Flashes of future events ran through his dream. Gabor Gekko fighting, humans on the run. Chaos had taken hold of Pentanthin, the blood of both and Savonti running in rivers, but he couldn't see a victor no matter how hard he tried.
As his mind wandered from land to land, Daru saw the many changes that the White and Grey war had brought to Pentanthin. Of the many lords he had counseled in the beginning. Many were no longer in power in there lands. Seru the Queen of poison and seduction was dead by an unknown hand. He had visited her house after her demise and felt something strangely familiar there. Something old that he couldn't identify and it wasn't human. Redu was reported dead at the hands of Lesu's son Mar and one of the white and grey's humans by one of his warriors that escaped. Now Redul was in there hands. And Dicu the master of hate. His house was another victim of the Humans but this time it was a rebellion that neither Dicu or any of his warriors could quell. It seemed the Humans of Pentanthin were becoming more brave and less fearful of the Savonti. And that could only be because of the influence of Daru's strange new enemies.
As he scanned the plains, forest, mountains and deserts of Pentanthin.,the home of his worst enemy came into view. Lesul. The lord of the death stare stood at the gates of his mound directing his warriors and screaming orders as they hurried about. Something was definitely on his mind for his eyes were blazing red with power. As Lesu stepped out of his mound, Daru scanned all around him. There were trackers being driven into pens and his wagons were out being loaded. It seemed Lesu was about to take his warriors out either on a raid or on the attack. As Daru looked around he noticed there were no caged wagons. That meant he wasn't going out on a hunt. That left a raid. His closest neighbor was Lord Povu the fiery one. For agens they had raided and went out to war together. Povu was the closest thing Lesu had that could be called a friend. His raid would not be on him.
The next closest lands to Lesul was Nebul and Ketul. Nebul was another desert land, smaller and with less Humans and resources Lesu nad never seemed interested in raiding there. Ketul was different. Just as empty as Nebul, but it was ruled by the mad lord Ketu who none of the lords of Pentanthin would have any dealings with. They were all afraid of the curse or disease Ketu had inflicted of his land. The mutations and the pain. No Savonti was brave enough to take a chance on infection and being condemned to the rest of there life under Ketu's rule..
Then where was Lesu off to?
He watched as Lesu climbed on his tracker ready to ride off. All Daru needed was a single touch and he would be in his thoughts and could learn all he needed from the red eyed fool. Concentrating with all his will, Daru crept closer. Lesu sat on his tracker calling out last minute orders to his warriors as Daru came closer and reached out to touch his mind. Suddenly pain flared in Daru as Lesu screamed and leaped from his mount. Shaking his head he looked around at his warriors the screamed out in his mind.
Drifting back, Daru chuckled out his amusement. He had been caught. Somehow Lesu's mind had become strong enough to resist his intrusions.
[I am impressed,] The mind lord said. [You have grown stronger in you mind Lesu.]
[Yes I have,] Lesu looked directly at the spot where Daru's mental form had settled. [Or you are not as strong as you think you are.]
With a frown, Daru moved over to one of Lesu's warriors and entered his body. With a pained look on his face the warrior turned to face Lesu.
"I am as strong as ever Lord Lesu." Standing tall the warrior walked over to face Lesu. "As you can see."
"What do you want leech?" Lesu eyed him with annoyance.
"I want to make Pentanthin safe for all Savonti." He smiled showing his sharp teeth. "To make you strong. Is that so wrong?"
"You do not care about me or any other on Pentanthin." Lesu spit at him. "All you want is to make us all slaves of Darul as you did Resu, Jaru and Fedru."
Shock rolled over Daru's face. He didn't think the others knew of his conquests. He had hoped all the fighting between them would keep it all quiet.
"I am not as stupid as you think I am." His eyes began to burn more brightly. "I will not become one of your juinti."
"I am not the enemy, Lesu." Daru stepped back away from the angry lord. "The Humans are the enemy. They are the one's we have to fight. Not each other. Join me, fight with me against them then together we can take Pentanthin as our own. Me and you rulers of all of Pentanthin."
"I will never fight at your side Daru." Lesu slowly moved forward his eyes blazing. "We are enemies now and we will always be enemies. I am coming for you. Maybe not now but your time will come soon. Either I will kill you or the humans will. NOW GET OUT OF MY LAND!!"
With that, Lesu sent a searing blast at the warrior standing in front of him and he burst into flames.
"Come if you will Lesu." Daru laughed. "I will be waiting."
Opening his eyes Daru stood and took his robe from the hook beside his sand pit. He had learned many things is his dreams and it was time for him to move. Ringing a bell to call for his aide he looked out over the plains of Gukul. A sudden noise attracted his attention and he turned to see Trela sitting lounging on a heated couch.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to serve you my lord." She plucked a small rodent from a cage and popped it into her mouth and swallowed. "You sent for me my love."
"Yes." Daru turned as the aide entered bearing his armor. He spread his arm to let the aide begin dressing him. "What have you learned since I have been away?"
"My dreams have been very informative my lord." Trela stood and walked out to where Daru was being dressed. She stopped and looked at his armor pieces laid out as he was cleaned wrapped and dressed. His sword laid right there gleaming from being polished. All it would take would be for her to grab it, pull it from the scabbard and strike him down and she would have all the power she wanted. Daru glanced down at her and smiled. Trela froze. Had he caught her thoughts? Was he aware of what she was thinking?
She reached out and took the sword from the soft pillow it was laid on. Daru's tongue flickered out as he waited to see what she would do/ Sowing before him, Trela raised the sword up to where Daru could take it..
"Your mind is filled with many confusing thoughts My lady." Daru took the sword from the pillow and handed it to his aide to be belted at his waist. "What troubles you Trela?"
"Fear my lord. I to have seen many things in my dreams." Trela went back to her couch and sat down. "Something is watching us. I feel it here now all around us."
"Humans?" He asked.
"I do not think so. But I feel the hate it has for us." Trela cringed and rolled off the couch to lay open mouthed with a blank stare on her face. As Daru watched, suddenly she bolted up in a sitting position. She was again in one of her dream trances. Her eyes had gone milky white as her head turned to look at Daru.
"Beware the white and grey." Came a chilling voice from the queen of Darul. "For they will cause the end of agens of tyranny and enslavement. Their power and courage will doom the high ones and bring freedom to all that suffer and fight with them. The mark of the wolf and dragon will be the sign. Beware the white and grey."
A false prophesy." Daru stepped down and took Trela by the hand and pulled her to her feet. "Old words that mean absolutely nothing. I am tired of these words. I am the power on Pentanthin. No human will ever defeat me."
He dropped her to fall back on the couch and walked to the window where outside he could see Magu's flying warriors circling the mound in the sky.
"Whoever you are." He turned back to Trela. "I control the sky and the ground of Pentanthin. I can see into the minds of everyone on the planet I AM FEAR ON PENTANTHIN! Tell your Humans I am coming for them. Tell them the High Lord Daru will rid Pentanthin of all his enemies. Tell the White and Grey the end is near!!"
"But for who dear Daru." Trela said as her trance faded away. "The end comes for who?"
Fully dressed and armed to the teeth, Daru stalked his way through the halls of the once strong house of Guku. In a irate mood, minor and upper class warriors hurried to keep out of his way as he passed. Again with that damned prophesy. He had had enough of hearing it. It was time he took steps to make sure it didn't come true even if it meant killing every human on the planet.
As he stepped out of the mound, he called for Magu the lord of the Pentanthin skies.
[Magu. Attend me.]
"I am here Daru."
A shadow passed over head then dropped to shift and land in the courtyard of the mound. As Daru came out to meet him, Magu folded the webbing of his wings into a great green cloak then slammed his fist into his chest in salute to the Mind lord.
"What is on your mind today my lord? Sun light glinted off Magu's horns.
"Call your warriors." He waved him on to follow him. "You move out in ten units."
"Where am I going?" Magu asked curiously.
"All our enemies are on the move." Daru explained. "Lesu in the south leads a force into the north and I'm sure he does not march alone. Memu and his warriors head into Fedrul now as we speak. An invasion almost at my door. And then there is the Humans who seem to be destroying Savonti lords. Lords I need right now. With collars on their necks, their power becomes mine. I will need that power if I want to control all of Pentanthin. I want you to take a legion out and bring me power. Capture as many lords as you can. Bring them back in chains with collars."
"Yes my lord!" Magu turned and opened his cloak to form his wings to take off.
"My lord?"
"If you meet any Gekko's, bring them back. I want to see any of the Gekko clan you capture. Only they can tell me where the White and Grey can be found. Do not hurt them. I need there minds intact for inspection. Do you understand?"
"Yes my lord." Magu nodded his huge baebot shaped head. "I will follow your orders."
"Then go!"
As Magu spread his wings and took to the sky, Daru watched as the sky became filled with winged warriors following there masters orders. In the field in front of Daru, his ground warriors were assembled.
"All is ready my lord."
"Then go." He said. "Hunt well."
Hidden in the shadows unknown to each other, two completely different entities watched as Daru's forces went out from Gukul. One was a long legged creature thin and built for endurance and speed. It had been watching the outskirts of Guku's mound for and evidence of warriors in the garb of Daru the mind lord. The creature was a trilik. A desert animal found only in Nebul. It was good for going long distances with out food or water and its excellent eyes and memory. It was also the familiar for the lord of Nebul. Now Nebu knew Lord Daru had conquered Gukul and would report the information back to his ally Lesu.
The other was a long time enemy of the Savonti. The Nevac. This one was called Avres and he had been following Daru, watching him so he could report on his plans and movements Now he had dire news for the humans. A new hunt had just begun, and they were to be the hunted.
In the Infirmary Jovan sat and watched as Macan did an examination on both Nysa and Luke. Other then a few cuts and bruises which the healer quickly took care of, Macan pronounced them in good condition. He told them a good nights rest and a meal and they would both be fit as an elf. Jovan thanked them and escorted them out for the meeting with Ono and Tanis.
From the infirmary Jovan escorted them down the hall pass class rooms filled with cadets studying hard. At the end of the hall there stood two arched entries. On the floor of the right entry there was a star etched in gold. On the left side in silver the emblem was a crescent moon. As they approached the arches, Luke stopped. To him it was a dead end. No where to go.
"Where are we going?" Luke asked.
"To meet with Ono." Jovan didn't understand what Luke meant. "We're heading up to the main floor."
"Up?" Now Luke was really confused. "How? Do we walk through the wall?"
"No!!" Now Jovan understood. He smiled at the brother and sister. "These are transport stones. It's a magical way of moving from one floor to the next. The star means up and the moon means down. You have to remember where the Academy came from. We're from Winterhaven, one of the most magical cities on Keanna. Almost everyone does some kind of magic there. Here, take my hand."
Jovan held out a hand to each of them. Luke and Nysa reached out and took his hand.
"Now what?"
"Step forward." He smiled. "Hold on tight."
Hand in hand with closed eyes Luke and Nysa stepped into the alcove facing in with the young guard. As Jovan's foot touched the golden star on the floor, a bright light flashed and a slight fuzzy current ran through they're legs. Luke clutched Jovan's hand tighter and tighter until he was squeezing so hard, Jovan had to pull himself free.
"Relax Luke." He said. "Open your eyes. We're here."
Slowly Luke let his eyes open just a bit. Nysa and Jovan was looking at him with concern. Then his little sister smiled, nudged his arm and laughed.
"That was fun. I like this magic."
"Here your going to see a lot of strange things." Jovan ushered them through the halls past cadets hurrying about to and from classes. "You just might learn a few things."
At the doors to the dining hall they stopped to look in. Out of a school that held over two hundred cadets, there were very few in there. Only about twenty spread around eating a late lunch while studying or joking with friends. In the front of the hall sat the teachers table which was where Ono, Lilia and Tanis were waiting with Zarin looking pretty upset.
"Come on." Jovan led Luke and Nysa to a table where two cadets sat reading and nibbling on their lunch. "Excuse me. Could you two please show our guest to the buffet for lunch?"
"Sure." A bright eyed cadet answered. "Come on, we have steak for lunch today."
"I'll be back to bring you to meet the others after you eat."
Luke nodded and they followed the boy off to get something to eat.
Walking through the tables, Jovan went to the dais where the teachers took there meals.
"Jovan!" Ono stood looking ast him in relief. "We were worried about you. What happened?"
"I found the spy." He explained as he sat down. "I was in the gardens after I walked Lowell to your office and I saw him escaping out through the back practise courts. I followed him but he got away from me. I know who he is now."
"It was Tabor Larin." Zarin said angrily."And he killed my mother."
"Your mother?" Jovan asked confused.
"Jovan this is Lowell and Lissette's son Zarin. "Ono introduced him. "He was sent by my brother Jandar to find us."
"I'm sorry." Jovan held out his hand for Zarin. "I knew your mother well. She was a friend."
"Thank you." They shook hands. "I see you found Luke and Nysa. Thank you for bringing them in to safety."
"You know them?" Jovan was surprised." They saved me. Luke's illusions are amazing. I never would have made it back without them."
"Wait until you meet Tored and Mera." Zarin smiled.
"What are we going to do about Tabor?" Tanis asked. Beside him, Azeal put down his goblet of cattle blood. "He could be as dangerous as the Savonti to us."
"Not could be." Zarin said. "Will be. I know Tabor. My friends and I have been fighting with him for years. He's not weak and he's a schemer. He may be gone from the building but somehow, he still has his hooks buried here somewhere very deeply. We just have to find the roots and pull him out."
"How?" Ono asked.
Zarin thought for a minute then an idea hit him.
"I know why Tabor came here in the first place." He told them pushing his barely touched plate away. "He's looking for something we hide here. If we expose it,that will bring him out."
"I'll leave that up to you and your friends. Azeal and Tanis can help if you need them but we have a war to prepare for. Lord Memu will be here soon. Gabor will need all the help he can get." Then Ono noticed the lump on Jovan's back. "What's that wrapped in your jacket?"
Jovan had forgotten all about his package. He took it from his back and sat it on the table and started to unwrap it. "I found this in the cave we were hiding in. Actually I was led to it by a the strangest dream."
"What is that?" Tanis asked.
"I don't know." Jovan answered as he pulled it out, laid it on the table and unwrapped it. As the shining object was revealed, Ono took a breath in shock. Everyone looked at Ono.
"Where did you find this?" Ono stepped closer and reached out and ran his hand along its smooth surface. He could feel its warmth.
"In a cave back in the forest." Jovan told them. "In the dream the voice said it was a gift for someone who's suppose to protect Pentanthin. What is it?"
"Has it spoken to you?" Ono asked. As he touched it he could feel the beating of the heart inside. Soon it would be ready,
"What? No, of course not."
"Is that what I think it is?" Zarin asked. Everyone had gotten up to see the shining sphere up close.
"Yes." Ono looked at each of them. "This is a dragon's egg. It looks like Pentanthin once had dragons."
Sitting quietly at the table, Lilia Kordova scanned the egg keeping all her senses open. Could this be the turn she had been waiting for? It had to be. There wasn't likely to be another egg found here for a long long time. Now her dreams were clear and she knew just what had to be done.
"Ono." She stood clearing her voice. This she knew would not be easy to talk him into. "We must talk."
On the third floor of the dormitories Dack sat outside his parents room and watched his mother as she sat folding clothes. In front of her there was a small pile of clothing folded and another pile she was working on. She had separated the colors and pants and tunics and went from one to the next. He had been watching her for the past hour with the most uneasy feeling.
As he watched her, Craven and Zark came walking down the hall towards him. They had both just stepped from the transport stone coming from sparring on the practise field.
"Dack." Craven stopped. Dack kept watching his mother work. "I know that look on your face. Somethings bothering you. What is it?"
"My mother." He answered. " There's something wrong with her. Father too."
"She looks fine to me." Craven looked and smiled waving to her. Gina Rainer looked out at him with a blank look, then went back to work folding. "She seems fine."
"Oh yeah." Dack looked up at him. "Keep watching."
As Mrs. Rainer finished the last tunic, she picked up each pile of clothing and neatly placed them in the basket. Then dumped them and started folding them all over again.
"Did you see that?" Dack stood and pointed. "You still think she's fine?"
"She didn't like how they were folded?" Craven shrugged. Dack looked at his friend with sarcism.
"Craven. This is the fifth times she's folded and dumped and started again. My mom's a little neat at times but that's just weird. Somethings wrong here."
"You know I noticed something strange about your father today too." Zark added. "This morning he was polishing armor."
"What's strange about that?" Craven asked.
"He was polishing iron armor with soap and water." The Orc said. "I find that strange even for a human."
Craven looked at Dack who stood there with folded arms as if to say I told you so.
"Something is wrong." Dack pulled them from the door front. "My father knows better.What do we do?"
"Well if there's a spell on your mom, I should be able to see it in her eyes.
"Then let's go talk to her." Dack turned and walked to there room and went in. Mrs,Rainer stopped folding and looked up at the two boys and the Orc.
"Dack." She smiled and stood carrying her basket. "Have you eaten today?
She reached into the basket and pulled out a pair of pants and thrust them out to him.
"This should fill you up."
Dack looked at the pants his mother was holding then at Craven. He took the pants then steered her toward the bed and sat her down.
"Mom, Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine." She answered.
[Grandfather.] Craven called to the spirit that was always with him. [I see a strange glow in her eyes. What is it?]
[The same glow you had in your eyes when you took Trip and Rese captive.] He answered. [Tabors spell.]
[Can we break it?]
[I'm afraid not.] Craven could feel his sadness. [She has to break the spell herself, just like you did.]
[Pain, anger, sadness. Only strong emotions can break the spell. Or the death of the one who cast the spell.]
[Then we have to watch them.] Craven watched his friend as he tried unsuccessfully to get the laundry from his mother. [Tabor is looking for the Ring. He can't come back for it while we're here so he's counting on our parents to get it for him. We'll have to find him or wait until Trip gets the Ring and see what happens. I'll talk to Zarin and Dack and we'll think of something.]
"We're going to the dining hall for something to eat." Craven grabbed Dack's arm. "Come on, let's let your mother finish her chores."
Dack looked at his mother worried, but he knew Craven had found something and wanted to talk. He bent over and kissed her then left with Craven and Zark to find Zarin and fill him in on what they had found.
As Lord Ketu and Rak slithered their way across the border of Lesul, many eyes we're watching. The scales along Ketu's neck rose in warning. He looked carefully from left to right and thought he saw the shadows of something darting in and out behind the dunes and scattered vegetation. Behind him Rak totally unaware kept up a constant stream of dialog.
"Quiet fool!" Ketu stopped his tail raised in a defensive position. Still unaware, Rak took two steps forward continuing on. Suddenly from all around them the whispered sound of darts being launched was heard. Grabbing his pack to cover his back, Ketu dived for cover behind a sand dune leaving Rak behind as the darts found there target. Ten or fifteen sharp barbs sped out to stab into his body. Rak stared open mouthed at his lord then shook as the poison took hold and fell face first into the sand.
"Come out warrior of Ketul." A voice called. "You have trespassed into Lesul. Show yourself!"
Standing tall, Ketu dropped his pack and made his way out around the dune to face Lesu's red armored warriors. There were six warriors there mounted on the backs of trackers.
"Who here speaks for the lord of Lesul?" Ketu demanded boldly.
"And who are you?" Asked a warrior. He urged his tracker out to meet Ketu. He stopped just out of reach of Ketu and leaned forward waiting for an answer.
"I Am Lord Ketu, and I wish to speak with your lord."
"You are no lord." The warrior spat. "You are a fool to leave your diseased land. You know it is death to enter here."
"This is your last warning." Ketu's tail began to swish back and forth. "I would see Lord Lesu. Send him a message now or I will kill you."
"Bah!!" The warrior reached for his staff and called out an order to his warriors."Kill the intruder!!"
With amazing speed, Ketu's hood spread out, he raised his hands as power began to flow and sent his energy spikes flying. One by one before they could reach him or even level their weapons at him, Ketu's spike found their mark and ripped through their chest. Five warriors fell from their charging trackers leaving one who came to a halt with Ketu's glowing fist pointed at his face.
"Will you die too?" Ketu asked. "Or will you call for your lord as I asked?"
"My lord comes Lord Ketu." The warrior urged his tracker back. "He is not far away."
It didn't take Lesu long to get there. As he approached he saw the bodies of his warriors scattered around the lone ketul warrior. Lesu stared down at Ketu his eyes already glowing red. He looked back at the warrior that had survived and before he could offer any explanation, Lesu let loose with his death stare and killed him.
"And what brings the lord of Ketul to my land?"
Ketul sat back on his coils and smile at Lesu. A deadly smile Lesu thought. he must want something to come here alone.
"I think we can help each other." Ketu said. "You help me, And I will put in your hands something you have been searching for."
"And why should I trust you?" Lesu asked.
"Because I will deliver one of your son's to you right now."
"You have them?" Lesu asked anxiously.
"I know where one is right now and I can take you to him." Ketul moved to Lesu's side. "But I would have your word Lesu. I know how you honor it. Give me your word and he will be yours."
Lesu stared down at Ketu. He could rid himself of the mad fiend with just one blast but that would not get him any closer to Mar and Xan. And they had to be caught and returned for his judgement. Loc had failed him and even the Mind lord Daru couldn't find them. He had no choice, this was the only way.
"You have my word Ketu." The red glare radiatedhis eyes. "Now where are they?"
"Gather your warriors." Ketul smiled his tongue licking his lips. "We ride for Ketul."
"So now that you have me." Dev asked Loc from his tracker. "What do you plan to do with me?"
"Establish my own house." Loc said. "With the help of my queen and warriors from lordless lands, I think we can overcome anyone who comes agaist us. Maybe the abandoned house of Seru. That should provide the matrial I need."
"Us?" Dev laughed. "There is no us. I will not help you against Daru or any other lord powerless one. You and your queen Trela are on your own."
"Trela?" Loc slowed until the two trackers rode side by side. "Daru's queen?"
"You think I am stupid? Do you think Daru is stupid? How else could you enter Darul without the help of Trela hiding your presence? Hiding your mind from Daru. He will find you no matter where you go then he will destroy you."
"Then maybe I should not even try to hide." Loc sneered. "Maybe I should find Daru and end this myself." Dev stared at Loc quietly. He didn't know what Loc meant. How could a simple but smart Savonti warrior defeat a lord of Daru's power?
"It is your death." Dev shrugged.
Loc looked over at Dev and knew just what he was thinking. He reached over and took the reins of his tracker.
"You wondering how a warrior such as me could possibly fight a power like Daru?" Loc shrugged. "There are ways, Surprise, ambush or maybe something new. A new weapon of my own design that might blind Daru and make his powers useless against me. A weapon you yourself will build for me."
"Never!" Dev tried to pull his chains from Loc's hands. "I will never betray my lord!"
"Yes." Loc yell snatching him back. "You will do anything I order as long as you wear that collar."
As Loc laughed at his having the upper hand on his old enemy, Dev screamed out in his mind for his lords help but there was no answer. He had to fight Loc and the collar he wore, no matter how helpless he knew it was. His only choice was to resist and hold off for as long as he could until Daru could find him and hope Loc's wouldn't be as powerful as he thinks it will be.
As Lesu rode out for Ketul, he saw a cloud of dust and sand rising from the south. Someone was following him. With a whistle he called down one of his baebot familiars and sent it out to see who it was coming towards them.
"Trouble?" Ketu asked from beside him.
"Someone follows." Lesu brought his warriors to a stop at the top of a set of hills. Shielding his eyes he looked back. Ketu looked annoyed at the hold up. Less the five units later the baebot returned and gently settled down on Lesu's shoulder to whisper in his ear.
"Well?" Ketu asked impatiently.
"Lord Paru comes." Lesu sent his familiar back into the air as they watched the cloud come closer. Soon, a huge grey tracker came trotting up the slope of the hill. On its back sat a tall Savonti warrior dressed in yellow armor. He climbed down and walked over to Lesu and Ketu.
"Nazun Lord Paru." Lesu pounded his chest with his fist. "What news have you for me."
"It seems your suspicion was correct Lesu." Paru stopped facing him as he eyed Ketu. "Daru is in Gukul."
"As an advisor?"
"No." He said. "There are no longer any Gukul warriors left in Gukul. They have all either joined Daru or been put to death."
"And Guku?" Lesu asked.
"Led away in a collar and chains."
"Send word to Nebu." Lesu ordered. "Tell him to be ready to move when I call. Have your border guards tripled, Daru may try moving on one of us next."
"Where are you heading?"
"Ketul." Lesu pointed to Ketu. "I have business with it's lord. He has something I want very badly."
"Lesu." Paru signalled him over where they could talk privately. Climbing down, Lesu set his staff in its place on the trackers saddle and followed Povu off to the side.
"Can you really trust the hooded one?" Paru watched Ketu over Lesu's shoulder. "After all he has done. How do you know he will not turn on you and put one of his spikes through your heart the moment he no longer needs your help?"
"All your words are true." Lesu put a hand on the tall lords shoulder. "But I have giving my word and Lesu's word is never broken. But I will keep an eye on him. A close eye you can be sure."
"As will I." Paru turned and climbed back on his tracker then looked Ketu dead in his eyes. "Hear me hooded one. My baebots will be watching from a far. If I see any sign of treachery, I will come to Ketul and burn it until there is nothing left of your home or you but ash. This I swear."
Then Lord Paru smacked the rear of his tracker and they were off.
"He dare threaten me!" Ketu stood high on his coils with his tail shaking like a rattle.
"Lord Paru is very formidable. His threat is no idol boast. Now shall we get moving?"
The first of the two Pentanthin suns had just gone over the horizon as Lord Yaru finished gathering what was left of the Savonti of Ketul. All the wagons, weapons and provision had been collected and all was ready for them to leave. Shayn stood out in the front of the line waiting for Yaru and his two personal guards to finish bringing out the last of ketul's queens.
"These are the last to leave." Yaru called as he joined Shayn at the front of the wagon train. "It is time for us to leave here."
"Then lets get moving." Shayn walked over to Xan who sat mounted looking to the south not paying any attention to what was going on around him. "Xan."
Xan didn't move, didn't hear Shayn calling him.
"XAN!" Shayn shook his legs. "Is something wrong?"
"He is coming for me."
"Who?" Shayn asked.
"Lesu, My father." Xan turned to look down at Shayn. "He is here in Ketul."
"How do you know?"
"I can feel him." Xan took his staff from the saddle and handed it to Shayn.
"What are you doing? I don't want that."
"Go Shayn." Xan spoke soft;y. "Take Yaru and his people somewhere safe. I have to go to my father."
"But he'll kill you." He was afraid for his friend. "Come back with us. We did what we came here to do."
"No Shayn, We did what you came here to do. My task is still undone. I must confront Lesu. It is the only way."
"Damn!!" Shayn shouted throwing his arms into the air. "Why are you Savonti so damned stubborn."
"This is my fate." Xan reached down and offered Shayn his hand. "This is what I have to do. Tell Mar I will always be proud to have stood by his side. And Drella, Tell her I am sorry we can not visit your world like I promised and I love her. I love her very much."
"Fate." Shayn's brow furrowed in wonder. "Fate is what brought Ono and I to Pentanthin. It's what steers our course here. If we have a fate, then you must have one too. Becareful Xan, we don't want to lose you."
"Nazun Shayn. Our fates are connected. Remember that."
"Aiya Xan. We'll see you again. I promise."
As Xan rode off, he felt like he was alone and might never see his friends again. But he wasn't. There were eyes on him that would stay with him and if he was who they thought he was, those eyes might do more then just watch.