[We're going to Vasagi.] Sharone answered without missing a step in her run. [These are my families closest allies. Even with Valkar and Azeal missing, Tovar Orsa will be in control. He's loyal to the crown. He'll be looking for some explanation of what's been going on. I'm glad we can finally give him one.]
On they ran through the thick forest avoiding all the regular trails and roads. They knew even though they were in Tir Na, There would be opposition looking for them on the roads. Especially once they moved into Yadessa.
With a hiss Cheshire warned them they were close to the border. Suddenly he stopped next to a clear pond and tilted his head scenting the air. Deep in his chest a growl began. A warning they there was something ahead that he didn't like. Sharone slowly crept up beside Cheshire and caught the scent.
[What is it?] Keya asked looking around.
[We have a problem.] Sharone told her. [There are three men ahead. I can smell them.]
[Werewolves? Vampires?]
[Men.] Sharone frowned. [They're looking for any of our warriors on the roads. I'm sure to stop them from getting to Yadessa.]
[But not for us.] Keya shifted and smiled at Sharone. "I think we can handle three men, don't you?"
Sharone looked at Keya as she straightened her dress and smoothed her hair so she looked presentable. Keya reached down into a wild raspberry bush and picked a few and lightly lined her lips enhancing her beauty. In a flash Sharone shifted and looked down at her reflection in the pond. Her face was a bit red and her hair a little mussed.
"Your right." She said. "With a little luck we should be able to talk our way pass them. And maybe get a little information. Cheshire, keep out of sight but watch us."
Cheshire nodded and slide off into the brush to watch. After fixing her clothes and hair Sharone turned to Keya and asked how she looked. Sharone was dressed in a simple black peasant dress. She wore no jewelry or anything that noted she was a princess of Tir Na. Keya to wore one of Sharone's dresses. Just like Sharone's it was a brown peasant dress with no adornments or accessories. On there feet they both wore slippers and could easily pass for simple peasant girls.
"How do you think we should do this." Sharone asked once ready.
Keya looked around for some excuse for them being here in the forest. She knew they would never believe they were out here just walking. They she remembered the raspberries and an idea came to her.
"Can you fashion some kind of basket or something out of those leaves and vines quickly?"
"I think so." Sharone answered. "Why?"
"Do it fast." Keya smiled. "I have an idea."
It was a cold day on the edge of Yadessa the vampire country. Three armored men sat around a fire on watch. They were stationed there to prevent anyone from slipping out and trying to get help from the werewolves of Tir Na, Yadessa's biggest ally. Brewing tea and fixing a stew of dried meat and vegetables they had gathered to talk and eat.
"This is a waste." A bearded solider said. "No one in Yadessa knows they're about to be attacked. So why bother asking the wolves for help."
"It's not the attack the bloodsuckers would worry about." The captain answered. "If their missing king and all the other cities we've taken, they might look to the werewolves for help."
"But they hate them. It just makes no sense for them to turn to their sworn enemies for help."
"But you forget one thing." The third man cut in. "How do the vampires know that the werewolves aren't responsible for King Valkar being missing? That's what this is all about. Getting the old hatred between the two to flare back up."
"I don't understand." The first solider put down his empty plate. "Why should they suspect the werewolves?"
"It's a genius plan." The captain told them. "Seith plans to have a vampire from Prafa stumble into Vasagi all beat up and claim the werewolves captured Valkar and are holding him. They will believe it. That's when Remus will attack. We're just here to make sure nothing happens to alter the plans."
"How do you know this?"
"I have my ways." He smiled. "Don't you worry about it. We just have to keep a careful watch and let no one into Yadessa to learn of our plans."
In the brush Sharone and Keya listened to the men talk. It seemed Lord Larin and Queen Talsara had a bigger problem than they thought. Someone in their camp had leaked out important information. Information that they really didn't want let out. Well it's to late now, Sharone and Keya knew. Now all they had to do was get the information to Tovar before the attack began and the werewolves were blamed.
"Ready?" Keya asked. Sharone nodded nervously
"We turn on the charm to get pass them." Keya whispered. "Be pretty and most of all innocent and stupid and we can't fail. Let's go."
Laughing and giggling Keya and Sharone walked out onto the road towards the soldiers carrying the baskets Sharone had made filled with wild raspberries. The three soldiers dropped their food and jumped up to meet the girls.
Frightened Keya dropped her basket and stood shaking as the men rushed at them.
"Who are you?" One man shouted sword in hand. Together the three men stood around Keya and Sharone menacing them.
"We're from a farm just south of here." Keya said trembling. "We were gathering berries for pies. My name's Cassie and this is my sister Tess."
"Here?" He said relaxing a bit and sheathing his sword. "So near Tir Na? Young girls should be more careful. There are things in these woods that are very dangerous."
"We have grown up here and lived all our lives here." Sharone smiled. "We're not afraid of the wolves. They leave us alone and usually they stay in Tir Na."
"What are you doing here?" Keya asked. "You don't look like wolves to me."
"We're not." Another soldier said. "And your lucky we're not. The dogs have been on the attack lately in Yadessa. There savage and you can never trust any of them."
"Thank Rimnar we mat you and not one of them." Keya smiled and bent over to pick up her basket and gather the berries she had dropped. The youngest of the soldiers came over to help her. "Thank you sir."
"Why do you think the wolves are so dangerous?" Sharone asked. "They never bothered us before and my families lived close to Tir Na all our lives"
"They're animals." The young one shrugged. "They're not people like us. Those dogs fight each other over mates and kill their own young. We have one we caught spying in Remus trying to get back and get his pack to attack. His days are numbered."
"Remus huh?"
"Quiet!!" The captain shouted. He stepped over to the youngest soldier and grabbed him by the front of his chain mail and pulled him up. "You talk too much. Shut up!"
"Sorry sir." He cried as he was tossed away. "But what can they do? They can't tell anyone. They’re just farm girls."
"Us?" Keya looked innocently at the captain. "We're just glad we met someone that knows what's been going on. We've been so scared. Poppa's been missing and we don't know what to do."
"You say it's the wolves?" Sharone stepped up to Keya and hugged the crying girl. "Are you sure? Do you have any proof?"
"Proof?" The big man laughed at her. "We have all the proof we need. We have the entire Remus clan under our belt with that bastard Raf Thorn and a spy we caught trying to get away to warn the others."
A spy? Suddenly a cold fear began to creep through Sharone's heart. She and Tof hadn't heard from Aggar since he sent that last message. It couldn't be him. He was supposed to get out of Remus and head back home. But he wasn't there by the time they had left and he should have been back by then. She needed to know who the spy was he talked about.
"We heard things about Remus." She said smiling. "Something about Raf being freed from Winterhaven. Was it true?"
"We control that dog now." He walked over to Sharone and put an arm around her waist. From the forest she heard a hiss. Cheshire didn't like this man touching her. Neither did she. His breath repulsed her but she had to smile and not show the rage building inside her.
"What of the spy?" Keys asked. "Do you know who he is?"
"Some dog named Fen from the Wolves Lair." He shrugged and pulled her close to kiss her neck. "It doesn't matter. He will be dead in a day or two. But you and I have much better things to worry about then some dog's death."
Fen? It was Aggar they were holding. Sharone let her rage go and triggered the beginning of her change. She flexed her muscled arm as her claws began to grow. Well they won't be holding him for much longer.
"I think you have that wrong." She whispered and she caressed his throat. "No wolf will be dying any time soon. At least not by your hands."
With a quick swipe and a howl she tore his throat out and threw him down. The two other soldiers stared in shock as the beautiful girl changed in front of them into a howling beast. From the brush Cheshire jumped out to land between them and roared. Before either of the soldiers could drew their weapons the dragon cat was one them, his tail whipped out and hit the younger man knocking him back into the forest. Screaming in fear the other man lay there on the ground with Cheshire on his chest growling. With glowing eyes and fangs showing Sharone knelt down to talk with the terrified man.
"You will tell me everything you know about Remus." She said. "And you and your friend might just live another day."
At the gate of the underworld a beautiful woman walked proudly pass all the spirits waiting patiently for their turn to be judged. Angela goddess of death nodded to the gatekeeper and Nestor's staff as they bowed. Quietly she made her way to the palace that sat high overlooking the land of the dead and home of her mother queen of the underworld. Once in she found Nestor and Alea sitting alone in the throne room neither of them speaking. She could tell from Alea's face that she was worried about something. And Angela knew just what that was.
"It seems quiet in here." She said as she walked in to face the two gods. "I wonder what could be on the minds of the king and queen of the underworld"
"I think you know." Nestor said. "You've been very busy lately."
"Yes." She said frowning. "There's trouble above in the mortal world. Two more tyrants have risen in power and they both seem bent on destruction. I'm worried to."
"What of the dragons?" Alea asked.
"There's trouble there to mother." She told them. "Jandar and Rage are in a deep unbreakable spell and Rimnar forbids any of us from taking a hand to help. He wants them to find their own answers this time."
"There must be something we can do." Nestor stood and walked down from his throne. Angela could see the anxious look on his face. "Some spell we can cast to wake them. Something that can help."
"I'm afraid not." Alea told him. "Not without disobeying father."
As they talked and spirit came in and bowed before them. It was Nestor's herald Karis.
"We have a guest your majesty." He announced. "Barons Valkar Zlenka and Azeal Tyr wish an audience."
"Send them in." Nestor stepped back up and returned to his throne as the two spirits were led into the throne room.
"My lords Nestor and ladies Alea and Angela." They bowed showing them respect.
"Greeting my friends." Nestor waved them in smiling. "What brings such honor guest to see us?"
"Fear majesty." He answered. "We come on behalf of the vampires and werewolves. We've seen to many of our people come through the gates lately. We heard what's it going on above and we want to help."
"I'm sorry Baron. There's nothing I can do."
Baron Valkar looked from Nestor to Alea then to Angela in shock. How was this possible? Three of the most powerful gods on Keanna and there was nothing in their power they could do?
"We are forbidden to interfere my friend." Nestor said. "We detest what is going on to, but none of us can lift a finger to help. We wish we could."
"You can't." Baron Valkar's eyes gleamed with and idea. "But we can. Azeal and I haven't been forbidden to help correct?"
"Say no more." Nestor stood and held up his hand. "We will not hear of this. Go brave ones. You have our permission to leave."
Alea stood to say something but Nestor stopped her and she sat back down in on her throne looking confused. With a look Nestor told her to just let them go.
"As you wish your highness." Azeal said sadly. "We take our leave."
Together the two turned turn and left the throne room. With a nod to her uncle Nestor Angela followed them out into the next ante chamber.
"There's no hope then." Azeal moaned. He was disappointed with the outcome of their visit. "Our families are doomed."
"That's not what he said." Valkar smiled as they walked from the palace.
"What?" Azeal stopped and stared at Valkar confused. He thought he had heard the exact opposite of what Valkar was saying.
"He said we could go. Didn't you hear him? And that's just what we're going to do."
From the balcony Angela smiles as she listened to them plan. Baron Valkar had understood perfectly. There was nothing the gods could do. But no one said these to couldn't do all they could to help. And with the spells already on them giving them power in the mortal world, they should be just the help needed.
The streets of the newly rebuilt city of Vasagi were quiet as Sharone, Cheshire and Keya made their way in. All around them they saw the efforts of all the races of Keanna that had helped rebuild the city. The designs of the elves and the metal work of the dwarves. They could see the distinct Tir Na like looks in some of the building and knew Drake Tyr had a hand in the work done. In the center of town they passed monuments the vampires had created to praise the werewolves and the dragons that had been such a help in saving Yadessa. Sharone looked proudly at a statue of her two brothers Jandar and Ono with Rage standing with Valkar and Azeal the king and prince of Yadessa shaking hands.
With a smile they ran on toward through the city market toward the part of the city were the castle of the king stood. Outside they stopped and shifted back to human form and walked quickly to the gates. At the front gate stood a guard house manned by four vampire guards in the armor of Yadessa.
"We are here to see Count Orsa." Sharone announced. "We have important business to report."
The guard nodded and went back into the guardhouse to tell the gate commander. From outside the gate they saw the guard come out and shift to his bird form and fly off into the high spires of the castle. As they waited the commander came out to talk with them.
"Greetings ladies." He opening the gate for them to enter. "I'm told your of Tir Na. Come in please."
"Thank you Commander." Sharone and Keya smiled as they came through the gate. This was Keya's first visit to Yadessa. She was amazed at how beautiful it was. All the brightness and finery of the castle. "Your city looks wonderful."
"My names Tao and we have your people and many others to thank for that." He took Sharone's hand and kissed it. "And we do appreciate all you've done for us. With out your help my people would have reverted to the old ways and feeding on people again. We all thank you lady for all you've done."
"It's been our pleasure." Sharone beamed with good will. "But I'm afraid there's trouble again and both our people seem to be stick right in the middle of it. We must see Count Orsa. There's no time to lose."
As they spoke the guard came flying in and shifted as he ran up to them.
"Count Orsa will see you right away." He said. "He wants you to bring them to the kings study Commander Tao."
"This way ladies."
As they went to enter Cheshire stopped at the gate and whined with his ears perked up. Sharone knelt beside him and rubbed the plates on his neck.
"What is it boy?"
The dragoncat turned his head north and gave out a soft roar as if something bothered him. He pulled away from Sharone and trotted off a few steps then looked back.
"Looks like he's caught a scent." Commander Tao said. "Wonder what it is?"
"Dark elves you think?" Keya asked Sharone.
"If it was something dangerous he'd be growling." She told them. "Go Cheshire! Go see what see what it is."
With a roar Cheshire took off through the city heading for the forest and whatever was out there.
"He'll find us when he's ready. Let's go see the Count."
From behind the kings desk, Tovar Orsa stood as Sharone and Keya entered. He smiled and held out his hand to welcome them. it had by months since he had last seen Sharone and was glad to see her again.
"Aiya Sharone." Tovar smiled offering them seats. "It's been awhile. What news have you?"
"Bad news I'm afraid." She sat down. "This is Keya Thorn. Daughter of the late Baron Thorn."
"I'm afraid so." Keya told him. "My father died at the hand of my brother who is under the control of Lord Larin of Winterhaven. I assume you know what goes on in that troubled city."
"We know a little." He said. "Valkar was investigating rumors he had heard when he disappeared. Tell me what you know."
For the next hour they told him of all the things Tof had sent him to tell them. They told him of what was going on in the elven and dwarf lands and in New Keanna. Sharone next had to tell him all Athene had told them of Prafa. Tovar sat quietly until he heard the news of his kings abduction. Then his eyes blazed with fury. But she wasn't finished. Next Keya told him of Remus and how her father had died and all they had learned about the coming invasion. Lastly they told him about Aggar's capture and the sinister plan they had come up with to blame the invasion on the werewolves.
"We are indeed in big trouble." Tovar sighed and sat back. "I can put the Yadessa troops on stand by to protect the borders. But I don't have that many men left after our last war. We're pretty much relying on our allies these days for protection. What does Tof have to say?"
"He'll station our men around both our borders for protection." She said. "But with what's going on in Fey Shrea, Dree and our other allies, we're spread pretty thin."
"Right now Remus is our biggest problem." Keya said. "From what we've been told Raf will attack soon. But they're going to be sending in a gift for you first."
"A gift?"
"Something special that Lord Laren concocted." She nodded. "It's the same thing he sent to Remus, Prafa and all the rest of his conquered cities. It puts everyone within five miles in a deep sleep and weakens their will so it will be easy for him to control them. Whatever you do, don't take nothing they try to give you."
"What do you suggest?" Tovar asked them.
"Keya and I are going back to Remus." Sharone looked over to Keya as she spoke. "We have to get Aggar free."
"Alone? Just the two of you?"
"They won't be alone." A familiar voice echoed through the room. Surprised Tovar jumped from his chair and grabbed the sword Valkar always kept next to his desk. "Stand down warrior. We are here to help."
A hazy mist appeared near the fireplace. As they watched two figures began to take form. First they were just a swirling mist, then the forms of Barons Valkar Zlenka and Azeal Tyr dressed for battle took solid form."
"Aiya Sharone." Baron Tyr smiled. "It's good to see you again young miss."
As he opened his eyes Aggar felt pain stabbing through his head. He sat up and looked around. Where was he? He put his hand to the back of his head and felt a lump. Someone had hit him. The last thing he remembered was messaging Tof to tell him what he had learned here in Remus. He remembered ending the message after Tof had told him to come home, then nothing. He must have been found and hit from behind. Aggar looked around to see where he was. He was in a dungeon cell sitting on a straw covered floor. Besides the straw there was nothing else in the cell. It seems Remus had very sparse furnished cell, most on the prisoners here were werewolves and in wolf form they didn't really need furniture to be comfortable. Aggar looked up at the window where sun shined in. It was day time. Last he remembered it was night time. He wondered how long he had been there. Getting to his feet he brushed off the loose straw that covered him and walked to his cell door. The hall outside was empty and he didn't hear anyone else down there with him. He couldn't smell anyone else down there either. He was a;one and in trouble. Just then he remembered something. The message stone. Did he still have it? Quickly Aggar searched his uniform. Not many on Keanna were using the stone other then the dwarves, so there was a chance they didn't know what it was and hadn't taken it from him. He checked his vest pockets and found nothing. Then he went on and felt for the hidden pocket in his pant leg. That was where he last remembered putting it and to his relief he felt a lump. Sitting down he quickly dug in to get it out. Suddenly there was a noise from out in the hall. Someone was coming for him. Aggar jumped to his feet and palmed the stone and sent out a mental call to Sharone who he knew had to be worried about him by now.
[Quiet love.] He answered. [I'm in trouble in Remus. Someones coming.]
Quickly Aggar stuffed the stone into waist of his pants. He knew Sharone would still be able to hear his thoughts and that meant she would also hear anything said to him.
Just then three armed men of Remus came to his cell door. One fumbled through a ring of keys.
"Stand away from the door!" The man with the keys shouted as the others drew their blades.
[Don't fight them Aggar.] Sharone sent. [I'm coming for you.]
[You?] He sent in surprise. [By yourself?]
[I have help.] She said. [Just don't let them hurt you]
[That's not up to me.]
Stepping back from the door Aggar held his hands out where they could see them.
"What's the meaning of this?" He asked. "Why am I here?"
"We know who you are Aggar Fen." Came a voice from behind the guards. The guards stepped in and there behind them stood a red eyed Raf Thorn. "Your here to spy on us for King Drake. It's to bad for you that you couldn't get away to report to him what we have planned."
"Are you sure of that Raf Thorn?" Aggar eyed him intently. "Or should I address you as Baron Thorn you killer!"
"Baron now spy." He said. "But soon I will be King Raf. King of all of Tir Na as Lord Larin and Queen Talsara promise. Bring him."
"Where are you taking me?" Aggar asked as they ushered him out of the cell. To his left, right and behind him walked an armed guard. Raf to be safe took, to the rear. In his waistband Aggar could still feel the warmth of the message stone which meant Sharone could still hear all that went on.
"I'm taking you to meet someone." Raf smiled. "Someone you won't like."
With his nose to the wind Cheshire sped through the forest following two familiar scents. Not dragon scents, no. Nor was it the scent of a werewolves or any of the vampire. But it was one he recognized as one of their own. They were wild musky powerful scents and Cheshire knew just who they belonged to. As he crashed through the brush he came to a clearing where the scents were the strongest. He looked around and saw nothing there. But he could sense their presence, they where here he was sure of that. Cheshire took a deep breath and roared announcing his presence. A second later and answer came back and two huge white furred beast came walking into the clearing. It was Viggo and Mia, the Snowdog companions Icicle had brought back with him from Bravosa. Cheshire trotted into the center of the clearing to meet them. Happy to see his two friends Cheshire bared his throat in respect.
[We hear call.] Viggo sent greeting his friend. {Dragons all sleep. We come.]
Cheshire hissed and whined a response that only a wild thing of the forest beast would understand. Mia stepped up beside her mate and the dragoncat, her ears perked as they took in Cheshire's animal message. Though he had no words nor a way to send them a mental message, Cheshire was able to make it clear to them that werewolves were in trouble needed help.
[We help.] Viggo sent to him. [We follow. You lead.]
With a nod Cheshire took off to find Sharone and Keya with his new pack following close behind.
As Talsara Darkshade sat on the throne of Eventide she thought about all she had accomplished and all she had left to do. So far her and her allies had taken almost all of the dwarf and elven lands with nothing but small pockets of resistance left to stand against them. The land of Dree had been one of the most hardest to conquer since they had so much warning before her dark elves arrived. Baron Flinar had fought hard against her forces but to no avail. Eventually he had fallen just like all the rest and died leaving Dree free of defenders. Fortunately for them they had enough time to evacuate everyone out of the country including Orym Dree and the royal family. Talsara knew he would be a thorn in her side for years if she didn't find some way to capture him. But there were ways to lure him in and in time she would catch him.
Eventide was now totally under her control. Dasrya was dead and Evindal and the rest of the family she held was safely imprisoned in the dungeons. They would be no problem but some of the Eventide's were still free. Seven Eventide Talsara knew would be a danger to her. She was one of the dragons and they still had the power to oppose her if somehow she was able to break Tayor Larin's spell. And Adanar and Emrel were still free. Thou young they were very powerful and Academy trained. They could also be a problem. Then there was the one that had escaped from right under her nose, Ryel. From what she had heard out of Fey Shrea, he had been the one that lead the overthrow of her forces there. Now Fey Shrea had some mysterious army protecting it and was out of her reach. She wondered where Ryel would go next. Would he be bold enough to try returning to Eventide to free his family? If that was the case then she would be ready and he would fail and end up in the dungeon with the rest of the Eventide's
As she pondered her next move one more person came into her mind. Her son Elan. Where had he disappeared to? Since he left Fey Shrea on his quest to find the Ring of Endrin for the Goblins, he had dropped completely out of sight. None of her forces or Lord Larin's had seen hide nor hair of the insolent brat. Finding him was very important. He was another that could put a wrinkle in their plans. Fortunately Elan did have a weakness she could exploit. Aron Neveral his shameful mate. Talsara's anger grew at the thought her own son's treacherous behavior. She swore as queen of the Darkshades she would put an end to their relationship for good. All she needed to do was get Aron under her control and Elan would do anything she wanted to free him. Then he would be back under her control. And this time it would be for good.
"Aesis!!" She called out.
A sudden pop of magic and a small greenish brown imp appeared in front of dressed in in the colors of the house of Darkshade and bowed.
"You called my queen?"
"I have another job for you." She said. "And this time I want you to do this yourself."
"As you wish my queen." He smiled happy to do whatever she wanted. "What is your wish?"
"Find Aron Neveral and bring him to me." She ordered. "I will be at home in Darkshade. He will bring Elan home to me whether he wants to come or not."
Moving silently through the forest, three wolves ran at top speed toward the werewolf town of Remus. In the lead a powerful tall timber wolf streaked on followed by a black and a blond wolf. Since entering Tir Na they hadn't come across any opposition. But they all knew the closer they came to their target, the more danger there would be. Worried about her future mate Sharone Tyr had filled her great ancestor in on all that had been happening in the mortal world. She had explained that the dragon's were in some deep spell and the only one's left to oppose Lord Larin and the Dark elven queen Talsara Darkshade were the werewolves of Tir Na and a few brave allies out fighting their dark forces. Then Sharone's message stone activated and then heard Raf Thorn enter and take him away. Sharone knew they weren't far so off they ran to try and free the captive Aggar Fen.
On the edge of Remus Azeal Tyr stopped their run and had them shifted back to their human forms. Remus was a rather large town with many homes, shops and businesses. Both city and private. Azeal needed to know where to start his search for Aggar.
"He'll be kept in our dungeons over to the left." Keya told them quietly. "But If he was taken out. He was probably been taken to see Seith for questioning."
"And where would they do that?"
"My guess is either at the city center or and my fathers house." She answered. "Probably at the great hall. That's the seat of power in Remus. We should check my fathers office. The elf took it over when he and the rest of his men came into town."
"Then that's where I'll look." Azeal told them. He started forward out of the brush when Sharone stopped him.
"Wait." He turned to look at her. "Your just going to walk into town and bring him out? Just like that?"
"Something like that." He smiled. "Don't worry, no one will see me. I have my ways remember. I can get in and through the town without any of them knowing I'm here."
"What about us?" Keya asked. "What do we do?
"You know this town better then me or Sharone." As he talked Azeal began to fade from there sight and his voice became an echo. "I can get to Aggar but I'll need you to help draw some of the warriors away. I can't fight them all."
"Be careful grandfather." Sharone whispered. A sudden breeze picked up and they knew he was gone. Sharone turned and looked at Keya.
"Well?" She asked. "Any ideas?"
"Nothing." Keya shook her head. "But we'll think of something. Lets go."
It had been a long day and long ride into Eventide. Ryel, Emrel,Orek and Noelle sat and talked around the fire while they ate provisions Queen Nuala had made for them. Hema and Finn had fallen asleep under a canvas of fairy oaks. Hema was still a little tired from her time in the dungeon and Finn would not leave her side. Aron feeling much better looked at his new friends and wondered what he had done to deserve to be with such good people. Both Adanar and Emrel had forgiven him for the things they had done while in the Academy. He still felt so ashamed of himself for the way he had treated them and the other cadets over the years even though he was being used by Tabor. And Elan. Where was Elan now? He wanted so much to feel his arms around him telling him things would be fine and that they were safe. But he hadn't seen him since the day he had been kidnapped by the Goblins. He could feel deep inside that he was not hurt, but that was all. Wherever he was and whatever it was he was doing it had to be something really important or Elan would be here with him. All he could do was to keep sending out his love to him to let him know he was safe and keep fighting for them. Just as he knew Elan was fighting for him and their future together.
Grabbing a vegetable roll Aron walked over away from the others and sat down on a log to think. He wished he was back at the academy and none of this had ever happened. He cursed the name of Talsara Darkshade and Tayor Larin for all they had done. If not for them, all of Keanna would be at peace and he and Elan could go find someplace where they could live and be happy together.
A noise caught his attention. A pop. Aron knew that noise. He had heard it many times before. It was the sound of an imp popping in. Aron turned to see Aesis sitting on a branch in a tree overhead.
"Go way!" Aron called out to the imp. "No one wants you here."
"Not even to help?" Aesis hopped down out of the tree. "I might be able to help you."
"Help me?" Aron asked. "Why would you want to help me of all people? You and your queen hate me."
"I have no hate for you young sir." Aesis walked around to stand in front of Aron. He put his hands on his hips and smirked. "I'm here to help."
"I grant wishes." He said. "I make dreams come true. That's what imp's do."
"Your masters wishes." Aron said staring at the imp. "I'm not your master. I'll ask again. Why would you want to help me of all people?"
"My mistress is an evil woman." The imp told him. "She makes me do the dirtiest of things. I wish to be clean for once."
Aron stared at the imp. He wasn't sure if he could trust him. Aesis had been spying on him and Elan for years at the Academy and never had he given Aron the impression that he cared at all about either Elan or Aron. But this could be his only way back to Elan's side. Dare he take the chance?
"What is your wish young Mister Neveral?" He asked his eyes blazed. "Let me prove my intentions to you."
"I want to be with Elan." Aron stood up to stand before the imp. "I wish to find Elan Darkshade."
Just then Ryel carrying a skin of water stepped through the trees and found Aron talking with the imp. He looked closer and recognized the imp from Eventide. He was Queen Talsara's thing. What was he doing here with Aron? Then he remembered Elan and what Aron had said about how Talsara felt about their relationship. This was a trip. Talsara had sent the imp here to capture Aron and bring him back to her. Ryel dropped the skin and yelled out to Aron.
"Aron, No!!!" Ryel ran into the clearing to try and pull his friend away from the imp to safety. Before he could reach them, Aesis clapped his hands together and laughed yelling out.
A thunderous pop sounded through the clearing as a wind storm blasted through clearing. Ryel was knocked back off his feet to lay dazed in the grass. He shook his head and jumped back to his feet with Aron in mind. He made a fast dash for the spot where he last saw the two, but before Ryel could reach them, they were gone. Aesis laughter echoed through the trees as Ryel stood there in shock.
"Now where in trouble."
Turning quickly Ryel ran through the tress back into camp. Hema and Finn were up and out it the fire with the others. Noelle looked up and saw the troubled look om Ryel's face. She hadn't know him long but she could tell something was obviously wrong.
"Ryel? What's wrong?" She asked.
Emrel stood up and looked around. Someone was missing.
"Where's Aron?" Emrel asked her brother.
"He's gone." Ryel told them. "Talsara took him. Get everything picked. We're going after him."
Finding the city center wasn't hard for the ghostly werewolf baron. Even though he had been dead for close to a thousand years, he had been up and in the world recently and one town looked just like the next. Baron Tyr moved swiftly through the town passing armed dark elves and werewolves. He wondered where these werewolves had come from. Surely none of Remus's people had sided with the new Baron Thorn. These must all be recent converts, men Lord Larin had provided to be bitten and made into were folk. They would have no loyalty to the were, only to their master in Winterhaven. This angered Baron Tyr. Werewolves were a proud people with a long racial history which they took pride in. These curs would have none of that. They would all have to be taken care of. Tof and the rest of the people of Tir Na couldn't have them roaming the country side ravaging unsuspecting human and starting the hunts again. Werewolves would have to deal with it themselves.
Once at the city center Baron Tyr looked for the highest, busiest building. There he knew he would find the offices and chambers of Remus's elders and city's leaders. But that's not what Baron Tyr knew he would find there. Instead of the people of Remus, he found the area filled with dark elven warriors. All looking like they are about to go into battle. Baron Tyr knew what that meant. The invasion of Yadessa was on and just about to begin, and that was something they had to do their best to stop.
As Baron Tyr floated through Remus city hall, he watched as the elves hurried around stocking wagons with weapons and food. From each house and all the shops in the market area they looted. Livestock, crops, even furniture was being loaded to be taken away. Baron Tyr's anger rose as he saw men of Remus helping them load. But what could they do? From a look in their eyes he could see the red and tell they were under Larin's spell. There had to be some way to break the spell and bring these people back. But even though he knew his magic, he didn't have a clue as to how to break the spell. Right now he had other things to think about that were more important. Like finding Aggar and trying to stop the invasion.
Invisible, Baron Tyr went from room to room where he found most of the city elders just sitting with the dazed look of the spell. This was his chance to examine the spell. He went from one to the next examining the intricate lines and weaving. The colors of the thick and thin lines of magic amazed him. In his life he had become very adapt at weaving magic but these were knots it would take a master mage to break. One wrong pull on the wrong magic line and he could kill the wearer of the spell.
[I'm sorry brothers.] He promised. [But we will fine a way to free you. That I promise.]
As Baron Tyr left the chamber he noticed a regal looking brown haired man dressed like a noble walking down the hall. Werewolves and dark elves both got out of his way as he passed. This wasn't a dark elf but a werewolf so it could only be one person. He had found the traitor Raf Thorn. With determination the Baron walked with his head high quickly down the hall. Baron Tyr thought his best option to find Aggar would be to follow him. He had to be heading to where ever it was they were holding him.
Floating high Baron Tyr followed Raf through the building and out into the cobbled lanes of Remus. They walked through the town pass the dark elves and the loaded wagons preparing to leave. Baron Tyr wondered where it was they were heading. Thorn Manor was on the north side of town and they were heading west, only deep forest grew to the west. Through the town pass homes and shops, pass farms and the city stable they moved until they came to a building guarded by four elves. Raf walked to the door waved aside the two guards at the door. One nodded and turned the knob and opened the door for the Baron. Baron Tyr watched as Raf made his way in the he drifted down to a wall and passed through and followed Raf in to a set of stairs that led down. On the bottom Raf stopped and pulled a key from his pocket and opened the door and went in shutting it behind him.
No door could stop Baron Tyr in his ghostly form and this one was no exception. From outside he could hear talking. Raf seemed to be laughing at something. Slipping through the door Baron Tyr entered and found Raf Thorn standing over a chained man with the pointed ears and the thick brows of a werewolf kneeling on the floor.
"Is it safe?" Raf asked. He walked up to Aggar Fen and struck him in the face. "Is King Drake and his men coming to Remus to oppose my rule?"
"Your rule?" Aggar spat blood at Raf. "Don't you mean Lord Larin and that dark bitch Talsara? Aren't they the real rulers here. Your nothing but their puppet."
"I'm no puppet!!"Raf's red eyes blazed as he screamed at Aggar. He rushed forward and stuck him again. "I will be king!! Me!! Raf Anton Thorn!! And no one can stop me! Do you hear me? No one!!"
Unable to defend himself Aggar fell over and took the blows one by one. His face covered with blood he tried to shift to wolf but the magic of the chains that held him prevented the change. All he could do was howl out in pain. Baron Tyr had seen enough. Aggar would not receive one more blow if he could help it. Quickly he floated in between the two werewolves and made himself solid.
With a push Baron Tyr shoved Raf away. He flew back and crashed into the wall then sat up and looked to them with rage in his eyes.
"Who are you?"
"I am legend." Baron Tyr said as the change started in him and black fur grew covering his face. "I am the one that fought vampires and made war to save our people. I am the first of all werewolves to use the magic of his enemies. I an the one that made Tir Na a kingdom to be feared. I am Baron Azeal Rejak Tyr."
"Impossible!!" Raf get to his feet and wiped the blood from his mouth. "Baron Tyr has been dead for thousands of years. You are an imposter sent here by King Drake to take Remus back. He called you."
"You doubt me whelp?" Baron Tyr started toward Raf slowly as the silver streak of fur grew thick on top of his head making him look just like his ancestor Drake Tyr the current king of Tir Na. "I know of the treason you and your allies have brought to our land. You have betrayed your king. Made your own people prisoners in their own city. You threaten to start the vampire werewolf war all over again AND YOU HAVE KILLED YOUR OWN FATHER!!"
Raf stood back against the wall fear filling his blooded red eyes. He had nowhere to go. Out of fear he started the change in himself to fight back. Baron Tyr laughed at him and reached out and grabbed him by the throat.
"For these offenses you should die right here and now." He growled. "But I need you alive."
Clutching the claw wrapped around his throat, Raf fought to free himself but nothing could break the Barons iron grip.
"What are you going to do?" He choked.
"Nothing." Baron Tyr smiled his fangs and sharp teeth showing. "It's what you will be doing, that's the question."
Darting from building to building Sharone and Keya searched for someway to cause the diversion Baron Tyr had asked for. They checked the storehouse for the city's oil and fuel and found it was all gone. They checked the livery station for cattle thinking they could maybe cause a stampede and found the pens were all empty. The dark elves had looted everything valuable from the town. That left them with nothing really, no way to keep all the dark elves and rouge werewolves busy while Baron Tyr freed Aggar and got him out of the city.
Resting in the shadows of a house near a field where Talsara's troops massed, Sharone turned to Keya and took her hand.
"I need you to do something for me."
"What?" Keya asked her.
"Make sure Ranjer grows up strong and he never forgets his big sister." A tear rolled down Sharone's eye. "Tell Aggar I love him and I'll always be at his side."
"No Sharone!" Keya cried. "You can't do this. This is my city. Let me!"
"No." She smiled and put her hand to the Keya's shoulder then hugged her. "I saw the way Tof looks at you. He's going to need you. You'll make a great queen for our people. Take care of them all for me."
As Sharone stood up they heard something that caught there attention and froze them in place. A howl rang out through the forest. A familiar howl, Cheshire's howl and it was coming from just to the south back the where they had entered Remus.
"You hear that?" Sharone smiled with hope. "That's Cheshire. Come on!"
The smell of danger filled the air as Cheshire, Viggo and Mia prowled the edge of Remus. It had taken them all day to follow the scent of Sharone, Keya and the stranger but they had found where the scent lead. With a great howl Cheshire let them know he was there looking for them. Now he only had to wait for them to find him or for dark when him and the Snowdogs could quietly enter the town to look for them.
His wait wasn't long for in only a few minutes Sharone and Keya came bounding through the trees to great them. After shifting Sharone hugged the great purring beast as he licked her face.
"I knew you would find us." She whispered. Sharone looked up at the two Snowdogs. "You brought help. Good, we can use it."
"What are these great beast?" Keya asked stepping behind Sharone and Cheshire a little afraid.
[Not beast.] Mia sent to her. [Snowdogs.]
"Trust them." Sharone Told Keya. "Ono told me all about them."
Viggo walked over to Sharone and took in her scent. Familiar he thought.
[Jandar?] Viggo cocked his head at her familiar scent. [Scent like Jandar. How we help Jandar pack mate?]
"Come." Sharone shifted back to wolf. [We have much to do.]
As Raf led Aggar out of the cells he was met by four dark elves waiting to take them to see Seith Halador who waited out in the fields outside of Remus. In chains Aggar stumbled ahead of Raf and then fell to the ground.
"Get up!" A dark elf yelled the kicked at Aggar hitting him in the side. Aggar moaned in pain as the elf draw back to deliver a second kick.
"Don't kick him again." Raf's bared his fangs as he growled at the elf. "He's mine. Don't touch him."
"We're here to take you to Seith." The elf said. "He waits in the field for the spy."
"Fine." Raf reached down and helped Aggar to his feet. "I know where he waits. I'll take him."
"We were sent to bring you both Baron." The elf stepped up with his hand on the hilt of his sword. "We have our orders."
Raf stared at them still growling deep in his chest, his anger was still building. "Then lead the way elf."
The four elves looked at the werewolf baron suspiciously but like they said, they had there orders and they were to bring them to Seith so Raf could led his dogs in war and the spy could die.
With two in front and two more following they set off through Remus heading toward the back fields were all the town's farm lands were. These were Seith's staging area. He had gathered all the troops there, dark elves and werewolves a like. As they made their way through Remus, Raf's eyes darted from one side to the other anxiously looking for a something. Aggar walked quietly in front of him looking defeated with his eyes to the ground. But then again, not everything was always the way it looked.
Fast as lightning and deadly as a dragon, Cheshire led Viggo and Mia through the back trails Keya had shown him to clear an escape path for them. They met many elves and wolves and quietly put them down before any of them could raise an alarm and warn the rest of their presence. Step one, a way out was done. Next step was to draw the enemy somewhere else. Silently the two Snowdog made their way to the north and began to howl. They howled in loud and long burst scaring everything in the forest into a run. None of Seith's men dared to go anywhere near that area of the city while Cheshire went to meet Sharone and Keya to bring Aggar home to safety. Step two the diversion was done.
Marching down the path the sudden series of eerie howls stopped the elves escorting Raf and Aggar in there tracks. These were howls like nothing they had ever heard before. Wild and deep the howls echoed all around them. The elves quietly pulled there weapons to be ready for whatever was out there hunting them.
"What on Keanna could make a noise like that?" An elf asked trembling and searching the forest around them.
"Nothing you should worry about." Raf said. "It won't hurt you."
"No?" Another asked. "It sounds like whatever it is, it's close."
"Closer then you think."
With a savage growl Raf launched himself at the two guards, his claws and ripping out the first one's throat. Surprised the second guard never had a chance to bring his blade in to defend himself before the enraged werewolf was on him and he was dead. Dripping with elven blood Raf faced the last two guards as the stood ready for his attack.
"TRAITOR!!" An elf cried. "Captain Halador will have your head for this!"
"Maybe." Raf growled. "But I'll die free!"
Suddenly out of the forest a huge monstrous dragoncat leaped out of the bush and struck. His barbed tail thrashing out to sting both men and inject his deadly poison. Shock filled both their eyes as they fell to the ground paralyzing to wait for death. From behind Cheshire Sharone and Keya rushed in to stand facing Baron Raf Thorn.
"Help me get him up." Raf said lifting Aggar from the ground. Quickly Sharone hurried to his side and put her arms around him so Aggar could lean against her.
"This is all your fault brother." Keya spat at Raf. "None of this could nave happened without you. If you think you won't be punished for your treachery, your wrong. You have much to pay for."
"He knows that." Raf said as he began to shake and fall to the ground. In the next second Baron Tyr appeared in front of them. Keya stood back surprised at what she had just seen. Baron Tyr had just left her brothers body.
"It was you fighting those guards?" She asked him.
"No." Azeal answered. "I broke the spell that was holding your brother. Raf did all the fighting, and he fought well."
Climbing to his feet Raf walked up to his sister and for the first time since he had left for Winterhaven she saw his eyes were again clear. There was no red in his eyes at all, just tears.
"I know what I've done Keya." He cried. "It was my hands that took fathers life. I hope one day you can forgive your brother for what he's done and remember him with love. I'm sorry Keya."
"Remember you?" She stepped in and hugged him not understanding what he meant. "We're safe now. Your back to normal and this nightmare is over."
"Not quite. Take Aggar and get back to Tir Na." He held her and looked deeply in her eyes. "This is not over. Remus is still in the hands of the dark elves. I have to do what I can to fix what I've done."
"But they'll kill you." She cried. "You can't fight them all by yourself. Let us help."
"He won't be alone." Baron Tyr said. "I'll be with him until the end. That's a promise."
Keya hugged her brother and cried into his shoulder. She knew she would never see him again alive.
"Take care sister." He kissed her forehead. "Free Remus for me. I'll be watching."
"I love you Raf." She told him. "And I forgive you."
"Cheshire will get you back to the Wolves Lair." Baron Tyr told them. "I'll find you once I'm done here. Go, get him home and tell Tof to get ready for war. Go all of you now!!"
As Sharone led them through the brush, Raf waved and sent his sister a last good bye thought.
[Be happy Keya. I'll love you always.]
“You ready?” Baron Tyr asked as he looked at Raf Thorn.
“Tell me something Baron?” Raf asked. “Was it worth it? The vampire/werewolf war. Was it worth all you went through?”
”I don’t even have to think about it.” Azeal Tyr answered. “Yes it was. Werewolves are free and they fight along side vampires now. We have come a long way since my days of war. I know many died be it’s a hard road to freedom as we all know and freedom must be fought for. That’s what it’s all about."
Together the two werewolf barons walked quietly through the forest. Many thing went through Raf's mind. Memories of his youth. Playing with his sister and the other cubs of Remus. Lessons learned from his father about his future role as baron and hunting the land. But all that was over now. He had broken an unforgivable law and there was only one way fix it. Blood had to be paid and Raf planned to take the price out on as many dark elves as he could before he paid his debt.
Together the two werewolf barons walked quietly through the forest. Many things went through Raf's mind. Memories of his youth. Playing with his sister and the other cubs of Remus. Lessons learned from his father about his future role as baron and hunting the land. But all that was over now. He had broken an unforgivable law and there was only one way fix it. Blood had to be paid and Raf planned to take the price out on as many dark elves as he could before he paid his debt.
Back in the fields outside of Remus Seith Halador sat high on his horse as he supervised the preparation for their on coming attack. Wagons were loaded with weapons and everything they had pillaged from Remus. All the food and livestock had been taken leaving the town bare. siege engines had been built and were now being loaded for transport. All was ready for the raid. All except one thing. Where was that damned Baron Thorn and the spy he caught. They were to be the key to the attack. Without them, this could all be laid right back in the laps of Lord Larin and Queen Talsara. And that would be most unfortunate for all of them. The dissension of the allies would be key. A werewolf attack would destroy everything the dragons had built in the last ten years and the dark queen and warlock lord could take advantage of that.
So far none of the men he had sent to bring them to him had come back. He also couldn't seem to figure out what all the howling had been about earlier. The howls were strange and to deep for any werewolf. The beast that had made those noises would have to be really huge Seith thought. Much bigger then even the garnr that roamed the forest around Winterhaven. Hunting teams had been sent out to catch whatever was out there but none had returned and Seith had a feeling none would.
With or without Baron Thorn, it was time to move out. Things in Remus were beginning to look grim and Seith had a mission for his queen to complete or he would have to face her anger. An anger that so far none had survived.
With a wave of his arm, Seith started his forces moving out of Remus with Yadessa and the city of Vasagi to be their next stop. He would move fast through the night sweeping up everything they encounter on there way. That way there would be no warnings for the vampires. This would go quietly and quickly. At least that was how Seith hoped it would be. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.