. But were these gates locked, there was only one way to find out.
"Open the gates."
Stepping up to the gate one man pushed at it. It swung in an inch. They were open. The foolish blood suckers hadn't even locked their city before they abandoned it. He turned to his companions for help pulling the great doors open. With two on each door they reached up and grabbed the brass rings and pulled. Suddenly that strange smell came flowing out of the city. The grey one frowned as he caught the scent. He knew that scent. He had smelled it before. He remember from Remus. Just then he remember just what it was. It was the scent of Raf Thorn. Just then a fury of claws and fangs burst from the city and ripped into the the grey one tearing into his throat and stomach. With a kick he was sent fly as another flash of black fur came roaring out to rip through two other man still holding the rings of the doors. Howling his rage, Baron Raf Thorn leaped at the two other werewolves still standing before they could even raise a defense. He slashed at ones exposed neck then kicked the other to the ground. As he tried to scramble away Baron Azeal Tyr walked over snarling and kicked him in the head killing the werewolf.
Covered in his enemies blood, the tall dark man dressed in ancient armor stepped out in view of the troops facing them and sent out a blood chilling howl of defiance.
"So Baron Thorn." General Seith walked his horse over to where they could hear him. He lend down and gave them a sly stare "I was wondering where you had gone to. I see our spell on you has been broke. Who's your friend there?"
"I am the one that will see you and all your men buried in this field if you don't turn back and leave this city in peace." Baron Tyr flexed his muscles making himself grow in statue in his dark armor. "Go back to Darkshade where you belong."
"Ha ha ha ha!!!!" He sat back in his saddle and laughed. "I have a better idea. Your both great warriors. We can use men like you. My queen will reward you both greatly that, I can promise. Join us."
"I've already done more damage to my own home then I can even live to pay for." Raf yelled back at the elf. "This ends here and now."
"You think the two of you can stop us? Neither one of you could possibly have that kind of power. I don't care who the strange is. I have a army behind me, what do you have?"
"I am the former Baron Azeal Vasili Tyr." Baron Tyr thundered raising his arms. "First ruler of Tir Na and I AM NOT ALONE!!!"
In a flurry of feathers, crows and many other birds of prey flew in from everywhere. Out of the trees and buildings. Out of the towers and the forest until they were all over the walls of Vasagi.
"Birds?" Seith watched as they flew in. Suddenly a lone falcon called and came flying in low over there heads to land at the Barons side. "What is this? Your help? Birds?"
In a blur of magic the birds all shifted and became armed warriors. Suddenly there at the Barons side stood fifty armed warriors and Count Tovar Orsa. General Seith's horse reared up at there sudden appearance.
"You think these blood sucker are going to stop us from taking this city." General Seith pulled his sword ready to fight. "Your wrong! We out number your petty group and nothing can stop us!"
"This is our land." Count Orsa called out as he pushed aside his coat to reveal the sword on his hip. "If you want it, come and take it!"
"We'll see about that." General Seith raised his sword. "At them my dogs!!"
From all sides Seith's Werewolves charged in teeth snapping and claws bared ready to rip into the enemy. With a howl Barons Tyr and Thorn leaped out and into the fight. In seconds vampires and werewolves were fighting again. The fight for Yadessa had begun.
The sun blazed high in the sky as Lord Larin sat in the garden with the Lady Ashura and enjoyed there lunch. The table was filled with many delicious dishes for them to enjoy. Roast pheasant with a savory mushroom and bread stuffing. Plates of wild rice and stewed and baked vegetables and some of the most delicate wines Winterhaven wine merchants had to offer.
It had been a relaxing day and so far Lady Ashura had plied many secrets from Lord Larin without him know with just her smile. He never at any moment thought there was a possibility that she could be a spy. But that was exactly what she was.
As they ate a man rushed out to the table and whispered in Tayor's ear. Suddenly his face drained of blood and Lady Ashura knew something was wrong. Lord Larin reached out and grabbed the man by his throat and screamed at him.
"Jandar and Rage are awake!!"
The magic and anger surged into the man causing his blood to begin to boil. Lord Larin squeezed harder as smoke began to seep from the mans mouth nose and ears. He convulsed and tried to scream but it was to late. His brain had already been burned to a cinder in his skull. Lord Larin threw him on the ground and grabbed the table and threw it aside.
"Youron!!" He yelled. "Get out here now!!"
Like a scared dog Youron came running out and bowed to his angry master never taking his eyes off him.
"You called my Lord?"
"Ready my horse. We ride within the hour."
As Youron rushed off to carry out his lords wishes Lord Larin looked over at Ashura who looked back at him frightened.
"Forgive me Lady." He took her hand and kissed it. "I allowed my anger to take over for a minute. Our lunch will have to wait. An enemies head has risen and I must deal with it."
"I understand." Ashura stood and smiled and kissed his cheek. "You have business to take care of. I will see you when you have more time."
"Someone will see you home." Lord Larin bowed to her. "I will send for you once I'm done. Aiya my lady."
Lord Larin turned and stalked off heading back into yelling orders as he went. Ashura took her napkin and wiped a spot of blood of her gown then hurried off to her coach. Pelic would want to hear what had just happened. The masters of New Keanna awake. Thank Rimnar. We just might have a chance now.
Back in the manor Lord Larin sat at his desk going over what had happened in the last few days. His men and the elven warriors had been taking kingdoms and any region they moved through. Elves, dark elves, gnomes, dwarves, no one could stand against them. No ones so far except the land of Fey Shrea. Somehow the fairy folk had found a way to thwart there plans. But that didn't worry Lord Larin. He knew their day would come once they controlled enough of Keanna. Now his only probably was the Dragons. He had put most of them under a spell but a few managed to slip away. And now it seemed Jandar and King Rage had somehow been awakened. That means his three most power enemies, Jandar, Rage and Insa were free to somehow find a way to stop his and Talsara's plans to conquer all of Keanna. They had to be stopped. Destroyed if he had his way. And he had just the agents to do it.
"My lord." Youron called from the door. "The horses are ready."
"Come in Youron." Lord Larin turned to face him. "We should talk for a minute. Close the door."
"Yes my lord." Youron quietly shut the door and went and stood in front of his desk."
"You have something to tell me don't you." Tayor Larin sat back in his chair with his staff at his side and eyed his chief lieutenant.
Fear filled Youron as he stood and thought quickly on how he should tell his master about what had happened in the barracks. How he himself had allowed all of Winterhaven's old guard unit to escape. No lies would work. Lord Larin could easily make him speak the truth by force if he wanted to. Youron glanced at the glowing stone on the head of the staff and decided to he has no choice but to just tell him of his failure.
Frightened of what would happen when he was done Youron told him everything from the moment he entered the barracks to the moment he was freed from the dungeon spell that held him prisoner. Once finished Lord Larin just stared at him. Youron wanted to run but he knew if he did he would be dead before he could take two steps towards the door. So he waited for his punishment. He waited for his death to come.
"This is the second time you have failed me Youron." Lord Larin said calmly. His staff flashed with dangerous dark color threatening Youron. "Tell me. Will there be a third?"
The air in the room seemed to be like mud, thick and heavy. Sweat burn Youron's as it ran down his frightened face. He knew what answer he had to give him, his life now depended on it.
"No my lord." He answered. "Never again will I fail you. You have my word."
"I have your life." Lord Larin stood and faced him. "Don't forget that. Now we go to find Sarella. I have need of her talents. Bring our horses to the front of the manor and we'll be off."
"Yes my lord." Youron bowed and hurried out of the room.
"Dragons. I'll kill you all if it's the last thing I do."
With that Lord Larin left his office. He had one thing on his mind. The death of all Dragons and the rule of all of Keanna. With or without the Dark Elven Queen.
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