"I see trouble all over your face Gabor." Ono said as Shayn rode up on the other side. "Whats bothering you?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Gabor looked from one to the other. "Something took out Seru's entire lair while we lay there sleeping. Whoever it was, they could be a danger to us."
"They could also be a friend." Shayn reminded him. "We just don't know."
"That's right, we don't know. And I don't trust the unknown." Gabor looked in at the darkness surrounding the walls of the Academy. "It looks dead in there. Could something have happened while we were away."
"No." Shayn smiled. "I can hear them all in my mind. All's well. It's just Blinks shadows hiding everyone."
"Wait!" Tanis put up his hand looking around in the darkness. "Somethings wrong here. We're not alone."
"Everyone spread out and search." Gabor whispered. "And stay in the darkness. There could be more then one out there."
Guiding Lilia and the Trackers into deep shadows, Gabor tied them to a tree and quietly whispered to her.
"What do you see Lady?"
"There are three out there." Tuning her senses into a fine net, she scanned the forest. "They're Savonti hunters. We've been found!"
"Warn Tanis and Azeal." Gabor ordered. "Have everyone else meet us here. From what Tanis has told me of vampires, they have the best chance to catch them."
Lilia nodded and sent out Gabor's message.
As everyone gathered in the dark with Gabor and Lilia, A heavy fog began to roll in obscuring everything. No one could see more then inches in front of them.
"A vampire fog." Ono whispered to Gabor. "The Savonti will be lost in it's thickness."
"Good." Gabor nodded and turned back to Lilia. "Can you still follow them and guide them?"
"Of course." She answer. "But I don't think they need guidance. They know exactly where the Savonti are."
In the thick fog, Azeal reached to his side and slid Justice free of it's scabbard. A soft blue glow surrounded the blade for a second until Azeal willed it away. Tanis next to him pointed north. There were two Savonti warriors heading in there way lost in the cold chilly fog. Azeal nodded and slipped off to come in behind them. The last warrior had stumbled toward the east. Tanis wrapped himself in fog and moved in that direction.
"I can't see anything in this thick mess." One of the two said quietly.
"I can't either." Came his companions answer. "Stay close."
Like thieves invading a treasure trove the two tried to stay quiet as they stumbled around. They knew someone was out there. But they had lost sight of them when the strange fog moved in. Clutching blades with there free hand stretched out to avoid running into anything, they moved on. The sounds of the forest put them both on edge. Every noise around them caused them to jump and turn in that direction. Suddenly one stumbled and fell and disappeared into the fog.
"Hes, Get up!"
Then the sound of blows landing and a harsh intake of air rang out. Cac, the second warrior called out to Hes.
"Hes? Where are you?" Cac probed the area where Hes had vanished. There was nothing there. No body, nothing. A howl in the night caused Cac to jump clutching his blade. He spun around from side to side looking for Hes or anyone else in the fog. Still he saw nothing in his limited range of view. As Cac again began to move and back out the way he had came, fear took hold in the Savonti warrior. All around him the sound of howling came out of the night. The blade in his hand began to tremble in fear.
Suddenly a great dark figure dressed in black reared up out of the fog and floated toward him. Yellow glowing orbs marked the place where the eyes should be and a glowing blue blade flashed in its hand. Cac attacked slashing out in a frenzy with his blade which was easily parred. Again and again he attacked, slashing and stabbing at the frightening figure advancing on him until with a quick swing, his blade was knocked from his hand. Strange laughing echoed through the night as Cac turned and tried to run away. He made it a few feet before another dark thing appeared in front of him. Cac tried to power his way pass and knock it out of his way, but it was like running into a wall and he fell back into the fog.
Looking up Cac saw the two dark figures cloaked and standing over him. They looked human but unlike any human he had ever seen before. Their eyes were like two glowing stars in the night sky. They both hissed showing long fangs in their mouths that looked needle sharp. One was all in black with jet black hair and scars on his face. The other wore brown without scars but was just as frightening.
"Move a muscle and you die here and now." The scarred one hissed. Trembling in fear, Cac obeyed and didn't move. The two things looked up at each other and spoke a strange language then looked off into the fog.
"He comes." The scarred one said.
"What happened?" Gabor asked Shayn anxiously.
"One still lives." He answered. "Azeal wants us to come meet them. He's also called Cutter and Mar out to join us."
"You can find him in this fog?"
"Yes." Ono smiled. "But don't worry. Azeal's fog will be gone in a few minutes."
As they waited the night air warmed and the fog began to clear. Ono turned to Gabor and smiled.
"See. We can go now."
"That's a pretty handy trick." Gabor untied Lilia's Tracker and led it off following Shayn and Ono.
"I think our friends have a lot of tricks that could be useful in this war." Lilia said from her seat on the Tracker.
It took them only a few units before they arrived to find Azeal and Tanis standing over a scared out of his mind Savonti warrior dressed in silver Savonti armor. Tanis waved them to a place where they could talk in private while Azeal kept watch. Gabor looked around for the other two.
"Where are the others?" He asked.
"They didn't make it." Tanis shrugged. "Does it matter?"
"It could." Gabor took a closer look. "Not all Savonti are the same. See the short fin on his head? He's not from this area. I'm guessing he's from the south. And his house colors are strange to me. I never saw anything like that before."
[I have.] A voice broke into their thoughts. Looking up into the night sky two winged beast came down through the trees. One had a Savonti on it's back. As they touched down they both shifted forms. It was Cutter, Mar and the changeling Ozmun.
"Welcome home." Cutter walked up and gripped each one of them by the arm then hugged Shayn and Ono. "I guess Seru is no more?"
"Her head is in a bag on my saddle and all her slaves are free." Gabor told them. "But it didn't go quite the way we planned."
"What's that mean?" Ozmun and Cutter looked at them unsure.
"We'll explain later. You know these colors from somewhere?"
"This is the colors of Lord Redu." Mar told them. "A mysterious and very dangerous lord. My father has tried to dealing with him in the past."
"What's his men doing here?" Shayn asked.
"Lets find out." Cutter smiled and turned and walked to where Azeal watched the warrior.
"Nazun warrior." Mar slapped his fist to his chest in salute. "What beings you so far from the house of Redu?"
The warrior looked up at Mar. The fear was gone from his eyes. He sat up a spit at Mar with a look of disgust.
"You are one of the armauk sons of Lesu." Hate radiated out at Mar. "You stand here with these men like you respect them. Tell me, Why would the son of so powerful a lord do such a thing?"
What is your name warrior?"
I am Cac of Redul." He answered.
"I know for agens we the Savonti have been the masters of Pentanthin and consider these humans as nothing more then beast." Mar sat down facing Cac to try and explain. "But tell me. What makes us better then they are? Our power? They have power to. Some more, powerful then us. Is it simply that we are stronger and faster or are we smarter? I don't believe we are. You may not understand or agree with me but they have just as much right to live and prosper as we do. They are intelligent just as we are with all the same emotions that we have. They protect each other and they learn. They don't deserve to be hunted and used like beast. If the Savonti wish to survive on Pentanthin, things have to change. We have to learn to live with the humans or one day the prophesy will come true and we will all be doomed."
"You speak wise words and there is truth in what you say." Cac looked at the humans gathered around him. "You are not the only one that thinks in this fashion. There are many in Redul that agree with you. But we hide. If Lord Redu knew, we would all be cast as armauk and made into slaves or worst."
"And you Cac?"
"Humans are no enemy to me." He admitted he looking around at the strange humans that stood behind Mar. "But I follow my lords orders. If you were a lord, I would follow you. So would many others."
"Rise Cac." Mar ordered and helped him to his feet. "I have something to tell you. The white and Grey are here and the time of the prophesy is at hand. We have to change our people or die with them. Will you help me to make these changes in the Savonti? It will be a hard battle ahead of us?"
"I will follow you Lord Maru." He bowed to Mar and saluted him fist to his chest. Mar reached out in the human fashion and gripped his arm.
"This is how humans swear an oath." Mar shook his hand. "You are the second warrior in the house of Maru. Nazun Cac!"
"Nazun my lord." He shook vigorously. "What are your orders?"
"We need to know all about Redu." Mar told him. "Everything you can tell us. Gather your trackers and join us. I will introduce you to your new allies."
"Yes my lord." Cac turned and headed into the forest to find where they had tied their trackers. Mar returned to his friend who had been watching and listening.
"You trust him?" Cutter asked.
"With my life." Mar nodded affirmative. "Do you feel any deception in him?"
"No I don't." They watched as Cac gathered the two larger Tracker beast and started toward them. "I think I have an idea. Tell me something. Have you ever tested the limits of your changeling abilities?"
"I'm not sure what you mean." Ozmun answered. "But I've become large and small animals. Size and shape doesn't matter."
"But what if you tried to look like, him." Cutter pointed to the warrior. "Could you do it?"
They all turned to look at the warrior who had just joined them. Ozmun smiled.
"I don't see why not. What are you thinking?"
"I have an idea for you and Mar." Cutter told them. "Let's get inside and I'll explain."
"What about him?" Tanis asked indicating the warrior."
"He's one of us now. He has knowledge we may need."
"I will tell you what I know." He looked at the humans there around him. "Redu is a very powerful Savonti with powers that can crush you with a thought. His house is hidden deep in Redul and no stranger is allow to have the knowledge of how to get there. If somehow you learn where it is, he will kill you then move to a new location."
"Then I just might have an idea" Ozmun look crossed Mar and smiled. "Let's get inside where we can talk more. I think you might like my idea. I know Resu won’t."
It was night time in the former land of Resul and danger ruled the land. Since the night Daru had paid Resu a visit and taken him captive no one was safe. Not human nor Savonti. Daru had annexed the land and made it part his own. In the air Magu's warriors flew while warriors of many other lords hunted humans and the family and warriors the former lord. Day were no different. During its heat there was no where to hide. The mass of warriors had spread out and scared everything into a run for its life. These were dark days in Resul. But today things would be different.
It had been a long journey for Erlik Marcos and the one called Bandit. Gabor Gekko had taken Erlik aside after his meeting with the Gekko clan and offered him a mission. He was to leave the clan and contact as many clans and there leaders to gather support for Gabor's plan of war against the Savonti. Gabor needed men and weaponry. He needed spies to keep track of the various lords and their movements. He needed to learn of their different weaknesses and where and what each lords lairs defenses are. Along with Erlik traveled an academy student Councilor Den had suggested and thought highly of. Bandit the young man from one of Keanna's far eastern mountain ranges. Bandit was of a very old and beast like tribe of mountain people with very powerful magic. A close relative to the Werewolves, Bandit could shift to a bipedal ape like form with amazing strength and speed. He was the perfect companion to travel along and protect Erlik on this mission.
They went from Gekkol into Gukul then Povul the hot dessert lands. From there they moved into Katul and then Pulul the highlands. In each place they met and talked with different clan leaders. Some agreed and some were scared preferring to stay in hiding and on the run from the Savonti. Some were angry at Gabor feeling that his war would just stir up unnecessary trouble for the rest of them. Erlik pleaded and begged them to reconsider. Arguing that there were no unnecessary risk. These monster were using them all as food and a slave work force which was unacceptable. For them it couldn't get worse and it was time they put a stop to it. Some agreed and promised to lend there forces and some. Well some were so use to this life, they couldn't image it any other way. But Erlik knew that would change once they saw the fight Gabor and his allies could bring against the Savonti. And once the fight began, others would join. They would have to or die at the hands of their Savonti enemy.
Sweat ran down Bandits face as he pulled Erlik through the dense forest on a run. Behind them a group of Savonti warriors were right on their heels. Bandit had tried every trick he knew to throw them off the trail but nothing worked. Their Trackers had found their scent and there wasn't much they could do to get rid of them. He knew there was only one thing left for him to do. He had to fight to give Erlik a chance to get away. It wasn't what he wanted, but it may be there only chance.
"Erlik listen." Bandit pulled him closer as they kept running. "We have less then a two units lead on the warriors. Soon as we get to the clearing up ahead I want you to stay in the brush and head east toward Gekkol. I'll keep them here and give you time to get away. Don't stop or wait for me, you have to get the messages back to Gabor as soon as you can."
"No Bandit." Erlik pleaded. "We're in this together. I fight with you."
"If we get caught this whole trip was a waste." They stopped under a tree with the sound of the warriors crashing toward them. "We don't have time for this. Go now, get back home. Hurry!!"
With a howl Bandit began his shift and sprinted into the clearing to wait for his pursuers. As he ran he grew three feet in height and hair all over his body. No longer was he the brown haired academy cadet that protected Erlik. Now he was the savage looking long haired Wendigo of the far east mountains with claws and fangs ready to fight. Erlik looked back and saw the warriors enter the clearing as Bandit howled out his challenge. Determined to follow Bandits wishes, Erlik ran on. Home and help was only a day away. He hoped Bandit could hold up until then.
The sounds of the night and the smells of a strange unfamiliar forest roused Drake Tyr back to conscientiousness. He sat up and looked around confused as to what had happened and where he was. The last thing he remembered was sitting in the garden of the Manor. He had just woke his son Jandar from his long sleep and saw him and Jax off. Now here he was, but where was he? He looked around at his surrounding. The trees and foliage were all of a strange shade of purple like nothing he had ever seen before.
"What strange land is this?"
Drakes stood up and brushed the dirt from his long black coat and pants. As he looked out, he could sense the animal life all around him. It felt wrong. Like all his people Drake had a sense of the life around him. He could feel the vibe of the animal life and it was all completely wrong. Like he wasn't even on Keanna anymore.
With no idea where he was or where to go he shifted to wolf from and ran off into the forest. In the trees and on the ground he saw all kinds of strange animals like he had never seen before. Four winged birds and many horned purple deer like animals. He saw things swinging from the trees that he couldn't even guess at what they were.
After a drink at a lake he heard a loud howl echo through the trees. Drake's ears quickly perked to identify the direction it had come from. He knew the voices of his people and it was nothing like that, but it was a battle cry. That he knew. The howl reminded him of home and he wanted to know what it was. It came from the west so Drake turned west and took off in a run.
Through the crimson and purple forest Drake ran as the howling grew more severe. He could hear yelps and the sound of men yelling. there was a battle going on and whatever was howling, it didn't sound like it was winning.
After diving through a bank of growth Drake crashed into someone. There on the ground lay a young man dressed in some reddish colored hides. He looked at Drake with surprise and something else. It wasn't fear, Drake could smell that from a mile away. It was like he recognized him somehow. But that's impossible.
"Your a wolf?"
That word got his attention. How could he know what a wolf is? Unless....
[You have seen my kind before?] Drake asked inching closer.
"Your a Werewolf!!" The boy jumped to his feet after he received Drakes message. "I need your help and if your anything like the one I met before, You'll help me."
[The one you met before?] Drake sent. [What do you mean?]
"I don't have time to explain. Bandit needs your help right now. He's been attacked by Savonti warrior. Please you have to help him!"
"Through the trees there, there's a clearing." He pointed. "Hurry!!"
Putting his nose to the wind Drake caught the smell of blood. He could follow that smell anywhere.
[Stay here.]
Like a bolt of dark fury Drake shot through the forest to the east. The sound of battle grew louder and the howling began to sound more pained. At the edge of the clear Drake burst through the brush to find five tall green scaly monster men beating at what looked like a young brown furred werewolf. On the ground near them he saw two dead. Anger flared in Drake as he looked on. Like a demon he shifted to a black and silver furred man wolf and attacked. Claws slashed as Drake ripped into the reptilian men. In surprise they tried to fight back but they had no chance against the king of the Keanna Werewolves. The battle was over fast and seven Savonti warriors lay dead next to a young man dressed only in a pair of blue shorts. Drake looked down at him and knew immediately that this was no werewolf. But the symbol on his shorts he did recognize. It was the symbol of the Andrake Academy, the missing school from Winterhaven. As he bent to examine the boy, Erlik came running into the clearing. He rushed to Bandits side to check and make sure he was alright.
"Bandit?" Erlik splashed water from his water skin in his face. "Wake up"
Bandits eyes fluttered then opened. He looked up at Erlik and smiled then around at the dead warriors.
"I do that?" Erlik laughed and put the water skin to his mouth for him to drink. Bandit took a long drink then noticed there was someone else there with them. "You found help?"
"I found a Werewolf." Erlik and Bandit both looked up to Drake who had shifted to his normal form. Bandit sat up and looked closer. He looked familiar somehow.
"I'm Drake Tyr, you are?"
"I'm Bandit. This is Erlik. Your from Keanna." He painfully climbed to his feet with Erlik's help. "Back home? How did you get here?"
"Magic." Drake gripped his wrist in greeting. "Move slowly. You took a very bad beating from those things."
"They're called the Savonti." Erlik kicked out at a body laying in front of him. "Enemy to all the people here on Pentanthin. There hunting us."
"What are you doing out here alone?"
"Looking for help to fight them." Erlik looked back at the dead things on the ground. "The time of the White and Grey has finally arrived. My people are organizing to finally put an end to all the century's of being hunted and used as food for them. We were sent out to contact all the others to get them to join us. But they caught us. Thank the old ones you came along to help."
"Then we need to get somewhere safe. Can you walk?"
"I think so." Bandit flexed and stretched. Suddenly they heard the sounds of Trackers in the distance. The Savonti were still out there hunting. "We better get moving or more will find us. Come on and we'll tell you where you are and what you've stepped into. Where we're heading is not to far away and there's someone there we have to talk to."
"This has got to be the maddest most insane idea I have ever heard." Mar said from his tracker beside Ozmun. "There is no way on Pentanthin this will work."
"I think it's brilliant." Ozmun shrugged. "I can't imagine anyone but the Mind lord Daru would suspect anything like this."
"But he could." Mar countered, "Daru could be on to the whole plan."
"I don't think so. We do have protection from his mind probes." Ozmun tapped his shoulder where Shayn had placed the Salvation stone. "This will protect us."
"And how do we know this?" Mar asked.
"Because Daru hasn't found any of us." He was assured. "You know as well as I do that he has hundreds of warriors searching for us. The Academy is not far from his lands yet he hasn't found it. Kordova, Cutter and Blink can sense everything that comes within a few mile of the school and other then patrols that have missed us, nothing."
"Don't you find that odd?" Mar asked him curious. Ozmun knew what he meant. Daru was no fool and he was very powerful. It was strange that so far he hadn't even come close to finding any of them. But that could just be the great magic of the Academy. Blink's dark shroud that covered the Academy and it's surrounding area was great cover. And Cutter's fear barrier could keep everyone and anything away, but for how long? The Savonti had power to. Power just as great as his friends from Keanna. He just hoped there was nothing that could alert Daru to their plans.
"So what is the plan?" Mar asked as he looked around the dark forest of Redul. It had been a long time since his last visit to the mysterious land of Redul. His father had sent him there to negotiate with the reclusive Redu. A failed mission. He was ordered to spy and learn all he could about the recluse. The strength of his warriors and what abilities he had. Where exactly his lair was and what were his defenses. But Redu was the crafty one. He had revealed very little on that trip. All Mar learned was his house colors and that his ability had something to do with shadows. But what, he wasn't sure. With Lilia's senses and Blink's ability to search through all the dark corners of Redul, finding Redu's hidden lair had not taken long. Hidden deep in the dark dense forest amidst the wild things of Pentanthin lay the home of mighty Redu and his shadows.
"Your not going to like what I have planned." Ozmun smiled. "I don't really like it, but I think it will get us into Redu's lair without much of a fight. This is what I have in mind....."
Walking slowly with his head down, a lone Savonti warrior walked with his hands chained behind him. Around his neck he wore an intricate collar fashioned to suppress his abilities. It was connected to a chain held by his captor, a Savonti hunter who sat high riding a Tracker behind him. The warriors clothes were ripped and very dirty from his long run and the battles he had been fighting. His face was bruised and caked with mad. The once proud Mar had been caught and now he was on his way to be delivered to the lord Redu where he would be kept until his father Lesu could come and bring him back to his hone in Lesul.
As they moved through the quiet forest they both could feel eyes watching them from all around them. It was like the forest was alive almost and ready to grab at them. Things leaped in the growth watching at they moved.
Tripping on a rock, Mar stumbled and fell. The hunter yanked at the leash around Mar's neck and barked an order at him.
"Get up and move nagut!" The hunter hissed. "Or I'll beat you and drag you the rest of the way."
"Careful fool. You kill me and my father won't pay anything."
"Ha Ha!!" The hunter laughed. "Your fathers hate is great for you. I could deliver your head and still get paid well. So get up and walk or that is what I will do."
Mar got back to his feet and started walking on through the forest. Suddenly warriors leaped from out of the forest and surrounded them. Mar fell to his knees exhausted, he no longer cared what happened to him.
"Halt stranger." A warrior dressed in silver armor holding a staff stepped out to confront them. "What are you doing here in Redul?"
"Nazun." The hunter pounded his chest with his fist in salute. "I have been hired by Lord Lesu to hunt down this one and bring him home."
"Lesu does not rule here." The warrior said. "You have not answered why you are here hunter."
"I caught him on your lands." The hunter continued. "I seek an audience with your lord for rest and provisions to get back to Lesul."
"And what makes you think my lord Redu will oblige you? He is no friend to Lesu."
"Respect." The hunter leaned down to stare into the warriors face. "And information I have that lord Redu might find useful."
"What could a lowly hunter like you possibly know that might interest the Shadow lord." The asked his eyes narrowing as he looked up at the hunter. He aimed his staff at him. "Tell me."
"Kill me and your lord will never know." He smiled. "I've been through many lands on my hunt. I've heard and seen many things that might interest Redu. But my information is only for Redu, not for a lieutenants ears. Decide what you want to do now Warrior."
Behind to the left, something dark came out of the forest and slithered to the warrior. He was completely opaque. No light shined on him or from him. It was like he was made of shadow. He slipped quietly without a sound to the lieutenants side and whispered in his ear then slipped back into the dark forest.
"My lord will see you." He stepped back and turned to one of his comrades. "Bind their eyes then take the reins and lead them."
"There's no need for such precautions." The hunter called out. "I care not about the location of Redu's lair."
"Good." He heard as the hunters eyes were covered and his reins were taken. "Because if you did learn where our home is, it would mean your death. Now move out.
The courtyard of the Academy was filled with children playing. Children from the age of 12 to 16 ran and played with balls and any other game they could think of. Xan and Drella sat on the side under a strange green leafed tree with round orange fruit growing from it. They watched as Juelz played with a couple older children. Juelz marveled as he watched them do magic. They conjured strange visions of animals called dogs and cats. Juelz saw something they called horses and centaurs and longed for a ride on there backs.
"Isn't it wonderful here?" Drella smiled in Xan's arms as they watched the scenes the Cadets were making to show Juelz. "There home must be a beautiful place."
"Yes." Xan kissed her forehead. "A different place that's for sure."
"It looks so peaceful. No hunting and hiding or fear of being someones dinner. Can we go there someday?"
"We'll see." Xan smiled. "Drella I know its different but somethings there might be the same. People fear the unknown and I'll be different there. I may scare them."
"These children aren't afraid of you." She took his hand in hers. "They accept you. So does Juelz and me. What else matters?"
"Nothing else matters love." Xan hugged her close. "Your all I need. But Juelz needs a home and a real family. He's not safe with us."
Drella looked out at the small boy running with the cadets. She loved him and knew Xan and Mar only wanted what was best for him. It may be hard but with Lesu hunting them, It might be best for him.
"What are you thinking?" She asked.
"Maybe a home with one of the families of Gabor's clan." He suggested. "Or maybe here in the Academy, then he could get off Pentanthin and go with them back to there world."
"And what of us?"
"We belong here my love." Xan reached up and put his hand to her face lovingly. "Mar and I have responsibilities here. Something has to be done about the Savonti."
Drella smiled at her Savonti mate. She knew he was right.
As they lay there and watched, Lisette Testa stepped out of the Academy's front door. She looked exhausted. She took a deep breath then walked out and joined Xan and Drella under the orange tree. From the look in her eyes Drella could tell something was bothering her new friend. She wondered what it was.
"Aiya." Lisette smiled as she sat down.
"Nazun." Drella answered. "What troubles you, Lisette."
"There's something bothering you." Drella put a hand to Lisette's shoulder. "What is it?"
"Its nothing." She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. "Lately I've had a hard time concentrating on anything."
"Are you feeling well?" Xan asked.
"I feel fine." She smiled at them. "Just a bit worried about my son. Zarin and his friends are alone somewhere at home with a war going and his father and I are here on Pentanthin a long way from him."
"I see why your worried." Drella took her hand. "What kind of boy is he."
Lisette smiled when she thought of her son and her eyes lit up with pride. "Zarin. He was a student here. One of the top. All of his teachers sent home glowing reports on his progress. Professor Insa the head master had even taken a hand in his studies. He's very strong minded and a natural leader praised even by the kings of the Dragon clan Rage and Jandar."
"You sound so proud of him when you talk." Xan cut in. "He sounds very able to take care of himself. What makes you so worried?"
"The war." Fear crept back into her voice and on her face. "Back home our city was ruled by a peaceful council of mastermages. For hundreds of years the dark and the light magic lived side by side with neither one having control over everything. It kept things fair and equal and always at peace. But a council member, an evil master of the dark arts was able to grasp control and name himself as king of Winterhaven. Many died in the battle for control and when we came here with the Academy, Lord Larin was in control and all the neighboring lands were under threat."
"That's horrible." Drella cried with tear filled eyes. "I thought your home was such a land of wonder and magnificent people. You make it sound so scary."
"It is wonderful and magnificent with great minds and all different kinds of people. But there is evil too, just like here. There is no heavenly place if that's what you expect. But we are all fighting to keep our rights and freedom. And like everyone here on Pentanthin, that's all we want, right?"
"Peace and equality on Penthanthin." Xan stood and paced in front of the two woman. "Savonti will fight with their last breath to stop that from happening. They consider Penthanthin to be there's."
"All of them?" Lisette asked.
"All that I know of."
"Then maybe it's time to do something about that." Lowell Testa stepped out from behind the orange tree and greeted them. He took his wife in his arms for a kiss. "There's something you should know Xan. Walk with me."
Xan looked at the two women they moved away as he and Lowell walked off.
Unknown to them, a lone cadet watched from the side of the Academy wall. As he watched he chanted a spell. One of two spells he planned to use today. This spell was aimed at one of the two women. The target of the spell was Lisette Testa, mother of his worst enemy. The target of the second spell he planned to use was to be a much younger victim. The youngest new member at the Academy.
But right now he had to get back to his room. There should be people waiting there to see him if Rush had done what he had been told.
Through twists and turns the warriors led Mar and the Hunter until neither could tell north from south or east from west. With there eyes covered they were traveling in absolute darkness which confused the Hunters excellent sense of direction. The Hunter had tried counting turns and times between turns but there were to many for him to keep out with and eventually he was lost. They traveled long into the night until finally they stopped and the was ordered down off his Tracker.
"You can remove your blindfold. We have arrived."
Mar's eyes were uncovered as the Hunter reached up and took off his blinds. Blinking to clear his vision, the Hunter looked around to try and see where they where. Before him was a great mountain of rock covered in shadows. But that was all the Hunter saw. Nothing he could use to identify where they were.
"What is this?" He said. "Have you led us here to die?
"Perhaps." The warrior said standing at the base of the great cliff. "And perhaps not."
Turning away towards the rock wall the warrior reached into his belt and took something out. He rubbed it and it began to glow in his hand. He held it up and placed it against the stone wall and stepped back. Suddenly the walls began to shake and vibrate. As Mar and the Hunter watched the wall began to open up. Slowly it slid apart to reveal a entrance right into the mountain lined with torches.
"My lord awaits." The warrior signaled them to enter. "Leave your Tracker, they will be cared for."
The Hunter nodded and walked to Mar and pushed him in ahead of him. Mar turned and hissed at him in defiance but did as he was told and went in. As they went in the walls closed behind. Mar looked at the Hunter his brow raised than went on following the warriors that were leading them.
Though the entrance was something new to both of them, the lair was nothing different then any other lords. They passed through many halls and corridors that showed the many different sections of a lords lair. Quarters for warriors, kitchens, dinning rooms, great halls and all. They saw many slaves of both human and Savonti working here doing many tasks and something different. Something strange. Dark shadows that slipped all around them. The Hunter wonder what is was that Redu had here in his lair.
They even passed pleasure rooms where they could both hear the screams of the pleasure slave. Mar cringed at the sound of the screaming. He wanted to be free of his bonds and attack to free those suffering here.
[Calm yourself Mar. Not like this.]
He looked back at the Hunter and nodded then turned and trudged on.
"So this is the great house of Redu." The Hunter looked around. "Impressive. As is the lord I would expect."
"Lord Redu Is the greatest of all the lords." The warrior pointed out. "He is the envy of them all as you will soon see."
"Indeed." Smiled slyly at the warriors back. "Tell me warrior. What are you called?"
"I am Blu." He answered. "Chief of Redu's warriors. I will be my responsibility for you while you are here which I assume won't be long."
"Never assume." The hunter muttered under his breath.
"What are you called Hunter?"
"You can call me Ozm." He told him. "When do I meet your lord?"
"When he is ready to see you." Blu turned and entered a sparsely furnished room. It was dark and warm as all Savonti lairs were. The only furnishing in the room was a cot and one chair made for a Savonti and a table.
"You will wait here." Blu said. "The is a empty room where you can lock your prisoner while you wait. Food will be sent here for you I will arrange for what you will need. I warn you. Stay here until lord Redu calls for you. Understand?"
"I do." Ozm pushed Mar in to land on his back on the floor then pointed to the spare room. "Get in there."
Mar got up to his feet and limped into the room. Ozm slammed the barred door shut then turned back to Blu. "Lord Lesu will not forget what you have done for him."
Blu huffed then closed the barred door and left. Ozmun stepped up and watched him moved down the hall and off into the lair.
"He's gone." Ozmun opened the door and let Mar out of his cell. "I'll get you out of the chains."
"No need." Mar held out his arms and shook them. The chain cuffs fell to the ground. Ozmun looked at them amazed. Those cuffs had been locked tight in case Blu had checked them.
"That is a useful skill." Ozmun smiled.
"It won't get us out of here." Mar walked and looked out the bars down the hall. All was quiet. "You know the doors locked."
"I expect it is." Ozmun pulled out the chair and sat down leaning back comfortably. "It doesn't matter. They'll let us out to talk with Redu when he's ready."
"You better pray this works Ozmun." Mar's tail twitched nervously as he went back to relax and meditate in his cell. "Cause if it doesn't, we're both be on his dinner table very soon."
"I don't understand this." Rue Tasco said as he walked through the halls with Delan Rainer and Rush Delion. "How is it possible your roommate has news of our sons back home?
"Paolo was pretty close to them when they were here at school." Rush explained. "He's found a way to contact them from here. Don't ask me how. I think it's a miracle."
"Then let us get our wives." Delan pleaded. "They'll want to talk to them to. They've been so worried."
"Why don't we wait and make sure Paolo can make the connection first. I'd hate to get they're hopes up and it doesn't work."
"Yes that's a good idea." Rue shook his head. "Lorea would be crushed and cry for a week if it fails. I don't want that to happen again."
"Then let's not put them through it right now." Rush stopped at a door to a dorm room. "Here we are."
He opened the door and waved them in. At the desk sat a handsome brown haired boy in the uniform of a cadet. He turned and smiled flashing icy blue eyes and stood.
"You must be Craven and Dack's fathers." He stepped closer and reached out to grasp their arms to greet them. "Aiya. I'm pleased to meet you."
"Is it true?" Rue asked. "Can you really contact our sons back on Keanna?"
"I can show them to you right now if you want." Paolo smiled a wicked grin at them.
"Show us." Rue and Delan stepped closer to Paolo. "Please."
"As you wish." Paolo held out his hand and showed them the gleaming ring on his finger. "Gaze into my ring and open your minds to me. Let me show you your greatest wish."
Rue Tasco and Delan Rainer stood transfixed as they stared down into the flashing magic beaming out from the ring. There eyes glazed over as the magic to hold and Tabor took control of there wills.
"That's right." He smiled. "Your both now under my control and will do anything I ask. Your will is mine."
"What is your wish?" They stammered in unison. The spell had a strong hold on them.
"Bring me Lisette Testa. Wait until she's alone then tell her I found a way to show you where your sons are and can show her to. Get her quietly back to this room alone. Now go."
Both men looked up at him.
"Yes sir." They turned and left on their mission.
Paolo smiled. He loved the idea of his enemies working for him. It was to bad it wasn't Zarin and the others. He would love it if they were here so he could make them pay for all they had done to him. But he could work with what had. He didn't have much choice.
The screams and the crying of slaves kept Ozmun awake all night. He could barely concentrate to stay in his Savonti form. He had been holding it all day and knew he had to drop it to rest. He stood up and walked back to Mar's cell where he could hide and rest when a sound from out in the hall stopped him. Foot steps. They were moving toward him. Quickly he rushed back to his cot and sat down just as Blu appeared at his door. Ozm stood and stepped to the barred door.
"The master will see you now." He fit a key into the door and opened. Ozm stepped out and looked back at Mar's cell door.
"My prisoner should come with me."
"He is safe here." Blu held the door open waiting.
"You don't understand who he is." Ozm needed Mar with him for this confrontation with Redu. "This is Mar first son of Lord Lesu. He is not one to be ignore and he must be watched by me at all times. Lesu will not be responsible for what happens if he escapes and brings down this lair."
A shadow slipped in and in a blink and whispered to Blu, they was gone. Ozmun barely saw it it moved so fast.
"Very well." Blu told him. "Bring him."
Ozm returned to his room and opened the cell door. Mar stepped out still wearing the collar of obedience.
"Walk in front of me."
Mar nodded and followed behind Blu and two more of Redu's warriors. They moved through the lair moving higher to the top levels. No words were passed between them as they walked. Ozmun was very tired from holding his Savonti form. He hoped this would be done quickly but wasn't sure if he had the strength for a battle.
Finally Blu stopped at a great door. this had to be the entrance to Redu's private audience hall.
"Redu waits inside." Ozm nodded and Blu signaled the two warriors to pull open the two massive doors. With Mar in the front, Ozm followed him in.
Finally Blu stopped at a great door. This had to be the entrance to Redu's private audience hall."Redu waits inside." Ozm nodded and Blu signaled the two warriors to pull open the two massive doors. With Mar in the front, Ozm followed him in.
As they walked down the hall the sound of cheering crowds echoed in to assail their ears. Mar looked over to Ozm with a puzzled looked. Something was wrong. This was not going to be a private audience.
"I think we're in trouble."
From behind, Redu's warriors pushed them on to keep walking. A few feet down the hall ended and they walked into a vast underground stadium. The stadium was set in a high domed chamber carved from the granite rock of the walls. With three tiers full of Redu's warriors there to see the scheduled gladiatorial like games.
As they waited at the entrance, four warriors battled in the center of the stadium. Two with staffs and two with blades. All around then there was blood and body parts from the previous battles. From the stands warriors stood cheering. The sounds and smells of battle was overwhelming for the Savonti around them. Many of the warriors wanted to leap down and join in fighting but Redu had forbid any interference.
Crossing staffs with grim looks on their faces, they battled. One swung his blade end around making his opponent leap back as he thrust the blunt end in at his opponents midsection. With a quick block, the warrior leaped high and stabbed down slicing into opponents chest. Blood flowed as the warrior fell. Landing at his side not giving his opponent time to get up. The warrior used the blunt end and crushed his opponents skull ending there fight. He stepped aside to watch as the other fight went on.
Back and forth the two fought. You could see their wounds where both of them had been cut many times during their battle. With a loud battle cry, the taller of the two charged in to force his opponent into a block, but instead he stood his ground and waited for the attack. Ducking down,he thrust out with both swords as his opponent passed and sliced a long gash across the chest and one across his leg cutting right through the muscles bringing him crashing to the ground. As the warrior turned to finish him off the grounded warrior tried without success to get back up on his feet. Feeling his superiority, the standing warrior raised his arms in triumph as the crowd cheered him on. That was where he made his mistake. Just because the warrior was down, it didn't mean he was out of the fight. Never turn your back on an opponent in a life and death battle.
Grabbing his blade the warrior waited until his opponent turned back to face him the sent it flying through the air to sink hilt deep in the warriors throat. Surprised, he staggered back trying to pull the sword free, but it didn't help. As blood gushed from his throat the warrior fell gasping for air where he died. The crowd went wild cheering as the warrior pulled a staff to him and got to his feet to stand before his lord.
"Lacidi my warriors" Redu stood raising his wine in salute to the winners. "You are victorious my warriors and now you shall be rewarded. Come forward to me and accept your reward."
Reaching out to help his fellow warrior, Rel put his are around Fet and helped him to make his way to stand in front of Lord Redu.
Redu put down his cup and stepped down to the rail of his balcony suite in the stands. A hush came over the crowd as they all wanted to hear Redu's pronouncement.
"From now on you Rel shall be one of my private guards." Redu took from a table at his side a silver arm guard that all the Warriors in his guard wore. He held it out and a shadow moved out from a corner and took it from his hand. As they watched it leaped from the balcony and landed at Rel's feet and dropped it. "Put this on and it will bind you to me. My shadows will always be with you from then on."
"I am honored my Lord." Rel bowed and stepped back.
"You battled well Fet." Redu leaned forward to address the wounded warrior. "But I know you to well. I know all about your weakness for humans and the mercy you have shown in battle to enemies. You think me blind? Nothing happens in Redu without me knowing about it. Your wound makes you weak. You are not worthy to be in my house now. I will make your death honorable."
Fet stood tall leaning on the staff. His wound no longer bleed and would heal well in the days to come. Death was not the prize he thought he deserved for his win. As for his compassion in battle, It was not a sign of weakness, It was his way to honor his enemy. He had come to realize long ago that humans were more then cattle. Much more then food and deserved honor just as the Savonti did.
"You have no idea what honor is." Fet shouted up at him. "All you and many other lords want is blind obedience from those that serve you. You do nothing for us. Your people fight for scraps to feed on. You do not deserve to be a lord. If only there was someone powerful enough to challenge you and worthy enough to rule. There are many here that would support them."
Redu stared down at Fet as his shadows began to seep out of every dark corner and gather around him. His warriors all stepped back in fear of his rage and power.
"I am not afraid of you or your shadows Redu." Fet reached down and picked up the staff. "I'll challenge you if no one else will."
Redu laughed at him.
"You? Wounded as you are will fight me? You would not stand a chance."
"We will challenge you!"
All heads turned and watched as Mar and Ozm were escorted to stand in front of Redu. No one made a sound as they confronted the Lord of Redul.
"Who would dare come here to my lair to threaten me? Daru the Mind Lord? Lesu and his evil stare? Who?"
"The same ones the took the house of Fedru and killed it's lord." Ozm answered. "You are about to be threatened by the Grey and the White."
"Daru's human enemy?" Redu laughed a deep chest erupting laugh. "I fear no human!! I fear no army of humans!! I am the mightiest of Savonti lords. My shadows fear nothing!!"
"Nothing?" Ozm stepped out to stand before Redu's balcony. "There are things that no shadow can stand against."
"What is that little hunter?" Redu smiled at them. "Your lord? Can he threaten me?"
"No." Mar said as he held up his chained arms. In a flash of light the chains snapped and fell open, Mar tossed them to the floor at the foot of the throne. Then he reached up and tore off the collar. "Lesu won't be a threat to you. But freedom will!"
"You dare to threaten me?" Redu stood and laughed at them. He walked down from his place in the stands confront them. "I may not be close to your father but I've heard of his powerless armauk son Mar. And you, hunter. What threat can you be to the Lord Redu?"
"We are here at the orders of the Grey and White." Ozmun shouted out. dropping his Savonti form. "I am no hunter Redu. I am human. And I have power to!!"
Ozmun spread his arms and began to shift. His arms grew long and scaled with long claws. A tail and wings grew and he took the form of a dragon Shayn had taught him to perfect. Redu grabbed his scepter and jumped down from his throne.
"I have power too human!" Out of the darkness around them something moved. Many somethings and they began to streak all around the chamber. Like ghost they would streak in and lash out to strike Mar. With lightning like reflexes he dodged most of the blows and struck back. Once his eyes were use to the dark he could see them. They were shadow clones of Redul, fast and very strong. Like shadows they were almost impossible to hit. But when they were trying to hit him, they were solid enough. With an enemy to fight, Mar began to rip into them. Like dark versions of Redu they attacked, one by one and in force. His probability abilities fought on with him like a tark causing the shadows to trip and stumble and fall into his punches and kicks. They slipped on bloody spots on the floor to fall into his hands where they were tore apart.
In the center of the stadium, Redu faced Ozmun in a man sized dragon form. With his wings spread Ozmun rose into the air. Redu clutched his scepter and fired bolt after bolt at him.
"Surly you can't think you will win against me." Redu shouted at Ozmun. "Look at your friend there, he tires from battling my shadows. He has destroyed many, but as long as it's dark I can keep creating as many as I need. Soon they will bring him down. Then they'll just be you staz. Then what will you do?"
Ozmun knew he was right. Mar was being overwhelmed by all of Redu's shadows and he had put almost everything into taken this dragon form. He couldn't hold it for to much longer and then the shadows would have them. He needed a way to end this fight fast. But how? In this darkness Redu would always have shadows to fight. But what if he could take away the darkness? What if he could provide his own light. What was it Shayn had taught him of this dragon form? It breathed fire. It was time to give it a try.
From high up, Ozmun narrowed his wings and dived at Redu. Redu sent his stun bolts at him and they burned with pain. He took a deep breath and felt something burning in his chest. Below he saw Redu's face take on a confident look of success. He raised the scepter for a point blank blast and Ozmun let go of everything he had. Flames erupted from his maw engulfing Redu and lighting up the whole chamber. Spreading his wings to stop his dive, he began to beat them quicker to hold his place in the air as his flames burned down on the Savonti lord. Redu screamed in pain and burned in the intense heat of the dragon fire.
All around Mar the shadow clones disappeared as Redu burned. He stumbled a few steps and screamed once more then fell in a burning hump to the floor. Completely spent, Ozmun shifted and fell to the floor exhausted. Mar rushed to his side and lifted him into a sitting position.
"By my fathers death stare you did it!!" Mar smiled down at him. Ozmun looked at the burning body of Redu next to the throne. He had done it. But they weren't done. With everyone watching they knew they could be attacked at any second.
"What say you warriors of Redu." Mar stepped out to address then all. "Your lord has been defeated by a human. A human with power greater then his. You have a choice now, You can stand with us and become a land that can help lead the Savonti into the future or you can all burn as the prophesy foretold the fall of the Savonti. The choice is yours to make."
"What do you think?" Ozmun asked. "Will they accept?"
"Some will, some won't." Mar shrugged. "We'll just have to be very careful"
"I accept." Fet limped over to join them. "I have heard of you Mar son of Lesu. Your father looks to bring you home for execution. If you will lead us. I will accept."
"As will I." Rel threw down Redu's silver arm guard. "The time has come for change in the Savonti."
"There will be many changes." Mar told them. "The humans will all be freed and accepted as equals. I will forbid anyone from using them from here on as food. We will live with them in peace. Do you still accept?"
"We accept." Fet held out his hand to Ozmun. They shook as a cheer went up through the stadium.
"Then let it be known that Redu is dead!" Rel held up Mar's hand. "Redul is dead. From here on this land will be called Marul. Long live Lord Maru!"