High in the summer skies over Aspara Baugh, a sudden explosion of light appeared like a new born star. From the light a portal opened up and Tempus the dragon of time and speed roared his way back onto Keanna. From the front position on his back, Zarin looked out for any landmarks to tell him where they were. From where he sat he could see the great trees of Eventide and the blue waves of the Shyr ocean. There was only one sun shining overhead and all the foliage was a deep forest green. They were home, back on Keanna.
"Are we back?" Thalia asked eagerly. "Really?"
"I think so." Reno said. "It looks like somewhere in the south."
"Aspara Baugh." Zarin assured them. "This is Eventide beneath us. Winterhaven is that way north, more than two days ride."
[I can have us in Winterhaven in and hour if that's where you want to go.] Tempus told them.
"We have to find Tabor." Zarin said grimly. "He'll be looking for his father."
"And how do we find him?" Dack asked. "He could be anywhere."
"A location spell?" Craven suggested.
"Good idea but I have no way to orient a spell on Tayor Larin or Tabor." Dack said. "And I'm not sure I'd want to if I could."
"Why?" Thalia asked.
"Tayor Larin isn't just some average mage." Dack explained. "He's a master with more knowledge about location spells then I will probably ever have. If I cast one on him, he'll feel it and be able to trace it right back to us, and there goes our chance at surprise."
"What about the ring?" Zarin asked. "Can we locate that?"
"I can't." Dack shook his head no.
"But I can." Trip smiled. "Lady Kordova did something that makes me immune to the power of the ring."
"How's that going to help?" Thalia asked.
"In order to be immune to its power." He explained. "I also have to be able to feel it."
"Then you can find Tabor?" Zarin had a look of revenge in his eyes.
"As long as he wears the ring I can." Trip nodded.
"Then find him and keep track of him." Zarin said. "I want to know where we can find him at any moment."
[Is that where you want to go?] Tempus asked.
"No. We'll need something to match the power of the ring if we want to defeat Tabor." Zarin explained. "We'll need help and I know who might be able to help us. I need to talk with Professor Insa right away. We should be able to do that from Eventide. Emrel and Adanar's parents rule in Eventide. They should be able to get us in touch with Winterhaven."
"That's if there's even anyone alive down there." Dack said. "It looks pretty dark."
"Have faith Dack. We made it home right, we're not finished yet."
The forest was quiet and peaceful as Tempus came down to land. He stretched out his leg and let the others climb down then made the shift back to his human form. As he walked out to meet the others he looked up at the dark walls of Eventide. Dack had been right, the city did look deserted. There were no lights shining from the top of the wall or from any of the trees. Broken furniture littered the ground around the gatehouse and outside wall in front of the gate. The only light visible was a glowing sphere hovering high over the wall. As Zarin and the others approached, it flared brighter and began to throb.
"What is that?" Craven asked.
"The doorbell." Reno answered.
"How does it work?"
"Let's find out." Zarin said as he stepped up to the gate. "Aiya. I am Zarin Testa of Winterhaven. We have come here looking for friends."
As Zarin introduced himself, the sphere flashed three times then disappeared. He looked back at the others puzzled as to what he should do next. Just as he was about to ask for suggestions the gate creaked and started to open. Zarin stepped back unsure of what might come out to greet or attack them.
As the gate opened torches flared to life all around the gate and someone stepped out of the dark interior. What stepped out from the gate was a surprise for them all. A tall blond haired man with amazingly bright wings. It looked like an angel. Right behind the angel came a friendly face they all knew.
Thalia ran and threw her arms around her in a big hug. Emrel laughed as she was lifted and swung around.
"We're so glad to see you here at home safe." Thalia smiles as everyone came over and started asking questions. "Tell me. hows your family? What's happened while we were away?"
"Slow down." Jayce smiled holding out his hand. "We'll answer your question when we get inside. I have a few for you too."
As Jayce led them into the great hollow tree and up into the city, Zarin and the others followed amazed at the beautiful carvings of Eventide's history decorating the walls. There were scenes from the cities beginnings when the first Eventide and his mate found the mystic grove and met Rhea the earth goddess. Rhea had found the two cold and starving being chased by Garnr, goblins and trolls. She promised them a land where they could live and raise a family if they promised to always protect the grove and all nature in and around their new lands. With their promise, she dubbed the land Eventide and bonded the elves to the land.
As they walked they saw scenes of wars and enemies that had tried for century's to invade Eventide. There were scenes of heroes, kings, knights and many different events from Eventide history. Zarin stopped and studied a scene where a tall elven mage battled against a dark elf. As the walls moved he saw bolts of magic being hurled back and forth at each other until the dark elf fell and was cast out from Eventide. There was a scene where a young elven warrior rode on the back of a great dragon into battle in defense of the tree city. It seemed that dragons and elves had had a long history as allies in Fay Shrea. He wasn't surprised. Eventide and it's elves were very honorable. Zarin hoped that alliance was still intact. The elves might be able to help them a great deal in what the future might bring.
As they left the airway and stepped out onto a walkway to the palace, there were many elves out cleaning and repairing railways and walkway. Fixing downed walls and roofs with gaping hole. The city looked as if it had just come through a great battle. This had to be the work of Tayor Larin or the Dark queen.
"This way." Emrel took the lead into the palace. "The damage you see all around is from Darkshades attempt to invade and steal our home. Talsara and her magic did a great deal of damage. But I should let the king explain. Follow me, you must be hungry. The king is waiting in a small dining room. I will have something sent in for you."
"Thank you Emrel." They all bowed to the princess as they passed her and headed on to a balcony that over looked the grove. There they found a table set with plates, silverware and glasses for a small meal. On the table there was platters of eggs scrambled and fried sunny side up. Sliced bacon, ham and hot cakes. There was fruit and hot cereal. Everything was steaming and looked delicious.
"Have a seat and eat." Jayce waved them on. "The king will join you in a moment."
Dack and Reno moaned and dived in. It had been a long time since any of them had a normal meal. Food on Pentanthin had been very different. There were no eggs or anything like ham and bacon. The fruit on Pentanthin was more of the citrus type then the apples, grapes and melons of Keanna. And as for hot cereal, well there was something like rice. They did make a kind of porridge from some Pentanthin grain, but oatmeal, Pentanthin had nothing like oats.
As everyone enjoyed their breakfast, two elven guards came in to the balcony followed by a young elf dressed in the blue and red uniform of the Andrake academy. Dropping his fork, Zarin stared in shock as Adanar Eventide walked to the head of the table and sat down.
"Adanar?" Dack smiled. "It's good to you. We're waiting for the king."
"That would be me." He smiled. "Welcome to Eventide my friends. It's good to see you all safe. Tell me, what's happened to the academy? Is everyone ok?"
"We have a lot to tell you your majesty." Zarin stood and bowed. "Where to start is the question."
"Start with what happened." Adanar said anxiously. "After Emrel and I left, we heard the school just disappeared. Vanished into thin air. Everyone thought Tayor Larin had cast some strange magic and was holding the school hostage somewhere."
"He didn't take the school." Thalia said. "But in a way, he was responsible for its disappearance."
"Hows that?"
"Well as we were told by Azeal Zlenka and Tannis Gaelich." Trip cleared his throat to explain. "When Tayor and his forces took over the Winterhaven, a lot of people were trapped in the city hurt and wounded. Citizens and guards that had fought against his coup. There was no safe place to go. Nowhere to hide accept the academy, so that's where everybody went. Of course they held the gates open and took in as many people as they could until Tayor made his move against the academy."
For the next half an hour, They described what they had been told about the attack and the transfer of the school from Keanna to Pentanthin. They told of the weird purple planet and its many different animals, customs and people. They told Adanar about the Savonti and the enslavement of the Humans. The lords, common warriors, Nevac and the Humans. Trip explained all about the strange abilities of the lords and the Humans and their powers. Then they told him of the prophesy and Shayn and Ono's part in bringing the Savonti, Nevac and Humans together and getting the Humans their freedom and ending the age old war the planet had been suffering. Lastly they told him of Tabor Larin. How he had been sent to find the ring and how he had murdered Zarin's mother, helped the Savonti and escaped with the ring. When they were finished, Adanar went on to explain what had been happening here on Keanna.
"In the last reports from Winterhaven." Adanar explained. "Morganz told us of Sarella's betrayal. Her and a few allies took control over Lord Larin's forces and now they march without him. She somehow raised a army of the dead and Taggitia under attack. They lost a few of the lands they had taken and they're moving to get them back. Most of Fay Shrea is now protected by a new ally my brother Ryel and his friends found."
"A new ally you say?" Reno leaned forward curious on the table. "Are you sure they can be trusted?
"If Ryel says we can trust them." Adanar nodded. "That's good enough for me. I've met with the leader of the troops around Eventide and I get a good feeling from them."
"What about Tayor Larin?" Zarin asked. "He's not going to just go away, especially since Tabor is back and he has the Ring of Endrin. He's going to find his father and join with him. That ring is just what they need to get them back in control of their forces."
"What do you suggest?" Adanar asked. "I'm open to any suggestions you might have."
"I need to speak with Professor Insa." Zarin said. "We need help. It's going to take everyone to stop this war."
"I'll message Morganz right away." Adanar stood up and called for one of his guards. "Insa is still in Winterhaven protecting the city, he'll want to know you're all safely back. What about the rest of the academy?"
"I think it'll be back as soon as Pentanthin is safe." Reno pushed back his empty plate and put down his napkin. "That shouldn't be too long. Shayn and Ono had things pretty well in hand when we left. The Savonti's rule was finished and they knew it. Lord Daru and his allies were the only opposition left to defeat."
"You make it sound like an easy win?"
"Oh no." Thalia shook her head. "Lord Daru is the most powerful lord on the whole planet. His mind powers combined with his numbers and that control collar make him very dangerous. But Shayn and Ono have very powerful allies and a reason to win. Right will win over might this time I'm sure."
"That's good to hear." Adanar smiled. " You must all be tired. I'll have rooms prepared for all of you so you can rest until I hear from Morganz."
"Do you think it will be long?" Zarin asked as they all got up from the table.
"No." Adanar smiled patting Zarin on the back. "Once Insa hears your here, he'll want to talk to you immediately. A few hours maybe. Enough time for you to rest."
"Thank you your Majesty." Zarin bowed.
"Adanar." He smiled. "Adanar to my friends always. Follow me. I'll show you to your rooms."
On a hill outside of Winterhaven, Youron watched as the assault on the city walls continued. Sarella had ordered her dead to march on Winterhaven and attack. Hundreds were surrounding the city and beating at the walls and the city gate to get in. So far the power of the magic city was holding them out, but no one knew how long that would last against the constant assault.
From the top of the wall, Insa, Pelic and Morganz watched as the horde of healed corpses plotted different ways to gain entry. Ladders were hobbled together from destroyed wagons and pieces of stray wood then placed against the walls for climbing. Siege towers were created and lastly, battering rams were made from tall trees out of the forest. But none of that worked. Like Vasagi, Winterhaven was a very old city forged with century's old magic. Spells had been formed long ago to counter many different types of attacks. The city itself could defend its walls but Winterhaven after Lord Larin's attack wasn't as strong as it had been. The cities magic depended on its people and right now they weren't at their best.
"How much longer do you think we have?" Morganz asked.
"I'm not sure." Insa said. "Taggitia has had many wars recently and Winterhaven has fought off many attacks. The city is weak and needs time to heal itself and all this is not helping."
"What should we do?" Pelic asked his voice bold and deep coming out of his hood.
"We have to fight of this attack and think of some way to keep them away so the city can heal." Insa stared out at a siege tower as statue guardians rose up from their post and attacked the towers. With stone swords and axes they jumped down into the crowd of dead and struck down the towers and ladders. Then like the loyal golems they were, they fought their way to the gates and took up a defensive position to keep the enemy out.
"They need help." Morganz pulled his sword. "We need help. What about the Dragons?"
"Still in the trance like sleep." Insa shook his head. "The few awake are busy fighting in different places. I can call them but I'm not sure who or how many can answer or if they can make it in time."
"We better think of something fast." Morganz ran to the gate and ordered his men to get in position. He wanted mages ready with earth and fire spells, they were going out.
"Look." Marcus Dante pointed up into the sky. Insa looked out and saw hope riding in on the hot summer winds. "Whats that?"
"From the size and color." Insa smiled. "That can only be one thing. Its the Dragon you asked for. That is King Rage."
[With news that may be able to help here.]
[Then come on and be welcome.] Insa sent.
As the golems battled at the gate, Rage circled and dropped down to land on the wall. Beside him flew Valkar, Adam and Athene. As they shifted back to human form, Insa and Pelic came over to greet them.
"It's good to see you all." Pelic grasped Valkar's hand. "Tell me, what's the good news?"
"Watch and see." Athene stepped up to the wall." Can someone get everyone's attention please."
Taking a deep breath, Rage let out a mighty roar that shook the walls and everything around them.
For a few minutes no one moved down on the battlefield. Then slowly many of the dead dropped their weapons and turned and started to walk away. They headed back into the forest heading for the place they had risen from to put their souls back to rest.
"No!!" Youron screamed from his hill. "Come back and fight! Your queen commands you!"
What was left was a small band of warriors that still stood with Youron ready to continue the fighting.
"Take your warriors back to Sarella." Athene called out. "Or come on and we'll put them to rest in flames. Go tell Sarella Winterhaven will not belong to her or Tayor Larin. Winterhaven, New Keanna, Tir Na and Yadessa is free and we will fight here with everything in our power. So come if you dare!!"
As Athene finished, a cheer went up from the people of Winterhaven and suddenly the city started shining brighter.
"We'll see about that witch!" Youron screamed back with his fist raised. "Sarella will return for you and all your friends and you won't be able to bargain with her warriors. Count on it!"
With that, Youron called together his forces and led them off away from Winterhaven. As they watched them march off, Adam turned to Valkar.
"This isn't over. They will be back and Sarella will be with them."
"We'll just have to be ready for her." He said. "For now, we should check on our allies and see if anyone needs help."
"Good idea." Insa said. "Tir Na could use help at the borders. I'll contact Tof and see what he needs."
Just then, Morganz ran up holding a message stone.
"There's someone in Eventide who wants to speak with you." He held out the stone to Insa. Insa with a curious look took the stone wondering what Adanar could want. He hope it wasn't trouble calling. He stepped aside then held it up to eye level to orient the connection. As the contact was made, Adanar's image appeared over the stone.
"Aiya King Adanar." He bowed. "What can I do for you today?"
"I have guest here that need to talk to you." Adanar passed the stone on to someone. For a second the connection was lost and the image blurred. Then Zarin Testa appeared. Insa almost dropped the stone in surprise, then recovered and smiled with glee at seeing his student.
"Zarin!" Insa's feeling of happiness and relief at seeing him poured through the stone. "Thank the gods your alright! How are the rest of your group? Is everyone ok?"
"We're fine Professor." Zarin smiled. "We all made it back safe and sound."
"Thank Rimnar." Insa smiled. "That's good. We have a lot to talk about."
"Yes we do." Zarin assured him. "But right now we're all still in deep trouble. Tabor found the ring and he brought it back here with him. I think he plans to reunite with his father and give him the ring."
"We can't allow that to happen." Insa frowned. Zarin could see how distressed he was by the news. "We have to get it back. The Ring of Endrin is one of the most dangerous magical items ever created."
"Getting it back won't be easy." Zarin said. "We need some way to fight its magic and none of us have magic that powerful."
"Not many on Keanna have the power to resist the rings magic. Even Jandar would fall before it's power. Even I can't stand very long against it." Then Insa stopped. Zarin could tell something had just crossed his mind.
"What is it Professor?"
"There is something that can counter the rings magic." Insa's eyes sparked with wisdom. "Long ago when the world was younger and many dark gods held claim to lands around Keanna, there was a dragon king named Brawn. Brawn was a earth dragon and a dragon of strength. His very footsteps could cause earthquakes and his roar could blast down trees. In Brawn's time there was a dark lord who ruled the land of Endrin named Azariah Tezor. Azariah Tezor was a master or dark magic and a master at fashioning magical weapons. He created the Ring of Endrin in order to bring the dragon clans under his sway. It almost worked until Brawn and three other dragon Kings combine their magic and created something to oppose the ring. With the strength of Brawn, the fire of Wildfire, fire dragon of Dalyor in the south. And the energy of Force, air dragon of Connak in the far west, the Chain of Power was created. Now the powers of the chain have been forgotten over the century's but with it, Brawn was able to defeat the ring and kill Azariah Tezor. Then Brawn took it and hid it deep in a cave near his lair."
"Then we should go get it." Zarin said. "It's our only hope against Tabor and the ring. Do you have any idea where it was hidden?"
"I know where Brawn's lair was." Insa told him. "I mean where his clan made their home. But it could be anywhere in Slovonia. Anywhere in one of the deep caves. You'll have to search for it."
"I'd need a little more than that, or we could be searching for days."
Insa thought for a few minutes. He searched his memory for any clue he had heard through the centuries. Then it hit him.
"Brawn was a earth dragon." He said. "Look for the greatest deposit of gold and jewels in Slovonia. It'll be buried deep, deeper than his lair, some place hot. You'll need heat protection."
"And we'll need to hurry." Zarin said. "We'll think of something. Thank you Professor. I'll message you once we find it."
"Quel marth." Insa bowed. "Aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle."
Closing the connection, Zarin turned to the group who had been listening at the table. He gave the stone back to Adanar and thanked him.
"Well you all heard what he said." He sat back down to address his friends. "There is something that will counter the powers of the ring and we're going to need it fast if we're going to fight Tabor. But we have to go find it."
"We could do that." Dack said. "I'm pretty good at locating things."
"But your better at locating people." Zarin pointed out. That's why I think it's a better idea if you go find Tabor. You can take Trip and Thalia with you. Together you three should be able to keep a watch on him so we can find him when we're ready."
"What about the Chain?" Reno asked.
"That, you me and Rese can go after." He said. "I have a feeling we'll need a dragon on this and he's the fastest of us all."
"What about me?" Craven asked.
"You and Zark can go spy on Sarella. Do whatever you can to disrupt her war efforts without causing suspicion."
"And how are we going to find her?" Craven asked.
"Sarella is fortifing her army." Adanar told them. "She's recruiting the Orc's. She'll be in Ardia."
"Ardia?" Zark said. "Very dangerous place for a human."
"I can disguise myself as an Orc." Craven said. "No one will know who I am."
"But you can not fight like and Orc."
"That's why I have you." Craven smiled. "You are my strong arm."
"And I always will be." Zark nodded proudly. "But you will have to listen to everything I say and follow my commands without question."
"I trust you my friend." Craven patted his arm. "I will follow you."
"Fine." Zarin stood up. "We leave in the morning. Everyone get a good night's sleep."
With the ring of a bell, Adanar's house staff came come and escorted everyone to warm comfortable rooms for the night. As everyone left, he pulled Zarin aside for a talk.
"I'd like to help you Zarin but I have my hands full with keeping Eventide safe from the Darkshades." He explained. "Queen Talsara isn't done with us, I know that. My younger brothers are still out there somewhere trying to put an end to her madness."
"I understand." Zarin grasped his wrist. "If there's any way we can help, just ask."
"Thank you." Adanar picked up a box off the table and opened it. "Take this. These are message stones. They will keep you and your team in touch. Insa and a few others have stones so if you need our help, don't hesitate to call. Eru horth melin."
If there's a phrase or a line you don't understand, check the comments section for a translation.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Ghost of the Past. 83

As Wyn sat at his desk he thought about that question. No one in Fay Shrea had the power or the men to attack Darkshade thought they certainly had motive. Talsara had warriors attack all over Fay Shrea. She had ripped and destroyed so many lands and royal families lately that her name was on the tongue of everyone in the Elven and Fairy lands from Eventide to Lands End. Fairies, Dwarves, Pixies, Goblin, Mer and Human had felt her ambition and thirst for power. Even the Vampires and Werewolves were now the enemies of Darkshade. But it can't be any of them, they were so engrossed in the fighting with Tayor Larin and Darkshade was so far away that an attack would be no easy task. Then who did that leave? Some new threat he didn't know about? Some old enemy come back to try their hand at taking down the Queen of Darkshade, maybe one of her so called allies.
Getting to his feet, Wyn went to the window to look out at all the turmoil in the courtyard below. Warriors marched and patrolled all through the yard and outside of the gate. He looked up and saw lights still blazed in Talsara's study. She was hard at work on some mad plan of hers. As Wyn looked further up he realized the lights in Elan's tower were on. That was strange, he had been watching those windows for months wishing that his son could be home safe without fear of his mothers insane hateful actions. Wyn had known for years about Elan and Aron. He had also known what Talsara would do had she had any suspicions of their affair. Wyn really didn't care. It wasn't like it was anything strange to him or the Elven people. Most elven people had a more enlightened attitude about sex and love. Male and female, male and male. female and female, As long as two people could love each other, what did it really matter? But Talsara had a completely different opinion. In her mind everyone should worship her like a goddess. Everything should revolve around, through her and about her. Her opinion was law in Darkshade and she had decided that no dark elf in her land especially her son could love that way.
For years she had condemn any and all relationships between the same sexes in Darkshade. She had outlawed homosexuality throughout all of Darkshade and all the lands she conquered. Men and women of many lands had died from her insane unjust punishments. Elan had known this. That's why Wyn was so surprised at his sons choice in mates. But once Elan had made that choice, Wyn's only choice as a good father was to accept it and protect his son from his own mother. So when Wyn learned that Talsara knew the secret, it was up to him to do whatever he could to help Elan and Aron.
Now as Wyn gazed up at the lit up tower, he wondered if it was possible that Elan had come home to try and find Aron. He knew sooner or later Elan would find out Aron was here in Darkshade. He had hoped Argus would find him and they would find powerful friends like the Dragons who would come and help get Aron free. But if the lights were on in Elan's tower, that could only mean one thing. Somehow, Talsara had found him.
Grabbing his sword and belting it at his side, Wyn left his study. In the halls servants hurried around on whatever chores they had been appointed to. He saw maiden's with trays of food heading out to feed some of Darkshades Generals. Soldiers hurried on to post and their place of watch for the night. But none of that was important right now, finding out who was in the tower was.
Wyn walked the halls past the queens rooms off her war room. He passed through the royal offices and headed for the apartments used by the royal family. Elan's tower was in the northwest part of the castle. As Wyn approached, two guards stepped out and barred his access to the stairs that went up to Elan's rooms.
"What is this?" He stepped back. "Get out of my way."
"My apologies your highness." A guard bowed. "But by the Queens orders, no one is allowed entrance."
"She does not mean me." Wyn tried to push pass them. Hands reached out and grabbed him and pulled him back. "Unhand me!!"
"I'm sorry my lord but the queen gave us specific orders. No one is to go up."
"We'll see about that." Wyn turned and hurried off back towards the Queens offices. He wanted answers and only Talsara could give them to him.
From Elan's tower, Wyn hurried on through the crowd of people waiting to see the queen. He stopped at the door to her office. Just as he was about to grab the knob and push it open, Llyra opened the door and stepped out.
"Can I help you King Wyn?"
"I need to see Talsara." He said. "It's urgent."
"I'm sorry. The queen is busy right now. Can I help?"
"You are the queen's first assistant." He looked deep in her eyes. "I need to know, is Elan here?"
"I am not allowed to provide you with that information." Llyra had a sad look in her eyes. As if there was something she wanted to say but couldn't. She reached out and took the kings hand and held it. "Have faith, things aren't always as bad as they seem."
With a smile she let go and hurried off down the hallway. As Wyn stared after her, he realized she had place a small piece of paper in his hand. He stuck it in his belt and headed back to his own study.
Once in his study behind closed doors, Wyn opened the paper and read it.
Look to the closet. There's someone there who can help you.
Looking up, Wyn walked to the small walk in closet behind his desk. He stopped at the door with his hand on the knob wondering who could possibly be in here that could help him. With one hand on his sword, Wyn turned the knob and opened the door. Instead of a closet, he found himself staring into a dark cold abyss. Freezing winds swept out as something in there howled. Wyn grabbed the door to slam it shut when something from in there called out for him to stop.
[Wyn Limeira, stop. Don't shut me away again.]
As a glowing swirling mist appeared, Wyn jumped in fright and stepped back away from the door.
"Who calls?"
[Don't you recognize my voice?] It asked. [It's been a long time but one doesn't usually forget someone he killed.]
"It can't be." Wyn took another step back and recognizing who's voice it was. As Wyn stared into the darkness, the mist churned around and around and started to form itself into a shape Wyn could recognize. As Wyn stood staring holding his breath, Liat Caldras stepped out of the closet to stand before him.
[Aiya your majesty.] Liat nodded his head in greeting. [I've been told you are in need of some help.]
Wyn stared at Liat unsure of what to say. His guilt was written all over his face. What was he to say? How could he ask help from the man whose life he had stolen? Help for the child he had stolen so long ago. Wyn dropped his sword which was useless anyway. He looked up at Liat then dropped down to one knee and bowed his head to the ghost.
"Liat Caldras." He said. "I know what I've done to you and your family. I know I am one of the people responsible for your death. I could lay it all at Talsara's feet but in truth, I followed her orders so I must accept responsibility for what I've done. For that I am truly sorry and I beg for your forgiveness. If you can help me, I'll accept whatever punishment you think is appropriate. Just please help me. I have to find Elan before his mother does."
[I have been watching Darkshade ever since I woke as a ghost in Talsara's tower prison.] Liat floated out of the the closet of shadows as the door closed behind him. [I know of all the things you and your queen did to take control of Darkshade, I know it was Talsara herself that killed Queen Caline. And I know it was you that put King Rhys in his cell. You have both done horrible things to Darkshade. But it was you that gave Elan the real love of a parent. For that, I thank you. If it wasn't for you, my son might be as cold hearted as his mother, or worse. I thank you for protecting him from her. For showing him what love really is.]
Wyn couldn't believe his ears. Liat should hate him for what he had done, but he was thanking him instead. Maybe there was a chance after all.
"Then you'll help me find Elan?"
[Finding Elan is easy.] Liat said. [Rescuing him is another story. Elan is here in his tower imprisoned by his mother.]
In that moment, all hope dropped from Wyn's heart. He knew how much trouble his son was in. Talsara had sworn she would kill him if she could get him back in her hands. Wyn knew he had to do something soon or she might keep her promise.
As a cold wind blew through Winterhaven, a speck of light appeared in the air over the old site of the Academy. As seconds passed, that speck of light grew into a silent swirling mass of magic. Sitting on a log with his fishing line sank in the small lake, an old gate keeper stood and stared into the magical hole as it grew to man size. Having lived here for many years and seen many astonishing feats of strange magic, the gate keep dropped his fishing pole and ran for cover behind his wagon where he watched the portal as a blond haired young man emerged from the portal. Looking up into the sky and seeing the lone moon shining bright, Tabor looked around and recognized where he was.
"Home at last!!" Tabor sank to his knees and ran his fingers through the dirt. He had never been so glad to see the shining lights of Winterhaven in the distance before. He was home at last. His fathers manor should be just to the north where he would be there waiting for him. Now that he had the Ring of Endrin in his possession, it was Tabor's turn to rule. His father would have to see him as an equal now. No, not a equal. With the ring, Tabor would be much stronger then him. Now Tabor would be the master.
Laughing wildly, Tabor cast his spell to take him home where he could grind his fathers ambitions into the mud.
As Tabor vanished into the night, the gate keeper stepped out from his hiding place. He had recognized the son of Lord Larin and knew his arrival would mean trouble. His father had taken over the city and caused a war which had killed a lot of people. City guards and warriors, men he knew. Families destroyed all for Tayor Larin's thirst for power. He had to go warn Insa that Tabor was somewhere here in the city. He would know what to do.
In her bedroom in the family wing of New Keanna manor, Athene tossed and turned in her sleep. Sweat ran heavy from her brow as she moaned out in distress in her dream. In her dream, Athene ran blindly through the streets of Prafa from nightmarish monster things. Strange shadows watched her from every doorway and window. Shadows of something dark she couldn't see but could feel out there.
As she ducked into a shop, she ran and hid behind the counter to hide. From there she watched as the nightmares ran pass. Like a horde of wild demon, nightmares of all kinds hurried pass the shop window. Huge bipedal things covered with hair and scales. Great insect like monsters with stingers and pincer like clawed hands. Bat thing and things so horrible she couldn't even describe them. These were all things from deep down in her own nightmares. Things created for her and her mind only. As Athene huddled in fear, the sound of thunder rattled the ground. Feeling the vibrations, Athene knew it wasn't thunder at all. It was footsteps of something big moving down the lane toward the shop she was hiding in. As the sound grew closer, Athene heard the sounds of something crashing. She looked up and out the window to see debris falling all around. Whatever was out there was tearing down all the building as it searched for her.
As she waited, her fear grew more intense by the second. The walls started to crumble as the ceiling grew heavy with the weight of mortar and stone piling up over her head. Athene scared reached up and covered her ears to stop the noise of the howling beast and crashing debris out of her mind.
"Mother please!" she screamed. "Make it stop! Help me please!"
Like the flick of a switch or the turn of a key, suddenly all the sound stopped. Athene looked up and found everything had frozen, nothing moved anywhere near her. Then she heard it. A voice in her head.
[Wake up Athene. Let the nightmare go before it kills you. Take my hand and wake up!]
Without any hesitation, Athene reached out into the air having faith that the hand would be there and grabbed the hand of comfort that had been offer to her. As the two hands met, a warm feeling spread through her and she opened her eyes.
As Athene opened her eyes, Lady Angela the goddess of death sat at her side holding her hand. She smiled up at her mother happy to see her.
"Are you alright?" Angela asked as she wiped Athene's sweaty brow. "Did he hurt you?"
"Who mother?"
"Extremus." She answered. "Only he kills with dreams. He's the one holding the Dragons in their dream state. He's the one controlling Tayor Larin and the others."
"I don't understand. Who is he?"
"Extremus is one of the old ones." She explained. "He's the mad brother of Rimnar and god of nightmares, madness and hate. He's returned from his shadow world of nightmare and attacked Rimnar and Fortis. Rimnar, Aramis, Nestor and Alea have all succumbed to his attack. They are all trapped in his nightmare world fighting to get free. But it is useless. Extremus fear is very strong and deadly, even more deadly then death. His fear leads to complete madness which in worse then death. There is no peace from his madness. Once it has you, he never lets go."
"Then how do we fight him?" Athene asked. "If he's more powerful then death, what do we fight him with?"
"The answer is truth and sanity." Angela stood and stepped away from the bed. "I will do three things to help. First, no longer will the dead rise to fight in Sarella's army and second, she will not have control of the pure at heart. They will fight on the side of the right."
"And the third part?"
Angela turned back to Athene and smiled at her then raised her hands and started to fade away.
"That you will find out when the time comes. Until then, be safe my sweet daughter and find your brother. Keep him safe."
And then, she was gone. Athene pushed away the covers and got up out of bed. Rage and Valkar would need to hear what she had told her. What was truth and sanity? Athene had no idea but maybe they would have some clue as to what the death goddess was talking about.
It was late in the evening and Rage sat alone in the study. He had been having trouble sleeping. Nightmares plagued his dreams. He had been dreaming all kinds of horrible things. He dreamed his brothers and sisters were under attack in the dreamworld they were sleeping in. He dreamed Shayn and Ono were in some strange world filled with powerful lizard men fighting for freedom and to get home. He dream Jandar was underwater fighting Coral elves. He watched in fear as Maxius fought some strange underwater beast and dragged it down into a volcano and death. That was the last thing he remembered before he woke covered in sweat shaking.
Pushing back the covers, Rage got up and grabbed a robe, dressed and went down and started a fire in the study. With his dreams still on his mind, Rage walked to a door on the side and went down to the wine cellar. There they kept an assortment of exotic wines and liquors from all over Taggitia. There were barrels of beers from the dwarves, wine wines made from elderberries and wild grapes from Eventide and Marifin. Strong deep red wines made from bloodberries fermented in Yadessa and Glenmorange the harder stuff from Tir Na. Glenmorange was a golden brewed liquor with a slight cinnamon taste made from dragonsroot by the Werewolves. It was highly intoxicating and just what Rage needed right now. He grabbed a bottle and headed back upstairs and sat down and poured himself a drink. As he sat quietly drinking, someone knocked at the study door.
"Come in"
As the door opened, Valkar came in. He looked exhausted like he hadn't gotten much sleep either. He grabbed a chair and pulled it over to the desk and sat down.
"You look like you could use a glass of this." Rage held up the bottle.
"Glenmorange." He smiled. "I can use the whole bottle."
"Can't sleep?" Rage got a glass and poured him four fingers. "Bad dreams?"
"Worse then being trapped under that spell again." Valkar took the glass and downed it. "I dreamed they had torn down Vasagi's walls and were burning down my city. Azeal tried to stop them and they tore him apart. I woke up as they tossed him in the fire."
"Its just a dream my friend." Rage poured him another drink. "It wasn't real. I keep telling myself none of it was real,"
"I know." Valkar leaned forward. "I know Azeal's not here. But I'm very worried about him and Tanis. Not to mention everyone else in the Academy. I want them home, now."
"I know." Rage said. "I feel the same, but I'm sure they can take care of themselves for now. We have our own problems to worry about. Like the dead outside of our gates. What do we do about them?"
"What we always do when the dead walk." Rage and Valkar turned as Athene came into the study. "We burn then. I have news from my mother. We need to get to Winterhaven. We have work to do."
On the throne of Darkshade, Talsara sat in a quiet dark mood. Things weren't going the way she had planned. Eventide still stood strong with Adanar there as it's new king. Evindal was dead but the demons and her spell to sap all their magic had failed. Now two Dragons were there protecting the city with the help of some strange troops dressed in dark armor. Talsara had sent her probes in to investigate but they had all been destroyed before she could learn anything.
To her amazement, she had found that Eventide wasn't the only place protected by the dark garbed troops. They were also in Aspara Baugh, Dree and a few other Elven kingdoms. Somehow she had lost control in Fay Shrea and day by day more kingdoms slipped from her grasp. This had to be the work of Eventide somehow. That damned prophesy of Hasmira's. It was all coming true. Somehow somewhere out there, there was a Eventide enemy she knew nothing about. Talsara didn't know how, but Tanyl and Dasyra must have managed to hide a son from her. Which was impossible since she had been watching them closely since Hasmira had made her prediction. Talsara had watched as all three of the last Eventide children were born. She saw Adanar, Emrel and Ryel as they came sliding from their mothers womb. Two were simple easy births while Ryel was different. His birth was hard and had almost killed Dasyra, but she had recovered. After that, Tanyl was killed and there were no more children so Talsara felt safe. With Tanyl dead, there could not be a seventh son born and Hasmira's mad prediction could never come true. But still something troubled her. There was something about that Aron Neveral that bothered her. It was more then his relationship with her son. Something about him scared her and made her hate him that much more. She had put out the word with a price on his head. She had sent her best hunters and spies out after him, but somehow he still eluded her. But there was something else she could do to draw him in. Elan would be the key.
Waving over her scribe and Ilrya her hand maiden, Talsara was ready with new orders to be passed out through out Darkshade.
"Let it be posted all through out Darkshade." Talsara spoke hard and clear. "In two days time, Prince Elan will be chained in the courtyard. He will be stripped of all his rank and clothing and beaten. He will be left there on display for one night for all the people to see him in his disgrace, then he will be taken down and he will walk to his execution site where he will be beheaded. You will have that posted in all the market places and on every post in Darkshade."
"Yes my Queen." Ilyra bowed and led the scribe towards the doors. As Talsara watched them leave, a smile spread across her face. This would bring him out of hiding and to their deaths.
"One more thing Ilrya. Have the Shadowfall elves brought to me right away."
As Ilrya hurried through the castle, many thoughts ran through her head. She had to find a way to help Elan escape this dark place. He was the only hope Darkshade had of ever finding its way back to a honorable state. She knew there was no way she could get Elan out by herself. Talsara's magic was much stronger then her's. She would need help and a large amount of luck to get them out of this. If only prophesies could come true. That could save them all.
While the scribe went on off to his little office to print out Talsara's proclamation, Ilyra headed upstairs to find the only ally she knew she had here in the palace. King Wyn. She stopped at his door looking to make sure no one had seen her, then she tapped at the door.
Quietly Ilrya turned the knob and slipped into Wyn's dark office. As she closed the door and turned, someone reached out and grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back against the wall. She grabbed at the hand holding her, a dagger was put to rest over her heart. All it would take would be a slight thrust and her heart would be pierced.
"What do you want Ilyra?" Wyn asked quietly with the dagger point at her breast.
"I'm here to help you." She whispered.
"Why should I believe you?" He asked. She could feel the tip of the dagger pressing into her. "Your Talsara's right hand. You've always followed her like a pet and did whatever she told you. Why would you want to help now?"
"I can help you Wyn." She said softly. "The queen has gone to far. Darkshade's whole existence is at peril now. We have to stop her before it's to late."
"You still haven't told why you want to help!!" Wyn shouted pressing the knife to her throat.
"Because Elan is my grandson!!"
Wyn dropped the dagger and stepped back in shock. How could this be? That would mean that she was...
[Hello Mother.] Liat appeared transparent behind Wyn. As Wyn backed away, Liat floated forward until he stood before his mother. [It's good to see you again.]
With a tear in her eyes, Hasmira reached out and tried to touch the spirit. Her fingers passed right through him.
"Liat, my Liat!" She cried. "I've missed you so much."
"I know Mother." He smiled. "I've missed you too. I looked for you after I re materialized but couldn't find you."
"After your execution I was lost." She explained. "And I was being hunted by Talsara. I had to hide myself or leave Darkshade. But I couldn't leave. Talsara had to pay for what she had done. I knew it was by her orders that Queen Caline died. In fact it was by your hand Wyn. I couldn't let her get away with it. Then I learned she was pregnant and I knew the child was yours. My grandson. I had to stay and find a way to watch over him."
"What happened to Ilrya?" Wyn asked. He knew Ilrya to be a powerful witch in her own right. If she was trapped somewhere, there was a chance she could be back to interfear with his plans to rescue Elan.
"Not a year after the Queens ascension and Liat's death, Ilrya tracked me down to a hidden chalet not far from here in the Koalt mountains. Her and two of Talsara's witch women held me at bay for three days. We fought fiercely but in the end Ilrya failed in her mission to kill me. With Ilrya and her sisters dead, I returned to take her place. I have been here ever since plotting against Talsara and doing whatever I could to keep a certain secret from being revealed."
"What secret?" Wyn asked curious. "Is there something I should know?"
Liat and Hasmira traded a private glance. Neither of them was really sure if Wyn could be trusted after all he had done. He was Talsara's mate after all. But through the years there was one thing that Wyn had proven and above all. He loved Elan and would do whatever he had to to keep him safe.
[Of all the evil you have done in the name of your queen.] Liat turned to face Wyn. [There was one thing that proved your worth above all. Even though Elan was not of your blood you always treated him as your own son. You didn't take Talsara's position when he choose Aron as his mate, instead you gave him the true support of a parent. For that we will trust you. Hear me now Wyn Limeira. The prophesy my mother made so long ago is still in effect. There is a seventh son of the Eventide's and he is here in Darkshade. Can you guess who it is?]
Wyn looked from Liat to Hasmira for an answer to the question. He had no idea who it could be. There were no forest elves here in Darkshade. None of them would dare enter the land of Talsara Darkshade. Then a thought hit him. There was one here. Wyn smiled as a name crossed his mind.
"Aron Neveral is an Eventide."
"Yes King Wyn." Hasmira smiled. "Aron is the one. We have to do whatever we can to help him or all will be lost."
"What can I do?" He asked. Wyn stepped up to Liat and Hasmira swearing to serve Elan in any way he could. "I will do whatever I have too."
[For now.] Liat said as he faded away. [Be ready to act when the time comes.]
"I will." Wyn swore. "That I promise. What about you Hasmira?"
"I have to attend the queen and learn all I can of her plans." Hasmira pulled her wrap back over her shoulders. "We can't let her make a single move without our knowledge."
"Do you know what she has in mind?"
"Right now she hunts Aron." She said. "She ordered the Shadowfalls to find him. Liat is going to find out what he can about their hunt."
"What should I do?"
"Find a way to get up into Elan's tower." Hasmira reached for the door to leave. "If Talsara can't find him, she can't hurt him. We have to get Elan away from Darkshade."
"I know a way." Wyn told her. "But I won't be able to hide him for long and as soon as she realizes he's gone, she'll know who broke him out. Unless someone interferes, It won't take her long to find us."
"Let me worry about that." Hasmira smiled. "Just get him out of the tower and wait. It won't be long."
As Hasmira slipped out, Wyn stood there staring at the door. Though Darkshade was not Wyn's place of birth, he felt so alone here in the palace for the first time. He had never had any real friends here in the city of the Dark elves, but he did once think Talsara had loved him. But that was long ago before she had become so consumed with hate and the lust for power. Now, he hardly knew her and definitely couldn't trust her. His only ray of hope here was Elan. He had to get him out of the tower before Talsara and that mad Imp of hers could hurt him.
Turning from the door, Wyn walked to the east wall in his study where a portrait of Queen Caline and King Rhys hung. Talsara had always hated that portrait. She had ordered it destroyed many times but Wyn wouldn't let them take it. It hid something he always kept secret.
Reaching out, Wyn pressed the right bottom corner and the portrait swung open revealing a hidden entrance into the walls. Wyn hadn't used these halls in many years but he remembered every inch. They might be his only chance at getting his son out of Darkshade palace and away from his mother.
The ride into the city walls of Darkshade had been long and hard. All the way, Jassin could feel that someone was following close behind him. At many times he could even hear the sounds of a horse back there but he didn't see anything. As he reached the inner part of the city where the market place and the low born of the Dark elves lived, Jassin relaxed and slowed down.
As the sun burned high over head, Jassin made his way through the twists and turns of Darkshade. He stopped at a closed tavern to water his horse. He had hoped to get something to quench his own thirst and get back on the road for the palace, but it was the wrong time for any shops to be open. His only choice was to drank from the same trough his horse drank from. As Jassin dipped a ladle into the cool clear water, he heard a sound coming from the other side of the tavern. Quickly Jassin dropped the ladle and grabbed at the sword at his side.
With his eyes and ears open for the slightest sound or sign that anyone else was there, Jassin moved off to see if he could find his pursuer. As he searched, a gentle breeze blew through the trees over head. A sudden snapping sound of a breaking twig caught Jassin's attention and he turned just as Kel jumped out and attacked. With his sword raised, Jassin caught Kel's attack on his blade.
"Liar!!" Kel snarled as he slammed his sword down at him. "We trusted you and you were going to hand us over to that evil bitch! How could you? You said she was your enemy."
"A spy will say anything to get want he wants." Jassin forced Kel back. "This is the land of Dark elves. You should know better then to trust anyone here whether Dark elf or not."
"You're right." Kel pulled his short sword from it's scabbard. "Lesson learned, but you will never get anything you learned to Talsara. Your road ends here."
"I don't think so." With that Jassin smiled then put his fingers to his mouth and whistled. From the far side of the tavern, five Dark elves armed and ready stepped out to face Kel. Confident they walked out to stand between him and Jassin.
"I'd wish you luck here." Jassin said as he climbed back on his horse. "But I'd be lying. I really wish I had the chance to kill you my self. Gurthla ia astalda."
As Jassin rode off, the first warrior drew his swords and stepped forward. Kel took a fighting stance and the attack began. Swinging high and stabbing low, the Dark warrior came in and tried to finish Kel off fast. Spinning around, Kel deflected the first attack then sliced out at the warrior. Missing his mark, the elf jumped to the side then came back in fast to try and strike before Kel could recover. As Kel slammed his sword down, he snapped the elf's wrist then hit him in the jaw with the hilt of his sword smashing his teeth. As blood sprayed out, the elf fell to the left right into Kel's waiting blade. And single quick stab with his short sword and the first elf fell dead at his feet.
As Kel stepped back, the last four warriors stepped up and attacked. with lightning speed Kel spun his swords in a web of defense tried to keep the four from finding an opening. Though Kel was an expert swordsmen, four warriors were beyond his ability to defend against. All they had to do was keep up the pressure and sooner or later he would slip up and they would have him.
As he fought, Kel thought back on the days long ago when he had fought side by side with his two best friends Rom and Liat. No matter how many had come against them, no matter the odds, they had always triumphed. Kel knew with his friends at his side, they were invincible. He wished they were there fight at his side now.
Just then he felt a warm feeling at his side and there was a sudden burst of bright light. Shielding his eyes, Kel jumped back thinking the flash might be some piece of magic the Elves were using to break his concentration. As his eyes cleared, Kel looked up to find the warriors and a tall white haired warrior with the brightest almond eyes. As Kel watch, the warrior took a fighting stance then turned to him and winked. at that moment, Kel froze for a second in shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. What he saw in front of him was absolutely impossible. The warrior standing at his side couldn't be here. Liat Caldras was dead. He had seen him die with his own eyes, but here he was ready to fight at his side again.
"Cormamin lindua elle ll mellonamin." Liat called. "Lle desiel?"
"Amin naa lle nai."
With Liat at his side, Kel dived into battle. Their swords danced a wave of death as they tore through the four warriors in their path. As they fought, three more of Darkshade's guards rode up and joined the battle. It took just a few minutes before Kel and Liat had dispatched them and were standing over their dead bodies.
"Liat." Kel re sheathed his sword. "How is this possible? You were executed in the palace courtyard in front all of Darkshade. How can you be alive?"
"I'm not." He said. "Your right. I died that day and the only thing that could bring me back is powerful magic."
"Right now, I don't care." Liat looked around expecting more guards to come running from every house. "I'm here and I can help bring down Talsara. Now do you want to stand here and try and figure out some crazy magic, or do we have something we should be doing?"
"Your right." Kel ran and got his horse and led it back to Liat. "We have to get to the palace and try and stop Jassin before he can report to the queen. He has information that could be devastating. Can you ride?"
"I don't need a horse anymore." Liat stepped back and faded into transparency. Like a ghost he rose up off the ground to float in front of Kel. "Ride fast and I will stay with you and hide you with my ghostly presence. Stop for no one and I will show you how to gain entrance to the palace. I know a secret way in."
"As always." Kel climbed on his horse. "I will follow you into hell."
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Liat said from over his head. "But you never know."
At the garden rear entrance to Darkshade palace, a single guard stood watch. He was bored and tired. He had been on duty so far for over twelve hours and so far he hadn't heard anything about relief yet. His legs hurt from marching back and forth in the little alcove where the entrance was and his eyes burned from the brightness. He couldn't wait for his relief to get there. He wasn't sure how much longer he could stay on his feet.
As he patrolled the short area, a scraping sound caught his attention. He turned hoping it was his relief finally arriving, but there was no one there. Frustrated and cursing under his breath, the elf turned back to continue pacing the yard. As he turned, something fell from above and hit him knocking him down and out. Stepping out of Liat's ghostly field, Kel grabbed the guards legs and dragged him into the entrance.
"Which way?" Kel asked as he pushed the guard into a closet and shut the door.
Moving to the wall, Liat placed his hand against it and felt around. In a matter of seconds, Kel heard a click and a passage in the wall opened.
"In here." Liat waved him in.
After going in and closing the door behind him, Kel stopped for a second to let his eyes re orient with the darkness. He was glad to be out of the brightness of the sun but the closeness of the walls reminded him of his cell in Talsara's prison tower and sent shivers through him. As much as he hated the brightness of the day, right now he preferred it over the damp cramp feeling of these claustrophobic walls.
As Kel's vision regulated with the darkness, he realized he was in a long thin passage that ran straight up then branched off to the left and right. He didn't know where he was but the smells here were the same as he remembered from his years of captivity. Floating in front of him with a dim glow, Liat pointed ahead to the right,
"This way."
"Where are we going?" Kel asked as he followed.
"To find a friend who needs our help."
"You mean Elan." Kel said. "Your son."
"Yes." He turned back to Kel. "My son. He needs our help.
"Wait Liat." Kel called him back. "You know I'll help you in any way I can. But right now there's something even more important then Elan. We have to stop Jassin before he can talk to Talsara. He has information that she must never learn about or it won't be good for us or for Elan."
"I think it's to late for that Kel." Liat said sadly. "By now Jassin will already be in audience with the queen. He will tell her of Aron and the Eventide's. Our best bet will be to get Elan away so she can't use him to draw Aron to her."
"Do you know where he is?"
"I know the palace very intimately." Liat told Kel. "But there is another who can take us directly to him."
"Who?" Kel asked.
As the voice spoke up, Kel turned and saw Wyn coming from a passage to the right. Enraged, Kel jumped up and grabbed Wyn and threw him to the floor. Pulling his dagger from his belt, Kel, put it to his throat ready to slice in and put an end to the king of Darkshade's life.
"You murdering bastard!" Kel held the struggling Wyn. "You and that bitch of a queen did this! It's all your fault. I'm going to make sure neither of you ever hurt anyone else again!"
"No Kel!" Liat grabbed his raised arm and stopped his death thrust. "We need his help."
"Why would he help us?" Kel pulled free still sitting on Wyn's chest. "He's the reason you were executed. He killed Queen Caline."
"I know." Liat spoke softly. "Wyn will one day have to pay for his crimes, but not at your hands. He has to sacrifice to be forgiven. This is not his time. Let him up."
Looking down with hate at Wyn, Kel stood up and climbed off of Wyn's chest. He dusted himself off then looked up at Kel and Liat.
"No matter what you think of me." Wyn said. "I love my son and I will do anything to save his life. That means we have to get him away from Darkshade before his mother or any of her underlings can kill him. To do this we'll have to work together."
"Fine." Kel stared back at him. "But you should know this. I don't trust you and I'll be watching. Make one false move and my sword will be in your heart."
With nothing more to say, Wyn took the lead and led them through the maze of passages that ran through the Palace. They avoided pitfalls and passages with poisonous spikes, there were magical traps and rooms where each step if it wasn't in the right patterns fired arrows with deadly accuracy until they found themselves at the bottom of a staircase that led up to Elan's tower.
"This is it." Wyn said. "Elan's tower."
"Then let's get this over with." Kel pushed pass Wyn and took a step to start the climb up the stairs.
"Stop!" Wyn pulled him back. Kel grabbed for his knife and turned on Wyn.
"Easy Kel." Liat said. "He just saved your life. Look closely at the stairs."
As Kel looked back at the stairs, all he saw was a set of dust covered steps. He turned back to Liat.
"There's nothing there."
"Shift your vision." He said. "Look for magic."
Kel shifted his sight moving to a magical spectrum then looked back at the staircase. There, glowing with power, Kel saw the strange elven magical symbols spread across the stairs. One step in the wrong place and elven fire would have poured into him burning him in a white hot flash to ash.
"There in the corner." Wyn pointed. "That's the way up."
Nodding, Kel followed Wyn closely walking in his footsteps. At the top they stopped and listened at the hidden door. There were voices coming from the other side of the door.
"Your time has come young prince." A voice said. "Your mother knows both your secret and the secret of that friend of yours."
"Aron has no secret." Elan said boldly. "The secret was mine and I don't care what she knows. She can't keep us apart."
"You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?" The voice laughed. Kel recognized the voice. It was Jassin Limeira, the queens executioner and the kings cousin. "Yes we know you and Aron are mated, but that's not Aron's secret. Do you even know who he is?"
"Of course I know who he is." Elan's voice was strong and defiant. "He's Aron Haemir Neveral, only son of Haemir and Esta Neveral of Talandra and the one I love."
"No." Jassin laughed. "Your mother has been hunting Aron since the day he was born. He's not from Talandra. He's from Eventide. Aron is the seventh son of Dasyra and Tanyl. He's the one that witch prophesied about so many years ago."
"You're crazy." Elan yelled at him. "You're making this up."
"Believe what you want." Jassin said. They heard the sound of a sword being pulled from a sheath. "You'll never see him again anyway. It's time to die young prince."
That was all Wyn needed to hear. In a second he had reached up and found the button that opened the door and with his sword ready, he rushed to Elan's side. As Jassin's sword came down, it slammed into the kings sword.
"You would kill my son Cousin?" Wyn snarled. "You'll have to kill me first!"
"I always knew this day would come." Jassin smiled. "Talsara should never have picked you as her consort. You've always been to weak. I should have been king."
"Well here's your chance. But you should know, Talsara won't be queen here for much longer and anyone who sides with her, dies with her."
"So be it Cousin." Jassin pushed Wyn back away from him. "Guards, kill them!!"
With Wyn and Jassin in a life and death duel, Kel tossed his short sword to Elan as the Darkshade guards rushed into the room. Coming down to the floor, Liat pulled his sword and took his place at Kel and Elan's side.
With a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other, Wyn attacked Jassin, He stabbed and sliced, thrust and kicked out at his opponent. Dodging and ducking, Jassin fought back. This was his chance to prove to Talsara that he could be the mate she always wanted. All he had to do was kill Wyn and bring Elan's head to her as a trophy. He watched Wyn's movements and matched him stroke for stroke. As Wyn struck out, Jassin countered and forced him back and stabbed him in the shoulder. Spinning around, Wyn dropped down to one knee then dropped his dagger and grabbed his shoulder. Blood ran heavy down the front of his tunic. With a confident grin, Jassin waved the king on to continue the fight. Getting back to his feet, Wyn quickly glanced around and saw both Kel and Liat finishing off their opponents while Elan still fought back against two guards. Wyn knew they had to finish and get out of the tower before more of Talsara's men could come in to stop them.
"Why Jassin?" Wyn asked. "You never seemed interested in court intrigue. Power and rank was never important, now your more loyal to Dark elves then to your own blood? What happened with you?"
"I got smart, that's what happened. You never really knew me Cousin and you didn't know your queen either. For years we have been lovers and meeting right under your nose. It should have been me from the beginning not you. I should have always been at her side."
"Jassin." Wyn stepped towards the executioner. "I knew all about your sorted affair with the queen and I didn't care. Talsara can sleep with whoever she wants, I don't care. Better you then me. But when it comes to Elan's safety, I won't allow anyone to hurt him and that includes his mother and you."
"Then we have a problem." Jassin waved his sword in the air in front of him. "She want's him dead and I plan to be the one to kill you both."
"Then shut up and fight."
Like two raging bulls, Wyn and Jassin charged each other. The sound of their swords clashing echoed through the room as clear as a bell. Their duel was fast and furious. Wyn jumped and slashing out. He slashed a deep cut into Jassin's back then dropped close enough to deliver a killing blow. Turning with amazing speed, Jassin thrust out with his sword and stabbed Wyn right through his chest. Staggering back, Wyn dropped his sword and fell to the floor. As he lay there a name slipped from his lips.
In a flash of light, Argus appeared and rushed to his master. Wyn's heart had been pierced. There was nothing Argus's magic could do to save him.
"Just help Elan." Wyn told the Imp.
"I will master."
After seeing his cousin fall, Jassin burst into laughter and turned and raised his sword to stab Elan through his back.
As Wyn struggled to get up to defend Elan, he fell weak, bleeding to the ground. He knew he was about to die but there had to be some way to stop Jassin and save Elan. As Wyn looked up, Liat came down and lifted him up.
"You've made your sacrifice." He whispered. "Your life for Elan's. Together we will keep him safe."
As Wyn smiled and nodded his head, Liat merged and entered his body. In seconds the strength of the ghost filled the dying kings body and healed his wounds. Jumping to his feet, Wyn leaped at Jassin. He grabbed him by his shoulder, spun him around and grabbed his sword arm and squeezed until he dropped his blade. Screaming in pain, Jassin kicked out at his attacker trying to get him to release his iron grip on him. As Jassin looked up, their eyes met.
"This can't be happening!!" Jassin beat at Wyn trying to make him release him. "Your dead! I killed you."
"For some of us, death is not always the end." Wyn grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. "But don't worry you won't be alone for long. Talsara will soon be joining you."
As Jassin's body dropped to the floor, Wyn turned to find Kel and Elan staring at him. They had both just seen him die and Liat's spirit slip in and take over his body. Elan slowly walked over to Wyn with fear in his eyes.
"Who are you?"
Before Liat could speak, Kel came over to join them.
"We don't really have a lot of time for explanations." He said. "But I'm Kel Orama. When I was much younger, I was a solider in Darkshade. That was before you were born and your mother took over the land. The ghost is much harder to explain but someone you should know."
"I know who he is." Elan reached up and touched his face. "All my life I've felt your presence. Sometime I would catch a quick glance of you in the mirror or watching me from the shadows in my room. You wear Wyn Limeira's face now but I knew you the minute you entered my room. You're Liat Caldras, my real father."
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Homeward Bound. 82
The twin blood moons still glowed high in the night sky as Trela opened her eye and sat up. As she looked around trying to remember where she was, the first she noticed was the smell of rot. The air was thick with it. This was a swamp. Then she saw the body's of the dead warriors spread out all around her and she remembered where she was. She was in Serul after the human Zarin to get the ring thing for the human Tabor. She had gotten the ring and sent it down into the lair where he waiting when the female had attacked. She and the female had battles and somehow she had lost. The female had proven herself to be a very strong and powerful adversary. Her powers were much more stronger then Trela's but she had lived. The humans must have gone down into the lair after the ring. That meant Trela had two choices. She could go down and try to help Locu and the human Tabor or, she could flee and return to Daru who would surely punish her for her disobedience. That would mean a collar around her neck at the least. She shuddered at the thought. He would force her to be a pleasure slave or he might even kill her. It would be better to wander Pentanthin and possibly find a new lord who she could manipulate with her charms. Maybe then she could gain power and return to crush Daru under foot. Her future was not quite as bleak as she thought. Getting to her feet, Trela left Serul for the unknown.
As Trela slipped away into the swamp, Zarin and his friends came limping up out of the lair. No one spoke and there was a look of defeat on their faces, They were exhausted and in pain. Zarin's shoulder still bleed from stab wounds and Reno and Azeal were bruised from head to toe. Thalia leaned heavily on Reno as they existed the lair.
"What now?" Reno asked settling Thalia down on a log. "Do you have any idea where he went?"
"Yes." Zarin said. "He went home. Back to Keanna and his father."
"With the ring?" Azeal asked. "Tell me that wasn't the ring in his hand."
"It was. He got it."
"And we're still trapped here on Pentanthin." Craven threw his hands up in frustration. "What are we supposed to do now?"
"We go after him!" Zarin shouted. "We're going home to bring him down. We are the only ones that can do it. The ring has no effect on use. We have no choice."
"And how do we do that?" Thalia asked. "We're stuck here on Pentanthin."
[No we're not.] Rese said in their minds. As everyone looked up, Tempus circled in and roared to announce his arrival [I think I can get us back home.]
From the ground they could see two people riding on his back. That had to be Trip and Dack. As everyone one cheered, Rese dropped down and came in to land. With Dack and Trip off his back, Tempus made the shift back to Rese and ran in to join them,
"What are you doing here?" Zarin asked.
"I saw everything!" Rese smiled anxiously. "When you got here and the Savonti came out to attack.
I saw that snake lady fighting Thalia and I saw you go into the throne room after Tabor. I know he got away with the ring and I think I can get us home if you want."
"How?" Zarin asked. "We don't even know where home is."
"I do." Rese smiled. "Well, Tempus knows his way home. That's one of his abilities. He always knows where he is and if he knows where he is, he can get home."
"Are you sure?" Dack asked.
"Positive. I can get us home,"
"Then what are we waiting for?" Dack smiled. "Let's go!"
"Wait!" Azeal stood up. "What about the Academy? What about Shayn and Ono and Tanis? I can't just leave here without Tanis."
"They you should go back." Zarin stepped up to Azeal and reached out and shook his hand. "Tell them what happened here and that we went home after Tabor. Tell my father I'll be at home waiting for him."
"And tell Luke and Tored we said Nazun." Thalia hugged Azeal and kissed him on his cheek. She turned and went over to Rese. Next came Craven.
"Tell our parents we're ok and we love them."
"Wish them good luck for us." Reno waved as he joined the others. "Tell Gabor Good bye."
Then Rese shifted and Tempus helped his friends onto his back and took off into the night sky.
[Aiya my friends.] Azeal waved. [I'll see you when we get home.]
As Tempus circled faster and faster he became a blur. Then in a sudden fast of light, he was gone.
Back on the plains, the Savonti attacked. With Daru merged with the Chadaka, he charged down on the fighting clansmen and their Nevac and Red garbed Savonti allies. Like a demon out of the night, Blink swooped down to confront the first Chadaka. With a roar he attacked batting at the beast with his wings. With two of its six arms the Chadaka reached out trying to grab Blink. But Blink was fast. Like a shadow he would blink in and out of shadow beating at the beast. He moved with so much speed, the Chadaka could barely land a blow. Howling its rage it beat blindly at the darkness all around it usually missing its mark but sometimes landing a solid blow. After being hit in his head, Blink tried to back away to catch his breath but that chadaka grabbed onto him. Casting shadow behind him, Blink dragged the beast back into his shadow world. As the Chadaka was dragged into the darkness, the absolute cold of the shadow world took a hold of the cold blooded animal and in seconds it was completely paralyzed. With a kick, Blink sent it off with a feeble whimper tumbling away into the darkness and death.
As the second Chadaka charged in it crushed clansmen and Savonti in its rage. It grabbed Nevac and smashed them into the ground. Then out of the sky a stream of fire blasted down scorching the ground in front of it. As the beast looked up, Valor streaked down with smoke flowing from his nostrils. Reaching to its side, the Chadaka grabbed a boulder and launched it at the dragon. Being the dragon of the four element, all it took was a thought and he sent the boulder right back at the six armed monster. As the missile crashed down on the Chadaka, it spun around and swatted the boulder from the sky with its tail. Amazed, Valor narrowed his winged and went head first into the chest of the beast. Grabbing on, Valor sent a stream of steam into the face of the beast. Howling, the Chadaka beat down it Valor as they rolled across the ground wrestling. Drawing his legs up, Valor kicked out sending the beast rolling away from him. Getting up on his hind legs, Valor sneered and waited for the Chadaka to attack. As the Chadaka stood up it stared into Valor's eyes.
[You are Xan son of Lesu.]
[I am.] Valor answered. [And I am Valor, the first dragon of Pentanthin.]
[The first you say. Then there will be more of your kind?]
[Yes.] The dragon sent. [In time there will be. And we will protect Pentanthin from all threats and that includes my own kind. I will fight for the Humans, the Savonti and the Nevac. I will fight for peace.]
[I cannot allow that. Only I can be the master of Pentanthin, so you and all your allies must die!!]
As the beast roared and beat its chest, it charged and grabbed for Valor. With hammering fist it beat at Valor's face. Raising his arms, Valor covered himself then blasted the chadaka dead in the face with a blast of fire. Howling it backed away ribbing at its eyes. Knowing this was his chance, Valor charged in and grabbed him by the throat and squeezed with all his strength. Putting his hands to his chest, Valor sent a final charge of electricity into the beast stopping its heart. With the chadaka dead, Valor roared and tossed the beast aside.
On the field of battle the fighting had become fierce. Redu with Weru and Buku at his side had finally made it to face three of the lords that stood between him and Daru. With his club in hand, Redu stood facing Cofu, Guku and Petu.
"You are in my way." Redu hefted his club to his shoulder. "Move so I can get to my revenge."
"Why do you fight us Redu?" Cofu took a step out to confront the ex-lord. "You were once one of us. A proud lord who ruled his house with a strong hand. Why do you side with these things? Are you mad?"
"Because the things as you call them live with honor." Redu said. "I trust them more then I ever could trust your lord. Why you do trust him? You think you are anything more then something he can use and throw away when he is done? Do you really think Daru will reward you for anything you do, ever? If that is what you think then, you are the mad one."
"And you are my enemy." Cofu said as he and the other two lords readied themselves to fight. "You will die as Daru commands."
"Come and kill me then little juinti." Redu raised his hand and waved Cofu on. "We are here waiting for our punishment."
With a wave of his hand, Cofu sent several pulses of vibrations at Redu. Raising his club, Redu batted them away inching his way forward towards the lord. Siding at his side, Buku reached out with his telekinesis and knocked Petu down just as he fired a burst of sound at them. With the sound burst screaming at them, Weru absorbed it and sent it back slamming down on Guku before he could move out of the way. As Guku fell, Weru leaped forward and engaged Buku with his sword.
"Your sound will not work on me." Weru said stabbing forward slamming his sword into Petu. "I can just force it right back at you in my own way."
Gritting his teeth, Petu and Weru set about their duel. Their swords flashed and sparked as they searched for an opening in each other's defenses. Petu stabbed then spun and sliced at Weru's head. Weru ducked and brought his sword up and blocked the slice. Spinning his sword around, he hacked down and cut into Petu's thigh. Petu screamed and backed away out of Weru's reach. As Weru watched, Petu's collar began to glow. Daru was about to do something. Buku took a deep breath.
"Do not do it! You are to close!"
Petu screamed and sent a sonic blast it Weru. Without even thinking, Weru raised his hands and absorbed the blast and returned it with one hundred times more power. As the blast hit Petu, he flew back and smashed against the cliff wall. His body exploded with the force from the blast as he hit the wall. Pieces of him rained down all around them. Relieved but not out of danger, Weru turned to see if he could be of any help to his companions. Redu stood tall standing over Cofu while Buku held Guku down by the throat.
"What do we do with him?" Buku asked. Guku struggled to get up. "Use you hate on me and I will crush your head,"
"I care nothing for this pathetic fool! Taste his hate!"
Redu reached down and ripped the collar from his neck. As Redu crushed it in his hands, Guku's eyes cleared. He was no longer in Daru's control.
"Where am I?" He asked looking up at Redu.
"In the middle of battle." Redu told him. "I do not have time for this. You were under the mind lords control. We just freed you. Join us and fight Daru or run now for the forest. Make your decision now."
"I remember Daru. He took my house. I will join you."
"Good." Redu reached down and helped him up." Stay with Weru and Buku. Fight at their side and you may live through this but be warned. Betray us and I will kill you."
"Where are you going?" Weru asked.
"To face Daru. He has to pay." Redu turned and looked out on the battle field. A golden dragon was fighting another of the chadaka's blasting it with lightning. On the other side, Ozmun in the form of a Tark fought beside a human girl as she used some strange ability to make her enemies explode. As Redu looked around, he saw the Nevac fighting side by side with both humans and Savonti in the colors of the house of Lesu. In the distance, Redu saw the last and biggest of the Chadaka. He had seen Daru merge with the beast and knew that was what he would now have to fight. It was big, bigger then anything he had ever seen before. But if that was what he had to fight to have his revenge, so be it.
Starting out across the field, Redu beat down any opposition that came near him. His club was blue with the blood of many warriors when suddenly something crashed to the ground behind him knocking him off his feet. As he jumped up he turned to see who had attack. There on the ground behind him was the smashed body of a warrior. Standing over him was the ten foot tall Lord Pulu.
"Careful brother." Pulu leaned on his club. "This one almost blasted your head off. I do not think you will do well without a head,"
"My thanks brother." Redu was glad to see his brother in red. That meant they were fighting on the same side. "It is good to see you free of the mind lord's influence and on the right side."
"Yes." Pulu nodded. "Never again will he be in my head. Never will I be shamed by him again."
"Then our enemy is there." Redu pointed to the chadaka in battle. It's mighty tail swept out smashing Clansmen and Savonti alike. It's hands reached out and grabbed for victims and ripping and tearing them apart.
Pulu looked down at his brother. There was so much anger in his eyes. He wanted nothing more then the chance to get his hands on Daru so he could beat him until he was dead. Pulu knew that would be impossible. Of course Redu was strong enough. They both had enough strength to kill the mind lord. But Redu's anger would be his undoing. Daru had the power to easily turn that hate into something he could use. Something he could manipulate and turn to his side. But that wouldn't work now on Pulu. Though once Daru did have power over Pulu, he now had something that would keep him in control over his own mind. Like Lesu, Maru and Xan, Shayn had placed in his throat, a small bit of the salvation stone. That would protect him from Daru's mind invasion, but it wouldn't stop Redu from throwing away his life in trying to kill Daru. There had to be a way.
[There is a way.] Cutter sent to the giant lord. [But it would mean deceiving him with a lie and that might destroy what little trust he has in us. I really don't want to do that.]
[Then think of something else!]
Suddenly from behind there was a pained roar. Pulu and Redu looked back and saw a group of Daru's warriors attacking Ozmun and Magda. Magda was down and Ozmun stood over her bleeding fighting the Savonti. Ozmun fought like a demon but he was heavily outnumbered. Without help, he would fall and they would both be killed. In Redu's head, Ozmun screamed for help from anyone that could hear his call.
Redu looked at Daru, then back at Ozmun. A warrior fired and sent his charge into the Tark knocking if from it's feet. With the decision made, Redu leaped high in the air covering the distance to Ozmun in one jump and attacked the warriors.
Knowing this would be his only chance, Pulu grew himself to the same size as the Chadaka, grabbed his club and went in to attack Daru.
[So the big one would face his master.] Daru roared as he stepped up to Pulu. [You think you can defeat me, come little lord."
Raising his club, Pulu slammed it down at the Chadaka. Stepping to the side, the beast spun around and slammed its tail into Pulu sweeping him off his feet. As it dived in to attack, Pulu raised his club and thrust it up pushing the Chadaka back. Snapping down at Pulu, the beast raked down trying to claw and scratch at Pulu's body. Pulu kicked up again and again at the beast lower body trying to force it back off of his body. With a final kick, the Chadaka rolled away and scrambled to get back on its feet.
As Pulu stood up, he faced and wiped the drool from his face. The Chadaka snarled, Pulu swung high for its head. Raising one of its many arms, the Chadaka caught the club then stared intently into Pulu's eyes
[Something bars me from you mind Pulu.] It sent. [But I can still do this.]
Lunging forward, the beast bashed its head into Pulu's chest sending him crashing to the ground. As Pulu tried to get ti his feet, Daru jumped on him holding him down with four arms while strangling him with the last pair. Pulu fought back struggling to breathe. He kicked and punched at the Chadaka as the beast roared and bite down into his chest. Blue Savonti blood sprayed everywhere as Pulu's fighting weakened. With his last ounce of strength, Pulu called out to his brother.
[Forgive me brother. I have failed. But you live. Take care of my house and bring honor in both our names. Nazun Redu. Follow the Humans to victory.]
Raising Pulu's body in his mouth, Daru tossed him aside roared into the night sky. He charged further out on to the plain in front of all the fighting and cast his thoughts out for everyone to hear.
[Pulu the strongest of you is dead.] He sent. [Soon all of you will be under my power. You cannot resist me forever and I will always be right on the edge of your minds waiting to take control. Give yourselves over to me now. The prophesy is false. I am as strong as any staz the humans can send against me. Give yourselves up and I will show mercy.]
[He lies!] Lesu told them. [If we give in to him we will be in collars and he will use us until we are of no use to him.]
[Lesu speaks the truth.] Ozmun said. [He will use us in his wars and his games like playthings. We humans will stay the source of the Savonti diet and nothing will have changed. I have fought to long to give up now.]
[He is right.] Shayn said. [Too many have died here. Either we fight or we never go home and it's our responsibility to get our cadets home as soon as possible.]
[Then we fight.] Ono said. [We end this here and now! Dragons, Nevac, Savonti brothers, we attack and fight for our freedom! ATTACK!!]
In a wave the academy forces surged forward at Daru and his overwhelming odds. Savonti in red attacked Daru's warriors in black. The Nevac streaked down and stabbed and sliced at the black armored warriors while Daru's lord used all their powers against their enemies. Cofu cast waves of vibrations out knocked down walls and hammering into both Savonti and human alike while Tibu shot short blasts of frigid cold at anything not of Daru's uniform color. Guku lurked from place to place using his hate to drive everyone crazy. He laughed as he watched clansmen attacking each other than falling to their death screaming in pain.
As Ono fought at Redu's side, he watched as Daru approached Shayn in his white dragon form. His back was turns as he fought off a large group or warriors in black. As the chadaka made his way closer to Shayn, Ono screamed and dived in to intercept the six armed beast. In second as he ran he shifted from his were from to Battle and launched himself at Daru's back and dragged him away from the white dragon.
[You wanted the white and grey!] He sent. [Well now you have me! Face me Daru and let's finish this!]
As Daru faced Battle his eyes blazed with the power of his mind. With a sudden flare, Daru sent a mind bolt blasting at Battle's head. As it hit, Battle felt a little dizzy but the pain was mild. He leaped in and sent a punch at the Chadaka's jaw then spun around and struck out bashing at him with his tail. Daru staggered back dazed for a second then rushed in grabbing with all six arms. Jumping high, Battle avoided his reach and came down swinging. Battle fought like a werewolf biting and slashing at Daru. He fought with a crazed frenzy unlike anything on Pentanthin. Unfortunately, Daru in the Chadaka had almost the same kind of wild instincts. The Chadaka was strong and almost as fast at Battle and he had tow advantages Battle didn't have. The Chadaka had six arms with a much longer reach and being possessed by Daru, it had his mind powers.
All while they fought, Daru projected bolt after bolt at Battle. Because of his salvation stone the blast weren't strong enough to knock him out, but as they kept coming, the pain was getting stronger and stronger. It wasn't long before the pain would start to slow him down. They with one single miss step, Battle could find himself in trouble.
With four of his arms gripping Battle's hands over his head, Daru battered Battle's chest with his last pair of fist. Suddenly Daru sent a quick upper cut into Battles jaw knocking him a bit senseless and forcing him back. Daru's eyes went to the salvation stone set in his neck. He guessed that could be the reason his mind blast were so ineffectual. Reaching out Daru grabbed at it and ripped it from Battles neck. Suddenly the shields that kept Battles mind closed were down.
[So this is your secret.] Daru sent out laughing. [Now nothing can keep me out of your mind. You are mine now!]
As Daru reached in and started to twist Battles mind to something he could control. Ono screamed out in pain and fought as hard as he could to get himself in control. He knew at that moment what Daru would do if he gained control. he would send him after Shayn to kill him.
[NO!] Battle yelled in his mind. [I will never let you hurt him! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!]
[Too late.] Daru sent. [Your mind is mine!]
Hearing Ono's cry through their shared link, Shayn reached out to his mate and caressed his mind with his warm and soothing thoughts. He sent strength and power to his mate. Mate that flowed and filled Battle with his love and confidence.
[Ono, relax.] Shayn sent calmly. [He's strong, but as long as we're together, there's nothing on Pentanthin or Keanna that can hurt us. Fight him with me my love. Fight back.]
Feeling Shayn's strength and love pouring into him, Battle relaxed and grabbed onto Shayn with his mind and let him guide him in the battle.
[Brothers.] Shayn called to the other Dragons and allies. [Help us!]
As Daru dug into Battles mind for control, he found the control center of Battles power. He laughed in triumph and reached to take hold. As he reached in, suddenly he felt like he wasn't alone. One by one the minds of all their allies started slipping into Battles mind and adding their strength into one enormous glowing orb. Lila Kordova was there, then Cutter and Blink. Then Gabor, Bella, Yaru, Lesu, Redu and the Nevac. Suddenly there were so many in there and orb was so big, Daru felt himself surrounded and overwhelmed. Hands came out of the orb and grabbed at Daru and beat at his mind taking control over the Chadaka.
[STOP!] Daru struggled to free himself from all the minds that held him. [I AM DARU THE MIND LORD! I CONTROL PENTANTHIN! YOU CANNOT STOP ME! I AM THE OVERLORD!]
[Not anymore.] Thundered in his mind. [The war ends here. You have lost. Either surrender to us now or die! And that goes for all of your forces. Cofu, Tibu, Guku, It ends now.]
[I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!} Daru struggled to send out one last power blast at the orb. It hit the glowing power and was completely absorbed. Daru screamed his rage. [THIS IS NOT OVER! I WILL RETURN TO KILL YOU ALL!!]
[No.] Echoed through their minds. [You will never again have the power to invade another mind. Hear me Dar. From this dray on you will no longer be a lord of Pentanthin. You will never hear or be able to touch or affect another mind Human or Savonti. We banish your powers from you for now and forever. You will live the rest of your life as a lowly warrior alone belonging to no house. No one will ever allow you more then two drays rest in there house. You are Armaurk now to all the Savonti.]
[No!] Daru screamed as he fell from the body of the chadaka. [You do not have the power to do that! Only I have that power.]
[Your wrong.] Came the answer. [All your powers will now be in the control of one person. A human. The Lady Lilia Kordova. Furthermore, never again will the Nevac or the Humans be hunted on Pentanthin under penalty of death. That will be sworn by every warrior and lord in every house. So it will be written in every house and clan.]
As Daru stood up and looked out at the plain. All the fighting had stopped. The chadaka were making their way back into the forest away from the caves. All around, Savonti, clansmen and Nevac looking at each other exhausted and tired. Dressed in white and grey, two men hugged each other and shook hands with warriors, lords and Nevac just a few feet in front of him. Unable to accept the ruling, Dar grabbed a staff weapon and ran for the white and grey. He raised it to his shoulder and put his finger to the trigger.
Dar froze as a elderly woman wearing a veil stepped of from behind Lords Lesu and Paru. She walked out to where Dar stood alone with Ozmun and took the staff from his paralyzed hands and handed it to the bald clansmen. Ozmun took it and looked hard at the ex- lord. Lilia could read easily what was in Ozmun's mind.
"It is over Ozmun." She patted his hand. "He cannot hurt anyone ever again. Let him live with his banishment."
"How do we know?" Ozmun asked. "How do we know he will not go on killing? It is all he knows."
"I hear his every thought." She smiled. "No matter where he goes, I will be listening. I will always know where he is and what he is thinking. Is that not punishment enough for a ex-lord?"
Ozmun looked at the paralyzed Savonti.
"Never let me see you anywhere near Gekkol ever again." He took Lilia's hand and walked her back to where Shayn, Ono, Gabor and Lesu stood.
"Gekkol!" Gabor smiled. "We have a home now. No more running."
"No more running." Lesu put a hand on Gabor's shoulder. "We will have Memu's people out of your house in a few drays and you and your people can have it back. I guess many of the houses of the dead lords can be made habitable by some of the other clans as well."
"We did it!" Bella hugged Gabor then Tanis. "The prophesy came true. The white and grey saved us!"
"Yes." Lesu said. "They saved us all.]
"No we didn't. " Ono said. "You saved yourselves."
"That's not true." Drake said as he joined them. "If you hadn't come to Pentanthin, nothing would have changed. Lesu wouldn't have changed. Xan would never have become Valor. It probably would have gotten worse and Daru would've won had you not been here. This was your destiny."
"I guess." Shayn said. "But there's still one more thing."
"What's that?" Cutter asked.
"How do you get home?" Xan asked.
For a second no one said a word. They were all just so relieved that the fighting was over. The wounded had to be cared for and the misplaced lords had to find new homes. Guku, Cofu and Tibu had to be sworn into the alliance and the Nevac had to get use to being on the surface. It might take agens but Pentanthin would finally start in its way to healing to heavy wounds. But what if the Academy? Were they to be trapped here on Pentanthin for the rest of their lives. Neither Shayn nor Ono knew the answer to that question, But there was someone who did.
Two days later at the gates of the Academy, Lilia stood with Shayn, Ono, Magda and Lesu as the clansmen filed out. They were all loaded down with their packs and wagons of supply's. Gabor and Bella had said their good byes and promised to visit soon. Drake and Bandt had asked to go alone with Gabor. They wanted to spend sometime in the forest and jungles of Gekkol. Ono had said it would be fine since he knew how much his father loved the forest. Lesu and Paru's warriors had left the day before and were settling back in their own houses. The only Savonti warriors still left at the Academy were Yaru and Maru and their band full of warriors.
"Ozmun and I are going back to my clan." Magda kissed and hugged Shayn before climbing on their tracker. "Lesu will be helping us build our own house in the mountains. We hope you will both visit."
"We will as soon as we can get the cadets settled back into classes and we have time." Ono hugged her. "There's still a lot of Pentanthin that we would like to see."
"I am afraid that will not be possible." Lilia said as Lesu helped her onto the back of a tracker.
"Why not?" Shayn asked.
"Fate." Lilia smiled and leaned down and kissed them both. "Nazun my friends and thank you for all you have done.
As Lesu, Magda and Ozmun rode off, Shayn and Ono watched confused. What did she mean? Why wouldn't they be able to see the rest of Pentanthin. With a shrug, the two walked arm in arm back into the academy gates. As they walked into the Academy doors, the whole compound shimmered and faded away and was gone from Pentanthin.
As Trela slipped away into the swamp, Zarin and his friends came limping up out of the lair. No one spoke and there was a look of defeat on their faces, They were exhausted and in pain. Zarin's shoulder still bleed from stab wounds and Reno and Azeal were bruised from head to toe. Thalia leaned heavily on Reno as they existed the lair.
"What now?" Reno asked settling Thalia down on a log. "Do you have any idea where he went?"
"Yes." Zarin said. "He went home. Back to Keanna and his father."
"With the ring?" Azeal asked. "Tell me that wasn't the ring in his hand."
"It was. He got it."
"And we're still trapped here on Pentanthin." Craven threw his hands up in frustration. "What are we supposed to do now?"
"We go after him!" Zarin shouted. "We're going home to bring him down. We are the only ones that can do it. The ring has no effect on use. We have no choice."
"And how do we do that?" Thalia asked. "We're stuck here on Pentanthin."
[No we're not.] Rese said in their minds. As everyone looked up, Tempus circled in and roared to announce his arrival [I think I can get us back home.]
From the ground they could see two people riding on his back. That had to be Trip and Dack. As everyone one cheered, Rese dropped down and came in to land. With Dack and Trip off his back, Tempus made the shift back to Rese and ran in to join them,
"What are you doing here?" Zarin asked.
"I saw everything!" Rese smiled anxiously. "When you got here and the Savonti came out to attack.
I saw that snake lady fighting Thalia and I saw you go into the throne room after Tabor. I know he got away with the ring and I think I can get us home if you want."
"How?" Zarin asked. "We don't even know where home is."
"I do." Rese smiled. "Well, Tempus knows his way home. That's one of his abilities. He always knows where he is and if he knows where he is, he can get home."
"Are you sure?" Dack asked.
"Positive. I can get us home,"
"Then what are we waiting for?" Dack smiled. "Let's go!"
"Wait!" Azeal stood up. "What about the Academy? What about Shayn and Ono and Tanis? I can't just leave here without Tanis."
"They you should go back." Zarin stepped up to Azeal and reached out and shook his hand. "Tell them what happened here and that we went home after Tabor. Tell my father I'll be at home waiting for him."
"And tell Luke and Tored we said Nazun." Thalia hugged Azeal and kissed him on his cheek. She turned and went over to Rese. Next came Craven.
"Tell our parents we're ok and we love them."
"Wish them good luck for us." Reno waved as he joined the others. "Tell Gabor Good bye."
Then Rese shifted and Tempus helped his friends onto his back and took off into the night sky.
[Aiya my friends.] Azeal waved. [I'll see you when we get home.]
As Tempus circled faster and faster he became a blur. Then in a sudden fast of light, he was gone.
Back on the plains, the Savonti attacked. With Daru merged with the Chadaka, he charged down on the fighting clansmen and their Nevac and Red garbed Savonti allies. Like a demon out of the night, Blink swooped down to confront the first Chadaka. With a roar he attacked batting at the beast with his wings. With two of its six arms the Chadaka reached out trying to grab Blink. But Blink was fast. Like a shadow he would blink in and out of shadow beating at the beast. He moved with so much speed, the Chadaka could barely land a blow. Howling its rage it beat blindly at the darkness all around it usually missing its mark but sometimes landing a solid blow. After being hit in his head, Blink tried to back away to catch his breath but that chadaka grabbed onto him. Casting shadow behind him, Blink dragged the beast back into his shadow world. As the Chadaka was dragged into the darkness, the absolute cold of the shadow world took a hold of the cold blooded animal and in seconds it was completely paralyzed. With a kick, Blink sent it off with a feeble whimper tumbling away into the darkness and death.
As the second Chadaka charged in it crushed clansmen and Savonti in its rage. It grabbed Nevac and smashed them into the ground. Then out of the sky a stream of fire blasted down scorching the ground in front of it. As the beast looked up, Valor streaked down with smoke flowing from his nostrils. Reaching to its side, the Chadaka grabbed a boulder and launched it at the dragon. Being the dragon of the four element, all it took was a thought and he sent the boulder right back at the six armed monster. As the missile crashed down on the Chadaka, it spun around and swatted the boulder from the sky with its tail. Amazed, Valor narrowed his winged and went head first into the chest of the beast. Grabbing on, Valor sent a stream of steam into the face of the beast. Howling, the Chadaka beat down it Valor as they rolled across the ground wrestling. Drawing his legs up, Valor kicked out sending the beast rolling away from him. Getting up on his hind legs, Valor sneered and waited for the Chadaka to attack. As the Chadaka stood up it stared into Valor's eyes.
[You are Xan son of Lesu.]
[I am.] Valor answered. [And I am Valor, the first dragon of Pentanthin.]
[The first you say. Then there will be more of your kind?]
[Yes.] The dragon sent. [In time there will be. And we will protect Pentanthin from all threats and that includes my own kind. I will fight for the Humans, the Savonti and the Nevac. I will fight for peace.]
[I cannot allow that. Only I can be the master of Pentanthin, so you and all your allies must die!!]
As the beast roared and beat its chest, it charged and grabbed for Valor. With hammering fist it beat at Valor's face. Raising his arms, Valor covered himself then blasted the chadaka dead in the face with a blast of fire. Howling it backed away ribbing at its eyes. Knowing this was his chance, Valor charged in and grabbed him by the throat and squeezed with all his strength. Putting his hands to his chest, Valor sent a final charge of electricity into the beast stopping its heart. With the chadaka dead, Valor roared and tossed the beast aside.
On the field of battle the fighting had become fierce. Redu with Weru and Buku at his side had finally made it to face three of the lords that stood between him and Daru. With his club in hand, Redu stood facing Cofu, Guku and Petu.
"You are in my way." Redu hefted his club to his shoulder. "Move so I can get to my revenge."
"Why do you fight us Redu?" Cofu took a step out to confront the ex-lord. "You were once one of us. A proud lord who ruled his house with a strong hand. Why do you side with these things? Are you mad?"
"Because the things as you call them live with honor." Redu said. "I trust them more then I ever could trust your lord. Why you do trust him? You think you are anything more then something he can use and throw away when he is done? Do you really think Daru will reward you for anything you do, ever? If that is what you think then, you are the mad one."
"And you are my enemy." Cofu said as he and the other two lords readied themselves to fight. "You will die as Daru commands."
"Come and kill me then little juinti." Redu raised his hand and waved Cofu on. "We are here waiting for our punishment."
With a wave of his hand, Cofu sent several pulses of vibrations at Redu. Raising his club, Redu batted them away inching his way forward towards the lord. Siding at his side, Buku reached out with his telekinesis and knocked Petu down just as he fired a burst of sound at them. With the sound burst screaming at them, Weru absorbed it and sent it back slamming down on Guku before he could move out of the way. As Guku fell, Weru leaped forward and engaged Buku with his sword.
"Your sound will not work on me." Weru said stabbing forward slamming his sword into Petu. "I can just force it right back at you in my own way."
Gritting his teeth, Petu and Weru set about their duel. Their swords flashed and sparked as they searched for an opening in each other's defenses. Petu stabbed then spun and sliced at Weru's head. Weru ducked and brought his sword up and blocked the slice. Spinning his sword around, he hacked down and cut into Petu's thigh. Petu screamed and backed away out of Weru's reach. As Weru watched, Petu's collar began to glow. Daru was about to do something. Buku took a deep breath.
"Do not do it! You are to close!"
Petu screamed and sent a sonic blast it Weru. Without even thinking, Weru raised his hands and absorbed the blast and returned it with one hundred times more power. As the blast hit Petu, he flew back and smashed against the cliff wall. His body exploded with the force from the blast as he hit the wall. Pieces of him rained down all around them. Relieved but not out of danger, Weru turned to see if he could be of any help to his companions. Redu stood tall standing over Cofu while Buku held Guku down by the throat.
"What do we do with him?" Buku asked. Guku struggled to get up. "Use you hate on me and I will crush your head,"
"I care nothing for this pathetic fool! Taste his hate!"
Redu reached down and ripped the collar from his neck. As Redu crushed it in his hands, Guku's eyes cleared. He was no longer in Daru's control.
"Where am I?" He asked looking up at Redu.
"In the middle of battle." Redu told him. "I do not have time for this. You were under the mind lords control. We just freed you. Join us and fight Daru or run now for the forest. Make your decision now."
"I remember Daru. He took my house. I will join you."
"Good." Redu reached down and helped him up." Stay with Weru and Buku. Fight at their side and you may live through this but be warned. Betray us and I will kill you."
"Where are you going?" Weru asked.
"To face Daru. He has to pay." Redu turned and looked out on the battle field. A golden dragon was fighting another of the chadaka's blasting it with lightning. On the other side, Ozmun in the form of a Tark fought beside a human girl as she used some strange ability to make her enemies explode. As Redu looked around, he saw the Nevac fighting side by side with both humans and Savonti in the colors of the house of Lesu. In the distance, Redu saw the last and biggest of the Chadaka. He had seen Daru merge with the beast and knew that was what he would now have to fight. It was big, bigger then anything he had ever seen before. But if that was what he had to fight to have his revenge, so be it.
Starting out across the field, Redu beat down any opposition that came near him. His club was blue with the blood of many warriors when suddenly something crashed to the ground behind him knocking him off his feet. As he jumped up he turned to see who had attack. There on the ground behind him was the smashed body of a warrior. Standing over him was the ten foot tall Lord Pulu.
"Careful brother." Pulu leaned on his club. "This one almost blasted your head off. I do not think you will do well without a head,"
"My thanks brother." Redu was glad to see his brother in red. That meant they were fighting on the same side. "It is good to see you free of the mind lord's influence and on the right side."
"Yes." Pulu nodded. "Never again will he be in my head. Never will I be shamed by him again."
"Then our enemy is there." Redu pointed to the chadaka in battle. It's mighty tail swept out smashing Clansmen and Savonti alike. It's hands reached out and grabbed for victims and ripping and tearing them apart.
Pulu looked down at his brother. There was so much anger in his eyes. He wanted nothing more then the chance to get his hands on Daru so he could beat him until he was dead. Pulu knew that would be impossible. Of course Redu was strong enough. They both had enough strength to kill the mind lord. But Redu's anger would be his undoing. Daru had the power to easily turn that hate into something he could use. Something he could manipulate and turn to his side. But that wouldn't work now on Pulu. Though once Daru did have power over Pulu, he now had something that would keep him in control over his own mind. Like Lesu, Maru and Xan, Shayn had placed in his throat, a small bit of the salvation stone. That would protect him from Daru's mind invasion, but it wouldn't stop Redu from throwing away his life in trying to kill Daru. There had to be a way.
[There is a way.] Cutter sent to the giant lord. [But it would mean deceiving him with a lie and that might destroy what little trust he has in us. I really don't want to do that.]
[Then think of something else!]
Suddenly from behind there was a pained roar. Pulu and Redu looked back and saw a group of Daru's warriors attacking Ozmun and Magda. Magda was down and Ozmun stood over her bleeding fighting the Savonti. Ozmun fought like a demon but he was heavily outnumbered. Without help, he would fall and they would both be killed. In Redu's head, Ozmun screamed for help from anyone that could hear his call.
Redu looked at Daru, then back at Ozmun. A warrior fired and sent his charge into the Tark knocking if from it's feet. With the decision made, Redu leaped high in the air covering the distance to Ozmun in one jump and attacked the warriors.
Knowing this would be his only chance, Pulu grew himself to the same size as the Chadaka, grabbed his club and went in to attack Daru.
[So the big one would face his master.] Daru roared as he stepped up to Pulu. [You think you can defeat me, come little lord."
Raising his club, Pulu slammed it down at the Chadaka. Stepping to the side, the beast spun around and slammed its tail into Pulu sweeping him off his feet. As it dived in to attack, Pulu raised his club and thrust it up pushing the Chadaka back. Snapping down at Pulu, the beast raked down trying to claw and scratch at Pulu's body. Pulu kicked up again and again at the beast lower body trying to force it back off of his body. With a final kick, the Chadaka rolled away and scrambled to get back on its feet.
As Pulu stood up, he faced and wiped the drool from his face. The Chadaka snarled, Pulu swung high for its head. Raising one of its many arms, the Chadaka caught the club then stared intently into Pulu's eyes
[Something bars me from you mind Pulu.] It sent. [But I can still do this.]
Lunging forward, the beast bashed its head into Pulu's chest sending him crashing to the ground. As Pulu tried to get ti his feet, Daru jumped on him holding him down with four arms while strangling him with the last pair. Pulu fought back struggling to breathe. He kicked and punched at the Chadaka as the beast roared and bite down into his chest. Blue Savonti blood sprayed everywhere as Pulu's fighting weakened. With his last ounce of strength, Pulu called out to his brother.
[Forgive me brother. I have failed. But you live. Take care of my house and bring honor in both our names. Nazun Redu. Follow the Humans to victory.]
Raising Pulu's body in his mouth, Daru tossed him aside roared into the night sky. He charged further out on to the plain in front of all the fighting and cast his thoughts out for everyone to hear.
[Pulu the strongest of you is dead.] He sent. [Soon all of you will be under my power. You cannot resist me forever and I will always be right on the edge of your minds waiting to take control. Give yourselves over to me now. The prophesy is false. I am as strong as any staz the humans can send against me. Give yourselves up and I will show mercy.]
[He lies!] Lesu told them. [If we give in to him we will be in collars and he will use us until we are of no use to him.]
[Lesu speaks the truth.] Ozmun said. [He will use us in his wars and his games like playthings. We humans will stay the source of the Savonti diet and nothing will have changed. I have fought to long to give up now.]
[He is right.] Shayn said. [Too many have died here. Either we fight or we never go home and it's our responsibility to get our cadets home as soon as possible.]
[Then we fight.] Ono said. [We end this here and now! Dragons, Nevac, Savonti brothers, we attack and fight for our freedom! ATTACK!!]
In a wave the academy forces surged forward at Daru and his overwhelming odds. Savonti in red attacked Daru's warriors in black. The Nevac streaked down and stabbed and sliced at the black armored warriors while Daru's lord used all their powers against their enemies. Cofu cast waves of vibrations out knocked down walls and hammering into both Savonti and human alike while Tibu shot short blasts of frigid cold at anything not of Daru's uniform color. Guku lurked from place to place using his hate to drive everyone crazy. He laughed as he watched clansmen attacking each other than falling to their death screaming in pain.
As Ono fought at Redu's side, he watched as Daru approached Shayn in his white dragon form. His back was turns as he fought off a large group or warriors in black. As the chadaka made his way closer to Shayn, Ono screamed and dived in to intercept the six armed beast. In second as he ran he shifted from his were from to Battle and launched himself at Daru's back and dragged him away from the white dragon.
[You wanted the white and grey!] He sent. [Well now you have me! Face me Daru and let's finish this!]
As Daru faced Battle his eyes blazed with the power of his mind. With a sudden flare, Daru sent a mind bolt blasting at Battle's head. As it hit, Battle felt a little dizzy but the pain was mild. He leaped in and sent a punch at the Chadaka's jaw then spun around and struck out bashing at him with his tail. Daru staggered back dazed for a second then rushed in grabbing with all six arms. Jumping high, Battle avoided his reach and came down swinging. Battle fought like a werewolf biting and slashing at Daru. He fought with a crazed frenzy unlike anything on Pentanthin. Unfortunately, Daru in the Chadaka had almost the same kind of wild instincts. The Chadaka was strong and almost as fast at Battle and he had tow advantages Battle didn't have. The Chadaka had six arms with a much longer reach and being possessed by Daru, it had his mind powers.
All while they fought, Daru projected bolt after bolt at Battle. Because of his salvation stone the blast weren't strong enough to knock him out, but as they kept coming, the pain was getting stronger and stronger. It wasn't long before the pain would start to slow him down. They with one single miss step, Battle could find himself in trouble.
With four of his arms gripping Battle's hands over his head, Daru battered Battle's chest with his last pair of fist. Suddenly Daru sent a quick upper cut into Battles jaw knocking him a bit senseless and forcing him back. Daru's eyes went to the salvation stone set in his neck. He guessed that could be the reason his mind blast were so ineffectual. Reaching out Daru grabbed at it and ripped it from Battles neck. Suddenly the shields that kept Battles mind closed were down.
[So this is your secret.] Daru sent out laughing. [Now nothing can keep me out of your mind. You are mine now!]
As Daru reached in and started to twist Battles mind to something he could control. Ono screamed out in pain and fought as hard as he could to get himself in control. He knew at that moment what Daru would do if he gained control. he would send him after Shayn to kill him.
[NO!] Battle yelled in his mind. [I will never let you hurt him! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!]
[Too late.] Daru sent. [Your mind is mine!]
Hearing Ono's cry through their shared link, Shayn reached out to his mate and caressed his mind with his warm and soothing thoughts. He sent strength and power to his mate. Mate that flowed and filled Battle with his love and confidence.
[Ono, relax.] Shayn sent calmly. [He's strong, but as long as we're together, there's nothing on Pentanthin or Keanna that can hurt us. Fight him with me my love. Fight back.]
Feeling Shayn's strength and love pouring into him, Battle relaxed and grabbed onto Shayn with his mind and let him guide him in the battle.
[Brothers.] Shayn called to the other Dragons and allies. [Help us!]
As Daru dug into Battles mind for control, he found the control center of Battles power. He laughed in triumph and reached to take hold. As he reached in, suddenly he felt like he wasn't alone. One by one the minds of all their allies started slipping into Battles mind and adding their strength into one enormous glowing orb. Lila Kordova was there, then Cutter and Blink. Then Gabor, Bella, Yaru, Lesu, Redu and the Nevac. Suddenly there were so many in there and orb was so big, Daru felt himself surrounded and overwhelmed. Hands came out of the orb and grabbed at Daru and beat at his mind taking control over the Chadaka.
[STOP!] Daru struggled to free himself from all the minds that held him. [I AM DARU THE MIND LORD! I CONTROL PENTANTHIN! YOU CANNOT STOP ME! I AM THE OVERLORD!]
[Not anymore.] Thundered in his mind. [The war ends here. You have lost. Either surrender to us now or die! And that goes for all of your forces. Cofu, Tibu, Guku, It ends now.]
[I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!} Daru struggled to send out one last power blast at the orb. It hit the glowing power and was completely absorbed. Daru screamed his rage. [THIS IS NOT OVER! I WILL RETURN TO KILL YOU ALL!!]
[No.] Echoed through their minds. [You will never again have the power to invade another mind. Hear me Dar. From this dray on you will no longer be a lord of Pentanthin. You will never hear or be able to touch or affect another mind Human or Savonti. We banish your powers from you for now and forever. You will live the rest of your life as a lowly warrior alone belonging to no house. No one will ever allow you more then two drays rest in there house. You are Armaurk now to all the Savonti.]
[No!] Daru screamed as he fell from the body of the chadaka. [You do not have the power to do that! Only I have that power.]
[Your wrong.] Came the answer. [All your powers will now be in the control of one person. A human. The Lady Lilia Kordova. Furthermore, never again will the Nevac or the Humans be hunted on Pentanthin under penalty of death. That will be sworn by every warrior and lord in every house. So it will be written in every house and clan.]
As Daru stood up and looked out at the plain. All the fighting had stopped. The chadaka were making their way back into the forest away from the caves. All around, Savonti, clansmen and Nevac looking at each other exhausted and tired. Dressed in white and grey, two men hugged each other and shook hands with warriors, lords and Nevac just a few feet in front of him. Unable to accept the ruling, Dar grabbed a staff weapon and ran for the white and grey. He raised it to his shoulder and put his finger to the trigger.
Dar froze as a elderly woman wearing a veil stepped of from behind Lords Lesu and Paru. She walked out to where Dar stood alone with Ozmun and took the staff from his paralyzed hands and handed it to the bald clansmen. Ozmun took it and looked hard at the ex- lord. Lilia could read easily what was in Ozmun's mind.
"It is over Ozmun." She patted his hand. "He cannot hurt anyone ever again. Let him live with his banishment."
"How do we know?" Ozmun asked. "How do we know he will not go on killing? It is all he knows."
"I hear his every thought." She smiled. "No matter where he goes, I will be listening. I will always know where he is and what he is thinking. Is that not punishment enough for a ex-lord?"
Ozmun looked at the paralyzed Savonti.
"Never let me see you anywhere near Gekkol ever again." He took Lilia's hand and walked her back to where Shayn, Ono, Gabor and Lesu stood.
"Gekkol!" Gabor smiled. "We have a home now. No more running."
"No more running." Lesu put a hand on Gabor's shoulder. "We will have Memu's people out of your house in a few drays and you and your people can have it back. I guess many of the houses of the dead lords can be made habitable by some of the other clans as well."
"We did it!" Bella hugged Gabor then Tanis. "The prophesy came true. The white and grey saved us!"
"Yes." Lesu said. "They saved us all.]
"No we didn't. " Ono said. "You saved yourselves."
"That's not true." Drake said as he joined them. "If you hadn't come to Pentanthin, nothing would have changed. Lesu wouldn't have changed. Xan would never have become Valor. It probably would have gotten worse and Daru would've won had you not been here. This was your destiny."
"I guess." Shayn said. "But there's still one more thing."
"What's that?" Cutter asked.
"How do you get home?" Xan asked.
For a second no one said a word. They were all just so relieved that the fighting was over. The wounded had to be cared for and the misplaced lords had to find new homes. Guku, Cofu and Tibu had to be sworn into the alliance and the Nevac had to get use to being on the surface. It might take agens but Pentanthin would finally start in its way to healing to heavy wounds. But what if the Academy? Were they to be trapped here on Pentanthin for the rest of their lives. Neither Shayn nor Ono knew the answer to that question, But there was someone who did.
Two days later at the gates of the Academy, Lilia stood with Shayn, Ono, Magda and Lesu as the clansmen filed out. They were all loaded down with their packs and wagons of supply's. Gabor and Bella had said their good byes and promised to visit soon. Drake and Bandt had asked to go alone with Gabor. They wanted to spend sometime in the forest and jungles of Gekkol. Ono had said it would be fine since he knew how much his father loved the forest. Lesu and Paru's warriors had left the day before and were settling back in their own houses. The only Savonti warriors still left at the Academy were Yaru and Maru and their band full of warriors.
"Ozmun and I are going back to my clan." Magda kissed and hugged Shayn before climbing on their tracker. "Lesu will be helping us build our own house in the mountains. We hope you will both visit."
"We will as soon as we can get the cadets settled back into classes and we have time." Ono hugged her. "There's still a lot of Pentanthin that we would like to see."
"I am afraid that will not be possible." Lilia said as Lesu helped her onto the back of a tracker.
"Why not?" Shayn asked.
"Fate." Lilia smiled and leaned down and kissed them both. "Nazun my friends and thank you for all you have done.
As Lesu, Magda and Ozmun rode off, Shayn and Ono watched confused. What did she mean? Why wouldn't they be able to see the rest of Pentanthin. With a shrug, the two walked arm in arm back into the academy gates. As they walked into the Academy doors, the whole compound shimmered and faded away and was gone from Pentanthin.
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