Back in Tir Na with the Dree family safe, Tof sat and had a long talk with Aggar, Keya, Sharone and Queen Phaerl. They all told him of the things that had happened in the last few days. Phaerl told of the fall of Dree and how they had been running being chased by Sarella and some of Talsara's forces. They had lost Gantar, last of the two elven guard that had come with them in a fight with Goblins. Willem died leading Sarella away from the Dree's. He sacrificed his life so they could get to the safety of Tir Na. But it had worked and Sarella lost the trail and they were able to escape.
Next Aggar told him of the plans he had overheard in Remus. How Valkar was being kept in Prafa and how their plan was for werewolves to lead the attack on Yadessa so all of Tir Na's allies would believe Tir Na was behind the attack. Then Sharone and Keya finished by telling him of their escape and how they had gotten help from a very special friend. Baron Tyr their great long dead ancestor who had come back from the underworld to help. he had been the one to free Aggar and somehow break the spell that was on Raf. Now he and Raf were after Seith and his troops planning to stop them any way then can from conquering Yadessa then moving on to Tir Na.
"So what next?" Aggar asked from his armchair.
"Next." Tof stood to walk around his desk and sat on it's edge. "We send the Barons all the help we can. They can't stop this Seith all by their selves. I have warriors ready to move and they can be nipping at their heels in just a few hours at top speed. But they will be out matched. I don't have enough warriors to stop them from taking Yadessa. I can just slow them down and give Tovar a chance for his people to get to safety.
"Perhaps I can help." A voice sounded from the study door. Tof and the others turned to find Drake Tyr standing there listening.
"Father!" Sharone ran to him and hugged him. "You should not be out of bed. You need your rest."
"Nonsense Shar." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "I'm still king here am I not?"
"Of course you are Father." Tof was glad to see his father up and out of his confused state. "If you feel up to it there's a lot you need to know."
"No need." Drake walked in and took a seat in front of the desk with the others. "I know what's been going on. I know all about Winterhaven, the so called Lord Larin and Queen Talsara. I've been listening in for a few days now and I have to tell you I'm proud of all of you and the way you've been handling all of this."
"Thank you father." Tof smiled proudly as he walked out and knelt to his sire. "But now that your awake, you can take over."
"No." Drake shook his head. "My days as king are over. You are the king now and that's the way it will stay. But there is something I might be able to do to help before I go."
They all looked at their former king confused. He had just risen from a almost catatonic state and now he says he's leaving? To go where?
"I don't understand." Tof said. "Where are you going? We need you here."
"No you don't my son." He smiled. "I have faith in you. You can do this. I have no doubt."
"But where are you going?" Sharone asked tears ran down her face.
"I'm going to help my sons." He answered. "I'll wake Jandar, you'll need his help. Then I'm going to find Ono. I've been dreaming about him and I think I know where he is. He needs my help and I will help him and the others get home."
"Are you sure about this?"
"I've taught you well Christof. " Drake stood looking strong. "Gather your allies to you. The dwarves, elves, fairies and humans. Call on the dragons that are awake. Your not alone, there are many that will help you free Keanna. But right now, I'm needed elsewhere. Just remember how proud I am of you all and that I love you. Now you have vampires to save and I have a son to bring home."
After hugging his two children and kissing his wife, Drake Tyr left promising to bring their youngest son home. He felt strong again and confident in what he had planned. With a little help from a friend, he had a world to help save and a son to wake from a magical slumber.
After everyone left Tof sat at his desk and fished from his desk draw a message stone. He had a very special message to send and it was time he sent it. He held the stone in his hand and concentrated. Soon he felt the connection open and Tovar Orsa's image appeared in his mind.
[Tovar my friend.] He sent. [They're on their way. It's time we teach these bastards what Werewolves and Vampires can do when we work together.]
It was midnight in the dark fields outside of Winterhaven where the moon glowed dimly all about. Dressed in black leather pants and jacket, Tayor Larin the lord of Winterhaven walked boldly out of the forest that surrounded his city. He was there for a very important meeting. One that could mean winning all of Keanna or losing everything. Armed with his staff he walked out to the center of the clearing and slammed his staff into the ground. Sparks flew up and the stone on the head of the staff flashed to life bringing light to the clearing. He was early and had arrived before any of those he had summoned. He let out a deep breath in frustration. They had better hot keep him waiting long he thought.
As he waited he looked around at the field. Nothing moved. No animal or anything else that lived in Winterhaven's forest dared approach him. Not if it wanted to live through the night. As he waited a sound caught his attention. It was soft at the moment but growing louder every second. Tayor knew that sound. It was Sarella's banshee scream. She was coming. Tayor looked up into the trees to see them shake as the wind began to howl and blow and she came flying over his head.
Dressed in her black silks Sarella came down to land and bow before him. Lord Larin nodded and told her to stand.
"I have answered your summons." Sarella said as her white hair blew in the wind. "What is it you what?"
"Pleasant as always." Lord Larin smiled. "How goes the war in the south?"
"It goes well. Most of the elven kingdoms are now under our control. We have moved on to face the dwarves and those that live in the mountains. We will have the whole continent in less then a week."
"What about Queen Talsara?" Lord Larin asked. "Any problems there?"
"None my lord." Sarella answered. "She is blind to our plans."
"Good." He grinned. "Keep it that way and we'll be rid of her soon."
"Why am I here?"
"Because I called you." Lord Larin walked over to face her. "Is that not enough? Besides. I have another job for you. An important one which you'll need help with. Your about to meet your new partners."
Suddenly a cloud of thick grey smoke appeared and the scent of brimstone filled the air. As it cleared they could see a strange figure walking out. It looked like a man dressed in dark armor with a sword at his side. But was no human. Whoever it was he had deep red skin and ram horns on his head. Sarella instantly knew it was a Demon.
"Who dares summons Druda?" The Demon strode forward on cloven hooves. He stomped his hoof causing the ground to shake beneath them.
"I dare Demon. " Lord waved his staff in front of the massive red creature. Bright lights flashed in the eyes of the demon forcing him to step back into the pentagram Lord Larin had draw on the ground. Once in the magic of the pentagram flared up trapping Druda. Howling he raged and beat at the walls trying to get out.
"Calm yourself Demon." Lord Larin walked to the edge of the pentagram and faced him.
"Why have you trapped me here?"
"I need your service." Lord Larin told him. "For which I will reward you well."
"What could you possibly offer me that will make me want to serve you human? Druda tapped the walls of his cell and sparks flow out."
"Two things." Lord Larin smiled. "One. I can offer you souls. More then you could trap in a thousand years. Important souls, powerful ones."
"And second?" The demon asked his curiosity peaked.
"Your freedom." He laughed. "Serve me and profit or stay here in this trap for all eternity. You'll never break that pentagram no matter how hard you try and I promise I'll make sure no one else comes up here to free you. Or I can let those that search for you know where to find you. You did escape the underworld did you not.
Druda looked at Lord Larin with such hate in his eyes. Hate and respect. For Tayor Larin had done what no one except Nestor Lord of the Underworld had done in centuries. He had trapped the demon Druda and had him in his power.
"Well played human." Druda smiled. "I will serve you. Now free me."
"Swear it." Lord Larin said. "Swear to serve me until I release you from our bargain and I will free you."
Druda looked at Tayor with contempt. The damned human knew once he swore his oath Druda would have to keep it and there would be no other way out. Unless he could convince the human it was in his best interest to release him. So be it. Druda could find some way to trick him. It would just take time. He just might enjoy the challenge
"I swear." Druda bowed to his new master. Lord Larin stepped forward and rubbed out the lines caging him with his foot freeing the demon. Druda walked out of the destroyed spell eying Sarella who stood behind Lord Larin.
"A fellow servant I presume?"
"A partner." Lord Larin told them. "There will be two more. One should be here any minute."
"I'm here." A voice echoed out of the forest. As they watch a Orc dressed in the robes of a mage walked out to join them.
"An Orc?" Druda laughed.
"Gorak Ra'Enar." The huge green mage said. "The most powerful of all the Orc mage masters. I can give you a demonstration of my power if you like."
"I know who you are Gorak." Lord Larin said "And I know your magic. Of I didn't think you were worthy you wouldn't be here. Do you accept my offer?"
"To rule all of Ardia in your name? I accept. What is it you want of us?"
"First go to Kritonia and find the one called Avirx." Lord Larin ordered. "She will be the last member of my Hellish Quartet. Then I want you to find my most hated enemy. Find Insa the smoke dragon. I want you to kill the dragons. All of them!!"
"Dragons?" Gorak's eyes lit up. "Now all I need is to get my hands on a certain group of bastards from the Academy. Then all will be perfect."
"Just wait." Lord Larin turned and headed back towards Winterhaven. "I have plans that include the Andrake Academy. I think we're all going to get what we want. All we have to do is wait."
"WAIT!" Sarella called after Lord Larin. "How will we find these Dragons you hate so much?"
"Find your last member. She'll lead you to them."
It was dark and gloomy on the island of Kritonia and a thick smothering mist covered most of the land. Kritonia wasn't a pleasant place. There were no tropical beaches or lush forest on the island. People didn't come there for getaway vacations or summer retreats. It was cold, bleak and mostly dead. there were two reasons to be on Kritonia. Either you were being buried since most of it was a cemetery or you had been left there as punishment because the island was inescapable. Nothing really lived on the island, but that didn't mean it was uninhabited. Something did exist there. It just wasn't living. Kritonia was the island of the undead, the home of the Draugr.
The Draugr were the souls and spirits of man and woman of all races of the northern continent with the blackest of souls. Murderers, rapists, traitors, and psychopaths that lived for torture and death. All sentenced and sent to Kritonia for punishment where they died and were buried. But in Kritonia death is never the end, it's the beginning of something new and worse then the crimes they committed that sent them to the hellish island.
Kritonia was once a beautiful tropical island with warm breezes and sandy beaches. A blue sea surrounded the island and the trees bore enough fruit to fed the many that lived there. It was the favored place of a certain god named Vitale who took pride in Kritonia and filled it full of beautiful creatures and an abundance of food. He places his own chosen ones to live on the island in peace. He kept war and disease far away from his island and made it a paradise. And he kept it secret from all the other gods until one day she found it. That was the day that hate came to destroy Kritonia.
In the village of Maran lived a young farmer and his wife, Danel and Aria. They were a happy couple. They did everything together from farming the small farm to trading in the village. Life in Maran was easy. No one went hungry, there was always something to gave to a hungry neighbor. There were no fights and no arguments to settle in Maran. The people lived happily together sharing everything they had. With no children Danel and Aria lived happy lives until the day Golis saw Aria on the beach and fell in love. He did everything he could to make her his even though he knew she already had a mate. Golis envied what Danel and Aria had and decided no matter what, he would have her. But the only way he could have Aria was if Danel was dead. That day something new came to the island of Kritonia. Hate. And along with hate came Muerte, the goddess of Death.
As Golis wandered the jungle one day, a strange black bird came down and perched on Golis's shoulder. It began whispering in his ear and planting strange ideas he had never thought before. It told Golis how he could have Aria all to himself. All he had to do was kill Danel in a sacrifice to Muerte and she would be his forever.
For the next few nights Golis built an alter to the death goddess on Vitale's paradise. He worked hard and fashioned the alter from the bones of villagers he trapped while they hunted or fished. He even caught a few while they prayed to Vitale. When the altar was done he invited Danel to come and pray with him at his new altar. Innocent and trusting Danel accepted the invitation and went with Golis to see his new altar and pray with him. Once there he saw the altar and thought it looked strange. Golis told him to have a closer look. As Danel bent over to examine it, Golis struck him from behind and knocked him out. He tied him to the altar stone and started the fire. When Danel woke he was in the center of a burning blaze. His screams echoed through the jungle as he died and Golis made his prayer to Muerte. Muerte's laughter rang through the forest as the smoke rose into the sky.
Danel was the first to die at another s hand on Kritonia, but not the last. Like an infection Muerte's hate spread all across Kritonia from village to village and person to person. The land became desolate and died just as the people died. Nothing was immune to Muerte's power. In a few months Vitale's paradise became Muerte's own island of death. Rape and murder became the norm and when Vitale saw what his paradise had become, he turned his back on what he once called his own. Now the island became a place of horror, cursed by the goddess of death. Never again would there be peace on Kritonia, not even for the dead. For soon the Draugr were born and the first to rise was Golis. Soon many would follow to plague the world, the undead were born and Keanna would never be the same.
It was dark when Sarella and Druda arrived on Kritonia, a perfect moonless night. Everything there was dark and dreary. A cold mist covered the ground, so cold it deemed to seep into the bone. Nothing lived here anymore. No plant or animal. Birds wouldn't even fly over or anywhere near the island. Druda smiled as he looked around. Being a demon he had seen far worse in his long dead life.
"The prison is north of here." Sarella said. Druda waved her on and followed behind her.
After a short walk through the dead forest they came upon a large walled structure. It was surrounded like most castles with a moat. Sarella looked down into the stagnant water to see the bones of a long dead huge alligator float by. They followed the moat further down to a dilapidated drawbridge that would take them across the moat. Looking unsafe to walk, Sarella rose into the air and sailed across. Druda smiled and leaped the span of the drawbridge. Once the prison had mighty oak doors at least a foot thick. Now those doors lay smashed and crumbling at their feet and in the moat. Inside Sarella stood and looked around as Druda caught up with her.
Inside the courtyard were more skeletons. Whether they were prisoners, invaders or guards they didn't know, but they could both still feel the spirits of the dead all around them.
"We are not along here." Druda told her.
"Worried?" Sarella looked at her raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing dead or alive scares me my dear." Druda walked boldly in front of her. Sarella laughed and followed him. As they walked in Sarella looked around. They were at the outer gate of what looked like a three story building. There were barred windows and crumbling stonework. This prison had been out of service for over one hundred years. It was falling apart. The courtyard was littered with stones and debris. Right ahead of them was the door into the main prison building. With Druda in the lead they went in. Inside they saw a three tiered cell block complete with barred cells. The place stank of death. Sarella knew many had died in this hell. Suddenly a howl rose out of no where. It seemed to come from all around them. They looked around into the old cells as blurred wisps began to come out. Spirits of the dead streaked out howling and darted at them. With suddenly solid hands they grabbed at them pulling and beating them trying to drag them into the dark cells. Sarella screamed her ear piercing banshee yell shaking the walls and dissipating the spirits that held her. Druda stood there eyes a blaze daring anything to touch him. As the dead touched him they screamed in agonizing pain and burst into hellfire.
"I told you." He said. "The dead can't harm me."
"But the undead can."
From a shadowed staircase a ragged hooded thing came walking out. The mist rose all around the thing looking like it was coming right from out of it's cloak. A hand reached out for Druda. It was skeletal, all bone. Druda backed away knowing the truth of what had just been said. It was true. A Draugr could hurt him. Not only could it hurt him, it could kill him sending him back to the Underworld and his prison there.
"Why have you come here Demon?" A chilling voice said as it stood over the trembling Demon. "I would know before I send you back to your hell."
"We come for Avirx." Sarella stepped in front of Druda unafraid. "Lord Larin of Winterhaven sent us for her."
"Lord Larin?" The hand pulled back as the Draugr stopped. "Tayor Larin calls for me?"
"Yes, he sent us to find you."
"What does he want with me?" Avirx asked.
"He wants you to help kill his enemies." Sarella told the Draugr.
"And is he prepared to pay my price?"
"Yes he is." Sarella smiled. "After he has what he wants and we have done his bidding, he says he will reward us all."
"I will do as he asks but be careful Banshee." Avirx came down to meet them. Sarella stared at her hooded face. "He can not be trusted."
"I don't believe in trust. I never have, I never will. But I do believe in revenge, and I'll have mine."
"As will I." Avirx said coldly. "Who are we to kill to have ours?"
"Many." Sarella smiled. "We start with Dragons."
The hour was late as Elan, Morganz and Pelic hid in the shadows outside of the Winterhaven city barracks. There wasn't much going on but if they planned to free the city guards, they had better act now. Getting in would not be easy. Pelic could get them in easily through the shadows, but he would have to use magic. The problem would be moving around inside and getting them all out. Moving that many people through Pelic's cloak would be a risk. The cold of Pelic's darkness would not be easy for the guards to take. The guards fear could trap many of them in the cloak and they would be lost forever in there and Pelic might not be able to get them out. He could move them in small groups, but they doubted there would be time for that. Lord Larin's men wouldn't just allow them to leave without a fight and that would give them time to bring in enough men to stop them. They would have to find another way out.
"Morganz." Pelic said softly. "You know the barrack even better then Larin's men. I know how it was designed but are there any passages that we could use that would help?"
"There are a few." He told them. "But it won't be one long passage that leads out. There are passages in walls that go ten feet and some that are longer."
"Maybe Ashura could distract them." Elan suggested.
"No!" Pelic shook his head. "She can't be involved. She has a more important job. This is for us to do."
"Then we'll have to use magic." Elan said. "It's the only way."
"Stealth would be better." Pelic whispered. "Magic would be noticed. Even a simple spell could raise an alarm and we'll have everyone in here after us."
"Then there's only one way." Morganz said watching Lord Larin's men and Dark elves as they patrolled around the barracks. "If you mask me to look like a Dark elf, will they detect that magic?"
"No." Pelic told him. "Not as long as I do it outside of the barracks. I knew where your heading with the idea. It can work. Take Elan and make your way to the cells where the guards are. Secure the area and call me, I can bring them out in small groups."
"We'll need a few of the Dark elves uniforms." Elan said as he saw to Elves coming their way.
"That will be no problem." Morganz smiled. "Wait here. I'll be right back."
Exhausted from a long day out patrolling the cities and villages around Winterhaven two dark elves in the uniform of the house of Larin walked back to the barracks to rest. Theirs had been a long day of chasing renegades and collecting tributes. Taxes were collected from poor farmers and young men were taken to be forced into Winterhavens army. They were to tried to even talk as they made their way to their beds. To tried to even notice the elf that came out of the shadows and clubbed them over their head. Waving his hand for help, Morganz signaled Elan who ran out and helped him drag the two unconscious elves back into the dark where they stripped them of their uniforms then tied and gagged them. With a simple spell Morganz lite complexion was darkened and they were ready to go.
"I'll be in shadow waiting." Pelic told them as he wrapped himself in his cloak. "Once you have the dungeon secure, get the men to the south weapons room. It's secluded and there's enough room to hold them. Call me and I can slip in and start bringing you all out. Be careful. You can't be seen or this is all over."
"We understand." Morganz turned to Elan. "You ready?"
"No." He answered. "But let's go anyway."
"Remember." Pelic said as he wrapped his cloak about himself and faded into shadow. "No magic while in the dungeon."
The night was dark and beautiful. The air felt good flowing against his feathered body. It had been a long time since Drake Tyr had been in the air and he was enjoying the flight. Below him with his sharp eagle vision he saw the towering heights of New Keanna, Jandar and Rage's home. With a final sweep of his great wings, Drake made his way down to land in the walls of the city. Once on the ground he shifted back to his normal form and looked around the city. It was quiet and nothing moved. No animals scurried not even insect seemed to buzz the city. It seemed everything here was in a deep magical sleep.
"Not everything!!"
In a bright red flash of light a man dressed in leather with bright red hair appeared in front of Drake with sword in hand.
"Whoever you are." He said. "You have no business here in New Keanna. Leave while you can mortal!"
"This is the home of my blood." Drake called out. "I am Drake Tyr, father to Jandar Tyr master in this land. I come to make my son whole and wake him from his magical sleep. And not even you Jax the god of justice will stop me."
"I would never think to get in your way King Drake." Jax sheathed his sword and stepped up holding out his hand to Drake. "Welcome to New Keanna."
"Thank you." Drake gripped his wrist in greeting. "What are you doing here?"
"Protecting my family." Jax said. "This is my home too and my people. I can't wake them so I'll watch over them while they sleep to be sure they're safe. It's the least I can do."
"You honor my son and the rest of his clan." Drake smiled. "We thank you, but what say the two of us see what we can do about breaking this spell and waking everyone up. Keanna needs it's protectors."
"Of course." Jax gestured to the great manor that was the house of Jandar and Rage. "This way. I've tried everything I could think of to wake them, but nothing works. No magic me or my brothers possess can wake them."
"Let's try together." Drake followed Jax as he led him through the manor and up to the grand apartment of Jandar and Rage. There they found then both lying in the bed in a coma like state. Drake stepped up to the bed and examined the couple. Their breathing was very shallow. Almost unnoticeable, but with his great hearing Drake could hear them loud and clear. He reached over and took Jandars hand. It felt colder then it should. Drake moved his hand to his sons eye and moved back his eye lid. His eyes still had the sparkled that always burned there. Drake was glad to see that.
"Have you tried the dragonspirit?" He asked.
"Yes I tried that first. Nothing happened."
"Have you tried going into their dreams?" Drake asked. "Dragons have very vivid dreams. They communicate with each other in dreams."
"I know." Jax told him as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I haven't been able to get in. It's like I hit a wall when I try. Maybe it's because I'm not a dragon."
"No that's not it." Drake told him. "They would let you in if they could. Something must be stopping your thoughts from getting through. Can you bring the Dragonspirit down from the study. I want to try something."
Jax held out his hand and concentrated on the symbol of the clan. In a flash it appeared in his hands and he handed it over to Drake Tyr. Drake took the spirit and felt for the connect. It was there. He could feel all of the dragons in it. From his hip he took a dagger out and placed it on the spirit.
"I know from the way my son and Rage have talked about you and Aramis that you are a part of their clan." He looked into Jax's eyes. "But I don't feel you in here. You should be a part of the spirit and it'd time you add yourself."
Jax looked down it the dagger laying on the spirit and knew what Drake meant. He picked it up and slid it across the palm of his hand. Blood slowly began to pool in the hand. Drake took his hand and placed it on the spirit and let the blood seep in. It grew warm and began to glow.
Jax knelt beside the bed with his hand resting on the Dragonspirit. He looked up at Drake Tyr as he spoke.
Bright light flashed out of the spirit as they both heard the clear sound of a dragons roar sound through the room. In Jax's mind he saw the faces of all of the clan as they howled his acceptance. Then he heard a voice in his head say.
[Rise Brother.]
"I feel their heartbeats now." Jax stood and turned to Drake amazed.
"I know." He said smiling. "Your one of them now. Let's try getting into their dreams again. You shouldn't feel that wall any more. Make yourself comfortable and let's see if we can pull Jandar and Rage out of their dream."
Settling themselves in a comfortable position Drake and Jax relaxed and let their minds go. It didn't take long before sleep took their minds into a dream state. The colors of the dragons dream world were wild and vivid. Deep reds, greens and violet filled the sky they found themselves flying through. They saw scenes from different parts of both Jandar and Rage's life. They saw Kevan's birth over one hundred and fifty years ago and his father Magnes holding him proudly. Next they saw Jandar find Rejak wounded and carry him away to hide him. A tear rolled from Drakes eyes at the memory of his most tragic mistake. Next they saw Rage hatch and merge with young Kevan and shift to dragon form for the first time. Many different memories flew past until before them the saw Rage with Jandar on his back flying over the Durmista mountains and they knew they had found who they were looking for.
Below them they saw the city of New Keanna with all the dragons in the air circling its towers. The Dragons trumpeted the arrival of their kings as the two came down to land in the courtyard of the manor. In a few minutes Drake and Jax came down to meet them. Jandar was surprised to see his father there in the dream.
"Father!!!" He hugged his father holding him tight. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?"
"Jax brought me into the dream." Drake said. "We've come to get you all out."
"It's was good to see you flying again Rage." Jax gripped his hand and shook vigorously.
"How did you get in the dream??" Rage asked. "We've been beating at the barrier since the dream started. It's impenetrable. None of us could even make a dent."
"He used the Dragonspirit." Drake told them. "By joining with it we were able to break through. Now we just have to get you all out and there's not much time. Keanna is in deep trouble. It needs it's heroes now more then ever."
"Winterhaven?" Jandar asked.
"Aye." Drake shook his head. "Tof and the others are doing their best but they're fighting a losing battle. Tayor Larin and Queen Talsara have overwhelmed the land your brother can't hold out much longer without help."
"What of Valkar?" Rage asked hoping their friend was safe.
"He's been captured in Prafa. Dark elves march on Yadessa as we speak."
"Your right Father." Jandar said. "We don't have much time. Rage, gather the others. It's time we woke up and got to work."
With a single thought Rage let all the rest of the Dragons know the time had come. They all gathered in the garden anxious to get back to their lives and the fight for Keanna's future. Drake and Jax stood next to Rage and Jandar and looked out at the Dragons they hadn't seen up and active in so long. There stood Blink and Syren with Blaze, Dreik, Gird, Nautica and Icicle. Everyone ready to do their best to be free again. Dreik walked up onto the Manor steps to join his kings.
"We're all here." He said. "Let's go home and get out of this dreamland."
Rage nodded and take Jandar's hand and they stepped down and led them out of the garden. Jandar looked around at their dream home and smiled.
"I doubt I'll sleep again for at least a week."
"Not comfortably." Rage said as they made their way through New Keanna. "How should we do this?"
"Well we've all tried everything we could think of." Jandar said. "The only new thing we have here new is Jax and My father. Maybe one of them is the answer."
"It would have to be Jax then." Drake said beside them. "I had nothing to do with getting in. It was all Jax."
Listening to them talk as he walked behind them Jax started to think. He had been there in New Keanna for weeks with the Dragons. He had touched and held the Dragonspirit before many times but until Drake was there it had never reacting to him before. Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was really Drake the spirit had a reaction to. And idea suddenly popped into Jax head. Maybe it was something else, or someone else.
[Ha ha ha ha ha!!!] Laughter rang through his mind. It was a laugh he would know anywhere. Jax stopped as they all passed him by.
[Karis! You did this?]
[Yes brother.] He answered chuckling. [You were always the bright one weren't you.]
[Not so bright.] Jax sent. [I should have asked your help when they all went into the dream state. At least now you can get them out.]
[I'm sorry Jax, but I can only allow you Drake and two others to leave. Father's orders. We are not allowed to interfear in this one at all. Father say you may have a limited hand, but the rest of us must stay out of it. This time they fight their own battle. Who get's out of the dream is up to them. They must choose who goes free.]
[But we need all of them.] Jax pleaded. [Keanna is in deep peril. It needs it's protectors.]
[Then choose the right dragons and all will be well on Keanna.] Karis told him his voice fading away. [I await their choose.]
"Is something wrong Jax?" Nautica asked. Jax had a strange look on his face "You look confused."
"No I'm fine." He smiled at her then turned to Jandar and Rage. "But I have something to tell you and your not going to like it."
Looking exhausted dragging behind another group, Morganz and Elan quietly entered the Barracks. The place seemed darker then Morganz remembered. Gone was the laughter of comrades joking with each other. Gone was that peaceful feeling the barracks always had. It had been replaced with a feeling of dread and doom that hovered all through the building. Men moved silently through the halls. The mess hall was completely silent. None of these men or elves called each other friend. They were here for conquest only. And those that were here from Winterhaven had been forced into service. It seemed Lord Larin had a strong army, But Morganz doubted if it would be very loyal, and that might just be good for them.
Heading towards the back staircase that lead down into the depths of the barracks, Morganz warned Elan to stay quiet and let him do all the talking. If they had to fight he was to stay close to his side and not to use his magic.
They passed many men and elves as they made their way through the halls. At the staircase there were two dark haired young men stationed standing at attention with spears in hand. Morganz gripped Elan's and nodded his assurance to the young dark elf. Boldly he raised his chin and with a scowl strode forward to push pass the two guards.
"Hold!" A guard stopped them. He was the taller of the two. "Where are you going?"
"To our station in the dungeon." Morganz said angrily. "Where do you think?"
"Where are your orders?"
"Again?" Morganz complained loudly throwing his hands up. "We go through this everyday. What do you think we're going down there cause we enjoy the company of the rejects below? For the last time our orders are to roam the cell blocks below and relieve the guards there and your making use late again!"
"I need to see your written orders." The guard told them. "No one goes below without written authorization. You know that."
"You want authorization?" Morganz narrowed his eyes staring at the guard. "Fine. We'll wait here. I hear Youron is in the barracks today. He'll be glad to pass on the authorization and re assign you two to duty in a battle unit. I hear the march on Yadessa is on. That should be a glorious battle for those that survive. Not so good for those bitten. Vampires aren't really in much of a forgiving mood for those invading their newly re built city. He should be here within the hour. We'll wait."
Morganz and Elan moved to sit against the wall and wait. Elan looked up at the to guards who chatted nervously.
"I hear the Werewolves might come to the Vampires aid." Elan nudged Morganz. "I for one am glad to not be in that offense."
"Aye." Morganz nodded. "It's going to be bloody."
Sweat ran down the foreheads of the two guards. They were both from towns Lord Larin's men had raided and neither had any love for the army they served. They had both seen some fighting since their draft but not against werewolves or vampires and they had no wish to.
"Go on." The guard said waving them on. "Get to your station."
"We'll wait for authorization." Morganz told him. "Orders are orders."
"Please go now." He pleaded. "We don't want to keep you from your duties. We'll trouble you no more. We apologize for holding you up."
"We'll keep this to ourselves." Morganz and Elan stood and started down the staircase. "Aiya to both of you."
"Aiya." The guards called after them.
"They looked scared." Elan said looking back.
"They are." Morganz said quietly. "These two aren't here out of any lust for fortune or glory. They're being forced to serve. There are a lot of Lord Larin's men here against there wishes. Elan when they take a new city the round up all the men and young boys and force them into the army. They hold their families or a love one to keep them fighting."
"That's horrible."
"That's what dictators do." Morganz told his young friend. "That's what we're fighting against. That's what we have to defeat Lord Larin to free Winterhaven and the rest of the people in this war which includes those two."
"Then let's get on with it."
Torches were spaced every fifteen feet shading light on the dark staircase. They could hear screams and moans coming from below them as the moved closer to the bottom cell area. There was three floors of cells in Dungeon with all the old guards housed on the last. At each landing Morganz and Elan passed two of Lord Larin's men. On the bottom landing there was a desk with a lone fat guard sitting there. He stood as Morganz and Elan walked up.
"Can I help you?"
"Youron sent us." Morganz told him calmly. "We're to station ourselves outside the cells of the old guards."
"Why?" He asked. "They're so weak they aren't any trouble."
"I have my orders." Morganz shrugged. "If you don't agree, you tell that to Youron. I like my head where it is."
The guard scowled and mumbled something under his breath. He reached into the top draw on the desk and pulled out a ring of keys and tossed them to Elan.
"Stay clear of the bars. Some of them still have some life in them."
Elan saluted and fit the key into the door and opened it. A powerful scent of decay blow out on a hot breeze. Elan turned his nose away from the smell almost retching. He passed the keys back to Morganz who threw them back to the guard.
"Enjoy your stay." He laughed.
Morganz gave him a weak smile and he and Elan went in shutting the door behind them. In front of them there was a long hall lined with cells. As they walked down the hall they looked into each cell. Some were filled and in some they saw bodies or skeletons. At the end of the hall there was another guard posted watching them as they came closer. He was a dark elf,
"Aiya." Elan nodded.
"What are you doing here?" the guard asked. "It's to early for my relief."
"I was told to come and see if you could identify this." Elan fished in his pocket on brought out a dagger with a golden hilt. It had the crest of Limeira, the city of Elan's father. The dagger had been a gift his father had giving him years ago. Elan held it out for the guard to see.
"Do you know where it came from?"
The guard looked closely at the blade Elan held out. He had no idea what land it had come from but he never got the chance to answer. In a flash Morganz was on him delivered a blow in his jaw which knocked him out. Quickly they dragged him into an empty cell and tied and gagged him and took his keys.
"Now we should hurry before any other guards show up."
From cell to cell they ran quickly to find the men of the old city guard. One at a time they found them. The fat one was right. They hadn't been feeding them very much and they we're all very weak. Morganz looked in one cell and saw a familiar face chained to the wall. When they opened the cell the man reared and tried to attack. Morganz pulled back just out of reach of the crazed guard. His face looked taunt from starvation and his hair was dirty and matted from laying in the straw but Morganz still recognized him as Marcus Dante, the old sword master that once taught at the Academy.
"Marcus!" Morganz came as close as he could. "It's me. Captain Morganz Shyr of Eventide!"
The sword master screamed and grabbed for him rattling his chains and snapping at them. Elan knew they had to quiet him before he alerted the guards and one of them came to see what the problem was.
"We have to shut him up." Elan raised his hand to cast a spell to quiet him,
"No magic!" Morganz said grabbing his arms. "The guards will ignore his screams. They hear this all the time. Just wait a minute."
He let go of the young elf and turned back to the prisoner.
"Marcus Dante look at me!" He moved closer to where the man could see him. "I am Morganz Jonnik Shyr first cousin to the house of Eventide. You taught me swordsmanship in the Academy for five years then fought at my side many times against Orcs and Goblins. My cousin Evindal even knighted you for your help against Polan Dressek when Eventide was invaded. Please remember."
The rage slowly fell from Marcus's face as Morganz words began to sink in. The memories of the past began to come back as he recognized him.
"Morganz?" His eyes cleared and he settled down, the chains fell silent beside him. "What are you doing here?"
"We came to get you all out of here." From his pocket he took the keys he had taken from the guard they left in the cell and unlocked the chains. "Hold still."
After his chains had been removed Marcus struggled to get up on his feet. For a second he fell forward and Morganz caught him.
"Can you walk?"
"I'll be alright" Marcus smiled. "Just give me a second and I'll be able to fight."
"Good." Morganz patted his shoulder. He unbuckled his short sword and handed it to Marcus. "Stay here and rest while we get the others."
In cells all over the dungeon they found men of the old guard. Twenty five in all. Some weak, others still very strong. A few had been tortured so bad they were on the brink of death. Morganz wished they had time to take them but it wouldn't be possible, they needed to move fast and carrying them would slow them down. They would have to come back once all this was all over to get them out so they could be buried with respect. Once everyone was gathered in Marcus's cell, it was time to move out.
As far as Lord Larin and his men know, there was only one way out of the dungeon. That was back the way they had come in and up the stairs through the barrack house. What they didn't know was that there were many passages that ran all through the building. None that ran from the dungeon out, but you could move up to the next level then on to another passage that would take you higher. Not many know of these passages, fortunately Morganz as one of the highest ranked officers of the guards knew them all. There was only one problem.
"The passage that leads up is out in the hall where the fat ones desk is." Morganz explained. "We would have to get pass him before he could alert anyone else."
"That shouldn't be a problem." Elan said. "He's just one man."
"One man yes." Morganz paced. "But did you see the star on his belt?"
"What of it?"
"It's an alarm." Marcus broke in as he joined them. "One touch and the whole place will be alerted to our escape. We could never get everyone out if he manages to set it off. We have to many wounded. We need time to move them."
"The we need help from someone up there." Elan smiled turning to hurry down the hall." I have an idea. Stay here and quiet. I'll be right back."
Marcus looked at Morganz puzzled. "Where are you going?"
"For help."
Elan opened the door and stepped out. In the corner of the stairwell the fat guard was playing dice with two other guards. The fat one looked up at Elan annoyed at being disturbed at the game.
"What do you want?" He asked looking back to the game. One of the other guards had jest rolled the dice and made hid point. Quickly money was scooped up and another bet was made.
"Nothing." Elan told him as he headed for the stairs. "My partner and I forgot a message we were suppose to deliver. Go back to your game."
"Go and be quick." Grabbed the dice to take his roll. "If Youron comes down here he won't like you not being at your post."
"He won't like you all playing dice either." Elan took off running up the stairs.
Moving up each level Elan didn't pass anyone, since the guards were down stairs playing dice he knew it would be safe. Finally at the top he found the two young guards he and Morganz had talked their way pass earlier. They looked at him curious as to way he had come back up. Both men looked nervous and worried. At any day they could be thrust into a war and never see home again. Maybe if he odder them a chance to get out of Lord Larin's army they might jump at the chance. All he had to convince they was the truth. He prayed to Rimnar it worked.
"What are you doing back?"
"I'm here for your help." Elan stepped up onto the landing close to them to talk. "I'm going to tell you both the truth and put my life in your hands. Everyone's life really. Me and my friend are not of Lord Larin's army. In fact we're fighting against him and Queen Talsara to free all the lands they have taken. I think you both are from some local village that they took and you were forced into fighting for Lord Larin. Am I right?"
The two men looked at each other not really sure if they had just heard what they thought they had. Could he be serious? This could be a test of their loyalty. Then again he could be for real and this could be their way out of this mess. Looking around to make sure they were alone and it was safe to talk they decided to trust the young elf. Behind them they saw a pair of soldiers moving their way. Quickly they pulled Elan against the wall where he wouldn't be seen and waited until they passed.
"How can you help us?" The shorter of the two asked. "You have a way out of here?"
"I do if you help us."
"Should we trust him?" The tall guard asked his friend still thinking it could be a trap. For a few seconds in silence they waited until the soldiers were far enough away.
"Ceta, unless you want to stay here, we don't have any choice." The shorter man turned back to Elan. "I'm Jerric. this is Ceta. we're from a small village in the north not to far away. What do you need us to do?"
"I'm Elan." He reached out and gripped there arms. "I need you to get the fat one away from the dungeon door so we can get everyone out."
Ceta looked at Jerric with terror in his eyes. He knew if they were caught, the torture they would receive would last for weeks, maybe months before they would be allowed to die. Jerric saw the fear in his friend. He saw the sweat begin to run down his face. Ceta staggered back a step before Jerric caught him.
"We have to do this Ceta." Jerric clutched his friends arms to steady him. "Remember the day they came to our village? Your father said to just go alone with them and give them what they wanted? He was wrong. We should have fought them then. It would have been better to have died with everyone else then to have to serve these bastards. You know what will happen if we stay here. Either we will die in one of their fruitless battles or we'll become just like them raiding other villages wiping them out without a thought. I don't want to be anything like them. I want us to be free. It's what your father would want too."
Ceta remember what his home looked like when they had been captured and dragged away. He remembered the burning homes of his family and friends and wondered how it was that he had forgotten what had happened. Hate began to replace the fear he had been feeling a moment ago. He wanted revenge against Lord Larin and all his damn army for what they had done. He shook Jerric's hands away and stepped up to Elan.
"My father burned to death in our home after he gave everything he had to them." Tears appeared in his eyes. "Why did I forget that?"
"It's magic." Elan explained. "It's how Lord Larin gets people to follow him. It's a spell that numbs your mind then he takes control."
"If we help you will you stop him?"
"That's our plan." He assured him gripping his arm and shaking.
"The fat one's mine." Ceta smiled. "What of the others down there?"
"All three are playing dice down below." Elan told them. "There's one for each of us."
Ceta checked his sword to make sure he could get it fast then placed his and Jerric's spear out of the way where no one would see it.
"We have to hurry." He said. "If someone comes along and notices we're hot here they're going to come looking for us."
"Then let's get moving."
Below behind the dungeon door Morganz and Marcus listened to the fat guard and his opponents argue and fuss over there game. The fat one didn't seem like he was very good at dice and he was losing which he really didn't like. A few time they heard fighting sounds and shouting. Morganz peeked out and saw the fat one bullying the others who were a bit scared to stand up to him. Then he heard Elan's voice and suddenly the fighting became intense. Scared that the three had attacked Elan, Morganz pulled his sword and rushed out to help him. What he found surprised the seasoned warrior. Instead of Elan battling three guards he found Elan and the two from the top of the stairway finishing the three and lowering them to the ground.
"Well don't just stand there." Elan said sheathing his weapon. "Help us get them hidden. We don't have much time."
Quickly Morganz and a few others rushed out and helped them drag them back to cells where they would be hidden under the dirty straw on the cell floors.
"Well done lad." Morganz clapped him on his back then looked at Jerric and Ceta. "The two from upstairs?"
"Yeah." Elan said. "They deserve a chance to get out of here too."
"I agree." He said as they hurried out of the cell block into the hall. "But once it's discovered that there gone, there's going to be a search for them and we still have to get these men to the top level."
"Then maybe you should shut up and open the passage so we could get out of here."
"As you wish my prince." Morganz smiled and moved behind the staircase. There he searched until he found a certain stone in the wall that didn't seem like it had been set there by the same masons that had crafted the rest of the wall.
"See this?" Elan nodded as Morganz placed his ring to the stone and it began to sink into the wall. Just then they heard a creaking noise as the wall began to slide open and the musty air of the unused tunnels creeped out. "Get them in. Jerric, Ceta help the others."
The strong helped the weak as best they could and soon they were all in the tunnel. Morganz groped around until he found a pile of unlit torches and a flint box. He lit one then lit another for Ceta who he sent to the rear of the group to keep them from losing anyone.
"Which way?" Elan asked.
"Up." Morganz pointed. "It's the only way out."
"How many passages do we have to use?"
"It'll take three passages to get us to where it will be safe for Pelic to get us out." Morganz told him as he took the lead and began the uphill climb to the first exit. "If Pelic trys to get in before we reach the main barracks he'll be detected and trapped by his own magic. That's why I warned you not to use any magic down here."
"How safe are these tunnels?"
"No ones been in here in a while, but they're safe." He assured him. "Our only problem will be moving on to the next passage. We'll have to cross about twenty feet where we'll be exposed."
"We'll worry about that when we get there." Elan said.
"Then you better start worrying cause we're almost there." He doused the torch and tossed it aside. "Remember we elves can see but the others can't. We have to be their eyes."
Morganz had Ceta douse his torch then told them all to take each others hands and to walk carefully. The exit they were to use was about ten feet in front of them. He stopped them and told Elan to keep everyone quiet while he check to see if the exit was clear of guards. Through slits in the masonry he peeked out into the corridor. The next passage was just across the way and there was no one there to see them slip out. Quietly he found the stone that would open the wall and he pressed his ring to it and it opened.
"Wait here." He told them. "I'll open the other passage then signal you. Move in groups of five quickly."
Elan nodded and Morganz was gone. Without making a sound he slipped across the short distance and had the wall open in seconds. With a wave he signaled Elan to send the first five. Hand in hand with a stronger man in the front and at the end they made their way unto the next passage. Five times this was repeated until they were all across leaving Elan and Ceta to close the passage and join them.
"One down." Morganz said as the two joined him and the others. "Two more to go. Let's hope our luck holds out a little while longer. We keep moving up toward the main barracks room."
Evening patrols had all reported in as Youron made his way into the barracks building to hear the last days reports and an inspection. There had been talk of trouble in the town of Remus in Tir Na. Those damned Werewolves might be more trouble then they expected. Not that it mattered, Yadessa would fall and so would the Werewolves soon after. With there superior forces Youron knew they couldn't be stopped, not by anything the Wolves could send against them.
As Youron walked through the barrack he gazed around and the men rushing around to there stations. This was a surprise inspection none of them expected. He had caught them off guard and there would be hell to pay for today. With a loud voice he called for the captain of the guards and was told he could be found in his office.
"His office?" Youron yelled. "With the barracks in such disarray he's sleeping?"
Angrily Youron headed to the back area to get him out of his cot. He had a surprise for the sleeping ex captain. Youron thought maybe he would make a better ass if he thought sleeping was more important then the fitness of his guard unit. And that's exactly what he'd turn him into if he caught him sleeping.
As Youron walked angrily down the hall men hurried to get out of his way. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of his wrath. As he passed the entrances to the dungeons he noticed there was no guard posted there. Youron stepped closer looking to see if maybe they had just stepped in and down to a lower lever. But as he looked around he didn't see anyone. Youron knew the men here in the barracks were idiots but to not stand there post? They all knew how they would be punished if they were caught off post. Youron could be very creative at punishments. Something was wrong here.
As he looked around a young guard came out of the dining hall heading towards the sleeping rooms. Youron stopped him.
"You." He called out. "Get your captain here and some men. I want this place searched level by level. Find the missing guards from this post."
"Yes Sir." Quickly he was off to follow Youron's orders. Youron pulled his sword and started down the staircase quietly listening for anything strange. He heard all the usual noises. Crying and screaming coming from everywhere. On the first level he was surprised to find no guards at the post to the level. There weapons were there but no men. Youron looked in through the barred door and saw nothing unusual. The guards there were still walking the halls guarding their prisoners. Other then the missing hall guards, all seemed well here. He moved on down the stairs to the next level where again he found no guards. That makes six men not at their assigned post probably gambling or with some wench they smuggled in. Anger and outrage made Youron move faster down the stair way. These men had disobeyed Lord Larin's order, his orders. He couldn't stand for that. They had to be punished for their disrespect.
Finally taking the last few steps to the last level of the dungeon, Youron stop. What he saw was impossible. The guards missing from the higher levels were men recruited from town's and villages they had conquered. Some were men mercenaries gathered from all over the continent. But the man stationed here was one of Youron's own men. He would never abandon his post for any reason. And fat Boris was not where he was suppose to be. Pulling his sword Youron stepped down off the steps to look more carefully around. Boris's desk was askew and his chair knocked over. Looking closer he found blood on the floor by the door into the cell block. Moving to the side of the door Youron peeked in at the cells. The guards there were missing and it was completely quiet in there. It was to quiet in there. Men should be howling in pain, begging for food. There should be a guard at the end of the block were he could be seen. There was only one reason now for the missing guards. Escape.
Fishing through the keys at his side, Youron found the door key and quietly opened it. All the cells on this lever housed the men of the old guard of Winterhaven. Men he and Tayor Larin had imprisoned here after the city's take over. Ready for a fight Youron moved in watching carefully for any movement. At the first cell he looked in and found no one there. He moved to the next cell which he also found empty. Quickly he ran down the hall checking each cell finding the same result. Everyone was gone. Then he heard a moan and found he was standing at the cell of the sword master Marcus Dante. Youron looked in and to his surprise he found men laying everywhere. He opened the cell and went in. All around him Youron found he was surrounded by corpses. These were the men to weak for travel. They had mercifully put them out of their misery knowing the hell Lord Larin and Youron would inflict on them once they found out about the escape. Then again Youron heard the moan. Someone here was still alive. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something move. Youron followed the sound to a body covered with straw. He bent down and pushed the straw from the face and body and found one of his guards. The man opened his eyes and looked frighteningly at Youron.
"You know who I am?" He asked calmly.
"Y,yes sir."
"What happened here?"
"Forgive me sir. Two elves came in dressed in our uniforms." He stuttered. "They overpowered me and dragged me in here then freed the others."
"How long ago?" Youron asked the bleeding man.
"Not long." He choked spitting out blood. "Less then an hour."
"Your services are no long necessary." Youron placed his sword over the mans heart and stabbed down. "Your relieved."
With a scream the guards died. Youron wiped his sword on his tunic and kicked him aside. As he stood men came running in with the Captain in the lead. He looked at all the bodies in shock.
"I see your finally awake." Youron thrust out with his blade running the man through. The captain clutched at the sword in his chest then fell dead on top of the guard. Youron looked at the men staring at him in fear. "Find them!! Bring them all back to me dead, except the two elves. I want them alive. Move your asses! Sound the alarm and find them all!!"
It was cold in the walls of Winterhavens dungeons. The men were all dressed in the ragged remnants of their old uniforms if they wore anything at all. Morganz had decided it was to dangerous to lite another torch. They were to close to the top level. Only one more passage to make it through and then they would be out of the dungeon and almost free. Huddling close, they kept the men moving as quietly as they could.
"How much further?" Elan asked. "The men need rest."
"They can rest once were out of here." Morganz told him. He was looking out a peek hole in the wall. "We have to move up three more levels. But there's a problem,"
GONG!!!! GONG!!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!! GONG!!!
The sound of the prison alarm rang all around them. Elan watched as men jumped in fright. They were scared they were all about to be caught and sent back to there cells.
"They know we're gone so the search is on for us." Morganz turned back to the crowd of men. "We need to move fast before we're found in here. Everyone up, it's not that far to go."
Moving carefully Morganz and Elan helped everyone up and made sure there was an able bodied man with each of the wounded. Once lined and ready they took the lead and started the walk up to the next hidden door. All around them they could hear men running and crashing around. They were tearing up the dungeon looking for them searching every cell and corner on each level. Elan hope they hadn't left any clues as to where they where. If there was even a lite dust trail into the wall, they would surely be found.
After a ten minute walk Morganz stopped them. They had reached the next hidden passage. Quietly he searched the wall until he found a peek hole so he could check the way to make sure it was clear. With a wave to Elan caught his attention and Elan came over to have a look outside. In the stair way they saw three guards standing there talking about where they should look next. One had said they should just stay there and wait. The prisoners would have to come that way to get out.
"Damn it!" Morganz whispered. "They're right. The next passage is just beyond where they're standing. We'll be trapped here if they don't get moving."
"I know a spell that could put them to sleep." Elan told him. "It's a easy spell it just uses a bit of magic."
"No!" Morganz warned him. "Any magic will be magnified and sent back at us. Then they'll all know where we are. We have to get by without magical help."
"OVER HERE!!!" A voice called. "There they go!!!"
Morganz rushed back to look out into the hall. Not only were the guards still out there, but to Morganz's surprise so was Ceta. He stood there shouting and pointing back into the cell block. The guards rushed after him armed and anxious for the capture. Hearing Ceta's voice Jerric pushed Elan aside to looked out as his friend lead the guards back into the cell block.
"Ceta No!!" Worried about his friend, Jerric turned back to Elan with fear in his eyes. "Whats he doing? "Is he crazy?"
Elan had no idea what Ceta was up to nor did he know what to tell Jerric. But he did know Ceta was in big trouble and only they could get him out of it. After all, without Ceta, they would never have made it into the cells never mind to where they were.
"I have to go help." Jerric called as he took off crashing into walls in the dark going to help his friend. Ceta had left the wall opened just a crack. With no one in sight Jerric hurried out to help his friend, When Elan saw him go he tried to go after him.
"No Elan!! Morganz grabbed his arm stopping him. "Let them go."
"I have to help them." He tried to get free.
"Don't you get it?" Morganz held him tightly. "This is our chance to get these men into the next passage. Ceta and Jerric will distract them long enough for us to get them all moved I hope."
"But what about Ceta and Jerric?" Elan asked. "Do we just leave them?"
"We don't have a choice." Morganz hurried to Marcus and showed him where the ring had to be used to open the wall. Quickly he ran back and helped the others gather the man and get to the exit.
"Is it safe still?"
Elan looked out and saw it was all clear.
"Go!" He called.
Marcus placed the ring against the key spot and the wall slid open quietly. Then he quickly made his way out to find the spot at the next entrance. Once there he opened the wall and signaled Morganz to move the men. Quickly in groups of five, twenty seven men hurried into the next passage where they were again safe and able to move on to freedom.
"I have to go back and help." Elan called to Morganz. "I got them into this, I have to get them out."
"No Elan." Marcus gripped his shoulder. "They know what they're doing. They're making the sacrifice to get us out. Don't disrespect their wishes by throwing away your life. You can't help them, but you can help us. Keep moving."
Sadly Elan knew he was right. It was what him or Morganz would do if it came to it. He moved on honoring the two brave men's wishes and hoped they could make it out safely, but he doubted they would.
Out in the cell block the two guards followed Ceta into the maze of cells to search for the missing prisoners. The four men searched every cell and every hidden corner of the cell block with no success. In fact they couldn't even find a single foot print made by anyone except their own. The two guards eyed Ceta and Jerric with suspicion.
"Are you sure you saw them in here?" A grey haired guard asked shouting at them. "There's nothing here."
"Of course!! They were just here."
"Where?" He narrowed his eyes as he pulled his sword. "I see no one!"
Just then men came running in and surround them. Ceta and Jerric looked from man to man nervously. Some how they were going to have to talk their way out of this situation. but before either of them could open his mouth to speak, Youron boldly walked.
"What goes on here?
"Lies." The guard snarled and pointed at Ceta and Jerric. "Lies by these two!!"
"We tell no lies sir." Jerric tried to explain. "They were here. He saw them."
"Then there would be tracks in all the dirt and mud on the floors." Grey hair said to Youron. "There's nothing here. no ones been on this cell block in many days. They lie sir."
Youron looked around at the floor of the cell block. Other then where they were standing the dirt hadn't been disturbed. There were no prints going in or out that would prove anyone had been in here.
"Who are you?" Youron asked them. "Where is your post?"
"Sir." Another guard stepped out of the crowd. "I saw these to when I came on duty. They were posted at the entrance to the dungeons."
Youron's eyes lit up with anger. They were two of the missing six. At that moment he knew they did have something to do with the escape.
"Take them!!" He ordered.
Ceta and Jerric tried to pull their weapons and fight but they were over powered in seconds and forced to the floor their faces in the dirt.
"Where are they?" Youron asked his foot on Ceta's back. "Talk and you will die quickly. You have my word on that."
"Your word means nothing!" Ceta spit. "Your men gave my father their word that my village would be spared if he gave us to them and they killed everyone. They're gone. You will never find them. Winterhaven and the rest of the land will be free of your fucking king and his war. Hail Keanna lives!!"
"There here somewhere." Youron smiled and bent closer so they could hear him. "And we'll find them. But it's to bad you won't live to see your friends again."
Ceta and Jerric struggled to get free but there were to many holding them down to fight.
"Behead them and post there heads at the barracks gate." Youron turned to go. "And find the prisoners or all your heads will sit on post right beside there's."
Sick of all the incompetence he had seen in the guards and the rest of Lord Larin men Youron headed out of the cell block. He'd had enough of these men and knew if he wanted the guards found, he would have to do it himself. Youron knew there was no way they could nave gotten out of the dungeons yet. They had to all be still somewhere in here. His only problem was where. Where could they be hiding. Could there be somewhere in here that he didn't know about? Some hidden chamber or some way out not in the plans he had seen. Then he thought about what that guard had said about foot prints. As dirty and dust filled as these dungeons were. they would have to leave tracks wherever they went.
As Youron left the cell block and entered the stair way hall he notice a large amount of foot prints on the floor. More they these guards could have left and the strange thing was they came from one wall and headed in to another. Youron looked closer and saw a gap in the wall that shouldn't be there. He had found something. A hidden passage. This had to be where the prisoners had gone. Taking a torch off the wall Youron called for two more guards to come with him then pulled on the wall and opened it and they went in. He could hear men talking in the distance. He had them. With his power and magic, these weak men would stand no chance against him.
"Everyone up." Morganz called. "It's time we get out of here. Elan your at the end with Marcus in the middle. I'll take the lead again. Remember no magic until we reach the end of this passage. Pelic will be waiting for us there. I've already sent him the signal."
"Let's go." Elan said helping two men to their feet. "I'm tired of all this dust and dirt. I need sunlight on my face again."
All together they gathered the men and started the short walk to freedom. It would be less then one hundred yards to go and Pelic would be waiting to take them out. Hunger kept the men moving as they hadn't been fed very well and everyone including Morganz and Elan were thirsty from their escape.
Suddenly the man in front of Elan stumbling and fell. Elan reached down to lend him and a hand and gaze back quickly. There he saw a light coming up from behind them. Ceta? Jerric? Could they have gotten free and followed them? Then he saw a second and a third light. That couldn't be them. They had been found.
"We have trouble." Elan whispered to the weak guard. "We have to hurry. Come on."
"There they are!!" a guard called. "After them!!"
The guards voice rang out warning the others that they were being pursued. Panic took over and prisoners began to run.
"Move!" Marcus yelled pulling his sword as men ran past him. "Get to the end of the passage and safety!!"
"You to." Elan caught up with him and pulled him on. "Your in no shape to battle them. Get going!!"
Together the two man ran with the sound of the guards coming up from behind them.
"I could stop them with one simple spell." Elan said as they ran.
"No. Don't forget what Morganz said. It would go against us. Just keep running!!"
As they ran, Elan and Marcus helped grab men a pushed them into a faster pace. They knew it wouldn't take the armed men after them long to catch up and if they did, it was over for all of them. All they had to do was to make it to Pelic who waited at the end of the passage. Then Pelic could take the whole group at once through his cloak into shadows. It would be dangerous to all go at once, but it was the only way.
Turning back and waving the men on, Morganz saw who it was that was chasing them. Youron, Lord Larin's chief aide. He had knew Tayor Larin's cruel henchmen for years. They had had several arguments and confrontations in the years pass. Morganz knew Youron was a selfish glory hunter and he would go to any lengths to please his lord. Sometimes to even take stupid chances. There had to be a way he could stop Youron or some way to slow him down. Morganz knew a few simple spells that could slow him, but if he used magic it would doom them all. But what if Youron used his magic? The dungeon wards would turn on him. But how could he make the bastard cast a spell at them. Morganz quickly searched his pockets for any thing he could use that might help. All he had on him was a steel dagger and the flint stone he had used to light the torch. Then an idea hit them.
"Elan!" He shouted. "Get them all down on the floor!!"
As everyone dived to the floor, Morganz took out the dagger and struck the flint sending a stream of sparks into the air. With suddenly appearance of flashes of light, Youron thought they were preparing to casting fire spells at them. Quickly the rose his hands and cast his own spell back to them. Green energy flew from Youron's hand to fly at the prisoners. But at the last minute it changed direction and came back at the advancing guards. To Youron's surprise alarms went off all through the dungeon as the energy covered them and encased them in a paralyzing field of magic. Youron and his men were now frozen in agonizing pain as Elan and the rest of the men made it to Pelic.
"How long will it last?" Elan asked as he an Marcus reached Morganz.
"I don't know." He answered. "We should hurry."
"Everyone take hands." Pelic told them. "Keep your eyes closed and do not let go of the hand holding you. This is important. It will be very cold but it will only last a minute. Now close you eyed and we'll be out of here."
Once he was sure they were all held together and everyone's eyes were closed, Pelic opened his cloak and cast it out to wrap around the entire group. In a flash of shadow the cloak closed in on itself and they were gone. Trapped in the magic field Youron could only scream out his rage at their escape to himself, because until someone found them with the release spell, they were trapped. And there was nothing he could do about it.
If there's a phrase or a line you don't understand, check the comments section for a translation.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Seventh Revealed. 44

"He'll be alright." She said after he released her. "He just needs rest."
"I'm fine." Aggar grinned up from where he lay in the litter they had built to carry him home. "Thanks to these two brave ladies. I wouldn't have made it home without them."
"I want to hear everything as soon as we can get back to the manor." Tof ordered his men to unhook the litter from the two Snowdogs. "We have more guest to greet to Tir Na. There are elves waiting for us close by."
"Not dark ones I hope?" Keya stepped up and greeted Tof with a kiss to the cheek and a smile.
"No lady." Tof blushed. "These are refugees. They escaped from Dree one of the kingdoms in the south. We're looking for it's royal family. I promised them our protection."
"It could be one of Lord Larins traps." Aggar told him. "I'm going with you."
Aggar pushed back the blanket covering him and tried to sit up. Sharone rushed to his side and pushed him back down.
"Your going nowhere but home to bed!" She scolded him. "Do I have to tie you down?"
"You rest." Tof laughed. "I'll take care of this. You've done your part for now. Keya come with us. You can tell me all that happened. We'll meet you two at home."
The run through Tir Na wasn't a long one. While they ran, Keya told him all about what had happened in Remus. She told him of their meeting with Baron Tyr and how Cheshire had brought the Snowdogs in to help. She told him about all the new werewolves that Lord Larin had ordered created and of the dark elven army that occupied Remus. Lastly she told him of her brother being free of the dark spell he had been under and how he and Baron Tyr were now on the trail of Seith Halador, Talsara Darkshades agent who planned to take Vasagi and blame the people of Tir Na. Tof listened closely without interruption as she told her tale. With her new information he knew he had many decisions to make and since the dragons were mostly out of the picture, the fate of Keanna was on the shoulders of him and those he trust.
Topping a hill, Tof and Keya looked out to see an elven coach trapped in a gully. It looked like it had seen better days. One wheel was off and the whole outside was peppered with arrows. Off to the side they saw the carcass of what looked like a great steed. It had obviously died of exhaustion from their escape from Dree and the long trek to Tir Na.
[Stay here.]
Slowly after shifting from wolf to a more aggressive man wolf form Tof crept down into the gully to investigate. The door to the coach was open but no sound came from within. Tof moved to the door to look in and see if anyone hid inside. As he looked in he was it was empty. There was nothing there but a few bags they had left behind. So where was Orym and his family? Suddenly a familiar scent caught his attention. A strong musky scent he knew very well. Then he heard the snap of a twig behind him.
"Move an inch and I split your skull."
"If you do that, You won't be welcome in my home anymore Braddoc." Tof turned to face his old friend Braddoc, chief of the Durmista Mountain clan as he shifted back to his human form. "Aiya old friend."
"Tof?" Braddoc lowered his sword as he recognized him. He sheathed his weapon and gripped Tof's arm. "I'm glad to see you safe."
"How goes your mission?" Tof asked. "Where Is Orym Dree and his family?"
"Right here."
He turned as Orym Dree led his wife and three children out of the forest alone with the queen of the Dylani and her sons. With them came a young centaur armed with sword in hand and bow on his back.
"Aiya Christof Tyr. We are glad to finally meet you."
"Aiya." Tof bowed to Orym and his family. "We're glad we could help get you to safety. Consider my home yours please while you and your family is here."
"Thank you friend."
"Come." Tof waved them over. "We'll take you to the manor where you will be more comfortable."
Keya came down from where she hid and greeted them all. She looked at the frightened queen and her children and reassured them of their safety with a warm smile and her gentile words. They gathered their things from the coach and loaded them on the last horse. Both queens had packed lite unsure of where they were going so the tired horse didn't have a very heavy load to carry. Once ready, Tof pointed out the direction they were to go and Franco headed out in the lead.
"How goes the fight?" Orym asked.
"Not very well I'm afraid." Tof told him. "Talsara and Larin are moving on Yadessa as we speak. They're using werewolves created just as Balthazar Gaelich made his nightwalkers to shift the blame over to us to cause descention among us. If it works they hope we'll all split and hot trust each other anymore. That way it will be easier for them to conquer our lands."
"Devious and smart." Orym nodded. "A perfect way to divide us. We have to help the vampires."
"I agree." Braddoc spoke up. "If Yadessa falls again, Tir Na will be their next stop. I can gather a small group and we can hit them as they travel breaking the army into smaller units. That way whatever forces you can muster with the vampire will be ready when they arrive at Vasagi. Can you arrange things quickly in Vasagi?"
"I already have warrior there ready." Tof told them. "We'll give them a fight that will cost them."
"I'll be fighting at your side Braddoc." Orym said boldly. "I'm tired of running and I have a lot to pay them back for."
"Noooo!!" screamed from behind them. Orym turned as his wife rushed into his arms in tears. "Please you can't do this! They'll kill you! I won't allow this!"
"Phaerl calm down." He held her as she sobbed clutching him tightly. "I'll be fine."
"How do you know that?" She shouted at him. "This is war. Flinar is dead. Dree has been taken by those damn dark monsters. Willem and Castel our guards were killed just yesterday by the goblins. You know that bitch Talsara wants you dead and she'll do whatever she has to, to kill you. If you go out to war she'll have you marked as a target. They'll all be hunting for you. You can't go!!!"
"Please Papa." Orym's daughter grabbed at his leg hugging him as she cried. "Don't go."
"He has to go." Prince Durlan and his brother Haymar stepped up to their parents. "Don't you see. We have to stand up for Flinar and everyone else that didn't make it out of Dree. How many died so we could get away? We owe it to them to fight or they will have died for nothing. Father, you're a good king. Isn't that what kings do? They fight for their land and their people. Isn't that what Flinar and all the rest died for? Not just for us, but for Dree which is more important then us. Father has to go."
Orym stood there looking down at his son beaming with pride. He knew he couldn't have stated his case better. Durlan would grow to be an even better king then he ever could be and he was proud of him.
"Need I say more?" Orym reached out and wiped away the tears from his queens face. "It's our duty Phaerl. All of us. We have to do this even if it does mean my death I have to go and you know that."
"All I know is that I love you." Phaerl looked him deeply in his deep green eyes. "And I'll worry. Promise me you'll come back to us."
"We'll be back." Durlan told his mothers. "As soon as our home is free and the war is over."
"We?" Orym turned to his eldest son. "We aren't going anywhere. You will be staying right here in Tir Na with your mother and your brother and sister."
"Don't father me." Orym guided his disappointed son to the side. "You must stay here where it's safe."
"Why?" Durlan asked. "I can fight. My sword master says I've gone far beyond his teachings. I can help."
"So can I." Called Prince Bhari. "I want to help father fight."
"Durlan, Bhari your next in line to be king of our peoples." Orym explained. "If something happens, you both have to take over. Besides I need you here protecting our family. While I'm gone you represent me and all we stand for. Can you do this for me?"
"Yes Father." Durlan said sadly.
"Good." Orym smiled and took the ring from his finger. It was the royal seal of Dree. "Keep this safe. We'll need it."
Durlan took the ring and saluted his king. He was glad to have his father show such trust in him. Having the ring meant his days as a boy were over. It was time he acted more like a prince of Dree.
"Thank you father." He smiled. "I'll keep it safe until you get back."
"I know you will." Orym gripped his sons shoulder. Now go help with your sister. She's going to be upset."
"Orym we should go." Braddoc called. "We have people to find."
Orym waved and walked Durlan back over to there family. Princess Jana was in tears but Haymar was being brave for his parents and held his sister. Phaerl tried hard to hide her tears but Orym could tell she was scared.
"All will be well." He told them kissing each one good bye. "In a few weeks this will be over and we'll be back home swimming with the Dylani's in the cove. Don't worry. Take care and trust the Tyr's. They will keep you safe. I love you all."
"Wait Orym!" Queen Anemone called as she was helped alone. "Give this to Caldar, it'll bring luck.
She took a ring from her finger and pressed it into Orym's hand.Orym opened his hand and found a gold ring shaped like a trident with a green emerald set in it in his palm.
"This ring once belonged to Sazar god of the seas." She closed his fist around it. "It's been in my family for century's passed from wife to husband. Sazar will send him back to us if he wears the ring.
"I'll make sure he gets it."
Then he turned and walked over to Braddoc. He climbed on his back and with a last look back, they rode off.
"Bring him home safe." Phaerl whispered as she and the kids watched them disappear into the forest of Tir Na.
As darkness fell Ryel, Emrel and the rest of their group hurried to pack up their things to move out of Eventide and go after Aron. So close to home Emrel thought. They were so close but with Aron's capture they had to go after him. They all knew what would happen when Talsara got her hands on him. He would be used as a pawn to draw Elan back to Darkshade where eventually no matter what Elan does, she would kill Aron. Home would have to wait. They had to get to Aron and get him free somehow.
Looking around the quiet forest of Eventide Emrel could feel something was not right here. All the trees were the wrong color for this time of year. It was like the magic was being siphon out of the land. This worried her. The forest and it's magic was all tied into her family. If something was wrong with the forest, then that meant something was wrong at home to.
Once packed she went to find her brother Ryel. She found him with his new friend Noelle the insect princess. They had just finished packing the horses and storing their gear.
"Ryel." He turned to face his older sister. "I'm having a horrible feeling, like somethings wrong at home."
"I know." He frowned. "I feel it to. The forest and animals seem sad. It's to quiet. I should feel, I don't know more comfortable so close to home and all I feel is sadness."
"The forest looks normal to me." Noelle said looking around. "Quiet yes, but I'm not getting much from the insect life here. I do get fear from them and that's strange."
"You don't understand." Emrel explained. "My family has protected this forest for centuries. Our lives are connected to this forest. When it hurts, we Eventide's feel it and it's in pain right now. Something's wrong here."
"You think it's Evindel?" Ryel asked. "Could he be hurt?"
"Maybe." Emrel shrugged. "It could even be mother."
Suddenly a terrible thought occurred to Ryel. He remembered how sick mother was when he left. But she had ordered him to go. Surely the glade would keep her safe until they could make it back. Unless Talsara's magic was a lot stronger then mother had thought.
Suddenly Noelle fell to her knees clutching her head and screamed out in pain. Ryel jumped to her aid and helped her to sit up.
"Noelle what is it?"
"Danger!!" She said as she got to her feet and grabbed her black blade. "We're about to be attacked!!"
From behind them Finn and Hema looked around. A familiar scent caught their attention and they both knew what Noelle's warning was about.
In a flash a horn blared. Ryel pulled his sword and Orek grabbed for his battle axe and they were ready to fight. As goblins poured from the forest Emrel raised her hands and began to send blasts at them. Hema took to the air glowing with magic and using her own magic bolt on the enemy. With the speed of the leprechaun, Finn with his shillelagh streak through the goblins bashing them wherever he could. In a crazed rage Orek waded in. He had Ryel and Noelle on his right and left as they fought.
Dressed in rags and salvaged armor the goblins attacked. They were armed with all kinds of weapons, some old, most of at taken during battles or found afterward. As Ryel advanced a goblin carrying two swords came at him. He swung high at Ryel's head. Quickly he ducked bring his sword up to block the second strike. Spinning around Ryel faked a kick at his opponents side which caused the goblin to step back. With a mighty swing of his axe, Orek stuck. Green blood sprayed on as the goblin fell.
"Noelle!" Ryel yelled back. "Stay with Emrel!!"
Noelle nodded and jumped twenty feet out to land at Emrel's side. With her black blade spinning she kept Emrel's back safe. Spell after spell erupted from Emrel. She seemed tireless but Ryel knew better. None of them could keep up the fighting. Pretty soon the Goblins would overwhelm them and that would be the end of their band.
From the top of a boulder a goblin dressed in deep red armor watched. He recognized these elves. They were the same ones he had captured in Fay Shrea. He smiled his evil smile knowing they couldn't get away this time. No trick would get them out of this. Garuk had to many warriors for them to defeat. The Bloodfang's would win this one.
Just as Garuk Foulclub jumped down to enter the battle a bright flash of light appeared high in the trees. He looked up and saw something that he thought was impossible hovering high in the trees. It was an armor clad angel with blond hair and gleaming white wings. Next to him flew another winged one. But where one was light, this one was darker. He had brown wings and strange spike like things covering his arms. Who were these two strangers and why were they here?
All the fighting stopped as they all looked to see who the newcomers were. Garuk stared at them. He knew no angel would ever fight on the side of the queen of Darkshade. So they had to be here to help the young elves. He ran forward to a goblin armed with a bow and grabbed his weapon.
"Kill them all!!" He ordered as he notched an arrow and fired it at the angel. "Fight damn you! Kill the elves now!!'
With unerring aim the arrow flew straight at the newcomers chest. With a sweep of his arm the darker on the two winged men sent something shooting out the peppered the shaft and knocked it from the sky.
"For Eventide!!" The angel shouted and dived down pulling his sword and joined the battle. Like avenging angels the two winged men leaped in to battle. Both hit the ground swing and hacking. Thorns flew through the air ripping into their victim and bringing the down. For the Goblins things had changed. They were no longing on top of the battle. With the entrance of these avenging angel, the Goblins were losing. Fear filled the cowardly creatures now and they began to drop there weapons and run.
"Stop!" Garuk fumed jumping up and down. "Kill them! Kill them all!
Seeing his warriors run in flamed the Goblin. He dropped the bow and pulled the club from his back and with a roar he charged at Ryel.
"Die elf!!"
With anger making him bold Garuk swung. The club crashed into the ground as Ryel leaped aside. Quickly Garuk was on him his club flying through the air promising death if it hit. Side to side Ryel ducked and leaped waiting for his opening. With a quick sweep at Ryel's feet Garuk knocked his feet from under him. With his arms flailing, Ryel fell his sword spinning in the air to fall out of his reach. Garuk grinned as he raised his club and stepped in for the death blow. Fear filled Ryel as he tried to back away from the Goblin.
"There's no where to go." Garuk laughed. "And no one can help you now!"
Garuk raised his club as Ryel screamed in his head. Suddenly there was a shriek from above and Dagger Ryel's crow came flying out of the sky. He dived down and attacked Garuk to protect Ryel. With his razor sharp talons he ripped at the goblins eyes blinding him. Bellowing his rage Garuk brought down his club to crash into the spot where Ryel lay just seconds ago. Bringing his club back up Garuk searched by feel for Ryel who stood a few feet away holding his sword.
"It's over Goblin." Ryel said as his friends gathered around them. Dagger came to perch on his shoulder. "They're all gone and now your alone. I don't want to kill you."
"But I want to kill you all!" He screamed at them. "Then I want to die. I'm useless as a goblin now. I can't hunt or protect myself. My clan will kill me as sport. And it's all because of you!"
"You don't have to go back to them." Emrel said her voice soft and soothing. "We can find a place where you can live safely."
Ryel and Emrel stepped away from the distraught goblin to talk. They felt they couldn't leave the goblin alone here. Something had to be done for him.
"There's only one thing to do." The blond angel said as he came over.
"Give him a dagger and leave him here." He said. "That's the only way."
"You must be kidding?" Emrel cried. "And who are you anyway?"
"My apologies." The angel bowed. "I'm Jayce St. James of New Keanna. This is my friend Graym Avenda. We've been sent here to help in Eventide. We saw the goblins attack and came to help."
"Thank you for your help." Ryel gripped his arm in greeting. "Now why can't we help him?"
"Honor." Graym said as he joined them. "He won't live like that. Goblin's just can't do it. If he can't care for himself, his life is over. Either he dies in battle or he ends it himself. There's no other way for him. Do as Jayce said. Give him a blade and just move on. "That's the only way we can help."
"They're right." Noelle said. "We are the same way. Let him die with his honor as an enemy should."
Ryel looked at Emrel for an answer. All he saw were the tears in her eyes. Deep down he knew they were right but this just wasn't the elven way. Elves would care for the sick and wounded as long as they had to. Especially since their lifespans were so long and to them healing was a state of mind and given enough time, all wounds healed. But since this was not the way goblins lived, they would have to honor his request.
"I need a knife." Ryel held out his hand. From Graym's arm he pulled a thorn. As he held it, it lengthened to dagger size and he handed it to Ryel. Ryel took the dagger from Graym and stared at it in his hand. Was this really Garuk's fate? To die at his own hand? Ryel turned and looked at the Goblin kneeling on the ground his face all bloody. Without sight he couldn't take care of himself. Ryel knew he was an enemy, but he deserved better then death. But if this was the only way to help him, then so be it. He stepped over to the blind Goblin.
"Are you here to kill me?" Garuk asked getting to his feet to face Ryel in front of him.
Ryel just stood there for a minute then Orek stepped up and took the dagger from him.
"No." The dwarf said. "I am."
With a quick thrust Orek sank the dagger into Garuk's chest right through his heart. Garuk sank to his knees dying. He made a feeble attempt at a smile and said his last words.
"I welcome death. Afar Angarthfark!"
With that Garuk Foulclub fell back and was dead. Ryel looked down to Orek and nodded.
"It had to be done." Orek patted his back. "He has peace now."
Without saying anything they gathered branched and stones to build a pyre where they placed his body and set it afire.
"So passes Garuk Foulclub of the Bloodfang clan." Jayce said over the blazing funeral pyre. "He's off to fight his battles in the underworld."
As they broke up and made to leave Emrel went over to talk to the two angels.
"What word have you of Eventide?" She asked. They could see how anxious she was for any news of her family. "Is everyone well?
"We don't know." Graym said. "We just arrived and saw the fight from above. Eventide is close, Let's go find out how they are."
Emrel smiled and turned and walked to her horse. She stop and watched Ryel and Orek mount up. She knew they wanted to head to Darkshade to rescue Aron, but Emrel couldn't help worrying about home. Her and Adanar had been having strange visions of home since this all started. Now she was so close, she had to get home and find out what was going on.
"Ryel, I want to go home." Emrel looked at him with pleading eyes. "I need to know what's happening. Is mother well? What about Evindal, Allisa and the rest of the people?"
[Maybe we can help.]
A voice rang out in Jayce and Graym's minds. Ryel and the others didn't hear it, but Jayce and Graym did and they knew just who it was.
[Toric?] Jayce sent. [Where are you?]
[Close.] He answered. [And I have news for the young elves with you. Meet us at the edge of the lake nearby.]
"Everyone mount up and follow us." Jayce and Graym took to the air hovering above them. "We have someone to see."
Quickly they all climbed on their horses and were off. Jayce and Graym stayed right above the trees where they could be seen until they reached the lake.
"There!" Graym pointed. Over on the far side of the lake they saw a man on a great white stallion next to a unicorn. Jayce waved and flew on. Ryel and the others stopped for a second having never seen a unicorn before. They were scarce and lived in hiding usually.
"Well I'll be damned!! " Finn scratched his head in shock. "They be real!!!"
"Hurry!" Ryel urged his horse into a gallop and the rest followed.
On the far side Jayce and Graym flew in to land while the man in elven clothing climbed off him mount and hugged them. As they rode up the unicorn became fizzy and shifted. Now where the fabled beast once stood there was a man in elven clothing with black hair.
"Toric, Denner!" Graym welcomed them introducing them to everyone. "It's good to see you both. What brings you to Eventide?"
"We're looking for them." Toric smiles. "We searched all over Fay Shrea and were finally told they were on their way into Eventide."
"Your looking for us?" Ryel asked puzzled. "Why?"
"Actually we're here to find your brother." Denner told them. "We're told he could be the key to the fall of Darkshade."
"Adanar?" Emrel frowned. "He's with Seven and Insa. How can he help?"
"Not that brother." Toric said. "There's another we're suppose to find."
"The seventh." Orek looked to Ryel his face white with surprise. "Then it's all true. There is a seventh Eventide son. But who is it?"
"I think I know." Ryel looked out over all his friends questioning eyes stopping at his sister. "It can be only one person. Someone we've travel with for a long time. Someone we lost."
"Who?" Hema asked perched on Finn's shoulder. Everyone stared at Ryel waiting for an answer, but it was Emrel who spoke up.
"Aron." Emrel answered smiling. "He's the seventh Eventide. He's our brother."
"Yes." Ryel nodded. "And Talsara has him. We have to get him back cause she will kill him."
Everyone looked sadly at Ryel and Emrel. Aron was gone and it was all of their fault. If they had been watching it never would have happened. They all knew Ryel was right and that he had to be saved before anything happened.
"I can't go with you." Emrel told her brother tearfully. "I have to go home. I have to know what's happening in Eventide. Evindal and the others may be in danger and need our help. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to come." Ryel took his sister in his arms and hugged her. "None of you have to come. There's a war on and all our homes are in danger. I understand if you want to go and make sure your families are safe."
All around him his friend looked from one to the other weighing their options. Home or on into the fight. For some the answer was an easy one. Actually they all knew just where their duties lay.
"I go with you Ryel." Orek stepped forward. "Wherever you go."
Ryel smiled and nodded his acceptance to his short friend. Next to him stood princess Noelle.
"I follow you to." She smiled. "My queen would have me know the world better. What better way then at your side."
"We'll take Emrel home." Jayce spoke up for him and Graym. "She'll need a strong sword and some magic to protect her."
"Thank you." Emrel said sweetly. "What of you Hema, Finn?"
"A lady needs luck." Finn stood with Hema on his shoulder. He reached in his pocket and fished something out and handed it to Orek. "The lass and I be with ya. But this is for you. It's for luck, you'll be needing it."
"Toric." Jayce called. "Ariel should be back soon with Insa and Adanar. You plan to meet her?"
"I will if she happens to find her way to Darkshade." He looked over at Denner to make sure he agreed. "Dasyra asked for our help in finding Aron. That's what we'll do if you'll have us."
"I welcome you help." Ryel gripped Jayce's hand and shook it. "Then it's settled. In the morning we split into two teams. Tonight we rest because I don't think either team is going to have an easy task on their hands so all of you get some rest. Orek and I swill take the first watch. We'll wake Jayce and Graym in four hours to take over. Everyone get some sleep."
As they all split up to get their rest, Toric took Ryel and Emrel aside to talk.
"There's something I have to tell you."
"What is it?" Ryel asked as he and Emrel sat on a log. Toric shuffled his feet and Denner looked away. Ryel and Emrel looked at them oddly. "Is there something wrong?"
"Yes." Jayce sat down next to them and looked sadly into their eyes. I'm afraid it's about your mother."
A look of horror and shock took over there faces. There stomachs dropped in fear.
"Tell us." Ryel stammered.
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Dasyra passed on two days ago."
"NOOOOOOO" Emrel screamed and grabbed Ryel in a tight hug crying. "It can't be!!"
"We're so sorry." Jayce hugged them both radiating strength into them both. "I was in contact with her when she died. Her last thoughts were of the three of you. Ryel, Emrel and Aron. She made us promise to find you and protect you."
"I should never have left her." Ryel sobbed. Maybe I could have saved her."
"You were doing what she asked you to do." Denner knelt beside them. "Now you have to finish this. Find Aron and free Eventide, that's what she wanted."
"Then that's what we will do." Ryel stood and waled over to where Orek and Noelle were listening. Hema sat with Emrel to comfort her. "Darkshade will fall. I swear it!!"
"Ryel I have a suggestion." Denner stepped over to him.
"I'm listening." The young elf said wiping away his tears. He and Orek had retrieved their weapons and were heading for a comfortable place to watch the camp from.
"Before we head for Darkshade I think we should stop in Tir Na so we can learn of any new information on Queen Talsara and Lord Larin. It would be crazy of us to go to Darkshade blind without at least knowing where she is."
"I agree." Orek said. "That makes sense. There we can find out just what's going on with this war. I want to know how Land Ends fairing and we are allies with the Werewolves. They'll know."
"Fine." Ryel shook his head. "Darkshade is in that direction anyway and I could use a good meal and some clean clothes. Next stop, Tir Na."
Dressed in her finest and wearing her most seductive perfume, Ashura walked sweetly through the halls of Larin manor escorted by one of the house servants. Every eye turned as she pasted and her scent as intoxicating as it was, caught many on Lord Larin's guards attention. Good she thought to herself. She just might need the edge if anything were to go wrong. With Lord Larin she could never be to careful.
As she entered Tayor's private study Youron stood at the door waiting for her. How she hated this man. No matter where she went in the manor she always felt his slimy presence, like he was watching her. And of course he was.
"Aiya Lady Ashura." He bowed never taking his eyes off her. "You look lovely today."
"Why thank you Youron." She smiled reluctantly extending her hand. "I think your master is expecting me."
"Indeed he is." He kissed the back of her hand. A shiver passed through her. She could feel his hate and mistrust aimed toward her. "He asks that you wait for him here. He is attending to important matters and will be with you shortly."
Ashura nodded and walked over to a lounge chair to have a seat and wait. She wondered if she could get anything out of this horrid little man. She must be careful.
"How goes the search for young Tabor?" She asked. "Any news?"
"I'm afraid not." Youron answered. "None of the students or teachers of the academy seem to me anywhere we look. And we've searched all over Keanna. My Lord has left no stone unturned. We even have agents in the cold north, but no luck."
"Then it's time to search the unknown." Ashura told him. "I have a few ideas that might work."
"Like what?" Youron asked curiously. He came closer and leaned on her chair. "I'd appreciate any ideas that lead at the young prince. Care to tell me your ideas?"
Young prince my ass Ashura thought. Tabor's no more a then she is. He was more of an arrogant evil little bastard just like his father. But Ashura hid those thoughts before they betrayed her and cost her everything.
"I'll discuss it with Lord Larin when I see him." She smiled. "If the think they have any merit, he'll be the one to tell you."
"As you wish lady." Youron stood raised and eyebrow and gave her a wicked smile. She would give them no answers in finding Lord Larins useless son. He would never be found if it was up to her. "Lord Larin will find you when he's done. Aiya Lady Ashura."
After Youron left Ashura smiled to herself. That fool Youron had given her a bit of information. Lord Larin had spies in the north huh. That might just be useful to them since last thing Insa had told Pelic was that he was heading north for some reason. Pelic would want to hear this as soon as possible. But what could Insa or Lord Larin possibly what from up in that frozen region?
As Ashura waited she heard faint voices. Lord Larins voices and it was coming from the closed door behind his desk. So Tayor was here just in the next room. Who was he talking to to she wondered and what were they plotting? There was a way she could find out.
Standing up Ashura fished in her pocket for something Pelic had given her. A messagestone. Quietly she walked to the door and placed the stone at the bottom corner. Then she left and went to one of Tayor's private parlors and made herself comfortable. With a simple thought she activated the stone.
[There were three dragons here my lord.] She heard.
[Did you recognize them?] Came Lord Larins voice.
[Yes. Council master Insa and the weather dragon Ariel.]
[And the third?]
[I don't know his name my lord but I've seen him before. He was one of the dragons that attacked Winterhaven ten years ago during the Death war.]
[One of Muerte's dragons?] Lord Larin said. [Interesting. Are they still there?]
[For now.] The spy answered. [But the new dragon said he and his brothers would join them when they left to go south.]
[And when do they plan to leave?]
[In the morning my lord.]
[You have done well.] Lord Larin told the spy. [Your reward will be great. Contact me if there is anything else.]
[Just one thing more my lord.]
[There was a battle on the plateau outside of the city.] The voice told lord Larin.
[Was it the dragons]
[No my lord. I had eyes on them during the whole battle. It was someone else and there was something strange about it.]
[Go on.]
[It was the storm my lord. Just as the battle ended, so did the storm. The skies cleared right up at the end of the battle.]
[Is that all?]
[Yes my lord.]
[You have done me a great service.] Lord Larin finished. [make your way home. Your reward will be waiting.]
[Thank You my lord.]
With that the conversion was over. Ashura quickly closed her connect to the stone and sat back. Dragons were coming and Tayor Larin knew all about it. That was definitely bad. Ashura knew she had to get back to tell Pelic as soon as possible. But not before her dinner with Lord Larin. Thank Rimnar they wouldn't be leaving until morning. There would still be time. Now she just had to retrieve the messagestone and suffer her time with Lord Larin. This was going to be a long night.
In a dark cottage on the land that once housed the Andrake Academy two elves hid. One dark, the prince of the house of Darkshade and the other a cousin to the royal house of Eventide. Quietly Elan Darkshade sat in front on the cooking fire then he was making dinner for him and his companion Morganz. He thought about his last few days. Leaving school with Aron to chase after Emrel and her brother. Fighting the Goblins and his decision to betray his mother and fight with the Eventide's. And Aron his love. He had left Aron in the hands of the Goblins while he chased after some mysterious ring they wanted only to find out the ring was gone with the academy. Insa the academy master had promised and sent two of his best after them. Elan prayed to Rimnar that Aron was safe. He wished with all his heart there was a way to be sure. Suddenly he heard a familiar pop behind him. He knew that sound. it was the sound of and Imp appearing. He had heard it all his life. That meant trouble. his mothers damned Imp was here to bring him back. Well hot this time. he would take care of the little bastard if he had to. Quickly he pulled his sword and turned to attack. But instead of His mother's evil little Imp he found his father's noble Imp friend Argus standing there.
"Argus?" Elan slid his sword back into it scabbard. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to help you my Prince." He bowed. "Your father swore me to your service. I'm yours to command."
"How is father?"
"Worried about you of course." Argus smiled. "He knows your mother is deep in her evil ways again and he wishes he could help. As do I my Prince. How can I help?"
Many things went through Elan's mind including trying to have the Imp kill Lord Larin. But he knew that was beyond Argus's power. Even if he could, that would make Argus just like Aesis and he didn't deserve that after so many loyal years with his father. Then an idea hit him.
"There is something you can do for me."
"What is your wish?" Argus asked.
"You know who Aron Neveral is?"
"Your mate?" The Imp nodded. "Yes we know of the brave young elf."
"Find him for me. Protect him as you would protect me. And tell him that I love him and I'll come find him as soon as I can. And give him this."
From his finger Elan took of his ring. It was the family crest of Darkshade and give it to the Imp.
"Promise me now."
"I swear it shall be done Prince Elan. I will protect him with my life." With a pop he was gone just as the door opened and Morganz came in with a load of fire wood.
"Who were you talking to?
"No one." Elan smiled his heart feeling relief "We're here in Winterhaven. What do we do next?"
"We help bring down Lord Larin." Morganz dropped the wood and picked up a piece of chicken they had cooked in the fireplace and took a bite. "But to do that, we're going to need help."
"Who?" Elan asked. he stood and paced the cottage floor. "If we had taken Adanar with us we would at least have his help. But who else is there in Winterhaven we can trust to help us?"
"We're not alone here Elan. There are others that hate whats happened to the city and want to see it free. We just have to get to them."
"Who are you talking about?" Elan though his hands up in frustration.
"One." Morganz put down the bones he had just finished eating off. "Somewhere here the Shadows of New Keanna are in the city. We just have to find them. And second, in the dungeons of the city guard building, Lord Larin hold what's left of the guards of the city. If we can get them free, Tayor Larin will have the beginning of a revolution on his hands. If the people see there are some resisting, others will join in."
"And where are we going to hide our forces?" Elan asked. "Once we break them free. Lord Larin we tear the city up looking for them."
"I know this city." Morganz smiled. "I know it much better then Larin or and of his people do. There all places we can hide. Don't worry about that. Plus we have the cities magic. Winterhaven will help us that I promise you."
"I don't know what magic you speak of but if you think this will work, I'm with you." Elan sat down eager to hear more of the plan. "How do we start?"
"Find Pelic." Morganz said. "Only him or a shadow dragon can get us all out without being detected."
"And how do we find him?"
"Before Pelic became one of the Shadows he was one of Winterhavens most powerful dark mages." Morganz explained to the young elven prince. "His estate his been abandoned since he left our city. This the first place we look. The second would be to check some of his old friends that he might have made contact with since he's been back."
"But wouldn't they just turn him in since he's not of the dark persuasion anymore?"
"That would depend on who he made contact with." Morganz bid Elan to have a seat then went on. "Pelic would know better then to make contact with anyone that would side with Tayor Larin. Those cowards would turn him in in a blink. He would find someone more on the grey side of the arts. Someone he knew he could trust and I think I know who that might be. I have an errand for you my friend."
"Me?" Elan looked at him a little afraid. "Why me?"
"Your a dark elf." He explained. "You can walk boldly though the streets without suspicion. Traveling Winterhaven would be much safer for you then for me."
Elan knew he was right. There where no elves of the light kind left free in Winterhaven. They had all been rounded up or fled home by now.
"Where do you want me to go and who do I talk to?"
"Pelic's estate is on the north side of Winterhaven." He told him. "I'll check there myself. In the marketplace there is an apothecary shop owned by Lady Ashura. She and Pelic once were very fond of each other. She would be the one he would trust. You can trust her she always hated Tayor Larin. Her shop is on Snapwood lane in the market distract. It's called The Blue Moon Apothecary. Go now while it's still light outside."
"You sure about this?" Elan reached for his cloak and pulled it on covering his head with the hood. "You really think you can trust this Lady Ashura."
"I do." Morganz nodded. "For my own reasons. Tell her I sent you. Now go, you should hurry. If anyone stops you, talk your way out of it. Don't fight."
"I won't."
Elan slipped out and into the forest that surrounded the academy grounds. Once he was at its edge he quietly made his way onto Winterhaven and to the marketplace. Since Lord Larin had taken over, most of the shops had been closed. The only one's still open were the food shops and there were pretty scarcely stocked. Any shops that weren't necessary had been closed by order of the new lord. Thankfully, The Blue Moon's lights were on. it was still open. Out in front of the shop stood an old beggar in a ratty cloak with his hood pulled tightly over his face. Elan thought he must be suffering with the pox. He fished in his pocket and found a coin and dropped in the old beggars out stretched hand.
"Thank you young prince."
Elan looked at him for a second but kept on moving into the shop leaving the beggar there with his coin.
A bell sounded as Elan opened the door and entered. The shop had a very pleasant smell. From potions shop at school he could identify a few of the smells. Allspice, angelica root, devil's claw, clove all things that could be used to heal that he could smell in the air. The shop and shelves filled with vials and bags of different ingredients. There where plants and flowers growing in pots and hanging in rows down each aisle. if he had time he would love to spend time here going over the things he found with the shop owner, but now wasn't the time for that.
"Can I help you young sir?" A sweet voice rang out and caught Elan's attention. He turned to find a very beautiful woman standing in the door way to the back of the shop. Elan smiled and started to answer when someone answered for him from behind him.
"The young prince of Darkshade is here to see me Ashura."
Elan turned to find the beggar standing in the door still with the hood covering his face. He pushed back his hood to reveal his dark shadow visage.
"What brings you to see us Prince Elan?" Ashura walked out into the shop her dark flowing behind her.
"You know who I am?"
"I know who you are." Pelic said. "I'm just not sure why your here. What brings Talsara Darkshades son to see me?"
"I was sent by Morganz of Eventide to find you." Elan pushed off his hood so they could see him. He had learned lately the the truth was in the eyes and that most mages could read that. "We came to Winterhaven to help you bring down Lord Larin and my mother."
Ashura looked up at Pelic then back to the young dark elf. "Morganz is here? In Winterhaven?"
"Yes." He said. "And we need your help with a jail break."
The forest of Eventide was no longer the quiet peaceful place from Emrel's memory. Now it seemed dark and dangerous. More like what she expected Darkshade to feel like. She could feel the eyes of every creature here on them and it felt like attack and hunger was on their minds.
Traveling at her side for protection was Finn, Noelle, Jayce and Graym. All of them ready with weapons out for whatever this now unfamiliar forest could send at them. After Toric had given them the sad news of their mothers passing, Ryel and Emrel had broken down and cried. Emrel was inconsolable for a time until Jayce took her aside and promised he would get them both a chance to say good bye to their dear mother. Jayce knew in his heart that once this was over, Jax would help him grant the young ones wish. Then the decision was made to split into two teams. One would head to Eventide while the other would fly on to Darkshade to rescue Aron.
"What a dark place Eventide has become." Finn said from behind Emrel. "Tis nothing like I remember."
"It's all Talsara." Emrel told them looking around. "This is what she did when she disturbed our magic."
"Aye." Finn nodded. "Tis like the place be cursed."
[It is.] Jayce sent from up high in the air. [When she started stealing the magic of the glade, she corrupted everything here. Every plant and flower. Every tree and animal has been changed by what she's done. I just pray it can all be made right again."
Suddenly Emrel pulled her horse to a stop. What Jayce had just said made her think something awful. She hoped it wasn't true, but she had to ask.
"What about all the people here?" She called to Jayce. "Would they be affected to?"
[I'm afraid so Princess.] She could feel the sorrow in his words. [Everything and everyone here is affected. I'm sorry.]
"Not quite everything." Hema flew over a perched on Emrel's shoulder. "The spirit of Eventide is hurt. It's like it's wounded but it's still there. The nymph's and Dryad's are weak but they can still help if we need them."
Emrel smiled at the fairy and asked her to thank them and promised to call if they could help.
As they rode the trees shook and things crept through the bushes. Emrel knew the forest was awake with danger and that they could be attacked at any moment. Suddenly a loud squawk sounded through the trees. everyone grabbed for their weapons and pull them free.
"Oh no!" Emrel frowned. "I was afraid this would happen."
"What trouble have we now?" Finn asked.
"Griffins" Emrel said looking up into the trees. "They protect the forest. We should move."
Emrel kicked her horses to spur it on as Hema lite up and took to the air. Up in the sky Graym saw them coming. Three huge winged lions with the heads of eagles screeching there anger and heading straight for them.
[They see us!] Graym sent pulling Retribution to be ready for the attack.
"No you can't kill them!" Emrel would not have such noble beast hurt or killed. "They're confused by Talsara's magic. It's not their fault!"
"Then what do we do?" Graym shouted.
"This!" Jayce flew up higher into the sun and called out to his Sunbird's. Suddenly the sky was filled with hundreds of little specks of light that darted and nipped at the Griffins painlessly. Like a game the eagle headed beast began to dance and play with them in the sky, zipping around having fun.
"That will keep them busy." Jayce and Graym flow down to join the others.
"Thank you. " Emrel smiled. "The Griffin's are important to Ryel and Jake. They would be upset if I let them get hurt. It's not far from here, just over the hill. If we hurry we'll be there before dark."
The rest of the trip was quick but not uneventful. Those eyes they thought had been watching were real. Every now and then one of them saw something big and furry dart through the trees. It would never stand still long enough for any of them to identify but they did see it's prints in the mud and dirt. They were huge man like feet with claws that would make them great for climbing. This meant they were also in the trees over head.
As they came close to the city they passed though the farming areas of Eventide. Usually these farms were kept neat and organized. The many barns and cottages of elven design were beautiful with their archway doors and dome roofs. Some were built into the sides of hill where temperatures were always cool. But things were different now. All the homes had by ravaged and ripped apart. They couldn't tell if it had by done by the dark elves when they departed or maybe it was the wild men that now lived it the forest all around Eventide. Carcasses of dead and rotting livestock littered the farms. They found no dead elves but surely there had to be casualties. Talsara's war spared no one.
Hurrying to the city Emrel led them to the gates which were wide open. As they approached many dark shadows ducked and ran into the forest to watch.
"What are these things?" Jayce asked. He remembered the wild men the once lived in the forest of Winterhaven. They were very similar he thought, more beast then men.
"I don't know." Emrel answered as she climbed off her horse. "Nothing like this ever lived in Eventide before."
"Could the darkies have brought the beasties?" Finn jumped from behind Emrel shillelagh in hand. He walked toward the gate to go in.
"Don't be in such a rush." Graym called. "Wait the cities been over run with these beast."
"I trust me luck lad." He smiled. "It hasn't failed me yet."
"And you'll bet your life on luck?" Jayce asked joining him as the gate.
"Aye." The Leprechaun nodded. "Tis an amazing thing. I trust it."
"You would do better to trust in yourself and your friends." Hema looked through the gate at the huge dark tree that was Eventide. "We will keep you safe from harm."
"Indeed." Graym spread his wings and took off. "I will check and see what's up there. All of you wait here until I come back."
"We should build a fire while we wait." Jayce said. "It'll keep the animals away while we wait. But don't go to far and Emrel, be ready with a spell just to be safe."
With Retribution in hand Graym flew high up into the branches that were the city of Eventide. From up high the city look abandoned. There were no people anywhere to be seen. Graym flew closer into the tree and all along the branches that were streets and lanes. All the shops and homes looked empty. The city looked as if it had been in a battle. Broken doors and furniture everywhere but still no bodies. Graym dropped down and slowly looked around for any sign of life. He could sense there was something here, but it didn't feel like the elven populace. It was something else and it was watching him. From the corner of his eye he saw something move. Spinning around he lashed out and sent two of his thorn darts streaking into the shadows. Something howled. He had hit something. Then he heard crashing sounds. Whatever it was it had jumped over the side of the branch and crashed through the trees. Graym rushed to the rail and looked over into the dark depths. With his hand on the rail he felt something wet. Graym looked at his hand and found it was covered with blood.
"We're definitely not alone up here."
They would have to search the city. There had to be someone left here who could tell them what had happened. The best place to start was the Eventide palace, but they would have to be very careful.
[Jayce.] Graym sent. [Bring them up but be careful. I'll meet you at the top of the airway near the palace gates.]
[We're on our way in now.]
As Graym turned and walked off towards the airway a growl echoed behind him. Yellow eyes blazed in the darkness as many watch him walk away. Graym felt the eyes on his back as he went to join his friends. Seems it would be an interesting night in Eventide.
With a flash of bright light and a sudden pain in his side Aron woke up. He looked around and found he was lying on a cold dirty floor with his hands tied behind him. He had been taken captive again. But by who this time? Had the Goblins found them again? Was Ryel and the others there with him? He thought back and tried to figure out where he had been last. He had been in Eventide. They had just freed Queen Nuala had Hema from Queen Talsara's warriors in Aspara Bough and had made it to Eventide where something happened. Suddenly something kicked him again in his side and he looked up. Standing there grinning down at him was Talsara's ugly little Imp Aesis.
"Good." He said. "The saurar is awake. My queen will be pleased."
"Aesis!" Aron spit his name as if it were a bad taste in his mouth. "Where am I? Why have you brought me here?"
"Answering your questions is not why I am here." Aesis stepped up to Aron and smacked his face. "But I will since you well be dead soon."
"Then why? Elan and I never did anything to you. Why have you done this?"
"Like my queen I find you and the prince disgust me!" He screamed at the prone young elf. "You dare to be mate to the son of the royal house of Darkshade! We will not stand for such disgrace!!"
Aron roll over and sat up against the wall of the cell and spit the blood from his mouth. he looked up at the crazed Imp standing there in front of him.
"What do you or your mad queen know of love?" Aron smiled. "Neither one of you have ever loved anyone in you life. How would you know what love is. You betray and lie to get what you want. Talsara even killed her own mother. She is the saurar not us!"
"QUIET FLAGZ!!!" Aesis rushed forward and beat Aron in the face splitting his lip. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK OF MY QUEEN IN THAT MANNER!!"
After the Imp backed off Aron laughed it him. "Beat me all you want. But the last days of Darkshade are near. My friends will see to it. Queen Talsara and Lord Larin will lose this war and there is nothing either of them can do. So go on and kill me!"
"That will be my queen pleasure flagz." Aesis stepped back away from Aron wiping his bloody hand on his raggedy trousers. "But before you die I will grant your wish. You will see Elan before you die. He will watch as you die so you can say your farewells."
"We'll never say good bye!" Aron yelled at Aesis back. "It will be you and the witch! I swear I'll bring the house of Darkshade crashing down into the mud!!!"
"Darkshade is to powerful to be harmed by the likes of you!" Aesis laughed as he disappeared in his usual pop.
Frustrated Aron sat there and looked around. There had to be a way he could free himself. Maybe a carefully aimed fire spell with just his fingers could burn through the ropes to free his hands. Then he could figure out some way out of this hell. God he missed Elan. But he was glad he wasn't here. He didn't want Elan anywhere near Darkshade or his mother. Aron he knew it was time to end this war. And he had no idea how he would do it. But if he and Elan were to be free, he had to find a way.
Alone in his study Wyn Darkshade sat and watched his wife's warriors as they went out to follow there queens orders. Talsara had come home during the night and he still hadn't seen her. Why she had returned he had no idea but he guessed it may have something to do with their son Elan. She had been hunting for him lately Wyn's spies had told him. Thank Rimnar she still hadn't found him. Talsara was so filled with hate Wyn was afraid of what she might do when she did. He knew how she felt about Elan and Aron's relationship and how unforgiving she was. Wyn knew how his son felt for Aron. He once felt the same for Talsara. He had done horrible things for her love and for that he would never forgive himself. But he would not let her hurt the only thing good that had come from her. Whether Elan was his son or not, he had loved and taken care of him all his life and there was no way he was going to allow her to do anything to hurt him. It was time he saw her to see if there was any way he could help Elan.
Calling for one of the queens aides he learned she was in audience with her generals in her private study. Wyn made his way there and order the guards at the door aside and went in. Inside he found Talsara seated in a high char at a desk looking over maps of the Elven lands she had captured. Around her were her four generals. Arla Necnar and Maith Eroth, Talsara's two female generals from Darkshade and Pyrdor Blackheim of Moondown and Garrik Mornmist of Kraok. All dark elves from her allied elven kingdoms. Wyn came closer to listen to them plans.
"Sarella has taken Elond and Dree." General Nacnar pointed out the kingdoms on the map. "She's moved on to the south and Limeira and Sinarin. She expect to be done with them within the next two days. Garrik and Pyrdor have moved on the dwarfs. Lands End is ours and two more of there kingdoms."
"There's still the werewolves and the vampires. "Pyrdor told her. "Seith plan to place the blame on Tir Na seems to be working he say. Tir Na will be his next stop before they can retaliate."
"See that all stay as we plan." Talsara said without looking up. "What of the humans? Tell me of Lord Larin and his actions."
"Through Sarella and his magics, he has defeated all that face him." Maith spoke up. "All men and beast have fallen before him. Not even the dragons could stand his magic."
"Yes." Talsara folded her arms and sat back. "But not all the dragons have been defeated. There is one that still opposes him. One that most be brought to kneel before the war can end."
"There is something else my queen."
Talsara turned to find Aesis bowing at the end of the desk. Talsara smiled pleased to see her most fateful servant had returned. All her generals stepped back when they saw the Imp there. They wondered what news he had brought.
"Welcome Aesis." Talsara stood. "I trust my orders have been carried out?"
"I beg to speak with you privately." He said. "My words are only for a queens ear."
"Leave us." She order as she sat bat down in her chair.
Bowing her generals all to leave of the study leaving Talsara alone with the Imp. Wyn stepped into the shadows behind the window curtains to listen. He was eager to hear what the terrible little creature had to say.
"Speak Aesis." Talsara commanded.
"I have the one you sent me to find." Aesis moved over to side in front of his queen. "He lays bound in the tower waiting your order of death."
"And my son?" She asked. "Where is Elan? He most be here to see his shame died and pay the price."
"A price My queen?"
"He most follow his mate." She said. "They both must pay the price of shame and disobedience."
"Now that we have Aron." Aesis rubbed his hands together in anticipation of the torture he would deliver on the pair. "The other will come. Elan will try and save him. His sin will be his downfall. Their love will bring them down."
"Very well." She stood ans walked to the door. "Watch him. Bring Elan to me when he arrives. As his mother I must be the one to end his days. You my torture Aron but Elan answers only to me."
"I obey my Queen." With that Talsara left and Aesis disappeared laughing.
Rage filled Wyn's heart as he stepped from his hiding place. He knew what he had to do now. His sons life depended on it.
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