[I warned you this would happen.] Lesu turned around to see Lord Daru and ten of his warriors riding up. Daru still in his dark armor halted his tracker across from Lesu and faced him glaring. "This is the work of the two Trela predicted. The grey and white."
"Bah!" Lesu spit at Daru. "You keep talking of this deadly enemy of the Savonti, but there's no proof. I think this is your work Daru. You did this! Where are my son’s nagut! I want them back now!"
"I don't have them you fool!" Daru said. "I just arrived and found the stack this why. I know nothing of your two treacherous sons."
Anger flared as warriors on both sides pulled their weapons ready to fight. Lesu removed his gauntlets to be ready to use his death touch. Suddenly a shadow passed over the two groups and Lord Magu dropped down out of the sky.
"STOP THIS FIGHTING!!" Magu bellowed as he folded his wings and dropped in a crouch between the two lords. "Daru had nothing to do with the fall of my stack."
"Then who?" Lesu asked. He still didn't trust the mind lord and eyed him suspiciously.
"Who else would dare attack one of us?"
Daru looked to Magu for an explanation. He too wanted answers, not to mention the captive Magu was holding for him.
"Daru was right." Magu told the two lords. "I had the white beast he spoke of in my cells. His people attacked along with your sons. Together they brought down my stack."
"Impossible!" Lesu couldn't believe anyone but a lord on Pentanthin had that much power. "No human has that kind of power."
"I never said they were human." Magu waved the two lords off to talk privately. Lesu and Daru climbed down of their trackers and walked with Magu off to the side. "Humans didn't do this. They were something else."
"And from somewhere else." Daru told them. "Trela couldn't tell me where they came from. Only that they were strangers to Pentanthin here to put an end to our rule. This is something all the Savonti lords have to come together to defeat."
"With you as our leader I suspect." That was something Lesu would never allow. He knew how treacherous Daru was and that once in power he would never give it up.
"Why not?" Daru asked. "I am the most qualified to deal with them. I should lead."
"I will never give you power over me or my house." Lesu told him. "I'll be dead first and neither will any of the other lords, so think again. But I will help and join and fight together if I have to. I'm going home. I have two rouge sons to find. Message me if I'm needed."
Together Daru and Magu watched Lesu mount up on his tracker and turn his warriors and ride back south toward his him.
"Fool!" Magu shouted angrily. "We'll need him and his armies to fight these things. I've talked to the katala. I know their power."
"Don't worry." Daru smiled. "We shall have both him and his armies soon enough. Whether he likes it or not. For now, have your warriors fly to my manse. They'll be welcome there. We'll reclaim your lands and rebuild your stack. And many humans will die to do it. Come, we have plans to make and enemies to catch."
High in the night skies of Gekkol, Cutter led Shayn and Ozmun back to their new home and headquarters of the human revolution on Pentanthin. Shayn looked down on the familiar buildings he once attended and thought he would never see again with pride. He couldn't believe it was here when Cutter had told him what had happened, but he was so happy to see his old school. With the Academy here he felt they had a much better chance at getting Pentanthin free. All the magic and professors there could be s great help in what they would have to do.
[This changes things Cutter. We have a base to fight from.] Shayn sent him pleased.
[Yes.] Cutter sent. [A base full of children that have no idea what we're putting them in the middle of and I guarantee you this is going to be dangerous for all of us.]
[I know the student here.] Shayn wanted to ease Cutters mind. [I was once one of them. If I know you, you already advised the whole school of what's going on and they will be behind you.]
[That's right.] Ono sent from Shayn's back looking exhausted from the fighting and the night’s flight. [These are Keanna children. They know what you stand for. Have faith. I think they'll surprise you.]
[How many does your school hold?] Lilia asked from Ozmun's back. Lilia and Magda rode high on Ozmun's back holding on to spikes that grew there.
[There are less than one hundred now.] He told them. [Many of the younger cadets were evacuated before we cast the spell that sent us here, thank Rimnar.]
[You lair looks strange friends.] Mar commented. [It's above ground and the blades that reach so high like more like Magu's stack to be. How do you heat the lair? There can't be lava vents for heating]
[They're called towers Mar. And we use magic and your suns for heat.] Cutter chuckled in his mind. [We'll show you many new strange things once we land. Be I have to tell you about the Gekko clan before we arrive.]
[Gekko?] Xan sent. [Petar Gekko?]
[You know of him?]
[Petar Gekko was a great enemy of Lord Fedru and my father.] Mar told them. [He once saved my life. He was the only human I trusted for a long time. My friend. I have admired him and his courage for many ages. I would be pleased to see him again.]
[I'm sorry to say you won't be getting that chance. Fedru killed him and his wife and daughter. But his son's still live and they will be here.]
[That saddens me.] Mar sent. [He was the Savonti's greatest enemy. Fedru cursed and chased him for years.]
[Cutter?] Xan had a few questions. [These are Fedru's lands. How is it you can hide here without him detecting you?]
[Lord Fedru is dead.] Cutter told them sending scenes of the battle into their minds. [He was killed by Gabor Gekko to avenge his father and free his people. This is no longer Savonti lands.]
[I can't wait to meet this Gabor.] Mar smiled. [He must be his father's pride.]
[I think Gabor will have to be the first one we meet.] Cutter sent. [Or there will be trouble when we walk into the Academy with you. I'll have someone bring him out to meet us. We land in the back practice area. You know where that is am I right?]
[Yes I remember.] Shayn started his decent toward the back of the academy with Cutter in the lead then Shayn followed by Ozmun. Shayn and Ono hoped that Gabor would be ready for the help of someone he had spent his life hating.
[Azeal.] Cutter sent out, [I have returned.]
[Cutter we're glad your back.] Azeal sent to the Academy head. [How was your trip? Did you find what you were looking for?"
[Yes I did.] He answered. [There's something I need you to do for me right now.]
[What is it?]
[I want you and Tanis to bring Gabor to the back practice courts. Make sure he's unarmed.] Cutter ordered his young friend. [We'll be waiting there for you.]
[What’s this about?]
[You trust me?] The fear dragon asked him.
[With my life.] Azeal assured him.
[Then just bring him and let me worry about everything.]
[We're on our way.]
It didn't take Azeal long to find Gabor or Tanis. Just as he thought they were together. This was really beginning to bother the young vampire. He was beginning to think he was losing his best friend. Or was it more than that? Lately Tanis and Gabor was all he could think of. Was the crown prince of Yadessa feeling something more for his friend? Was Azeal falling in love with Tanis Gaelich? He wasn't sure if it was love but he did have a burning in his chest every single time he thought of his handsome chestnut haired companion. But what was he to do? If Tanis decided he would rather spend his time with Gabor, or even stay here on Pentanthin when their time was up, Azeal would have no choice but to accept his decision.
But right now that didn't matter. His only job was to get them back to Cutter. Azeal had no idea what the mystery would be tonight in the tent on the practice field that waited for Gabor, but He knew it had to be important.
"Where are we going?" Gabor asked as he, Tanis and Azeal made their way through the gardens into the rear of the Academy grounds. Darkness covered the grounds with the only light coming from Pentanthin's single moon. No light could be seen from any windows of the Academy since they had all been covered to keep any Savonti from noticing them. The practice field ahead was dark but the tent was lit by a single torch which they were almost on.
"To welcome Cutter home." Azeal told them. "He asked to see us three."
"Why us?" Tanis asked curious. "Is something wrong?"
"Tanis I don't know. He just said for us three to meet him in the practice fields. Your guess is as good as mine. But there Cutter is so I guess we'll soon know."
With hugs and handshakes they greeted the fear dragon happily. As they stepped on to the field they heard voices coming from inside the tent. Cutter had said he found who he had gone out to search for. Azeal wondered who was in there with Cutter.
"This place is wonderful." They heard. "But there are many place where warriors could slip in at night and capture all here."
"We have defenses the Savonti won't expect." Cutter said. "There are guards watching at all times. Our protection is very strong here. Don't worry."
Azeal reached out and pushed the tent flap aside and entered with Tanis and Gabor following him.
"Welcome all of you." He smiled as he walked to the group of people standing by the torch. "Who are your friends here?"
"Thank you." Cutter ushered them into the tent. "This is Ozmun Natan. He was once a slave to Daru. With him is Lady Lilia Kordova, Drella and our young friend Juelz."
"Aiya to you all." Azeal smiled as they all shook hands. "We're glad you could join us. But what’s the big mystery that we had to meet here? Is this who you went looking for?"
"No." Said a voice in the shadows. "He came to find us. Hello Azeal, Tanis."
Out of the shadows walked Shayn Whitlock, the white dragon and his mate Ono Tyr.
"Shayn? Ono?" Azeal and Tanis ran forward and threw his arms around both their necks. "By Rimnar I can't believe it’s you!!"
"Everyone at home has been so worried about the two of you." Tanis hugged them relieved to see his friends. "No wonder we couldn't find you. Rage has been searching all over Keanna for you. It's good to see you both safe."
"We're glad to see you both to." Ono laughed. "I'm just sorry it’s here and not back at home. Is this Gabor Gekko? We've heard so much about you."
"Nazun." Gabor greeted them shaking their hands in the way Tanis had taught him. "I am pleased to meet friends of Tanis and Azeal."
"There's someone else you have to meet Gabor. Come with me." Cutter took an unlit torch from a basket and lit it. Then he put his arm around his shoulders and guided him toward the back of the tent and it's exit. There they found tables and benches cadets use to rest on. Gabor looked around to find whoever Cutter had been talking about.
"Have a seat." Cutter pulled two chairs out for them to sit on and held one out for Gabor. Gabor looked at him confused then took the chair and sat down.
"What's this about?" He asked.
"It's about your father and his past." Cutter said. "And your future. It's about telling allies from enemies."
"I don't understand." Gabor frowned. "What does my father have to do with anything?"
"Your father knew who his enemies were and most importantly who his friends were. I brought an old friend of you fathers here for you to meet. Someone that owes him his life. But you have to be calm and listen to what he has to say. Can you do that?"
Things were getting strange and more confusing by the minute. Old friends? Who could he be talking about?
"I'll be calm." He said. "Now who are you talking about?"
"He speaks of me."
Gabor turn and there in the entrance of the tent was two Savonti warriors. Gabor leaped to his feet and charged at the two warriors. With the speed of a dragon, Cutter stepped between them and grabbed Gabor and held him. Mar and Xan stood looking at Gabor struggle in Cutters hold unable to get free.
"Calm down Gabor!!" Cutter shouted. "There's no enemy here. Let them speak."
"Them?" He spit in fury. "What could they say that could possibly stop me from wanting to kill them both?"
"You won't know if you won't hear them." Cutter said as Gabor struggled against Cutters hold.
"Calm down for a minute and hear what they have to say. Trust me Gabor!!"
"FINE!!" Cutter let Gabor go. He looked at the two warriors with hate in his eyes and dropped down into his chairs. "Say whatever you have to. For now, I'm listening."
Cutter sat down as Mar and Xan stepped in to talk to Gabor. From the look in Gabor's eyes neither warrior expected him to even listen but they had to at least try. There was more at stake than just their futures. The fates of human life on Pentanthin were at stake.
"I know you hate the Savonti." Mar took a chair and sat in front of Gabor. "I could tell you the story of a young Savonti whose life was saved by a human slave of his fathers. How he made a friend of the young man and from then on never again could live the life of his people. I became a vegetarian and learned to respect others and do away with my father’s teachings of cruelty. I lost all respect in my father’s house for my views. But from that human I learned so much about respect. He changed my life and for all this my father tried to kill the human. To save his life I had to get him out of Lesul. It took me turns of riding all night to get him to somewhere we thought might be safe. And that place was here. The land of Fedrul. That human was called Petar Gekko, your father. You can believe my words or not. But you should know I will protect you and your brothers and fight for you and your clan. I owe your father that. You have my word."
"And why should I believe you?" Gabor asked. "No Savonti has ever done a thing for me before except hunt me or torture me. Tell me why."
"Because he speaks the truth." Lilia told him as she and the others walked over. "I may not have known Mar for long but I know the truth when I hear it. And he speaks the truth from his heart."
"As do I." Cutter told him. "And you can't lie to a fear dragon. Human or Savonti, you both know fear and I can read it."
Gabor looked around the room at his friends and the new people Cutter had brought back. It was hard for him to trust a savonti. He didn't know if it was even possible, or if he should try.
"I trust Cutter." Tanis sat down beside him. "That's enough for me."
"What about my clan?" He asked.
"They trust you." Tanis shrugged. "They know you. You'll do what’s right for them. And besides, Mar may be a great help against the other lords. There are things he may know that could help. Like Savonti weaknesses. Think about it."
"I don't trust easily." He told the two warriors. "But if my friends here will accept you, I will to. But be warned. We will be watching."
Mar stood and reached out his hand. "Just give us a chance to try talking to other Savonti we capture. There are others that think as we do."
"We'll see." Gabor shook his arm. "We'll see."
"Alright." Shayn clapped his hands together smiling. "Things are coming together. I feel like I'm almost home. Let's celebrate."
Of all the emotions one can feel, the most deadly of all is hate. Hate can make one sick, crazy or drive you to do the strangest things. One of the deadliest hates is racial hate. To hate someone just because of their race. And if your race happens to be the Savonti then your enemies do have a great reason to hate you.
Long ago on Pentanthin there was another race of intelligent beings other than humans and the Savonti. There was the Nevac, and today there was less the twenty of them alive. All because of the Savonti’s hatred, their hunger for power and their hunts. Once the Nevac had great underground cities teaming with life and art and music. They were a peaceful race that didn't even know the meaning of hate until they met the Savonti who taught them all about treachery, betrayal and what it meant to hate. It all started when the first Savonti found his way into the Nevac underground and saw the riches and the pentanthium. The metal they would one day be use as the chief source of their weapons. Pentanthium is the strongest metal known on Pentanthin. Once forged into a weapon it was almost impossible to dull and it was also a great source of energy. The Nevac used it to get power to their cities. But the Savonti found other uses for it. Not only was pentanthium strong, but its energy could also be released in short burst that could stun or kill their enemies. That meant the Savonti had to have its secrets. And they also had to be the only ones with that secret. The Nevac had to die. So began the great hunts.
City by city the Savonti went killing and burning everything and every Nevac they could find. Not one Nevac underground city was missed. From high in the mountains to deep is the blazing south the hunt went on. It was a slaughter since the Nevac had no weapons and fighting was so alien to them. Their homes and city streets littered with the dead. The only choice for a few was to run. So they ran and hid in the deepest caverns they could find. And that's where most of the died. Today only a hand full lives. Sacar being one.
After meeting Thalia, Sacar sat in his dark cave and thought about the humans he had sensed with her. He could feel the power in them. Power like he hadn't felt in a long time. He remembers the old prophesy one of his people had made agens ago about the white and grey. Could this be the time of revenge? If so he, knew he had to join with them and help. The souls of all the dead Nevac that haunt their ancient cities screamed for it. Just then a thought came to Sacar. His ancestors. Maybe they could be the ones that could give him the answers he needed.
In every Nevac city there was a place every Nevac went after he died. It was called the Chamber of Souls. There the body would be comforted by their ancestors. When the time was right and the soul was at peace with those it left behind, it would be taken to join with the rest in a place called Dekuzoe, the final resting place of all the Nevac. Sacar knew it was possible to speak with some of the spirits of the cities long dead inhabitants if they found him worthy.
For hours Sacar made his way deeper down into the tunnels. It was lonely down there. Ages ago he would've passed hundreds of his people on his trek using the tunnels that connected the cities, but now, it had been ages since he'd since another Nevac, family or otherwise. But he knew he wasn't the last of his kind. He could still feel their presence down here somewhere. Sacar hoped they would be for him when he needed them.
On through the twisting tunnels he moved. He passed down what were once busy streets and market areas. He saw the old places where the elders once sat for hours to teach the young. Sacar had never seen any of this but his family had been passing down memories for agens preparing for the reckoning. The time when the Savonti's end would come.
Entering a large cavern Sacar stood looking around. Though it was dark he could see everything clearly. The long empty hall with room for hundreds to attend. There were no benches or places to sit. With respect everyone would sit quietly on mats and meditate while the body would commune with the spirits to prepare to pass on. Sacar could from the presence of his ancestors all around him whispering to each other. He walk forward to the dais on the front of the chamber and stopped. There on a raised platform was a podium where the elder or whoever sought council would speak. Sacar stepped up to the podium and rested his hands on its edge. There on the stand he found a glowing orb. It had a beautiful blue glow spreading out swirling around through it. Sacar reached down and touched it. It was warm to the touch. He wondered if this was what was used to summon the spirits from Dekuzoe. Placing both his hands on the orb Sacar closed his eyes and concentrated on the memories of his youth as the orb grew brighter. Sacar cleared his throat and began the old summoning recitation he had been taught.
From over head a blue light snapped into existence and shined down on him as the howling grew louder. Like wisps of clouds or something of a dream the spirits of the Nevac flowed into the room streaking about and disappearing into the light. Soon the chamber was full of the smoke like spirits and the chamber grew cooler as the spirits drew closer. Sacar bowed his head in respect and reverence.
"THEN THE TIME OF OUR REVENGE GROWS NEAR." Sacar looked up into the bright glow feeling the encouragement of his ancestors. "WHAT MUST I DO?"
As the darkness took the room, Sacar stepped down from the dais. He had his answers now and he knew what he had to do. It was time for the Savonti to feel the Nevac's hate. And with his help, he would make the humans hate as powerful as he could. It was time he found the grey and white and Thalia and her friends could be just what he needed to revenge his people's death.
Sitting high in his saddle a lone Savonti warrior gazed out at the plains of what was once Magul. He had been there for a few days on the hunt and he had seen many things. He had seen the strange things that flew at night and attacked Magu's stack. He had seen the fighting in the skies as all of Magu's warriors were beaten and sent crashing to the ground. He had also seen the two Savonti warriors fly off on the backs of one of the katala's heading out of Magul to the east. That meant that were heading toward Darul, Fedrul or Pulul. Loc smiled and reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a wrapped package of provisions. Loc had been hired over the years by many lords. so he knew what lay to the east. They wouldn't be heading for Darul or Pulul, that would be to dangerous. That left only Fedrul, a distant land ruled by the lord of pain Fedru. No one had seen Fedru since Daru's meeting and Loc knew Lord Lesu was suspicious of Daru being being his absence. Through his spies in other land Loc knew what had happened to the strong one Resu, and that he was now slave to Daru. For all Loc knew, Fedru could be in the same position, locked away in Daru's cells waiting to be used by the mind lord in his race for control of Pentanthin. But that was Lesu and the rest of the lords problem. Right now Loc had only one task at hand. That was finding Mar and bring him back for Lesu's judgement.
As Loc pondered his options one of his warriors rode up and stopped beside him.
"There's no sign of our quarry here." He said. " Nor any of Magu's people. The stack is destroyed. Where to next?"
"We head east." Loc said urging his tracker on. "We're going to Fedrul. That's where we'll find the renegade's. Gather the warriors, we can be there by nightfall."
With a fist slammed to his chest in salute the warrior turned to go follow Loc's order.
"One more thing." Loc called. "Send someone out to find my brother Lord Memu. I have need of his help."
Nodding the warrior left. Loc looked at the rubble scattered across the plain grimly. He had known Xan and Mar for years and knew them both to be formidable warriors, but neither of them had the power to this this kind of damage. Not unless there was something about one of the brothers he didn't know. Was it possible that one of them truly had the power of a real Savonti lord? Or could they have had help. Could those strange things he saw in the air be in league with Lesu's armok sons. Whichever it was, he would soon find out. For he would catch them. There was no where they could hide. He would find them, and soon.
Deep in her sleep Trela dreamed of a human woman. An older woman blind wearing a thick scarf over her eyes. With her rode the prized beast Daru had lost earlier, a woman and the two she knew to be Daru's enemies the white and grey. The elder woman seemed to have powers stronger then hers. She had seen her many times in her dreams directing the humans in there fight against the Savonti. As she watched Trela looked around at their surroundings. She saw a small army of humans on trackers riding slowly through a deary swamp like area. Tress rising out of stagnant water, insects buzzing about biting at everyone. Trela could see how uncomfortable they all were but still they moved quietly on. From the area they moved through she guessed they were in Sarul, home of Saru, the only land on Pentanthin ruled by a female savonti. She was called lady of hate. Her rage was legendary and second to none. She was one of the most feared of all of the Savonti. Saru was fast in a fight and deadly with her poisonous claws and charms. Trela wondered how they would deal with the savage queen. Next to them, Trela saw someone that looked familiar. He was a young man dressed in trula skin pants and vest with a lined serious face. Trela knew he was to be trouble the moment she looked in his eyes. For all she saw there was hate. Behind him rode two pale skinned riders. One all in black, the other in brown. More strangers to Pentanthin she guessed. The rest were clansmen she guessed of the serious one, and they all looked ready for war. Well if war was what they wanted, then Trela and Daru would give them exactly that.
As she watched them push their way through the swamp, she saw the blind woman's head turn in her direction and her head tilt. Could it be possible? could the she sense her watching?
[Yes,] Trela heard in her dream. [I know your there Savonti queen and you will invade my thoughts no more. Go warn your master that his end is near. Tell him the Savonti's rule will end soon. NOW GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!]
Trela jumped up in her sands wake with pain and the memory of the human still in her head. For her to have sensed her meant she must be very powerful. Almost as powerful as her lord Daru himself. He must be warned. The witch must die. Her death could stop the white and grey prophesy from coming to pass. She would warn him the moment he made contact with her and that had better be soon for time was running out. And if things kept going in the direction she was seeing, the Savonti didn't have much time.
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