" Could they have been down here searching?" Cutter asked looking back and forth at the group as they shrugged.
" Its possible." The dour man said. " They could have been in such a rush that they left it open. But they should know better. We kept things down here the younger kids might get in to. But they've all been moved and the vaults have all been emptied." Blink reached out and pulled the massive doors with his dragon strength. With a creak it swung open and the cool air rushed at them from bellow. Inside there was a staircase leading down. Torches lit the way spaced every ten feet or so to light the way. With Blink leading the way because of his power over darkness, he lead them down watching the shadows for any sign of danger. The wind could be heard blowing through the corridors.
Tanis shivered." Reminds me of the dungeons of Vasagi." He whispered to Azeal keeping in step with the others.
" Quiet!" Azeal warned him." Besides, our castles not as cold as this."
It took them a few minutes but at last the reached the bottom. Cutter gathered them all around him.
" Which way?" He asked Councilor Gaunt. Gaunt looked around for a second to reorient himself they waved them on to follow him.
" These tunnels go out far beneath Winterhaven." He explained as they walked. " Over here is a large room once used as guards quarters. Kalin, that's the exact center of the school. Just the place Texa asked for."
" It will do." She nodded her approval. They were standing in the center of a tunnel that branched out in four direction. Each group was to take a tunnel and head one hundred paces in, then be ready to begin the spell. Texa reached out and touched each councilor behind their right ear.
" I have given you all the spell to recite." She said." Your guardian will tell you when to begin."
" We should hurry." Cutter said. " I don't know how long Captain Lowell will be able to hold off the attack outside. Lets move!"
As Tabor waited for the invasion to begin, he knew he had preparations of his own to make if he wanted his plans to work. His father had ordered him here to help open the way for his men to get in, but he had other plans. He still had to find that ring. It was the only thing that would make him as powerful or even more powerful then his father. This was his chance to search the one place he never could. Tabor stood and walked over to the full length mirror and gazed at his reflection. He looked at his handsome blond hair and strikingly noble features. He knew the second he stepped out among the others he would be recognized as Lord Larins son. The one who had tormented so many of them for so long.
" This won't do." He said out loud to himself. he looked at himself and began to concentrate to focus his magic.
As he watched his height diminished by a few inches and his face became one unknown to him. The brown color slipped form his eyes and was replaced by a shade of soft blue. Then his hair darkened to a deep brown almost the same shade of that Craven boy he once had under his power. He smiled as he looked at himself. no one would recognized him now as Tabor Amadeus Larin, the son of the new king of Winterhaven. Now he would be free to search all he wanted. From a closet he took the cheapest plain clothing he could find and his disguise was complete.
Tabor walked to the window and looked out. His fathers men had arrived. They were standing outside beyond the gate readying themselves for the attack. He saw Youron in the lead yelling out orders to the men around him. This was his chance to search while everyone was occupied. He grabbed the ring his father had given him and left the room. He hoped this would be the last time he would walk these halls as a student. Instead he hoped he would return as the new master of the Andrake Academy.
Things were beginning to heat up outside of the castle. Youron had order the first charge on the gate. It had been repelled easily by Lowell's men with more losses on the invading side then the defenders. From high up in the castle, bolts of mystic energy shot out into the crowd striking down men one by one. Lowell watched as his men did their best to defend the walls. He hope they would soon get the spell activated, because he knew Youron would soon order a full charge. That would be more then he could defend against. He would need dragon help then. Powerful dragon help. Suddenly a voice sounded in his head. It was Cutter checking on things out at the gate.
[ How goes the war?] He asked.
" Not very good." Lowell said out loud. " It could get desperate out here very fast. If they charge the wall, we won't be able to hold them. You better move fast."
[ I'll send help as soon as I can.]
" Don't wait to long!"
Men came climbing over the wall. There must have been like twenty. Bolts of fire and lightning flew from the castle into there midst dropping some setting some ablaze. But still they came. Lowell pulled his sword and waded in. Slashing left he caught the blade of an invader and punched out with his armored fist. Blood erupted from the mans mouth as he went down. Lowell couldn't stop for a killing blow, for there were others coming at him. He knew one of his men behind him would finish the man off. Two men leaped at him next. Lowell pulled a dagger from his waist and stabbed out quickly and parried a blow from the other side. With a quick kick he knocked a man into the blade of one of his men as his own blade swung around and bit into another exposed neck. Covered in blood, Lowell bellowed out his rage and looked around for his next opponent. The battle was on and he was ready.
Nine men lurked in the dark tunnel of the Andrake Academy searching for the group of mages they knew were down there trying to save the school. They could hear them talking and knew just where it was they would have to be to stop them.
" Take four men up this tunnel." The older man that led the group told his second. " Find the mages guarded by the two boys we saw. They should be the weakest and least protected. Kill the boys then the mages. We're going after the mage with the girl. He's the important one. Meet us at the entrance when your done and we'll get the rest together."
Turning to lead his picked men off down the tunnel, Gern the leader stopped.
"Jovan." He said." Careful and quietly. Make sure you don't have anything on you that will rattle and give away your surprise. We can't afford to fail."
" Yes sir."
Quietly Jovan took his men down the tunnel. There they fastened down and secured any loose items they had on them. They listened for any sounds. He could hear an older man and a young man talking ahead of them. They moved closer until they were just around the corner from them.
" Two of you head down the tunnel to the other pair." He whispered." When the spell begins, attack."
Two men quietly nodded and ran off down the tunnel to find there query. Jovan and the man with him sat and waited for the spell to begin and to make their attack.
" You seem nervous, young one." Councilor Den smiles at Azeal sitting in the center of the hall. She had a beautiful smile he thought. " Being in the dragon clan, I would think you'd be use to all this kind of thing."
" I'll never be use to this life and all the fighting." He told her. "None of us will."
" Then why continue doing it?" She asked. " Your not a dragon. You don't have to."
" But I do." Azeal said. " I've seen the evil that rises out of the dark and in our own cities. I've seen what it can do and I won't have it. Someone has to protect the people of Keanna from things like Polan Dressak and Muerte. Evil men like Balthazar Gaelich and Tayor Larin, I may not be a dragon, but Rage says I have the heart of one, and that's good enough for me."
" You are one brave young vampire." She said. " Both you and your partner. and if you every decide its time to delve in the magic you posses, We'd be honored to you here in the Academy."
" I don't have magic." He blushed as he spoke. " Just my natural vampire abilities."
" Oh but you do." Councilor Den moved to stand in front of him. " Insa told me who both you and Tanis are. You are from the royal family of Yadessa. The house of Zlenka, you have very powerful magic. You just have to learn to use it. Someday I hope you let us teach you."
" I'll think about it." He said a little surprised. This was the second time he had been told of his magic, but he's never seen any proof of it.
[ It's time to begin.] Azeal heard Cutter send to him. [ Tell Den to start her spell.]
" Cutter says to begin the spell." Azeal stood and looked around. A strange smell began to blow through the room. He knew that smell. He would know it anywhere. Human blood. There was someone else here with them. He pulled Justice from its scabbard and turned toward the entrance.
" We are not alone." Azeal told Councilor Den as his eyes began to glow red. " Start your spell and don't let anything stop you."
Closing her mind to all around her, Councilor Den concentrated and called upon all her magic. The wind in the tunnel picked up and began to blow her hair around. In a thundering voice she began the spell as lightning and thunder began to rumble through the room.
As she began three men dressed in city guard armor charged in with their weapons drawn to fight. Justice flashed in Azeals hand and took the form of a long sword as he took a fighting stance. Two men charged at him swinging in for the kill. Azeal parried the first blow and ducked the second and brought Justice as it glowed and smashed into one man and sent him flying back. The second man sent a kick at Azeal which struck his leg. Azeal leaped up and hissed at his opponents showing his fanged teeth and glowing eyes. Scared by what he saw one man stepped back as the third charged in stabbing at Azeals chest. Bringing Justice around with incredible speed, Azeal struck the mans sword and snapped it in two. Quickly he stabbed out and sent Justice through the mans chest. A sizzling noise and the stench of burning flesh smell began to fill the room as he hit the floor dead. The other two men stared down at there fallen comrade.
" What the hell are you?" Jovan yelled at him. Azeal looked back at Councilor Den. She floating three feet off the floor surrounded by a mystical energy her eyes giving off a golden light.
" I am more then what you or your petty king can every hope to deal with." Azeal called out to them. " I am one, we are many and we will protect all those in the school. If you plan to obey your master then come on to your deaths."
" Your a vampire!" Jovan screamed. " A fucking blood sucking nightwalker!"
" I am the crown prince of Yadessa." Azeal said walking towards them. " Azeal Mihai Zlenka. And the last one either of you will see in your life!"
Fear filled Jovan's heart but he knew he didn't have much choice. It was either kill the vampire or die at his hands. He knew he couldn't run, if he did Lord Larin would do much worst things then the vampire could. So he attacked. He and his companion fought like wild men as hard as they could. But no matter how hard they fought, the vampire always was there to counter their attack. Sweat ran down there faces as they fought. The harder they fought, the more tired they became. Soon his companions arm was to tired to keep it up and he slipped. That was just the opening Azeal was waiting for. With a slashed the man's stomach was split open and he fell screaming to the floor. Azeal took a step forward and put Justice over the mans heart and pushed down ending his life.
Behind him Councilor Den was still suspended in the magical spell absorbing power. He knew she was safe. But what of the others? He needed to know how many others were down here, and this man could provide him with that information.
" You are all that's left." Azeal said. " I'll let you decide your death. Quick and painless, or will you be joining the undead today?"
Jovan dropped his sword in fear of what the vampire had said. He would become one of the unholy walking dead like him. He couldn't let him take his soul, anything but that.
" What do you want?" The frightened man stammered.
" How many are there down here." Azeal asked smiling.
" We were nine." He said. " You killed three including me. There are six left."
" Where are they?" Azeal said as he slid Justice back into his scabbard and crossed his arms.
" Three went after the other boy that was with you." Jovan said. " And three went after the man with the girl. That's all that came into dungeon with us."
" What do you mean that came into the dungeon with you?" He asked. This didn't sound right. " Are there more here?"
" Just one." Jovan said. " A young mage that brought us in and hid us. He still walks your halls."
" Do not move." Azeal warned him. Then he called out to Tanis.
[ Tanis!] He sent. [ Are you alright?]
[ Sure.] He said. [ Just finishing up here. I had visitors.]
[ Then your alright?]
[ I am, they're not.] He could hear Tanis's laugh in his mind. That meant he was fine. But what of Texa?
[ These men were no trouble for me.] She sent. [ Kalin is almost ready for the final part of the spell.]
[ Good.] He told her. [ Cutter, the dungeons are safe. You and Blink can go out and give aid to Captain Lowell. We can take care of things down here.]
[ Are you sure?] Cutter asked.
[ Yes.] Azeal sent. [ Go and help. Just stay away from the wall.]
Azeal opened his eyes and looked at the young man kneeling in front of them. What to do with him? He was far to brave a man to kill. He had fought a losing battle knowing he couldn't win, but he fought on anyway. He reminded him of someone. Of Gird, the one that Rage had set as guardian of his brothers and sisters while he was away. Gird had done him evil just as this man had. Maybe he could use him. Maybe this man could do the right thing and be useful here.
" Now for you." He walked around the young man with his head down. " You fought a brave fight."
" Yes." He said without looking up. " Do I get the painless death now?"
" Is that what you want?" Azeal asked him. " To die?"
" Its better then being a nightwalker." He said. " If that's the alternative, I choice death."
" I am not a nightwalker." Azeal said. " I am a born vampire. There's a difference. I don't drink human blood, and I don't turn humans into nightwalkers. I have a soul."
" I understand. Then death by your sword it will be."
" What's your name?" Azeal stopped in front of him. He was beginning to like this foe.
" Jovan Dawes sir." He answered looking up at him.
" I don't want to kill you Jovan. But to let you live you'll have to denounce all allegiances to Lord Larin and anyone." Azeal told him. " You will have to pledge your life, and your allegiance, to this school and its students and staff. Can you do this?"
" I never had any real allegiance to the Larins." Jovan said. " I began as a paid mercenary until he became so powerful that fear of him took over and it became fight for him or pain of death and torture. Then we dare not disobey there orders, no matter who gave them. Many have tried to run and were caught and made an example of. Then no one else would try to run."
Azeal thought for a minute about what Jovan had just said. He had been forced to fight for Tayor Larin. What a horrible thing to have happen. But was what he was doing any different? He had told him to pick death or servitude. Azeal suddenly was ashamed of himself and his actions. This was not the way Rage or Jandar would treat him. Azeal reached down and helped Jovan to his feet.
" I owe you an apology Jovan. Im sorry for my actions." He said shaking his hand. " Your free to go. I can't force you to help us. We would gladly have your assistance, but it's your choice."
" My choice?" He looked at him as if he didn't understand. " I get to choose what I want to do?"
" Yes." Azeal told him." We all do. That's how we live in a free world. We have a King, but if his laws are unjust, then his rule must end. We live with respect Jovan. Respect for ourselves and for one another. Your life is now in your hands, no one else's."
" And I can be apart of your world?" He asked. " A part of all this?"
" If that's your choice you can." Azeal smiled at him. " You can find your place here."
" But there's nothing special about me." Jovan said. He still had doubts about Azeal. He wasn't sure if he might still be planning to kill him.
" Stay and see what it's like here." The young vampire said. " I think you might like it and want to stay."
" I'll stay and help." He said, He looked up at Councilor Den hovering behind them. Her eyes glowing brighter and brighter. He could tell the magic she was collecting was growing stronger by the minute.
" I think they should be ready to cast the final spell soon." Azeal told his new friend as they stepped back and watched the magic fill the air around her.
" Where will we be sent?"
" I don't know." He said. " But we'll soon find out."
Outside the fighting raged back and forth as Blink stepped out of a shadow with Cutter. Captain Lowell and his men fought bravely as students sent their spells out blasting invaders as fast as they could. But the battle wasn't going their way. The two dragons watched as men poured over the walls to join in the fight.
" Help Lowell out!" Cutter shouted. " I'll clear the walls."
Cutter and Blink run off into the yard to join in. Blink shifted as he ran and roared calling attention to himself from all combatants. A cheer went up from the city guard at the sight of the shadow dragon. Men ran at him swinging swords and axes at the dragon. He batted them away like knocking down pins in a kids game and continued on with the city guard at his side.
The wall was being over run by Tayor's men. Youron had ordered a massive charge and sent more then a hundred men in. He watched with satisfaction knowing he would soon be delivering his lord the prize he wanted so much. He looked up at the sun to gauge the time. It was pass mid day. He didn't have much time before Lord Tayor's deadline came and he arrived to take over. This would have to be all over before that or he knew he would be the one to suffer. Suddenly he heard screaming coming from the courtyard. Something was wrong, men were dragging themselves out the gate bloody and limping. Then he heard it. A dragons roar. A chill ran up his spine and through his body. Tayor was right, there were dragons in Winterhaven. He had to do something to stop them or this could be the end of him. Luckily he had come prepared for just this problem.
Life on Keanna comes in many sizes and shapes, from the lowly insect to the human forms and the great dragons and other beast of the planet. Some are intelligent, some just live by there instincts. Some are thought of as monsters, and some like dragons,werewolves and vampires are just misunderstood because of there past history. But then there are those that are true monsters. The leviathans of the oceans, the roc's that fly through the skies and then there are the things conjured by dark magic. Down in the dark crevices of Keanna, in places men very rarely travel to lives creatures that would chill the blood of the bravest heroes. Things with claws and wings that care about nothing but destruction. Huge beast like men that carry clubs the size of small oak trees to beat there enemies with. They live in there deep depths and make war with each other out of pure instinct and madness. It takes a great amount of dark magic to control them, and one slip in concentration could mean utter disaster for the mage trying to control them. Hidden in the rear, chained and under Lord Larins dark influence was Youron's secret. A huge Gog, a giant that stood more than fifteen feet tall with massive arms that could tear and smash men easily with a single sweep of its arm. Youron called for his men to unchained the monster and lead it to the gate. There it stood with a hazy look in its eyes until Youron said the words that would send it into battle on Lord Larins behalf. Men ran to get out of the way of its great strides to keep from being kicked or stepped on. Youron moved to stand in front of it outside of the gate.
" GOG INRAS!!" he yelled up at it.
The hazy look suddenly cleared from its eyes and a redness replaced it. The gog took a deep breath and bellowed out its madness. It beat its chest and with great steps rambled forward and into the fray not caring who it stepped on bent on destroying anyone in its path. Reaching out it grabbed a tree and ripped it out of the ground and swung it like a club killing men of both sides as it entered. All chaos broke out in the yard as the gog made its way in.
Cutter looked up and saw the huge man monster sweeping away warriors with ease. Now in dragon form Cutter reared up and roared his challenge. With his power of illusion he made himself grow larger hoping he could keep the image up for the fight. He knew if he concentrated hard enough, he could make the illusion real enough to do real damage to the Gog. Hopefully it would be enough to defeat it. As it fought, blast after blast hit the Gog with no effect. Men tried swords and arrows on it, but nothing seemed it be hurting it. Then it heard Cutters roar and turned towards the fear dragon. An ugly smile appeared on its face as it turned and started towards him.
[ No!] Cutter heard in his mind. He turned and saw Blink fly out and land between him and the Gog.
[ This is no fight for a young dragon like you. Get Lowell and his men inside. Protect the doors and let me take this one.]
[ What about Tayor's men?] Cutter asked. There were still coming in over the wall and through the gate.
[ You'll have to push them back.] Blink told him as he flexed his claws and wings and readied himself for the fight. [ Use your powers and their magic to push them back, then get inside.]
[ But I can help you!]
[You can help best by doing what I say!] Blink roared and sent a blast of darkness out at the gog and soldiers. [ Get moving!]
Cutter shrank himself back to normal size and jumped into the air. From there he sent his illusions out into the yard as a pride of griffins that came running out from behind the academy to attack Tayor's men. They took to their heels and ran for the gate to get away trampling each other as they fled. Youron stood screaming outside the gate for his men to stand and fight, but he was ignored as the ran from the griffins. With the yard cleared of fighting except for Blink and the Gog facing each other, Cutter came down to land at the Academy doors next to Captain Lowell. He shifted back to his elven form and looked at the captain.
"It's up to Kalin and Blink now." He said. " Just have archers in the windows to keep the men out beyond the wall."
" What of the Gog?" Lowell stopped him and asked. " Can't we help?"
" No." Cutter looked back at the two large beast circling each other. " We'll just be in his way. Just keep the yard clear. That's all we can do. The griffins will help keep them out, just have them watch the wall. I'm going to check on Kalin and the others. Call if you need me."
Jovan stayed with Councilor Den while Azeal went on to check on the rest of the Councilors. He found them all in the same condition as Councilor Den, suspended in their magic in the air. His next stop was to see where Kalin was in the weaving of the last part of the spell. He found him in the center of his chamber ablaze with magic. But he wasn't unconscious like the rest. He was very busy weaving the magic into an intricate pattern all around the room. This amazed Azeal. He had never seen magic in the air before. He really didn't know he had the ability, but here it was. Magical symbols glowed all over the walls becoming brighter and brighter with each passing second. He stepped up to Texa standing on the side.
" How much longer will this take? He asked her.
" Not long." She said. " The Councilors are just reaching the peak of their powers. All he has to do now is cast the final spell."
" This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen." Azeal said in awe of what was happening in front of him. " To be able to cast such magic."
" If you see it Azeal." She smiled at him." Then its within you to cast it too."
She looked over at Kalin as he raised his hands in the air.
" It begins now." She said. " Quiet!"
With all due speed I call to thee.
Through space and time I make this rhyme
To take us there, I know not where.
A place we need there you shall lead.
North south east and west.
Fire earth water and air.
We call to thee to set us free.
We know not where, but take us there.
Kalin brought his hands together and there was a blinding flash and a thunderous crash and all the magical symbols written on the walls began to spin and fly off to all the different parts of the estate. The spell was cast. The school was being cover in the patterns of magic he had cast.
Outside in the yard Blink roared a challenge to the Gog as he readied himself for the battle. He flexed his arm muscles to loosen himself up and get the poison flowing in his claws. He looked at the giant dirty man standing before him in rags. The Gog had greasy black hair with a long beard filled with dirt and bits of wood. You could see the scars all over his dark tanned skin from old battles he had lived through. He wore no kind of pants, just a sort of loin clothe that wrapped around him. Around his neck he wore an assortment of bones he had strung together as trophies. He was a truly fearsome looking monster.
Charging in, the Gog swung the tree club at Blink who ducked the blow and moved to the side to avoid the charge. Swinging his tail swiftly around he caught the giant in the back and knocked him onto his face in the dirt of the yard. The Gog huff as he got to his feet and slammed the his club into the ground hard.
[Come on you stinking mound of meat!!] Blink roared. Bashing the club down from side to side the gog rushed forward and raised it to bash down on the shadow dragon. Blink inhaled and blew out his black flame breath which covered the club and sent the Gog stumbling back. The flames licked out and blinded the Gog as he tried to get away from the heat. Recovering from the flames, the Gog ran at Blink and hit him in the chest. Blink stood there with no fear and let the club hit him. As it made contact with his chest, it burst into dust and flew back in the Gog's face. Blinded again he tried to get out of Blinks way, but the dragon was to fast. He leaped on him and pushed him back against the wall hammering at his chest and face. With a mighty roar the Gog swung his great fist up punching at Blink. Blink snapped at him, biting into his heck and slashing at the Gog sending his poison deep into his body. They fell to the ground and rolled against the wall beating at each other.
As the two titans fought in the yard, Youron had time to regroup all his men back together.
" I don't care what's in there!" He screamed at them. " Get in there and kill them. I want to be walking through those doors in the next few minutes!"
As he tried to rally the men, he heard a voice boom through the air that gave him chills. his time was up. Lord Larin was here.
" Go now!" He ordered. " Get the doors open!"
As every man he had in his command rushed at the walls Lord Larin appeared in front of him. He looked at Youron who bowed to his lord making sure not to make eye contact with him.
" I trust I can claim my prize now." Lord Larin said to him.
" We are just about to claim the school my lord." Youron said getting back to his feet.
" Then get on with at." Lord Larin waved at him angrily. " Make it fast. I won't wait to much longer."
Youron bowed again then hurried back to where his men were setting up the siege ladders. He gave the order to place the ladders on the wall and to start up. One by one men they mounted and started climbing. It wouldn't take long before they were on top and back in the fight. This was it,Youron thought. This was his time to win.
Beaten and bruised Blink fought on. He knew the Gog was weakening. He had to be, poison was now surging through its blood and had to be weakening him. But the Gog fought on. Blink could hear noises coming from the wall. That meant Lord Larin's troops were about to attack again. He knew he had support up in the windows and on the inside wards where Lowell had stationed his archers. Blink knew Kalin had to be casting the last part of his spell soon. All he had to do was keep them out for a few more minutes. Just a few more minutes and they would be gone.
Howling he grabbed the Gog by its shoulders and pulled. He opened his wings and began to beat them as hard as he could. In seconds he could feel them lifting into the air. But still the Gog kept beating at him. He took them as high as he could then dove down and slammed into the top of the wall and held him there. Suddenly flashing lights begin to appear all around him and strange glyphs flashed and appeared on the wall. The wall began to glow and the Gog half way over the wall screamed. The spell had been activated. Kalin had done it. Everything turned white and that was the last thing Blink saw. Then all was black.
As Lord Larin and Youron watched, the Academy began to glow with a strange mystical light. Youron stepped back as his men on the wall began to scream and burn. Lord Larin stood and watched as his prize disappeared from Winterhaven. He turned to Youron with blazing eyes and stared at him.
" Forgive me!" Youron pleaded as he fell to his knees at Lord Larin's feet and begging for forgiveness.
Lord Larin turned to Youron and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up to face him. Thunder and lightning rumbled and flashed over his head showing his anger.
" WHERE IS MY SON?" He demanded. Youron trembled in his grasp. " HE WAS IN THE SCHOOL!!"
Gog inras. = Gog attack.