Since he hadn't heard any news from Loc, Lesu sent out messengers to some of the lords he thought he might be able to trust. Lord Povu of of the desert lands to his south and his neighbor Lord Nebu to his east. It had taken a few turns to convince them, but they both agreed to meet with him in a area where the three lords lands bordered. Once his tracker was packed he set off with two of his warriors along for protection.
After a half turns ride through his lands, Lesu arrived at the meeting place. It was a hot arid area mostly desert with sparse growth of desert grass and tall palm trees with purple fans growing from the top. From where they sat, Lesu could see for miles all around. To the south he saw a dust cloud moving through the desert. That had to be Lord Povu coming in to meet him. He turned east and from there he saw a strange beast running towards him. Lesu had no idea what it was. It was as tall as a tracker but much broader like one of the Wahsantin beast that roamed the plains of the northern lands. It had six trunk like legs with wide feet with a long armored body. It's head was something out of nightmares with attributes of both the Tark and the Corjo. A long snout with sharp looking tusk and teeth. Lesu ordered his warriors down off the Trackers and into a fighting position. Taking his battle staff from his saddle, Lesu aimed it at the beast as it came within range.
As a deep howl erupted from the thing it stopped and reared up to its full height towering over them. Just as Lesu was about to order his warriors to fire, the beast image began to blur and change. Intrigued Lesu lowered his weapon as suddenly a tall Savonti dressed in greenish robes stood before him.
"Nazun Lord Lesu." Nebu bowed keeping his eyes on Lesu and his warriors. "I am Lord Nebu."
"You are a changeling?" Lesu orders his warriors to lower their weapons. "Interesting."
"I use that form for traveling." Nebu nodded coming closer to meet the lord of Lesul. "It serves me well. To what do I owe the pleasure of our meeting?"
"He seeks allies." Lord Povu rode in with his warriors saluting the two lords waiting. "Nazun Lesu. We have much to talk about."
"Indeed we do." Putting his staff back on his saddle he turned to his warriors. "Wait on the ridge. We would talk in private."
"Yes my lord." Lesu's warriors turned their Trackers and moved off to wait. As Lord Povu climbed down off his Tracker he waved his guards off and joined Lesu with Nebu.
"As you both may know." Lesu started. "Many strange things have been happening across Pentanthin. Lords have gone missing and word his come to me of a prophesy of a human rebellion. I'm looking for allies and any news either of you my have of some of the events that have happened."
"You talk of Daru and his warning of the White and Grey I assume?" Nebu reached up and unclasped his Tark furred cloak ad took it off. He laid it next to him and sat down in the hot sands. "I have heard whispers from my lves of his predictions. They seem to think it true."
"Bah!" Lesu waved him off dismissing the claim. "I care not what humans think. No human has power beyond a Savonti lord and none ever will."
"Have a care Lesu." Povu cut in. "It is not wise to dismiss the unknown so easy. We both know there are humans with power. Look at your own son. For years you thought Mar powerless, but you were wrong."
"Mar is Savonti not human." Lesu told them. "His power is nothing compared to mine or yours. He is no lord."
"Have you heard any news of the two?" Povu asked.
"Nothing since Magul."
"Then I have news for you." Povu pulled a wine skin from inside his cloak and took a drink.
"What news" Lesu asked anxiously.
"Mar and Xan are with the humans." He recapped his skin and put it down. "They were seen moving through my lands with the humans many turns ago heading north toward Fedrul."
"Fedrul?" Lesu sat down to think. "You mean toward Darul don't you?"
"Fedrul, Darul, what does it matter? They are enemies now to be killed on sight."
"No!" Lesu stood his eyes blazing red "Only I can kill my sons. Do you understand?"
"I understand." Povu nodded his agreement."But if they invade my home, I will fight them."
"That is your right if they attack you." Lesu agreed. "But do not kill them. Hold them for me if you can. Now what do you hear of Daru"
"My warriors tell me there is trouble in Gukul." Nebu spoke up. "His lands border mine. I have been told he no longer patrols his border. Not for at least three turns."
"Gukul borders Darul correct?"
"Yes it does." Povu had an idea where Lesu was going to go with this."What do you suggest?"
"Nebu." He turned to the green clad lord. "Send warriors quietly in. Check his cities and his lair. I think you will find warriors of Darul there in Guku's place. I think Daru is moving to take all of our lands."
"And if your right?" Nebu asked.
"Then we stop him." Lesu stood and brushed the sand from his cloak. "From here on we fight him."
"What of the humans? Povu asked on his feet.
"We find Mar and Xan. If what you say is true, they will lead us the the humans. Then we rid ourselves of both our enemies. You can both message me with a baebat with any news. We meet again in two turns here. Is that agreed?
"And how can I help?" Povu asked as he climbed back on his Tracker.
"Finding Mar and Xan". He grabbed the reins and hoist himself on to his Tracker. "It is time to end the madness on Pentanthin. Ride My Brothers."
"Hurry!" Jovan called ahead to his companions as they ran crashing through the forest. "It's right behind us!"
From behind them they could all hear the roars and the snarling of the beast chasing behind them. They didn't have a moment to lose if they wanted to make he safety of the caves ahead.
Grabbing Nysa , Luke took her in his arms ran the last twenty feet to the cave entrance and dived in. Behind him,Jovan leaped for his life while pulling his sword free. He pulled his dagger and tossed it to Luke.
"Protect Nysa. Leave this to me!"
"No!" Luke pushed him away from the entrance. "Let me."
"How?" Jovan asked in shock. "You can't fight whatever it is with just a dagger."
"I don't need your dagger." Luke tossed the dagger down at Jovan' feet. He stepped out in front of the cave opening as two of the biggest Tarks he had ever seen came growling out of the forest. Flexing his back muscles, Luke gritted his teeth and called on all his concentration. Suddenly from all around, Savonti warriors charging out of the forest with staffs out aimed at the Tarks. Roaring out their challenge the Tark leaped to the attack claws flashing and grabbing for the sides of the Tracker. As the Trackers leaped high the Savonti struck down sending jolts of power from their staffs into the Tarks. From inside the cave Jovan could smell the scent of burning flesh as the Tarks screamed in pain. As one Tark lay dazed on the ground, a Tracker slashed at its side opening a great wound as it's rider climbed down and stabbed his sword through its heart.
Jovan watched the second Tark leaped up swiping at Savonti knocking it off its Tracker. As it hit the ground it scrambled to get out of the beast reach but the warrior was to slow. The Tark grabbed the warrior by the throat tossed it into the air to crash down back in the forest. Howling its rage the Tark turned just as three warriors leaped down on it and began hacking into it with their sword. With a last swipe the Tark ripped open the chest of one of the Savonti then fell still releasing its last breath..
As the Tark died, Luke dropped down to his knees exhausted. Jovan with sword in hand grabbed for Luke to get him back on his feet.
"Get up!" He tried pulling Luke away from the entrance. "Those warriors will find us. We have to get deeper into the cave now!"
"No!" Nysa put a hand on Jovans arm. "It's over. Look."
Jovan looked out expecting to see the warriors heading into the cave after them. But all he saw was the two dead Tarks.
"I don't understand." He looked at Nysa and Luke confused.
"The warriors weren't real" Luke smiled. "I made them. They were illusion."
"By Rimnar!" Jovan smiled helping Luke up onto his feet. "You can make illusions that real?"
"I can when I'm that scared." Nysa went to Luke and took his hand. She knew how tired he had to be. "But they mpre then a frame."
"We should find somewhere where we can rest." Nysa urged them to keep moving."The smell of the Tarks should keep everything away from the cave. Lets see if the Gekkos left any supplies hidden anywhere in here."
Not far from the entrance they found a stash of torches the Gekko's had left behind. This proved infact it was a Gekko hiding place. Jovan gave Luke and Nysa a torch the lit them with the flint he had found with the torches.
"Somewhere in here we should at least find water bread and some fruit." Luke told Jovan. "Petar Gekko always tried to make sure the hiding places had provisions in case the Savonti were near so the clan could survive in here for a few turns."
"Are you sure we're safe in here?" Jovan looked around at the many tunnels that led in different direction. "Maybe the Tarks used this place for a den."
"No." Luke shook his head. "The big things don't like caves. I don't know why, its just always been that way."
"Then lets see what we can find in here." Jovan really didn't have much choice. They couldn't go back out into the night forest with the Tarks and whatever else might be lurking out there. This was as safe a place as anywhere else it seemed.
After searching for about an hour they found the Gekko's hidden provisions. There was water, bread, fruit and weapons. Luke was now armed with his own sword and there was also a staff which they decide to leave where they found it. They also found warm clothes to wear and blankets. A furred coat for Nysa and warm woolen jackets for Luke and Jovan.
While they ate, Luke told Jovan all about Grandpa's teachings. He told him about Tored and Mera and about the friends they had meet in their journey. He told them that the people they had befriended were here on Pentanthin looking for their old school. They were here from Keanna looking for the academy. Jovan was happy to hear that. That meant help had come for them and that there was a way to get back home, and he really did want to go home.
After eating and their talk, the three were tired. Luke had built a warm fire. He pulled Nysa to him and covered them with a blanket and drifted off to sleep. Jovan sat watch even though he had been told the cave was safe, Lowel's teachings about security keep him awake.
He thought about all that had happened since he had joined with the Academy. His friendships and becoming one of Lowells lieutenants. The place had become like a home to him and the people like a family. Jovan had learned a lot since joining them. Like Vampires and Werewolves weren't the monsters he had grown up believing they were.They were honorable people who he could trust with his life unlike the people that had gotten him in this in the first place. Lord Larin and the one he knew had killed Lisette. Tabor Larin. Now he know that had to be the boy that had gotten them into the Academy. He hoped one day he would get to pay him back for what he had done.
As Jovan sat and pulled his coat snugly close he wrapped a blanket around himself. He listened to the sounds of the night. The chirping of some cave insect and fell into a deep sleep.
From the darkness a tall figure came out of a tunnel and walked to where Jovan, Luke and Nysa slept. He looked down at the sleeping trio and thought what brave creatures these Humans were. They didn't deserve the fate the Nevac had suffered. Pentanthin deserved better. They deserved the way life was agens ago when the ancient ones still protected Pentanthin and that was what he would give them. He reached out and touched Jovans temple and entered his dream. There was one left and that was what he would gift Pentanthin with.
"Who?" Jovan asked the mysterious figure in his dream.
[ONE WHO WILL PROTECT PENTANTHIN.] Was the only answer as the figure stepped back into the shadows and faded slowly away into the darkness.
Lights swirled through the air as Jovan stood and made his way through the cave. He knew where he was but had no idea where he was going or why. All he knew was that he had to follow the swirling lights. They were going to lead him to something important. From tunnel to tunnel he went seeing colors and sharps darting in and out of sight. He had a feeling he wasn't alone here. The swirling light seemed to have a life of its own. as a danced round before him.
After about ten minutes he found himself in the most amazing cavern. He looked around and saw what looked like buildings from Winterhaven with towers and archway. There were rainbow colors streaking the walls as light from an opening in the roof blazed down through a crystal set high in the ceiling. Jovan thought this was one of the most beautiful places he had ever seen. He saw bridges and high walkways that reached all across the cavern. Whoever had built this city had to have been great artist, but for the looks of the place they also had to be long dead. This city was silent, a ghost city. So why was he here?
As he watched in wonder the swirling light he had followed danced down and into small crevice by a fountain and lit it up. Jovan walked over and looked down. The fountain was old there was no water in it. Instead it was filled with some kind of huge leave like the fonds of a palm tree. But there was something else. Something that had a gold silver and bronze flicker. He push aside the leaves and deep down at the bottom he found something odd. It looked like some kind of metallic sphere. At that moment he knew this was what he was looking for. What the lights had wanted him to find. He reached down to touch it and that's when he heard the voice again. It didn't say much. Just three words.
That was when he woke up. He sat up and looked over to Luke and Nysa still sleeping. Taking a drink Jovan thought about the strange dream he just had. But was it just a dream or something more? There was only one way to find out. Reaching to the fire, Joven picked up a nice firm fag and made himself a torch to light his way. Luke and Nysa were safe, but he had something to do and he better do it now while he still remembered the way.
It was still dark when Xan woke up. He opened his eyes and tried to reach up to rub the sore spot on his head when he realized his hands were tied. Not only were his hands tied, but he was lashed to his tracker which was being led by someone. He focused his eyes on who held the reigns to his tracker. Xan shook his head in disbelief at what he saw. This just wasn't possible. He closed his eyes then opened them again hoping what he had seen was just his pain seared mind playing tricks on him.
Looking ahead again, Xan realized he wasn't mad. He had seen what he thought. Leading his tracker there was a great snake like being with a long slithering body that trailed behind them. It's arms and torso were massively muscled and almost black as the moon light of Pentanthin was reflected off it's scales. As Xan looked closer he saw the things head was shaped like a hood. Xan wondered what this was? Some long lost monster from Pentanthins? Or could it actally be intelligent. Whatever it was he had to get away before he became it's dinner.
Tied around Xan's wrist were there lengths of rope. He pulled at them but they were to strong and he was still to weak to break them. He would have to wait and hope he wasn't on his way to cook fires to be roasted alive.
Looking out, Xan noticed it was a clear warm night, comfortable for the Savonti. It would be a bit hot for Humans. He flexed his muscles and moved around as much as he could to get the bood moving through his body. He wanted to be ready for his escape if the chance made itself clear.
Up ahead he saw a glow in the night. It wasn't strong so it couldn't be a town of Ketul. It must be the campfires of a huntg party. As they drew closer Xan could smell the smoke of cookfires. He could also smell the scent of meat in the air. At that moment Xan knew just what his captor was. He was Savonti. This was one of Ketu's warriors holding him.
"Nazun Yar." Xan turned his head as he head the greeting. To the left two more hooded snake like warriors slithered towards them. Behind them they dragged the bodies of their Human catch of the night. "I see you have had success tonight. You found Ketu his prize. We celerbrate tonight. Ketu will be please with our catch."
"Our catch?" Yar dropped the reigns and puffed out his chest. "You Rak hunt unarmed Humans that can't fight back. I bring back an enemy for my fathers pleasure. How is this a triunph for you?"
"Your success is my success." Rak pulled his sword from his side snarling and slowly slithered towards Yar. "As I've taken prizes from you in the past. I will take this from you. Fight me if you want, but we both know the outcome."
"I warn you Rak." Yar held out his hands in a defensive stance. "I am not the weak thing you remember from the past. You have been gone for many cycles. Things change."
"What change?" Rak snickered at Yar as he charged in sword raised. "You are still the powerless and I am still Ketu's mightiest warrior. You will always fear me."
"NOT ANYMORE!" As Rak charged in swingng his sword down to strike at Yar. A bright blazing blade of energy radiated out of Yar's hands to form into twin energy swords. Rak's weapons struck down onto Yar's and in a flash they were burned in two. Rak moved back in shock.
"I am Yar the son of Ketu lord of this land and unlike my father I am not mad!" Yar stood over Rak. He was not as tall as the older warrior though today he seemed like a giant. "Take your disgusting flesh to those that will eat it and bother me never again or you will feel the sting of my blades."
"As you wish my lord." Rak backed away keeping his eyes on Yar until he was out of his sight.
"Impressive." Xan called out to his captor. "The young lord grows up."
"Your awake." Yar turned to Xan. "Indeed I have grown up.Though my time grows short. And you? A son of Lesu? What brings you to such a inhospitalable land like Ketul?"
"You do." Xan told him. "I have heard of the plague that is on Ketul. I have come to offer you a cure. A way to save your people if you want to. It all depends on you Lord Yaru."
"You woud help cure us?" Yar moved to stand facing Xan. His face covered with doubt and mistrust. "Why would the son of one of Ketul's oldest enemies want to help us? Your people have hunted mine for agens, called us katala and shonal. And now you say you would offer us a cure? Why would Lesu do that?"
"He woudn't." Xan looked hard into Yar's eyes trying to show his offer to be real. "Lesu waits for Ketu to be weak enough to just walk in and take what he wants. We offer you life and relief from your agony."
"We?" Yar asked. "I see only you, son of Lesu."
"Ahhh!! But I am more then what you see before you." Xan gave Yar the equivalent of the Savonti smile. "We represent the hope for a safe and peaceful future for all of Pentanthin. Not just for the Savonti but for humans too."
"You say you speak for Humans? How is this possible? "
"I have many friends Yar." Xan continued. "Human and Savonti. The time of the White and Grey is at hand and the only way for the Savnti to survive is change. You know the prophesys as well as I do. If we don't, we will fall."
Yar stood and stared into Xan's eyes. he wasn't sure if the warrior was mad or if he really believed what he was saying. All Yar knew was that Ketul was dying and that his father in his madness had been a great part of it's destruction. Yar had no hate or fear of humans. He hadn't dined on human flesh in ages. It was distasteful and just didn't seem right to him or many in Ketul. Rak and a few like him still did but Yar thought it disgusting. But maybe Xan was right. Ketul needed help and maybe the Savonti did need to change if they wanted to survive.
"I would hear more Xan of Lesul. What do you and your friends purpose?"
"We want an allience." Xan suggested. "One that will save both the Humans and the Savonti. One that will make us both strong and able to stand together so Pentanthin will have peace."
"And your sure you can cure what ails us here in Ketul?"
"I think we can." Xan moved uncomfortable on the trackers back trying to get more comfortable."Tell me of Ketu's sickness."
"Ketu's sickness." Xan could see the sadness in Yar's eyes. "The plague my father brought on us all with his insane experiments to make the perfect warrior. Look at me. Do I look perfect?"
Xan thought Yar looked strong but looks can be deceiving. Yar stood on coils the same height as Xan would and could probably stand taller. Those coils of his were probably strong enough to squeeze a tark or a corjo to death in seconds, but Savonti weren't usually so dark in color. The dark color usually meant sickness and Xan assumed that was what it meant here.
"You look strong enough." Xan said as Yar moved to stand in front of him. He pulled his knife and slashed the ropes thar held Xan down. Xan fall to the ground where he rolled over rubbing his stiff mucsles. "Tell me, what ails your people?
"Look around you." Yar gestured to the desert all around. "This place is like death itself. Nothing much lives here. We have no food or water. The closest river is two turns away and that is on our bellys. We can't ride trackers because of our deformities. By night we suffer waves of terrible pain the rip threw our bodies and kills us slowly. Only the strongest of us can stand to move at all. By day the pain is less sever but it's still there neverendng. And this is all because my father wanted perfect warriors to fight his enemies. Well he made strong warrriors alright. He made us katala."
Xan looked at Yar. He could see the pain sending rippling jolts threw the muscle of his long body. His tail lashed about in pain. Their pain had to be madding. These people needed help as soon as possible.
"I think we can help you." Xan told him.
"And what will be the price" Yar snapped. "Blind obedience to your cause?"
"No." Xan shook his head. "There will be no price to pay. We will cure your pain and then you can decide what is best for Ketul."
Yar looked at him susipiously. On Pentanthin a deed was never done without payment of some kind in return. That was not the Savonti way. Now an enemy of his people was ofering a cure for nothing at all. Was this all just a cruel game?
[No.] A voice spoke in his head. Yar looked around quickly for the source of the voice. [It's no game.]
From the pack on Xan's tracker, something small and white flew up into the air to hover before Yar. It was smaller then a baebot with long leathery wings. It had sparkling eyes and a long spiked tail. It circled around him then came to hover rght in front of him.
"Yar, This is one of the two I think that will save Pentanthin." The little white dragon sailed over to Xan and set himself on his shoulder his eyes sparkling from the camp fire. "They are the two the prophesy spoke of and they are not here to destroy us. They only want to help us and cure Pentanthin of all it's pain."
Before Yar could react, the little dragon blew out a stream of mist into his face. Yar couldn't help but to inhale it taking it all in. Suddenly his head began to spin and pain flared in his mind and the mighty Savonti warrior of Ketul fell to the ground asleep.
As Yar opened his eyes the first sun of Pentanthin had already made its way into the sky. A crimsom hazy filled the skies over his head. He sat up and looked around wondering where he was and what had happened to him. At a small fire sat a Savonti warror and a Human talking. Yar pushed himself up on his coils and felt for his weapon to defend himself. Just then the two looked over and notced he was awake.
"How do you feel?" Xan asked.
Yar was just about to summon his energy blades when he remembered who the warrior was. Xan of Lesul. Then he thought about the queston. How did he feel? His entre body should be burning with pain right now but it wasn't. Yar lookd down at his arms. They were a gleaming shade of emerald green instead of the dull black they usuall were.
"I feel." Yar studdered as he checked himself. There was no muscle pains. No burning knives burrowing into his head. "Like never before. There is no pain. For the first time ever, I am not in pain!!"
"And I will do the same for all the rest of the Savonti in Ketul." Shayn stood and reached out his hand to Yar. "A gift from my people to yours."
Yar stared at his hand not understanding what it meant. Xan snickered and clasped Shayns hand and shook.
"It is their way to offer friendship." He said. "Will you agree?"
"I can't speak for my father or the rest of Ketul." Yar took Shayn's hand in his and shook it. "But I accept and I will speak for you."
"Good." Shayn smiled and released Yar's strong grip. He stepped away and shifted back to dragon form and took to the air. [When Ketul wakes up this morning, their pain will be gone.]
As Yar and Xan watched, Shayn flew higher and off towards the lair of Ketu. Yar looked at Xan.
"Strange creature these Humans are."
"Yes." Xan nodded as he stood staring watching the little white dragon fly off. "Strange yes, and worthy of our respect and trust."