From off to the left, Trip saw that something was coming his way. As a matter of fact, two somethings. Was it Azeal and Tanis coming to meet him? Drake had said he would have them come and escort him but from the size of whatever was flying towards him, Trip didn't think it could be the two vampires coming to meet him.
Dropping down to tree level, Trip moved in amongst the branches and foliage where he could find coverage and hide from what was coming. Landing on a high branch, Trip watched as two huge man sized bat creatures came sailing out of the clouds followed by a flock of smaller baebots as they circled the trees where Trip had hidden himself.
Trip wasn't sure exactly what they were, but he knew it wasn't Azeal and Tanis looking for him. So far since he and the others had been on Pentanthin, he hadn't seen anything very big in the skies. He had seen strange four and six winged birds, Some of the weirdest insects he had ever seen, but nothing this big. As they came closer, Trip saw they didn't quite look like bats, more like two great mantas in the sky. They had great broad wings with long tails but no head. There were no hands or feet that Trip could see, instead he saw hooks arranged all along their flat bottoms.The question was, were they just two animals on their morning hunt or something much more intelligent. This could be the Savonti out searching for them. If it was, there was just one way to find out. He would have to show himself by making a run for it.
Hopping from branch to branch looking for a clear opening, Trip slowly made his way through the trees. He kept an eye on the things flying over head to be sure they weren't to close when he made his run. Being raven sized he knew he wouldn't make much of a meal for one of these things. They had to have bigger animals in mind as the usual prey. So if he took to the air and they came after him, he would know they weren't looking for a meal. They were after him.
As the two bat things moved off to search an area of trees north of him, Trip spread his black wings and shot off south in the direction Drake had told him to go. Beating his wings to move as fast as he could, Trip turned to see if he was being followed. Sure enough the two rose from the trees and sped off after him. Now Trip was sure he was their target. Now he had a choice. Fly as fast as he could and hope he could out run them, or land, shift and fight.
As Trip looked back again he saw how much air they had gain in the chase. Running obviously wasn't going to work. His only choice now was to fight.
Folding his wings in close to his body, Trip went into a dive. Up ahead there was a clearing were the forest ended and a field of high grass began. That would be perfect for Trip as a battle ground. Opening his wings to slow his fall Trip beat back at the winds and came in for a gentle landing. With a quick shift Trip held out his staff and watched as the two warriors swooped down on him.
As the two great bats came in one from the left and the other on the right, Trip braced himself as he watched their hooks reach lower and grab for him..
Holding out his staff, Trip sent a bolt of energy at the creature on the left. It screamed in pain and tried to pull up to abort the run but instead falling to rolling across the grassy plain. Turning right Trip dived out of the way just in time as the second one flew past grazing his back snagging the cloak Trip was wearing. Jumping to his feet Trip unclasped the cloak and threw it aside.
"Come on!!!" He shouted as he focused his power getting ready for the next attack. "Come get me!!"
Rising from the grass the first creature stood with his wings extended. As Trip watched the wings began to compress and pull into the body. Long ears and snout molded from grey flesh pushed itself out to form face and soon a true Savonti warrior stood snarling at him.
"You don't scare me." Trip shouted at his two opponents his eyes glowing. "I've seen Orcs and Trolls scarier then both of you."
Pulling a sword from his side the first warrior flexed his muscles, hissed and started forward.
"You are of the White and Grey." His voice was rough and deep just like an Orcs. "My master wants you either dead or in his control."
"Really?" Trip gripped his staff ready to fight. "Good luck with that."
Like a Minotaur the warrior charged at Trip. He held his sword high ready to slash Trip once he reached him. As the warrior charged, Trip held his staff like a quarterstaff and sent a jolt of power into the staff to strength it. In seconds they met. The sound of the sword making contact with the staff was deafening. Pulling back the warrior raised his weapon to hack at Trip. With a fast thrust Trip sent the head of his staff into the warriors chest and released another massive jolt of energy burning the warrior. As Trip jumped back to avoid being grabbed by the flailing warrior, he looked over to find the other warrior just watching. Thank Rimnar he thought. He might be able to defeat them one on one, but if they attack together he would not stand a chance.
Shaking off the pain, the warrior and Trip began to circle each other. As the warrior slashed out Trip countered and swung low for his legs. Back and forth they sparred with pain stabbing into the warrior with each contact Trip made. Trip could feel the warrior weakening, but so was he. He wasn't sure if he had enough left to do this all over again with the next warrior waiting on the side. He had to end this quick and figure out how to dispose of his next opponent.
Whispering low to himself Trip cast a spell. As they circled the warrior blinked and looked at Trip confused. Where he had been fighting Trip, now there were three of him looking identical ready to attack.
"What madness is this?" He barked stepping back. "How many of you are there?"
"Come find out." Trip smiled egging him on .
Bellowing out his rage the warrior charged in. Slashing left then right he attacked Trip diving at one image of him pushing him to the ground where he stabbed down again and again sending his sword straight through Trips heart. Satisfied of his victory the warrior stood and spat at the corpse at his feet. He turned to walk proudly back to his comrade when suddenly blue energy stabbed through his body burning him to death from the inside out. Like a stone he fell dead to the ground with smoke slipping from the dead eyes. and mouth.
"Well fought." The second warrior stepped up ready to battle. "But now you battle me and I will not fall so easily."
Trip looked at the warrior sweat pouring from all over his body. It had a crazed looked in its eyes like it would enjoy ripping him to pieces. Trip was in no condition for this fight, he was exhausted. He didn't have the energy for a long or short battle. He had to think of something fast to take out his enemy quick. One powerful spell. Something that would be quick and final.
As Trip stood waiting thinking fast, the warrior pulled his staff from his back and powered it up. He threw his head back and laughed expecting an easy win and started forward toward Trip.
For the first time today fear entered Trips mind. He wasn't afraid of the Savonti warrior coming at him. He was more afraid he was going to fail his friends and they might die because of it. Visions of Reno and Thalia dead crossed his mind. Dack and Zarin with Craven laying at there side dead. Then he saw the one sight that scared him most. He saw Rese laying beaten and bloody in the arms of a Savonti warrior. He couldn't let that happen. No not today, Not ever!!!
Now he knew what he had to do. Trip spread his arms and looked up into the Pentanthin sky and began his spell.
Just then thunder cracked and a streak of lightning lit the whole sky. Trip took a few steps back and got himself in a battle stance. This was it. Either Pentanthin would rise and help him or he would die here fighting Pentanthins enemy.
Staring up at the suddenly darkening skies the warrior stopped for a second. The human had spoke some silly little speech in hopes that calling on Pentanthin would help him. But the Savonti were Pentanthin and they would always rule this planet.
"Stupid human!" The warrior spit at him. "You think Pentanthin will help you against us!! We are Pentanthin. Pentanthin is going to destroy all of you humans starting with you!!
Clutching his staff and aiming it at Trip the warrior started his advance. His eyes were filled with hate and his tail rose high ready to strike. Trip braced himself ready to fight.
As the warrior moved forward the ground began to shake ever so slightly. With each step the warrior took the shaking became more and more intense. Soon it was almost impossible to stand. As Trip took a few steps back on solid ground, a fissure of darkness opened up in the ground between him and the warrior. Falling flat on the ground the warrior struggled to keep himself stable from the shaking. His claws dug deep into the soil as he tried to pull himself away from the hole growing larger and larger by the minute.
"You think this will stop us?" The warriors knees were hanging over the side of the hole. "Your wrong. Nothing will stop the Savonti from ruling Pentanthin. Humans will all be hunted down and put on plates for own dinner. Just as we killed all the Nevac, we will destroy you. Nothing will stop us. Not you or the White and Grey! We will kill you all!!"
"We'll see who survives to rule on Pentanthin." Trip spread his arms and shifted to his raven form and took off into the air. He was tired and had someways to go. The warrior was about to die and he hoped he didn't run into anymore of them before he reached the Academy.
"Beware the Pentanthin skies Human!" The warrior called as he fell. "We will find you no matter where you hide!!"
With that the warrior fell into the hole. He tried spreading his arms to re form his wings, but it was to later. He screamed his rage as the ground closed and crushed him to death.
Exhausted Trip flew on. He flew over the dessert lands of Lesul and Ketul and right into Nebul. There he had to set down and rest. As he dropped down and took a perch in a strange looking palm tree, Trip looked out to see a flock of little baebots just came out of the sky to fill the limbs of what looked to Trip like an old Joshua tree. Could this be the same baebots he had seen following the two warriors? Could that be how the Savonti managed to find him?
Hopping from limb to limb Trip watched his watchers as he made a feast on a group of small insects he found in the tree tops. He could feel the small eyes of the group following him wherever he went. After his meal it was time to move on. But there was a problem there. If he took flight heading for the Academy he would be giving away the position of the school and all his friends. He would have to figure out a way to lead those tailing him off into a different direction.
[Maybe I could be of some help?]
[No, it's Blink.] Came the voice of the shadow dragon in Trips head. [Stay where you are while I send your little friends off where they can't follow us.]
Looking to the trees, Trip watched as the first baebot shook out his wings then jumped into the air and took off. Then a second, a third, then as if a great hand had reached out a shook the tree, the whole flock was airborne. Trip watched as they all flew west in what looked to him like a hunt for something.
[A hunt for you.] Blink sent. [I sent a shadow of you flying west to them. They'll follow for miles until it fades away. By then you will be safelty away from here.]
[Where are you Blink?]
Trip looked down from his perch and under the tree, a tall dark haired man stood looking up at him. Hoping down, Trip set himself at Blink's feet and shifted to human form.
"It's good to see a friend way out here. Are we far from the Academy?"
"No." Blink answered. "Less then a six hour flight to the north. But I think we should hurry. There are things about to happen that will make Pentanthin a very dangerous place."
"Worst." Trip nodded. "If Tabor finds what he's looking for."
"Follow me," Blink stepped out from under the tress and spread his arms. In a flash he shifted to dragon form and leaped into the air. Following suit, Trip shifted to raven and flew off after the dark dragon. He was on his way. He had taken another step towards the Academy and getting back home.
Alone on a hill in Nebul, Tabor watching as Blink and Trip launched themselves into the sky heading for the Academy. After all the time he had spent in the Academy searching this might be his one chance to find the prize he and his father hungered after. He knew the answer to the location of the Ring was in the sky right now. Trip had been the one that hid the ring. He would be the one that would bring it back out into the open. The only problem was that, he knew he couldn't go back to the Academy. Not with Zarin, Dack or Trip there. They would recognise him in any disguise he might try to use. He would have no choice but to rely on those he had placed his spell on to carry out his wishes. Rue Tasco and Kel Rainer, the weak minded fathers of Craven and Dack. Once Trip entered the Academy, he would have them follow him and call once the Ring was found. Then it would be his and not even the master mage Insa would be able to face him. Maybe not even the great Tayor Larin, king of Winterhaven would dare face him.
Standing in the office of Insa, headmaster of the Andrake academy, Ono looked out at the cadets hurrying about preparing the school for an attack by the Savonti. He knew from his father Drake that Lord Memu was on the march for Gekkol. His plans were to capture any and all humans and make what was left of Fedru his. Lord Memu had been told of the human takeover of Fedrul but like most lord, it was hard for him to believe any human no matter how powerful had defeated a fully powered Savonti lord. The thought was just to crazy for him to think true. But it was true. Lord Fedru with all his weapons and power was dead. Killed not by a fellow Savonti lord for his land, but by a young powerless human named Gabor Gekko in hand to hand combat for revenge. Now Humans for the first time in history controlled a land of there own. But for how long?
With Memu marching in from the west and Tabor loose joining with a lord that could only be Daru, Ono knew things were about to get very bad for all of them.
They needed help. Help from anyone they could find. That was why Erlik had been sent out. He was to contact any other clan he could locate a convince them it was time to stand and fight against the age old enemy the Savonti. Some had agreed and promised to send warriors to help. But most had decided to stay on the side where it was safe, scared to anger the reptile men. They would only join if the Gekko's looked to have the upper hand on the Savonti.
If the other clans wouldn't help, what aid could they find to help save the Humans of Pentanthin? Mar and his newly acquired Savonti land? That would help if they got here in time. What of Shayn and his plan to turn the house of Ketu to their side? Shayn had said all was well in Ketul and he would be meeting with the lord. He had high hopes for that meeting. Hopes that Ketu wasn't as mad as everyone said he was. Well, they would soon find out, but that wouldn't help them right now. For now it was just him, the staff and cadets of the Academy and Gabor and his clan. Ono had an idea that could help, but he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.
Just then there was a knock at the door. Ono turned and called for whoever it was to enter. The door opened and Tanis came in.
"Good news Ono." Tanis came in smiling. "We found Jovan. He has quite a story for you to hear."
"Where is he?"
"He's in the infirmery getting checked out." Tanis told him. "I think your about to get a real surprise."
"Good or bad?" Ono asked as they left the office. Ono had enough on his mind right now. Bad news wasn't really something he wanted to hear.
"Good." He looked back and smiled. "I hope."
High above in the skies over the border of Gekkol and Memul, Thalia soared circling the Savonti warriors marching into Gekkol. The numbers frightened her. She knew Gabor had a large number of men that would fight at his side, but from what she saw, Gekkol was going to be severely over matched. She saw lines and lines of armed warriors moving down the trail. With the help of Drake, Reno, Tored, Rese and Eheren they may be able to slow them down, but there's no way the would be about to stop them. That meant Gabor had the choice of fighting and running and from what Tored had told her of the Human history. She didn't think running was going to the answer Gabor would pick. He had come from a long line of fighter and he would protect what was his until death. So unless someone could convince him that there was a better way, the Gekko's were about to die. There was only one person on Pentanthin that could probably convince him, and that was Ono Tyr. Werewolves had fought for century's for their freedom and when the time was right, they won it and it took many difficulties, many deaths and a war to do it. So maybe with the help of the white and grey and their friends from Keanna, human life on Pentanthin had a chance.
[Indeed it does.] Drake sent. [And it's time we do our bit to help]
[You have something in mind?] Thalia asked. Her mind speak sounded so stressed. Drake thought she had to be exhausted.
[Miss direction.] Drake answered. [The only weapon we have for now.]
Landing litely on a upper tree branch as Memu and his warriors passed underneath, Thalia listened to Drakes plan. It was crazy and desperate. But it just might work.
In the heat of the desert land of Ketul, Yar moved with unusual speed. This was to be the greatest day of his life. For the first time he could remember, there was no pain. Not in his head or any part of his long snake like body. Yar moved like he never did before. He was so enjoying his freedom. Xan rode along behind him glad they had helped him.
As they moved along, Yar slowed and came back to join him.
"We are not to far away." Yar said. "Look its just over the hills there."
Xan looked over to where Yar had been pointing. Over the horizon he saw smoke rising. something was burning.
"Cooking fires?" Xan asked.
Yar looked closer at the black smoke rising.
"No." Yar answered with a tremble in his voice. "The smell is all wrong. I thing Ketul is being attacked! We should hurry!"
Like a shot Yar took off moving faster then Xan thought possible. He urged his tracker on into a run to catch up with his new friend.
[Shayn! Whats going on up there?]
[There's a huge Savonti warrior up there going mad. He's attacking everyone.] Shayn answered. [I'm going to go in and stop him.]
[NO!] Xan shouted in his mind. [Stay hidden for now. Yar and I are just about there. I don't want you getting hurt.]
[I can take care of myself Xan.]
[Please.] Xan sent. [I think I know what is going on. Let us handle it.]
[If you say so. But you better hurry.]
Minutes later Yar and Xan reached the Savonti hill that was the home of the people of Ketul. All around there were bodies of dead Ketul men and women along with burning wagons, furniture and anything burnable in sight. Yar stopped at the gates that led down into the mound confused as to what was happening here.
"What on Pentanthin is going on?" He looked from side to side for someone that could give him answers. Just to the right of the gate he saw a warrior trying to rise. Yar recognised him. He was one of his fathers guards Jio.Yar rushed over and pulled him up into his arms.
"Jio." He shook him. "Who attacks us?"
The warrior opened his eyes and looked up at Yar. It took him a second but he finally recognised the son of his lord holding him.
"Your father did this." He stuttered.
"Because something has changed everyone in Ketul." Jio gripped Yars arms weakly. "This morning we woke and Ketul had changed. There was no fever in our minds, no more pain. He thought he had lost control and he just went mad and started destroying everything and everyone. You have to stop him. No one else in Ketul would dare fight back. It is up to you to stop him before we are all dead."
With that, Jio feel silent in his arms. Yar laid him down carefully.
"This is our fault." Xan said sadly. "Our cure has driven your father mad."
"My father was already mad." Yar pulled himself up to his full height and flexed his hood membrane's open. "It is time Ketu no longer ruled here. Can you and the white one help heal them?"
"Yes we can." Xan answered. "But what will you be doing?"
"Beginning my reign as lord of Yarul." Yar slithered out and stared down into the mound. "Heal as many as you can. I will return once Ketu is no more."
"Gish taa!" Xan shouted after him.
Strong and steady, Yar made his way down through the depths of the house of Ketu. He passed many down and many more trying to find a way and stay out of their lords mad destructive rage. He assured them it was safe to leave and that he would take care of his father alone. They all thanked him and hurried out. From bellow he could hear the cry of his fathers victims which urged him on to move faster.
As he passed the house kitchens, Yar ordered anyone he found to release all slave, human and Savonti. He told them to put out the fires his father had started and to head up and out until it was all over.
Finally he was on the bottom floor. These were Ketu's private apartments. He found his queens all hiding with the young and sent them out. Now he was ready to face his fathers rage alone.
"Come out Father." Yar called from his throne room. "Come out and face me."
The sound of something moving caught Yar's attention. He turned to see two blazing red eyes staring out at him from the darkness. Ketu slithered out of the shadows to face his son. Ketu was much older and grey scaled. His body was dull and scarred from his life of many many battles against different Savonti lord. He was dressed in dirty bloody gold scaled tunic a harness and gold chains decorating his hood.
"So it was you that did this to Ketul." He growled. "I always knew you had ambitions to sit on my throne, Take over my house. Now you have betrayed me. You are armauk to me. "
"No father." Yar said. "I was always loyal to you. Even though it was you that turned Ketul to a dying land. Still I was faithful and followed your orders even when you were filling me with your poisons."
"You call this being faithful?" Ketu shouted. "You undid everything that made my house strong!! You took away our strength!!'"
"NO! I cleaned away the plague you brought on us. I made us strong again!"
"You made my house weak!" Ketu flexed which sent power to his hands. "But do not worry. I will make us strong again. But first, I will have to kill you!!"
"As you wish father." Yar raised his arms and exposed his glowing energy blades. "You will die with honor."
"And you will be pissed on and fed to the Gradyea's." Ketu quickly rushed forward shooting his spikes at Yar. "Die Makhasi!!"
Moving his energy blades like a fan, Yar blocked his fathers spikes. They flew off to the side in all directions tearing away at the walls of the apartment. Yar closed in and began the dual with his father. Sparks flew as sword met spike, the sounds ringing out each time the weapons clashed.
As the madness made Ketu take dangerous risks. He poured power into his spikes intensifying them into blinding fury while Yar's calmness made him think about every move. In the days of old he would fight like his father. His rage would power him into victory. Now with a clear head and body, his speed and strength made him more deadly then ever. He loved the feeling of power surging through his veins.
Like two demons from the underworld they fought. Blazing heat from their weapons searing them every time body contact was made. Tails slashed out to strike at each other like spiked bullwhips leaving welt's and scars on each others body. With a great strike at Lord Ketu's head his energy spike flew off tumbling across the floor as Yar raise his sword and slid forward.
"Do you yield?" He asked watching Ketu for the subtlest move. "Your life will be spared."
"Yield?" Ketu stood higher towering over his son. "No Savonti Lord would ever yield! Not to someone as low as you!" With that, Ketu swung up with his spike knocking Yar's sword away and dived at Yar trying to impale him.
Hearing the sound of battle ahead of him, Rak with two of his hunters hurried down the hall to see who was battling. Once they looked in on Ketu's apartment they were surprised to find Yar there fighting the lord of the land, his own father Ketu. Anger and jealousy as he slithered his way into the shadows. He had always had Ketu's ear over Yar. His favor over the young simpleton of a son. Now with Yar showing abilities he could never have he hated the new young lord. Here was his chance. If he could go in and save Ketu or kill his young attacker, he would be back in the lords favor.
With Rak in the front, they stepped into Ketu's ante chamber. Sliding from shadow to shadow they crept up behind the battling lords as they fought. Before them, Yar was concentrating on blocking the whirlwind of blows Ketu delivered. Make no mistake, though deformed by his own experimentation, Ketu was still one of the strongest fighters on Pentanthin. His speed and endurance increased by his maddness, he fought like the Ketu of old. Seeing Rak with his staff in hand behind Yar, Ketu doubled his effort forcing the young lord back. The sound of the hum of energized staff weapons escaped the notice of the young lord and before he knew it, Rak was at his back ready to strike.
"KILL HIM!!" Ketu snapped.
As Yar turn, the staff was pushed at his back sending bolts of energy surging through his body. Screaming in pain, Yar's energy swords dissolved as he began to shake in paralyzing pain. With smoke rising from the wound, he fall to the ground awake but barely able to move a finger.
"Bring him to me." Ketu ordered. With Rak standing at his stand, the two hunters grabbed Yar by his arms, lefted him up and dragged him to his father. Generating a glowing energy spike Ketu stepped to his son and aimed the spike at Yar's throat.
"Navun my traitorous son." Ketu pulled back his long glowing spike to deliver the killing blow. "You will be forgotten."
Suddenly a plume of flame shot out from nowhere and forced the two warriors who dropped in surprise. Turning to the side Ketu saw a young man dressed in white leather step out of the shadows and stand in front of Yar to protect him.
"HUMAN!" Ketu pointed to Shayn. "He is armauk, mine to kill. Get away from him."
"He is my friend." Shayn stared intensely at the Savonti standing over him. "And you may not touch him."
"And who will stop me?" Ketu's tongue lashed out to lick his lips in anticipation of the next battle which he thought would be easy against this weak human. Four to one. He wouldn't even have to fight. His warriors could deal with this. "You?"
"Yes I will."
With that, Ketu's warriors charged weapons out to kill the intruder. Bracing for the fight, Shayn sent a bolt of power at the lead warrior coming at him. As it hit, searing pain begin to run through the warriors body with each step he took. Pain worse then any he had ever experienced in the past. His hands cramped and he lost all feeling until he couldn't make a fist or hold a weapon or stand. Then he fell to the floor cringing in pain.
As the next warrior made it to him, he swung his staff hitting Shayn in the arm as he raised it to protect himself. Pain ran up from the crack the blow made in his arm all the way up to his shoulder. Shayn let out a roar that rattled the walls it was so load. He feel to his knees and looked up at the stunned warrior.
"You shouldn't have done that."
Shayn took a deep breath a let out another roar as he started to shift. His skin grew scaly and white as his body became longer and his tail and wings sprouted. His face changed from the handsome human man to a blued eyed horn headed thing like nothing they had seen before. The white dragon reared up on its hind legs blew out a great gasp of fire into the air. With a swipe of his great claw he sent the warrior back grabbing for his sword at his side.
Standing taller then the length of two grown men, Shayn stepped out and shook the leg healing the broken bone then stomped and stood over the unconscious Yar .
"Kill that thing!!"
Rushing forward the warrior pulled his sword and tried to battle the mighty dragon. He swung and hacked stabbing at Shayn trying to protect his lord.
"Lord Ketu!" Rak grip Ketu's arm. "We must go. All is lost here for now. We can win back Ketul another day!"
Ketu shook his head and with a last look at Yar, he let Rak lead him out an entrance hidden behind the throne.
As the warrior fought, Shayn kicked out at him. With one kick he sent the warrior crashing into a wall breaking his neck. He watched as it slid down to a crumpled heap on the floor. He looked around for Ketu and Rak. They had taken the smart move and escaped while Shayn had been dealing with the last warrior. Shifting back to human form, he reached down and pulled Yar up to lean on his coils comfortably for support. Feeling his pain Shayn sent waves of healing through his body. Seconds later Yar opened his eyes and looked up at Shayn then around the room.
"Where's Ketu?"
"Gone." Shayn reached out and helped Yar to stand. "Your the Lord here now. From now on this land will be yours to do with as you please"
Shayn reached out and took Yaru's hand and shook it. As they moved towards the exit Yaru looked around. He had seen a lot of pain in this room. He looked at the row of tables in the room. The many devices of experimentation and torture. Many humans had died in the room. So had many of his own people. His father had committed sin after sin here and they all required blood.
As he passed a long table with chains stained with blood, Yaru lashed out slamming his tail down breaking it in two.
"No." Yaru shook his head. "To much pain here, This place reeks of blood. We will find someplace new, somewhere that is clean. This is the last time anyone will ever see this room again."
They stopped at the door looking back. "It will be burned. I swear my father all never use this again."
"You know he'll return." Shayn placed his hand on Yaru's shoulder. "Looking for revenge."
"Let him come." Yaru grabbed the door and slammed it close. "We will not be here. All he we find is ruins. We will find a clean place without all the blood on the walls where we can start anew,"
"I have just the place for you and your people." Shayn smiled as the left Ketul forever. "That is if you are willing to fight and share with us."
"We would be honored."
"They we should hurry." Shayn warned him. "Trouble moves on us as we speak. Maybe we can meet it and do something before it's to late."
Once out of the his mound, Ketu and Rak hid themselves and made their way quietly through the small camp. They stopped at hidden water house and gathered provisions for the long trek. From the side of the shed Ketu stopped and looked back at his home. All the fires he had started, still burned. Heavy smoke filled the air. They could still hear the cries of the woulded coming from his mound. Yar must still be deep down in pits of the mound.
"We shall see how long you get to rule my house Maknesi." Ketu turned and grabbed a staff and a cloak from the stores in the shed.
"Where shall we go my Lord?" Rak asked as he lifted the pack of provisions they were to take with them.
"To find allies that can aid me in my return." He said. "Someone who hates the humans as much as I do."
"Lord Daru?"
"No." He said. "I could never trust him enough to ally myself with him."
"What of Lord Lesu?"
Ketu turned back to look at Rak.
"Why would Lesu my oldest enemy want to help me?" He asked.
"Because you can give him something he has been searching for." Rak smiled that odd Savonti smile.
"What would that be?"
"When I met Yar last night." Rak told his lord. "He had a captive."
"The Human?"
"No." Rak said. "Yar had captured Lesu's son Xan. He was there at the mound. I saw him when we entered to bring my lord out."
Looking back at his burning home, Ketu smiled, his tongue lashing out in anticipation of the revenge he had in mind.
"Then I think a gift would be just the thing we need to get Lesu's attention."
In the dark halls of house Daru, Loc carefully walked the area designated for all the weapon makers. There were hammers pounding pentanthium out in the open chamber, blazing furnaces heating molton metal to be poured and molded. Along the walls were the weapon masters rooms where the weapons were designed. Loc looked around but didn't see the Savonti he was searching for. He must be working in one of the back room where he would have privacy to work.
He was looking for a special Savonti. An older Savonti adapt at the use of pentanthium, His name was Dev and he was Daru's chief designer. His was the mind that created one of Daru's main weapons. The collar of submission. With this collar Daru could take control of any Savonti he wanted. Whether it was Man or Savonti, once the collar was around their neck, there was no way they could resist Daru's command.
In the first room Loc checked, he saw two Savonti working on swords. They were using steel for the blade with a core of pentanthium. Loc checked each face as they turned from the work. Dev was not here. Quickly he withdrew from the workshop before he was recognised.
There were six rooms and the chance that he would be recognised at any moment in each one. Loc grabbed a scarf used to filter smoke and wrapped it around his face and moved on. In the fifth room he checked there was no forge bellowing smoke. No hammering just a desk and chair with a elder Savonti hunched over sketching plans on a piece of parchment. Loc slipped in and quietly shut the door behind him. As he approached the Savonti at the desk turned annoyed being disturbed.
Staring back at him, there was a Savonti of obvious advanced age. Instead of the normal emerald shade of green, this Savonti was more of a grayish tone. One of his eyes was covered with a lens and it had a duller look to it. Across his cheek here was a scar from some fight he had in his distant pass. Having seen Dev before when he served Daru, Loc knew he had found who he was looking for.
"Get out." He said. "I have work to do."
"Another new weapon that will make Daru the master of all of Pentanthin?" Loc reached up and unwrapped the scarf to uncover his face. Dev looked up at him angry for a second then he recognised the warrior standing in front of him. "Nazun Master Dev."
"What are you doing here Armauk?" Dev put down his charcoal stick on the desk beside his new plans. He stepped out around his desk to face Loc. Loc walked in to greet the old weaopn master, his tail low in a none threating position.
"I am here to help." Loc shrugged. "That is all I ever wanted to do was give Pentanthin peace."
"Is that right?" Dev chuckled amused at Loc's lies. "Was it peace that made you betray Lord Daru to Lesu? Were you seeking peace when you poisoned his dinner? Or maybe it was an act of peace when you talked Queen Persa into hiding the staff in Daru's roon so you could kill him in his sleep. You care no more for peace then Daru or any other lord. All you want is the power to be a lord which you will never have Armauk. Just go away before Daru feels your presence and your head ends up on a stick at the gate."
"I do not think so." From behind his back, Loc pulled a weapon he had designed and made himself. It was a small staff about arms length with a spear head at the end. It was made of pentanthium so with the flick of a switch he sent a bolt of energy into Dev that sent his old bones crashing to the floor.
"With your help I will be lord of Darul." Loc bent down and snapped a collar around Dev's neck. "And neither you or Daru can stop me."
Alone in his raging hot sand pit, the mind lord Daru slept. But his was not the normal sleep of your normal man or Savonti. His mind roamed the lands just like the sleep of a dragon and today hed found something.
Sitting up and opening his eyes Daru smiled. He knew there was someone in his house that wasn't suppose to be there. And old enemy of his. Loc had come back to steal someone very important to him.
"We shall see who rules Darul. Loc." He stood and took his robe from its peg on the wall and put it on. Walking out through his apartment he went to the door rang for one of his aides to attend him.
Minutes later his aide entered bowing to answer his call.
"We have had guest in our home tonight." Daru walked to a set of his armor that stood at the entrance to the room where his private armor is kept. He pulled the sword from the black scabbard and examined the blade for imperfections. there were none. It was perfect.
"An enemy was in my house and it seems no one noticed." Daru stared deeply into the warriors eyes. "How could this have happened?"
"I, I do not know Master." Pressure began to build in the aides head as Daru stared at him and he fell to his knees. The warrior put his hands to his head trying to hold it together. Then suddenly the pain stopped.
"Find out who was on the gates in the last hour. Have them replaced and executed where everyone can see it. This will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!"
"Yes Master!" The warrior scrambled to get up and out of the room.
"And have Trela sent to me immediately." He called. "She has been to quiet lately and that can only be trouble."