If there's a phrase or a line you don't understand, check the comments section for a translation.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Goblins,Satyrs and Dark Elves. 75

On her throne in a grim mood, Talsara Darkshade watched as her forces in Dree were rounded up and defeated. She clutched her fist and pounded the arm of the throne as Captain Eskowe broke her spell and bowed in front of Tof Tyr. To add to that, the Munos had failed her. Munoecus was dead, but it wasn't a total lose. He had taken a Dragon down with him, and it was an elder dragon, one of the first ever created. That was just what she needed to hear. If only it had been Jandar or the red one, Rage. Their death would being chaos and confusion to the rest of the clan and make it that much easier to defeat them all.
Having lost her hold on Dree and Aquilona, Talsara decided to tighten her grip on the rest of the lands she had taken in Fay Shrea. The other Elven lands she held, the Fairy, Goblin and Orc lands she held. They would be the base for her move on Tayor Larin and the lands he had conquered. With the help of Sarella, the time for their alliance would be at an end. And it was time she finally took care of Elan. That meant she had to find Aron to lure Elan back into her hands. But where were they? Where was Elan and Aron?

As the coach pulled up and stopped in front of the Darkshade palace, the driver stepped down and went to the door and opened it for its occupants. Zaos Shadowfall with his head held high in arrogance stepped down and held his hand out for the Lady Amra Calaudra. Taking his hand, Amra stepped down followed by the chief of Zaos guards, his cousin, Edyrm Shadowfall.
"Water the horses." Edyrm ordered. "We will send for you once our audience is done."
"Yes sir."  A Shadowfall guards saluted as he was led away to somewhere where he would be fed while they waited.
Edyrm stepped out beside his cousin as a elven maiden dressed in the house colors followed by one of Darkshades  warrior generals came down the stairs to greet them.
"Aiya." Edyrm bowed keeping his eyes on them. "Prince Zaos Shadowfall and Amra Calaudra of Shadowfall to see Queen Talsara."
"We greet you young Prince Zaos." Llyra smiled. "We are honored by your visit. My queen will see you in just a few minutes. Perhaps you would like to rest and clean up after such a long journey from Shadowfall. We have set a small lunch for you while you wait to see the queen,"
"We thank you." Zaos bowed his head. "My men and carriage will need to be taken care of. I'm sure the queen's hospitality will see to them."
"They will be taken care of." Llrya snapped her fingers. "Have the horses waters then escort them to the house we have had prepared from. Follow me please.
As Llyra turned, Zaos, Amra and Edyrm followed her up into the palace.
Darkshade place was a great and beautiful palace carved of a black marble quarried for the black mountains of a Dwarven land far away. It had taken thousands of slaves many years long ago to build the Palace. Silks satins and many other rich materials had been used in the furnishings of the lavish place. Oaks and mahogany, walnut and pines are types of woods polished and carved in beautiful and intricate designs filled the palace. There were gold and silver and diamonds and other precious gems used in its decoration.
Ryel and Toric had seen many other handsome palaces before in their lives, but Darkshade was different. As they had rode through the city they had seen how the people lived and beside here in the palace, most of Darkshade lived a much more simpler life. The houses were beautiful and well made, but not like here at the palace.
As they made their way through the halls, Llyra pointed out works of art and different works of magic. Ryel knew she had been ordered to show these things to impress them, but all it really did was she the greed of Talsara. Ryel saw many things that had been stolen from the lands she had conquered. Fountains stolen from Dree and statues of Satyrs from Silvermoon. He saw plants that could have only come from one place. Eventide and it's wonderful gardens. It angered Ryel to see the trees that once stood so proud now looking weak and drab in the center courtyard in Talsara's palace.
On the second floor of the palace, Llrya guided them to an apartment where a table had been laid out with food and beverages from many different cultures.
"You may rest here until my queen sends for you." She held the door open as they went in. As they turned to thank her, Llrya put a finger to her lips to quiet them. "Be warned. Stay here, do not wander the halls. There are eyes on you Ryel."
With those words, Llrya shut the door and was gone. Ryel, Toric and Noelle stood staring at the door in utter shock.
Ryel put his hand up to quiet them. Then he put his finger to his lips to shut them up and nodded to Toric.


As the magic took hold in the room, the lights dimmed and a stillness was felt all around.
"We can talk now." Toric told them. "But we can't keep the spell for long. Someone might get suspicious."
"How can she know who you are?" Noelle asked. "Can she see through our disguise?"
"I don't think so." Ryel sat down. "If they could, we would already be in the dungeon. There must be some other way."
"Should we be worried about her?" Noelle asked. "She is a Darkshade. If she knows, who knows who else may know."
"We don't have any choice any more." Toric paced the room. "We're here now and there's no turning back. We have to find Aron, he's here somewhere. We are his only chance."
"Agreed." Ryel folded his arms. "We have to learn all we can from Talsara and figure out a way to stop her before she becomes to powerful and we have to watch out for Elan. With all that's been going on, he has to be on his way here. He won't leave Aron in his mothers hands knowing how she feels about them."
"So how do we find Aron?" Noelle went over and looked at the food on the table. She picked up a sweet cake and started licking off the sugar topping. "We'll never get the chance to search the palace, and unless you're thinking of committing a crime here, we won't ever get in the dungeons. So what do you want to do?"
"I have a suggestion." Toric smiled. "You Noelle, you can search the entire palace without anyone noticing."
"I can?" She stopped and put down the cake. "How?"
'You can communicate we the insects right?"
"Ants!!!" Noelle smiled getting Toric's idea. "They're all over the palace. They can find him if he's here. Give me a minute and I'll have them searching all over the palace."
"Hurry, I'm dropping my spell. We talk as Zaos, Amra, and Edyrm from here on. Be careful what you say."
As Toric dropped his spell, Noelle walked over to the window and pushed it open. She leaned out and sent out her orders to the insect life in and around the palace. Just then, the door opened and a Elven warrior came in to escort them down to see the queen.

The morning sun blazed high and hot as Braddoc rode the winds across the clear blue sky. He loved the feeling of the wind under his winds flowing across his back. Braddoc had flown before on Dragon back and hated it, but here he was with his great pair of wings flying under his own power feeling the freedom of the sky. It was the most intense incredible feeling he had ever felt and he loved it. But now it was time to get his mind back on the things at hand. The war and how he could help to stop it.
Since leaving Jandar and the others on Vanco Island, Braddoc had flown straight north heading back to Tir Na to report what had happened on the island. Jandar and the Mer were on there way to Aquilona to help Caldar free Aquilona and Dree. Gird and Viggo were on their way back to New Keanna  to help protect that city, and Braddoc had decided it was time he go him to check on his own clan.
Braddoc and his clan were nomadic travelers moving north and south from the warm lands of Dawnhorn in the south to New Keanna in the cooler north. They were hunters and warriors that could always be counted on to stand at the side of the Dragons in any conflict and as forest rangers in times of need.
As Braddoc winged his way north, he watched the lands below him always looking for trouble. He was over Silvermoon, the home of his cousins the Satyrs. Something didn't seem right here. Usually there would be Satyrs and Fauns in separate groups frolicking and dancing in the sunshine. But through his entire flight, he hadn't seen a single one. No one down by the river, no one was tending the grape vines and strangest of all, there was no one anywhere near any of the temples of Tyree.
Flying down, Braddoc touched ground just outside one of the temples. Silvermoon was as quiet as a tomb. No birds sang and none of the wildlife came out to meet him. As he trotted in, he noticed the spilled fruit and wine laying everywhere. Strangest of all was the broken statues that lay all about. Braddoc remember the statuary of the temples. There should have been three statues in each of the temples. A large one of Tyree standing holding his scepter and eating grapes and two smaller faunas at his side. In the temple, the statue of Tyree and the fauns were still there, but where did the broken statues come from? As Braddoc wandered around, he saw the tracks on the ground all around him. They weren't satyr tracks or faun tracks. They were Goblin and Elven tracks, the smell of Goblins was everywhere There had been a fight here, some kind of battle and the Satyrs did not do well. In places all around there were smashed statues. As Braddoc inspected them he realized, they weren't statues. They were the Fauns and Satyrs of Silvermoon smashed to bits. Someone, Dark elves probably had cast a spell on them and turned them into statues, then took their clubs and smashed them. Braddoc was horrified. He asked himself why and could only come up with one answer. Queen Talsara Darkshade. This had to be her hate behind this particular madness. But as Braddoc looked around, he saw the wagon tracks and the hoof prints that led to them. The Satyrs and Fauns had been loaded into wagons and taken away. If that was true, then it would be up to him and his hunting skills to find them and some how, get them free. Looks like he was about to have another really hard day.

"This is crazy." Kel said beside Aron as they hid in the shadows of the wall and watched Darkshade palace. "If anyone can see you, it's all over. We'll be caught and dragged back to that tower."
"No we won't." Aron whispered. "You'll never see that tower again. They'll take us straight to Talsara and she'll have us executed on the spot."
"Oh that's a relief." Kel frowned. "And here I was missing my cell. Are you sure about what you saw?"
"I'd know my own magic anywhere Kel. Noelle was in that coach, and If she was there, so is Ryel and the others. We just have to figure out a way to get to them."
"Well this might be your chance," He said as he pointed in through the gates. "Here comes that coach,"
As they watched, the Shadowfall coach drove up to the gate and was allowed out. Sitting in the drivers seat, Aron saw a red haired dwarf that could only be Orek Grayfist, urging the horses on to follow their Dark elf escort. Sitting beside him there was another Dark Elf. Aron wondered what Orek was doing riding with dark elves then a thought hit him. It could be a disguise. That could be Adanar or Ryel in disguise.
As the coach moved on. Aron grabbed Kel and pulled him out and the ran to were Jassin was hiding with the wagon. Jumping on, Aron pointed to the coach.
"Follow them."
"What? You have to be kidding?"
"No." Aron grabbed the reins and got the horses moving. "I know the driver. I think it's one of my friends."
"And if your wrong?" Kel asked.
"Then I have two warriors to fight at my side. Don't worry, I won't go near them unless I'm absolutely sure, now don't get to close."
It wasn't a long ride through Darkshade. From the palace they rode on through the market area and went left  and down a gully, under a bridge and into the section of the city where nobles of Darkshade lived. Lavish estates dotted the lands. All fenced in with gates and beautifully tended lawns, each house was almost like a palace in itself. Aron had seen nobles before. He had seen the homes of the well to do in Winterhaven, Vasagi and a few of the human cities. But Darkshade was different. Ever house ruled by a powerful lady who stood in dominance over all in her presence.
Aron wonder how it was that the Elven societies could be so different from land to land. Some ruled by kings, some by queens and some were rules by a council of elder. Though then had shared so much of their history's and life, Elan had never told Aron much of his families history. He did know Talsara was nothing like her mother. Queen Caline was not the harpy Talsara was. She had ruled for years with fairness and honor. But all that had changed on the day of her death. The day Talsara took over the throne.
As Aron, Jassin and Kel watched, the coach pulled off the road and went in through a gate marked Duskmere. They traveled up the driveway and stopped at the courtyard where their Dark elf escort said a few words and turned and left. After the escort left, Aron and Kel walked out to the gate and looked in.
"Who's house is this?" Aron asked.
"It's theirs for now." Kel snatched a sheet of parchment that had been posted at the gate. "This house was confiscate by the queen for treason. By now it's owners would be dead."
"Indeed they are." Jassin said sadly as he came out from hiding the wagon. "This is the home of Holone Duskmere. She was a member of Queen Caline's council. One of her most trusted and closest friends. She and her husband were executed for treason."
"What did she do?" Aron asked.
"Holone was a cousin to Caline. That was her only crime."
"Your saying Talsara killed her because she was a rival for the throne?" Kel's anger showed in his eyes. There was once a day when he would have died for Talsara. But that was many many years ago.
"Holone and her daughter Rev'en were in line for the throne." He told them. "And Caline would have picked them before Talsara. Caline was no fool. She knew what her daughter was and how dangerous she was. Her only fault was she thought she could teach Talsara humility, how to rule with heart and mind instead anger and cruelty. She failed and it cost her, her life and her throne."
"What about Wyn?" Aron asked. He couldn't believe Elan's father was as cruel as his mother. He didn't think so but he had to know for sure if he could really be an ally.
"Other then you." Jassin looked deeply into Aron's eyes. "No man on Keanna could love the prince more. He is my cousin and both of us will die before we allow her to hurt either of you. That I swear."
"Diola lle." Aron felt relief at Jassin's answer. King Wyn had never given Aron any reason to doubt him, but Jassin's reassurance made him feel a lot better. "So Kel, take Argus and watch him while I go and check on the elves in the house. Keep out of sight, this road may not be as safe as we think it is."
As Aron reached in to check on the sleeping Imp, he felt nothing. He opened the bad and looked in. Argus wasn't there. The bag was empty.
"Where is he?"? Aron looked at Kel. "He's gone."
"The king must have called him." Jassin said. "Don't worry, he'll find you when he he is needed."
"Don't worry about the Imp." Kel said. "I'm going with you to keep you safe."
"No." Aron shook his head and took the dice and his pack and gave it to Kel. "Let me do this by myself. I can move faster alone and there would be less chance of someone spotting me. Stay here and hold on to these. I'll be fine."
After climbing over the wall, Aron went low and cast a shimmering effect around himself to blend in with the greenery in the gardens. He looked at the house to be sure no one was out in the courtyard, then started moving slowly towards the house. The driveway was lined with a series of trees and shrubs and many different colored flowers. As he walked, a breeze blow helping him blend with his shimmering cover. From the driveway, Aron slipped over to the carriage house and the stables where the horses were tied, fed and watered. From there he could see the house. Nothing was moving. The dwarven driver and the dark elf must be somewhere in the house.
As Aron stepped out to go to the house, someone tackled him and threw him wrestling to the ground. With a spell in mind, Aron had to fight hand to hand. On his back, Aron punched up at the Dark elf the held him hitting him in his face. Holding Aron down, the elf quickly sent his knee up into Aron's groin knocking the wind out of him. Standing up, the elf kicked at Aron and pulled his knife as he tried to roll to the side and get away. Without thinking, Aron rolled over and brought his hand up finally ready with a spell.
A hand reached out and grabbed Artin by his shoulder and pulled him away before he could stab the blade down and into Aron's chest. Looking up, Aron found Orek and Denner standing over him.
"Aron?" Orek looked at him as if he were a phantom  from a long lost memory. "Is it really you?"
"It's me alright." He smiled reaching out his hand for help up. "Battered and bruised but alive. Anyone want to help me up?"

From the double doors into Talsara's throne room, Toric and Noelle like the prince and princess of the realm walked with there heads held high. Behind them, Ryel followed. Like a knight escorting a great lady, Toric held Noelle's hand as they approached the throne. Before them lounging comfortably on her throne, Queen Talsara Darkshade watched as she casually sipped from a glass of sparkling wine.
"I bid you welcome to Darkshade Prince Zaos." Her voice was lite and sweet as she smiled and gave them a little. "I trust you will enjoy your time here with us. I have many plans for the Shadow and Dark elves together."
"As my Father promised." Toric bowed dropping his eyes top the floor to show his acceptance of her as his master. "I am at your command."
"And who is this you have with you?" Talsara asked eyeing his companion.
"This is Amra Calaudra. My future queen, here to stand at my side and follow any orders you have for Shadowfall."
"Welcome to Amra." Talsara stood and stepped down to stand over them. "I'm sure you will serve Shadowfall wisely. As a matter of fact, I have something I want you to do."
"Anything my queen." Toric bowed.
"There is someone here hiding somewhere in Darkshade that I want you to find. A pest I need to be rid of. My warriors seem to be having trouble finding him. Perhaps you will have more luck. I believe Shadowfall is renowned for it's skill at tracking."
"We are." Toric smiled a sly smile. "Who is it you want us to find?
"A forest elf by the name of Aron Neveral." Talsara had a sour look on her face. Toric just kept a straight face showing no recognition when he heard the name. "He's a foul beast and he has offended me and my family and spread his corruption to far. I will have his head. I will give you full access to search anywhere you need. Bring him to me alive."
"I will need something of his to track him with."
"There my be something you can use in his cell." Talsara walked down to a table filled with fruit and exotic dishes of food. She plucked a cherry from a bowl and popped it in her mouth. "One of my guards will show you the way to the dungeon. Keep me informed of your progress. I want him found as soon as possible."
Toric was going to ask why she wanted him so bad, but he didn't think that would be a very good idea. Instead he bowed and promised they would find him. As they turned to leave, Noelle sent him a message.
[He is not in the dungeon or anywhere in the palace.]
[I didn't think so.] Toric sent. [Still, the dungeon is a good place to start. Maybe we can find a clue as to where he may have gone.]
As Toric, Ryel and Noelle left the throne room, an elven guard stepped out from the side.
"This way to the dungeon."
Toric nodded and waved him on. As Toric and Noelle followed the guard off towards the dungeon entrance, a small pair of beady eyes watched from a hidden place near the ceiling. He wanted to watch the Shadowfall elves, he didn't trust them and it had been him who let Aron escape. It should be Aesis who brought him back before the queen. But Talsara had something else she wanted Aesis to do. He was to bring Elan home so his Mother could punish him for what she called his sins.

As Kranko stepped into the tent of Per Lhoris, the Dark elf stood at his staring down at the scepter of Tyree. It was about three long and gnarled like a limb from an ordinary tree but something about it was different. It wasn't just wood, it had been fashioned of fairy oak. Legends say it was made from the first and oldest oak to ever grow on Keanna in the center of Fay Shrea. Kranko looked at it, he could see streaks of silver and gold running all through the scepter. At its head there was a golden set of rams horns gleaming and sparkling in the light. Per stood there with his hand held over the scepter using his magic to try and unlock the secrets buried deep within. He didn't know much of magic. He had seen it used many times in his life, used on him and against him in battles. He had seen fairies magic and the magic of his hated enemies the leprechauns. He had seen witched and warlocks and even the magic of Dragons. But never in his life had he seen with his own eyes the magic of the gods. This scepter he knew was a god thing. Created for and by a god, Tyree.
Though a god of the wild, Tyree wasn't a god of the Goblins. The Goblins worshiped an old god, one of hate and vengeance. A mad god. They worshiped Cressca the black and unforgiving.  In the old days, Cressca's priest would hold services in his many temples spread all across Taggitia doing sacrifices and spreading Cressca's brand of hate all over the continent, until Jandar and the Dragons were able to put a stop to it and tear down the main temple. After that, Cressca tried to rise again as a weapon of Muerte, but again the Bat thing was taken down by the dragon force hopefully never to rise again.
Now here was Talsara and her dark magic trying to take control of another gods magic. Kranko wasn't sure he had the stomach for this. He had a deep feeling that this going to be very bad for him and the rest of his tribe. Vile Scabreath be damned, Kranko had no intentions on getting himself on the wrong side of Tyree or and other god. Queen Talsara would have to do her own bidding from now on. Kranko cared not what she said. He would take his warriors and start his own tribe.
"What do you want Goblin?" Per asked breaking Kranko's train of thought. "Can you not see that I am busy."
"I see many things Elf." Kranko continued in stopping at the table where Per was examining the scepter. "What I do not see is why we are here. Why does Talsara hate these goats so much? They can never do any harm to her. This land is of no use to her. What does she want here?"
"She wants to make an example of the Saurarea." Per looked at Kranko with such enthusiasm the Goblin didn't quite understand. He knew what Saurarea meant. Foul one's, but he wasn't sure what was meant by it. Satyrs and fauns were wild but so were the Goblins. Could Talsara turn on them next? She sure could. "They live a blasphemous life. Makes with males and females with females. Talsara means to put an end to their disgusting ways."
Kranko still wasn't sure what the hell he was talking about, but he didn't like these Dark elves. He didn't trust very many people and these Dark elves seem to talk in circles. The gleam in Pers eyes when he gazed at the scepter scared Kranko. If somehow he found the way to use the scepter, Kranko had a feeling sooner or later to would end up pointed at him. At that moment, Kranko made the decision that Talsara would never hold that scepter in her hands. He would have to steal it and find a way to get it to some where safe. And the only safe place he could think of was to get it back where it belonged. He would have to help these damned goats and the Dark elves would have to be defeated.

As the sun started its way down though the sky, Pacius searched every hollow and cave. He checked Faun villages and Satyr hold. Every fire circle and temple for anyone he thought could help fight the Dark elves and Goblins. He found the young of both the Satyrs and the Fauns with a few of the elders taking care of them, but it seems like all of the adults were either captured or under the dark spell and statues now. Satyr and Faun statues were everywhere stuck in all positions. They were frozen in dance, eating and in many cases, having sex.
Pacius went down and checked many of the lakes and watering holes for any of the different races that sometimes stopped there for shelter or just for a drink. As he knelt at the lake, he prayed to Tyree to send him help. Any  race, anyone strong enough to help them stand against the Dark elves and Goblins.
With a sigh, Pacius stood and turned to head back to find Elan. Suddenly he heard the sound of horses coming. Pacius ducked down into the tall grass to keep from being seen. As he looked up he heard a voice shout.
"Over there!"
Looking out, Pacius saw four Dark elves on horse back galloping at him. Panicking, Pacius jumped out and started running up the hill towards the trees. Once there they would have to dismount if the planned to chase him, but the tree line was pretty far off, and he wasn't sure if he could beat the horses.
Running as fast as he could, jumping logs and anything in his way, Pacius made for the safety of the forest. He could hear the sounds of the horses getting gaining on him from behind. Pouring on a burst of extra speed, Pacius leaped high over a boulder to come down running. As he looked back to see the riders almost on him, two more came out of the forest in front of him. Fear gripped Pacius stomach as he stopped and pulled his dagger with trembling hands and got ready for the two in front to close on him. Like a cornered tiger, Pacius screeched a terrifying scream and leaped at the first rider slashing and stabbing at the Dark elf's chest. Satyrs though usually peaceful and non aggressive were very strong. Gritting his teeth, Pacius fought for his life. He had seen his father and others killed by the Dark elves. If he was going to die, Pacius planned to die fighting for his home and people.
Pulling the elf down from his horse, Pacius slide his blade across his throat and dropped him to be ready for the attack he knew would be on him in just a second.
As Pacius looked up for the second Dark elf, a shadow dropped down from the sky and knocked the Dark elf from his horse to roll on the ground. Not waiting and thanking Tyree for the luck,Pacius jumped on the elf and sank his dagger into the elf's chest again and again. As he looked up he saw something he thought could only be sent by Tyree himself.
From the sky with sword in hand, a huge winged Centaur came down and attacked the dark elves. His first strike was like lightning. He came down and struck an elf cutting him right out of his saddle then dropped down to land between Pacius and the Dark elves.
"Kill them both!" A Dark elf yelled charging at the Centaur.
With a sly smile the Centaur folded his wings to his back and held his sword ready. As the two Dark elves charged, the Centaur dived right between them swinging his sword left the right with amazing speed and beheaded the two elves. without stopping their bodies fell as their horse ran off into the forest.
Sheathing his weapon, the Centaur turned and looked at the Satyr who stared back at him still in shock from what had just happened.
"Aiya friend. You looked like you could use a hand here."
"By the horns of Tyree." Pacius stuttered. "Did he send you here to answer my prayer?"
"Could be." The Centaur laughed. "Maybe he did at that. My name is Braddoc. I see you are having Dark elf troubles, can I be of any assistance?"
So much relief poured over Pacius, he almost passed out. Here he had just been praying for some kind of help against the Dark elves, and who comes flying out of the cloud? Only the strongest of all the followers of Tyree, the Centaurs. And this one looked as if he could take on an army.
"We are simple people here in Silvermoon." Pacius told Braddoc. "Followers of Tyree that live and follow his laws of nature. Now the Dark elves have come and Queen Talsara I'm told means to put and end to all of us and destroy our homes. We need your help brave Braddoc. Help me and my friend to return Tyree's scepter before it is to late and Silvermoon falls before the Dark queen."
"Queen Talsara's hand has been felt in many lands lately." Braddoc said. "From New Keanna all the way down to the warm waters of the Shyr. Taggitia suffers under her and Lord Larin's campaign of terror. My bow and sword are here for another follower of Tyree. How can I help you?"
"Come and meet my friend Elan. He to has promised to help Silvermoon."
"Elan?" Braddoc knew that name but it can't be him. Last he had heard, Elan was in Winterhaven fighting Lord Larin. How could he be all the way out here? "Take me to your friend Elan. We'll see what can be done to free Silvermoon."

It was dark and quiet in the tent of Pers Lhoris as he sat and used his magic to scan Tyree's scepter. His queen had ordered him to put it somewhere safe until she could get there to retrieve it, but this was no ordinary magical object. This was something made by and for a god. If Pers could unlock its secrets, he could become more powerful then Talsara herself. As he scanned the scepter he saw bands of magic in and around the scepter that was so far beyond him, he was almost afraid to touch it. There were bands of red and gold with shades of silver and what looked to him like bronze that glowed so intensely. With a gesture Pers touched the first band to unravel it and felt the power send a slight tingle all through his body. Feeling stronger, Pers was able to get the first band free and moved on to a silver string he thought looked like it would be safe to touch. This time a more burning sensation ran up his arms and into his chest. It burned but felt good, also intoxicating.
The next band under his fingers looked gray. Pers gazed at it wondering if he should attempt a try at it. Grey and black bands and strings were very dangerous to work if one wasn't sure how to work them. But Pers had been schooled in the dark arts by Talsara. He was confident in his knowledge and techniques in the working of dark powers.
Calling on his teachings, Pers slipped his finger in and ordered the grey strand to wrap itself around around his hand. The second Pers came in contact with the grey strand, he knew he had done something wrong. Intense pain ripped into his body stabbing straight into his mind. Pers tried to relax and order the strand off but it was to late. It had made contact and was already burrowing deep into his mind. Summoning more power, Pers tried with all his might to unravel himself from the god string that held him tight. As he poured his power in, the string sucked it up and grew thicker and thicker. In seconds Pers mind was screaming. He fell cringing grabbing his head as the scepter began to pulse with magic. Waves of black and grey strands flowed out from the scepter all through the night. looking for something to latch on to.
Outside Pers tent, a group of Dark elves jumped dropping their dinner as they heard Pers screaming. Leaping to their feet they grabbed weapons and ran to the tent entrance. As they approached, waves of magic emanated out and took a hold of each elf that came to answer Pers call. Grabbing at their heads, the Elves fell to the ground screaming and withering in pain. Excruciating pan and agony filled their minds as each elf rolled around on the ground. Reaching up, an elf watched in horror as course hair began to sprout all along his arms. His hands made a snapping crunch sound as his fingers merged and began to change. The Darkshade uniforms stretched and ripped away as his legs split and began to reform. His vision blurred and suddenly he saw with a completely different set of eyes. No longer did he see through two separate eyes, now he saw eight views through eight orbs that grew in his spider head. With one last scream, the chelicerae formed with two deadly fangs dropping with venom. Rising up on six newly formed legs, the Arachnid stood and looked down on the monster it had become.
Ripping his way free from the tent, Pers scurried out into the cool summer night. No longer did he think with the mind of a Dark elf. Queen Talsara's evil orders were no longer important in his spider mind. Now as the largest of the Arachnids, he had power her had never had before and it felt good. Talsara wanted the Satyrs dead, well so did Pers. But not for the same reason. He didn't care about how they lived or who they were anymore. Now, he wanted Silvermoon to be the home of a new Arachnid race. A place where he could start something that will be more powerful then any elf, human or dragon. With a series of clicks and snaps, Pers called out to his new brothers big and small to hunt. They were to find the Satyrs, Fauns and Goblins and bring them back to be wrapped and stored to feed the young once Pers choose a queen from the female Arachnids. As he watched then scutter out into the forest, Pers laughed deep inside. At last he thought he was an equal to his former queen and once she came to Silvermoon and he had her in his power, her magic would be his.

It had been a strange night for Kranko Fearfist. He had taken his Goblin warriors and left the camp of the Dark elves. Kranko had learned Talsara's plans and knew what she had in mind would anger at least on god. Tyree would not like what she had planned in Silvermoon and he wasn't sure how the goddess Angela would react to all the senseless death. He knew Cressca would be pleased if he still was in power, but Angela was not known to be so blood thirsty. Her views on death were totally different from the old death gods. He could only guess but getting away from the mad Elven queen seemed like the wise thing to do.
As Kranko led his band of Goblins away from the Dark elves, they stopped at one of Tyree's temple. This was Tyree's main temple, the one where the scepter had been stolen from. With the moon high overhead, Kranko stood in front of a statue of Tyree and thought over his options. He knew he wasn't far from the border and he could be back in Fay Shrea by sun up, but that would leave the Satyrs to the mercy of Pers and his Dark elves. That would surely mean their deaths. The death of the Satyrs shouldn't bother the Goblin, but something deep inside of him just didn't like what he knew was about to happen. He looked up at Tyree and did something strange for a Goblin. He prayed.
"You are not the god of my people." He said. "But many in Fay Shrea hold you in high esteem. So I, Kranko Fearfist ask for your advice. What is it you want of me? What should I do?"
As Kranko watched, the eyes on the statue began to glow. Life filled the statue and it took a deep breath then looked down on him.
"What of the Dark elves?" Kranko asked kneeling with his eyes cast down. "Are we to battle them for the Satyrs?"
"And what do I get for bringing back your scepter?" Kranko asked think he and his clan might get the blessing of the wild god. "Maybe I should hold on to the scepter to keep it safe."
Suddenly the sky drew dark and thunder cracked as a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky to strike the ground next to Kranko.
Scared, Kranko jumped back and ran from the temple. As he met his twenty five warriors, another lightning bolt struck the ground and the Goblins screamed in fear and ran after him back towards the Elven camp.


  1. Diola lle. = Thank you.
    Saurarea. = Foul ones

  2. Taggitia is the continent where New Keanna, Tir Na and is located.
