"I don't know father." Tabor sat on the other side of his father's desk in his study surrounded by his tombs of dark magic. His father was angry he had failed him. Now all his plans were ruined. Tabor knew he had to get that ring back if he ever wanted to be respected or at his father's side again.
"I don't care what you have to do." Tayor fumed at him. "I don't care if you have to torture them. But you better get it back, and soon."
"I will." Tabor got up from his chair and went to the door.
"Tabor." He stopped him. "That ring will still work. Once your near it, it will glow. Now get out."
Looking at the ground in shame, Tabor opened the door and left. Out in the common room Aron and Elan waited for him. They stood as he approached them.
"We heard him yelling from here." Elan said.
"I've never seen him this mad at me. We have to find that ring fast."
"How?" Aron asked as the left the Larin manor. "You thought the mine was big, Winterhaven is a hell of a lot bigger."
"I know that, damn it!" Tabor looked around the street they were on. All the shops were still open late in the afternoon. Dealers of magic items, hardware and potions seemed to be having a good night."
"It has to be them." Tabor told them. "I don't know how they got rid of the ring, but they have it. We watch them, then take it from them. Elan, you watch Zarin. Aron, watch Dack."
"Right Tabor." The two elves headed off to start then assignments when Tabor stopped them
"First get me Craven. " He turned back to his home. "I think he could be the answer."
Zarin walked along the first floor corridor past empty classrooms and study hall. There were practice rooms and testing areas all empty of students now. Zarin made his way to the end of the hall were the transport stones were located.
"Prof Insa's study." power flashed around him and he found himself standing on the stone just in the entrance to his study. Zarin stepped in to find Professor Insa standing at the window.
"Come in Mr. Testa." He turned and sat at his desk. "Have a seat."
Zarin walked in looking around. This wasn't his first visit to this office. His office walls behind his desk was lined with books of magic and history. Zarin loved reading in here. He remember his first visit when he and his parents first came to this amazing city. How the professor had been his personal tutor to teach him the basic. Zarin had learned fast and Professor Insa had praised him high for it. Soon he was in classes and his family settle in there house. His father had been givin a job in the city guard where he rose to a captains position and his mother became a teacher in the none magical school. Life here became very good for them until Tabor Larin decided to make him his target.
Tabor bullied many kids in the academy and made many enemies. He treated everyone like the academy was his own personal kingdom and he was lord and master to them all, just because he was from one of the riches families in Winterhaven. He put them all through hell with beatings to harassing and stupid tricks. The only relief Zarin found was when he met Prince Shayn and his best friend Dack. They band together for protection. Two years later Reno, Thalia and Trip came along after Andros their home had been conquered by the evil Mahlos. But that's another story for another time. As time went by the six friends became inseparable. They watched each others back and protected each other. Tabor found it much harder to attack or hurt any of them because none of them ever traveled alone. Tabor's treatment of the students was known to the academy administration and he was punished often. But it did no good. That was the kind of person Tabor was and he was encouraged by his father. It seemed Tayor's creed was fear. As long as his son was feared he would be respected. The teachers tried hard to show him that fear was no way to gain respect. Only kindness, fairness, and compassion could really get him the respect of others, but that was not the Larin way. Only ambition, distrust and power ruled the house of Larin. So Tabor followed his father in his devious plots to gain control of Winterhaven, no matter what the cost.
"Professor." Zarin sat straight up in his chair. "You want to ask me about this ring Mr. Larin said we took."
"Yes I do." The Professor looked at him wondering what was in his mind.
"We didn't take anything from Tabor that belonged to him or his father." Zarin told him. "And we would never do anything to disrespect you or the council, that I promise you."
Professor Insa sat back in his chair and contemplated his favorite student. "I didn't think you did. And I get the feeling you would rather not answer any more questions about this. Am I right?"
"Yes sir."
"I trust you Zarin." The Professor told him. "But if this his anything to do with Tayor Larin, I think you should let me know. He's not to be trusted. Neither is Tabor. If this gets out of hand, promise you will come to me."
"I promise sir." Zarin got up from his chair to leave smiling at his mentor.
"Zarin." He stopped him. "If you need me, just call out in your mind. I'll answer, anytime you need me."
"Thank you Professor." Zarin smiled at him as he left his office.
Professor Insa stood from his chair and walked over to a table where in the middle was a large shard of a smoky crystal. It was a piece of shell from the egg his dragon had hatched from. He smiled as he passed his hand over it. Pictures began to reflect on the table. He saw Trip in his raven form fly from the Golden Goblin. He was carrying something shiny in his beak. Insa made the picture clearer. It was a gold ring. Exactly what Tayor was looking for. Insa knew Zarin wouldn't lie to him so he knew the ring didn't belong to Tayor. It must be something of power he wanted and Zarin took it to keep from him. He watch as Trip hid the ring in a place no one would ever look for it. Folding his arms as he sat, he decided he'd better keep an eye on Zarin. He would need his help before long. Tayor and Tabor would stop at nothing to get that ring. He wonder what it was.
It was late at night and Tryphen Tricolos hurried his way through the quiet streets of Winterhaven. He was late to meet Zarin and the others at there meeting place. Prince Shayn's old house. Together they had cast spells on the house to keep anyone from seeing them enter or exit. There were also spells to cloak the fact that anyone was using the house. They had made the place safe from prying eyes and certain people looking for them.
Walking down the cobblestone road, Trip was lost in his thoughts. He was a little tired from his earlier flight and the trip to Lands End today. As he made his way down the street, he thought he heard something behind and stopped to have a look. Looking left and right he didn't see anything, but he had the feeling someone was there. He moved on a little more quietly keeping his ear tuned for the slightest sound. He heard the wind rustling through the trees. He heard a stray cat searching through the garbage across the street. Then he heard it again and spun around for a look. Still nothing.
"I must be losing it." He said aloud.
Suddenly a bag dropped over his head and someone hit him, knocking him out. No one saw Craven as he dragged Trip from the street into the darkness. But someone would miss him very soon. But could they find him?
It was getting late and Trip still hadn't arrived yet. Reno was pacing back and forth wondering where he was. He had gone out and looked for him but found nothing. He had even shifted to wolf and looked for a scent. It went as far as a store on the boulevard, then vanished in an alley. This scared Reno a bit. But Trip could have shifted and flew off. So Reno returned to Shayn's place to see if he was there. He wasn't.
"Where could he be?" Reno asked his friends. "I looked everywhere and nothing."
"I don't like this." Thalia got up from her seat and went to Reno. "Somethings not right. Trip knows we're waiting and he wouldn't make us wait like this."
"I agree." Zarin told them heading for the transport point. "I think we should go look for him."
"Not you and Dack." Reno stopped him. "It's pretty late. Your parents will be worried if your not home soon. Thalia and I can look."
Thalia nodded. Dack protested, he wanted to know where his friend was too. He looked at Reno ready to argue with him. Zarin held up his hand to stop him.
"He's right. My mom and dad would be pretty upset." He said. "And yours will call out the guards to find us."
"I guess your right." Dack kicked over a chair in frustration. "But you better let me know the second you find him."
"We will." Thalia said. "We'll walk you both home. Lets get going."
After walking Zarin and Dack home, Reno and Thalia shifted to wolf and searched the city. They checked every part of the Academy grounds including classes, labs and dormitories. They searched the playing fields where Witch ball was played and the practice fields where dueling and power ball was practiced. Nothing. Then they moved on to the city proper. Where from street to street they went sniffing for Trips scent. Reno and Thalia then moved to the docks and search every ship moored there. Still no luck. Now they were really worried. Next came the residential areas. They couldn't go house to house, not without the approval of the council. But they could check the outsides to see if he'd been there. Still nothing. Next came the manses of the rich and nobles which included Tabors home. Thalia used a spell to cause all wards and magical traps and alarms to become visible before they came close to the manor. As her spell took affect they made their to the gate. Reno sighed. There was no way in he could see. Even shifting to something that could fly wouldn't get them in. The air crackled with magic. One step in and they would be incinerated.
"This could be it." Reno whispered to Thalia. "But it will take better magic then I have to get us in."
"I don't think he's here." She frowned and folded her arms across her chest.
"Why not?" Reno asked. "Tabor hates us and wants that ring."
"I know." She said. "But if we went to Professor Insa, they would be caught."
"They could be hiding him in there." Reno wanted to inspect the manse. He was all for calling the Professor.
"They couldn't hide him from the Professor. She said. "And if Trip was found in there, Tayor would be dispelled from the council. He wouldn't take that chance. He's evil, not stupid."
"Then where?" Reno asked. He was beginning to get really mad now. "We've checked the whole city."
"No, we haven't." Thalia looked at her friend. "We've searched the city, but we haven't searched under the city."
Reno's eyes flew open in surprise. "The sewers!!"
The first thing Trip felt when he woke was pain stabbing into his mind. He moaned and opened his eyes to total darkness. He got to his feet and snapped his fingers to summon a light orb. Nothing happened. Trip closed his eyes and concentrated on a stronger spell. He clapped his hands and a light flashed before him revealing a dungeon cell furnished with nothing but a cot and a bucket for private use.
"This isn't good." Trip mumbled. He made his way over to the cot and sat down. His magic wasn't working right. That could only mean one thing. Wherever he was, the place was guarded with some powerful magic. The fact that he made the light flash meant that the spells on the cell were old and failing. If he gathered enough magic, he might be able to do something in time. He just might be here for a little while. Suddenly he heard a noise from outside of the cell. It was the sound of a door slamming. Then he heard heavy footsteps moving towards him.
"Who's there?" Trip called.
"Where is it?" Came back.
"Where's what?" He answered. Trip moved to the cell bars trying to figure out who it was out there.
"Where is it?"
"You can ask that question all day." Trip said. "But I don't know what your talking about."
A flash of energy came flying into the cell and struck Trip knocking him back to the wall.
"WHERE IS IT?" The voice yelled.
Getting to his feet Trip staggered to the cot and crawled underneath it hoping he could fine a little protection there. He knew what it was they wanted. He even thought he knew who was out there torturing him. but he'd be damned if he would tell them where the ring was.
"You can shock me. Torture me all you want." He called out. "But I don't know what you want, and if I did, I still wouldn't tell you Mr. Larin."
"We'll see." Another bolt of energy flew into the cell striking the wall as Trip screamed out and covered his head in fear.
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