Memu's camp was constructed in four circles. The outer circle was the protection. All his warriors were housed there. An enemy would have to break though his small army to get to him. In that circle he also had his weapons wagons which he kept heavily guarded. The next circle was the slave wagons and all his household servants. Kitchens and cook fires were also the this circle. The third circle was for his wives, children and his lieutenants. The last and most important was the center. That was for Memu and his pleasure. In here he had his own quarter's and the tent he used to meet and administrate to his house, his private weapons, dining area and his pleasure tents. Memu's house consist of close to five hundred in all, like a small town that was always on the move on his own lands.
Once pass the warrior ring, Loc dismounted and gave his reins to one of his warriors. He gave orders for them to have a meal and to wait for him at Memu's main warrior rest tents. With his head held high he made his way deeper into Memu's encampment to the entrance to Memu's own private tent. With A nodded he passed the warriors at the gate that moved aside as he passed and went on in to find the lord of the lands.
There was a lot less activity going on in Memu's private circle. Slaves quietly went on with there duties and the guards patrolled and escorted anyone around who had busy with Memu. Outside the audience tent Loc met Mah, Memu's chief lieutenant. He was giving strict orders to the two warriors at the tents opening when he looked up and saw Loc approach.
"Nazun Loc." He saluted him with his fist to his chest. "What brings you here today?"
"I came to see Memu on important business."
"Lesu?" Mah asked.
"Among other things," Loc nodded. "I have something he should know. Is he busy?"
"Memu just returned from Darul. Another on of it's lords commands to attend." Mah looked disgusted at the idea and waved him in. "The Mind lord is beginning to become a nuisance to my lord."
"Careful Mah." Loc said in passing. "Daru has ways to hear even this far away from his lair. He is not called the Mind lord for nothing. And you of all know you should never disrespect a Savonti lord."
Loc left him standing at the entrance with a look of fear in his eyes. Gathered in the tent there where a number of Savonti waiting in line to see Memu who sat at a table dressed in blue robes looking bored as he listening to one of his upper level lieutenants complaint.
"My lord." The warrior bowed his muscles rippling. " I am Kol. In the last cycle. My warriors and I have captured over 150 and put them in the cages of Memul. Yet the tally kept by the slave master has us at under seventy and his son who sits with his band and follows us bringing in the few we leave is over 200. How is this possible?"
"You can prove this?" Memu looked up and saw and saw his brother enter. He nodded to acknowledge him. "This is a very serious accusation you have made against Hak and his son."
"I can my lord." He nodded. "There are others bands that hunt near us and have seen our catch each turn. They will swear to my account."
"I would hear your proof." He ordered. "Bring them to me at mid turn. And bring Hak to defend himself. I warn you Kol. If this proves to be untrue, you will lose all rank in my house and become as a slave in Memul."
"I understand Lord Memul" He bowed and left the tent.
"That is all for today." Memu stood and stepped out from behind the table. With a grim look he moves out to greet Loc.
"Nazun Brother." Memu calls out as a slave served him treats from a try. He took one then wave the boy away. "I trust the hunt goes well for you. Have you found your quarry?"
"Lesu's sons are as elusive as their father and his dark stare, but I think I know when they are."
Memu looked at his younger brother with doubt and mistrust. His decision to join the house of Lesu never sat right with him. Loc was one of the best Savonti hunters there was and he could use his talents. Instead he had joined that bazter Lesu his enemy. Well he would have to live with that decision.
"Why are you here Loc?" Memu looked at his brother with a questioning stare. "You have made your loyalty known. What do you want?
"I want my own house." He said boldly. "I want the house of Lesu to be mine."
"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!" Memu laughed. "And by what power will you claim Lesu's house? You have no power. You never did!"
"I have power and the strongest network of spies on Pentanthin." Loc boosted. "I know what goes on in each and every Savonti house. No one make's a move without my knowledge. Not even Daru. That is my power. Knowledge."
"What can your knowledge do brother, and what power do you speck of?" Memu walked back to his table and picked up a jug and poured himself a cup of Rhin wine, a favorite of Memu's. "Has it found your quarry?"
"I know where Mar and Xan are." Loc took Memu's cup and drank from it. "And I also know how to make you and I the two strongest lords on Pentanthin. Are you interested?"
"You have my attention." Memu smiled. He sat back at his desk and folded his hands on his chest. "Tell me. What are you thinking?"
"Conquest of all Pentanthin." Loc smiled and handed his brother back his wine.
All was quiet in the halls of the Andrake Academy. All cadets were sleeping. Guards were posted all around the compound being supervised by Capt Testa and the faculty were preparing for a new day. Gabor Gekko and his brother Bella walked proudly through the hall on their way to a meeting they had called for in Insa's office. When they arrived everyone was there waiting for them. Shayn sat with Ono standing next to him with Azeal and Tanis and the dragons Blink and Cutter stood by a window staring into the darkness. Councilors Den, Gaunt and Terryn sat With Kalin Ka at a table in a quiet conversation which stopped when the two brothers entered. Everyone was eager to know why Gabor had called the meeting.
"Thank you all for coming." Gabor said as he stepped up to the desk. "I have something important I want to talk with you all about."
"What can we help you with." Cutter asked. "Is everything well in your new home?"
"Gekkol is fine." he nodded. "We have posted guards all around our lands and for now we think we're safe."
"But?" Ono interrupted. "There's a but in there somewhere right?"
"Yes my friend there is." Gabor sat down in a high back chair that faced everyone. "I've decided to step down as leader of this rebellion."
"What?" Tanis jumped in surprise. "You can't. You have to lead your people in this or all of Pentanthin is lost. We all need you, Pentanthin needs you!"
"I'll always lead my People Tanis." Gabor held up his hand to calm his friend. "But I am not the one to lead here. I can organize raids and lead battles but I have not been schooled in strategy's or warfare like some in this room.
Gabor turned to Shayn and Ono who looked at him bewildered then looked at each other.
"From the link you made when you taught me about your world, I learned all about some of you here. There are four princes in this room and all of you have been taught to rule from an early age. You all had tactics drilled into you and you've all seen battle in real wars. Me? My father was a great leader, but he was far to busy keeping us alive to teach. Besides, the White and Grey have to lead us to freedom. It's your destiny. Without you, we can't win. So I'm asking you now. Will you lead us?"
[He has a point.] Cutter sent the two mates. [We're all here to follow you. It is your destiny.]
[Are you ready?] Azeal asked. [Pentanthin needs you.]
Ono turned and looked at Shayn as the group became quiet. A minute passed as everyone thought somehow they were in some kind of private discussion. From the look in Shayn's eyes, Gabor had the feeling he wasn't going to agree and he would insist Gabor stay in charge. That scared Gabor. The future of all of the people of Pentanthin in his hands was responsibility. He wasn't sure if he could handle it.
Standing up Ono reached and took Shayn's hand. Azeal envied how close they were. He so wanted that same closeness with Tanis. He looked to Tanis next to him who smiled, melting his vampire heart.
"Back home before we were sent here." Shayn started. "We met a very wise special woman. With a touch of our hands, she told us we would have a very special destiny away from our families and friends."
"Not long after that we found ourselves here on Pentanthin." Ono continued where Shayn left off. "And we faced a horror neither of us could imagine. After meeting some of you we heard the same prediction, word for word that she had made. We've come to believe this is the destiny she spoke of."
"We accept Gabor." Shayn smiled as relief spread across Gabor's face. "But we will need everyone's help and advice here. We believe together we all can beat the Savonti. Not even the White and Grey can stand alone in this fight."
"Agreed." Gabor stood and gripped both there arms in agreement. "Now that that's taken care of. I think I should tell you all of the special missions I have people out on. You need to know all about Erlik and Bandit and Mar and Ozmun."
"Bandit?" Cutter cut in. "You have one of our cadets out on a mission?"
"I suggested Bandit." Azeal admitted. "He's one of our best fighters and perfect protection for Erlik.."
"What's their mission?" Shayn asked.
"I sent them one as emissary's to contact clans no more then a days travel away." Gabor explained standing up. "We're going to need the help. As much as we can get. They're to be back here in two more days. The problem is that I have no way to contact clans further out then that. If we are to end the Savonti reign, we have to take this fight to all Savonti. Not just the ten or fifteen clans we know of."
"He is right." Came a voice from the door. Everyone turned to see Xan at the door with Cac at his side.
"Xan, Cac." Ono greeted them. "Come in and join us."
Xan strode into the room with Cac following him. He took a seat and Cac stood right behind him.
"Thank you for joining us in council." Shayn reach over and gripped his arm. "Gabor was just telling us of the need to reach out to distant clans. What do you think?"
"I think he's right." Xan continued. "There are many lords out there spread across Pentanthin we know nothing about. If we defeat Daru and the others we know of, more will just come in to try and take over."
"So are we to fight all the Savonti on the planet?" Sadon Terryn asked anxiously. "That seems like an impossible task for so few and a group of children."
"It won't be easy." Kalin said. "But not impossible. The dragons did it at home. We just need an avenging force here on Pentanthin."
"The only dragons here are Me Cutter and Blink." Shayn cut in. "We can't police the planet. We'll have to find a now way."
Arguing and shouting erupted all around the room. The councilors just wanted to get the Academy back to Keanna safely and Gabor and Xan argued that they stay and help fight. The only quiet ones in the room were Ono and the three dragons. They knew where their course lay.
"QUIET ALL OF YOU!!" Ono stood and pounded the table. All fighting stopped. "We're here and we can't leave until we're done, so there's no point in this argument. Even if we could leave, do you want to leave these people like this? Is that what Insa taught in this Academy? With out our help, humans have no chance except as food to be rounded up and butchered. Could you live with that on your conscious?"
"No." Councilor Gaunt shook his head looking at his two fellow professors. "We have to help even if we don't make it home again. It's the right thing to do."
"Then let's all sit down and try to come up with some kind of plan." Shayn suggested. "Now what do we need first?"
Suddenly pain and dark flashes streaked through the minds of Shayn, Ono, and Blink. Azeal jumped to his feet and hurried to his friends side. Tanis felt it to. A strange buzzing in his mind like bees swarming all around him. He didn't understand it, but he knew something bad had just happened somewhere in the Academy.
"What goes on?" Gabor asked the others.
"Something dark." Elora Den patted his shoulder.
Just then there was a banging at the door. Shayn got up and answered it. It was Jovan and he had a pale horrid look on his face.
"Something terrible has happened. You have to come quickly!"
As the first sun of Pentanthin began its rise over the eastern mountains, Zarin Testa rose from his bedroll and looked at his sleeping friends. Trip and Rese were sleeping close under a nearby tree with huge purple fond like leaves. Craven lay near the stream off to the side with Zark sitting cross legged with his sword in his lap protecting him. The Orc never moved to far from sworn blood friend. Dack slept just next to Zarin and Thalia still in her bird from was perched off in the branches in the forest. Sleeping closely huddled together the Serban children held on to each other in restless nightmares. Zarin could hear Nysa's moans as she twisted and turned in her brothers arms. the only two awake were Eheren and Reno who guard them all as they slept.
Yesterday had been a hard day on them all. The rescue of Luke and Tored and their sisters, the old cave they had tried to hide in. Zarin remember the strange feelings he had felt from the cave. Like some strange there was something in there. Something old and very angry. Then the realization that one of them was missing. Little Mera was no where to be found in the caves. She had wandered off to be captured by their worst nightmare, the Savonti. Then their mad escape from the Savonti attack at the cave. Now here they were, early morning and worried about the lost one. Where was she? What lord held Mera? How were they to get her back? From what Luke and Tored had told him, Savonti lairs were like a fortress. It would take much more then the ten of them, well eleven if you count Nysa to force their way in and bring her out safely. It would take an army, and that he didn't have.
"Strange place we have found ourselves, isn't it?"
Zarin turned and saw Eheren walking towards him. He stopped and passed him a leaf with some sliced meat and vegetables on it. Zarin took it. It smelled delicious and he was hungry after barely having time to eat yesterday.
"Thank you." He began to eat slowly.
"So what are your plans?"
"My plans?" Zarin asked him. "I'm 16. How is it I'm in charge here? Why not you?"
"They follow you Zarin." Eheren sat down next to him. "These are you friends and they trust you to take care of them. Your their leader, they followed you here not me?"
"But your a dragon. Your older and smarter them I am. I could get one of them hurt. Mera's already missing because I wasn't watching."
"No." Zarin and Eheren turned their heads. Tored was standing there. "I wasn't watching her. It's my fault not yours. And I'm going to get her back, but I need your help. Luke and I need all your help. We can't do it alone. Will you help us?"
"Of course we will." Eheren smiled at the to young men. This is just what Zarin needed to get his confidence up. Something to fight for. Insa had told him Zarin was a fighter and a protector. Just like the dragons. Now he was his chance. "First we have to find out which lord took her."
"The warriors wore blue." Tored told them. "That's the colors of Lord Memu. My grandfather taught us all he could about the Savonti and how to hide and recognize them."
"Do you know where to find this Lord Memu?"
"I think so." Tored sat down with them. Eheren passed him cup and pour him a hot drink. "We're not far from Memul, but how are we going to raid a Savonti lair?"
"First we find it." Zarin smiled. "Then we figure out how to get Mera out. The question is, will she be safe there?"
"Grandfather told us that the Savonti make slave first." He explained. "They have no trouble killing children on the hunt, but once caught they want to get as much use out of them as possible. What scares me is what use a small girl like Mera can be."
"What do you mean?" Eheren's brow raised in curiosity.
"Your all new to Pentanthin." Tored looked at them. Sweat ran down his face. Eheren knew that look. He had seen many times before. It was fear. "You've never seen the inside of a Savonti lord lair. What his slaves are forced to do. Working in the mines for years until they're so tired or sick they welcome death. The beatings household slaves get for the slightest mistake. Then there's the pleasure rooms."
Zarin and Eheren drew back in horror at the thought. Pleasure room, that could mean only one thing. The thought of anyone enduring such horrors was unbearable, Mera being used in that way was something they couldn't allow to happen.
"Now you understand why we hide in caves and in the forest." Tored's eyes teared up. "Why we can't build homes and live together in villages. We live in clans and learn to fight at an early ages to protect each other. We have no choice. It's the only way we know to survive!"
"So this is why we found it so hard to find people here." Zarin stood and looked on all his sleeping friends. He couldn't let this happen to any of them. He had to get them back home. "Tored, we're going to help you get Mera free. But I need your help with something. We have friends here somewhere. We have to find them to get back home. Do you think you can help us?"
"Luke and I will do all we can."
"Reno!" He called out. "Wake everyone up. We're getting out of here."
Dark dreams of White and Grey haunted Daru's dreams. He had warriors and lords everywhere looking for them with no success. Daru had probed his lands and all the lands within a two turns rides and he hadn't found them. What he did find was that for some reason, he couldn't probe into Fedrul. There seemed to be some kind of strange energy that stopped his probe at the border. Curious he sent two groups of warriors into Fedrul to investigate. One returned and told him the land seemed abandoned. None of Fedrul's warriors or household were there anymore. Daru wondered where they had all gone. None of them had come to Darul and as far as he knew, none of the other lords had mentioned Fedru's queens or his warriors in their lands. This was strange. The second group he sent, never came back. He tried searching for their minds since they were familiar but he found nothing. This had never happened before. Once Daru had touched a mind he could always get back into it anytime he wanted. The only thing he could think of was that they were dead. But he would have felt there death if they had been killed. It was like they went into Fedrul and simply vanished.
How is that possible?
[My lord.] A familiar mental call broke into Daru's thoughts. It was his queen Trela.
[Why have you disturbed me Trela?]
[You seek answers to your trouble.] He could feel she wanted something from him again.
[You have answers? Then you have been wandering in my mind have you?]
[I only seek to please you my lord.]
[Then have a care and never again even try to enter my mind.] He scolded her. [What answers do you have?]
[I to have been probing for our enemy.] she sent to him. [You think they are in Fedrul. You are right but there are enemies even closer. Someone or something is here in Darul watching us. I can feel its presence.]
[One of our allies?] He asked. Darul had been feeling something strange here in Darul lately. He thought it was just the closeness of so many of his allies warriors but it could be something else.
[No my lord. I know the feel of all their minds. This is something different, and it watches us and waits.]
[Find it Trela.] He ordered. [Bring whoever it is to face me.]
[Yes my lord, I will do as you wish.]
With that Daru felt their connection broken. Once this was over he would have to do something about his over ambitious queen. She was getting from to powerful for her own good. But until then, he had better be more careful and watch closer for her spying on his thoughts and it was time to take a closer look into Fedrul. If the white and grey were there, it was time he found them.
[Magu1 There's something I want you and your warriors to do. Gather them and meet me out beyond my mines.]
Once Magu sent his acknowledgement, Daru stood and put on his robe. He had plans to organize and it was time he made his next move.
In the shadows of Daru's private sands something moved in the shadows. Sacar stepped out and shook the sand out from under his wings. From his hiding place he had been listening to Daru and Trela and all he plans. He had hidden in the shadows because to invade Daru's thoughts without him knowing, he had to stay visible. But know he knew Daru's plans to invade Fedrul. That had to be where the White and Grey were hiding. He had to warn them. He would have to get out of the lair where he could call out to Madri to have him find Thalia to warn the promised ones.
Concentrated on his cloaking field Sacar slipped back into invisibility and stepped out from his hiding place. Daru's private apartment was on the lowest lever of his lair so carefully Sacar started out into the halls of the house of Daru. The foul smell of death and the screams of the innocent humans tore at his soul as he made his way out. One level, two levels three lever he moved ignoring all he saw. Slaves being beaten, Humans dragged through the halls. This place was a horror Sacar thought. One lever from the top he stopped. There was someone in his path. Not a warrior but a queen of the Savonti. She looked all around with a strange look in her eyes. Sacar tried to step around her and she turned in his direction. He stopped. Could it be she knew he was there? That wasn't possible he thought.
"Whoever you are." She called out. "I know your here. I can feel you in my mind."
Total shock poured through Sacar. This queen could somehow sense him. Sacar took a step back away from her.
"I know your here human." She reached behind her and pulled out a staff. "There's no way pass me. You are about to be dragged before my lord. It's your choice. Will it be alive or dead?"
[I have no fear of you.] Sacar sent out to her. [I stopped being scared long ago. We will put an end to your reign on Pentanthin.]
"No human." Trela aimed her staff at him though she couldn't see him. "You won't"
Then she pulled the trigger and sent a series of rapid fire bolts at him. Sacar spread his wings and leaped high to the ceiling of the cavern. He knew just one mighty strike down would kill the queen and nothing would have pleased him more. But he had to get out. The sound of warriors heading in there direction echoed through the halls. They may not see him now, but if there were enough of them here searching, he had no doubt they would find him. Then they would know the Nevac still lived and that he couldn't allow. Crawling quickly Sacar passed over Trela's head as she kept firing. Smoke was begining to fill the corridor as the warriors entered and Sacar left. She stopped and listened then reached out with her senses and found somehow whoever had been there was gone.
"I WILL FIND YOU!!!" Her words echoed out through all the halls of the lair. "AND WHEN WE DO. YOU WILL BE SERVED TO ME FOR MY DINNER. THIS I PROMISE YOU!!"
Sacar thanked his ancestors for granting him the luck and speed to get away from the Savonti queen. He wondered how it was that she could sense him so closely. Her first blast had missed by a hair. Not that it would have hurt him. He could still feel the warmth of the near miss on his back as he crawled out of the main exit to Daru's lair. The alarm had been sent out. They were now searching for a human intruder. From the top of the ridge Scar watched as the lair went into lock down to find him. Relieved to be out he hurried off into the forest where he could rest for a second and collect himself. Then he was off to find Madri and learn where Thalia and her friends where and what else had happened in his absence.
The dormitory halls of the Academy were crowded as cadets rushed in and out trying to find out just what had happened. As Shayn and the others entered the hall they met Macan coming down the hall with his bag in his hand.
"What's going on?" Shayn asked. "Who's hurt?"
"I don't know." Macan answered. "All I was told was that someone was hurt."
"It's over here." Jovan pointed to a crowd. He pushing his way to the front, Ono hurried down the hall with the others behind him. A large crowd stood around looking to see was had happened. Ono carefully pushed his way through until they made it to a circle of cadets that moved out of the way once they saw them approach. Shock took all their breath away when the saw who lay i9n a bloody pool on the floor.
"Lisette!!" Shayn ran to her and knelt down and took her in his arms. "WHAT HAPPENED HERE?"
"We don't know Sir." A boy answered. "She just appeared here like this."
"Is she alright?" Ono asked. "There's a lot of blood."
Shayn could tell the moment he touched her there wasn't anything he could do. She was dead. Shayn looked up to Ono with tears in his eyes.
[She's gone.] He stood and picked her up. On her face there was a horrible look of pain. Shayn looked over all the cadets gathered around. Innocent eyes stared back at him.
"I want every cadet in the Assembly hall in ten minutes." Cutter shouted. "All of you, move out not!!"
Cadets ran for their rooms in all directions leaving them there with the body.
"Jovan." Ono called. "Bring Lowell to the Infirmary."
"What do I Tell him?"
"Nothing." Cutter said. "Just tell him we need to see him and that it's important."
Jovan looked at Azeal. He wanted to tell them about the mysterious cadet that had let him and the raiding party in the Academy during the attack. But he hadn't seen him since that day, but he knew he had to be the one that did this.
"I'll tell them." Azeal told him. "You go get Lowell."
Carrying Lisette in his arms Shayn headed for the transport stone that would take them down to the administration offices.
"I'm leaving finding out who did this in your hands Cutter." Shayn stopped and turned to face him before stepping on the stone. "Question every cadets and staff. We have a traitor here with us and whoever it is, they have to be found. Ono and I will be in the Infirmary waiting for Lowell."
Cutter nodded as the two stepped on the stone and disappeared.
"I can't believe a cadet did this." Blink said. He paced with a angry shadow almost covering his face. His eyes blazed a yellow glow. "I know we have students of the dark persuasion but to murder someone here in the academy?
"There's something you all need to know." Azeal said. "We should talk before we see the cadets. Your office Cutter."
Tanis looked at the large pool of blood on the floor and his stomach turned for the first time at the sight of blood. Macan stepped in front of him to block the sight.
"Go all of you." He said. "I have a spell that may help identify who did this. Kalin can stay and help. We'll have it cleaned up as well."
"We don't have time for another meeting and I'm little to upset for that right now." Cutters looked at Azeal with anger. "There's something you want to tell us, out with it."
"Very well." Azeal nodded. "We do have an intruder. It's one of Tayor Larin's people. Whoever it is they've been here since before the move. I think it's one of our cadets."
"Is that even possible?" Blink asked. He looked to the two professors for an answer. "Could he have slipped someone in here?"
"Yes." Councilor Humbridge told them. "Tayor Larin has many allies and some of them have children here. Anyone of them could be the one your looking for. You forget, Tabor his son attended this school."
"Tabor?" Councilor Gaunt's eyes lit up. "Of course! He has the power to do this and like his father he's totally ruthless. He would do anything he has to to thwart us in any way."
"But wouldn't we recognize his if he was here?" Tanis asked. "You all know him. Has any of you seen him or any of his allies children here since the move?"
"No." Councilor Den said as she joined them. "I sent all Darkshade and any one else I thought might side with Lord Larin out of the school before moved. But there is another possibility."
"A magical disguise." Cutter suggested.
"Yes." Councilor Den agreed with him. "Tabor was a lazy mean spirited bully, but he was also very talented. He could be here."
"Tabor or whoever it is." Azeal cut in. "We have to find him. There has to be some way to find out who it is."
"I have a suggestion." Gabor spoke up for the first time since the discovery of the murder. "Lilia Kordova. We could have her probe all the cadets to see what she finds."
"How's that going to help?" Blink asked confused. "Whoever it is will probably have a way to shield his mind. He won't be dumb enough to gave himself away."
"Perhaps that's just what we should be looking for." Cutter smiled. "Gabor, bring her to the assembly hall right away. Tanis, Azeal. I want a count of all cadets here. I want to know if anyone's missing. Professors, gather your cadets. We have a murderer to find."
"Damn them all!" Paolo Navare fumed as he paced back and forth through his room. His plans had come to a serious snag. He had spelled two of his enemies fathers into his service, but Zarin Testa's mother had not taken the spell well. Somehow she had resisted and fought off the magic and come awake as he was giving her his orders. It didn't take much for her from there to figure out who he was and what he planned. She screamed his name and tried to get to the door to warn the dragons and the staff. Tabor couldn't have that. Not now when he was so close to finding the Ring of Endrin. He grabbed her to silence her and pull her back to restrain her but she fought. Lisette Testa was no weak helpless woman. With her husband being a captain in the city guards of Winterhaven, she had been taught many ways to defend herself. Like a wild animal she fought him. Delivering blow upon blow. Tabor was at his wits end until he managed to get his hands on a sharp dagger he kept at his desk and stabbed her right through her heart.
Once Rush had come back to the room just then with his captive the boy called Juelz. Quickly Tabor spelled the boy to sleep to keep him quiet.
"Is she dead?" Rush asked staring at the dead body on the floor.
"Of course she is you fool." Tabor grabbed a towel and wiped the blood from his hands. "We have to get it out of here. They can't find it here. I'm not done with them yet."
"How?" Rush asked. "And what about all the blood?"
"I can keep everyone from seeing you carry her out of here." Tabor looked sternly at Rush.
"Me? Why me?"
"Because it takes a lot of concentration to keep you hidden." His eyes blazed with anger. "I can't do that and carry her you idiot! All you have to do is take her out of here and down the hall. You'll have three minutes once I cast the spell so you better hurry."
Rush gulped. His eye showed his fear and disgust. But Tabors spell held him in control.
"Pick her up and get ready to move."
Shaking Rush went to the body. He grabbed her arms and pulled her into a sitting position then bent over and left her over his shoulder. Blood smeared his tunic as he stepped up to the door.
Rush nodded as his knees quaked in fear.
Dark magic appeared and began to swirl around Rush. He held out his hand and watched as it went from solid to transparent then completely invisible.
"Paolo?" He stammered.
"Go now." Paolo reached for the door. "You have three minutes. Drop her in the hall away from our door then hurry back. She will become visible the second she hits the floor. Don't mess this up."
Opening the door he looked out and saw there were only a few cadets in the hall. He stepped aside.
"Hurry." he whispered.
With a groan Rush stepped our into the hall. He looked around afraid they could see him. When he realized no one could see him standing there with Lisette's body on his back, he began walking out away from the room. As he walked he almost bumped into a boy coming down the hall. He stopped for a second and let out his breath. In his mind he could hear Paolo telling him the didn't have much time and to hurry. Three more steps was all he needed to take. Carefully he moved. All around him cadets chatted about class and the strangeness of the crimson forest. With a heave of strength he dumped the body from his shoulder and stepped away. Gasps of surprise sounded as the cadets saw Lisette hit the floor. A young girl screamed. that brought Rush back to his senses and he turned and hurried back to his room. Paolo held the door and shut it as he quickly dived in. From behind the door they could hear the cadets cries of shock and panic. Now visible Rush wiped the sweat from his face and turn to look into Paolo's smiling face.
"It's done." He said. "Now we get out of here."
Rush shivered to shake himself back to his senses. Then he reached out and took Paolo's hand.
"Where are we going?"
"The enemy of my enemy just may be my friend."
With a spine chilling laugh the two disappeared as invisible flames engulf the room cleaning away all the evidence of the grisly murder.
As the full moon rose over Pentanthin, two blackbirds flew high over the camp of Memu. It had taken them hours in search to find it flying all over then land. From the air Trip and Thalia watched as warriors massed. Something was going on down there. Memu looked like he was heading out on some kind of raid or something. Finding a tall tree, the two avian s came down and perched. There was someone here they had to find. Someone special.
[What now?] Trip sent. [You have any idea how to find Mera?]
[Tored says she would be in the slave ring of Memu's camp.] Thalia scanned the four circles of the camp carefully looking for signs of captivity. There in the second circle, caged wagons. That must be it.
[Look there.] She squawked. [Cages. Follow me.]
Opening her wings Thalia launched herself out of the tree heading for a smaller red tree in the second circle. Landing in the tree they could hear the cries of the captives. Men, women and children locked away in dirty caged wagons. There were rows upon rows of them. Trip wonder how he and Thalia were to find one little girl among all these people.
[We free them all.] He heard Zarin say in his mind.
[We can't leave them here to die.] Thalia added. [How can we free one and leave the others? We have to get them all out of here.]
[That means defeating all these warrior.] Trip shook his head in disbelief. [Zarin you better have some great plan for this.]
[You find Mera.] He sent back. [I'll think of something.]
Trip gazed down it all the cages. He saw people in rags huddled in fear in the corners of the cages. Men covering there wives and children. Some still had a few of there possessions and some were completely naked. How was he to find one person in all this chaos? There had to be over a hundred slaves do there. Some in cages and some chained or working at some grueling task for their master. And what masters. Carnivorous bastards they were. But that wasn't important right now. Finding Mera was. He could use his magic to find her, but there was a problem with that.
[What are you thinking?] Thalia asked.
[I'm trying to figure a way to find her.] He answered. [It would be different if I had something of hers, then I could use it to lead me to her.]
[Something like that doll she always carried?]
[That would be perfect.] He flapping his wings his nerves on end. [That doll has a great personal connection to her. A simple spell and it takes us right to her. But Nysa has it. I should have thought of that before we left.]
[I did.] Thalia squawked. [I have it in my robes.]
[Good.] He sent. [Now all we have to do is get past all the warriors and everyone else in the camp, and find Mera.]
[One thing at a time.] Thalia spread her wings. [Come on. I'll give you the doll then you get to the slave ring, if you see the chance go find Mera.]
[By myself?] He asked. [Where are you going?]
[I want to see why Memu has all these warriors armed and ready to fight. I think he's up to something.]
[Of course he is.] They took off into the night.[From what Tored told me, the Savonti are always up to something. And it's never good for humans.]
On a hill in Memul, three figures sat on the edge of the dense forest and watched. Below them sat Memu's camp where his warriors massed just beyond the first ring of his camp. Trackers were made ready as weapons were passed out among them. Armor was being hammered in forges and many many caged wagons were being prepared. Erlik Marcos looked at his two companions then pointed to the army on the field below.
"Now do you see?"
Drake looked on thinking about the war waging back home. He had just left Keanna in a state almost like this. What had he walked into.
"What do they want?" He asked.
"Everything!!" Erlik said in frustration. "They want to put us all in pens to raise and fatten up for food. They want us to slave in there mines and to be used as entertainment and to violate. They mean to put an end to our freedom. That's what they want!"
"Cutter and the other professors warned us about these Savonti." Bandit looked on astonished. "But none of us thought it could be this bad."
"This is just one lord." Erlik pointed out. "There are many of them spread across Pentanthin and all of them with the same goal."
"And this is way my son is here?" Anger rose up in the king of the Werewolves. "This is what he is here to fight?"
"Yes." Erlik nodded. "Hopeless as it seems, he and the one in white are our only hope. It was foretold agens ago."
"What is this prophesy you speak of?" Drake asked. "If it concerns my son Ono, I want to know."
"It's taught to every child on Pentanthin at they're fathers knee." Erlik explained. "It's been passed a long from clan to clan and family to family. Listen and I will pass it on to you. Beware the white and grey. For they will cause the end of agens of tyranny and enslavement. Their power and courage will doom the high ones and bring freedom to all that suffer and fight with them. The mark of the wolf and dragon will be the sign. Beware the white and grey."
"The wolf and the dragon." Drake smiled thinking of how proud and scared he was for Ono and Shayn. They're both so young. If only it were Jandar and Rage. He would feel so much better. But it wasn't his older son here fighting. It was his cub and be damned if he wouldn't do all he could to help him.
"If these Savonti want a fight." Drake stood up. "We'll give them one that will change everything on Pentanthin. This I swear."
With that, Drake took a deep breath and howled. "AWROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
As the cool breeze of night blew across his face Reno Andropolos crouched in the forest near the rear of Memu's camp. He was there along with Tored and Rese to bring Mera out. Now, neither of them had a clue but this was something that had to be done. When the arrived they had seen all the warriors preparing out front. Reno wonder what was going on. Zarin had sent Trip and Thalia into the camp ahead to find the girl. Thalia had told them of the army out and how to avoid being seen by them. There was an avenue straight to the rear of the camp if they came in from the back by the river. In human form then slipped into the river and waded up stream through the fast moving waters. Reno held onto both Rese and Tored to keep them from being swept down stream. Once on the dark backs outside of the camp, Reno quietly climbed on land leaving the two boys waiting. Using his werewolf sense of smell he reached the area for sentries. Their mission was an important one so they couldn't afford to be found before they were ready. Reno found none of the Savonti patrolling so he waved the others out of the water. From the rear they looked at the mass of warriors gathered out on the field in front of the camp.
"I've never seen so many Savonti in one place." Tored said wide eyed. "Not even when they are on the hunt."
"What could they be doing?" Rese asked. As they watched more warriors entered the clearing.
"They're gathering for a battle." Reno told them. "There's no other reason for so many warriors to be here armed."
"Who are they attacking?" Tored looked up at Reno. "Memu's closes neighbor was Lord Resu. But his lands been taken by Daru so I don't know. Memu's no match for the Mind Lord."
"This is not why we're here. We're here for Mera and that's it." Rese moved back out of sight to keep from being seen.
"Yes." Tored said. "But this could be important. We should find out what he's up to."
"We will. but right now." Reno moved them back to a place where there was an opening he could see through. "We wait for Thalia and Trip. They may have found her and a way in."
Just then a familiar sound rang out from the hills above the camp. Reno turn his ears alert. That couldn't possibly be what he thought it was. Could it?
On the border of the land once called Fedrul, Zarin and Dack spotted something that could come in handy to them. A herd of wild Tracker beast. From the edge of the forest they watched as the others caught up with them.
"Shhhhhhhhh!! Dack quieted their approach and pointed of onto the field where the beast were gathered.
"Trackers?" Luke said curious. "What do we need them for?"
"To move fast." Zarin said quietly. "Lord Fedrul will have warriors out and if we run into them, We're going to have to run or fight. Since Tempest isn't here, we'll need another way to travel."
"I'm here." Eheren stepped out. "I can carry most of you.
"I know that Eheren." Zarin assured him. "But I think we'll still need the Trackers. They could be the means of a quick escape in an emergency."
"How do we catch them?" Craven asked.
"Let me try." Nysa stood and walked out onto the field before anyone could stop her. Luke jumped up to run after her when Zarin grabbed him to stop him.
"Let her try." He said. "If they're anything like horses back home this just might work. Everyone keep watch. There could be Savonti here watching. Be ready to move."
Slowly and very quiet, Nysa walked out toward the herd. She had her hand stretched out towards the beat for them to catch the scent. Not that it mattered, they had smelled the humans coming long before the humans had seen them. Heads of Trackers rose up out of the herd to look at her. A beast stepped out of the crowd and moved toward her. Luke jumped nervous but stayed there in the forest.
"You all know that Trackers are carnivores, right?"
A look of shock suddenly appeared on Zarin's face, had he known that he never would have allowed Nysa to go near them. But it was to late now.
Snorting and stomping his front claw, the lead Tracker started at Nysa as she came closer. suddenly she stopped and began to sing softly. The Trackers ears perked up and it made a hissing sound. It picked up speed and moved faster toward her. Everyone's heart stopped as they waited to see what would happen. As the Tracker reached Nysa it stopped and stared down at her. With her hand out, boldly she reached up and stroked its scaly snout. It's tongue lashed out and licked her hand. Zarin thought it had just had a taste and formed a spell to blast it when it's head came down and nuzzled the young girl and she hugged it. Everyone let out there breath in relief. She had managed to somehow tamed the wild thing. Now it was their turn.
"Come out slowly." She waved to them. "Show them you won't hurt them. I used what Grampa taught me to calm them. It should be fine once they get use to you."
Zarin stood before a grey snorting Tracker. He raised his hand and let the animal get his scent as Nysa projected calmness to all the Tracker. Each of them took one and used some rope from Cravens bag to make reins. Once on there backs, Craven noticed Zark standing at his side.
"Zark, what bothers you?"
"I have no need of such a beast." He told his sworn friend. "I can keep up. I'll be at your side."
"Luke. You lead."
"Follow me!" Luke smiled and urged his Tracker into a run. And off they all went into Gekkol to find the White and Grey.
Tears streaked Mera's face as she sat in her caged wagon alone. She was scared and missed her brothers and sister. Why had she left them in the cave? She had been so wrong to go out on her own after they had all warned her not to. Now her she was. Caught and a prisoner of the Savonti. Those monsters scared her so much with their fangs and claws. She hated the way they looked at her, like she was some kind of tasty treat.
Outside of her cage Savonti rushed by busy with some kind of preparations. To her it looked like they were packing. Tents were being taken down and stored, furniture was packed away. But where were they going. As she watched. A young female Savonti came quickly to her cage. She was carrying bread and vegetables. She opened Mera's cage and threw the food in, then slammed the door. Mera shrank back afraid as the young girl laughed and poked at her through the bars. Just then someone called out for the girl and she ran off. The bread rolled along until it stopped at Mera's feet. But that's not what caught Mera's attention. the door was. In her hurry the girls hadn't checked and the lock on the door didn't catch. Mera hurried to the door and held the bars. She didn't want anyone to notice it was open. Suddenly a horn blew. Everyone turned and ran towards the way they had dragged her in. Soon there were no Savonti around. Mera threw open the door and jumped down out of the cage. She had to find a place to hide before they came back. Someplace no one would look. Like under that wagon. She could crawl up into the bottom and hide. No one would know she was there. Then Tored and Luke could come get her. Quickly she made her way to the wagon and crawled under it. She reached up and pulled herself up into the undercarriage and tucked herself in. Now she was safe. They would never find her there.
Out on the field Memu and Loc watched as his warriors prepared to move. His weapons and armor had by stored in wagons and extra pentantium was packed away with forge equipment. His personal tents and anything he might need had been packed for the trip. Food and slaves were caged at the end of the column. Just as a precaution, Memu had ordered his whole camp moved to a different location. Even though he had made a pact with Daru, he didn't trust him. This could all be a rouge for an attack. Nothing the Mind Lord did surprised him. It wouldn't be the first time Daru turned on an ally.
Next to him Loc stood with a grim look on his face. All his plans were coming together. Soon he would have Lesu's renegade son's and if things went right, lands to lord over of his own. Soon he would take the name lordly u onto his name and no one, not Lesu or Daru would be his better ever again. Not if he could get to the White and Grey first and take their power as his own.
As the watched, a warrior ran up to them and bowed.
"My Lord." He said with his eyes down. "All is ready. We move on your word."
"Have Loc and my Tracker brought out to us." He order. "And get the warriors moving. I wish to be in Fedrul within two turns."
With a salute the warrior was off to carry out his masters wishes.
"I will send my hunters ahead to scout." Loc told his brother. "They can watch for Magu's sky warriors and anything Daru has in Fedrul."
"Very well." Memu nodded his agreement as the Trackers arrived and they mounted up. "MOVE OUT!!"
Sitting in a tree over there heads, Thalia listened. She had no idea what this Fedrul was but it might be something Zarin needed to know. With a leap into the air, she was off to report back and find Trip. This was the best chance they would have to find Mera with all the warriors off on some wild raid on an enemy.
Landing back in the tree she had left Trip in, she called out to him.
[Here in the slave circle,] He answered.
In a short hop of a flight Thalia found him in human form behind a series of caged wagons. With a flourish of her wings she shifted back to her raven haired human form.
"Find her?"
"No." He said. "I haven't had much of a chance. They're packing the whole camp to move."
"Well we should get moving. There's not much time." Thalia went to step out from behind the wagons to search
"Wait!" he grabbed her shoulder. "You can't just walk out into a Savonti camp. They eat people here!"
"I know." She smiled. "But they also have human slaves. Can you disguise us to look like them?"
"I guess so." trip thought about a spell that would work. "How's this?"
In a blink there appearance changed and instead the two young strong adventurer's, in the place was two hungry looking dirty slaves in iron collars with chains attached to bonds on their wrists. Thalia looked at the chains and panic set in. Vampires could bare to be chained. Especially in iron.
"Relax." Trip smiled through broken teeth. "It's not real. And iron can't hurt you anyway. Fairy's hate iron. Vampires are suppose to hate silver, though it's not true."
"How do we find her?"
"With this." Trip held up the doll. "It should take us right to her."
Trip put it down on the ground and stepped back. "Watch and learn."
Trip closed his eyes and concentrated for a second. Then he opened them and his eyes glowed with power. He pointed at the doll and drew a circle around it which blazed with mystical fire. The doll stood on it's feet and faced Trip. He whispered one word.
Off the doll the went on it's search for it's true owner with Trip and Thalia right behind it watching carefully for any Savonti.From wagon to wagon they moved very carefully to keep out of sight. The few that did see them thought they were just out on some task for there master. In front the little doll was hidden in darkness, but to Trip it glowed with the power of his magic.
They moved from the outer ring into the slave ring which was being packed to be moved. As Trip and Thalia watched, the doll moved to a row of wagon cages. Trip quickly snatched it up and stuffed it in his tunic. outside the wagon, two Savonti were staring into a cage talking. They moved closer to listen.
"Your sure this is where you put the little beast?" A fat Savonti questioned a younger one. "It hasn't been taken for the cook fire?"
"No." the young Savonti answered. "Lord Memu wanted this one kept separate because of the beast that the warriors saw where it was caught. He said this one was important and someone might be looking for it."
"Then where is it" The fat one was angry. "Someone should have been watching it. How could it have gotten free?"
"I don't know. Maybe it's clan came and got it out."
"Without anyone seeing them?" He shouted. "Impossible!! Search the camp. I want it found before we pull out of here. Get as many to help as you need. Lord Memu thought it important. Find it or both our heads with be on a pole when he returns."
"Yes Cor!" The young Savonti saluted and ran of to follow orders. The fat one stared into the cage then cursed in Savonti and walked off yelling orders to all those around.
"We were the beast they were talking about." Thalia looked at Trip a little scared. "This was Mera's cage. She got away. We have to find her fast before they do."
"The doll can find her." Trip promised her. "All we have to do is follow it. But what about Memu's warriors? We have to tell Zarin and the others."
"You follow the doll. I'll go find Reno and see what he thinks. Stay hidden and be careful."
Suddenly a noise from the hills caught their attention. Howling. trip looked at Thalia surprised.
"Why would Reno be in the hills howling?" He asked. "He's suppose to be waiting by the river."
"I'd know Reno's howl anywhere." She answered. "That's definitely a Werewolf howling. But it's not Reno. You find Mera, I'll go see what's going on."
Thalia lifted her arms and turned then shifted to her raven from and took to the air. Trip watched as she flew off. Now he was alone on the heart of a deadly Savonti camp full of enemies. Well, he Thalia and Reno had been in dangerous situations before back home and they always made it out. he reached into his tunic and took out the doll.
"Well Mif, lets go find Mera."
In the rear of the camp Reno watched as the last of Memu's wagons rolled off into the forest. he had heard the howl a second time and knew what he heard was a Werewolf. He wanted to go out and find out who it was but he couldn't leave Rese and Tored here alone. Hair on his neck rose as he paced.
"Relax Reno." Rese told him. "We'll be out of here soon."
"I can't wait anymore." He looked at the to boys. He took off his jacket and his sword. He put down the water bottle. "Tored I want you to keep the two of you hidden while I'm gone. Rese It's up to you if there's an attack. Tempest can defend you or get you to safety. Thalia will be coming for you. If she gets here before I return, tell her what I'll be back as soon as I can. There's something I have to do."
"Did you recognize the call?" Rese asked.
"I think so. " He said. "And I have to answer it. Stay safe Brothers."
Reno turned and ran out onto the plain and shifted as he ran. Rese and Tored watch as his magnificent brown wolf form sped out and into the forest. They knew he would be back, or at least they hoped so.