If there's a phrase or a line you don't understand, check the comments section for a translation.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Honor bound. 11

As Emrel stood outside the stables that dreadful feeling came over her again. She felt like there was danger all around her and she was no longer safe in Winterhaven. She wished Adanar would hurry with the horses so they could be off. While she waited she saw many students she knew and smiled a greeting. When asked, she told them she and her brother were taking a ride through the animal sanctuary in the vast forest behind the Academy inside the city walls. This was something they did often so no ones suspicion would be aroused by this. A few minutes later Adanar led their two horses out of the stable. Emrel smiled as she saw her mare Windy coming towards her. She took the reins from Adanar and hugged her speaking softly to the horse in greeting. Then she turned to her brother.
" Any problem?" She asked.
" No." He said as he begin to put there provisions into saddle bags and take the saddles from where they were stored. Pulling an apple from her pocket she fed Windy while waiting for Adanar to finish.
" Have you thought about how we get out of Winterhaven?" She patted Windy and pulled him over to Adanar to be saddled.
" There's only two ways out of the city." He said. " Neither are really safe for us. We'll be reported no matter which we use."
" There's always magic." Emrel smiled slyly it him. " I could use a charm that would make them forget after we leave."
" You have one powerful enough to work on elves or maybe vampires?" Adanar thought about her idea. It had possibilities. And he knew her charms were powerful.
" Vampires, yes. Elves depends on what kind." She told him. " There's no dark elves in the guard and it won't work on Morganz. But it should work on the others."
" Then we better hope cousins not at the gate." Adanar took Emrel's saddle and heaved it up onto Windy's back and fitted it in place. Bending down he fastened the straps secure.
" Thank you, brother." Emrel took the reins and climbed on and trotted windy out to the road to wait. Done with his sisters house, Adanar set to saddling his horse, Brand and rode out to Emrel.
" Ready?" He asked. She nodded. " Are you sure you want to do this?"
" Yes, brother. It feels even more intense now. We should go."

The south gate of Winterhaven was much smaller then the main gate. There was a much smaller guardhouse only able to house no more then five men. There were no sleeping space. This one was used only to watch the road out. On this day it was being watch by two men. Bored they sat talking about the latest news in Winterhaven. How strange thing were going on in the council. They talked about the forest outside and how dangerous it had become. Not much traffic was coming into the city these days except by boat. The roads were no longer safe and no one seemed to be doing anything about it. The only way to use the roads now was with armed guards or to be a most powerful mage.
As the talked they heard the sound of horses approaching. Quickly the stood and went to the door to see who it was. Their gate was hardly used these days. It was more an emergency exit then an access to or from the city. Once at the door they saw two regal looking elves dressed in plain gray cloaks coming towards them. As they came closer they noticed it was a male and female. The two guards looked at each other in surprise. Where were these two going? Stepping out of the guard house they stood and waited for the two riders as the rode up to them.
" Greetings!" The taller of the two guards called. " What brings you to our gate today?"
" We're off on a task for the head master of Andrake." Adanar said as he slowed his horse down.
" Then you have a written pass from him to get out of the city." The guard looked up at his as he stepped forward. " I'll have to see the order before we allow you out the gate."
" Of course." Adanar told him. " My sister has it."
Emrel nodded and reached into her saddle bag and began to search for something. A frown appeared on her face then suddenly she smiled.
" Here it is." She pulled out a piece of rolled up parchment and opened it. " I'll read it to you."
" No lady." The guard stepped towards her horse reaching for it. " We need to have..."


As Emrel spoke the last words a dazed look come over the two guard. The stood in place looking at them. Adanar climbed down off his horse and walked over to the first guard. He waved his hand in front of his face and got no reaction.
" That spell worked well."
" But not for long." Emrel said. " Hurry and get mounted. We have to go."
Adanar went back and climbed back on his horse. Emrel trotted to the guard and spoke quietly to him. He nodded his head and turned and walked to the gate where he and his partner unlocked the mechanism and lifted the bars to let them out. With a strong push the gate opened and Adanar and Emrel galloped out and away from Winterhaven.

Back in Emrel's room in the academy Elan, Aron and Tabor stood at the door looking in at her roommate a young witch from a far off place none of them knew. As they looked around they could see empty bureaus and scattered personal affects. It looked like someone had searched the room or had packed in a hurry.
Tersa Krell looked up at them in surprise. A little scared in fact.
" What do you want?" She asked getting up with pieces of clothing in her hands. She back up as she faced them not sure she could trust them. Maybe they were responsible for this.
" We're looking for Emrel." Elan said. " Have you seen her?"
" No!!" She yelled at them. " I don't know where she is. Get up of here! You did this! I know you Tabor Larin!"
" Calm yourself." Aron said stepping toward her. Scared of what they might do,Tersa through out her hand and spoke a repel spell. In a flash of power the three young mages were blasted back in the hall. With an angry look on his face, Tabor climbed to his feet muttering how no one does that to him. He stepped back into the room and raised his hand to send his own power ball back at her when Elan stopped him.
" No!!" He held Tabors glowing hand. " Not here. Don't forget our plans for the Academy."
" Plans that are going nowhere right now." Tabor dropped his hand back to his side sneering at Tersa. She cowered in the corner as they talked.
" Look around." Aron said to them. " This wasn't a search, Emrel made this mess herself as she packed her stuff to leave. Tersa, is any of your things missing?"
She calmed herself and looked around. Going from bureau to the closet she found only Emrel's things were gone.
" No." She told them. " Only Emrel's things are missing. Where could she have gone?"
" I think I know where she's gone." Elan said. " And we better hurry if we want to catch her. Come, we can talk out in the hall."
Together the three friends left the scared girl trembling in her room lost and confused as to what had just happened.
" Where Elan? Aron asked. " Where did she go?"
" Home." He said. " Back to Eventide. And we have to go after her."
" That's a long ride." Aron told them.
" Do you think you can get us out of the city?" Elan asked Tabor.
" It's more then just getting out of Winterhaven." Tabor said as the moved down the hall.
" What do you mean?" Aron asked.
" You both know whats going on here." Tabor explained. " My father's about to make his bid to take Winterhaven from Insa and the council. He's set all kinds of things out in the forest surrounding us. You would have to get pass all of them once you get out of the city."
" What do you mean you?" Elan asked. " Your not coming?"
" I don't think so." Tabor said. " Father may need me and I have to find the ring if we want our plans to work. But I can give you a spell that will get you away from here safely."
" What about getting out the gates?" Aron asked.
" We have a secret passage out of the city my father had built years ago in case we needed to get away." Tabor said to Elan. " You can use that. But that won't get you to Eventide. Do you know how to get there?"
" I do." Aron said. Both Elan and Tabor turned to him in shock. They both were a little surprised at this admission.
" Are you sure?" Elan asked.
" Have I ever disappointed you in anyway El?" Aron gave him that look they share when they were alone in bed. Elan smiled. He knew then he could never go through with this marriage and he had to find some way out. He couldn't lose Aron no matter what happened. Even if it meant banishment from Darkshade and his family. He loved him to much.
" Then we better get moving." Elan said. He turned to Tabor. " We'll get provision from Azi in the kitchen and meet you at your manor. Have two fast horses ready in an hour."
" If this all works." Tabor smiled. " We will be the two most powerful people in this Academy."
" Three." Elan said with a stare.
" Whatever." Tabor turned to go. " You just do your part."
Aron started to say something as tabor left when Elan stopped him with a touch on his lips.
" Don't worry nin meleth." He said. " Somehow we'll get through this together." Aron smiled as they left to gather the things they needed to travel.

Captain Morganz of the Winterhaven gate guards rode out to the south gate on a long overdue inspect. He had been very busy lately and had been putting this inspection off all week. Things in Winterhaven were really strange these days. It seemed like the council were split in two warring over some subject no one wanted to talk about. The in fighting was so fierce it was beginning to affect all parts of the city and government. Even the Academy and students were beginning to be affected. Everything in city had a down depressed feeling like something very bad was about to happen and Morganz wanted to be ready just in case.
As he rode up to the gate Morganz started feeling something in the air. Something familiar he'd felt all his life. It was magic. And not just any magic, but familiar family magic. Someone from his family hand been here casting magic. Morganz pushed his horse on faster. He wanted to know just who it was out here casting spells. There was only three members of the Eventide family in Winterhaven. Jake,Adanar and Emrel his cousins. He doubted every highly that it was Jake. Being as close as he had been to Jake and Seven, Morganz knew he would knew his magic immediately. That left Adanar and Emrel. But how could it be either of them? They were both safe back at the Academy, weren't they?
As Morganz rode up to the gate he saw the two guards standing outside the gate house with a dazed look on there faces. The sense of Eventide magic was even stronger here at the gate. These two must be under a spell he thought. Morganz climbed down from his horse and walked over to the guards. Both there eyes were glazed over. At there feet Morganz spotted something. It was a scarf in the Eventide green color. A woman's scarf. Emrel had been now he had no doubt what so ever. And if she was here, her brother Adanar had to have been here to. But where could they have gone? They had to have left Winterhaven for some reason. But he had to be sure. He had to contact the one person in the city that could help him. There own brother Jake Eventide. Cutter the fear dragon.
[ Jake] Morganz sent out.
[ What is it cousin.] Came the answer. [ I'm a bit busy here.]
[ Adanar and Emrel may be in trouble.]
[ WHAT???] Cutter sent back loudly. [ What are you talking about?]
[ Cousin.] Morganz said. [ I need you to tell me if there still in Winterhaven. Can you do it?]
[ Just a second.] He said. Morganz wait while Cutter searched the city for his brother and sister. He prayed to the trees in their scared grove that Cutter would find them somewhere in the Academy doing there lessons, but he was sure that wouldn't be the case.
[ They're not in Winterhaven.] Finally came Cutters answer. [ There in the forest outside. Morganz you have to go after them. That forest is dangerous, please!]
[ Of course Jake.] He sent to the his dragon kin. [ I'm on my way.]
With a few smacks he managed to rouse the two guards and gave orders to let him out and re lock the gate. Armed with only his own personal weapons and a canteen of water, Morganz was off after the two young Eventide. His job now was to protect his cousins and get them to safety.

The council of mages in Winterhaven consisted of twelve men and women all powerful mages in there field. Some dark and some white but all with the safety and the best interest of the city in sight. Long ago the city had been ruled by a king. But after years of useless wars over who would reign when one king died and assassination plots, and plain greedy or evil kings, then had had enough and the council was formed. Since then three centuries ago the city had been in peace internally. Outside wars happened, but Winterhaven always managed to stay neutral and out of the fighting. Even when the fighting found there gates, Winterhaven managed to not be involved. It was usually because they made it clear to the combating fractions that they would turn there magic on both side if they were pulled into the war in anyway.
But now it was their turn. Now a coup was in the making by Tayor Larin, one of the leading men on the council and few in the city knew. Tayor had been working all day meeting with as many council member as he could. His new cane had been busy sapping the wills of those he met. Had taken control of seven out of twelve members and killed one, his first victim. Now he had enough to control the council. There was still four he didn't control, including Insa. But they didn't matter. They didn't have much choice. They could either join him or go just as Bergaise had. Insa was still his biggest problem. Even out of body the smoke dragon was still powerful. There were ways he could cause him trouble. As he sat at his desk he thought he had to find a way to destroy his body. That would put an end to him. Now he thought since he controlled the council was his chance to remove him from his balcony lair and destroy him.
Rising from his desk he grabbed his cane and cloak and called out to his aide Yoron. Wrapping his cloak about him he made for his study door. He found him out in the hall hurrying to meet him.
" You called my lord?" He bowed.
" Yes." Tayor said. " Its time we remove the dragon from our midst. Get you men and meet me in the council building. And hurry."
" Yes sir!" Yoron smiled and ran off. He knew this would be his masters greatest day. This time he would not fail him.
Tayor smiled as he rose up from his seat. His plans were coming together perfectly. Suddenly he felt something. Someone was trying to reach him. He opened his mind enough to recognize who it was. Talsara Darkshade, Queen of the Darkshade elves.
[ Your Majesty.] He sent. [ I'm honored.]
[ How goes your little endeavor?]
[ Everything is working as planned.] He said. [ The city will be in our hands by night fall.]
[ You news pleases us.] He could feel her air of superiority. [ Things move slow here, but in our direction of course. There is something we wish from you.]
[ Anything my Queen.] He said. [ What do you wish?]
[ I have set my son Prince Elan a task. He is to bring me the Princess Emrel Eventide.] Tayor listened closely. [ But he does not sound very eager to do this . I feel something holding him back. I want to know what it is and I want him and the princess delivered to me.]
[ And where would we be finding the prince and princess?] Tayor asked.
[ One would guess in the academy.] Talsara's said sternly. [ If he's not there, you'd better have him found or we will remove our support and all other elven support we have arranged.]
[ I understand .] Tayor answered her and they're connection was broken. Right now he needed the support of the dark elves, but soon he wouldn't. Then his magic would be far superior the her and he could add the elven lands to his own. But for now, he had better send someone to find her son. Prince Elan was always hanging around with Tabor, he would know where he is and maybe that princess to. Tayor walked over to the bell and summoned one of his house staff. It didn't take long for someone to answer him and there was a knock at the door.
" Enter!"
A short man dressed in the Larin house colors entered and bowing to his master keeping his eyes down. Tayor walked out from behind his desk.
" Yes my Lord?"
" Find my son and have him brought to me as soon as possible." He told him, then had a second thought. There was another that could find them no matter where they were.
" There's something else I want." He said. " But this could be a bit more difficult."
He took a piece of parchment and a quill and began writing. Once finished, he handed the note to the man.
" Follow these instructions to the letter." He told the man. " I mean this, to the letter. Tell the one that answers they are to come to me directly if they wish to be free. Now go!"
" Yes sir." He turned and hurried out to carry out his masters orders.

Tied by their hands Trip and Rese struggled the way up the slope. It wasn't an easy climb at all with the Orcs in the front pulling them. But they tried as hard as they could to keep. Skang still had that hungry look in his eye every time he looked at them which scared Rese to no end. But trip was still as rebellious as ever. He would sneer at them showing no fear.
" There going to kill us." Rese whispered. " I know it. Just look at Skang.
" Calm down. Gorak won't let him hurt us."
" Gorak can't watch over us all the time." Tears began to appears in the young mans eyes. "How much further do we have to go?"
" It's a long way to Ardia." Trip told him.
" Great, a death march." Rese exhaled in self pity. he saw his death coming closer as they walked.
" Stop it!" Trip said. " We're not going that much further."
" You mean their going to kill us now?" He looked Trip ready to break down right there. He stopped walking for a second and was yanked into movement.
" Listen to me." Trip pulled the young boy to him. " My friends aren't that far behind us and New Keanna is just ahead over the cliffs edge."
" What's that mean?" He asked.
" It means safety. I'm sure my guardian has alerted the dragons that I'm missing." Trip smiled at him reassuring him. " They'll me looking for us and we're walking right into their territory."
" Dragons?" Rese looked afraid at the thought.
" Yes, dragons." Trip said quietly. " My guardian Insa is a smoke dragon. By now I know he's searching everywhere for us."
[ Not anymore I'm not.] Trip heard in his mind startling him. [ Stay calm Trip. It's me, Insa. Don't allow them to know I'm with you.]
" How is this possible?" Trip asked him.
" What?" Rese asked. " What are you talking about?"
" Shh!!"
[ Talk with your mind.] Insa told him. [ I'll hear you.]
[Professor. where are you?]
[ I'm out of my body right now and I don't have a lot of time.] He sent. [ Zarin and the others are right behind you close. And I've warned the dragons. I want you both to stay calm and follow their direction and keep safe for now. This will be over soon.]
[ Yes sir.] Trip sent. [ I knew you wouldn't abandon me Professor. Thank you.]
[ There are a lot of things going on right now Trip.] Professor Insa told him. [ But I'd never abandon you, neither would your friends. Both of you be ready when Zarin and Reno catch up to you.]
[ We'll be ready.]

Not far behind lower on the cliff, Zarin and the others were gaining ground on the Orcs. Zark, Reno and Craven moved swiftly hand over hand climbing while Zarin and Thalia flew a head to watch and make sure Trip was safe. In the fly shape Zarin had shown Dack he sat on a tree watching the Orcs move. Pulling Trip and Rese behind them slowed the Orcs down greatly. Usually climbing would be easy for them but there hostage made it clear they could not keep up the speed the Orcs could.
" We're moving to slow." Skang called to Gorak. " We should get rid of them now and be off home."
" NO!" Gorak yelled. " We're almost at the top then we'll move faster."
" But not fast enough." Skang pulled his knife to cut the line and drop Trip and Rese.
" You cut that rope and I'll burn you where you stand." Gorak stared at Skang. " We'll need them if there's any challenge ahead."
" Challenge from what?" One of the Orcs under Trip called up to them. He pushed at Trip to move faster up the rock wall. It was steep and dangerous, but he knew the boy could move faster if he wanted to. He was beginning to think Gorak was right. Theses humans seemed to be stalling. Then again death did await them at the end of the road, so why would they rush to it. Suddenly a raven streaked pass them followed by an eagle. Strange he thought. Eagles and ravens don't fly together. The eagle must be hunting the raven. He watched them as they sped up and over the cliffs edge and out of his sight.
" Someone may come after them." Gorak said. " I want us much further away then this."
" Why?" Skang frowned as he crested the top of the cliff and pulled his sword. " Whatever they send against us, we can handle."
" And how many mages can you fight at once?" Gorak asked smugly. " One? Two? more?"
" I'll leave the mages to you." Skang snarled at him. " That's why your here."
" Get the others up and lets be off." Gorak turned and walked down the trail in to the forest. This was a strange place he thought. He could feel the magic all around them. He knew powerful beings had been here recently. Maybe it was this guardian the boy had spoke of. He turned back to see Skang grab Rese and toss him to the ground. Next came the other boy Trip and the others of there group. As the last Orc made it to the top, he git up and ran to Gorak.
" We are being followed." He said.
" Where?" Gorak asked.
" They're coming right behind us up the cliff." Sweat ran from the Orcs face as he pulled his club from his back to be ready to fight. " What do you want to do?"
" I'll take care of them." Gorak started back the edge of the cliff mumbling the beginning of a power spell. He looked over and saw Reno and Craven scrambling quickly up the wall. Gorak raised his hands to cast down at them as a huge eagle came at him with Its claws extended squawking. Gorak dived back out of the way to the ground barely missing the strike.
" By the Queen Mother!!" Skang ducked. " What was that?"
" The beginning of the end for all of you." Trip smiles as he stood up there and the eagle came down to land at his side. In a flash a young man was suddenly standing at his side. He reached down and took Rese's arm and helped him to his feet.
" Are you alright?" Zarin asked them.
" I'm glad to see you." Trip smiled at him. Zarin examined the two boys for injuries. He saw the collars and wondered what they were. He touched it and felt a spark of magic ran through him.
" Zarin." Trip said. " Get them off us please."
" Grab them!!" Gorak yelled to the others. Startled, the two Orcs ran to grab them when something came flying over the cliff to stand between them. One was a six foot snarling werewolf red eyed and claws bared to fight. The other was the young mage the Orcs had fought at the villa. Craven stood before them with his hands glowing with power.
" Zarin!" Craven called out. " Take them somewhere safe! We'll take care of this!"
Zarin looked from Reno to Craven. He wasn't sure what to do. "Are you sure?"
" Yes!" He said. " Go!!"
Zarin hauled both Trip and Rese to their feet and pulled them into the forest away from the battle. He had to get them safe, then he could come back to help.

" You are the one from the villa." Gorak said getting to his feet. " If you leave now, we won't kill you."
" We're not leaving without our friends." Craven said to them. Skang smiles pointing his sword at them.
" We are four strong Orcs." He said. " You are three boys. What can you do to stop us from taking them from you?"
" You won't believe what we can do." Craven said. " And we're not alone."
From behind them a great form rose from beneath the cliff and stretched his limbs. Zark stood there with his arms folded in front of him.
" So you live, huh dog!" Skang spat in his direction angrily. " And you stand with the humans. Good. We'll feed on your bones. We feast tonight!"
" I see your still trying to be the leader you'll never be Skang." Zark stepped in front of the boys as he spoke. Things had changed with him. He had seen what respect felt like from these young people. He had never felt that from his people and he liked the feeling. Orcs lived only on aggression, hate and fear. The Orc world was dog eat dog and life was a battle everyday just to live, even in family units. Now he had found something different and he would fight to keep it.
" You know you will never be able to go home to Ardia again." Gorak said. " Our people will wipe you from the Orc memory. Even your family will have nothing to do with you."
" I accept that." Zark smiled. " But It won't matter. For you will never make it back to Ardia to tell anyone. Still I won't be going back, ever. So lets stop talking and see who goes home tonight."
" It won't be you!!" Skang charged forward with his sword raised to strike Zark. Moving with Orcs speed, Zark pulled his blade and blocked Skang's downward swipe and spun around hitting Skang in the back of his head with the hilt of his blade as he passed. Skang howled in pain and spun and they began fighting. Their swords flashed in the blazing sun as the fought back and forth. With a quick swing. Skang drew first blood slicing across Zarks chest. As if nothing happened, Zark kicked out into Skang's chest knocking him back. Jumping forward to press the attack Zark forced further into the forest away from the other. There would be no help for either of the combatants. This was a fight to the death by two enemies and nothing would stop them.
Roaring out his rage, Reno leaped at the to Orcs slashing at them. He caught one completely by surprise ripping through the weakened old black armor he wore. Green blood splattered all over Reno as he tore into him. He dropped his weapon and fell as Reno jumped for the other Orc. This time he was prepared and batted him away. Landing on his feet Reno snarled and began to circle his enemy. Facing an armed foe, Reno had to be quick and careful. The Orc thrust in stabbing at the werewolf moving as fast as he could. Orcs were fast, but werewolves were much faster. Reno leaped high over his head while slamming his fist into the Orcs hard skull again and again then coming down behind him and kicking him in the back. Recovering quickly the Orc swung low with his club knocking Reno to the ground. He raised his club to bash Reno to death. But he wasn't fast enough. Before the club hit the ground, Reno was on the move again slashing at him and growling. On Reno fought, slashing and ducking swings of the Orcs club. Reno had calmed his rage. He knew he needed all his wits to keep out of the way of the huge Orc he fought, As he kicked out, the Orc grabbed his leg and throw him over his shoulder. Tumbling through the air he righted himself as he hit the tree legs first and launched himself back at his enemy. Reno's speed was almost like lightning. Before the Orc knew what was happening he was on him. Slashing and pounding on him and tearing through his decrepit armor Reno finally knocked him to the ground. Grabbing the club the Orc had dropped, Reno raised it over his head and smashed down killing him with a single blow. Breathing heavily he stood and let out a blood chilling victory howl. He had just taken two Orcs in battle and was ready for whatever foes still live.
As the fighting began. Zarin pulled Trip and Rese away from the battle. He wanted to take them somewhere safe and out of harm. They found a safe spot where Thalia and Dack flew down and shifted there forms back.
" I'm so glad your alright!" Dack grabbed him and hugged him.
" I'm fine." Trip told his friend hugging him back. " Just get this collar off, please."
" Let me see this." Thalia said stooping to examine the collar. She reached out to touch it and a spark flew off it. Thalia looked up at the others gathered around.
" Can you get it off?" Trip asked. " Reno needs help. He's fighting two Orcs. They'll kill him!"
" I don't have the magic to break this spell." She said. " Zarin?"
" I've never seen anything like it." He shook his head. " Maybe Craven can help."
" Why would he?" Trip asked in anger. " He's the reason I'm in this damned thing."
" It's not his fault, Trip." Zarin explained. " He was under a Larin spell all the time. We would never have found you without him. He caught the Orc and got him to help us."
" So we have are captors to thank for our rescue." Trip frowned as he got up to his feet." Are you sure about that spell?"
" Yea." Dack." Told him. " We're sure."
" Then we better go help him." Trip walked over to a pile of bush and picked up a large branch. He tore off all the remaining foliage the looked at his friends. " You coming?"
Zarin looked over to Thalia as she smiled at them. With the collar on, Trip wouldn't be able to use his magic. He would be better off staying here with his new friend Rese and letting them do the fighting. But he knew that wouldn't work. Trip was Reno's closest friend. There was no way he would stay out of this. Unless Zarin cast a spell on him to force him. And Zarin didn't want to do that.
" Stay close to me or Thalia." He told Trip." Dack, you keep Rese here. We'll be back shortly."

" What makes you think you have a chance against a fully trained mage like myself." Gorak said as he smiled at Craven while gathering his power to him. A dark glow began to surround the Orc.
" I may die fighting you Orc." Craven said. " But my friends will get to safety. That's all I care about."
At that moment a familiar feeling gripped Cravens soul. He wasn't alone anymore. His grand sire had returned to him.
[ I'm here Craven.] Micah said in his mind. [ I'll direct you and show you what to do. Are you ready?]
[ Yes Grandfather.] Warm comforting feeling flowed Between them as Micah directed the magic to get ready for battle.
With a wave of his hand Gorak sent a wall of energy at Craven. Quickly Cravens hand reached out to stop it as the energy battered against him. All around him the trees and brush were flattened down. Craven pushed back and dispelled the energy and swirled what was left into a ball. Flipping his hands forward he sent the ball back at Gorak blasting at him.
" Ha! ha! ha! ha! Gorak laughed. " Is that it? is that the extent of your power? How's this boy!"
From his hands red burst of power shot out at Craven. one after the other Craven batted them all aside to crash over the cliffs and fall into the sea.
" Your much more powerful then I thought." Gorak shouted. " But your just a boy!!"
" I got your boy!!" Bashing his fist together then thrusting them out toward Gorak, magic battered at Gorak, knocking him to the ground and into a tree. As Gorak stared in disbelief he focused his energy on Craven. Bands of magic began to surround Craven and squeeze him. Gorak got to his feet and wiped the green blood from his mouth.
" You think you can defeat me!!!" He screamed. " I am Gorak Ra' Enar Orc Master Mage!!! No boy conquers me!!!"
" Then let this be a lesson to you!!" Craven summoned his power as Micah directed him and forced the bands apart. Further and further he pushed out as Gorak stood there in shock unable to believe what was happening. Soon Craven was floating high off the ground covered in a golden glow. He looked down at Gorak and raised his hand.
" No!" Gorak screamed. " Next time we meet boy you will die at my hands! You and all your friends!!"
With a quick flourish of his hands, Gorak disappeared just before Craven's bolt crashed into the spot where he had been standing. From the forest Zarin and the others had been watching the fight. they all came running out as Craven floated back down to the ground and passed out in a heap. All together they all ran forward to catch him. Thalia pulled him up into her lap as he opened his eyes.
" What happened?" He asked. He looked around as they all gathered close.
" You beat him." Rese said. " I don't understand any of this. Your the one that put us in all this danger. Now you save us. Why?"
" I'm sorry Rese." He said as he sat up weakly. " Your right. I could have gotten you killed. It's all my fault."
" Nonsense." Dack told them. " This is all Tabor and his father. You were under their spell and didn't have much choice. There wasn't much you could do against Tayor Larin and his magic."
Craven looked up into Trips eyes then looked away. He was still ashamed of what he'd done. He had tortured him to get the ring Tabor wanted so bad.
" Trip." He started to talk, then stopped. He was unable to even try and apologize.
" Craven, I understand that you were under a spell." trip held out his hand, " So I'll forgive you. But I'll be a little upset for a while. Just give me time and we'll be OK. After all, you did save us right?"
" Thank you." They shook hands. Craven looked around. Someone was missing. " Wheres Zark?"
They all looked around for the Orc and didn't see him. " He and the other big Orc moved into the forest fighting."
" We have to find him." Craven said as he tried to get up.
" Shhh." Thalia said pulling him back down. " Your in no shape to get up much less be fighting another Orc, Just rest and Reno will find your friend."
Suddenly a strong wind began to batter at them making them shield themselves. The foliage all around blew back. Something was coming. Zarin looked up to see a two large dragons descending on them,
" On no!" Rese yelled. " Dragons!! Run!!"
" Relax!" Trip grabbed him before he he could bolt in the forest." I told you dragons won't hurt you."
Out of the sky dropped two dragons into the clearing ahead of them. One red and the other a deep shade of purple. once on the ground two Rese's amazement the changed to a man and a woman. The man was dressed in red leathers and he companion wore purple. They where both handsome as they walked towards them.
" I'm Blaze and this is Ariel." The red man said with a smile. " We're here to help, but I see the battle is done."
" Thank the gods." Rese sighed. " But what next? Where are we going now"
" We have to get back home to Winterhaven." Zarin told them. " We still have tabor and his father to deal with."
" And the Ring." Trip nodded. " We need to get it before someone finds it."
" First you must return with us to New Keanna." Ariel told the group. " There's someone there that needs you."

Off in the forest the two Orcs battled on. They beat at each other fiercely, neither gaining ground for a time. Breathing heavily, Skang swung high and kicked out at Zark's knee. He missed and fell forward into Zark's fist as he delivered an uppercut to his jaw. Skang fell back trying to regroup but Zark pressed the attack. Zark swung hard connecting with Skang's arm brace again and again until the Orcs arm was becoming numb from the beating. In a bull rush Skang charged forward slamming his head into Zark's chest knocking them both to the ground. Forced to the ground fighting, both Orcs lost the weapons and fought hand to hand. Skang delivered a number of punches at Zark before he was thrown off to the side. As he scrambled and grabbed his weapon, Skang dived back onto Zark's chest. He raised his sword to deliver a death blow screaming out in rage as Zark pulled his dagger and thrust it into his chest stabbing deep into his heart. A shocked look appeared on Skang's face as he fell forward onto Zark and died.
" Goodbye old friend." Zark pushed him off and got to his feet. He looked down at Skang's sword laying where he dropped it then reached for it and picked it up. As respect for a friend he'd killed, Orc customs said Zark was to keep his sword and use it as his own. He placed it in his belt and headed back to find Craven and the others to see if they needed help. As Zark arrived he look around and saw the bodies of the two dead Orcs beaten and slashed on the ground. He looked for Gorak and didn't see him any where. That could be a problem. He walked up to Craven sitting with the others. There were two people dressed in colors he didn't know. But the whereabouts of the Orc mage was more important.
" Gorak?" He asked. " Dead?"
" Unfortunately no." Zarin told him. " He made his escape before he could be dealt with."
" He has no honor." Zark reached down and helped Craven to his feet. They walked off a distance to talk" He ran instead of finishing the fight. What know Shakh?"
" Shakh? Craven asked him. " What does that mean?"
" It means my lord. That's what you are now." Zark said. " From this day on, I will follow you and the others faithfully as your protector."
" But your free now. You can go home to your people." They stopped and looked out over the cliff. It was getting late in the day and the sun was beginning to drop down. The bay looked so beautiful from there.
" You and the others are my people now, if you will have me." He pulled his sword from its scabbard as the others came to join them." My sword it use now Shakh. All of you. Do you accept?"
" This is quite an honor." Blaze told them. " When an Orc gives you his sword, he swears his life to you."
" What if we don't accept?" Reno asked.
" Then his life is over." Blaze said. Zark nodded his agreement and turned the sword on himself and placed the point over his heart.
" We accept." Craven said looking into Zarks eyes. He reached up and took the sword by the hilt and handed it back to the Orc. Zark nodded and took the sword and placed it back in its place at his side.
" So I guess we're off to see the dragons." Zarin smiled. " We should hurry, our families must be worried."
" Professor Insa to." Thalia said. " He must be out of his head."
" You have no idea how right you are." Craven smiled.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Eventide. 10

The dinning room of Andrake Academy was a great hall set with beautiful glassine walls to allow the days light to penetrate. They were enchanted to keep them from letting blinding light, rain or any of the other elements in. It was equipped with many long tables for each class which sat together. This didn't mean the school was strictly separated. Friends and relatives could eat meals together. Once you reported in to your teacher, you were free to eat with whomever you wished.This day found the young Eventide's enjoying there breakfast under the warm morning sun. Adanar had escorted his sister Emrel to her seat then reported in and returned to her. As he sat down he called out his order for breakfast and it appeared before him on the table. A roasted fowl with savory spices, some fruit from tress sent from Eventide. Cheese of a rather tasty and fragrant type in slices and froca bread, an elven delicacy made for the elves in the academy. Adanar spread his napkin across his lap an started eating. After a few minutes he looked to his sisters and her still full plate.
" Not hungry this morning, Emrel?" The prince continued to eat with grace and poise.
" Adanar." She turned to him. " Somethings not right?"
He stopped eating and looked at her. "What do you mean? Look up, its a beautiful day. What could be wrong?"
" I'm not sure." She said. Adanar looked at the worried look on her face. He knew to trust her feelings. Emrel had the gift of far sight. " I just feel danger. Somethings wrong."
Pushing his plate away he turned to his sister. Her eyes had that worried look she always had before something bad happened.
" Emrel." He said. " The last time you had this feeling, the Black Armour invaded Eventide and father, Zaoir and Shael were killed. Is it that bad of a feeling?"
" Yes." She looked him with a tear in her eyes. " I feel like there's danger right here in this room for us, or for me at least."
" What do you mean?" Adanar looked around the room. all he saw were his fellow students having breakfast. How could there be danger from any of them? " What do you want to do?"
" I want to go home." She began to cry. Adanar pulled his sister into his embrace and held her as she wept. " Then that's what we'll do."
He pulled her up from her seat and they started for the dining hall doors. Adanar planned to take her to theirs and pack a few things and slip away without anyone noticing. In the stables were the horses their carriage had been hitched to. If he told the stable master they were going for a ride, he wouldn't ask any question. His only problem would be getting out of the city gates. Morganz would probably be there at his post and he would stop them. Well, that's a bridge they would have to cross when they get there.

Walking like he owned the world, Tabor made his way towards the doors to the dining hall. As he approached two elves exited bumping into him. Tabor pushed them aside. He recognized Adanar and Emrel Eventide and cursed at them to get out of his way. Adanar raised his hands ready to fight as his sister pulled him away. Tabor huffed and continued on into the hall. He was looking for Elan and Aron. He knew they would be here. He had checked there room and found it empty. Looking toward their usual table he found them talking in elven quietly. He strode up to the table pushing a younger boy out of his way and plumped down across from the two dark elves.
" Today we find the ring." He said. " Nothings going to stop us. My fathers busy doing something to Insa so it'll be safe to dodge class and search."
Elan looked over at him with a very strange look. Tabor knew something was wrong with them. He frowned at his friends.
" What's wrong?"
" We can't help you." Elan told him.
" Why not?" Tabors anger began to rise.
" My Mother sent a message today." Elan had a sour look. " There's something she wants us to do."
" What do you mean by us?"
" I mean Aron and I of course." He said. " You can stay and do you search without us."
" What the hell is going on?" Tabor asked them. This had turning into a bad day. He could see that. He needed both of them to help in his search.
" Elan's getting married." Aron told him. Tabor noticed Aron looked really upset. He wondered why.
" What?" He asked them. " Married? To who?"
Elan got up from his seat pulling Aron with him. " Follow us." He turned and walked out of the hall with Tabor and Aron following. In the outside corridor Elan opened the door to an empty class and waved them in shutting it behind them.
" My mother has decided she wants the Eventide kingdom." Elan pulled over a chair and sat down,
" So why do you have to marry?" Tabor asked. " I don't understand."
" If Elan marry's into the Eventide line." Aron said in frustration. " His mother can force the king of the Eventide's to merge with the Darkshades with her as the head of both lines. Its an old law. Emrel Eventide has no father alive to dispute it. Her brother is the king in Eventide. Only her father can stop it. If we can get her to Darkshade and married, there's nothing they can do. Its a stupid ancient elven law!"
" Good law." Tabor smiled.
" STUPID LAW!" Both Elan and Aron screamed at him. " I don't want to marry!"
" Then say no."
" I can't." Elan shouted. " Don't you see? I have to do as my mother orders! Just as you do what your father tells you."
" I don't always!" Tabors anger flared. " I do what I want!"
" Then help us!" Elan shouted at Tabor. " We always help you with whatever you ask. It's your turn now!"
" Fine!" Tabor threw up his hands. They were right. It may not always turn out how he wanted, but they did always help him. " Emrel Eventide huh? I just saw them leaving the dining hall. We better go find them see if there's somewhere we can grab her. I hope you two have a way of getting her out of Winter have and back to Darkshade, cause I don't have a clue."

Bright stars flashed through his mind as pain ripped into his body. Trip rolled over and opened his eyes as Skang launched another kick at him. With a quick move, Rese reached for Trip and pulled him further away from the Orc attacker. Skang smiled showing his sharp animal like teeth as he stepped toward the to boys on the ground. It was time for some fun with there captives. Skang reached down to grab Trip for some more torture.
" Get away from them!" He heard from behind him. The Orc turned to see Gorak watching him from the cave entrance where they had camped. Skang hauled back his foot for another kick.
" Hurt him." Gorak said staring at Skang. " And we'll be eating you tonight."
Skang reached to his sword on his side as they stared at each other. If he attacked Gorak and killed him, then he would lead. But if Gorak could use his magic first, he would be dead. His chances weren't very good. Skang dropped his hand away from his blade.
" Wise decision."
Trip looked around the hastily built camp that the Orcs had set up the night before. He remembered the disgusting meal he and Rese had watched them devour. They had caught a bear out hunting for its dinner. Two Orcs bought it down with a club to the head and dragged it back to camp. In the light from the fire, Trip and Rese watched as they tore it apart. They didn't butcher it. They used their hands and ripped it apart while it still lived laughing like it was nothing. Trip pulled Rese close to him and hid his face to keep him from seeing them eat the poor animal. Trip wanted so bad to blast them to death with his magic. But the collars made that impossible. For food, they tossed chunks of meat at them. Small bits which Trip skewered and roasted in the fire for Rese and himself. It wasn't much, but they had no choice but to eat it. The nights march had been long and hard. They were both hungry and thirsty and all the Orcs gave them was a half empty water skin and the bits of bear meat. Gorak walked over to his captives and looked down on them.
" I know you both have powerful magic."He said. " So someone must be missing you."
" You'll find out when they find us." Trip scowled at the Orcs. " I'm sure they're following us. It won't be long before they catch up."
" I'm not worried." Gorak laughed. " We have a good head start on any pursuer."
" On foot maybe. But not in the air." Trip stood up and dusted himself off. He reached down to help Rese to his feet then turned back to Gorak. Gorak stared at the boys.
" You don't fear me do you?"
" Should I?" Trip folded his arms in front of him.
" Look at them." The Orc turned and pointed to the other three Orcs watching them. " You know what they want don't you?"
" You won't let them hurt us." Behind him, Rese looked afraid. He wondered why Trip was being so bold in front of the Orcs. Wasn't he as scared as he was? He didn't seem so. Rese listened to trip defend them.
" Why won't I?"
" You think you got away clean, but you didn't." Trip said. " Even though your blocking my magic, I know they are coming for me. My friends and my guardian. And they will find us."
" Then I should just get rid of you now and make haste away from here." Gorak smiled.
" But you aren't stupid like them." Trip nodded to the others. " You know what will happen if they catch you and we're not with you. And believe me, they'll know if we die. They'll know the second either of our lives end. Then no matter where you go, all of you. They will never rest until your head is mounted on the walls of Winterhaven. My guardian will see to that."
Gorak knew the boy was right. That was why he hadn't allowed Skang or any of the others to hurt them. But what he really needed to know was who these boys guardian was and only they had that answer.
" Then who is it I should fear?" Gorak asked.
" Smoke, fire, fear, earth." Trip shrugged. " All of it. They'll all come to find us. And with magic you won't have a chance against. So do whatever you want. Its you life to throw away."
The scowl on Gorak's face was frightening. Rese held on to Trip from behind. He was afraid of what the Orc might do next. Gorak took his hand and swung at Trip, striking him in the face knocking him back into Rese. But he didn't fall. he looked into Gorak's face and laughed.
" Tie them secure." He shouted to Skang. " We are leaving now!"
" I hope your right." Rese whispered to him holding out his hands to be tied.
" They are coming." Trip said wiping his mouth. " They're coming."

Morning rose and Zarin and the others left the villa with Zark and Reno in the lead. They knew the Orcs had a great heads start on them and they would have to move fast. Craven had packed all the supplies he had kept in the villa. They would need them, there was no telling how long they would be gone. Zarin had tried all morning to contact Insa. But he had no luck. He could feel him, he almost felt that he was right there with them. But he couldn't make contact. Reno and Thalia worried about their friend Trip. They both know he wasn't the kind to take being a hostage well. That was something Craven learned while he held him. Even in a cell where his magic was denied to him, Trip had been defiant. Craven thanked his ancestors the spell on him had been broken. He didn't want to even think about what he might have don't next. And that poor gypsy boy he had taken. What about him? What had Craven gotten him into. the boy might be safe in Winterhaven had he not taken him. He had learned of his families demise and now Craven felt responsible for him.
[You are responsible.] Micah whispered in his mind. [ But remember, he was running lost in the forest. You actually saved him from the dangers out here.]
[And exposed him to the Orcs.] Craven thought sadly. [ Not to mention how I scared him when I captured him.]
[ Save them and make up for that. He'll forgive...] Suddenly the spirit in his minds voice dropped off. Craven stopped and called out to him but there was no answer. Coming up behind him Zarin stopped. He saw the look on Cravens face and knew something was wrong.
" Craven, whats wrong?" Craven turned to look at him fear in his eyes.
" He's gone."
" Who's gone?" Zarin wondered what he was talking about.
" My Grandfather." He said. " I can't feel him in my mind anymore for the first time in my life!"
" Craven." Zarin put his hand on his shoulder. " Relax. I don't feel any strange spells on you or around us. It must be by choice that he's not with you right now."
" Well if he left me by choice then somethings defiantly wrong. He's my spirit guide."
" Your right." Zarin thought about what he knew of spirit guides. Usually they were bound to whoever they guided. But he also knew they were free spirits that helped someone they cared about and were free to leave if they wanted. But it would take something very important to make them leave. Zarin wondered what was next.
" Come on," He said. " He's got a connection to you. Your his anchor. He'll find us when he's ready."
Craven nodded still worried and together they ran to catch up with the others a little ahead. As Zarin and Craven caught the others, Reno held up his hand.
" What is it now?" He asked.
" Reno lost the scent." Thalia told him. " He can't find which way they went."
" That's not good." Dack said. " What now?"
" Now Zark takes over." Craven walked over to the Orc. " Am I right? You can track them for us?'
" I can find them." The Orc said nodding his head. " But if I do, you will keep your promise?"
" You have my word." Craven reached out his hand. Zark looked at him the hand outstretched to him. Looking into Cravens eyes, he gripped his forearm. Reno looked at Craven wide eyed. He'd never trusted an Orc before. But he knew he had no choice this time. He prayed they weren't making a mistake.
" We go this way." Zark pointed to the east. " They are less then a day ahead. We should hurry."
As they started moving quickly behind Zark, Reno caught up with Craven.
" What was that promise you made?" He asked
" To free him and let him go on his way."
" If he finds Trip." Reno said. " He'll have my friendship as well.
" Mine to." Craven said running along with Reno. " Mine to."

Micah Tasco felt something strange in the magic of Winterhaven. Something was different and it was coming from behind the group. He could feel it was something that connected everyone in the group together. Something familiar that he should recognize. He could feel it coming closer and closer until it was right there with them. He reached out with the power he had as Craven's guide and tried to identify it. Whatever it was he found it hovered around Zarin. What could this be? Micah sent his senses out to touch the magic and in an instant it streaked away. But in that instant he also recognized exactly what it was. It was the dragon spirit of Insa the smoke dragon and somehow he was out of his body. This was strange of the dragon because as far as he knew, that wasn't one of Insa's abilities. This meant the dragon was in trouble. Micah had known of dragons in his lifetime. He had many dealings with dragon clans in his time. As protectors he had aided them a few times and knew of their dreaming abilities. A dragon can dream himself out of his body for short periods of time, but he never went to far from his body for fear of not being able to get back to it. Only a king could have the ability for long term out of body travel. And Rage was king of all dragons now. Insa must be in trouble. Micah know he had to help. But that would mean leaving Craven with no idea if he would be able to return. All he could do was hope his grandsons love was strong enough to allow him to return to him. With a mighty effort he separated himself and was off following the smoke dragons mental trail. As he flew, Micah thought about what he knew of Insa and where he might be going. He guessed his distress must be caused by the absence of his wards Reno, Thalia and of course Trip. Since he had been hovering over Zarin, Insa had to be out to find Trip. Micah streaked on through the day skies towards the cliffs that over looked Winterhaven. The Orcs must be somewhere up there climbing to the top. That wasn't a very smart direction for them to go. It would bring them to close to the dragon city of New Keanna. Maybe that was Insa'a actually destination. He must be looking for help from the others of his clan.
As he grew closer to the cliffs, he saw the Orc party moving up a trail in the side of the cliff with Trip and another boy. He could feel Insa's presence as he grew closer to them. He had found his captured ward. Micah listened as Insa promised assured Trip that his friends were close and they would be with him soon. As he listened, Micah felt a power coming from further up the trail. He followed it forward and found the source. A very powerful Orc mage leading the party. Micah moved closer and studied him. He felt his strength emanating from him. For the first time in ages, Micah felt fear. Not for himself, but for his grandson and the others coming to the rescue. There was no way any of them had the power to defeat him. Micah knew only he or Insa had the spells that could help them. He had to do something fast.
[ Insa!] He sent out.
[ Who calls?] The dragon answered.
[ I am Micah Tasco, ancestor and guide to your student Craven Tasco." He said. [We need to speak.]
[ I have been wondering when you would finally make yourself known to me.] The dragon sent. [ I have known of your presence since the day I interviewed Craven for entrance to the academy. How can I help you?]
[ It's how I can help you and the others.] Micah told him. [ None of them have the power to stand against that Orc mage.]
[ On the contrary. Craven and Zarin both have the power.] Insa corrected him. [ I think..]
[ But not the knowledge of spells they need.] Micah interrupted him. [ Neither can hold out very long against the Orc.]
[ That's way I'm trying to hurry to New Keanna for help.] Insa began to become inpatient. He needed to hurry before the magical battle began.
[ Your our of body.] Micah said. [ Can't you join for a moment with Zarin and use your magical knowledge to save them?]
[ I could.] He answered him. [ But it would be a permanent bonding. I can't ask that of my student. And I have my own body. It's old, but it is mine.]
[ They need help.] Micah insisted. [ Right away.]
[ That's way I'm in a hurry!] Insa sent back. Then he thought about Craven and his connection to his grandfather. [But you can!]
[ What do you mean?] Micah asked.
[ You and Craven,] Insa told him. [ I know you and how powerful you were. You have the knowledge to fight this battle. You and Craven. If you can get back to them you can hold him until I can get the dragons here. It's there only hope. Micah Tasco, please help my children, your grandson. Please!]
Micah knew Insa was right. He could defeat this Orc mage as long as he and Craven worked together. But he had to move fast and pray he hadn't lost his connection with his grandson.
[ I swear on my spirit I will protect them.] He said. [ But you have to hurry. i know you can't be away from your body much longer. Go, Hurry!!]
[ Thank you my friend. I will send help.] As Insa's spirit streaked away, Micah heard. [ All luck to you!!]

Sitting on her dark horse outside of the tree city of Eventide, Talsara Darkshade pondered her next move. She knew she had to keep the Eventide's distracted so Elan and Aron could capture Elan's young bride. She thought her royal visit just might do the trick. Talsara had brought with her something she had made especially for this trip. A gift she planned to present to Dasyra, Queen mother of the Eventide's. A magic brooch that would block out any calls the princess might make to alert her family of her predicament.
" This should be easy." She said to herself as she kicked her horse into motion. She looked up at the towering trees that housed the city in the deep forest How beautiful it was, and soon it would be all hers. She laughed as she rode up to the entryway into the magical elven grove. She turned to an aide at her side.
" Go announce my presences."
" Yes Sire." The dark elf saluted and rode on into the grove. There he took a horn from his belt and blew a silent note that only elves could hear. It didn't take long for an answer to be sounded and an emissary from the city to come out and greet them. Dressed in deep shades of green a tall elf emerged from the hollow of a great tree followed by a few others of the Eventide loyal staff. He bowed and walked towards Talsara's retinue they bowed again before her still keeping his eyes down.
" We welcome you and yours to our lands majesty." He said. " My name is Eolis and I am here to escort you into the presence of my king and queen. As you know only one of your men at arms is allowed in to the royal house of Eventide. The rest of your entourage will be housed in our royal guess quarters. Is that acceptable to your greatness?"
" We have traveled far." Talsara said as she climbed down from her horse. " We accept your gracious hospitality and welcome it."
She turned to her aid and handed him the reins to her horse the walked to her saddle bags and took several items out. These were gifts she had planned to present to the king and his princess wife. And something special for the queen mother. With her face showing no emotion, Talsara handed her wrapped packages to the emissary as he waved her toward the tree entrance.
" This way Majesty."

High in the trees, Ryel watched as Eolis escorted the dark queen into the cities entrance. He knew she was heading to see Evindal and his mother. That worried him. What the hell did she want here? Something bad was about to happen Ryel thought. Hoped mother knew why she was here.
Running from the rail, Ryel quickly made his way from the private tree airway into the royal palace. The palace was made up of a large number of the largest trees in the center of Eventide. Each tree could hold at least five great rooms and could have several levels. Kitchens, dinning rooms, grand halls and the royal families private suites, all attached by tree air route connections. Ryel quickly made his way to his mothers suite and knocked.
" Come in Ryel." She called.
Ryel touched the middle of the door that was attuned only to the royal family and it swung open. Dasyra sat at her dressing table as her hand maiden finished setting her hair. She turned to her son and smiled.
" Ry, whats bothering you?" she asked. " You look so upset."
" Mother." He said. " You know who has just arrived. What is Talsara doing here?"
Standing up in a deep shimmering gown. Dasyra took two rings a several bracelets from her jewelry case and put them on. The hand maiden wrapped a silk caftan around her and she was ready to meet her guest.
" Son. you know the dark elves." She walked over to her son. " She wants something from us. Don't ask me what it is. But I know its something we won't want to give her. The last time your father and I had to deal with her, she wanted our lands. She probably still wants the Eventide forest."
" What do we do?" The young elf asked as he and his mother turned to leave her rooms.
" We watch her." The queen mother said. " We never leave her unattended while she's in our forest. I want you to have all the house pixies watching her no matter where so goes."
" What about her quarters?"
" Our pixies are always around in every room of the palace." She said. " She won't even acknowledge them. Dark elves think pixies and fairy's are beneath them. Tell them to try and stay concealed be to keep a watch and to report to you or me quietly."
" Do we tell Evindel?"
" I'll let him know." As they approached the airway. Dasyra put her hand on Ryel's shoulder.
" Be careful." She kissed his cheek. " Talsara is very devious and powerful. Stay away from her. Promise me."
" I promise." Ryel smiled.
" Tell the majordomo we will see Talsara in the throne room in ten minutes." She said. " Now get going."
Ryel nodded and stepped into the airway then looked back to see his mothers smile. With a wave, he spoke his destination and was off. Standing at the airway to the throne room, Dasyra thought for a moment. She wished Jake and Seven were there. She knew the dragons would be more intimidating to the dark elf. Maybe enough to scare her away. But she knew it wouldn't be for long. Whatever she wanted, she would come back again and again until she got it. Well it was time to greet her. She pulled her caftan closer and stepped into the airway and rode it on to the throne room. This day wasn't having a very good beginning.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Something New. 9

Morning dawned in Winterhaven as Tayor Larin walked from his study carrying his cane. He had an appointment with one of his co-councilmen on matters of the city. The meeting was to take place in a matter of minutes, in fact Councilor Bergaise was waiting for him in the front library. Tayor stopped in the kitchen on his way and poured himself a drink of Junga juice, a citrus fruit grown locally for energy. He would need his energy for what he planned for the day. His attack on Insa last night had failed because of the two vampires with Insa. But this day was just beginning and he had expelled Insa. Before it's end he would kill him. That he swore. As he walked from the kitchen into the entry hall, Yoron his aide met him.
"Councilor Bergaise awaits you Master." He bowed. "He arrived only minutes ago."
"Very well." Tayor said handing his empty glass to Yoron. " Don't let anyone disturb us."
"Yes Master."
Tayor walked to the library door and stopped. He looked at his cane. The light sparkling in the globe at the head. Today he would take his first step to be king of Winterhaven. As a matter of fact, soon as he entered this room he would begin his journey. He reached for the door knob and turned it to enter.
Dressed in his wizard robes, Begaise turned to look at Tayor as he entered. Oh how he hated this man and wished he never had to deal with him again. But Tayor was an important man on the council and Bergaise had no choice but to deal with him. Begaise stood and with a unemotional look, he bowed to Tayor.
"Thank you for coming Councilor." Tayor said greeting him. He walked to the front of his desk holding his cane in his hand. "I think you may be of use to me today."
"I don't see how." Begaise said as he sat back down. "You've fought me and denied any proposals I've presented for the last two years. We've been trying to strengthen the enchantments on the entry road but you fight us. Why? Can't you see how unsafe the roads are now? Or don't you care?"
"It's not going to be your problem from today on." Tayor told him. "It's all going to be my responsibility."
"So what's that suppose to mean?" Begaise didn't trust Tayor. He knew he was up to something and that could be trouble for him.
"It means your going to change your point of view." Tayor smiled. "See things my way I think." Begaise jumped to his feet enraged. " If you think even for a second I'll side with you on anything discussed in chamber. Your going to be disappointed."
"Oh I don't think so." Tayor held out his cane as it began to glow brightly. "I think you will do whatever I tell you."
Begaise raised his hand shouting strong words at Tayor. His hands glowed red as his spell formed. Tayor waved his cane at him and a stream of red energy shot from Begaise flowing into the cane. Tayor began to laugh as Begaise's magic slipped from him. A look of horror spread across his face as he became weaker and weaker and he slipped to the floor.
"Your magic and knowledge is mine!" Tayor shouted at him."You are now mine!"
A gray color began to spread through Begaise laying on the floor as he died. Tayor snatched back his cane stopping the spell as the magic stopped. He looked at the wizard laying in the middle of his floor. He was dead. That wasn't he intention to kill him. He wanted to use him as a pawn but his canes magic was much stronger then he expected. Tayor walked over and kicked Begaise over to lay on his back. There lay the gray body of his first victim. Tayor felt stronger with all the magic he had absorbed. This was just a setback he thought. Next time he would be more careful and stop before he finished off his opponent so he could still be used. Tayor turned and walk off away from Begaise. He opened the library door and called out.
"Yoron! I have a mess that needs cleaning." he called. "And send in the next councilor as soon as he gets here."

Early morning sun slipped in the window of Elan Darkshades room and roused him from his dreams. He had been dreaming of conquest with his lover Aron at his side. In the dream, he and Aron along with Tabor Larin had just beaten there enemy Zarin Testa and his group out of their stronghold and had them on the run. Elan stretched in bed and opened his eyes. He knew Tabor had a busy day planned for them all searching the city for the gold ring Zarin had stolen from them. He sat up in bed and turned to get up when he saw the dark green long eared features of Aesis, his mothers Imp messenger sitting on the table beside his bed. He jumped started to see Aesis there looking at him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He yelled waking his roommate Aron from his sleep.
Aesis climbed his small body from the table he was perched on and grinned at Elan.
"Pardon sir," He bowed. "But I come with a message from your great Mother."
"What's going on, Elan?" Aron sat up then saw Aesis sitting on the headboard of his bed. "What's he doing here?"
"I'm about to find out if you'll keep it down a second." He turned back to the Imp. "Well?"
"The Great One wishes to see you today." Aesis said as he hopped over and handed him a message stone.
"I can't possibly come today." Elan told the Imp. "Is this even important?"
"Oh the Great one would never send me out if it wasn't important." Aesis shook his big head. "And her Greatness has far to much to do for trivial pursuits. It must be important."
Aron get out of bed and walked over to sit next to his lover. He started to kiss Elan, then thought better. He knew the Imp would report all he saw. And that was something he didn't need to see.
"What is it?" Aron asked.
"It can't be good." Elan looked at him then at the Imp. "What are you waiting for?"
"Why your reply Sir."
" I'll call you when I'm ready." Elan told him. "Get out of my room!"
"Yes Sir!" With a pop the Imp disappeared.
"I thought he'd never leave." Aron reached over and kissed Elan. "It's a good thing I was in my own bed."
"Yes it is." Elan stood and got his clothes from the chest at the end of his bed. Aron watched. He knew Elan was upset. Aesis might have caught them had he shown up during the night.
"Elan." Aron get up and stopped him. "He didn't catch us. What's wrong?"
"Not this time he didn't." Elan tried to step around him but Aron stopped him. "Sooner or later someone will. Then what?"
"Then we're free of all this hiding. I for one will be glad."
"And what about me?" Elan pushed him away. "You know what my mother will do? She'll have the hunters on us. They'll bring us back in disgrace."
"You are not the first male Dark Elves to have a male lover." Aron said. " Or the last. King Hylinan ruled for over 100 years with his love in the open. Why can't we?"
"Because my mother will not have it!!" Elan shouted at him. Elan was becoming anger. Aron knew he loved him but he had to do as his father their king said. Neither boys knew what to do.
"What does your message say?" Aron retrieved his clothes and started dressing. There argument had made them both forget they were still naked. Elan looked at the message stone in his hand then pulled on his clothes. He wouldn't check it until they were dressed. Who knows what magic Talsara Darkshade might have put on the stone. Once dressed Elan took the stone from their desk and rubbed it. Only Elan could activate that message stone since it was attuned to him. He sat it back on the desk and the image of his mother rose to stand before them in her completely regal attire. Talsara Darkshade like her son had grayish dark handsome features with long pointed ears. She wore her white hair in a long braid down her back. She was dressed in dark leather riding pants and a long black coat studded with diamond. At her side she wore a long saber etched with magical runes. On her hand she had many jeweled rings. Talsara Darkshade was the most powerful ruler of the dark elf tribes of the Darkshade which there were many due to her lust for power. She never let anything stand in her way to gain what she thought should be hers. For years she had tried to train Elan to be like her. After all, he was her heir apparent. The next ruler of Darkshade since she had never produced a daughter. This she accepted. The fates had made the decision not to grant her a female child. She didn't like it, but she would make him so ruthless and powerful as she could.
"Elan my son. It is good to see you." She said. Elan and Aron were not surprised that she could see and hear them. it was a good thing the had dressed before using the stone.
"Mother." They both bowed to her image. "It's good to see you to. How is father?"
"He's fine." She said. " I have something I want you to do."
Elan looked at his love. "What do you wish my Queen?"
"There is a young elven princess in the school you attend." Talsara told them. "Her name is Emrel Eventide. I want you to bring her back to Darkshade. She is to be your bride, and the next Queen of Darkshade at your side."
It took a minute for the shock of what she had just said to hit the two lovers. She had said bride. Elan was to marry? This couldn't be true. Surely they had heard wrong. Or this was someones idea of a joke on them. Aron looked at Elan. Tears were beginning to develop in his eyes. He started to say something against this mad notion when Elan gripped his hand out of his mothers sight.
"You wish me to kidnap a daughter of the Eventide's?" Elan wanted to be sure he heard it right. "That will mean war with the forest elves, the Eventide's. And an Eventide would rule in Darkshade since only queens rule our lands"
"Yes." Talsara smiled. "I know that. It's what I want. I plan to add their lands to ours with your wedding. And I will make sure she is always under our control. There are ways Elan."
"And what if she doesn't wish to marry?" Elan asked.
"She doesn't get a choice." The elven queen told her son. "With her father dead, The oldest male in the Eventide house is just a boy, less then one hundred years old. Once we have her we can make our demands. If they ever want to see here again, they'll agree."
"And that will be binding?" Aron asked.
"Yes son of the house of Neveral." Talsara looked deeply at him. "It has been done this way for many eons."
"But only during wartime to end wars, mother. This is highly usual."
"Your point?" Talsara folded her arms to show she was beginning to become annoyed. "Do you think I don't know the Elven laws? Or that I might break them? Eventide will be ours, or yours. And what is yours is mine. Do you understand?"
"Yes mother."
"Then do as I say you and bring me the daughter of Eventide." With a wave of her hand, Talsara Darkshade was gone. Elan up stood from the bed and reached for the stone. In anger he looked at it and threw it out the window into the bay. Then he turned to Aron.
"Now what the fuck do we do?"

Morning light rippled off his scales as Cutter flew over Winterhaven and descended to land outside the gate. Once on the ground he shifted back to his elf form dressed in his tan leathers, and walked to the gate. Up on the gate sentry tower a familiar face saw his approach. It was the elven guard Morganz Ammarth, a captain now of the guard. He waved at Cutter and called to have the gate open and went down to greet him.
"Adon sha!" Cutter smiled holding out his hand for him. Morganz gripped his bicep in the way of elven greeting.
"Adon ebrath!" Morganz shook in greeting."
"I see you have made captain." Cutter congratulated him.
"Yes." He said showing off the captain bars on his shoulder. " Captain of the gate guard."
"You deserve the honor." They turned and headed into the city as the gates closed and locked.
"Tell me." Cutter asked. "How are things in the city?"
"Theses are strange days friend." Morganz face showed his worry. "The roads into Winterhaven are no longer safe. The council battles each other so nothing is getting done. My men are taxed to no end trying to keep visitors safe. We dare not wander to far down the road without at least five men for protection. The enchantments on the roads keep failing."
"Who's responsibility is it to keep the spells strong?
Morganz looked at Cutter and shrugged."I've asked and haven't got an answer from any one. Sad days I fear."
"I'll see what I can find out." Cutter patted him on the back. "I'll talk to Insa while Im here."
"My thanks." Morganz said. They took a seat on a bench outside the gatehouse.
"Have you seen my brother and sister?"
"Yes. She's growing into a fine proper elven princess." Morganz told him. "And Adanar studies hard. I hear good things from his teachers."
"Thank you for watching them." Cutter stood and grasped his shoulder in gratitude.
"Think nothing of it." Morganz said. "We are cousins. You best be off, I have duties to perform."
"Be well cousin." Cutter took his forearm. "I will see you soon."

Sitting on the balcony lair of the smoke dragon Insa, Azeal and Tanis watched him sleep. They tried everything they could to wake him all morning and nothing seemed to work. They tried shaking what parts they could move, screaming in his ear but nothing worked. Azeal tried using his mind like Jandar and his father had taught him, still nothing. Soon people from the council began to drift in.
"What's wrong with him?" A lady Councilor asked. She moved towards him to examine her colleague.
"We don't know." Tanis told her. "We found him like this just before we were attacked."
"Attacked?" She looked over at another of her fellow council member. They locked eyes. "We know there's only one person in Winterhaven that would dare attack Insa."
"Tayor Larin!!" The man stepped up. He looked down on Insa. "I see the spell on him. There's nothing I can do here."
"Me either." said the lady.
"But maybe there's something I can do." A voice came from the door. Azeal and Tanis stood to see who had entered the balcony. Walking towards them came a familiar face. Jake Eventide. His long white blond hair blowing back in the breeze showing his handsome elven looks.
"Jake!" Azeal called out to him. "I'm so glad to see you!"
"Jandar sent me. He seems to think there might be trouble here." Jake walked over and gripped Azeal's arms. He knelt down to Insa and frowned. "It seems he was right."
"I'd say so." Tanis walked over and put his hand on his shoulder. "He's sleeping so soundly, he didn't even hear us fighting earlier"
"You see it, don't you?" The lady asked him.
"Yes I do." Jake looked up at her and smiled. "My pardon Lady. I am Jake Eventide, Cutter the fear dragon."
"My name is Elora Den." she bowed to him. "This is Kentor Humbridge. We are members of Winterhavens council along with Master Insa here. You know this spell?"
"It's a dream weaving he's under." Jake stood. "A very powerful one I might add."
"A what?" Azeal asked. Jake looked at both Azeal and Tanis. He knew both of them had the ability to use magic. Their shifting told him that. It was time they learned.
"Azeal, Tanis." He waved to them. "Come closer. It's time for your first lesson in magic."
Both Azeal and Tanis stepped closer to Jake and Insa's great head.
"I need you both to close your eyes and concentrate on Insa. Reach down for the spark you use to shift forms and hold on to that. But don't change." Jake's voice had become some what more soothing to their minds. "When you have at, open your eyes."
Not sure just what it was Jake wanted, both boys did as they were told. They reached in and found the power they used to change forms and touched it. They wrapped their minds in it.
"Feel it?"
"Yes." They both told him.
"Now open your eyes and look at him."
Still holding on to their magic, both boys opened their eyes. To their surprise they saw Insa's head wrapped in bands of different colors. These bands were wrapped all around his head with some penetrating his skull.
"What is that?" Tanis asked.
"It's the spell." Elora told them. "See the gray glow?"
"Yes." Azeal said. "Is that his magic?"
"Yes it is." Jake said quietly. "Now, look around the room."
As they turned to gaze around the balcony they saw all different colored bands and strings flowing through the balcony. They passed through the walls and windows.
"These are Insa's personal spells he place on his lair." Kentor told them. "If you weren't friend to him, you would burn in just a few steps."
"Then there's something I don't understand." Azeal turned to Kentor.
"What is it?"
"If that's true." he said. "How did those men get in last night?"
Azeal and Tanis looked from Jake to the Councilors. If what they said was true, then Insa's spell should have activated to protect him.
"That's a good question." Elora said. "Let me look around a bit, maybe I can find an answer."
"What do we do about the spells on him?" Tanis asked. "We can't leave him like this."
"I'll have to un weave the dream weaving." Jake said. "It's going to take sometime. Kentor, maybe you can help."
"Can we stay and watch?" Tanis asked.
"Your my protection. You better stay." he said. "Just keep everyone but the four of us out of here while I work."
"We can do that." Azeal pulled Justice out and he and Tanis took their place at the door while the others worked. It seemed it would be a long day.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dark Attacks. 8

Azeal and Tanis sat in the study of Jandar and Rage in the manor in New Keanna. Rage was out searching overseas for Shayn and Ono. Both Azeal and Tanis had volunteered to help, but their parents instead, wanted them in school in Winterhaven. Now here they were back in the dragon's home.
"What the hell is going on in Winterhaven?" Jandar asked. "I keep hearing about people being attacked on there enchanted roads. Isn't anyone out there patrolling?
"Insa is aware of the problem." Azeal said. "But he's got more important issues at the moment."
"Like?" Jandar looked up at them. There was something in his eyes Azeal thought. It must be worry about Ono and Shayn. Not to mention his father Drake and his unstable mind.
"Like six missing student for one." Tanis came and sat next to Azeal. "Then there's the power struggle going on."
"What do you mean?" Jandar asked.
"Do you know Tayor Larin?" Azeal asked.
"I've heard of him." Jandar said sitting back in his chair. "Nasty dark mage. We thought he was in league with Polan during his reign. What's he got to do with this?"
"He's the one trying to overthrow the council." Azeal said. "We also think he has something to do with the missing students. We think they have something he wants."
"What's that? Missing students?"  Now Jandar was curious. He didn't like the thought of anyone snatching the children from their classrooms.
"A magical item that steals ones magic and their mind." Tanis told him. "Tayor plans to take the council that way. Once he owns their magic and wills, he'll disband the council and declare himself king."
Jandar thought for a moment. " I don't like that. Winterhaven is to close to New Keanna and that sounds like Polan's plan to me. How can I help?"
Azeal smiled and looked to Tanis. With Jandar's help, something could be done.
"We were thinking that one of us would join Tayor in order to gain his trust and learn his plans." Azeal explained.
"Go on." Jandar said listening. He folded his arms and hoped this plan wasn't going where he thought it was
"We thought that if we had something we could show him to prove our loyalty." Tanis continued. " We might be able to gain his trust."
"I think I know where this is going." Jandar held up his hand stopping them. "You're thinking of using the dragon talismans, am I right?"
"Yes." Azeal said looking at Tanis a little a surprised. "It won't be for long, and we can keep them safe I assure you."
"You both know I trust you like my own son's." Jandar looked at them. "As I would trust Ono and Shayn. So I'll give you the same answer I'd give them. Not a chance!!"
Azeal and Tanis looked at him in shock. They expected he would go along with their plan and agree with them.
"Have you any idea how powerful each of those items are?" Jandar stood from his desk, They could see his anger rising. "The Frostbelt could cover Winterhaven and New Keanna in snow deeper and faster then what Kearn did in Bravosa. The Firestaff has the power of a volcano. The Brace of Terra can move mountains and can you imagine what the Stomcatcher's dagger can do? There is no way I'd allow a dark mage like Tayor Larin even near any of the talismans. Think again."
"What of Pelic's cloak?" Tanis asked quietly.
Jandar looked at him in surprise. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You would put one of us in Tayor's hands?" He asked. "I don't know as much as I should about his cloak, but I do know it can never be separated from Pelic without him dying. You would chance that?"
"Uncle." Azeal said. "What happens if Tayor wins and takes over Winterhaven? He'll have all the magic of Winterhaven at his disposal. How much power would that be? Think about it."
Jandar knew that would be bad. Winterhaven is the most magical place on Keanna next to New Keanna itself or a few other places he hoped Tayor never thought of. They would have to call Aramis, Alea, and all the rest of the gods for help against Tayor if he gained all the power of Winterhaven. Something had to be done. But the talismans weren't the answer. Neither of the boys had the power to protect them if he turned it over to them. Tayor would just kill them and take it from them.
"Let me think on this a bit." Jandar said. "In the meanwhile. I want you both to help find these missing students. Do you know who they are?"
"No, but we could ask Insa." Tanis sat uncomfortably.
"I'll ask him." Jandar sat back at his desk. "Both of you go have something to eat. I'll call you after I talk to him. Tanis, stay a moment."
Azeal looked at Tanis as he walked to the door and left. He was worried about what Jandar might say to him. He might be angry because of his suggestion.
"Tanis, I'm not mad at you at all." Jandar smiled. "I just wanted to ask how things have been going since all that mess with your father ended. Hows your Mother and sister?"
"Athene's in Prafa helping rebuild the city." He said. "Uncle Arturus is there too. Last I was there, things are moving along pretty good."
"And your Mother?"
"Well we don't see her much." He said. "But she talks to us in our minds all the time. I know shes watching, I can feel her all the time."
Jandar stood and walked to the front of his desk and sat next to him. Tanis always felt comfortable in Jandar's presence. After his suggestion he was a bit uncomfortable, but that passed.
"I've spoken with her too." He said. "She wants me to let you know you have a home if you want and for Rage and I to became your guardians. I told her I would talk to you about it. How do you feel about that?"
"Really?" He asked. "You want me here? What about Azeal?"
"When your not in school of course we do." He smiled. "And Azeal already has his own room here. He knows he's welcome. What do you say?"
"I'd like that." He smiled at Jandar.
"Then talk to Rose and she'll give you a room in the family wing." Jandar stood and hugged Tanis. "Welcome to the Manor."
" Thank you." Tanis smiled. For him this would be the first real home he had ever had. Being under his fathers finger had always kept him on the move from place to place. Jandar watched as he left actually worried about him. He knew the talisman idea couldn't work. But there were other ways to gather information. Ways that wouldn't put Tanis or Azeal in harms way.
[ Cutter.] He sent out. [ I have a job for you.]

As evening began to creep in and the sun slide away, Gorak, Zark and Skang slipped quietly in the villa. The basement of the house was to be their destination armed each one with a collar Gorak had fashioned from strips of leather they had ripped from there garments. All day long Gorak have craved the symbols he remembered from the walls of the cells. After finished he had tried one on and tried cast a spell with no results. His magic wouldn't work. That meant the collars worked. Pleased with his work, he gave one to each of the other Orcs telling them to be careful not to scratch any of the symbols away.
Once inside then scented the air to find out where the occupants were. One they found on the upper floor, two other scents were coming from bellow. Gorak decided to head for the basement first. Quietly they made their way to the rear of the villa and the stairs that went down. It was dark down there, but that was no problem for Orc eyes. They didn't need much light. As they moved, the scents became stronger. From their scents, Gorak could tell they were young, and males. He smiled, he could also tell they had magic and that one of them had been trying to use his to escape.
On the bottom landing there was a door that led into the cell area. Skang pushed it open and they barged in. One human stood clutching the bars. Surprise lit his face as he saw them enter.
"Orcs!!" Trip warned Rese backing away. With a quick gesture, Gorak sent a stun bolt at him knocking him out and to the floor. The other boy jumped to his feet as he heard Trip yell. Gorak walked to his cell raising his hand.
"No, no, nooo!!" Rese backed up holding his hands in front of his face trying to shield himself. Gorak sent another stun bolt to knock him out. Another gesture opened the cells and Skang and Zark went in and put the collars on them and dragged them out.
"What about the other one up stairs?" Skang asked after tying their hands.
"Leave him." Gorak said. "These two are enough."
"Are you crazy!! Zark angrily got in his face. "We're hungry. We could eat that one!"
"Then go and get him." Gorak's hands began to glow to show he was still their leader. "But you will not hurt him. We take them all, and one of you fetch the wolves. We can eat them. "
Gorak cast a levitation spell to move their prisoner out of the dungeon area.
"Meet me in front of the villa with the others. And hurry your asses up!!" As he left, the two boys floated behind him out.
Skang looked at Zark. "I'm gonna kill him as soon as we're back in Ardia."
Zark nodded his agreement and headed to capture Craven upstairs.

Up in the study, Craven heard the screams of Trip and Rese. He grabbed his sword from his pack and ran for the entrance down to the cells where he had left the boys. For the first time since he broke Tabor's spell on him, Craven felt fear. If anything happened to either of them, he knew it was all his fault. Reaching the door that led him down, Craven called a spell to cover his sword in a bright green flame and swung open the door. Before him stood the ugliest Orc he had ever seen holding a mace in his hand. Growling it swung for Craven's head, it missing and smashing the door. Craven leaped back holding out his glowing blade. The Orc charged at him swinging his mace at him. Craven countered with his sword blocking his blows as they came and moving back. Thinking fast, Craven sent power pulsing through his sword at his enemy. In a flash of green, the pulse power erupted from the sword knocking the Orc back into a old chest against the wall. Craven took off passing the Orc and ran into the basement and down the stairs
"TRIP!!!" He shouted.
Pushing back the hood from his head frantically looking around, he saw the cells were empty. Trip and the other boy was gone. From behind him he heard the Orc coming down the stairs howling like a beast enraged. Craven stood and waited for the Orc to enter the room with a spell on his lips. With his mace raised the Orc entered. Craven let loose his spell silently. As it hit the Orc it froze in its charge. He walked to the Orc noticing the collar on its belt.
"Where are they?" He asked.
Sweat ran from the Orcs brow as he struggled to get loose. But the spell held him tight.
"You have two choices. You can stay silent and I'll torture you until you tell me. Or I can turn you over to the City Guards and they can do it. Then I guess they'll do what they did with the rest of the Black Armors they caught. That's send you to Mythioes and the gargoyles where you get eaten."
Zark's eyes lit in defiance. He knew gargoyles ate you alive piece by piece. What he didn't know was that the dragons had set Gird there to protect all the prisoners. They had built a compound and they were all safe serving their sentences.
"Well?" Craven asked raising his hand to the Orcs face as it began to glow and give off heat. "What's it to be? I might free you once I get them back if you help."
"You swear you'll free me?" Zark asked.
"You swear you won't betray me?" Craven answered.
"I  swear." Zark nodded. "And I know where they're going."
Craven snatched the collar from the Orcs belt and looked at it. He'd seen these symbols before. He looked back to the cells and saw the exact same symbols. He smiled at Zark.
"This was meant for me wasn't it?" He waved it in his face.
"There's a mage in your group, right?" He asked. "And how many are there?"
"Yes, Gorak."  Zark answered. " And there's five of us. We've been hiding here since the downfall of Polan the Necromancer."
[I can help you change that collar so he will be obedient.] Micah told his grandson. [But we must hurry. We don't want them to get to far ahead of us.]
[Grandfather.] Craven said in him mind. [Zarin and the others are on their way, I'm sure. I think I should wait for their help.]
[Craven.] Asked his grand sire. [Are you sure?]
[I'd love to go in there and rescue Trip and the other boy.] He said. [But I can't battle Orcs on my own. No matter how many there are. I'll need help and Zarin and his friends are my only hope. Besides, this one knows where they're going. If Zarin agrees, We can catch them.]
[I'm very proud of you son.] Micah sent. [Now scratch out those symbols. These are the symbols you need. Etch them in, put it on him and let us go find some help.]
[I don't think he'll be needing the collar.] Craven tossed it aside. "Will we?"

" We're not going to get home tonight." Dack asked Zarin looking exhausted. " Are we?"
"I don't think so. It's getting pretty late." He turned to Reno. "We better find somewhere to stay for the night."
Reno nodded his agreement then called to Thalia to come back to them. Zarin and Dack walked over to him and took there packs off their back.
"Trip's scent is close, but faint." He said. "What do you want to do? Go on or stop for the night?"
"How close do you think we are?" Zarin asked. Thalia flew into land and shifted back.
"Less then a mile." She told them. "There's a house with lights just ahead. I think he's in there."
"Then we go on." Zarin picked up the packs and handed Dack his. "We'll go together. We'll all shift. Dack, you have a form to use?"
"I practiced a leopard in class." He nodded his head. "I can do it."
"OK. I have and eagle form." Zarin shouldered his pack. "Thalia and I will fly, You two come by ground. Dack, stay close to Reno. Everybody ready?"
Zarin watched as one by one they shifted into there new forms. Thalia into a raven that hopped into the air and took off. Reno took his full wolven form and howled. Next Dack concentrated and shifted to a sleek black panther, he growled and went over to stand with Reno. Last of all Zarin. As his eyes flashed gold, he spread his arm and shifted into a large golden eagle that shrieked his approval and launched himself into the air.
[Let's go!]
Flying high over the forest Zarin looked ahead to see the house Thalia had been talking about. It was a rundown villa someone had abandoned long ago. He could see Thalia circling the house waiting for him. Below he saw Reno and Dack running at top speed through the trees, jumping over logs and bushes towards the villa. It took Zarin less then a minute to join Thalia. They found a place to land on a window ledge and looked in. There they saw Craven in a chair with his hands in his lap. Over in the corner Zarin saw what looked to be an Orc just sitting there. Reno was right. It was Craven that took Trip. Zarin's anger began to build. He leaped back into the air and circled the house gathering speed then crashed through the window with Thalia following him. As he hit the floor, Zarin began his change back. He rushed over to Craven and grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up to face him.
"YOU TOOK TRIP!" He yelled holding him close to his still feathered face, his eyes burning with anger. "WHERE IS HE?!"
"Yes!" He hit him in his face. Craven crashed to the floor and lay there. "How could you Craven. You use to be our friend."
Seconds later they heard the door downstairs come crashing in. It was Reno and Dack. They came bounding up the stairs into the room roaring. Craven shuffled back to the wall looking scared. Snarling like the beast he was, Dack moved forward growling at him.
"Stop Dack!" Thalia called to him. "Don't hurt him!"
Zarin looked at Dack. He knew he was anger and the panther in him might have taken to strong a hold on him. He looked at Craven. He knew Craven could defend himself, but he wasn't. Why wasn't he?
[Because he's been under Tabor's spell and he thinks he's to blame for what has happened.] Zarin heard in his head. [Help my grand son please!]
Without thinking Zarin leaped in front of Craven to protect him.
"Dack!" He yelled. "Shift back now!!"
But Dack kept coming, growling and snarling. Thalia moved quickly in with Zarin.
"Little brother." She said tears in her eyes. "Will you hurt me too?"
As Dack raised his paw with extended claws he looked at Zarin and stopped. He had control of the leopard again. He stepped back and shifted to himself and fell to the floor. He sat and looked up at the others with the eyes of a cat, green and glowing.
"That was intense!" Dack said. "Is everyone alright?"
Reno walked over to Craven and pulled him from the floor. "Where is he?"
"The Orcs took them." Craven looked into Reno's eyes. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."
Reno raised his fist to hit him. Quickly stepping over, Zarin grabbed his friends arm.
"Wait." he said. "I think there's more to this then Craven."
"What do you mean?" He just said. "It's all his fault. What more is there?"
"Craven. I heard a voice saying something about Tabor." Reno released him. "Is it true? He had a spell on you?"
Craven looked at Zarin in shock. Could he have heard grandfather? It's not possible.
[Yes it is.] Micah said to Craven and Zarin. [I can talk to all of them. To whoever I want.]
"Who was that?" Reno spun on his heels looking for whoever spoke. Dack stood there with surprise on his face.
"This place is haunted? " Dack said.
"No, I am." Craven sat sat back in his chair. "That's my Great, great, great, great, great, grandfather your hearing. He's always with me. And yes that fucking Tabor had me spelled to follow him. I didn't know, I thought it was all me. But with grandfather's help and seeing what I was doing to Trip, I finally broke the spell."
"I knew something was wrong with you." Dack said. "You changed so fast. It just wasn't like you."
"What about Trip?" Thalia asked. "You said the Orcs took him?"
"Yes." Craven turned to Zark in the corner. "He can lead us to them."
"Us?" Reno said.
"Yes, I have to help save him." Craven walked over to Reno. "I was under Tabor's spell, but It was still me doing those things. Please Reno, Let me help."
"How?" Reno asked still angry and untrusting. "How are you going to help?"
Craven pointed to the Orc in the corner. "You all think Orc's are savage and honor less, but they're not. He's given me his word and I trust him. He knows where they're going. We can catch them."
Reno looked at Craven and the Orc. He didn't want his help. But he had to find Trip and if this was the only way. He would defiantly use him.
"I don't trust you like Dack does." he said. "But if Dack and Zarin feel you deserve a chance, I'll give you that chance. Zarin?"
"He use to be a good friend." Zarin said. "I'll trust him again. Tomorrow we start after them first thing in the morning. Reno, can you hunt us up something to eat?"
"Sure." He said. "I'll be right back with food."

After leaving Jandar's study, Tanis found Rose and she showed him to his new room next to Azeals. He looked around it the huge lavish bed and all the things Rose had put into his room. There was a bureau and a chest at the end of his bed for private things. He had a desk for writing and comfortable chairs. One one side of the room there was a fire place that he was told burned as long as he wanted with a double sized couch for napping. Opposite the door there was was a balcony. Tanis walked over opened the door and stepped out into the night air. Everything in New Keanna was at peace now. He watched as the guards patrolled the city keeping them all safe. Tanis looked out in to the night thinking about what had happened earlier. Jandar had denied them use of the talismans, and for good reason. They were far to powerful to be allowed out of there safe place. If Tayor got his hands on any of them, he would be far to powerful and dangerous. But Insa needed there help. Tanis didn't like Azeal's idea. He didn't want to get close to Tayor. Having served one dictator was enough for him. But he didn't see much choice. If that was what he had to do to help, he would do it.
[There's other ways my grandson.]
Tanis looked up to the half moon in the sky. He smiled as he felt his grandmothers touch.
"Evening Grandmother." he called into the night.
[Why so sad?] Alea asked.
"I'm trying to help a friend in need." He explained. "But I can't think of a way we can help."
[The best way you can help in Winterhaven is to be there when he needs you most.]
Tanis looked up to the moon and his grandmother. "Winterhaven? How did you know?"
[Tanis.] She sent. [I'll always be watching you and Athene.]
" Can you help us?"
[You don't need help.] He heard. [But you should get back. Insa will need you there soon, both of you.]
"But Jandar asked us to wait." Tanis stood and paced along his balcony. "He wants to help."
[Jandar's time to help will come.] She told him. [But now its your time. Get Azeal and get back to Winterhaven by morning. Trust me Tanis, go.]
Tanis stopped and thought about it. He knew his grandmother had the ability of far sight. Obviously she was trying to tell him something. He turned and grabbed his coat and left his room.
[Azeal, we're leaving! Meet me out front now!]
[What's the hurry.] Azeal sent. [I'm tired.]
[And it's about to get worst.] Tanis told him as he rushed through the halls. [We have to get back to Winterhaven. I think there's trouble.]
The family wing of the Manor was on the upper most floors. Tanis hurried down the stairs moving two at a time. As he ran he called out to Jandar.
[Jandar, we have to get back. Insa is in trouble!]
[Do you want any help?] He answered. [I could send Blaze or the Shadoes with you.]
[No.] Tanis told him. [This is for Azeal and I to do.]
[OK young one. But If you need help. Blink can be there in seconds. Just call me. Fly quickly.]
[We will uncle.] Tanis reached the bottom as Azeal in his hawk form flew over his head.
"Time to go, brother!" Tanis opened the door and ran out with Azeal following. Concentrating on his change, Tanis launched himself in the sky shifting to a falcon. With a squawk the two vampires were back on their way to Winterhaven, flying high and as fast as they could.

With his cane now attuned to him, Tayor sat for a moment thinking about what he had to do this night. He knew adding the spells to the cane would take him the rest of the night and not leave him any time for sleep. He hoped he would be done and strong enough for the first test he had scheduled in the morning. Councilor Begaise would be here bright and early. He would be a perfect test for his new weapon. But there was something else he wanted done tonight. His thoughts turned to his enemy, Insa that damned smoke dragon. He wanted him destroyed and and out of his way. Tayor knew Insa would most likely be immune to the canes magic so a more physical touch would be needed. At this time of night, He would probably be asleep in his lair above the council chambers. Tayor had studied his enemy and knew of their dream state and the control they had over their dreams. Insa would be aware of his surroundings while dreaming. The only chance Tayor would have is if he could distract him in his dreams so his men could slip in and slay the dragon. He would have to weave a very powerful dream for him. Something so real he wouldn't even notice his surroundings.
Tayor reached up and pulled the cord to call Yoron his aide. Minutes later Yoron knocked at the door.
Yoron, a tall man dressed in leather trousers and boots and a black peasant shirt entered. At his side he wore a long sword and dagger. His long dark hair was tied back with a strand of leather. His face scared from previous battles, he walked up to Tayor and bowed.
"What is your wish Master?"
Tayor Larin gave Yoron a grim look. "There's something I want you to do tonight."

Streaking through the darkness, Tanis and Azeal saw the lights of Winterhaven not far in front of them.
[We're almost there!] Tanis sent. [I see Winterhaven there ahead.]
[Good.] Azeal sent flying closer. [The council building is there in the center. Head for those windows high up. That would be Insa's balcony.]
As they made their descent, a voice rang out in their minds. It was Jandar. [ Tanis, Azeal. Somethings not right here.]
[What is it uncle?]
[I've been in Rage's dreams enough to know my way into a dragons dream.] Jandar sounded worried. [I can't get into Insa's dream. I should be able to with no problem but something is blocking me.]
[What?] Azeal asked.
[There's only one thing that could block me.] he told them. [Magic. Someones put a dream weaving on him. Get in there fast!]
[We're going in now!]

The city government building from Winterhaven was a tall majestic building in the center of the city. It had three tall towers used as prison cells for the more important prisoners and some of the most important members had offices . The council room was located in the center of the lower areas. Tanis and Azeal flew around the tower and sighted the windows of the council chambers. There they came down to land. As vampires, both Azeal and Tanis had very acute hearing, smell and vision. That didn't change when shifted to other forms. They could hear the sounds of the sleeping dragon, his heavy breathing rang through the chamber. Being a dragon, Insa never thought he need a home of his own. Even though he had two wards to care for, he lived on a balcony high above the council chambers while Reno and Trip stayed in the dormitories that house the children that came from afar.
Slipping through the window, Tanis and Azeal flew up to Insa's balcony. there the found him sound asleep in his dragon form. Insa was a very large gray smoke colored dragon. his wings were folded to his back and his great head lay on his fore paws issuing lite wisps of smoke.
The two vampires shifted back to their normal form and walked close to the dragon.
"He seems alright." Tanis turned to Azeal.
"Alright?" Azeal said. "Far from it. We shouldn't be able to get this close to a sleeping dragon. Dragons are totally aware of their surroundings. Even in their sleep. Jandar's right. There's some kind of spell on him."
"You know how to brake it?" Azeal asked.
"No, I have no idea."
"Wait! I have one." Azeal stepped up to Insa's large smoky snout and bent over.
"What are you doing?"
"Something Jandar taught me." he said. "Now be quiet and ready to move quickly. If he wakes, I don't know what his reaction will be."
Reaching over, Azeal put his hand over Insa's snout. He was looking for the spot Jandar showed him for waking sleeping beings. Right between the eyes. Azeal pressed down there then jumped back. Nothing, it didn't work.
"Now what?" Tanis asked.
"Now you die!!" A voice came from behind them. As Azeal turned Tanis dived over Insa's snout and rolled to his feet. Charging at them they saw Four men. Three armed with raised swords, one with a bow coming at them. Azeal pulled Justice from its scabbard and countered the first man. The clang of there swords echoed through the chamber as Azeal pushed him back with vampires strength. Jumping over the sleeping dragon two men came at Tanis. He smiled and swiftly ducked the first swing with ease and kicked out at the mans knee braking the it. As the man fell howling in pain, Tanis jumped into the air and came down in front of the second attacker.
"You thought you were coming to kill a sleeping dragon, didn't you."
The man looked at Tanis. He pulled a dagger from his belt and got into a fighting stance.
"Seems we got more then we hoped for." He said as the ducked and an arrow came flying at Tanis to hit him in his shoulder spinning him around.
"No!" Azeal screamed as his opponent made to gut him. As his anger flared Justice began to give off a blue glow and Azeal began to move with a blurring speed at his attacker. Slicing left then right and then slashing up, Justice cut the man down in pieces. Now the only on left was the bowman. He pulled an arrow from his quiver and took aim at Azeal. Tanis stood smiling and pulled the arrow from his shoulder.
"You sure you want to do this?" Tanis said. "I can be at your throat before you let go of the string. Or you can get the hell out of Winterhaven cause if I see you again ever. I will kill you. Decide now."
Sweat ran from the mans forehead as he held Azeal in his sights. He thought he could kill one of them before the other got him. He knew if he left Youron would find him and torture him to death because they failed. He pulled the string back a bit more to fire when suddenly Tanis was standing in his face snapping the arrow in two.
"To late." With three quick blows, Tanis hammered into his chest killing him. The bowman fell silently at their feet spilling his arrows everywhere.
"I'm glad that's over." Tanis kicked the body aside and went over to Azeal.
"It's not over." Azeal said. "I think there a lot more to come."

Deep in his dream Insa flew over the countryside looking for Zarin and the rest or his students. He knew he was dreaming, but sometimes he could learn things in his dreams. But it didn't seem like that would be the case tonight. As he flew he felt something strange come over him. He was being spelled. Spelled to stay asleep. That meant someone was going to attack his body. He turned in the air and flew as fast as he could back to Winterhaven. As he approached the city his eyes saw something strange. All around the wall he saw a glow that completely covered the city. Insa didn't what it was but he had a feeling that it was meant for him. As he came closer pain began to radiate through his body. It became more intense the closer he got. Soon the pain was so bad he had to turn away. As the pain dwindled Insa be gain to panic. He had to get back to his body to wake or it would die and his spirit would wander for eternity. Insa knew he only had one hope, only one place to go. New Keanna. If he could get Jandar, Eheren, or Cutters attention, he would have a chance. And he had to get back or the kids and the city had no chance against Tayor. He knew that was who had done this to him. He had begun his bid to be king. King of the Magical City of Winterhaven.