"Sire?" A voice interrupted his thoughts. Tayor looked out at his aides. They had a look of confusion in their eyes.
"Is there a problem?" He asked.
"Only if your not listening." The aide said with an annoyed tone. "I have worked hard to prepare these reports for you."
A hush came over everyone gathered in the hall. Tayor unfolded his arms and sat forward as his eyes began to blaze with anger. The torches placed all around the hall began to dim as the man continued.
"These are important matters you need to hear." He said. "Attention should be paid to what is said."
"My apologies." Tayor smiled. "Thank you for reminding me of my obligations. Are you finished with your report? Is there anything else?"
"No sire." He bowed to his king. " I'm finished."
"Yes you are." Tayor reached out casually and sent a stream of mystic flame out to engulf the man. He screamed as he burst into flames and everyone jumped away from him. In a geyser of flame he died screaming as Tayor stood and watched him burn.
"Does anyone else have anything to say?" Tayor stared at the rest of them cowering with fear.
"No highness." Called out Youron who stood next to him. "There's nothing urgent that needs your attention."
"Good." He walked to the door then turned back as the guards opened them for him. "Ashura will be here to see me. Send her to my private study when she gets here. And clean this up."
Dressed in black satin and lace Ashura made her way through the halls of Winterhavens new palace. With her dark hair flowing and the strong smell of her enticing perfume, heads turned as she was escorted through the palace. She had prepared all day for her evening with Tayor. Dressing and fixing her hair, choosing what to wear and steadying her mind, all important tasks that had to be done if she was to see the new king of Winterhaven. The strengthening of her mind the most important for it wouldn't do to have Tayor Larin learn of her earlier meeting the night before. A meeting she had with Pelic and Jayce of the Shadows to plan the destruction of his rule.
In her shop they talked of all the things they thought she should try to learn from Tayor. Who his main allies were, where he would strike next. What his plans were for the dragons and the rest of Keanna. How Talsara fit into his plans and most important. Eventide, how fairs the royal family there.
"We need to know what Talsara plans to do with Eventide." Jayce told her. "They are one of our closest allies and we need to know how Evindal and the rest are."
"I understand." Ashura promised them as she walked about straightening various plants equipment. "I will try."
"Try?" Jayce stopped her." You have to do better then that. To many depend on us. You have to succeed."
"I said I will do my best." Ashura shouted. "And I will. Now stop badgering me!!"
Jayce started to say something when Pelic stepped between them to defused the situation.
"Relax both of you!" He turned to Jayce. "She's doing her best. More then either of us can do and you know it. And she's risking her life so just stop!"
"Your right." The angel apologized. "Forgive me Lady. I'm just so worried about all that's happening. So many have died, we have to end this."
"We will Jayce. But we have to be careful." She told them. "But I fear darker days are to come before this ends. And there's not much we can do to stopped it."
" I know." Jayce turned frustrated and paced her shop nervously. "I just find it so hard to sit here while others are in danger. I need action. Something to do."
"Then perhaps Winterhaven is the wrong place for you."
Jayce turned back to Pelic not quite understanding his meaning. He looked at his friend curiously.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Jayce your a warrior." Pelic explained. "And this is going to take a more delicate and patient touch. A warlocks touch. There are other places where you and Graym could be of more use."
Jayce looked from Pelic to Ashura not sure if he should what to do. But deep down he knew they were right.
"Are you sure?" He asked. Pelic stepped up to his friend his face hidden behind the shadows created by his cloak.
"Go." His voice smooth with confidence. "We will manage on our own. There are others in the city that can help us if we need them."
Jayce smiled and shook Pelic's hand. "Call us if you need us and we'll be here in a flash."
"Where will you be going?" Ashura asked him.
Jayce started to answer when she stopped him. "Stop. I don't want to know."
"Why?" He asked.
"I don't want any more information then is necessary for what I must do." She took his hand. "You go. Pelic and I will be fine. Don't worry about us."
[Graym. We're leaving. Meet me outside the city's main gate.]
[I'm on my way.] The feathered man sent back.
Jayce flexed his shoulders and spread his wings to stretch out the muscles. It would be great to be in skies again after his weeks hiding in Winterhaven. Jayce hugged Ashura and kissed her cheek.
"Take care of him Ashura. He's important to us."
"I will." She smiled. "You be careful to."
With a nod to Pelic, Jayce tapped his pin and became invisible. Pelic moved closer to Ashura as the shop door opened and Jayce took to the the air and was gone.
"Are you sure about this?" Ashura asked her dark friend. With a wave of his hand the door swung close.
"All I know is what will happen if we don't try." Pelic said trying to comfort her. "I don't want to live in Lord Larin's world. It won't be a very happy place for any of us."
"I agree." Pelic said as she wrapped herself in her shawl from the chill she suddenly felt. A chill that came from deep inside of her. She know exactly what that chill really was. It was her fear.
Far off to the west on the far border of Dree, Orym Dree drove his horses on to a faster pace. From behind him he could hear the barking of his pursuers. Goblins riding their garmr mounts barking and speeding after them. In the coach he drove, Queen Phaerl clutched her children to her to keep them safe and on the opposite bench, Queen Anemone with her son's Bhari and Demor held on for dear life. Next to Phaerl rode Gantor the last of the three guards that had been sent with them as protection.
Reins in hand, Orym whipped at the horses as he turned to look back and saw the Goblins turn the bend coming behind them.
"Majesty!" Orym heard in warning. "Watch out!!"
Quickly Orym turned to find three full grown adult centaurs standing armed with bow and sword in the middle of the trail.
What now? He thought as he pulled back on the reins to avoid running into them. Once passed, the centaurs notched arrows and drew back the strings and fired into the pack chasing the Dree's. Arrows flew through the air as more were notched and fired. In a rain of arrows both Goblins and garmr died until there was but a hand full left. Dropping the bows the centaurs pulled their swords and stood ready for a fight.
On the side of the trail Orym watch as the brave warriors got ready to fight. He wasn't sure why they were protecting him and his family but he couldn't let them stand alone in a fight that was really his.
"Stay with my family." He said as he took his sheathed blade and climbed down off the coach. Flexing his muscles Orym walked out to join the centaur in line as they waited. In front of them stood eight Goblin warriors armed with clubs, swords and pikes. They watched as they came forward to fight.
"Aiya Orym Dree." A tall centaur said. "We are here to see you to the Wolves Lair by order of Christof Tyr heir apparent of Tir Na. Stay with your family while we put an end to the Goblin trash following you."
"I thank you friends." Orym smiled pulling his sword and dagger free from it's sheathes. "But what kind of king would I be if I couldn't even fight with you for my own family."
"A true warrior king you are." The lead centaur said looking proudly at him. "To Arms!!"
With that the goblins charged. Lifting his blade two goblins charged at Orym. Ducking the first he swung out parrying a club meant to bash him in the side. Quickly he jumped back and stabbed out with his dagger sinking it deep in the neck of the first goblin. Orym kicked out at the bloody goblin sending him stumbling into his companion who tried to jump out of his way but instead went directly into a centaur blade. Turning Orym raised his sword and dagger into a cross and blocked a goblin blade from a death strike. With a quick slice he cut into the goblin facing him slicing into it's arm. Brown blood spurted from the wound as the goblin screamed in pain. Teeth gashing the goblin renewed his attack on the king of Dree. He leaped in battering at him again and again. Holding his own, Orym blocked each strike the goblin sent with his own blade waiting for the right moment to strike. Eying the goblin, Orym saw a slight hesitation. He was growing tired. Another second and there it was, a pause. Orym had found his opening. With all his speed the mighty elven king sent his blade through the opening and into the goblins heart. A look of shock sprang on the goblins face as he fell dying to the ground. Without another thought Orym turned and looked around for his next. All round him he saw dead goblins and three centaurs smiling at him.
"Well met your majesty!!" The centaur reached out and took his forearm in a salute. "You fight well. My I introduce my warriors. This is Willem an old friend of mine and his son Franco."
"We are honored to meet you king of the Dree." Willem stepped up and grasped Orym's arm in the warrior style of honor. Orym nodded and gripped his arm strongly.
"And you my friend?" Orym asked.
"I am Braddoc." He bowed forward. "Long time friend of the Tyr's"
"Aiya to you all." Orym said. "And thank you for your help. We would have been in a bad way had you not shown up when you did."
"We have been searching Dree for two days for you." Braddoc told him. "Avoiding the goblin and dark elf forces. Finally I found your tracks and we sped ahead to intercept you at the border to lead you out and to Tir Na."
"Is there any word of Dree?" Orym asked. He and Braddoc walked over to the coach as Queen Phaerl stepped out and thank the centaurs for their help
"Yes." Braddoc told them sadly. "I'm afraid to tell you that the city has fallen and Talsara and Tayor now hold all of Dree. Luckily many of your people were rescued by King Dylani and his Mer folk. All Talsara found in Dree were the brave city guard that fought until long after the last boat had left and your people were safe."
"Then Caldar is alright?" Anemone called from the carriage tears streaking her beautiful gray eyes.
"So far yes my lady."
"And Flinar?" Phaerl asked tears in her eyes. Braddoc looked deeply in her sad eyes not sure how to tell her that her trusted cousin was no more.
"I'm sorry." He said.
Phaerl burst into tears and rushed into her husbands arms and cried. Orym stroked her hair to sooth the tears away as best he could.
"He died as a warrior should." Braddoc said. "With a sword in his hand defending his home and the people he pledged to protect. He will be honored for his bravery by my people and all of the free Elven folk."
"He shall be missed." Orym said. " And avenged."
"For sure he will be." Braddoc told them. "But for now, let's get you all to somewhere safe. Tir Na is a long journey away and I'm sure this isn't the last we will see of the goblins or the dark elves. They will be looking for us ahead. Let's not keep them waiting."
In a cave a wise elven woman watched as the forces of right and wrong did battle. Talsara seems to be growing more powerful everyday and soon she will out power all her allies including the evil Lord Larin. Dasyra Eventide was dead and would be of no help to her children. It seemed Hasmira was the only one left who knew anything about the ninth Eventide. Not even Talsara with all her power knew there was someone out there that could bring about her end. The only question was should Hasmira interfear any more? Could the Eventide's and the dragons put it all together without anymore help from her? She doubted it. None of them knew the importance that the ninth would play in the future between the light and the darkness. All she knew was that the ninth had to be protected. He needed more then what his current allies could provide for him. But there were two searching for him that could provide the protection he needed. All she had to do was point them in the right way. But no matter what she did, she couldn't reveal the secret of who he really was. Not if she wanted him to fulfill the prophesy and give her the revenge she had waited so long to have.
Maybe just a whisper in the right ear is all she needed to do. Just two words sent out to the one's searching for him. Hasmira closed her eyes in concentration to seek the mind she needed. Once she found it she whispered.
[Fay Shrea.]
[And how are we suppose to find this seventh son of the Eventide's when they don't even know who it is?] Denner asked. [Did Dasyra give you a name? A location? Anything to go on?]
"All she said was that Ryel would find him." Toric told his his friend disguised as a unicorn beside him.
[Oh that's good.] Denner sent sarcastically. [One more question. Who's Ryel?]
"See now that's an easy one." Toric smiled. "Ryel is Seven's youngest brother."
[Easy huh? Then I guess you know where this Ryel is right?]
"I have no idea." Toric told him. "But I have an idea where to start looking."
"You won't like it." Toric warned him.
[I haven't liked anything that's happened to us since this all started.] Denner sent. [What's one more going to hurt? Tell me where you want to go?]
"Back to Fay Shrea."
[Your kidding?] Denner stopped and snorted his disapproval. [Didn't we just barely get out of there with our heads not bashed in by trolls?]
"Yes and now we have to go back." Toric said annoyed. "Are you coming?"
[Of course I'm coming.] Denner told him as he caught up with him. [But you can at least allow me a few seconds to grumble before we step right back into the hornets nest.]
Together the made there way from the border of Eventide back into Fay Shrea. Things seemed quiet here this time. They saw no evidence of any goblins or trolls as they walked through the fairy land. They also didn't see any fairies. Toric suspected they were all in hiding because of recent events. He didn't blame the fairy folk. But he also knew they weren't helpless. They could fight and unless they wanted things like this to happen again. They had better start defending themselves.
[Toric.] Denner called. [What makes you think Ryel's here?]
"I don't know." He said. "Just a hunch. Like someone whispered in my ear. Maybe someones trying to tell us something."
[I hope so.] Denner sent. [We can use all the help we can get. So where to now? They could be anywhere here in fairy land.]
"I think we should check Aspara Bough." Toric pointed north. "Tof said they had lost all communication. They may need help."
[Do you know the way to Aspara? With all the magic here I know they keep the Queen's city pretty well hidden?]
[I can find it.] Starglow sent. [I am friends with the fairy folk.]
"Lead on." Toric patted his neck.
It took them about an hour walking through the dense forest until they came to what to Denner's eye was definitely a battle ground. He shifted to human and examined the area. There were no bodies but the grass was all trampled. There were freshly broken branches hanging from the trees and foot prints the were definitely not fairy. These were the slender foot prints of elves. The pointed toes of the prints made that quite obvious. But from the wear of the prints, Denner could tell they were not new.
"The battle took place about two days ago." He stood and moved over to check a different set of prints.
"I'm not sure who the elves were fighting. These prints are like none I've ever seen before."
"Perhaps we should go into town and ask what happened here." Toric climbed down off Starglow's back and started to head in following the tracks.
[STOP!]Starglow sent. [You can not enter Aspara Bough. No humans ever been in a fairy city. They will not like your intrusion no matter what you intentions are.]
"Then how are we suppose to get any information?" Toric asked. "There could be trouble here. They may need help."
"No help is needed here human."
Toric and Denner turned with surprise to find two tall elven looking warriors dressed in strange black armor come through the brush armed with swords looking menacing. But the was something different about dark armored warriors. The looked elven, but elves don't have antenna.
"Why have you come to Fay Shrea?" A warriors asked. "What do you want?"
Denner reached to his side for his sword when Toric stopped him and pulled him back. He looked at him and shook his head no.
"These are allies." Toric held out his hands to show he was armed. "Aiya to you. We have come as representatives of Tir Na, allies of Queen Nuala. Our king has been worry that there was trouble in Fay Shea. He sent us to investigate and report back."
The warrior turned to his companion and after a series of clicks and noises he turned back to them with a question.
"Name your king." He said.
"The king of Tir Na is Drake Tyr." Tof told him. "But he is not well. His son Christof rules now in his place."
"Someone will be out in just a moment to greet you." The warrior sheathed his weapon and took a step back. "Queen Nuala bids you welcome and asks that you wait here."
Relaxing Toric and Denner took a seat on a log and studied the warrior. He stood tall and silent as they waited. He looked strong and disciplined like he was use to taking order. Denner wondered where Nuala had found such warriors. He looked like he would be vicious and fearless in battle.
Minutes later a fairy flew out of the forest and in a flash shifted to a larger form. She had a beautiful white gown and blue hair. On her back fluttered iridescent wings. She smiled and bowed to her guest.
"Welcome to Fay Shrea." She said. "We're sorry but humans are not allowed in our cities. It's an ancient rule but still an important one. What can we do for the king of Tir Na?"
"Lady we come to make sure all is well here in Fay Shrea." Toric bowed. "Our king has been trying for a week to reach you with no success. He's worried."
"There's much to tell of recent events." She said. "The war outside has touched us and rather hard. Let me explain."
She went on to tell them of Sarella and Talsara's invasion and how Aspara Bough had been occupied. She told them of the spell they were under and then, she told them about the brave young elves that had saved Fay Shrea and freed them all. She told them of the agreement the young ones had made that bought an army into Fay Shrea's service and how now Fay Shrea was free of the influences of Talsara and her clan. The only thing left Toric needed to know was where the young ones had gone. He knew that had to be Ryel. He wondered who else was with him. Maybe he had already found his lost brother. Now they just had to find them and keep them safe.
"These elves." Toric asked. "Was there one named Ryel?"
On a mountain top of Kensor in the freezing cold snow stood three people. Two men and a woman. These were not normal men and women for none of them were dressed in furs or heavy clothing. As a matter of fact the woman wore only silks and she was not cold at all. These were dragons. Creatures use to more extreme weather then could be found on this icy mountain.
"Arik." Insa stepped forward and greeted his old friend. "It's good to see you well."
"Well I am as are my brothers and sister." He gripped his arm. "But the lands up here are not so well. Someone interferes with the nature of things here in the far north. It threatens all that live here."
"I feel it." Ariel said. "Strong cold magic. Colder then even I can create."
"It must be stopped soon or all the crops under ground will freeze and the people will starve." Arik warned them.
"Can you locate the source?" Ariel asked. "I found a trail but it faded away in the storm."
"Same as you, the trail led me here to this mountain." Ark told them. "But Valen thinks whoever it is may be listening in on our calls. That's way I didn't want you to call out. Not this close."
"Have you any idea who is behind this?" Insa asked as snow whipped fast on the wind.
"Not many that we know of have the power." Arik answered. "Maybe if we search the area, we'll find a clue."
"I agree. We'll split up and see what we can find." Insa turned to go search the cliffs and mounds of snow off to the east. "Be careful both of you."
Back in Torcin, Adanar was enjoying his tour of the city. Drew showed him their underground farm lands and the skating ponds. He showed him the snow forts and mock battle grounds the children of Torcin used to play. Drew took Adanar all around the beautiful underground Ice city. Adanar was astonished and amazed at what he saw and curios. He had many questions to ask.
"How is it done?" He asked touching the side of a ice building. He was shocked at the feel it wasn't cold at all. "This is ice, but it's not cold."
"It's more then ice." Drew told him smiling.
"Magic?" Adanar asked.
"What else." They laughed. "Come on. Xander wants you to meet his best friends, but we'll need coats."
After dressing warmly in heavy white fur lined coats, Drew took Adanar to a rear entrance and out of the city. Still in the caves Adanar noticed it had gotten a lot colder. The blizzard couldn't reach them there but unfortunately the cold could. There wasn't much out there to see. Just stables. But for what? There couldn't be horses up here in this cold. They couldn't possibly survive here. There must be something else here. A beast that he know nothing about.
"Why are we out here?" Adanar asked Drew.
"You'll see."
From his pocket Drew pulled something out. Some sort of tube. He put it to his mouth and blow into it. It must be some kind of whistle he thought. But it must be broke because Adanar didn't hear anything. Not a sound until suddenly barking and the baying of what sounded like dogs came from the distance. As Adanar watched, three great white beast came running in through the cave entrance. Adanar took a step back in fear as they leaped at Drew and knocked him to the ground.
"BY THE GODS! NOO!!" Adanar reached to his side for his sword to fight off the monsters when he noticed Drew was laughing. They weren't attacking. they were licking his face and jumping around like playful puppies.
"Don't worry Adanar." He laughed as he got to his feet and the great dogs sat wagging their tails. "These are my friends the Snowdogs. This is Tug the pack leader and his brothers Runner and Geo."
Tug took a step toward and began to sniff at him. His ears perked up at the familiar scent he picked up on the young elf.
{Me smell Dragon.} Tug stared up at him his grey eyes a blaze with intelligence. Adanar slowly reached out and ran his hand through the fur atop his head. Tug licked his hand to show his acceptance.
"They like you." Drew smiled. "That's good."
"And what if they didn't?"
"We'll let's just say you would get use to using your left arm more often." Drew patted him on the back and winked. "Don't worry. Tug and his brothers would never attack unless I was being attacked or they sense danger. With Ariel as your sister you have nothing to worry about from them. Our Snowdogs know the Dragons very well. In fact there are two Snowdogs living in New Keanna with the dragons."
"They're beautiful." Adanar smiled. "My brother Ryel would love them.
As they talked the gate into the city opening and Xander stepped out. He pulled his coat closed tighter and shivered from the blast of freezing wind that blow in from out beyond the cave entrance. From outside the cave a howling could be heard over the noises of the storm. Tugs ears perked up as he listen and Xander came to join them.
"I see you met friends here." He reached out and stroked Geo's back caressing his fur. Whimpering Geo nudged his side moving his large form closer to Xander.
"He seems a bit jumpy." Adanar frowned. "I wonder whats wrong."
"I think it's the storm." Drew told them. "It's getting worse and they don't like it."
"There's something not right about this storm." Xander walked out closer to the entrance and looked it the howling storm blowing through the night. "We shouldn't be having weather like this at this time of year. It should be calm and much warmer."
Tug trotted out to stand with Xander. He pawed the ground in front of him and whined. Drew and Adanar followed him with Geo and Runner.
"What is it Tug?"
{Cold lady from south.} He sent. {She here.}
The three men looked at the Snowdog confused. What cold lady? They had no idea what he was talking about.
"What's he mean?" Adanar asked the brothers.
"I don't know." Xander said. "But you should call all the rest of the pack in for the night Tug. If there is someone behind this storm, we may be in for an attack and we'll need there help."
Tug stepped out in to the snowstorm and began a long howl. From out in the storm answers rang back from many deep calls.
{They come.}
"Good. We should get inside for the night before it gets to cold out here."
Together Xander and Drew turned to head in while Adanar stood and watched the storm. As in Fey Shrea and back home in Eventide, Adanar had a certain feeling come over him. It was a feeling he had had before and one he and Emrel had learned to trust. It was a feeling of danger. Somehow he was in danger and it wasn't just the storm. Something was coming for Torcin, and it would be here soon.
Suddenly Tug, Geo and Runner's started snarling and barking. Adanar stepped back away from the huge beast. He wasn't scared of them, he knew the barking was a warning of danger.
"Who comes?"
Xander and Drew rushed back to the entrance and stared out into the blizzard. They saw nothing. All that was out there was the thick veil of snow that filled the sky. As he watched with the two brothers the danger feeling grew more and more intense. Adanar grabbed Xander and Drew and pulled them away from the gate. Suddenly huge snowballs came flying out of the night to crash all around them. Snow showered down all over them. Tug, Runner and Geo barked fiercely wanting to get out but not willing to leave Xander and Drew's side.
"No!" Xander said shaking off the snow. "Have the pack guard the city gates. Only attack if they try to get in. You two come with me."
Tug, Runner and Geo rushed out to join there pack while Xander,Drew and Adanar ran through the gate and back into the city. Snow and ice fell from the roof of the city cavern as great snowballs and boulders crashed into the side of the mountain. People ducked and scattered trying to avoid the falling derbies. From his pocket Xander pulled his Blaststone and pressed in the code for Torcin's mayor.
"Janos, were under attack!" He shouted. "Tug says the Kensi and Snowmen have us surrounded. Have all the guards meet me armed and ready at each of the entrances."
"Understood." Came the Mayors answer.
Over the city warning system alarms began to sound. Mayor Mach's strong voice began calling out warnings for the people to take shelter and for all the guards to head to their assigned battle stations. Steel shields began slamming down to protect vital ares. Schools and hospital and all the living areas had to be covered. But everyone knew that the shields would only last so long, the attack had to be stopped and soon.
"Drew." Xander ordered. "Take Adanar to the city hall. You'll both be safe there."
"No way!" Drew shouted. "I'm going with you to fight. I have a blaststone to an I'm not a kid anymore and you can't stop me from fighting."
"Your right." Xander said. "Your not a kid anymore and I don't have time to argue. But Adanar has to be protected. Take him to the city hall and meet me out front."
"Wait a minute." Adanar stopped. "Do you think I'm some weak child? I am a royal prince of the house of Eventide. I have been trained for over twenty years in warfare and I am a fifth year student of the Andrake Academy. I will not be sent away for my protection! I will fight like all my brothers and sister. I go with you or I go alone, but I will be out there fighting."
Xander looked from his brother to his new friend proudly. Why should he have expected anything else from either of them?
"Fine but we have to hurry." He said running off with both boys following. "But both of you stay close to me and keep your eyes out. Both the Snowmen and the Kensi are camouflage in white and gray. They won't be easy to see."
"Then how do we find them?"
"Sound and movement." Xander answered. "They're both clumsy and stupid. They'll give themselves away. As I said, ears and eyes open."
Drew and Adanar nodded and kept on running after Xander. It didn't take them long to reach the elevator that took them up and out to the main entrance. In the entry hall Xander pulled open a hidden cabinet and reached and pulled out extra blaststones.
"This is for you." He handed one to Adanar. "The heat of your hand will orient this stone on you. Once you touch it, it will never work for anyone else but you."
"Thank you." He reached out and took the stone and watched it glow in his hand as it tuned to his body then a flash leaped from the weapon. "What was that?"
"I don't know." Xander stuttered. "It's never happened before."
Suddenly a crash shook the hall as another boulder hit the cavern. Ice fell and Xander grabbed the two and pulled them out of the way as a chunk crashed down into the spot where they once stood.
"Move out now!!"
Outside they found twenty men lined up in front of the entrance along with Tug and the rest of his brothers. The skies were still filled with blowing snow which blinded them. From a pack he had taken out of the cabinet Xander pulled three sets of goggles and gloves, one for each of them. Against the side of the mountain Adanar saw something he had never seen before. Some kind of glowing lanterns that cast light out onto the snow field. Drew called them lamps. He said they were made from something new called science. How fascinating he thought. This was something his people couldn't even do with magic. They could cast orbs into the skies, but they wouldn't last as long. He was amazed at how far he could see out onto the field. Evindal might be interested in this.
"Get ready!" Xander called out.
High on a nearby plateau a beautiful woman dressed in a blue silk gown watched as snowmen and Kensi warriors slowly crept out and surrounded the cliff that housed the city of Torcin. All around her the wind howled as her vision of revenge shaped itself below.
"At last." Clea called out into the storm. "My time has come!"
"Has it really?"
Clea spun around in surprise to hear someone had found her. Standing twenty feet from her was an elf. A dark elf dressed completely in black fur. Next to him was the most massive of horses. But this was no normal horse. It was a demon black horse with great bat wings and flaming eyes that could burn the soul. As it stood there it stomped its hooves and sent sparks high into the air.
"Who are you?" Clea asked seductively as snow swirled around her. "Why have you intruded on my lands?"
"My name is Taren Ender and I've come to give you your greatest wish." The elf pushed back his hood to reveal his dark natures.
"And what is that?"
"Revenge." He smiled. "I can give you revenge on all your enemies. Those that have hurt you and those that are responsible for what you have become."
"And what is it that you think I have become elf?" Clea stepped closer bring her freezing cold closer to the elf before her. He stepped closer to his horse to share its great warmth.
"Your the queen of all this ice and snow." He said. "But my mistress can make you more. Much more if you agree to do her bidding."
"Why should I?" She asked. "I have all I need here. I have land and followers and soon I will have a city, the one below you about to be attacked."
"But do you have the bodies of dead or dying dragons at your feet? We can give you that. That and the husband you once loved. We can put all this in your cold hands if you agree to follow us."
"You intrigue me elf." Clea walked over to the edge of the plateau and watched as her cold warriors advanced on Torcin. "I will think about your proposal after I take Torcin below."
"No!" Taren called out. "You come now or all hell will rain down on you and it all be your end."
Clea turned and stared at the elf. Her eyes began to glow a cold blue as her hatred began to build. "Are you threatening me? Was that a threat!?"
"My Mistress never makes threats." He bowed. "It is a warning. There are those here that will destroy you. If you come now, we can prevent that. If you stay and continue, there's nothing we can do. The choice is yours to make."
"Foolish elf!" Clea spat at the two in front of her. "You and your mistress think I don't have the power to overcome these humans and there dragon allies? You think I can't destroy anyone and everyone that oppose me? I am Clea! Goddess of the freeze! Queen of the north. No one, man or beast can stand my cold touch!"
"Then behold Frost Queen!" The elf pointed into the storm. "For your enemy comes!!"
High in the sky a image began to form in the clouds. At first it was just a hazy blur, but as it came closer it became clearer. It was a huge creature winged and blue as arctic ice. Even in its hazy form Clea knew that image. She would know it anywhere. Suddenly like a bolt of lightning it flew out of the clouds to roar at them on the ground.
In a rage Clea raised her arm and sent bolt after bolt of freezing cold it the dragon. With a tilt of his wings Icicle dodged easily and blasted back with his icy breathe blasting the surface of the plateau to a sheet of ice. Perched on the dragons back sat someone familiar to Clea. Someone she once had givin her heart and soul to. Jona Metrka, her once loving husband sat high on the dragons back laughing down at her.
"Did you think you were safe from us here in the frozen north, Witch?" He howled. "Did you think we would not hunt you down?"
"I hoped you would bastard." Again she blasted out at the two in the sky sending a bolt right at them. "Feel my cold hate!"
As the blast approached, Jona waved his hands in a mystic circle in front of them and the blast passed right through them with no effect
"You can't harm us." Jona laughing at Clea's shock. "But we can harm you!"
With a snap of his fingers pain began to fill Clea's body. She fell to the ground withering in agonizing pain. She increased the cold around her hoping that would help but it didn't. Soon she drop her cold feel and the elf ran to her side.
"We can help you defeat them if you want." He said pulling her up into his arm. His body shielded from her cold momentarily by his coat. "All you have to do is ask for our help and agree to do my mistresses bidding. What do you say? Do you want our help?"
"No!!" Clea push him away and stumbled to her feet. "I can beat them! I can kill all of them!!"
"Ha! All you can do is die!!" Jona yelled back at her increasing the pain. Clea fell to her knees with a scream. She looked up at he enemies in defiance.
"Don't let them do this to you Clea." Taren whispered in her ear. "Accept and you will never be on your knees again in front of these monsters. Help us rid Keanna of all the dragons and their allies."
Pain ripped through Clea as she knelt there looking up at Icicle and Jona laughing at her. She raised her hand and sent her blast again and again at them only to see her magic pass right through them with no effect.
"Yes!!" She screamed sending a final blast at them. "I'll do whatever you want!!"
"Then sleep Frost Queen for you are ours now." Taren waved his hand over her head and Clea collapsed on the ground asleep. He looked up to the illusion of Icicle and Jona and watched it fade away. He looked down at Clea and smiled. He knew her hatred was all he needed to get her to serve Talsara. That and a simple illusion.
In Torcin time froze. Everyone watched as the magic battle was waged on the top of the far plateau. No one knew exactly what went on up there except Adanar. He knew it was some kind of battle being waged. But by who? Was Ariel and Insa up there fighting the mysterious enemy? Or was there something up there that none of them knew anything about?
{Cold lady fight.} Tug sent. Xander, Drew and Adanar looked at the Snowdog surprised.
"Who is she fighting?" Drew asked.
{No one.}
At that moment a roar came out of the storm and the Snowmen and Kensi attacked. Like a wave of goblins they came in howling their war cry.
"For Torcin!" Xander yell and everyone began firing into their ranks of the attacking Snowmen. One by one they fell as they came in until they were to closer to use the blastsones. Then out came the hand weapons and the men of Torcin waded in to battle. With a roar Tug called the rest of the Torcin Snowdogs who cane galloping in to fight and ripped into their old hated masters. Standing side by side Xander, Drew and Adanar fought fiercely, hacking at both Snowmen and Kensi alike. The battle waged on with both sides taking heavy loses. Adanar saw a man to his left smashed down into the snow by Snowman before Xander could blast him to pieces. With his sword in one hand and his blaststone in the other Adanar stayed at Drew and Xander's side protecting both brothers. His magic sent bolts of energy out along with the blasts from the stone.
Suddenly from the sky bolts of lightning began to rained down on the enemy in precise strikes. Adanar looked up to see Ariel, Insa and another dragon come flying in. A cheer went up through the crowd as the dragons made their entrance into the fray. Now the men of Torcin began to fight more fiercely. With the addition of the dragons the tide of battle turned. Both Snowmen and Kensi began to run off back into the far off icy mountains and the storm began to clear. Soon it was over and the men of Torcin had won. The city gates open and healers and doctors ran out to treat the wounded.
The three dragon landed and shifted and came over to join Xander and the rest of them. Adanar hugged his sister as she stepped up to him.
"I'm so glad to see you." He smiled
"Exactly what in Rimnar's name happened here?" Insa asked looking around at all the carnage. "We leave for a few hours and come back to a war in progress."
"Just another day in Torcin." Xander smiled. "I think we found who you came looking for."
"We we're looking for a friend." Insa told them. "Not a fight, and we found that friend. This is Arik."
"Pleased to meet such brave warriors." Arik gripped the arms of the three young men. His blond hair blowing in the wind.
"So what went on while we were gone?" Ariel asked.
"Torcin was attacked." Adanar told them.
"By who?"
"We're not sure." Xander took down his hood and removed his goggles. "All we know is that the Kensi and Snowmen decided to attack en mass which is not like them. We think someone was behind them, giving them orders."
"Up here?" Insa asked in frustration. "Who could possibly be up here that could threaten you?"
"You would be surprised." Arik told him. "Since we have been here, we've found a few enemies. Pirates and rogue hunters, ice demons and a creatures none have seen before. Then there's the one responsible for the storm. We still have no idea who that was."
"We might." Drew spoke up. Everyone turned to the teenager standing beside Adanar. "At least Tug does."
"What do you mean?" Insa asked him.
"Tug called her the cold lady from the south. We have no idea who that could be. Maybe you do."
Ariel and Insa looked at each other puzzled. What could the Snowdog mean by that. What cold lady could he mean?
"That sounds as if Tug had meet this women before." Ariel thought back to the past when she had first met the Snowdogs. "That means Bravosa and Kearn."
"No." Insa cut her off. "Kearn can't possibly be free and he's not a lady. Only a fire dragon or Alee himself could free him. It has to be someone else."
Just then a thought hit Ariel. A cold women from the south? That could only mean one person. Could it be her? Could Clea Metrka, ice bride of Kearn be here? For the first time since she had merged as a dragon she felt cold. She knew she would have to warn Insa about her suspicions.
"Whoever it is they're gone now." Arik said. "I don't feel the presence here any more. But my brothers will be watching just in case."
"Then your coming back with us?"
"My brothers from New Keanna need our help." He smiled. "Of course we'll help. Dragons will always come when they are needed."
"Then we leave in the morning." Insa told them. "Tonight we help put Torcin back together and get some rest. Xander, why don't you show us your city and we'll try and help with the repairs while we can."
As Ariel and Insa turned to go back into Torcin there was something they didn't know. They were being watched and spied on. That meant pretty soon an enemy would know they were on there way back south and he would do his best to stop them at any cost.