Dressed she rushed from her room and down the hall to Jandar's room hoping he was awake. He would know what to do, how to help.
" Noooo!!!" Rese screamed as he fall to the floor from his bed covered with sweat from his nightmare. Zarks eyes opened and he pulled his swords and looked for an enemy to kill while Trip and Craven woke with a start. Trip jumped out of bed and ran to his young friend on the floor crying.
" Are you alright?" He asked lifting him back into bed. " What's wrong?"
" The school!" Rese said through tears. " It's gone!"
" What?" Craven asked as he and Zark came over. Craven sat on the edge of the bed. " What are you talking about?"
" I saw it." Rese through his legs over the side of the bed. " I saw it explode in a great big ball of light. It's not there anymore."
" Wait, are you saying Tayor destroyed it?" Trip asked him.
" I don't know." Rese said. " I just know it's not in Winterhaven anymore."
" What does that mean?" Craven asked his two friends. " It can't have just disappeared, could it?"
" I don't know." Trip put his hand to his chin and rubbed the beginnings of a beard."I've seen some very powerful magic back at home. My old teacher could do some amazing things, but to move the whole school?"
[ It's possible.] Micah whispered in his grandsons mind. [ In my days there were mages with that much power. Jandar could probably do it. I sense that much power in him. But he would be very weak after I would guess.]
" What do we do?" Craven stood and looked at them. The two boys on the bed looked at him as if they had no clue.
" Tell the others." Zark answered from behind them. " It is there home to. Besides, you have family in Winterhaven. Do you think this Tayor Larin will be a righteous king there?"
" Get dressed." Trip said grabbing his clothes and putting them on. " Hurry! We have to tell Zarin and the others."
" Wait!" Craven stopped. " This could just be a nightmare. We don't know anything really happened there."
" We'll we know Tayor his taken over the city." Trip said slipping into his boots. " You want your mom and dad there with the way Tabor hates us?"
Craven thought about what Trip said for a second, then grabbed his clothes and hurried into them. As Trip opened the door he was jamming his feet into his boots and running behind them out the door.
Sleep per chance to dream. Jandar lay content and happy for a time in the arms of his red dragon love Rage. Rage look down at him and pushed the hair from in front of his face and kissed his love. It had been awhile since they had last been together. This way, in their dreams was the only time they had. After making love they would try and update each other on what had been going on in their lives.
" Tell me love." Rage smiled. " How are things at home?"
" New Keanna is fine." Jandar took his hand and kissed it. He so missed his touch. " We have a new dragon born. He is called Tempus."
" That's great!" Rage said. " And who merged with him."
" A young gypsy boy even younger then Shayn." Jandar told him,. " You should see him. What amazing colors. He has almost shadow like features in his face and horns with lava like colors. He has to be another child of Blinks. Great red glowing wings with four arms! I was so happy to see him hatch."
" What powers does he have?" Rage asked.
" He displaces time, and he can transport himself and others over great distances. I'm sure there's more, but that's what I see for now."
" That's something new." Rage smiled. " I will visit him in his dreams and welcome him. He might be able to help me find Ono and Shayn. And our other problem?"
" I'm afraid it keeps getting worst." The smiled disappeared from Jandars face to be replaced by worry. " Winterhaven seems to be getting worst everyday. Last night Azeal sent all the young ones from the academy here for protection. It seems Tayor Larin plans to take the school since Insa's no longer there to protect it. I'm afraid a war is brewing."
" That's not possible, Jandar. Who would he attack?"
" Us!" Jandar stood and looked at his mate laying in the grass. " I think he plans to attack us. Cutter says his dream weaving spell is powerful enough to affect us all. Somehow he's gained so much power. It's like he has the power of the whole council in him."
" I think I should come home." Standing Rage faced Jandar. " This is getting crazy. If you're in danger, I'm coming home."
" No." Jandar took a step closer and put his arms around Rage. " They may be in danger. You have to fine them. We'll deal with Winterhaven ourselves."
" How?" Rage asked.
[ Jandar!] A voice broke into the dream breaking Jandars concentration. The dream began to fade as he started to wake up.
[ Find them love, and hurry home!]
With that, a knocking started at the door of Jandars bedroom and he woke up.
" Just a minute Athene." He called. " I'll be right there."
He climbed out of bed took his robe from its hook and went to answer the door. With a frantic look on her face Athene strode into the ante room clutching her arms to herself. Jandar thought she looked tired. She must be having trouble sleeping again.
" What's wrong?" He asked as she sat down on a couch. He went and sat beside her.
" It's Winterhaven." She cried. " I saw the school destroyed. It was so real!"
" Could it have just been a dream?" Jandar asked. "
" You know better then that." She said. " It's never just a dream. I was there. I saw all that happened there. The academy is gone."
" Well, what of Cutter and Azeal?" He stood afraid for the others. " Hold on."
[ CUTTER!!] He called up. he waited for an answer. None came. [ Azeal! Tanis! Blink! Where are you!]
There was no feeling of there minds anywhere out there. He didn't feel the sadness of their deaths. He had felt dragons die before and the shock would have woke him if they had died. Unless it had been masked by some powerful magic. He hoped Kalin's spell had worked and the school had just been moved somewhere else. But where?
" Jandar, I've tried calling out to them." Athene stood and took his hand. " There gone."
" NO!!" Jandar pushed away from her. " They're not dead. They're just somewhere else. Kalin moved the whole school. We just have to find them."
" Moved the school?" Athene looked at him as if he were mad. " That's not possible."
" You think Kalin Ka great ancestor of the most powerful mage to ever walk Keanna couldn't do what his ancestor could?" Jandar stood the looking so sure of what he was saying. " He has everything he needs to perform the spell. I need someone to go check Winterhaven."
[ Eheren!] He sent out. [ I need your help now!]
In the next room Zarin woke to the sounds of quiet knocking at their door. He almost missed it but a call of nature had woke him and he was trying to get back to sleep. He sighed and threw off the covers wondering who could be knocking.
" Who is it?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
" It's us." Trip whispered. " Open the door."
" Hold on." He said lighting the lamp by his bed. He walked to the door and opened it. Quickly Trip, Rese, Craven and Zark pushed their way pass him and closed the door behind them.
" What are you doing here at this hour?" Zarin was a bit annoyed at being awakened so late at night. He just wanted to get back to sleep.
" Shh!" Trip went over and touched Reno's forehead between his eyes to instantly wake him. Reno blinked then opened his eyes. He looked around at everyone as Craven shook Dack awake.
" Somethings happened." Trip told them. " The Academy, Rese says its gone."
" Gone?" Reno wrinkled his eyes. " What do you mean gone? How can it be gone?"
" I don't know." Rese sat down beside as he yawned and stretched. " But I know what I saw. In a big flash of bright magic it was gone."
" You were dreaming." Dack said laying back down. " Go back to bed."
" I'm telling you this was no dream." Rese frown tired of their doubt. " I know what I saw!"
" Alright." Zarin said quieting the young dragon down. " What did you see? Tell us."
" I saw Winterhaven and your school. There was a battle going on in the courtyard, men were fighting." Rese told then as best he could. He looked up at Zarin. " I saw a man there fighting with a sword that looked just like you. Someone called him...Lowell?"
Zarin's eyes lit up at the mention of that name. He knew exactly who that was. " You saw my father? Fighting?"
" You look just like him." Rese shook his head. Suddenly everyone's eyes were on him. No one doubted him anymore.
" What happened?" Zarin asked. " Is he alright?"
" I don't know. I didn't see him get hurt." Everyone gather closer as he continued.
" Next I saw a great dragon battled a giant and more men climbing up a wall. Then there was a big flash and the school was gone."
" You mean the dream ended?" Reno asked him.
" No." He stood and looked at them. " I saw the land where the school was. It was empty. The school wasn't there anymore."
Silence filled the room as they all took in what Rese had said. There was only one conclusion they could all come to. Reno looked from Zarin's shocked look to Dack who wasn't quite there yet. None of them wanted to voice what they thought had happened, but Reno knew it had to be said.
" Tayor Larin found a way to destroy what he couldn't have." Reno looked Zarin in his tear filled eyes. " He killed them all."
" NO!" Rese stopped him. " That's not what happened."
" But that's what you just said." Craven spoke up. " You said the school was destroyed."
" No, I said it was gone, not destroyed." Rese could see the confusion in everyone's eyes. He had to explain. " I am a dragon now. Tempus may be newly hatched, but all dragons are born with certain knowledge and instincts, I told you I saw a dragon fighting there. If that dragon had died, I would have felt it. All the dragons here would have felt it. There would have been a roar the would have woke everyone in New Keanna. Don't you see. He didn't die, He's just gone."
" Then my fathers not dead?" Zarin asked.
" No he's not." Rese told them all. " But he's missing with everyone else that was in the academy."
" Then what do we do?" Dack asked. " Your father's at the academy, what about our families?"
" If my fathers there, so is my mom." Zarin assured Dack. " And I don't believe he would leave yours. Our mothers are always together."
Dack looked a little relieve at that thought. But what of Cravens family? Are they safe? He was afraid to ask. The thought scared him so.
[ Craven, I would feel it if they were in any danger.] Grandfathers words give him relief. [ Wherever they are, they're safe for now."
" Grandfather says my family must be in the academy too." Craven said with fear in his eyes.
" There's one more reason we have to get back to the Academy." Trip sat comfortably on Zarin's bed looking at the rest of them gathered around the two beds. He knew the news he was about to give them would be disturbing. But this was something they needed to knew.
" What's that?" Reno asked. What more could go wrong he thought.
" That's where I hid the Gold ring."
They all looked at Trip with wide eyes. He was right, fear ran thought their blood like ice. Zarin collapsed in an arm chair he had been standing next to and Dack fell out of his bed to the floor. Reno couldn't believe what he had just heard. He stepped up to Trip trembling.
" The Ring of Endrin?" He asked. " The one we took to keep Tabor from getting it? The one that would make his father so powerful nothing here could stop him? That ring?"
Trip swallowed and nodded his head yes. Reno threw his hands into the air and flopped on to the bed in frustration.
" Well where else was I going to hide it?" He cried. " In the city? Wouldn't that have been worst? He'd probably have it by now if I did!"
" Relax Trip." Zarin said. " You did the right thing. You couldn't have known what was going to happen. The Academy is the best place for it right now. If we don't know where the Academy went, I doubt he has any idea either. We just have to get there before he does."
" What's this ring" Rese asked Trip.
" Something very powerful I hid to keep Tayor Larin from getting it. I'll explain it all later."
" Alright." Rese said. " But I have a question. Does he know it's there?"
" No." Craven said. " But Tabor knew it was somewhere in Winterhaven, and I'm sure he's searched the city by now and since it was in the academy, he didn't find it. Remember, Tabor's no fool. If he didn't find it in the city, he'll search the academy next. And he'll find it. Believe me, he'll find it."
" Then we need to get there as fast as we can." Zarin stood. " Trip, go wake Thalia and get her back here. We're leaving."
High above the city, a flock of Sliverwing's circled the towers of the city. Sliverwing's were foot long little reptiles that lived like bats in the towers of most buildings. They are nocturnal and hunt by night. Sliverwing's hunted in groups whenever they are hungry and the smell of death had them all over the city dropping down on the bodies of the dead. Unseen to everyone, there was something different flying with the scavengers today. Something with a golden hue. It darted in and out of the flocks moving around the city. It didn't seen to be interested in filling its stomach, instead it cast its deep gaze at everything going on in the city. It saw the many groups of men patrolling the city. The people being evicted from their homes to house these men. The looting, and pillaging of the city. And lastly, the empty space that was once where the Academy was. Flying low it landed in a tree that once stood outside the gate and gazed around at the hole where the foundation use to be.
[ She's right.] Shine sent home. [ Its gone. There's nothing here but a pit in the ground.]
[ What do you feel?] Jandar asked. [ Do you feel death?]
[ Yes I do.] Shine told him. [ But not like it should be if all those kids had died. And I certainly don't feel Cutter or Blinks death here. I do feel Kalin's magic. Its massive!]
[ Can you follow it's trail?]
[ It's not that easy.] Shine sent. [ The magic didn't leave a trail, at least not one I can see. And there's things happening here I don't think we should ignore. We have to do something about Winterhaven. The people here are in real trouble. This is almost as bad as Maveta.]
[ But what of our brothers and the Academy?] Jandar said. [ We can't just abandon them.]
[ Jandar.] Shine sent out. [ Lord Larin won't be happy with just Winterhaven. We both know his kind. Once he has established himself here, he'll move on to the next city and New Keanna isn't that far away from here.]
Jandar thought about Shines words. He knew he was right. Tayor Larin was just like Balthazar Gaelich and Polan Dessak bent on taking all he could from anyone. Jandar knew like Muerte, death would be all Tayor brought to the world. And he would kill anyone in his way. Well there would be someone in his way. There would be dragons there to stop him. Even if it meant there death, they would stop him.
[ Get home Shine. We have planning to do.]
All dressed and ready to leave Zarin and Rese stepped out into the hall leaving everyone in Zarin's room. Zarin knew there was something he had to do before they left New Keanna. They had to go tell Jandar they were leaving. Zarin was worried Jandar would object to there leaving. He was sure he wouldn't like what they were planning and the fact that Rese the newest dragon would be coming with them. But Rese was one of them. He had arrived with them and he assured them he would be staying with them. Being a dragon had changed his life and he was thankful, but these were now more then just friends to Rese. They were his family now,just as the dragons were.
" Are you worried?" Zarin asked his younger friend beside him. Rese looked at him nervously and shook his head.
" Yes." He said. " I think we should've just left. I don't want to stay if your all leaving. I know I have much to learn, but I think I can help you."
" Rese." Zarin said. " These are good people. They're her to help us. Maybe staying with them is a good idea for a little while, they can teach you a lot."
" So can you and the others." They made their way down the hall to Jandar and Rage's master suite. " Besides, I think your going to need me."
" What do you mean?" They stopped at Jandar's door ready to knock. " How can you help?"
" Well." He said. " How do you plan to find them?"
" I'm not sure." Zarin told him. " I know it won't be easy. Maybe we can trace the magic they used to find them."
" There's something you should know." Rese smiled. " I see magic."
" Excuse me?" Zarin looked at him surprised. He knew Rese had some healing abilities. But what his dragon could do he had no idea. " You see magic? So do I. How's that going to help us?"
" Look around." Rese spread his arms out indicating the hall. " What do you see?"
" A hallway." Zarin looked all over the corridor. It was a lavished manor richly decorated, but that was all he saw.
" I see every spell connected to this place." Rese said. " Protection spells, personal spells, magic connected to each and every person in the house. I can see it. If I go back to Winterhaven, I'm sure I can trace the magic used to move the academy. That is if they let me leave."
[ Then by all means.] They jump as they heard Jandar's voice in their heads. [ Go with them. You're our best chance to find the school.]
The door to the suite opened and Jandar stepped out to stand with them. He had a worried look on his face like there might be trouble he didn't want them to know about.
" Sir." Zarin said.
" Jandar, please." The mage smiled. " I know why your here. You want to go after the Academy. Am I right?"
" Yes, how do you know?" Zarin asked. He looked it him surprised.
" I'm a pretty smart guy." Jandar waved them into his rooms and shut the door. " Rese, we'd like you to stay. But I'm thinking you may be just the one we need to help us."
The two boys looked up at Jandar confused. They had expected to come in here and have to convince Jandar to let Rese leave. But now, it seemed it was his idea. They wondered what he had meant by what he'd just said. Jandar pulled a chair over to the couch they were sitting on.
" Let me explain." He said. " You are a new dragon Rese and your not totally aware of what powers you have yet. I heard what you said about seeing magic. Do you know why you can see magic?"
" No." He answered. " I thought we all could see like this."
" I can." Jandar nodded. " And I think Rage and Shayn probably can. But I doubt any of the others can. The reason you can is because you have the ability to track magic. Weak magic easily."
Jandar traced a pattern through the air in red and blue lines with his finger. Rese and Zarin watched. Jandar could tell they both could see something.
" What do you see?" He asked them. " Rese?"
" I see red and blue lines throbbing in the air as you move your fingers." The boy watched in amazement.
" Zarin?"
" I see the red." Zarin said. " Little specks of blue."
" The red is the simpler of the two magics." Jandar waved them out of existence.
" The blue is much stronger. As you grow more use to your magic, you will see better I'm sure Zarin. But Rese, you'll see all different shades of magic and you'll learn to identify it in time. We'll see what you can do with it as your dragon matures. But for now, you may be the only one that can find the school. Listen to me both of you. This isn't going to be easy. I'm sure Tayor Larin will be looking for the academy too, and he will try to stop you, even kill you if he can. I know you and your friends are powerful and can defend yourselves, but I'm not letting you go on your own. "
" What's that mean?" Zarin frowned. He hoped it didn't mean what he thought. " Your sending someone with us?"
" I think you'll like who I'm sending with you."
At that moment there was a knock at the door.
" Enter please." Jandar called. The door opened and a young man of sixteen walked in dressed in tan leather. Zarin and Rese had met him earlier when they first arrived.
" Eheren." Jandar stood. " I'm glad your here. You remember Zarin and Rese."
" Yes." He walked in and shook the to boys hands.
" So how bad was Winterhaven?"
" Winterhaven is just a beginning." Eheren told them. " The people there are in real trouble. I'm not sure what it is Lord Larin plans, but I think it goes beyond making himself king."
" So what are you going to do?" Zarin asked. He knew so many in the city. All his friends and there families. He wanted so bad to help make them safe.
" Without knowing what Lord Larin plans, there's not much we can do." Jandar tried his best to comfort the boys. He stood and walked them to the door. " But that's not what I want you to worry about. Finding the Academy will be up to you. Eheren has the knowledge of a master, he should be a great deal of help. Find it as soon as you can. There's something there Lord Larin wants, and we can't let him have it."
" We think we know what that is Sir." Zarin opened the door to leave. " Have you every heard of the Gold ring of Endrin?"
Eheren stopped and stared at Zarin. He was sure he had heard wrong. Being merged with Mags, he had all his knowledge of magic for over five hundred years and Magnes knew of the ring.
" What?" Jandar asked. He looked at Eheren frozen in place. " What's this gold ring"
" It's the most powerful thing ever created with magic." He said. " If Lord Larin gets his hands on it, he can make himself a god. A very mad god far worst then Muerte was."
" And this ring is in the academy?" Jandar asked. " Your sure it's there?"
" Yes, we hid it there." Zarin nodded. " It's there."
" Then find it please and hurry." Jandar walked to the front of his desk and picked up a beautiful carved box and opened it. "There's one more thing. I want each of you to have a piece of this, it will protect you from certain things."
"What is it." Zarin asked.
"A good luck charm."